The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



Back to Overview of all sculptures in the fourfold library of "InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness"




InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Nourishment from Others
interspersed with my questions, observations or experiences
since March 21, 2011 enriched by more nourishment- see below -


A Sufi Message
E-mail from Rinatya (a guest in Succah-in-the-Desert during the first Gulf-War in 1991) on 2006_04_19
restudied, excerpted and graphically edited: 2007_04_23

by Pir Zia Inayat Khan
Five aspects of prayer are described by the Sufi teacher Hazrat Inayat Khan.
I have found that they correspond to the five elements
to which we attune through purification breaths.

Earth purification breath
The earth breath is
inhaling and exhaling through the nose.

To attune to one’s relationship with the earth
one needs to awaken to one’s subtle energetic body.

In the same way that the physical body is continuously nourished
by digesting and metabolizing the physical substance of the planet,

on a subtle level
our magnetic field is nourished by the magnetism of the planet.

It is useful to first locate the rhythm of your heart.
Then see if you can find the echo of the heartbeat in your hands, feet and head.

Scientists used to speak of the heart as the pump of the circulatory system,
but now it is understood
that the heart itself is pumped by the collective action of the entire circulatory system.

So you can’t think of your heart as being limited to your chest.
In fact, if you feel the pulsation of circulation in your hands, fingertips, feet and head,
you may feel that there is no definite boundary.

When your eyes are closed,
your hands don’t feel as if they are made up of five fingers,
but rather you feel the vibration that pulses through the hands,
expanding in all directions and forming a field that emanates into space.

To tune into the magnetic (Earth-Will) electro (Spirit, Sky) field
and let it nourish the magnetic field of my body,
may help me take off the ground.

Once you have attuned to your electromagnetic field,
as you inhale
you can become conscious
of how your life field expands
with the influx of energy from the earth through the soles of your feet,
through the palms of your hands
and through the base of your spine.

Then as you exhale,
feel yourself collapsing into the gravitational field of the earth,
sinking down to be composted and recycled in the body of the earth.
So you have to overcome the idea that you are separate from the earth.
think of yourself as a cell in the body of the earth,
in which the earth has articulated itself
in order to experience itself.

Related to the element earth is a specific quality of prayer, which is thanksgiving.
Every day is an opportunity to count one’s blessings,
instead of the opposite which is to enumerate our troubles
– and of course in doing so we attract more trouble to ourselves.
For example, if we give a gift to someone,
and that person appears indifferent and shows no gratitude,
we are less likely to give a gift to that person again.
It’s the same way with the universe.
Gratitude is not only for the sake of obliging the one who has given us something;
it is for our own sake,
because when one is inattentive to the blessings of life,
even that which one has been given is as if it were absent.
But for the one who is grateful,
even when that for which one is grateful is no longer with you,
it remains present because of your gratitude.

Gratitude immortalizes one’s experience
because in gratitude one lives life vividly.

That for which you are grateful engages your full attention and comes alive in you.
and you will find that it really does affect your attitude in life.
When you realize how much has been given to you, you simply feel happy.

and if you are happy, then other people are less likely to feel threatened by you,
and so consequently they are more likely to be nice to you.

[This is not in line with my own experience...]

Take a minute now.
Invoke one object of your experience:
a person, animal, plant, object, or an aspect of nature like the blueness of the sky.
As the Sufis say,
taste it, savour it, enjoy it in your mind,
feel what it means to live in a world in which you have the privilege of experiencing that thing

Water purification breath
Let us return to our breath,
inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.

One becomes attuned to the more fluid dimension of one’s subtle being.
The body from the outside looks solid, but we know that we are more than 75 percent water.
The pulsation of the water within carries the memory of the state of the womb
– that state of primal unity in which we were bathed in the water of compassion;
and the pulsation of the mother’s heartbeat that filled the womb
carried a deeper memory,
the memory of the primeval ocean from which our life emerged.

So through the breath we become conscious once again
of this ancient lineage of pulsation that continues to flow through us.
Feel yourself washed within
as the water flows through every particle of your body
and washes away everything that is superfluous,
bringing movement where there was no movement,
washing away the blockages and obstructions that allow emotion to flow freely,

because the true nature of emotion is motion.
We come to the aspect of prayer that relates to water,
and that is repentance, which is most beautifully expressed in tears of repentance.

There is the story of a Sufi who was in the habit of praying five times a day.
Once, going to sleep late, he was going to miss his morning prayer,
when a supernatural creature came and woke him up.
You would think that must have been an angel, but it was the devil.
…, ‘I saw that you were going to miss your prayer,
and I knew that when you woke up you would be so disappointed in yourself that you would cry,
and a tear of repentance of such grace and beauty would fall from your eye
that it would wash away all the sins of the world’.

Tears are the perfume of repentance.
Repentance is the act of accepting responsibility for one’s mistakes,
one’s shortcomings, one’s limitation. …
At first it seems like an unpleasant thing to do, to return to bad memories,
but one finds that there is much grace that comes
when one finally does face up to the Shadow…

look to see if there is something lingering in the depths of your mind
that you don’t feel quite right about, but you haven’t allowed yourself to look at closely.
Try to move beyond the rationales, the excuses that you give yourself,
and really listen to the voice of your conscience which can see beyond that.
Just imagine what it would be like to be a child who has made a mistake, admits it
and turns to the loving embrace of a parent.

[my "shadow" is the evil that comes so often out of my goodness,
as in the case on this day - March 23, 2011 - my donation for Arnon's piano....]

Fire purification breath
The breath of fire is
inhaling through the mouth and exhaling through the nose.

The temperature of our body is an indication
that we are in a process of perpetual combustion.
Combustion means that matter is quickened;
particles escape their frozen conditions and begin to move rapidly,
and as a consequence great amounts of energy are released.
It is the same as in history when great empires or institutions have fallen
and suddenly there are new opportunities and a great surge of creativity and freedom.

Physiologically the rate of one’s metabolism can be intensified by consciously cultivating heat.
What begins as heat in the lower centres rises and is transmuted into light in the higher centres.
As one does this one can imagine what it means to have a countenance, a face, like the sun.


The direction of earth is spreading (gratitude);

the direction of water is descending (the mercy and grace that descends with repentance);

the direction of fire is rising: supplication, which means asking for one’s need.

Sometimes we wonder whether we ought to ask for our need…
You might say, why should I impose upon God to help me with what seems like a trifling matter?
And moreover it might be said that if God is omniscient and omnipotent,
it means that God already knows what I want
and if He/She hasn’t fulfilled it there must be a reason that I don’t know.

The problem with that argument is that it is based on duality:
God outside there and me over here.
But what if one understood one’s relationship with God as the Sufis do,
as two ends of a line.
On one end is a state of limitation, but nonetheless a state of actualization,
and the other side is an unlimited and yet unactualized state.
So the actualization of the unlimited can only be through the limited being.
In fact it is in prayer that the two poles come together,
because in articulating your need
you bring your desire into concrete reality,
through your thought and emotion.

Something begins as a universal impulse of ishq , of longing,
but still very vague and unformed.
Then when it becomes more clear it becomes a desire.
Then when the desire becomes more clear, it becomes a wish.
And when the wish becomes more clear it becomes a will,
and it’s through will that everything is accomplished in this world.

[This is almost verbally in line with Godchannel's teachings !!! and - this I add on March 23, 2011 - also of "Abraham"]

So supplication is the process of clarifying one’s desire,
letting one’s desire resonate and pulsate within oneself
and become more and more strong and focused
until it attracts its own fulfilment

Evolution comes in dialogue:
you put forward your wish, your will, with all sincerity and clarity, and that will be heard.
The answer may not be the answer you expect,
but nonetheless it incorporates the message that you sent in your prayer.
And the answer in turn stimulates a new need, a new desire;
it is in this spirit that our desires themselves evolve and transform.

Air purification breath
Inhale and exhale through the mouth.

Recall that if you were to look at your body through an electron microscope
you would have a very different profile than the one that you ordinarily see.
Your body would look like the starry sky at night:
points of light in the midst of vast empty space.
The points of light are all in motion,
and so one’s sense of solidity is belied
by a profounder vision of oneself
which is not a form so much as a choreography.
When one becomes frustrated in the constraint of the more concretized mode of one's being,
one can revert to this dimension
and experience the sense of freedom and liberation that comes with it.
One identifies with the primordial state of the cosmos
which was a swirling cloud of gas, rich with infinite possibilities.


Murshid says,
‘God is what is needed to complete oneself’
so each of us is a work in progress …


Ether purification breath
Let your breath return to its natural state,
deepened and refined through the purification of those four elements,
feeling them balanced in your constitution.
In this balanced state intuit the presence of the fifth and most subtle element, ether.

Open yourself to the fifth aspect of prayer, which is ‘at-onement’ or communion.

A great dervish once said, when you look for God, God is in the look in your eyes.
And so suddenly one realizes that it is God that prays to God.
And the person that you took to be yourself
is just a mirror in which the divine light reflects back on itself.


This article is an edited transcription of a talk given in Suresnes, Paris on 28.1.05.
Pir Zia Inayat Khan is President of the Sufi Order International,
the son and successor of Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan,
and the grandson of the great Sufi sage Hazrat Inayat Khan.
He resides and teaches at the Abode of the Message in upstate New York,
and is the editor of the anthology, A Pearl in Wine:
Essays in the life, music and Sufism of Hazrat Inayat Khan (New Lebanon, NY: Omega, 2001).

to next source of nourishment from others

March-April 2011
Nourishment from Others, Driving Backward to my Past, Finetuning to my Present
In a way this is a continuation of "Learn & Live 16 >2011"

March 21, 2011
From "Veronica, Inner Whispers"

[context of time-period: the upheaval in the Middle East, from Egypt to Libia to Syria, and Japan's Earthquake, Tsunami, Atomic Disaster]

What Should I Do?

"In times of uncertain reality
it is easy to become attached to negative outcomes.
Normally the individual would keep their thoughts aligned,
but with all the input of negativity,
even the most stalwart mind can be at risk.

It is a time of reaching deep into the soul
and remembering beyond the linear.
If attachment to the timeline is the primary source of energy
there may be difficulty in creating one's reality.

A moment of courage is required
when all the energy of the environment is in chaos.
Realize that this is but on chapter in the story of you and your energy.
No matter what occurs, the continuance of your soul is a fact.

Take the lessons of a harsh reality and put them to good use.
Appreciate the small moments of success
as they will attract more if encouraged to do so.

Love those whom you cherish with great warmth.
Those playing in this drama
have participated with you in other moments.

Attempt to clean up the small pockets of chaos as they approach you.
It will help sooth the mass consciousness energy
so that the whole environment may heal and evolve.

Maintain the fierceness of knowing
who you are and the role you play in this environment.
Know that you are far more than just the face you see in the mirror.

Keep counsel with the truth.
The truth of your incarnation and that of your eternal soul.

Be a participant in this life not an observer.
Create, expand, and grow, and make life happen.
Do not let life happen to you.

You are the creator.

You have the possibility of changing it all.

Have courage and do it."


Weather-Report from "LEKTIONEN DER LIEBE"
Matreya through Julia

[see former excerpts]

Wetterbericht bis zum 21. Maerz

Bis zum 21.3. wird die erste Phase
der vollkommenen Abtrennung zwischen Alt und Neu einen Haltepunkt erreichen
und viele von euch werden sich dann wieder kraftvoll, voller Energie fühlen
und bereit, hinauszugehen
und mit dem, was nun auf euch wartet
zu spielen, euch auszudrücken, zu sein.
Die Erde hat diese für sie schwierige Phase nun abgeschlossen
und die Energien des dunklen und lichten Zwillings in ein gemeinsames Feld integriert.
Dies bedeutet die Aufhebung der Dualität auf dieser Ebene...
Mit dieser Vereinigung entstand ein pulsierenden Feld,
das ihr euch der Einfachheit halber kugelförmig vorstellen könnt.
Die Mitte und der Pol dieser Kugel ist in ihrem Zentrum.
Sie besitzt nach wie vor zwei Pole- oben und unten,
doch ihr Fokus ist im Zentrum
und so vibriert sie die Gesamterfahrung dieses Themas- dieser Verbindung,
ohne einen der Pole einzunehmen…

Körperlich waren hiervon alle Organe und Bereiche betroffen,
die mit dieser Energie in Verbindung stehen
und große Mengen von Dichte und Unausgewogenheit ausbalancierten.
....Lungen, Blase, die Zähne

….In dieser 11. Stufe, in der Ihr und euer Planet sich befindet,
ist es vor allem der Körper,
der die Umwandlungen vollzieht und leistet.
In anderen Phasen und Stufen
ist es mehr die Psyche oder bestimmte Erkenntnisprozesse,
denen ihr unterliegt, um Eure Energiekörper zu zünden.
Der Umbau des Körpers
ist für den Menschen teilweise sehr schmerzhaft , ermüdend und anstrengend,
da in euren Zellen alle Informationen gespeichert sind,
die ihr seit dem Bestehen der Erfahrung in der 3. Dichte ... gemacht habt.
Sie alle werden nun transformiert , losgelassen, gereinigt und gewandelt.

... während Teile eurer bereits „fertigen“ Energiekörper
bereits an den neuen Feldern eures Daseins arbeiten.
Dies vollzieht sich meist unbewusst während Ihr schlaft,
da die Persönlichkeit hier keinen großen Einfluss hat.
Die Aufgabe von euch im Moment ist es,
Eure Körper bei ihrer Umwandlung zu unterstützen.
Viel zu trinken, loszulassen, zu entgiften,
damit es für euch und eure Körper etwas angenehmer wird.

Es gibt also wenig für euch „zu tun“ im Moment
und dies ist für viele von euch beunruhigend.
Wisst, dass alles in Ordnung ist.
Wisst, dass Ihr euch bald wieder kraftvoll fühlen werdet,
wenn die nächste Phase der Umwandlung um den 21.3 herum eingeläutet wird.

Ab dem 21.3.2011
werden sich viele Türen öffnen,
die zuvor verschlossen schienen.
Es wird dann eine Phase
des fruchtbaren Säens euer Ideen und Konzepte einsetzen
und ihr werdet alle Hände voll zu tun haben,
um das auszudrücken,
was plötzlich aus eurem Inneren hervorzusprudeln scheint.




[Was the lesson which I had to give Arnon and Yael today, the beginning of this new phase??
My urge to make them remember and face the "FullMoon Full-fill-ment" in August 2007   ???]

Arad, March 22-24, 2011

The harmonic, loving, fruitful togetherness with Arnon and Yael,
who for the first time wanted to visit me only the two of them (14)
[i.e. not in the frame of the "Quartet", i.e. with Ayelet and Itamar]
provided the "nurturing soil" for doing some serious work
concerning "denial" and the need for total self-acceptance

Then Arnon kept playing a sequence of four chords, his own invention,

"A pity I'm not good at inventing lyrics, and it's not even a melody!"
I said: "First of all, it  will be  a melody, even without your intention!
Second you have a cousin who is outrageously talented in writing!"

So they sat together, often during these 3 days, and evolved a song .
"I never had this priviledge of a true co-creation in music!" I said.
"But you and grandfather Rafael made songs together?" See SongGame
"that was not the same: he wrote a poem and I - later - added a tune to it,
while you co-create both music and lyrics - step by step - together!"

Yael stressed, that not all the lyrics came from her mind or better: her intuition.

"'Arnon sometimes threw a word in, and that helped me to phrase a line!"
"Suddenly when there is nothing to say,
everything can be a little different
and tomorrow you'll see, it hasn't ended

And if the end is aleady seen on the horizon,
it doesn't mean that there is no chance for a beginning,
it will arrive by itself."
The Co-creation of Arnon and Yael

click to stop
and click again to open

The chords
that gave birth
to the song


By the way, I, too, played with Yael,
- my cherished Mendelssohn piece about the biblical poet who yearns to be like a dove that finds rest in the desert!
Yael (14) - a member of the Jerusalem youth orchestra for wind & percussion instruments - played like a professional,
while I - after perhaps 3 years of NOT-playing - had some difficulties to get playing and singing in line....

"You must learn to become a 'duo'! "
I had begged them the day before,
when I saw Yael succumbing to Arnon,
just like he uses to succumb to his sister Ayelet.

They learnt it in one go, and cooperation became perfect between them.

When Yael, who felt sick during both nights and vomited on both mornings, felt better,
the two cousins realized their plan to bake
"hamantashes" in my tiny kitchen-corner.
I didn't have 2 ingredients, and used this fact for making peace with my landlords,
whom I had angered some hours before, when I expressed my anger against Amit.
When we had come back with that Japanese art-piece, I had implored him 3times,
to ask his parents if they wanted for themselves what he had found on the street,
and if not, I would like to have it.
I even took him to my veranda and showed him where I would hang up the piece.
Since I didn't hear anything for 6 days, I was sure my landlords had been glad .
But then I saw Amit, while his father was repairing his tractoron behind my window.
Amit said, his parents hadn't wanted the piece and he had carried it to the garbage.
Of course, one should never express anger against the triggering person
(only move the emotions alone or in the presence of a supporting person),

leave alone anger against a person in the presence of a family-member of this person.
It , therefore, was no wonder, that both parents blamed me harshly:
"It is not right that you are angry at him, he is a little child after all!"

So now, I "turned the fearful into the fruitful" and asked Amit's mother,
if she, perhaps, had baking-powder and dates for my grandkids.
It's wondrous, that people so much desire to give,
that they forgive, when they are given the chance to give!

The next day, when seeing the result of my grandkids' baked creation,
I had an additional idea:
"Please prepare a dish with a sample of each of the four kinds of hamantashes,
you , Yael, the "verbal blesser" of the family, write a kind note,
which , in this case, doesn't have to be too "grandma-deep",
and then you, Arnon, bring it to them."
"Oh, no Savta!" "Too shy?" "I don't even know them!"
"I'll help you!"
volunteered his braver cousin.

On this day of Purim we had received three "Purim-Presents" (mishlokhee Manot),
one anonymous, one from my neighbor Nitza and one from a family with the name "Ofir"

(which is also the name of my landlord Ofir Cohen, and we thought, they had intended it for him, not for me)
nice people , though
(I judge!) they are fundamentalist missionaries from the settlement Susya in Palestine
Yael added this note to OUR Mishloakh Manot: "Dear Cohen-Family , may we all have a joyous Purim, full of laughter and fun!
We want to thank for the ingredients to the "Haman-Ears" and leave some of them for you to taste
(one with dates, one with chocolate, one with halva and one with plums!)
Good Appetite and Happy Purim,        Arnon and Yael - the grandkids of Rachel "

On the third day of this harmonious, loving, fruitful togetherness,
our "Cosmic Selves" prepared the stage for an incident,
which would make all of us grow into more self-acceptance.
I'll just mention, that it had to do with Arnon's fierce resistence
to enter an emotional memory:
"Nothing really happened", he blurted and got up to walk away,
"except you, Grandma, pressure people till they cry!
One should not reach this point of crying, it's not good!"

The situation: since Yael again felt sick and needed to sleep,
we could not go out to the desert, as so carefully planned.
To use the time I asked Arnon, if he wanted to see the cave,
in which we had learnt to make "Aya-Lia" for the first time.
He agreed, but "for some reason" I could not reach that page
[On March 22, I finally found it - the intertwined sequence "Brazil-Arad" in May 2010]
In 2010,there was also another significant occasion connected to Aya-Lia or Aya-Liya !]

and instead reached the 13 pages of "FullMoon Full-Fill-ment".
That was in August 2007, and it seemed fitting to open the pages,
since the night before we had gone out to see the Purim-Full-Moon.

At first, Arnon refused to look into this sculpture altogether,
though his mind couldn't even remember what it was about.
But after I pointed out his tendency to deny, he agreed.
Yet at the end of the second page he exploded and left!
I kept sitting in front of the computer and asked inside:
"What am I meant to do now?"
was the answer.
So I sat there for a long time, till Yael - feeling better - got up.
I had the excuse to prepare breakfast without saying a word.
Both, Arnon and Yael, tried in a round-about-way
to cause me to talk and be involved,
but I knew, I had to be true to myself
and not let Arnon get away with escaping.

It was only after we had climbed down a wadi for some time,
that Yael came back to me, the slower climber, and asked:
"Is something the matter, Savta?"
"It took you a long time to ask, Yael!
Isn't it because you, too, try to escape?"

From then on the path was open to the "work",
we had to do.
And Yael later suggested, that she would complete the work,
once they would travel home together, by bus and by train.

Arnon fries "Aya-Liya" (flour, water, salt and oil in the pan) and Yael eats the "Tabouli", which they had prepared the evening before
This is a Rotem tree - not as usual in our desert: a Rotem brush - see the song-page for Yael's sister Rotem-
which in its utter loneliness reminded me of the song about the brave cypress,
sung by Yael on her brother Itamar's Bar-Mitzva on February 1, 2011

Arnon and Yael take a rest from the maintenance-work of my path through the Wadi of Compassion, for which I had asked

Did Arnon remember the "Duo" issue, when he said to Yael, before they left::
"When we erected the fallen pole in the Wadi of Compassion,
it was a real cooperation between us!"
"It was difficult, wasn't it?"
I asked , "Yes!"
The pole once held my sign: "Nakhal Khaemlah" - "Wadi of Compassion",
but it was torn off by "wicked boys", even before the pole was overthrown.
I'm not sure yet, if and with the help of whom to attach the sign again...

the "Anemone-Street" which crosses the street to my home
In that "FullMoon-Full-Fill-ment, Page 5, I mention,
that the Quartet helped me to re-establish the torn sign:
"Nakhal Khaemlah, The Wadi of Compassion"

"Abraham" (2005) e-mail quote onMarch 24, 2011

You cannot notice what-is and complain about it,
and be a vibrational match to the solution.
When you were living the problem,
you were asking for the solution,
and Source said yes immediately.
So, there's never a reason for you
to be wallowing around in a problem
for more than about a second?
You can get so good at this
that before you're even aware
that the problem has gotten started,
you've already got the solution under way.


March 29, 2011
From "Veronica, Inner Whispers"

The First Thing That Should Be Addressed

"The energy of the planet at this time is chaotic in the best of circumstances.
Each person participating can feel the frenetic energy as it emanates from the surface.

This energy can bring fear into the hearts of those who cannot assimilate it all properly.

What should one do in times of trouble?

The first thing that should be addressed is your own belief system.
The ability to rise above the difficult energy is crucial.
Know that you do have the power to balance all situations.
Even if it is a mass consciousness moment,
realize that every drop of positive thought
projected into the most dire situation
does help.

Secondly, having a sense of well being
while appreciating your own skills of creativity.
Not every experience is perfect.
Sometimes even the difficult ones can garner much growth and perspective.
Do not judge difficulty harshly.
realize that you are capable of contouring
[molding into a specific shape] any experience.
Allow yourself the lesson, even if it's not pleasant.
Take from it the created new energy
and use it to continue your evolution.

Nothing is lost.

Nothing is wasted.

Decide within yourself that you have value while learning the lesson.

Whenever possible allow this energy to be released into your reality.
It helps with the planet, others, and yourself.

The time of ascending to a new level of perspective is at hand.
Be the one who embraces all of it and grows.

If enough of you participate in this way,
the transition will be easier for all.

The time is now."

April 2, 2011

From Maureen Moss

This month has been another of over-arching, jaw dropping moments, all earthquakes aside, and now a new challenge of poisoned waters, which I know through our love and healing prayers will be healed. We give great thanks to Dr. Emoto
(see Learn&Live 19!) as well as everyone of you participating worldwide in your deep and sincere love for this Planet.

I know our Mother Earth is so very grateful that more and more of humanity is at long last deeply loving her and valiantly attempting to take burdens off of her. What a difference love makes. Give her time, she will respond in kind. It's been a long time since she has gotten this much deep caring and attention.

Have you noticed that real love actually shakes us up too? Even we quake in its authenticity until we become used to this magnificent, new frequency, made real through ones Divine Heart; the one that God gave us to use. Oh we have so much to learn about loving as we adorn our New Human Earth Suits and re-member what it is to love without provocation, without agenda, without trying.

I'm counting on the fact that there is going to be a big wake-up right around the corner, bigger than expected, and the catalyst will be love, the real one. Let's just see if we can all move this wake up a bit more quickly and ahead of 'schedule.' Actually let's make it a priority and the very reason we speak a word, take an action or take a breath.

Someone wrote something to the effect that the word 'love' was becoming a bit watered down, even becoming trite. No, actually for the first time, I believe it's finally getting our attention and being experienced for what it really is. How could it be watered down when it's blowing hearts wide open? Seems to me the real love is finally coming to the surface. Haven't you noticed how much closer the Divine feels to you? That couldn't happen without love as the catalyst. We're getting there, we really are. Just don't stop five minutes before the miracle of the really noticeable shift inside of you!

See "an urgent message >Healing the Waters of Japan"
See a new song: and a newly recorded old song: Der Koenig von Thule

April 3, 2011
synchronicity of new info


Yesterday, on Shabbat, I allowed myself to pick out old clippings from my beautiful wooden box.
There were several called "What the Moon saw", by Hans Christian Andersen, on which I noted:

"I've just finished studying, what Spirit teaches about the  "Two Attentions"  (see e.g. "Awareness"),
and these moon-peepings into ever so many tiny scenes on earth are - at least in theory, for not all stories are good-
a demonstration of living in both 'attentions'"
[which, I add in 2011, is a better word than "dimensions"]

There was also noted a website: www.lucid dreaming - could I really have discovered this in 2000?
And when I opened it, and studied a bit, I felt driven to register for receiving their updates.
I got a response, and I followed the instructions of helping myself to recall tonight's dream.
I did, indeed, recall several sequences, that were pleasantly interesting,
but to follow the instruction to write down, what I dream, immediately,
would make me relapse in my old pattern of "having to do something".
I let go.
"But then..." - what was the first group e-mail I opened this morning?
"Flow-ering Dreams", from the Go-Gratitude site. What a coincidence.
The article gives me the purpose for striving towards "lucid dreaming"

The Lucidity Institute's e-newsletter of events and information
on lucid dreaming (dreaming while knowing that you are dreaming)
and related states of consciousness.

Whenever anyone mentions dreaming or lucidity, do a reality test:
How do you know that you aren't dreaming right now? Better check!

Things In This Issue (February, 2011)

* Why It Matters How We Treat Our Dream Characters
* Hawaii Retreat: Dreaming And Awakening, April 12 - April 21, 2011
* What thoughts go through your mind when you realize you are dreaming?

Why It Matters How We Treat Our Dream Characters


"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the 'Universe',
a part limited in time and space.
He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings,
as something separated from the rest --
a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us,
restricting us to our personal desires
and to affection for a few persons nearest us.
Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison
by widening our circles of compassion
to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

(Albert Einstein)

.......................... Where better to begin the practice of compassion
than within your own mind, in your own dreams, to your own creations?

The enlightened sages, as in the above quotes, teach us
that we are all not simply alike, but one.
What we do to others, we do to ourselves.
Again, nowhere is this more obvious than in dream worlds,
where those we may think of as "others,"
are reflections of our minds.

.. the person you are in the dream is just the person
the sleeping dreamer is dreaming him- or herself to be!
Those other beings, or objects, in the dream
are other manifestations of the self.
That you identify with one character at one particular moment
does not mean that you are not also everything else in the dream.
The same likely applies in what we call "waking life" as well.

.... Please join us on The Big Island, Dreaming and Awakening
with Stephen LaBerge, Ph.Dm Kalani Oceanside Retreat, Hawaii
April 12 - April 21, 2011
or if you can't be there in "actuality", see what happens
try to discuss this sort of thing with dream figures in your next lucid dream.

Discussion topics include: ....
Lucid dream work: from nightmares to wholeness;
dream ego, shadow, and self-integration.
Dreaming, Illusion and Virtual Reality;
physical body, body-image, and OBEs [out-of-body-experience]
Dreams within dreams, shared dreams, and false awakenings;
consciousness as a model of self and world.
Dreaming, Death and Transcendence; Tibetan Dream


From the Go-Gratitude Team

As you lay yourself to sleep,
preparing to shift from wakefulness into the Dream space,
give yourself a deep breath and release ...

As you do, in-vision your Blooming Dream Seed.
Call it forward with intention and clarity,
and with Gratitude hold this vision, intention or calling
in your Heart-Mind.

Now, allow this feeling of Gratitude to remain,
as you release the image.
Stay with this feeling of gratefulness
and listen to the space between each breath.
As thoughts arise, let them dissolve,
returning again and again to the space between each breath -
the place where love lives.

[See Spirit's advice: "Inhale God and exhale Love"!
and the application of this on a nightmare dream

on a SongGame page

As you drift into sleep,
let your breath take you on a journey into the Sacred Space of the Heart
where you will explore the growing body of the Blooming Dream Seed within.
A profound message and gifts awaits.

Upon awakening, return to this space of Gratitude,
and immediately take note
of what messages, images, insights and guidance arrived in the dream time,
while it is fresh in the mind.

The Dream Space is an open field of possibility,
where our creative Spirit is free to flower and unfold.
Beyond the perceived limitations of the critical mind,
our dreams provide a rich landscape
to explore the Garden of our Illuminated Hearts.

Consciously entering the Dream in a space of Gratitude
relaxes our body, raises our vibrational state,
and assists in accessing deep peace, joy and serenity.

What follows is an enhanced ability to lucid dream,
and to remember these as we awaken each day.
Keeping a record of our dreams
-- especially during this time of focused, conscious creation --
is a power-filled practice
for enhancing recall,

revealing fresh perspective
receiving guidance.

Our dreams play a vital role in Birthing New Reality.
Tap this power of your dreams tonight,
and watch your visions, intentions and artistic pursuits
come to Light in surprising, delightful, inspiring new ways!


Still on April 3, 2011

Also - while "Driving Backward under Guidance" yesterday, on Shabbat,
I came across a postcard with the sculpture "the Lament" by Kaethe Kollwitz.
I don't remember the writer, but since stamp and address of the card show:
Kassel 22.10.86     an Rachel Bat-Adam   bei Plehn, Horstweg 3a, Berlin 19
I imagine, that I met "Tim"
during my 4 months in Kassel, Germany, in winter 1986-87,
or in a workshop which I held there in May 1987.
At the time he wrote this card, about the 9 hr 36 min. movie "SHOAH" ,
I was engaged as a guest-lecturer at the Theological Faculty of Berlin.

Kaethe Kollwitz: "Klage" (Lament), 1938

I am shocked by "Tim's perspective on "compassion", so praised in the article about "Lucid Dreaming" above, and all too familiar to me as one of my two basic feelings.

"A short note to let you know how much I appreciated SHOAH – what I am beginning to realize, from the victim's side (those who were confronted with such horror) is that although aggression under such circumstances would be the politically legitimate response, when faced with the full scope of insane, socialized hatred – the individual sufferer, removed from almost all controls of meaningful counteraction, has no more ground for aggression (except self-aggression).

"It seems one is faced with a decision between a sort of suicide or withdrawal, or one learns compassion, and forgiveness - n o t  as a moral imperative, rather merely because all the alternatives of social action had been denied, the choice was no longer moral.

I feel disturbed and uncertain of the value of such compassion: the compassion of the neurotic (i.e. how Nietzsche understood St. Francis of Assissi's compassion), one may be just as much  a   v i c t i m   o f   c o m p a s s i o n as a victim of hatred, if one survives at all. Does anyone win?
Best Wishes Tim

(I realize I have a lot more to learn about the condition of being a victim – I feel I can't accept the choice of suicide or the choice of survival under such circumstances)

Also today, on April 3, 2011,
Rabbi Ohad Ezrachi's newsletter contains a quote in Hebrew from a book, which I now discovered in the English original:

truly a book which to me seems overdue: God in Your Body by Jay Michaelson , Nov. 2006

God in Your Body: Kabbalah, Mindfulness, and Embodied Spiritual Practice

God in Your Body is about embodied spiritual practice: how to experience the deep truths of reality in, and through, your body. To some, this may seem like a contradiction. Aren’t spirit and body separate? Isn’t a “spiritual” experience precisely one that is “out of body,” in a special place, or state of mind?

In the paths explored here, spirit and body are not separate at all. Nor is spirituality a special feeling, or a trance, or a vision, although such phenomena may accompany some spiritual practices. Rather, because Being is omnipresent, the experience of spirituality is nothing more or less than a deep, rich experience of ordinary reality. Realization is simply waking up. And the body, because it is always present “here and now,” is both the best vehicle for doing so, on the one hand, and on the other, how holiness expresses itself in the world. [This are almost the exact words of Godchannel: read the quotes from "FreeWill", channeled in July 2000, and "Body - Identity, channeled in Sept 2000, in my page "Body Is God"]

Jews are sometimes called the “people of the book.” But they are equally the people of the body. Consider the core practices of mainstream Jewish religion. Traditional observance of the Sabbath and holidays involves not beliefs or “spiritual feelings,” but taking and refraining from certain physical actions. Jewish dietary laws are about foods, ... Even Jewish prayer—built around the kneeling (barchu) [see a 1min. video about bowing at the knees and at the waist), listening (shema), and standing (amidah) prayers—is built not upon some abstract soul or spirit, but upon the body. This body-centricity of the Jewish tradition is well known in academic and scholarly circles, but ironically, forgotten in many religious ones.

... God in Your Body is essential reading for ...integrating the body into spiritual practice, and also a resource for scholars interested in Jewish traditions about the body. ..the book shows how to experience the presence of the Divine in, and through, the body. And it shows how, by cultivating an embodied spiritual practice, it is possible to transform everyday activities - eating, walking, breathing, even going to the bathroom - into moments of deep spiritual realization, uniting sacred and sensual, mystical and mundane

Excerpts from the chapters which are online:
God in your Body - Intro:

.....the Kabbalah, the vast body of Jewish mystical and esoteric literature, understands the greatest spiritual achievement not as transcending the body, but as joining body and spirit together. Symbolically, the Kabbalists imagined the six-pointed Jewish star as one triangle pointing upward—toward heaven, transcendence, and the emptiness of the Infinite—and another pointing downward, toward the earth, Immanence, and the endless varieties of experience. The great goal of Kabbalah, which literally means “receiving,” is not to privilege one triangle over the other—to flee the material world in favor of the spiritual one, or vice versa. It is the sacred marriage of the two.

... Thus religion belongs in bed as well as in the sanctuary; ... Sex, eating, bathing - these are not necessary evils in the Kabbalah. Rather, the body, about which there is so often much shame and so much fear, is the most practical place for spiritual work.

This integral vision is reflected in the kabbalistic concept of the four worlds, ... the worlds of asiyah (action), yetzirah (formation), briyah (creation), and atzilut (emanation) and four souls of nefesh (fleshly, ‘earth’ soul), ruach (emotional, ‘water’ soul), neshamah (intellectual, ‘air’ soul) and chayah (spiritual, ‘fire’ soul) roughly map onto the familiar matrix of body, heart, mind and spirit. But all are really a reflection of yechidah (“unity”). ... Forgetting the body in favor of the soul is like forgetting the foundation of a house in favor of the living room; it will not hold.

The values of integration, union, and balance affect how one studies this wisdom as well. On the one hand, intellectual theories give meaning and shape to experience. On the other hand, experience is essential: material, embodied experience—that which often wanders in exile, like a forgotten princess awaiting her redemption. .... Both sides are essential: the abstract (“God”) and the concrete (“your body”). ...

When I use the word “God” in an intellectual, third-person way, I mean what the Ancient Hebrews called YHVH—What Is; Being; what was, is, and will be. ...Consequently, what appear, on the surface, to be computers, trees, and hamburgers are actually, in their essence, God. ..

... if you’re sitting in a chair right now, why are you not falling on the floor? Because of “the chair”? Or because of all sorts of molecular properties of wood or metal, which derive from invisible forces of electromagnetism and gravity, and on and on and on? ....The sum of all these forces, beyond label, beyond self—this is what is meant by “Being.” Nothing more.

So much for the plane of the mind. In the realm of the heart, when I speak of “God” in the second-person, as You, then the God-language of myth and anthropomorphism are not symptoms of fuzzy thinking but expressions of yearning. Not rational, but, then, neither is love—... The heart prays and cries and opens—and the object of these hopes, perhaps half-projected, I find echoed in the millennia of Jewish yearning for God.

So I invite you to stay with experience, rather than theology. Rather than starting from a position of “God exists, therefore I must be grateful to Him/Her/It,” just use the body to experience gratitude, and see what happens. In the first chapter, for example, we will look at eating as a spiritual practice. Our bodies are hard-wired to enjoy eating, and yet we often seem bored by it, and distract ourselves with television, or reading, or conversation. With close attention to a few bites of our meal, though, amazing things can happen. The words v’achalta, v’savata, u’verachta—you will eat, you will be satisfied, and you will bless—suddenly make sense. The mind is quieted, the body is energized, and the food tastes more delicious than usual. Our attention is called to the miracle of eating: that you are turning lettuce into human, that your body knows exactly what to do to take what it needs from the food and discard the rest. All that’s needed is time, and attention. Try it and see.

Consider, too, the miracles we can’t perceive. At this moment, there are over seventy-five trillion cells in your body. How might that help explicate the Psalmist’s joy—ma gadlu ma’asecha yah—how great are Your creations, Yah? Or the midrashic idea, in Bereshit Rabba 12, that “The King of Kings counts every limb in your body, puts it in its proper place, and builds you to perfection, as it says ‘is he not your father, who created you, the one who fashioned and established you?’” How would our sages respond to knowing that we each lose, on average, three million cells every second? How does this influence our understanding of God as mechayeh meitim, that which gives life to the dead?

.... Ordinary reality is plenty.

An Invitation

Embodied spiritual practice, simply, works. Letting the body lead, and as a result transcending the illusions of the small mind to access a deeper consciousness—we are thus turned toward the holy. This is how to “seize the day,” and “suck the marrow out of life”: to turn down the static of existence, and hear its subtle, softer music. Hakarat hatov, the sages called it: recognizing the good.

Jewish spiritual practice is an integral practice whose purpose is not to favor the body, heart, mind, or soul over the other parts of the self—but to join all four together, to experience life fully, richly, and deeply. Why obey the dietary laws, if one could contemplate them instead? Why perform a physical circumcision if a “spiritual” one were good enough? [Does this justify the pain of the baby-human?] Because the “lower” does not merely serve the “higher.” The body, independent of the heart’s stirring and the misgivings of the intellect, is the site of holiness; even if there is no apparent change in the mind, and no softening of the heart, transformation takes place within the field of the body. This is not consolation; it is liberation. ...Thus the body is simultaneously the ground of traditional Jewish law, and the deepest of its esoteric truths.

“Man is of flesh, while the angels are of fire; but man is superior,”
said Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav, the 19th century Hasidic master whose startling, innovative, and often quite challenging teachings will recur throughout this book. Why? Because we have the opportunity not merely to transcend our bodies, but to unite them with spirit. ...With such simplicity are heaven and earth, hidden and revealed, Holy One and sacred Presence, united. Indeed, the marriage is already underway, and the wedding banquet is what you see before you now. Consider this your invitation


Jay Michaelson later - in 2009 - published a book:
Everything is God:
The Radical Path of Nondual Judaism.

How come, that I never heard about this "potential peer" before?

About Jay Michaelson
Jay Michaelson is a writer, scholar, and actvist whose work focuses on the intersections of spirituality, Judaism, sexuality, and law. Jay has both an academic background and a personal commitment to spiritual practice....
is currently completing a Ph.D. in Jewish Thought at Hebrew University [like me in 1960-61!!].
In 2008-09, he spent five months on silent meditation retreat... [not like me, who could not be attracted to any path of meditation which I tried]

Some of his other writings:, Another Word for Sky: Poems (2007) also: Az Yashir Moshe: A Book of Songs and Blessings
His writing has been anthologized in volumes including .., Signs of the Apocalypse: Rapture, The Passionate Torah: Sex and Judaism, Righteous Indignation:
A Jewish Call for Justice, and Mentsh: On Being Jewish and Queer (2004).


Excerpts from the chapter God in your Body; Eating

In almost every contemplative tradition, eating is regarded as a sacred act. From one perspective, consuming food is simply a necessity of the body—everyone must eat in order to survive. But eating can also be a deeply spiritual practice, with many layers of meaning. To the ancients, who did not know about ATP, proteins, and sugars, it was mysterious, and inspired gratitude, myth, and ritual. They saw it as a metaphor for the uniting of self and other, for receiving sustenance from a heavenly source, and as a primary social bond. Even today, there is something miraculous about turning lettuce into “me,” .... eating can focus the attention, calm the mind, and delight the heart and body. Precisely because it is a mundane, necessary act, it awaits and invites elevation.

It makes sense that a Jewish book about the body starts with eating. Jews have complicated relationships with food. On the one hand, the Jewish tradition celebrates eating, and sanctifies its delights. On the other hand, there are all those fast days, and all those restrictive dietary laws. Moreover, Jews really like to nosh—and sometimes not in the most “mindful” way either....

Now, I don’t want to put down eating on the run. I lived for many years in New York City, where doing so has become a kind of art. But it is possible, even in the midst of a rush, for a meal to be more than just the ingestion of proteins and carbs. To do so requires a practical, as well as theoretical, orientation. Put Kabbalah into a distracted and busy mind, and all you’ll get are more concepts. But put into a quieted mind, true kabbalah—receiving, of the Divine Light within—can take place. As the prophet Isaiah 55:2 says,
       “Pay attention to Me, and you will eat that which is good,
        and enjoy the delights of your soul.”

   V’achalta, v’savata, u’verachta: Eating Meditation

The foundational teaching for this chapter is the Torah’s injunction “to eat, be satisfied, and bless YHVH your God for the good Earth” –Deut. 8:10 and 11:15
Notice first how these words honor the act of eating. Eating is not a necessary evil, something we do because we have to sustain our bodies; it is holy. The talmudic sages teach that the dinner table is like the altar in the Temple, and the meal we eat like the offerings that brought us close to God. (The Hebrew word for such offerings, korbanot, comes from the same root as l’karev, to be brought close. Rather than “sacrifices,” a better translation might be “joiners” or even “unifiers.”)

Second, notice the order of the pasuk, as if only after one has eaten, and been satisfied, can one really make a blessing. Experience matters. And notice that the verse contains all four worlds within it: the body (eating), heart (satisfied), mind (the reason for the blessing), and soul (the blessing itself). But the body comes first.

Eating is simple, but eating in a way that really fulfills the commandment to “eat, be satisfied, and bless” takes a certain amount of subtraction—slowing down, quieting down,...asking “What is happening right now—and can I be with it?”

To experience “What is happening right now” in your body, you can try this simple eating meditation for a whole meal, or five minutes—or even just a single bite. I find a bit of fruit or vegetable is good, though I often teach this practice with a potato chip—really, almost anything works. Here’s how to do it: [the eight steps, which Jay teaches her, are quite similar to the "birkat hamazon", which I've been practising with the Quartet , ever since we started with the weekly "Grandma-Day" in 2001, and later with Mika, even when there is just her and me eating together- see especially K.i.s.s.-LoG 2008_07_21!]

...Now, if there hasn’t yet been enough “God” for you in “God in Your Body,” remember that what we are doing here is setting the conditions necessary for an experience of God to be an experience, rather than just an idea—the theology will come soon enough.

I invite you to make eating meditation a regular part of your day, for forty days. See what five minutes a day, or one bite a meal, does for you, even if only for the duration of those five minutes. In my years of teaching this practice, people have reported deep relaxation, delight, insights into their personalities and needs, and immense gratitude to God—all from eating. One time, on a meditation retreat, I was doing this practice with a single string bean, and had a sensory experience so intense and so beautiful that I was moved to tears. Obviously, it was just an ordinary string bean—but my mind (and heart) was so exquisitely sensitive to the sensations of eating that it was a delightful experience.

Michel Foucault once said, “What we must work on, it seems to me, is not so much to liberate our desires but to make ourselves infinitely more susceptible to pleasure.” Meditation is just that: the process of becoming more susceptible. Then you can proceed to bless God.

U’verachta: Count your Blessings

In the previous sections, we explored two different mindfulness techniques for waking up to the miraculous details of ordinary life. These practices are found in many world traditions, but they are not the primary Jewish ways to wake up. Brachot [blessings] are.

.... Bracha, like many Jewish spiritual terms, is a body word; it is related to birkaim, the word for knees. A bracha is figuratively getting down on one’s knees, in gratitude and supplication:...

Traditionally, brachot are recited before and after eating any substantial amount of food. The exact words depend on the type of food being eaten, but they all have the same beginning: baruch ata adonai, eloheinu melech ha’olam.

baruch.. ha’olam hamotzi lechem min ha’aretz …who brings forth bread from the Earth

baruch... borei pri ha’etz …who creates “tree-fruits” (most fruit)

baruch... pri ha’adama …who creates “ground-fruits” (most vegetables)

baruch ...borei pri hagafen …who creates “vine-fruits” (grapes, wine, etc.)

baruch .. borei minei mezonot … who creates the varieties of grain

baruch ... shehakol nehiyeh bidvaro …that all exists in God’s word (everything else)

For these last phrases, you might direct your attention at the specific food in front of you. Suppose it’s an apple; you might envision the apple tree, growing from a seed, sprouting apples, just as its genetic information instructs. Or suppose it’s a complicated “artificial” food for which the last bracha is appropriate;...

Even if it’s just a pause in your day, a bracha can allow gratitude or joy to grow. Brachot are tiny islands of time, and since they are centered on the body, they are linked not to some abstract obligation, but to something actually happening. I also like to think of brachot as little acts of love. Being in love is beautiful not only because we are loved by another, but also because we are able to experience love ourselves. It feels deeply nourishing to feel grateful, wondrous, or loving, and eating is an opportunity to feel all those things, albeit in miniature. The brachot ordained by our ancestors recognize this power. Try them.

April 4, 2010


This night, April 3-4, I succeeded well in recalling at least 5 dreams.
But all of them were nightmares - one with millions of cockroaches,

[see "My Daily Desire>Oct. 21, 2009" -during these days I'm again cleaning and spraying everywhere
and all the other dreams "dealt with" my trauma
of having to prepare food for other people - a superhuman pressure.
I've never understood the "jet-lag" between reality and dreams,
even after I've done everything to heal that "reality",
and even after I nowadays do create circumstances without that reality,

i.e. it happens perhaps 10 times a year, that I have to cook for someone
in the tiny kitchen-corner of my rented room (2 electric plates and a toaster-oven).
I keep having these "Cooking-Pressure-Nightmares" time and again,
ever since the first 10 years of my marriage, when I, no-one else, had "believed",
that for Shabbat-Eve and for Shabbat-Lunch I had to cook a  "s p e c i a l"  meal!
And ever since I was - truly forced - to cook for - up to 16 guests in the Succayah!
My vision said: everyone will cook for himself in his succah, but what unfolded was:
the community-meals, guests and hosts together, were no less an attraction
than the "Re-creation of the Soul" in the "Space-Purity-Silence" of the Desert.
Just now, when searching for "eating" and food in the Bible (some 900 times!),
I came across the opposite "jet-lag".
People dream about what they yearn for, but when they wake up there is nothing.

And it shall be as when a hungry man dreameth and, behold, he eateth,
but he awaketh, and his soul is empty
or as when a thirsty man dreameth, and, behold, he drinketh,
but he awaketh, and, behold, he is faint, and his soul hath desire
Isaiah 29:8

Mythology which is relevant for me

An "Arc-Angel" perhaps?
From my treasure-box this night: an empty postcard showing
"The Sarcophagus of Ramses III"

When I search for a version on the Internet, I was led to "Nut" and so impressed,
that I decided to excerpt the entire chapter in RUOW II, "Original Cause - The Unseen Role of Denial",
which contains the clipping I found tonight about "the first Chorus in Heaven".
A strange thing happened: after I had finally fallen asleep, I was awakened by this clipping.
A strong wind from outside the window had blown it right on my face!

A solar wind stream hit Earth's magnetic field on April 2-3, sending a wave of "deep sky auroras" over northern US states. The lights were pale-white or even invisible to the naked eye, but digital cameras revealed spectacular colors and luminous shapes...These are called "deep sky auroras" because like other deep-sky objects (e.g., galaxies and nebulae) they are best seen using optics and timed exposures

The Egyptian Goddess Nut Raising the Sun,
from the inside lid of the Djedhor Sarcophagus (bc 378-341)

Nut was the goddess of the sky and all heavenly bodies,
a symbol of resurrection and rebirth.
According to the Egyptians, during the day,
the heavenly bodies—such as the sun and moon—
would make their way across her body.
Then, at dusk,
they would pass into her mouth and be swallowed,
traverse the inside of her belly throughout the night,
and be reborn out of her uterus at dawn. ...

She was the sky goddess,
in contrast to most other mythologies,
which usually evolve into a sky father
associated with an earth mother (Mother Nature).

p51 - THE EMERGENCE OF THE LESSER ARCHANGELS from RUOW , violet book, "Original Cause - The Unseen Role of Denial",

We moved out now, and the joy of it was overpowering. We played in the ethers like children romping in a fountain. ... We felt late in response to the Mother's desire..."The planets and stars are out there and we have not even gone past the first ring of light."

Her voice sounded guilty, but I did not want to know why. The Mother had an intense feeling she could not calm, that all was not right out in space, but She also feared it was wrong to pressure Us about Her feelings. At the time, She did not know how to balance the situation. She tried to deny Her feelings of urgency in favor of Our desire to have an orderly, pleasant and calm time, but Her undercurrent of urgency bled through nonetheless.

As we approached what We saw as the edge of a ring of light around Us, We felt another orgasm growing within Us. We were enjoying a feeling of light fluttering past Us. We were feeling held - p.52- for a moment and then let go. It gave Us a feeling of almost bouncing along. .. We had a great explosion of light and laughter. We had a feelng that more spirits might have emerged, as We had felt a great fluttering go through Us as We gave in to the orgasmic feelings.

The new spirits were all fluttering around nearby in the ball of light in which they had been born... As We looked more closely, We could see that they had forms that were more interesting to Us than undefined light. They had faces that were merry and bright, and they were looking out at Us with great delight. They also had great eyes as dark as night that opened to take in light ......... They wanted to get out of their bubble, but they needed some help.... This was the first order We had named individually, ...We had named Ourselves, but names had not yet occurred to Us for others until now. We were getting more definition as We went along.

The Mother was very pleased with these new spirits and had an immediate love for them. She also feared that it was not right that they appeared to have no partners .She did not like it that We had only male children, and wanted to know why none of the spirits were taking after Her. She did not want every spirit that manifested to be Her mate....

I felt that the manifestations were alright, but I could not tell Her why...
I wanted to celebrate the emergence of these new spirits rather than have them feel that we did not think they did it right. They had something to offer... They had merriment, - p. 53 - playfulness and they also had some powers. These new spirits filled the space around Us and gave birth to dancing in a circle. They whirled and danced in a way that increased their light. The Father of Manifestation made sounds that He called music now. These sounds were similar to the sounds We had heard when He emerged, but these sounds had patterns and progressions that repeated and took form as songs.

The Mother said that She also had songs and gave Her own version of the sounds She felt within Her in response to these new spirits and everything that was happening. I also had a feeling for song and did not hold Myself back. We had Our first chorus in the heavens. Everyone joined in, including the great Arc Angels, and Our sounds became more musical than what We had experienced in the past.

One of the Great Arc Angels had the power to focus sound, and He showed the mother a way in which She could send light out into the universe on a focus of sound and give a presence of Mother love to anything that needed it without having to go there Herself. Immediately the Mother's Heart filled with love for the help She could now give. She began to sing forth now without holding Herself back, and Her light and love streamed forth toward all the planets and stars in space. She had a feeling of great joy that She could send love to everything and leave nothing alone and without it. I also had great joy that the mother found She had some power now. I wanted Her to believe in Herself. She had not listened to Me earlier when I had told Her that she had powers She did not know She had. The feelings of powerlessness that She had gotten from Her first experiences with Me persisted with Her in spite of all My efforts to help Her understand Herself. Seeing another spirit demonstrate a power that She could feel within Herself had given Her the courage to try.... She believed Him when He told Her that His power was Her power also. I felt content now that We could progress as I had planned, and that the Mother could now accept this without feeling that what had already manifested outward into space was getting ignored.

We gave this order of spirits the name of Lesser Arc Angels, because they were so similar to the Great Arc Angels except that they were smaller in size and greater in number. They seemed to be ... strong in their relationship as a group..

Also on April 4, 2011 : "Body is God"
From Inner Whispers - VERONICA
How wondrous, that the same messages now come from such different sources!
See above: "God in your Body"!

Appreciating the Physical

"Often there is speculation that the physical state is one that should be abandoned or ascended from. Naturally the whole idea of existence is one of evolution. It does not simply occur in the physical.

We have heard "whispers" of the incarnated body as it passes from life to life. Your culture supposes that it is an existence of less and that the spiritual state is the ultimate moment.

May we suggest that the spiritual mind creates the physical?

In that moment the sense of touch becomes a pristine gift. Nowhere in the universe does it exist except in the skin of an incarnate soul. It should be appreciated as an advanced creation of the soul~~~ It's existence manifested by a creation that will transcend the soul to higher realms.

The next time you curse your physical, hoping for a free pass to the eternal, we suggest you recall the utter awe of your fingertips as they caress the skin you now inhabit. The path can be as "heavenly" as the destination.

You will appreciate the physical much more after the experience. We were much like yourselves in our quest for the attainment of enlightenment. Imagine our surprise when once nonphysical, we realized the value of the body.

We relate our experience so that you may blend both moments for more advanced evolvement.

Consider it.
It may change how you proceed with this current linear."
This time (April 4, 2011) I want to add and quote
one of the correspondences
which are always attached to Veronica's group-e-mails.
It is not directly related to "Appreciating the Physical" and "Body",
but it is also extremely "right"!


I would like to know how do i keep the man i love by my side. He's my best friend i really do feel comfortable with this man but for some reason sometimes i feel he's a little distance with me. I would like to know if you see any future with him or does he have another person in life or future. His name is Richard and his birthday is 04/14/XX. Thank You.

Dear Snow,
Keeping a relationship involves a delicate balance of yourself as you relate to him.
He also feels the comfortable sensing that is a result of your dual energy blend. The distance you feel is his own uncomfortableness and inner disappointment of his own actions and non actions.
To attempt to define his every nuance will only make you desperate. Realize that your energy will only attract him if it is strong. Keep your focus. Be the person who balances his energy.
The energy kept balanced will keep him in your sphere of reality. It is up to you. Whether you realize it or not the power is in your grasp.

"Victim-hood is the coward's way out of one's own creation..."

"You may not always like what we say.
However, it will always provoke you... that is our intention."

Inserts on April 4, 2011, which I want to remember: Tomer's Brith 1994

April 5, 2011


Finally a good night's sleep, and dreams with small scenes of loving.

The background was a re-curring theme: many people camping outside.
In focusing on at least one thread, when I woke up
and - as usual - indulging in grate-full-ness,
I saw my younger son, Micha , at the age of five, (now 44), trying to socialize.
[This was hard for him as it was hard for my...]
I followed him and masses of kids down steep steps somewhere in Jerusalem.
In order to get a good photo, I needed to get closer and down to his level.
That's when he vanished . I roamed through the streets, but couldn't find him.
Discerning many ruins in this center part of the city, I wondered,
'How after 43 years of Jerusalem's "reunification"
there is still so much rubble?'

Since in a dream everyone and everything is me, I look at this dream
from the perspective of a passage I read and re-read before sleep:
From "The System", channeled in 1983, later edited as the book "Andarean Theory",
[open 2008_06_05, click Ctrl/F and put "System" in "Search", also open the links]

Nr. 324, p. 82 (What is the significance of a Second Coming, or a New Age, if it already exists?)
It will be a timeperiod that already exists, but a time when everyone will have evolved through his lessons of experience to the point, where no one will need to go back through the old time periods. they won't be necessary any more. They will exist in space as much as an empty classroom exists in space. It will be like looking at a museum. The importance will be in having then a world where the people are joined as one, and can go to and fro the planet in tht understanding.

Nr. 325, p. 82 (This would mean that all mankind would have achieved a much higher level of evolvement, and we would not have all the disension we have now?)

Yes. The whole Concept was created at once. It's just that all entities must gain the experience, to achieve the end Concept for planet Earth. Since all entities have free will, each can take as much time as he wishes to get to that end process. It won't be complete until they have all completed it. [See, in Learn & Live 3 >October 15, 2010: the message of "Matreya" about "Der Durchbruch der Menschheit", the breakthrough of mankind] Then, there will be other experiences in other realms they can go through.

Nr. 326, p. 82 (Can individual entities complete the course before other entities?)

It can be completed, but then they must come back and work with the other slower entities.

Nr. 327, p. 82
We have to be our "Brother's Keeper" then, and help the whole human race to Evolve.




"When physical, the most complicated relationship seems to be with time.
[How true is this for me, and not since today!!!]

"Is time on my side?"
"The lack of enough time."

All of these statements ring true for most in this linear experience...

We suggest that you place yourself outside of the timeline whenever possible. Attempt to create a timeless element in your experience.
There really is not a standard length for time.
It is perceived by each of you differently.
So deciding upon what that is,
and developing some control of your perceptions,
time may not be the enemy that most of you are fighting.

Take some space everyday to consciously view time from an outside perspective. You are actually the creator of time.

Simply decide how you would like to perceive its length.

... you have experienced an endless day and one that flies by in a moment.

It is all about the attention and definition you give it.

Decide to be the master of time rather than the victim of it.

It is a good exercise for all."


Question from "Jill":
Are we our own ancestors from previous lifetimes?
Or as we evolve do we join different ancestries or lineages?

Answer: Dear Jill,

The reincarnational process is very multidimensional.
Each of you have created your own unique path.
Both options that you have mentioned are true depending upon the individual.

Most souls seek variety in their experiences while in the linear.
Each path is a personal endeavor.
There are no standards that are followed strictly.



Introduction to Manifestation: Energy
[quoted already in 2001 in pp40: Cease Creating New Manifestations

"Manifested existence is a continuum
with many levels of reality.
It includes everything
from my Light and inspiration
down through ideas and thoughts
to Heart presence,
feelings and emotions ~
through all the varieties of subtle and life force energy,
physical energy ~
all the way through the domains of photons and electrons
to the most dense physical forms
manifesting as 'black holes'.
All of existence,
all of manifestation is a spontaneous dance of the energy
created in the union of Spirit and Will."

This was the first time, "Inner Whispers" reached me.
Since I wasn't yet sure if it would resonate with me,
I copied it only to "WORD", and forgot to note the date.

Though without physical form
we are not without heart & compassion for those evolving their way through the physical experience.
T'is the reason for our participation... no other.
Feel our presence and be comforted.
We are indeed real - our consciousness ever expanding towards evolution.
Our hope is that you will journey with us to the eternal.
We are merely participating at a different frequency and sometimes it provides a clearer view.
We are your constant supporter with true belief in the power of your soul.
Your friend

VERONICA speaks from an emotional and experience based knowledge perspective.
Some of the the others speak from a purely intellectual knowledge based perspective.
Both have real physical world values and knowledge for those so interested.


Also on April 5, 2011
About the COMING TIME - in "Lessons of Love" by Matreya, channeled through Julia

See also the Wetterbericht March 3-21 above

A note to the fact and the manner of quoting this info in the German language:
My omissions don't mean "lack of relevance" for me, as in other info, which I excerpt for myself,
but are a technical "trick" to help me learn by intuition, i.e. by letting myself be guided to what I quote -
because my mind so often cannot grasp what I read.

Of course, I should explain the expression "go into your heart, be your heart",
and why I agree not to omit the terms "love and light",
which I find so outworn that I can't bear to hear, leave alone use them.
[see in Maureen's letter on April 2, above, that I'm not the only one to feel like that!]
But the way, this info urges us to be heart, to be love, somehow feels authentic to me.
It is what "we" are here for, "we" who are meant to help humankind through the chaos.
I simply feel and intuit, that it's the same message as the one of "Godchannel",
only that in the latter it's explained clearly and in detail, what this means,
and I am so immensely grate-full, that I have been "trained" through decades
towards understanding, that "heart" or "love" is first of all "total self-acceptance" .
The process towards it has been for us "pioneers" long and arduous.
But now TIME seems to play no serious role any longer.
The "Quantum-Leap" is happening...

Continuation (from Learn&Live 14>January 7, 2011, and from the Weather-Report from March 3-21> above.

from an undated message of Matreya called

Transition into the 5th/7th dimension
and the coming time,

(Julia's) Erläuterung zum untenstehenden Channeling
Die folgende Durchgabe von Maitreya ist recht eindringlich und ich möchte ein paar erläuternde Worte anfügen. Der biologische Übergang, wie Maitreya ihn nennt-betrifft tatsächlich „nur“ die Zellen-also das, was man anfassen kann- der Boden , auf dem man steht. Das Bewusstsein der Erde ist bereits aufgestiegen und ihre „feste Materie“ wird dies im Verlauf diesen Jahres tun. Den Zeitraum, den er mir nannte für die 3 Tage Dunkelheit ist ungefähr Herbst/ Winter 2012-und die Aussage, dass dies etwas ist, was fest steht, war eindeutig. Wie die Menschheit dies erleben wird, ist allerdings ausschließlich von uns abhängig. Denn eigentlich ist es ein Grund zur Freude-doch für viele Menschen wird dies sehr erschreckend sein. Und ihre Biologie ist in keinster Weise darauf vorbereitet, wenn die Menschen nicht beginnen, sich für die Energie der höheren Schwingungen zu öffnen-und auch ihre Zellen damit zu „informieren“ , reagieren diese mit Panik-eben so, wie ein System reagiert, das elektrisch und magnetisch ausgerichtet ist. Dies betrifft vor allem das Nervensystem und somit die Abläufe im Gehirn. Mehr dazu an anderer Stelle.

Da alles gesagt ist und es jetzt –mehr , als je zuvor darum geht, umzusetzen und zu leben, was die geistige Welt seit Jahrzehnten durch so viele Kanäle durchgibt: Sich ins Herz zu begeben, die Illusionen zu erkennen und Liebe zu sein-wird sich auch der Wetterbericht verändern.
Dieses Jahr bringt so viele Energien und Tore-so viele Gelegenheiten zu wachsen, doch all dies ist nichts, was man lesen müsste-es geht darum, tatsächlich zu lernen, den Impulsen und der Führung des eigenen Herzens zu vertrauen. Es ist das einzige, was einem wirklich helfen wird, durch diese turbulenten Zeiten zu navigieren.
Also werde ich jetzt verstärkt meinen Fokus wieder auf die Arbeit mit den Menschen legen und ihnen dabei helfen, dies wieder zu entdecken und umzusetzen.

Es ist vollkommen unerheblich, ob man bei diesem oder jenem „Großevent“ dabei ist oder nicht.
So , wie Maitreya es mir deutlich zeigte, geht es nicht mehr darum, den Kurs zu verändern. Der Kurs ist gesetzt.
Das einzige, was jetzt noch wichtig ist, ist das zu werden, was man im Innersten ist. Das war es letzten Endes schon immer.....


Maitreya über Übergang in die 5./7. Dimension-und die kommende Zeit

In dieser besonderen Zeitqualität, in der ihr mehr und mehr lernen werdet, meisterlich zu leben und zu sein, möchte ich etwas Klarheit in die Frage der Tore, der magnetischen Gitter und der Aktivitäten eurer Sonne bringen, die jeden von euch betreffen, unabhängig davon, wo ihr als Menschen zu sein glaubt auf eurem Weg.

... Das Thema der letzten 20 Jahre war größtenteils die Entwicklung des Bewusstseins der Menschheit.

Ausgelöst durch das Erwachen einiger weniger und die starke Unterstützung von unserer Seite des Schleiers, gab es Schübe für den Einzelnen, aber auch global.
Wenn ihr so wollt, läutete die Glocke, die euch daran erinnern sollte zu erwachen, in den letzten zwanzig Jahren durchgehend. Einmal lauter, einmal leiser.

Versteht dass die höheren Dimensionen zeitlich gesehen in eurer Zukunft existieren und somit für eure Körper und Energiekörper eine ungewöhnliche Situation eintritt-nämlich dann, wenn bereits mehrere Schichten von euch auf die neue Ebene gewechselt haben, während eure Biologie, die letzte Schicht, wenn ihr so wollt, noch in der 3. Dimension verankert ist. .. es erklärt euch zum Teil, warum ihr euch so müde und ausgelaugt fühlt von Zeit zu Zeit. Dies alles ist für eure Körper sehr anstrengend.

Mit euren feinstofflichen Sinnen nehmt ihr bereits die Informationen der höheren Dichte auf-ihr könnt sie spüren und manchmal sogar „sehen“, jedoch seid ihr noch nicht mit all euren zwölf Schichten dort. Da auch euer Planet noch nicht vollkommen „dort“ ist.


Der Übergang eurer Mutter Erde erfolgt ähnlich wie der eure in 12 Stadien und bis vor kurzem war es so, dass ein Teil der Menschheit der Gesamtentwicklung des Aufstiegsprozesses eurer Mutter vorausging und ihre Schritte synchronisiert waren mit denen jener Menschen, die ihr als Taktgeber bezeichnen könntet.

Dieser Prozess fand seinen Höhepunkt in eurem Jahr 2010, das ein entscheidende Jahr für die weitere Entwicklung des Aufstiegsprozesses für die Menschheit war. Es war das Jahr der aktiven Entscheidungen der Menschheit und das Jahr der Möglichkeit der Einflussnahme von Seiten der Menschheit auf die Form, die der Gesamtübergang für alle nehmen würde.

Nicht genügend Menschen sind bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt soweit erwacht, dass sie den Gang in ihr Herz angetreten hätten und bereit gewesen wären, das Alte hinter sich zu lassen und so ist der Schrittmacher für den Aufstieg nun der Planet auf dem ihr alle lebt.
Ich werde euch zum besseren Verständnis ein Bild geben, das euch helfen kann, dies zu verstehen.

Stellt euch vor ihr alle wüsstet, dass „irgendwann“ ein großer Sturm kommt- er wurde seit Jahrtausenden vorhergesagt.
Und so unternahmen viele von euch den Versuch zu lernen, wie man das Wetter so beeinflussen kann, dass ein solcher Sturm verhindert werden kann und stattdessen vielleicht ein etwas stärkerer Wind geht.
Die Zeit für diese Ausrichtung ist nun vorbei.
Die Menschheit tat, was sie tat und viele Menschen gaben ihr ganzes Herz und ihr ganzes Sein dafür, das Bewusstsein der gesamten Menschheit soweit anzuheben dass der Sturm vermieden würde- um bei diesem Bild zu bleiben.
Dies ist nicht gelungen.
Das Fenster für diese Form der Beeinflussung hat sich geschlossen und nun öffnet sich ein neues Fenster.
Der Sturm kommt.
Und nun geht es für die Menschheit darum, wie sie diesen Sturm erleben wird.

Im Dezember eures Jahres 2010 wurde der Kurs für die Erde und auch für die Menschheit gesetzt.
..., da der Übergang eurer Mutter nun sehr rasch vollzogen wird und die Lebewesen, die zutiefst mit ihr verbunden sind, folgen ihm.
....Ab diesem Moment gibt es kein „Anhalten“ oder Verändern der Form mehr. Nur der "Inhalt“ kann nun noch beeinflusst werden- also eure Reaktion auf das, was geschieht.
...astronomisch betrachtet sind die Auslöser für diese Verschiebungen und Übergänge Sonnenstürme.
... Diese Sonnenstürme werden im Laufe dieses Jahres 2011 zunehmen und gehäufter auftreten, was euch die Möglichkeit gibt, wenn ihr euch darauf ausrichtet, eure Biologie an sie zu gewöhnen. Dies geht nur über das Zentriert Sein in euren Herzräumen.

Der biologische Übergang ist das, was ihr aus den Schriften als drei Tage Dunkelheit kennt.
Der Kurs ist gesetzt und „drei Tage Dunkelheit“ wird die Form sein, die der Übergang für euch alle und eure Mutter haben wird.
Dann wird die Erde direkt mit ihrem Körper durch die letzte Schicht des Schleiers zwischen den Dimensionen gehen und mit ihr die Menschheit .
Diesen letzten Schritt, das was euch durch diesen letzten Schleier transportiert, sind wieder Sonnenstürme, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt ihren Höhepunkt erreicht haben werden.
dass der Gang ins Herz und das Ausdehnen eures Herzens das ist, was all eure Zellen und eure Biologie auf diesen Übergang vorbereitet.
Wisst, dass ihr gebraucht werdet von jenen, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch immer „schlafen“, da sie diesen Übergang
dass es nichts wichtigeres gibt als euer Herz zu werden. Nichts ist großer Angst erleben werden.
Seid euch bewusst darüber,
Alles was ihr tun könnt,
ist Liebe sein und eurem Nachbarn ein Licht.
Doch wisst auch, dass es auf eurer Welt bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt Chaos geben wird, da .. Sie stranden, wie die Wale an euren Küsten.
Dies betrifft sehr viele Menschen- also fürchtet euch nicht, wenn ihr dies beobachtet, sondern wisst, dass es Teil ist der schwierigen Phase kurz vor dem letzten Teil des Übergangs.
Und bereitet euch vor.
Lasst all eure Ausreden fahren und geht in euer Herz. Dort findet ihr alles, was ihr braucht- es wird euch sicher durch den Sturm bringen –auf die andere Seite.
Im Jahr 2011 und 2012 wird es einige Tore und Fenster geben, bei denen vereinzelt Menschen bereits ihren biologischen Übergang vollziehen werden.
Dies sind jene die ich zuvor Taktgeber genannt hatte und die in der Zeit des Übergangs
vor allem den anderen Menschen eine Hilfe sein werden indem sie sie beruhigen und an der Hand nehmen.

Energetisch sind viele von euch bereits „dort“- ... hin- und herwandern zwischen den Welten ...Ihr entscheidet, ob ihr die Liebe in der Welt vergrößert und somit euren Beitrag dazu leistet, dass dieser Übergang möglichst ruhig vor sich geht oder ob er voller Angst erlebt wird. Dies liegt allein in eurer Hand.

Bereitet euch vor. Jetzt ist die Zeit wegen der ihr alle hierher gekommen seid.
Sie wird nicht wiederkehren. Wacht auf, geht in eure Herzen und erweckt eure Göttlichkeit in euren Zentren. Und seid der Welt ein Licht.

Amra nuber assai,
Ich bin Maitreya

In Facebook I today, April, 5, 2011, discovered this excerpt from
the Seven Lessons of Love ,
chapter 2: "Accepting":

Ein Auszug aus Kapitel 2 "Annehmen/Akzeptieren" aus den Sieben Lektionen der Liebe.

...Die Antwort ist, dass nun auch alle Reste, die noch in einem schlummern, erlöst werden wollen. Alles wird transformiert. Kein Stein bleibt auf dem anderen.Und Vertrauen ist der Schlüssel-und natürlich die Liebe.

Anmerkung: Den Begriff "Münzen" verwendet Maitreya für die Muster, die wir tragen-und er benutzt diesen Begriff deswegen, weil jede Münze, jedes Muster zwei Seiten hat-die nicht voneinander zu trennen sind.

Maitreya: Ihr Lieben. Zunächst einmal: Nehmt Eure Rolle in diesem Stadium Eurer Entwicklung an. Erkennt, dass Ihr einen göttlichen Kern habt, der aber erst in Verbindung mit Allem - Was - Ist zum wahren Mitschöpfer werden kann.

Akzeptiert, dass es einen Plan gibt. Für jeden von Euch und für die Gesamtheit des Seins.

Und dieser Plan ist so allumfassend und voller Liebe, dass man es mit Worten nicht beschreiben kann. An diesem Plan habt Ihr selbst als Teile Gottes und der Göttin mitgewirkt.

Durch das Vergessen auf dieser Ebene fehlt Euch der direkte Zugang dazu und Ihr Lieben: all Eure Versuche, diesen Plan zu schauen, sind vergebens.

Es wäre die sofortige Verschmelzung mit der Urquelle allen Lebens.

Euer physischer Körper ist nicht in der Lage diese Information auf einer bewussten Ebene aufzunehmen. ...

Seid Euch bewusst, dass ALLES, was Euch widerfährt ein wohl platzierter Ton in der Symphonie der Schöpfung ist, für den es KEINEN linearen Auslöser gibt.

Ihr habt wohl Eure Konzepte von Mustern: “Weil ich dies oder jenes Muster habe, geschieht mir dies oder jenes immer wieder.”

Ihr Lieben: Wenn Ihr sehen könntet, was sich gerade vollzieht. Welche Schönheit und Liebe dabei ist, sich vor Euren Augen zu entfalten. Ihr würdet in Ehrfurcht den Atem anhalten.

Vergesst Eure Musterarbeit.

O ja. Ich weiß. Die Therapeuten unter Euch werden aufbegehren bei diesen Worten. Diejenigen, die so gut darin sind, Muster aufzudecken und zu erkennen oder zu bekämpfen.

Vergesst Eure Musterarbeit!

Eure Art mit Mustern und somit mit Energien umzugehen, ist sehr oft die Vermeidung der Annahme Eurer eigenen Göttlichkeit und somit auch die Vermeidung der Annahme der Göttlichkeit in Eurem Gegenüber.

Ihr “arbeitet” an Euch, um Zeit zu gewinnen, Ihr Lieben. “Bevor ich mich wahrhaft mit meiner eigenen Göttlichkeit auseinandersetzen kann, muss ich erst noch dieses oder jenes Muster bearbeiten, dass mich davon abhält. Bevor ich mein Gegenüber lieben kann, muss es erst noch diese oder jene Eigenschaft ablegen.”

Ihr Lieben. Eure sogenannten Muster sind einfach eine Seite der Münze. Die andere Seite ist immer eine göttliche Eigenschaft.

Das Spiel, dass Ihr solange gespielt habt, ist bald vorbei und die Liebe ist jetzt da! Ihr dürft Euch Ihr öffnen. Sie bedeutet keine Gefahr. Nur Heilung, geliebte Menschen. Und Licht auf die andere Seite der Münzen, die ihr Muster nennt.

Könnt Ihr ermessen, was das bedeutet, Ihr Lieben?

Habt Ihr schon einmal gehört: Wo viel Licht ist, ist auch viel Dunkel?

Dieser Satz ist verkehrt. Denn es heißt: Wo viel Dunkel ist, ist auch viel Licht. Erkennt die Geschenke, die in Euren Mustern liegen, denn sie sind die andere Seite Eurer Gottgegebenen Werkzeuge, Ihr Lieben.

In Ihnen liegt große Macht und der Schlüssel zur Ergreifung dieser Macht ist die Liebe.

Die zweite Lektion der Liebe, die da heißt: Annehmen.


So repräsentiert jeder von Euch in seiner ursprünglichen Essenz einen gewissen Aspekt oder Strahl Gottes und der Göttin [see my song of 1989, which says exactly this: Du bist Meer, ich nichts als Welle, Du die Sonne, ich der Strahl, eine Farbe aus Milliarden deines bunten reichen Spektrums...] und dieser Strahl bestimmt die Erfahrungen, die Ihr als Wesen sammeln könnt, um wahrhaft zu wachsen. Nach ihm richtet sich die Anzahl und die Art der Münzen, die Ihr von Anfang an seit Eurem ersten Schritt aus der Quelle, als Zeichen Eurer Herkunft bei Euch tragt.

Bevor nicht jede dieser Münzen “erlöst” ist, könnt Ihr diese Seinsebene nicht verlassen, da jede der “lichten” Seiten wie eine Eintrittskarte ist, die Euch erst den Zutritt zu höheren Seinsebenen ermöglicht.

Und so kommt es häufiger vor, dass Ihr mit einer dieser “Eintrittskarten” für kurze Zeit in Euren Meditationen eine Ausflug in höhere Ebenen des Seins unternehmt. Da Ihr aber noch nicht alle Münzen umgedreht habt, die Ihr besitzt, ist es Euch nicht möglich, dort ganz und gar zu verweilen.

Euch fehlt die “große” Eintrittskarte, die erst durch die Umpolung aller Münzen geschaffen wird.

Und deswegen Ihr Lieben: Hört den Ruf Eurer Seele, die Eure Sehnsucht wecken will.

Seid bereit für die Verbindung mit Eurem Hohen Selbst, die nur und ausschließlich durch das Öffnen Eurer Herzen bewusst vollzogen werden kann.

Die Liebe ist es, die den Weg aus der Dunkelheit Eurer “negativen” Seinsanteile hin zu Eurem wahren göttlichen Licht erleuchtet. Nur sie macht es Euch möglich, durchzuhalten und den oft steinigen Weg zu wahrer Meisterschaft zu gehen.

Sie ist die einzige Kraft, die stark genug ist, jeden - ich wiederhole - JEDEN Widerstand aus dem Weg zu räumen. Denn die Liebe verbindet, was zusammengehört und erlaubt Euch, Euch in Ihr auch in Zeiten größer Umbrüche und Turbulenzen auszuruhen und die Kraft zu tanken, die von Eurem wahren Ursprung stammt.

Aus Eurem Herzzentrum, dass das Herzzentrum Gottes und der Göttin wiederspiegelt. Und so, Ihr Lieben, erkennt, dass der Schlüssel zu Eurer Befreiung ganz nah bei Euch ist. In Euren Herzen.

Öffnet Euch der göttlichen Liebe und lasst zu, dass sie die Führung in Eurem Leben übernimmt.

aus: die sieben Lektionen der Liebe, erschienen im Smaragd Verlag

Inserts on April 5, 2011, which I want to remember: Ronnit and in puzzle piece 40: Cease Creating New Manifestations :Annemarie's advice

Arad, April 6, 2011


This is the third and last time
that I report about an extension of my experience:
remembering my sleeping-dreams,
so as to complete another "triptych".

The dreams through the night and in the morning were almost a sequence,
a sequence of harmony and wholeness, alone or with my family,
at someone's home or in Nature.
My daughter's family was still missing,
but it was clear to the rest of us,
that this family, too, would join us soon.
The last scene was about me among a few other families.
There also was much love and understanding.
But there also was a feeling of FAREWELL,
of the beginning of a new stage in my life.
About this Wednesday in Arad:
No, no! no new diary entries!
But, together with the Dreaming, I wish to state,
that this seems to be the first morning ever,
that there is not even the tiniest obligation in front of me.
The difficult tasks in "house&garden" are done. No phone-calls.

The last ones yesterday: to the clinic: the results of my examinations were good,
to the man, Roger, responsible for repairing the metal sculpture on my mother's grave,
- till Febr. 20, 2011, her deathday and the deadline for the repair, nothing happened,
I let go.
But now Meir, who had advised me to repair the cross+Star-of David, begged me to call Roger!)
All "necessary" "completions" of recent inserts on Healing-Kiss done,
all e-mails and the connected demand of studying links completed.
No need to travel anywhere or to meet anyone.
There is pure "zest-full-ness" towards following my "holy routine":
Taking care of nourishing Body, going to and fro the pool through the desert,
swinging, swimming and singing in the water,
choosing one chore at a time of putting house and garden in order (spring-time!)
Carefully choosing inputs from TV, Internet, "group-emails",
which help me a) to expand my understanding,
b) to celebrate what is right with the World
"Driving Backward with Guidance" with the help of Healing-K.i.s.s.
and go forward with utmost care to connecting or re-connecting with potential peers.


Also on April 6, 2011
More from "The System", channeled in 1983 , see above , April 5

Nr. 337, p. 85 (I suppose that if and when the time comes we might be able to interact with others in the universe through space-ships etc.- that will happen to fit within a learning experience that is right for us?)

Nr. 338, p. 85 (You said that the present time period had more learning experience opportunities and creativity outlets than any time in history. Thinking of the speed of change in the past 100 years , how far and fast can such change increase and build up before the present state of the human brain and body becomes overloaded and can no longer cope?) [this was asked in the year 1983!!!]
People limit themselves as to what they are willing to accomplish, and their belief systems have much to do with how they handle such pressures. An intelligent entity would attempt to keep up with that which he found satisfying and still accomplish. Another entity may try to keep up for the image that he could produce for somebody else. In this latter case, you will more likely have an entity who will have a nervous breakdown. In the former case, you'll find an entity who goes into an area of specialization with various side interest.
Each entity will handle things as they find comfortable. Some will not find the planet comfortable at all and will find ways of leaving it. Others will find the time period fascinating and be anxious to enter it. It's the same problem with any time period. Some like it, some will not.

Nr. 340, p. 85-86 (Every new generation of kids seems to be more hyper, more frenzied. Is there a point, where things begin to slow down, at least for a while?) [again: what would Bob Gidel ask in 2011?]
Again, people are limited by what they understand and they think. What they expect of themselves they will become. There is nothing that cannot exist that you can think of.
[This is also the consistent thesis of "John Lilly, the Center of the Cyclone", which was so helpful to me in the eighties!] That does not mean that it will exist upon the earth at the specific time you think of it, but that it can exist where you imagine that it would, given all the necessary balances in your thinking to that aspect. You are learning to become co-creators [Godchannel>heal3.com2!) If you imagine a limited God, with limited understanding and creativity, that is what you will find - but, not necessarily will it exist for others who imagine differently.
It is your understanding and your acceptance of your given situation, not the outcome of a situation that is important. You are looking to grow through under-standing of your experiences, not to create physical circumstances.
[This statement appears often in The System!]

[That was, what I was hearing myself saying to my daughter, when I found her deeply depressed while having to teach "arms" on an army-base in Sept. 1983:
"Look at your situation as just another 'training-ground'
for    l e a r n i n g    t o     l i v e    y o u r    l i f e !"

And, of course, whenever there still comes up some pain about all my many and manyfold "failures", mainly concerning "Creating Conditions of Partnership between Jews and Arabs" in the seventies and later "my Vision about Peace through Desert Hosting Economy" - I KNOW, that all my work and suffering were a training-ground for understanding HOW to fulfill my task of helping humankind towards a quantum-leap in evolution, the evolution towards self-acceptance and mastery of life, beginning with learning to move and embrace their feelings till the creating of the conditions of Heaven-on-Earth: grate-full-ness, zest-full-ness and full-fill-ment.]


Nr. 346, p. 86 (Some writers say there are more people alive now than ever before, because of the conquest of disease. Comments?
It is accurate that there are more entities alive upon the earth within this given time period and given octave than within the others. The reason being, not so much the conquest of disease, though that contributes to the availability and the extension of life time periods, but mostly because this particular time period offers much more in the way of experience than previous time periods. It is much easier to experience many things and to have them come at you more quickly, and soon after gowing through an experience, another one of a similar type may follow.
As entities start to experience and govern their own lives, a time period becomes necessary for them where they may learn far more than they are able to get from previous time periods. This is the main reason for the majority of entities at this time!

Nr. 359, p. 91 (We have all those stars out there in the heavens; of what purpose are they?)
Your question would be much better if asked; "Why are you allowed to know of their existence? Why are they visible in the night sky?"
Obviously, you are aware that there are other places, and that accordingly, their existence offers various experiences. The true reason for visibility is to make man question on whether there is something beyond himself or not. And , what it could possibly be! It is to draw man away from his own every day thinking and make him wonder what is there that he still does not know?

Nr. 360, p. 85
(Is it true, they are so far dispersed there is no possible way that these areas could interact, or entities on them could interact with us or with each other?)
All things interact. The simple fact that you have meteors upon planet Earth tells you there is an interaction. No matter how far away, their occurrence has something to do with your occurrence, and the whole works together in one balancing. Anything that happens on the other side of the universe affects something else on the opposite side. All things have an awareness of all other things, although they may not be conscious of it.
[Godchannel calls this kind of awareness: "sentience" - see in puzzle piece 50]

Nr. 378, p. 95 (How much influence does the incarnating entity have, if any, on the form and looks of the fetus?)
..... An entity is capable, if highly advance, of bringing matter to form around a thought idea, creating a body in perfect harmony. ...
The incarnating entity will then begin to shape that body to its personality. The cells are very pliable, very impressionable, and they still will adhere to the thought governing pattern that inhabits them. But, prior to the entity taking over, the body is created physically by the parental concepts. This can account for why some children look absolutely nothing like their parents while others look like them. It depends upon how close the child feels to the parent. If it strongly dislikes a particular parent, usually having known them during previous lifetime experiences, it is very unlikely they will look like that parent. Whereas, if they very closely identify with a parent they may take on some of the facial characteristics, much as they try to adopt the good qualities that parents may have. It's a learning type of situation.

May 1962:
on a hike in the mountains with my mother,
with whom I couldn't share that I was pregnant.
People claim more and more often,
that this son looks strikingly alike me.
And his second wife, my daughter-in-love,
when triggered by his superhuman laboring,
points at me as the bequeather of his genes.
But luckily "this entity" also chose traits,
which promised an easier life,
with more self-acceptance from the beginning!



"Abraham" (1999) e-mail quote on April 6, 2011

The most magnificent Creators
don't want to get together with people who think just like they do. They're looking for people who have other thoughts,
because out of the contradiction,
come ideas that could not be born out of sameness.
Your relationships will be ultimately more
if you're not identical twins
just "yessing, yessing" to everything that the other one is about.

My problem with others is not the difference of thinking
but the difference of feeling:
Are we equal or are we not?

Today I tried to update the Introduction to "Succah-in-the Desert", with minimal success... It's still too painful.
On the other hand - I enjoyed adding a little Hebrew sculpture to the Mika pages.
I again tried to study the website about interconnected human consciousness whose intention fascinates me!
My mind goes blank after a few sentences.... I express my desire, that this info may reach me by INTUITION!


Arad, April 7, 2011

More from The System
Nr. 399, p. 100
..... You see, it is not the outcome that is important. It is your understanding and your acceptance of your given situation, and your progress that's important, not truly the physical outcome. You are looking to grow, not create physical circumstances.
[That doesn't mean that I shouldn't dream about and strive for creating the physical circumstances, which I desire!]

Nr. 402, p. 95 (Do parents have guilt complexes unwarrantly because they have homosexual children?)
It is a part of their learning. In all people, in all phases of development, in all points of view, are people who are to be accepted and understood and dealt with as though they were themselves.

Nr. 412, p. 103 (Upon passing over, after the death of the body, do we automatically become aware of all of our past life experiences?)
Not always , upon passing over, do you immediately regain the knowledge that you have been, through the eons of time. Quite often, this knowledge will remain apart from you, until after you have reviewed your past life, so that you may hold firmly to the understandings that you gained within the life, and work out the problems through that particular understanding before regaining your more Godlike awareness and blending the two together. You are able to grow more fully through that process than if you were immediately all that you ever had been.

Nr. 441, p. 113 (Were WorldWar II, Korea, Viet Nam, caused by groups needing to experience something together, to gain a different point of view?)
No. They were mainly a way for the earth to change. For attitudes to change. For new things to come into existence. For old ways and attitudes to be left behind. Unfortunately, or fortunately for some, war is a great leveler.

Nr. 442, p. 113-114 (What triggers a war so the earth can change this way?)
What I'm seeing is like an ocean tide coming in, similar to the yin-yang symbol. When one aspect starts to overcome the other, and balance is lost, a tumbling and a turning, like a circle and a cycle begin, until balance is retained. It is difficult to pick out and say that when this type of situation occurs this is what's going to happen. Actually, it's a balancing and a rebalancing of ideas. The negative as opposed to the positive, on a worldly scale.
It is also stuborn attitudes, directed attitudes, self-centered attitudes. It's a crystallization rather than an expansion or flexibility, and therefore there is no harmony between them. Things are no longer fluid. Things must maintain a fluid existence or there isn't any growth. So, when things start to crystallize in the earth, there is a change.

Nr. 443, p. 114 (Does Man do this to himelf, rather than some force from outside of Man, such as the Creative Force, deciding it is time for changes to be made?)
Yes, Man does it. It's definitely the thinking patterns of the entities on the earth plane. But, you must also understand that God, the Creative Force, is within everything. Therefore, it is an experience of the Creative Force at the same time.

Nr. 445, p. 114 (Is there any summary, anywhere, of what one still has to learn, to experience, of courses still to be taken?
.... There is always much ahead. There is nothing but learning, but experiencing, whether it be in the form of learning or in the form of creating. To create is to learn. It is to understand more fully that which is put into form. That is a never ending process.
[see my song: "Leben heisst - Life means"...] ... There is no set time table, however, so you move at your own pace, set by your own free will.

Yesterday evening: baby-sitting with my landlords' kids till after midnight:
a chance to watch not only the so very moving new season of "A Star is born",
but late at night, a movie in 3SAT: "Emma's Glueck" about DYING and LOVE.
"Emma's Bliss: A love-fairy-tale that simply makes happy"

[she knows how to kill without causing pain and to kill to stop the pain]

Of course, I couldn't fall asleep. I put on the light again and again,
re-reading "The System" about reincarnating and lives-in-between.

If I would be diagnosed with cancer, would I still be joyous as in the past?
Yes, I would! ~~ But why?~~ With a life as wondrous and whole as mine?
There is a deep yearning for what and for whom is "on the other side".
But I promised Body, not to leave it behind this time. I'll NOT "pass over".
'This is not bad either', I heard Feeling saying:
'Soon it will make no difference, if 'here' or 'there'! You will enjoy both.'

"As you embody the highest vision of Spirit
and the deepest knowing of Will,
they come together in manifestation
as they were once together
in the unmanifest solitary whole being,

Original Heart.

And in you, the human ~
they unite in what Original Spirit and I have called
New Heart.

Further, because you are not alone in Body,
the deepest desire of Original Heart can be realized ~
for others like you to also be present with you
as universe creator peers."
[Read this quote in "Body is God"]

This morning I'm pondering, if my present life, my holy al-one-ness
is actually a break between lives! without the need to discard Body!
 For how can I understand this so fervent, so ardent need and desire,
   to evade all commitments  (~ except my travels to Mika and Efrat ~),
 to dread all interactions, be it face-to-face or by phone or by E-mail,
if not as a need to rest from the exhaustion of too much living???

Nr. 449, p. 115 (No one can do anything to us. We do it to ourselves. Right?)
Correct. There are circumstances that come into play. However, you choose the way that you will handle those circumstances.

Nr. 491, p. 126 (How can a small group, in balance, make a big impact....)
You speak to us of group and positive force, but any group is made up of ndividual cnstituents, each one having their own personal problems which they bring to the group. ... It is made up of the intentions of the peole within it, complete with their balances and imbalances. It is only as effective as the people within it, and that which they bring into it. And, the length of time in which they keep their imbalances out of it. Often in a group, you see only part of a persn because their problems lie in another area. But over a period of time, as people become more used to one another, they interact more on an individual basis than on the original group, and bring problems into the group that formerly it did not have. This can result in problems within the group that were not originally there, and the deterioration of the effectiveness of any group situation. This is how groups are formed, and how grops pass with time.

Nr. 493, p. 127(You once told us there may be up to 100 consequences or effects from an action or a cause. ....)
Consequences will ahve to do with each individual persons need to lern. A teacher can read a story of Little Red Riding Hood to a group of children. One child may understand from it that red is a very special color, tht everythng tht is red is pretty. Anothr child could learn from it that all wolves have big teeth and eat people. Another child could learn that a hunter should always carry a gun, so as to shoot wolves. Every person will learn from the circumstance what their understanding allows them to gain. ...

Nr. 494, p. 127(Does that concept also apply to the Bible...?)
Any of these stories will apply according to how your thinkng is at the time. As you are capable of understanding more, you will see more within a story.
To grow is not easy. To grow is to give up attitudes, as fast as you form them.

Nr. 495, p. 127(How do the 10 Commandments of the Bible tie in with experiencing from every point of view? ...)
Obviously, there is contrast. The 10 Commandments are an attempt to give man something to balance with. All tht is must be experienced in order to understand. But, in order to accomplish, and to direct your individual will so that it might accomplish things, a balance is necessary. By laying down a set of rules, mankind is brought into a group that is attempting to balance.

With any group energy, you run a much bettr chance of maintaining a balance than you do with one person out of an entire group attempting to maintain a balance. Therefore, the 10 Commandments are an attempt to bring the whole of mankind into a balance, where they can start to accomplish a goal which they have in common, which is to become co-creators with the Source. Without this as a focal oint, they would most likely run around in circles, never resting in an area with a sense of security as to its correctness. They are simply guide posts, as are other laws that have been handed down from other religious groupings, guide posts.

Nr. 496, p. 127-128(...We were told that people come into your life for a reason, you may gain one or two things and they pass on. That you have gained from it what you need, or it would not pass from you. Do things pass from us when their purpose is served, or must we let go of something on our own decision?.)
Things in this area are intricately tied. It will be difficult to assist you in seeing the differences. Situations of which you no longer have a need pass from you so that new things can be offered to grow from. Often, one of the lessons we have to learn, is that there is something which we truly no longer need.

For the most part, the things that we save, are fears that the future will not hold for us anything nearly as valuable as the memories to which we grab on tightly. And, therefore, although things may be in the process of leaving, decisions that they are not necessary are often important. And , from this point, you'll learn to decide what helps you function and what does not.

It is not that they are of absolutely no use. one must learn to give up and make room for the things that are advantageous to him. However, there are other circumstances where things are not of value, and these things may often be taken frm you very quickly, and you may never notice that they are being taken until they are gone. In which case, you simply say, "Ooh, wonder where they went? Oh well," And, then, there are other things that you hold tightly to, that are torn frm you with your grasp still firmly around them not wishing to give them up. But, because you are holding on to something which is unseless. which has no growth within it, it es being taken from you to offer you the opportunity to see your own folly in grasping on to something from which you gain no value.
No 553, p. 147 (How does consciousness vary as it connects with all living things?)
Consciousness changes with every natural kingdom.
The atomic-molecular or mineral kingdom
has an awareness, [see>.awareness!] but the awareness is that a form has to be maintained. It is a readiness to adhere to the organizing energy pattern. It is a kingdom awareness rather than an individual awareness.
When a molecule or an atom seems not to follow the rest of the adhering molecules or atoms, it is because there is another thought structure in the near vicinity, and it is a pivot point between indecision as to where it actually should go. But, the awareness is one that is felt by the entire kingdom not a thinking of the individual particle. It is just a following of its tape. But the tape is not always certain exactly where it belongs at all, at a precise moment. Research in physics, with sub-atomic particles and with quantum theory, is right now learning of this property or characteristic.

The plant kingdom has a more complicated awareness.
The only desire of a plant is to   e x t e n d .
This is why you must constantly cut grass. The plants wish to extend in as many ways, directions, heights as possible. Other than this, there is no awareness of the emotions or of family. It is just a self awareness limited to the desire to extend. The awareness is constantly regenerated through seeds, or other reproductive methods, but in each such case is a slightly different awareness from the plant that existed before. It is still however, one large group, not an individual thinking. It is just starting to put out projections of itself, as a part of a group spirit. It is not an individual awareness.

The animal kingdom members are individual and separate from the group, but upon death the individual essence is reabsorbed into the group spirit. Animals, because of their   m o b i l i t y , have a much more individual separateness than is seen in the plant or atomic-molecular kingdoms. Animal species have self awareness. They know that they exist, but they have little thought as to why, or what next. They do not plan for the future or act according to rules and regulations other than be being trained, either by the previous creatures of the species, and by instinctual memory tapes, or by the influence of a more predominant species. There is not the thinking process, although there is a self awareness.

No 561, p.150 ( I didn't realize there were so many parts of an entity I could talk to or communicate with?)
It's not so much that you are talking to it, as it is that you are getting information frm it. You are an accumulation of much more than you know. There are certain limitations that are placed on entities when they enter earth life. This is necessary in order that they learn the things they've come to earth to learn. If everything else was allowed to flow in, it would create a problem with the necessary learning.

No.562, p. 150 ...
The type of info obtained from the higher self is info that you have accumulated in past lifetimes, but have screened out before coming to earth this time. But, proper direction, with proper attitudes, can set up a link with that info allowing, depending upon what part of it you've tapped into, part to flow in to assist you at this point in time. Regression, meditation and trance can tune into these areas. But, there are restrictions imposed by guides, and from the physical vibration that you must maintain to stay on earth plane. This is an automatic screening process.

You are only permitted to tap in to that in that can be of assistance to you. You have no need of any other. The guides will block out info which might affect a learning situation you still have ahead of you.

It's not that you do not have the info you have accumulated in the Universal Mind belonging to you. But, it's that you have made a choice upon entering into the physical world, and had an understanding that that was not necessary, except for certain limited portions you may be given access to as you grow during earth life.

No. 563, p. 150 (Is the concept of oneness of all living things tied to the universal mind, or to consciousness?)
Oneness is related to several concepts in metaphysics. The first concept is that there is only one Universal Creative Force, or Cosmic Consciousness, in the universe, and that Souce created everything that is. Therefore, each individualized manifestation is a part of that same Source, each is part of the other, is one with the other and what each does affects the others, and affects the Source. A second concept is, that each entity manifests in different genetic or family lives each time it is reincarnated, in order to obtain the many diverse learning experiences necessary to perfect its physical potential. As we each reincarnate into different families, in different races, we become more and more related and eventually a part of all genetic lives in our sub-conscious memory and mind. Coincidence, intution and synchronicity, as Carl Jung would say, help support the concept ....
[end of my guarded paper pages]


Both: Driving Backward and Celebrating what is right with the World

Miri Yemini:
Director, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center at Shamoon College of Engineering

"promoting an environment that fosters
creativity, innovation, collaboration, and entrepreneurship.
Another pioneer in Empowering People, who manifests, what I dreamt about since the age of 16,
and worked for since the age of 34, after having completed my Ph.D., hoping the title would help me,
leaving it aside, when things got so bad between Israel and the Palestinians in Oct. 1974,
that I felt, I owed it to my children to first "create the Conditions of Partnership",
but in personal encounters I kept and keep working for what is also Miri Yemini's aim:
interviews: in the Economist, Oct.2008
To my regret the interview No. 600 (!) on April 6, 2011 in "Osim Seder" does not include the interview with Miri Yemini


Also on April 7, 2011

I cried my heart out from the first sentence of the apology,
which these two men uttered on a youtube video

See also "Spirit's" apology towards "The Mother"!
Put "Apology" in Godchannel's Search!

A group-email from Jean Hudon, which this time, April 7, 2011, contained only one "issue":
"Long overdue apologies and commitment ... Extraordinarily moving!"

Dear Woman (March 22, 2011)
"Gay Hendricks, Arjuna Ardagh
and a group of Conscious Men from around the world
offer apologies to women for thousands of years
of imbalance between masculine and feminine energy,

as well as 
vision    of a new era of co-creation.
More through the website: "Concious Men"

This site is a place for men
who are committed to growing more conscious in every way,
and for the women who love and support them.
Here you can read our Manifesto for Conscious Men,
watch the video Dear Woman
and connect with others around a variety of topics.
We worship women here, so if you're a woman,
we welcome you to join these lively discussions.

We're going to be filming a series of live video interviews
with some of the most extraordinary men alive on the planet,
on the leading edge of the evolutionary expression of a new masculinity.
If f you'd like a personal invitation to participate in these live video events,
or if you'd like to be kept posted of our activities as they unfold,
please register your name

..we'll be announcing many other activities for men and women
to participate in the unfolding of the new man.
We welcome your inspired participation
in co-creating a new world of gender harmony and creativity.

Also on April 7, 2011:
Poems, which were sent to me in 2009, by two old friends, who wanted to re-connect with me,
but I "managed" to trigger them rightaway and they backed off.

M.L.Kaschnitz (von Anke)

Manchmal stehen wir auf

Stehen wir zur Auferstehung auf
Mit unserem lebendigen Haar
Mit unserer atmenden Haut.

Nur das Gewohnte ist um uns.
Keine Fata Morgana von Palmen
Mit weidenden Loewen
und sanften Woelfen.

Die Weckuhen hoeren nicht auf zu ticken
Ihre Leuchtzeiger loeschen nicht aus.

Und dennoch leicht
Und dennoch unverwandbar
Geordnet in geheimnisvoller Ordnung
Vorweggenommen in ein Haus aus Licht.


Auf dem Steg

Es kommt ein Wind auf
In dem Engel spielen: sag
wohin treibt mein halbverjährtes Boot?

Die schwarzen Bohlen
sind umkränzt von Wasserschlangen: Spiel
das mit alten Schrecken droht.

Ach laß mir dies:
inmitten sein und fühlen
einfach nur nah
bei Blume Stein und Wind
und mich dem Unsichtbaren anvertrauen
und irdisch sein
und jeder Welle Kind.


Fahrendes Volk

Zwischen den Orten
doch endlich
zu Hause in dieser Welt.
Fahrendes Volk.

Einsinken in die Lebendigkeit
ohne die Tiefe zu messen
wie in den See
der mich gestern umgab -
ein anderes Leben.

Als wäre es hier das nie
gefundene Paradies.

"However unjustified my feelings are
I feel them vicariously for all."
I sing my double slogan

"My presence heals in ways
which my mind's responsibility might miss!"

See another insert today concerning the healing of the waters in Japan
I finally understood, where to insert the symbolic image of me and the Iranian Semiramis of 1978
I inserted samples of Ayelet's "Book"...... in Finetuning
and very moving, very relevant letters of Rilke written during WorldWar I

April 8-9, 2011: with Mika and Efrat at Shoham. See two great scenes and listen to Mika's amazing "Song to God"
and a talk about "Joy" with Starchildren Gal and Boris


"Abraham" e-mail quote on April 12, 2011

When you focus upon lack in an attitude of complaining,
you establish a vibrational point of attraction
that then gives you access only to more thoughts of complaint.
Your deliberate effort to tell a new story
will establish a new pattern of thought,
providing you with a new point of attraction from your present,
about your past, and into your future.
The simple effort of looking for positive aspects
will set a new vibrational tone
that will begin the immediate attraction
of thoughts, people, circumstances,
and things that are pleasing to you.

At the end of this page I allow myself to verbally move my anger about "Spiritual Leaders".

The "spiritual" messages about "The Great Shift" are now condensed in a 12 week "Advanced Course"
"for the Agents of Conscious Evolution" (ACE), by the "futurist" Barbara Marx-Hubbard, born 1930!!
I align with the concept of 'Conscious Co-Creation, fully activating our Roles in Birthing New Reality.'

But I'm forever triggered by the "American Way of Making Business" even with such vital messages;
The teaching is given away for money, and never do "those Americans" think of the rest of the world.

They talk only one language, and it's self-understood, that everyone has to succumb to their language.

They throw around "praises" and "recommendations" like "celebrated evolutionary leader" Barbara ,
and the course will, of course be, "the evolutionary adventure of a life-time", "powerful" "profound".
"Conscious Evolution enables us, if we take responsibility for it, to use our creative power to guide our own lives and the evolution of the systems and the communities in which we live and work. It is a process by which individuals and groups, families, organizations, and societies
can envision and create images of what should be,
and bring those images to life by design.

"Conscious Evolution is at the core a spiritually-motivated endeavor. Its precepts reside at the heart of every great faith, affirming that humans have the potential of being co-creators with Spirit, with the deeper patterns of nature and universal design.

"The promise of Conscious Evolution is nothing less than the emergence of a universal humanity capable of guiding its own evolution into a future of unimaginable co-creativity."

But to be fair, I'll once again enjoy to quote "Veronica's Whispers":
A New Message From VERONICA (on April 12, 2011)

World Energy

"We have shared before the importance of a good ebb and flow of energy in the linear reality.
In this time frame of great transition to a higher level,
it is important to maintain the consistency of a positive ebb and flow.

Much misalignment may occur
when one becomes engaged in any way with the current negative energy that is being eliminated.
It is very easy in your culture to participate with all the negativity even while not being in close physical proximity.

We realize all of you are interested in what is called the news of the day.
However, the engagement of its energy improperly will only beg it to linger.

The advice ... to permanently eliminate such dramas eternally.
Consider keeping your own energy removed from these dramas as they dissipate.
Refusing to enable the energy reinforces what is needed~~~ complete elimination.

We encourage all those in physical not to become distracted.
The direct focus of your energy is imperative to the "clean up".

Imagine if you will - a very dirty room that must be cleaned.
The first several passes to eliminate the dirt always reveals the job to be much more difficult than thought.
It is always important to focus upon the end result~~~ a clean room.
Focusing on the dirt distracts one from the goal and can offer feelings of depression.

It is of a similar vein in your current surroundings.
Remain clear about the end result.

Stay focused, rise above the fray.
Keep your energy aligned until the new level is reached."



Continuation of my present thread of Nourishment, Finetuning and Closeups