The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.i.s.s.
as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential PEERS
to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - as holograms - all of Creation!
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"


See below: October 10-31, 2010
Continuation of "Learning and Living 2"
Closeups to my Past, Finetuning to my Present, Nourishment for my Living -
- which enhance and enrich my experience of "Mika's Heaven on Earth"


Click! and click again to stop! And if you want to do yourself a favor, join in! Sing!
May my throat's overtone singing today - unite all my denied parts and lost fragments with me - today!

{3 - 2005_04_20}
"Learning to feel better requires that you become better at feeling"



Meeting the Needs of the Emotional Body


"Once you have identified the various vibrations of your emotional body
you will be able to learn how to allow the expression of those vibrations.
The intent of this exercise is
to learn the healthy, natural expression of each emotion.
Approach this exercise
when you are able to clearly distinguish the different signature vibrations of your emotions.

Whereas 'allowance' was required for the first exercise,
the most difficult aspect of this exercise is 'listening'.
Set your intentions to listen to your emotions speak.
The purpose of this exercise is
to have your emotions tell you
what they need for unconditional expression.

Unconditional expression is necessary for a healthy emotional body.

All emotions need to express.
Dis-ease in Body results
when emotions are refused their natural expression.
As each emotion has a signature vibration,
so does each emotion have a signature expression.

In the absence of full unconditional expression [there is?] is distortion.
And distorted emotional expression interferes with the expression of Body.
Body then manifests physical discord and imbalance.
When Will is denied healthy, unconditional expression
Body then becomes the vehicle for the expression of Will.
Obviously this could not be a healthy expression
because it has become the expression of an unhealthy Will.
The expression of an unhealthy Will through Body is called Dis-ease
and symptoms are the language used by the emotions.
Repressing the natural expression of emotion creates dis-ease.


Start with an emotion you would most enjoy communicating with.
We'll use Joy as an example.
Invite Joy into dialogue with you.
Drawing from your experience with Joy in the previous exercise,
feel Joy commune with you.
See the colour of Joy,
feel the vibration of Joy,
hear the sounds of Joy,
locate Joy's resonance in your body.
Clearly identify the signature vibration of Joy.

When you are satisfied you are communing with Joy and Joy alone,
ask Joy:
"What do you need for optimum healthy expression in our life?"

Allow Joy to respond.
You may hear a voice
or you may feel it in your body.
Perhaps Joy needs to sing.
Perhaps Joy needs to dance.
What ever Joy's expression is
allow it to be without judgment.
If you judge Joy's choice of expression
you are denying Joy
and those denials and judgments are pushed down into Body
where they manifest as disease.

Explore the full spectrum of your emotional body.
Pace yourself.
You do not need to dialogue with all your emotions in one day.
Take notes.
Perhaps you could write a "dictionary" of emotional behaviour to serve as a reference.
between emotions you are comfortable with
and emotions you are uncomfortable with.
Invite in Anger, for example.
Allow Anger to tell you
what It needs to express Itself.
Notice how Anger's movement is more aggressive
than the gentleness of Joy.
This does not mean that Anger is "bad".
That is a judgment.
The energy of Anger is direct and concentrated,
like a lightening strike.
The energy of Joy is subtle
like a whispy summer breeze.
Neither is good. Neither is bad.
They simply are what they are
and to label them is judgment.
Judgment, as we know, distorts their natural expression.

The next step would be practical application.
Practice expressing each emotion as they have instructed you.
Some parameters for the expression of emotion may need to be established first.
For example, Joy may want to sing and dance naked.
Unfortunately, in "modern" society dancing naked in the street will get you arrested!
Choose an appropriate environment for the full natural expression of your emotions.
Anger may need something to strike in order to accommodate Its movement.
Choose a safe environment for the movement of Anger
where no one can get hurt including Self and personal property.

In a pace that is suited to you
explore the expressions of all your emotions
until you are comfortable in your new relationship with your Will.
This is the process of Self mastery and takes time.
In a perfect world emotions are expressed spontaneously
without judgment, guilt or projection.

In such a world there is no disease
because Body is expressing It's true nature
and not a dysfunctional Will."

October 10-31, 2010 Continuation of "Learning and Living 2"
Closeups to my Past, Finetuning to my Present, Nourishment for my Living -
- which enhance and enrich my experience of "Mika's Heaven on Earth"

A photo from Immanuel's archive, which appeared on the screen in the tiny slideshow.
2002_08_08 , Alon, my grandson, on his 11th birthday, with Abba in USA
Now, October 2010, Alon is in the Navy of Israel, stationed at Ashdod,
guarding the shores of Israel till Gaza....

This photo, too, appeared on the screen in the morning,- also from my son's archive
May 2008 - Mika and Grandma
- see her at present: October 31, 2010

Efrat came across an envelope with accidental old photos:
I, probably with Tomer before his circumcision in November 1994, Tel-Aviv.
see the library "My Wrestling with Tomer", 2002-2003

Also from Efrat's envelope of old photos: [date? occasion?]
A beautiful scene with my granddaughters, the cousins Rotem and Elah

Excerpts from
"Birthing The Heart and Mind of God" from World Puja
... you, as a part of all of humanity,
were ready to be stepped up into a higher frequency,
enabling you to become your full activated Divine Free Sovereign Self.

…. On the 10-10-10, if you were paying close attention you would know
you were each held in the lap of God, in the center of the Now, with love.
You were set up to claim, enjoy, and accomplish
the very life you came to this planet to live.

That which has pinned your wings and caged your soul for lifetimes,
has been cast off of you.
Now you are asked to consciously step out of the cage and claim your freedom. …. You are free. Now you must take the initiative to fly.

… No more long suffering processes. No more lessons have to be learned.
The classroom of Mother Earth has been dismantled.

Our New Earth is not a classroom.
It is a playground for those of Higher Consciousness.
It is a place to live in your best interest and joy.

Yes, your life is about your best interest and your joy,
not just making it right for everyone else.

Honoring your best interest and living in joy
will inflame your Higher Consciousness,
(your energy imprint on this Earth,)
and will be in everyone else's best interest and joy,
including the New Earth.

Your Higher Consciousness has now been fully activated
to always co-create with you.
Think of it as your constant companion and partner.
Build a relationship with it and learn how to work with it.
Check in with it daily, as all partners do,
before you make a decision about anything.
Work together.
This is a partnership that has been made in Heaven for you,
while you live on Earth.

….. Now you are asked to take your memories of Oneness
and bring them into an active state in the Now.

I And The God I Am Are One
I And My Brothers And Sisters Are One
I And All Of Life Above Me, Below Me, and Around Me Are One
Everywhere I Look There I Am, As One
I AM I Am I Am

You will also begin noticing
that the activations have begun interrupting your projections into the future. During the 10-10-10 activations,
every one of you that was present to the energies,
were centered in the moment of now,

….Due to the activations,
your ability to naturally be in present moment consciousness
is going to become easier,
if you will consciously choose to become receptive, relaxed
and in rapport only with what is, right now.

There is something quite magical that occurs
when you live in the present moment.
Rather than revealing the magic to you,
do it for yourself and watch what happens.
Remember the activation was already put into place for you
to do it with much greater ease.

As a sidebar, if you will let yourself live inside the present moment,
you will notice yourself having numerous lifetimes
inside the one you are having.
  [See a newly discovered one]
Soon you will be able to shape those lifetimes
just the way you prefer it!
Now that's high magic!
[This reminds me of Godchannel's First Interview with God:
There is no predetermination,
there is only post determination,
and it is free will that chooses
how the past will have been

…. The 10-10-10 was not just another day to have a celebration;
it was a marked day, rich in its potential for every human being.
Each, without exception, was turned in the proper direction to head Home.

Oct. 31, 2010
Jean Hudon , Excerpts from his regular e-mail compilations,
archived in Earth Rainbow Network


. "As for the caterpillar metamorphosing into a butterfly,
every cell in our body is undergoing a dimensional shift
from a carbon-based to a crystalline-based frequency.
And the more embodied souls manage
to consciously hold this higher frequency as they walk this Earth,
the easier others will pick this metamorphic Field of Radiance
and become themselves active Agents of Change,
thus influencing and transforming the entire spiritual fabric of humanity,
just as leaven does in a baking piece of bread."

ASCENSION - What is Ascension
[I'm quoting from this chapter only
in order to show the multiplication of such "light-messages".

The "Will", the magnetic feminine energy, FEELING - is still left out.

Ascension is basically a change in frequency
and a change in Focus of Consciousness.
Your physical body, emotions, thoughts and spirit are all made of energy, blended in ways that make you unique in all the Universe.
Because the energy you are has frequency, you can change it.

As you raise the rate of the lowest frequency energy in your physical body,
it becomes less dense and incorporates energy of ever higher frequency.
As it does, you will see things and think things that were not possible before.
You will become a fifth dimensional being, operating on the fifth dimension, working with other fifth dimensional beings.

The low frequency stuff of fear and limitation will fall away
and you will live in a state of what you would today call ecstasy,
at one with your spirit and with the spirit of everyone else.

Ascension Guidelines
Taking care of your light body through meditation and alignment.
Cleanse Yourself of Energy you no longer need.
You must choose a Path. Stay in CHAOS or Ascend~
Either way you will have to navigate your way.
All will flow as it should be.
You already hold what you need.
Align with the light frequencies.
All it requires is PRESENCE.
Make the commitment.
Do not doubt yourself.
Meditation is alignment and balance.
Align with your core Being.
Breathe in freedom.
Release the challenges.
Ground your energy in your heart chakra.
Unconditional Love is the greatest Light in the Universe.
Being receptive to Light brings spiritual growth beyond 3rd dimensional limitations.
Do not follow dogma when your instinct tells you.
It is not based in Godliness.
The time of the shift has begun~ no One is excluded.
As a self-aware spark in density, you can choose to align yourself.
Choose how you will ascend.
The seven portals of light-body activation are completed.
Release yourself from core habitual patterns of pain.
Make the decision to be rooted in Truth.
How you shift is your own choice.
Do not be confused in these times of Chaos,
as the shift of Earth intensifies around You.

What Happens To Us Physically During Ascension?
(Part One) Most enlightening.
[Yes, most enlightening!]
"What happens to our bodies physically during Ascension?"
and "Do we stay physical, disappear or evaporate?"
were asked of MagentaPixie's collective source.
[Evolution is not random, but comes in loops, and we are at the core of a loop]

[Part Two -only the last part about the present children is important to me)]

Ascension is for everyone
This is a message from Archangel Raphael
about ascension and awakening of the people.

Links to 75 articles on Ascension
offering many different sources offering many different perspectives



Encounters with my Starchildren in October 2010
Lior Oren now studies Film in Jerusalem ,and since she lives between my mother's eternal grave and my German family's one-night youth-hostel,
I could sleep at her place and meet with her - on Friday,   O c t o b e r   1 5 , 2010,   at Mishkenot Sha'ananim opposite the Old city of Jerusalem

After I had visited not only my mother's grave,
but all the graves and tombstones on the Templer Graveyard opposite Rachel Immenu Street,
I got a call from Lior and we fixed at Montefiori's Windmill above "Mishkenot Sha'ananim",
the symbol of those incredibly brave, out-of-the box thinking and acting, Jews around 1870,
who left the safety of the walled city at the same time as the Templers left the safety of Schwaben,
the area in Germany, where I was born and grew up.....

And this is what we saw - while talking intensely about "things" that "bothered" us in our lives:


3 days later my virtual encounter with Tzippi , her inner life painted by a friend on the walls of her room in her house in our street at ARad

See an enlarged picture
of what I found painted on the wall
above my head,
when I slept in Starchild Tzippi's bed,
during the two nights,
in which I gave my own flat
to my German family.

I made you swear,
daughters of Jerusalem-
if you wake up,
if you awaken
the Love
till it desires!

See some more pictures to this song,
put into tune by me in 1986

A poetic comment
(source not mentioned)
to the name of Tzippi,
which is a shortcut of Tzipporah, = bird,

also the name of Moses' Midianite (Bedouine) wife.

"In the soul,
in its center,
there is standing
on one leg
a bird
a bird whose name is
bird of the soul
She feels everything
that we feel."


On Tzippi's desk I found a scroll
written to an undated birthday
of Tzippi
by Starchild Dina:


"it seems, that for ever
will persecute me
and not let me go
- the picture of people,
of humans,
as they pass from life
in the split of a second,
into the Nothing.

"Many times respect arises towards the feelings of Man,
towards this miracle of Life.

"I sense and live and know how much I yearn
for the coming days,
I want to live in this world, to absorb into myself everything,
to breathe in,
how beautiful
everything can be,
is there something holier than human life?"

Kobi Rabinowitz from
"6 sons"
Sinai Desert,
Six Day war,

Dina addresses Tzippi:
I appreciate
"this miralce of YOUR life"
in order to understand
"Good Luck",
scream, dream,
love, feel,
breathe, ? ,
dance, express,
(my word: te-va'abe'ee),
cry, laugh,
evolve, learn

Loves you fully-fully
and sinks into memories
of Days passed
(nucleus Dror , ?)

Dina and Tzippi,
like Meshi and Boris,
were together in the
of "No'ar Oved"
and in a group
called "Dror"
i.e. Freedom.

"The one whom my soul loves - have you seen him?"

While Boris came to see me and listen to a distress of mine,
but - to the question: 'did you see my e-mail congratulation?'
asked back: "Did you expect an answer?"
Tzippi - a week later - sent me a SMS:

October 15, 2010

My brother-peer,
Ya'acov Hayat
has a new
very realistic,
very relevant

to empower
so-called old people,
who are past career and parenthood,

so they can live with joy
and so the younger generations
can benefit
from their knowledge
and experience.

Delegate it to the manager.
You have this really good staff
that will take care of everything for you.
You just have to delegate it --
and trust it.

/Hicks (2000) e-mail quote
on 2010_10_25

see more of Abraham in "Learning to Want"]



By chance
I came across a clipping
dated 7/12/2001,
from a local newspaper
of Modi'in,
the town,
in which I began to live in an ordinary flat
mostly paid by my children,
on June 12, 2001.
Already in August
Ya'acov with his family
moved to Modi'in as well,
since Ya'acov succeeded
in becoming employed
as a tutor and teacher
in the Democratic School,
in which my daughter's four children
and in which now also Ya'acov's twins,
the same age of Rotem
would study.

By chance appears the word
Rosh = Head,
on top of Ya'acov's wheelchair image

While it is obvious that a good-feeling body
makes for a more pleasant physical experience,
...finding pleasant things to focus upon
also makes for a good-feeling body.
However, most humans ...want the condition to improve
so that their emotional state can improve.
Any illness, or departure from physical well-being,
begins at a cellular level—
but the overwhelming propensity of your cells is that of thriving.
All day, every day,
your cells are reclaiming balance at such refined and subtle levels
that most people are completely unaware
of the power and intelligence of their cellular bodies.
Focusing upon good-feeling objects of attention
is the most effective way of providing the optimum environment
for allowing unhindered cellular communication
and the ultimate thriving of your physical body.

[This is 3 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from Abraham's new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide available on Nov. 15, 2010.]

Julia/Matreya : Lektionen der Liebe
Der Durchbruch der Menschheit
Aufstiegshilfe am 10.10.2010-Persönliche Erfahrungen

Und somit sind Teile von uns an der Erschaffung der Zeitgitter beteiligt gewesen.
Und an der Konstellation der Planeten an jenen prägnanten Daten-
die eine tiefe numerologische Bedeutung haben-
da die Zahlen selbst eine bestimmte Energiequalität im Universum darstellen, die lebendig ist und durchdrungen vom Geist der Einheit.

Wir habe dies so gewählt, damit wir sie nicht verpassen- damit wir uns erinnern,
wenn sie auftauchen und sie sind keinesfalls „zufällig“ gelegt.
Alles hat Ebenen der Entsprechung.
Eine bestimmte Zahlenkombination entspricht einer bestimmten Planetenkonstellation, entspricht einer bestimmten Bewusstseinsebene
ist verbunden mit verschiedenen magnetischen Bedingungen,
ist verbunden mit bestimmten Engelenergien ,
ist verbunden mit der Entstehung von Kornkreisen, ist verbunden mit.....

Es ist allerdings ebenso wahr, dass man diese Dinge nicht wissen muss.
Dass es „ausreicht“ ins Herz zu gehen und es auszudehne
und dort seine eigene Wahrheit zu finden.
Ausreicht habe ich deswegen in Anführungszeichen gesetzt,
weil dies tatsächlich für die Mehrzahl der Menschen der schwerste Teil ist.
Und der Schritt, vor dem sie sich drücken, bis sie keine andere Wahl mehr haben. Denn die Angst davor, wirklich ins Herz zu gehen- sitzt tief.
Sie ist verbunden mit all den Urverletzungen, die wir als Wesen in uns tragen ...
...-es kann sehr hilfreich sein über Portale bescheid zu wissen.
Ist das ein Widerspruch? Nein. Keinesfalls.
Denn solange man nicht ins Herz geht-
hat alles andere überhaupt keine Relevanz oder Bedeutung. ...
Das Herz zu werden bedeutet nicht, das Denken aufzuhören. Im Gegenteil.
Aber das Herz transformiert das Gehirn. Es ist nicht anders herum.
Ein linearer Verstand kann nicht „lernen“ multidimensional zu werden....

Wir stehen als Menschheit kurz vor dem „großen Durchbruch“.
Viele Menschen haben diesen Durchbruch für sich bereits erlebt-......

Das , was wir zuvor lebten. Das war die Anomalie. Das Getrennt –Sein.
... Wir sind nun alle Teil eines gemeinsamen Herzens. Dem Herz der Menschheit.
Der Aufstieg der Menschheit
wird also die Ausdehnung diesen gemeinsame Herzens sein.
Dies geschieht nicht von selbst,
sondern über die Ausdehnung der Herzen der einzelnen Menschen,
die Teil dieses Herzens sind.

Ich habe mich entschieden, hierfür etwas aus meinem Leben zu erzählen- meinen eigenen Aufstieg, den ich im Frühjahr diesen Jahres erlebte- und wie das vor sich ging.
... dass sich das Herz ausdehnt
und das Herz beginnt, sich umzubauen und zu dem Kristall zu werden,
das es ursprünglich ist-so weit es sich ausdehnen kann zu diesem Zeitpunkt.
Innerer Aufstieg bedeutet,
dass man mit seinem Körper dennoch auf der Ebene der 3. Dimension lebt.

Der äußere Aufstieg, der dem inneren folgt
ist eigentlich „nur noch“ die Reaktion des Körpers auf die innere Wandlung.
Der Körper zieht nach. Und zwar dann,
wenn die „äußeren Zeit-und Energie „umstände“ dafür passend sind.
Dies war auf der Erde nur für einen sehr kurzen Zeitraum möglich.
Für den Zeitraum in dem die Erde selbst bereits aufgestiegen war
und somit das Bewusstsein der Erde höher dimensional wurde-
und wir uns als Menschen noch nicht gemeinsam in ein Boot begeben hatten
Der ungefähre Zeitraum, in dem dieser körperliche Aufstieg möglich war
und auch von einigen Menschen vollzogen wurde,
war zwischen Februar und August diesen Jahres.
Bei mir geschah dies mitten in der Nacht
und ich erlebte es als ein eher traumatisches Erlebnis,
weil ich nicht wusste, was vor sich ging.

Mein Bewusstsein war plötzlich sehr viel weiter , als zuvor. ..
Das Licht war anders. Die Luft roch anders-die Pflanzen strahlten anders-
die Kommunikation mit dem Leben um mich herum-war vollkommen anders.
Ich begann viele Dinge einfach zu wissen-und experimentierte damit.
Alles war plötzlich leicht und frei-
mit Maitreya über Dinge zu sprechen war wie eine Rückprache halten über Antworten, die ich zuvor schon in mir „gefunden“ hatte-
im selben Moment, wo eine Frage aufkam.
Ich verstand ihn plötzlich auf einer tieferen Ebene.
Was aber ebenso plötzlich fast unmöglich wurde
war die zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation.
Da meine Wahrnehmung multidimensional wurde
-das heißt, wenn ich eine Sache betrachtete,
sah ich gleichzeitig mehrere Ebenen der Bedeutung-ich erfasste sie gleichzeitig-
war es teilweise unmöglich für mich, das in lineare Sprache zu fassen.
Wenn jemand mit einer Frage kam zu seinem Seelenweg-
dann war auch das Sehen auf diese Dinge verändert.
Auch die Reise der Seelen-konnte ich mutlidimensional sehen-
es wurde zunehmend schwierig, das für die Kommunikation wieder zu begrenzen-
so dass es verständlich und nachvollziehbar werden kann
für jemanden, der in linearen Strukturen denkt,.
Mir dämmerte, was für eine Meisterleistung für die Meister und Engel
das Channeln mit uns über die Jahre gewesen sein muss-
die Übermittlung von höherdimensionalen Zusammenhängen in Linearität.
In Gesprächen unternahm ich öfter fast verzweifelt den Versuch,
alles gleichzeitig auszudrücken- und verwirrte mein Gegenüber damit teilweise sehr.

Also dehnte ich mein Herz erneut aus- gemeinsam mit Freunden-...
Die letzten Wochen waren „hart“ .
Da ich, ... plötzlich den Schmerz und das Leid auf der Welt so stark IN mir spürte.
... Und ich durfte einen Blick werfen auf das, was die Menschheit eigentlich ist.
Wie wunderschön sie ist-und wie göttlich.
Und ich wurde erfüllt von einem Gefühl der Gnade-ein Mensch sein zu dürfen.
Uns ist nicht bewusst, wie einzigartig die Erfahrung ist, die wir erleben.
Es ist uns nicht bewusst, weil uns der Vergleich fehlt.
Aber eines ist uns möglich: wir können uns daran erinnern, wer wir sind....

Und am 10.10.-
an jenem ersten Knotenpunkt bis zum Ende des Jahres 2012
-laufen alle Fäden zusammen. ...

Es ist wie bei einer tatsächlichen Geburt..
Ist der Kopf erst draußen, folgt der Rest. Es geht nicht anders.
Deswegen ist dieses Datum so bedeutend.
... Ich bitte euch also, wenn ihr in euch das Gefühl habt,
dass ihr am 10.10 gemeinsam euer Herz ausdehnen möchtet-genau dies zu tun.

Wie wird es sein? Was wird danach geschehen?
Darauf-gibt es keine Antwort.
Ist das nicht großartig?
Wir sind an einem Punkt angelangt, wo nichts mehr vorhergesagt werden kann
. Wir gestalten von nun an-alles neu- und Alles-was-Ist hält den Atem an
und beobachtet, was wir jetzt tun.
Spannende Zeiten.

As to Julia's last two "weather-forecasts", in Oct. 2010,
I didn't find anything in them, that was relevant for me

More "accidental" photos which I found in Efrat's old envelope:

A corner with five of my grandchildren - at least 6 years ago
perhaps at a family celebration of Dita, my stepdaughter:
Rotem and in front of her Jonathan (two of Ronnit's kids)
Elah and in front of her Alon (two of Immanuel's kids)
Arnon (one of Micha's two kids)

My daughter-in-love, Efrat, tore almost all photos of her childhood and youth.
I'm delighted to have discovered these 5 images,
three made by a friend who studied photography,
one from a picture with friends from the army,
and the earliest one from a kindergarden group photo.
This one I juxtaposed with Efrat's stepson, little Tomer.




My family, as it existed in February 1998, when the youngest child of Ronnit and Uri was circumcised


More from Jean Hudon's compilation on October 31, 2010
AFTER ASCENSION - A glimpse of what you can expect.

A part of you (your Spirit) is already on the fifth dimension. The rest of you is about to catch up. Life on the fifth Dimension is very different from what you experience now. Space, time, obstructions, and limitations play a large part in your Life today. That will not be the case in the fifth dimension. In light body, you will know who you really are. A pure Loving being, united with all other beings as part of the Source, but still sufficiently individuated to be able to say to another being "We are both the "Source" (at higher frequencies, concepts like "WE" and "Both" are meaningless). You will know who you are in terms of your incarnations across time, what you are learning from each, and how each is a bold and daring mission through which the SOURCE learns more about Itself.

As Spirit, you automatically broadcast what you learn through all frequency bands, so that your discoveries can be enjoyed through direct cognition. That's why each tiny detail of your Life is so important : you are a discoverer and explorer for the entire Universe.

In Fifth Dimension, you will be a master of Creation. Your thoughts will be instantly manifested as objects, music, art, and other exquisite forms to be enjoyed by other fifth dimensional beings. The textures, and colors, sounds and materials you will have at your disposal will be literally unlimited. If you are musically inclined, you will be able to create an organ with a range and depth of tone beyond anything on the physical plane because it doesn't work by moving air about but by amplifying your thoughts and emotions. If you're artistically inclined, the colors available to you will not be limited to pigments which reflect and absorb visible light. You will paint with light itself, impressing your vision directly onto the multidimensional space that you create.

You will create your own place to live as a meeting point for your fifth dimensional friends, a place that is every bit as real as your physical plane home. The only difference is that you can redecorate it with a thought and change the view by your intent. You will be able to have a lot of fun trying on different body types. At that frequency, your body is pure thought projection but, again, every bit as real to you as your physical body is now. You will be able to project the body of one of your favorite incarnations of either sex. You will make love with infinitely more sensation than with physical bodies. You will even be able to project an off planet body. What you can do will be limited only by what you want to do, and what brings you joy. The most significant difference is that, being free of any fear-based frequencies, you will express the pure unconditional Love of the Source. There will be no barrier between you and the Source, and the indescribable ecstasy that comes with that.

Various quotes pertaining to ascension - All excerpted from The Matthew Books' website

(Matthew 2003)

"Earth will be restored to her former paradise self as she is rising into higher vibrations-this is assured! ...what you do affects the entire universe. You are putting out energy with every idea or action, and the motives behind those carry an intensity that most of you don't understand. Energy is neutral in this-it acts only in accordance with what you attach to it, and that is determined by your motives and intentions. So not only do you have the choice to uplift your home planet or not, you have the choice to do the same for the universe. Regardless of your individual choices, Earth is going back into the higher vibrations where she was created and she would love to have all of you go along, but that decision isn't hers-it's YOURS! She has her free will and you have yours-it's that simple."

(Matthew 2004)
The year 2012 has historic significance universally. It involves celestial orbiting cycles and their influences on your planet as well as life designs made in total clarity by highly evolved beings who planned Higher Universal-MAN with attributes of spirituality and intelligence that far exceeded today's Earth population....

What happens on Earth affects the universe, so it is of utmost significance to those advanced civilizations that the dark ages on your home planet be reconciled within the light and you knowledgeably take your rightful place among your universal family. (...) As Earth continues her ascension into the higher vibrations, eating habits will change as people learn to respect and honor all animal life, so the reduction in food sources from the seas will not be a concern. The herds of food animals will decrease through the cessation of breeding and natural transition, and as plants become diet staples, those that are harmfully genetically engineered will lose their health risk elements. The allocation of food and other basic life essentials available in the richer countries will be shared on an equitable basis with the poorer countries until a global production order is achieved. Carnivorous animals will exit their food chain and turn to the plant kingdom for sustenance as they evolve into peaceable companions once again, and animal reproduction will be naturally slowed so they will not overpopulate the planet. The balance of nature no longer will require pestilence, so no disease causing or transmitting factors will be present, and the use of toxic chemicals and prescription drugs will cease. Current and imminent technologies will be used for improving all conditions of life, but here, too, there will be changes from what you are accustomed to, primarily in transportation, power sources and construction materials. Medical treatments will drastically change until there no longer is any need for that because bodies, which will have a greatly longer lifetime, will become free of all forms of dis-ease. Educational systems and resource materials will change to reflect the truth of universal and planetary history, and religions also will change in accordance with the truth that will be revealed. Those are some of the most significant changes, and all will have trickle-down effects that ultimately will permeate and uplift every facet of life on Earth. You can see that changes in employment will be considerable, but your greater spiritual clarity and greater usage of brain capacity in the higher frequencies will enable the transition into fields supporting cooperation and harmony to come joyously."

Impressions and Images from my 5 days in France in June 2010 - sent to me now by Elinor and Herbert, my wonderful hosts ,
interspersed with more quotations about "ASCENSION" (especially from "Matthew") from Jean Hudon's compilation on October 31, 2010

Matthew 2006

"As a reminder, light is essential for two reasons: spiritual evolution and transmutation of carbon-based cells into the crystalline form that can survive in the higher vibrations where Earth is going. As she travels to the point where physical bodies without sufficient light cannot survive, this magnification is becoming ever more obvious in her basest of humankind, which accounts for their relentless, if insane, pursuit of their impossible world domination goal. The opposite is true as well, with souls evermore demonstrating their positive characteristics in a variety of benevolent avenues. This also is an excellent opportunity for the fence-straddlers to stop their wavering and choose light-filled living."

-Matthew 2008

"Now I shall address the variety of questions about how best to prepare for ascension. Live in godly ways-there's no need for me to spell those out, they come naturally to people who have light in their souls. There's no need either for esoteric studies, trips to the Himalayas, belonging to spiritual groups, attending instructional seminars or workshops, or establishing prayer rituals; however, if you feel strongly attracted to any of those and you have the time and resources to engage in them, by all means follow your heart in those matters. Know that there is no separation between you and God or with all other souls in this universe. Trust your intuition, the messages from your soul to your consciousness. Let the love in your soul radiate out to the universe. Love, the most powerful force in the cosmos, can be expressed in limitless ways, but it must start with self-love that comprises self-respect, self-worth and self-confidence. Live in harmony with Nature. Quiet times in solitude-meditation, if you will-is food for the soul. So is music that inspires or soothes, and the light in a genuine smile has incalculable ripple effects for Self and those whose lives you touch. Forgive Self and others, see a situation from others' perspectives, cherish beautiful memories and let go of the those that are hurtful. The people who are working for peace; preservation of the environment; humane treatment of animals; assistance to homeless, hungry and sick; or any other avenue of assistance are examples of light and love in action. Those motivations come from soul level, and the advocates and activists are responding to their souls' messages. Know that you are god- and goddess-selves with the power to manifest whatever you strongly intend!

Matthew 2009
There are no specific "unmistakable" indications that one is ascending with Earth because those are as unique as each of you is. Most succinctly stated, personal ascension is the merging of your consciousness with your soul. Recognizable aspects are the raising of consciousness; strengthening discernment and trusting intuition; ever-increasing awareness of the higher self, the god/goddess self, and true spirituality; the sensation of peacefulness that comes with living in alignment with your soul contract-you feel this as if you are "going with the flow" instead of "bucking the current." Self-discovery may come as "Aha!" moments that can be considered indications, and these can be as varied as realizing the most ideal way to handle a perplexing situation or a difficult relationship, an inspiration about a new direction in life or moving to a location that "calls" to you, or perhaps the solution to an experiment. Please do not feel concerned if you do not know your life mission! Only a relative handful of Earth's peoples know about soul contracts, and simply following your inner voice-your soul's messages to your consciousness-naturally leads you in your mission. When the time is right, and it will vary from person to person, you will know where you are most needed and can most meaningfully serve, and you will feel confident to fulfill that purpose. Please do not feel that you must play what you consider to be an important role in the changes underway-each of you is important! You may think that by comparison with others, you are not contributing enough; but simply by BEing who you ARE at soul level, even if you are not consciously aware that you are doing so, you are fulfilling your mission and radiating light to all whose lives you touch. ....

Matthew, May 2010
"...The 2012 timetable for Earth to exit third density's darkness is much less than the two and a half years your calendars indicate. Time as you perceive it will continue to pass faster and faster the closer you approach the continuum wherein linear time's past, present and future are happening simultaneously in different energy planes. ... The light brings spiritual clarity and changes cellular structure from carbon-based to the crystalline form that enables bodies to survive in the vibratory levels of the Golden Age. Those who choose the light will physically accompany Earth and those who do not will go to other worlds where they will have as many opportunities as they need "to see the light."


Matthew August 13, 2010

"There are many questions and misconceptions about ascension,
who will accompany Earth,
what will become of the people who don't,
and what to expect in the higher densities.

First, ascension has nothing whatsoever to do with the "raptures" of religion,
so please do not try to fit that concept into the universal truth.
Ascension is the process of Earth leaving third density
and traveling through fourth on to fifth.
Although this movement is into planes of successively lighter energy,
not into progressively higher elevations such as climbing a stepladder or a mountain,
souls' growth in conscious awareness and spiritual clarity
can be thought of as upward,
thus ascension is the most descriptive term for this advancement.
In the timeless continuum,
the beginning and completion of Earth's ascension cannot be dated -
you could say that both "times" have been known for untold ages.
In linear time, the ascension process began in the last years of the 1930s,
when atrocities long committed by humankind against each other
reached unconscionable measure and nearly depleted Earth's light
that is the life force of her planetary body and the bodies of all her residents.
Her cry for help went out into the universe
and instantly God authorized myriad spiritually advanced civilizations

[how lacking is this view of "God"!
See , for instance, in Godchannel, 3rd Interview with God,
how "God" himself was the perpetrator!]

"It was during your last planetary war,
in a camp where the prisoners all were to be killed....,

to respond by beaming their own vast light into Earth's body.
The massive infusion of light from those distant sources stabilized her orbit
and enabled her to jar loose from negativity's stranglehold,
start to ascend out of deep third density
and continue toward her ultimate destination in fifth density.
Her soul originated in that high plane
and there it remained throughout the millennia
that her body spiraled ever downward
as more and more human and animal blood was shed and the environment ravaged. Ascension is possible for all who have absorbed the light,
and the souls who accompany Earth will do so in their physical bodies.
If bodies
lack organs or limbs or have physical, emotional or mental disorders,
farther along the ascension pathway there will be healing of all disease
and replacement of missing parts
until the bodies are perfected and mental and emotional health is sound.
In fourth density the bodies of aged persons will become youthful
and live healthfully much longer than your current life expectancy,
and life spans in fifth density can be tenfold or more than yours are now.

-- You may also wish to read
the more detailed Essay on 2012 by Matthew (December 31, 2007)

[see my excerpts below]

See in my library Nourishment 2007:
Message from Matthew on July 2, 2007

and the mentioning of The Coming of Nibiru - Message from Matthew
and Hudon's quote of Matthew about "the Blue Spiral" in SongGame2007

Living in Paradise
Part I - The Masters through Sharon Rose ( - October 15, 2010

Your Presence, co-joined with others, has the love, wisdom and power
to shift the course of your world from doom and gloom to a new Golden Age.

...The Presence, as the eternal Self,
lives outside of all the temporary thoughts and feelings
that are continually circulating in the minds and hearts of humanity.
As you awaken within the unlimited consciousness of your Presence,
you start moving outside of the limited views of the collective
and into the unlimited potential that exists even in your 3rd dimension. Multidimensional awareness allows you
to experience the gloriousness of life on every dimension
and to know that your Presence is living in Paradise right now.

Each and every breath that you breathe is a magnificent opportunity
to simply remember that you are connected to all of life
because all of life is literally held together by the same Divine love.
The Oneness you have been seeking is your true and natural state of being.
Yet every dimension is created by the collective thoughts and feelings
of those who are living there,
and your support of those thoughts and feelings
is what is holding your world together and only you can change it.

The Love that you share with all of life is inviting you to create a new world.
You are being called by us within the Councils of Shamballa
and by your own Presence
to cease creating and accepting any thoughts or conditions
aimed at breeding fear and separation
within the mental and emotional bodies of humanity.
Your Presence, co-joined with others, has the love, the wisdom and the power
to shift the course of your world from doom and gloom to a new Golden Age.
We suggest you start now and not stop until you see it manifested.

.... , your heart, mind and body will be free to enjoy deeper levels of intimacy
with all of life and with nature,
which is such a magnificent display of paradise on your Earth.
Nature is also calling you deeper into your remembrance of living in Oneness.

When there is no past or future, only now,
then each moment can embrace you within the pure joy
of simply being alive and present.
We within the Councils of Shamballa have lived
in the paradise frequency or Unity Consciousness
for thousands of years and we know that being present is the key to your liberation. When you allow all thoughts and feelings to simply pass through you,
it will release your mind from feeling that it has to resist, react or defend
whatever is going on within or around you.

Again: they either ignore or deny the Will, the Feeling,
the magnetic, feminine energy of "Spirit",
and have not even an answer to the question,
why we on Earth have - until now - not been
like them in the "paradise frequency".
It is here on Earth,
that "God" wants to heal
his/her fragmentation and polarizatopm
inside us humans,
who unite Will and Spirit in our Heart in Body!

Green, green, green - in the Park at Maintenon and in the forest around my hosts' caravan place

MATTHEW- CHAPTER 12 - "2012" [Dec. 31, 2007]

... No, your world is not going to end.
Earth is an eternal soul inhabiting a planetary body,
and now that it’s back from the brink of destruction—
thanks to the infusion of light from your “space” neighbors—
and on the way back to its original vibrant health and beauty,
she’s going to keep it for a long time to come.

Most simply stated, 2012 heralds Earth’s entry into the Golden Age,
and between now and then is a time of transition from life as you have known it into life totally in harmony with all of Nature.

Everything in the universe is energy vibrating at one frequency or another,
and when Earth was in prime health, in times you know but don’t remember,
all of her life forms were vibrating harmoniously.
When she was near death more than six decades back,
there was no harmony whatsoever, no balance of Nature—
there was hardly sufficient light to sustain any kind of life, including Earth’s own. What is happening now, with the help of stabilizing forces,
[why don't you mention the task and accomplishments of humans like me,
who embrace the Will and heal themselves into wholeness
and by extension all of Creation?]

is the transformation of your world—
Earth’s rejuvenation and return to balance—reaching completion in 2012.

But that year no longer has the “time absoluteness” it once held in prophecies,
and your calendar cannot accurately convey
when the major transitional changes will be completed
because linear time is disappearing.
What you perceive as time passing faster and faster
is the effect of the higher energy planes in which you are living now, your consciousness grasps the actuality of timelessness,
the reality of eternity and infinity. ...

Now then, why does that year have historic significance universally?
It involves celestial orbiting cycles and their influences on your planet
as well as life designs made in total clarity by highly evolved beings ...
What happens on Earth affects the universe,
so it is of utmost significance to those advanced civilizations
that the dark ages on your home planet be reconciled within the light
and you knowledgeably take your rightful place among your universal family.

Along the way there will be many profound changes,...
The goddess vibrations that already are showing effects
will continue to bless you as individuals and as a civilization.
..... . In short, LOVE is the power that is transforming your world.

.... If you could see in parallel motion the pace of the past many centuries,
when only intermittent flickers of light broke through the dominant darkness,
and the pace of the past few decades of growing light intensity,
you would marvel at the swiftness of the changes.

The progressive changes have required and will continue to require
the help of extraterrestrials. ...
You are in charge, however, because it is your homeland
and you chose to be there specifically to participate in this process. ...

The first reforms are in governments...
Please know that trustworthy souls with spiritual integrity
and expertise in the various fields of governing
are ready to take the helm and bring order...
Many wise and able leaders in previous Earth lifetimes
chose to return to the planet to complete their groundwork for this unique time.., and others are members of your “space family”—many are your ancestors—
who volunteered to assist during this transitional period. ..
The transformation at hand is your desire and soul level vision—
if this were not so, it could not happen.
Looking even farther ahead, during the past decade or two
some souls have come in with the advanced spiritual clarity and ancient wisdom that will naturally put them in leadership roles.

... The economy as reported is more myth than actuality. ..
The unconscionably inequitable allocation of money in your world will end. .... Many national borders have been set by the victors in war
who wanted the natural resources,
and that created “have-nots” who formerly were “haves.”
When the LOVE in souls ends all conflicts,
borders no longer will be cause for dispute because all peoples will be “haves.”
... The “new” foundation for currencies will be a return to an old one,
where precious metals was a set standard for exchange,
and “old fashioned” bartering once again
will be an excellent way for nations and communities to conduct some business.

The basis for much of your current economy will change considerably
and employment will change accordingly,
but your greater ... usage of brain capacity in the higher frequencies
will enable a joyful transition into fields
that support cooperation among nations and harmony with Nature.

... Technologies known but suppressed and the more advanced technologies
that will be introduced by your universal brothers and sisters
will clear the pollution
and provide renewable energy,
new modes of transportation,
new types of building materials,
and greatly enhanced food production methods.
Your hearts will be gladdened
at the amazing speed with which these changes will happen!

Natural building products that will come into wide usage along with plants ... include clay, strong reeds, straw, tropical canes and surface stones,
and all will be used in conscious agreement with humankind...
—substitute “soul” for “thing”
and you can see the interrelationship of the totality of this universe.

... just as you are expanding in consciousness,
so are all the elements of Nature in your world growing
in their varying levels of awareness.

The fast-growing food crops, flowers, cotton and other fiber-producing plants, plants with medicinal aspects, canes and grasses, and all kinds of trees
will agree to grow as long as needed to meet your requirements
and then transmute their energy into your usage of them.
Although much less lumber will be used than currently,
the sacred relationship between trees and humankind
includes their willingness to be used
for decorative parts of building interiors and furniture in the short term,
perhaps as long as the next half century.
Acknowledgement of all these natural sources’ importance
and consciousness and gratitude for their willingness
to give their lives for your use
will become inherent in all peoples.
Too, you will come to know and treasure the Devic kingdom
that is so closely allied
with the beauty and thriving of all that you consider Nature.

The allocation of food and other basic life essentials
available in the richer countries
will be shared on an equitable basis with the poorer countries
until a global production order is achieved.
Diets will change from meat and seafood to plants
as people learn to respect and honor all animal life.
The herds of food animals will decrease
through the cessation of breeding and natural transition,

and as plants become diet staples,
any that were harmfully genetically engineered will shed those properties.

Animals in the wild will instinctively know not to overpopulate
and those that are carnivorous will turn to the plant kingdom for sustenance.
The albinos being born in several animal species have both
spiritual and transitional significance.
You associate white with peace, and these rarities that are appearing
are symbolic of the coming changes in animal nature
that will end the predator-prey food chain
and restore the peaceable relationship
that once existed among all species, including humankind.

The instances of unlikely cross-species friendships
and even nurturing of the young from one species by mothers of another
See - on Febr. 28,2013 -
a wondrous video
[inserted on Facebook by my granddaughter Elah},
a predator kills a baboon, but when it discovered,
that the monkey had a newborn baby,
it forgot about being a predator and became a caring mother!

are more indications of Earth’s return to her original paradise self.
Still, an extremely important factor in this is the inspiration in many souls
to be advocates for the animal kingdom and alleviate their manmade plight.
To another video about the friendship between a lion and humans,
Elah commented: "It always causes me to cry, as if I were a 4 year old.

The cetaceans’ spiritual mission,
to embody in huge bulk and inhabit your oceans
where they absorb and anchor the light
beamed to the planet from distant civilizations,
soon will have been fulfilled.
These whale and dolphin souls,
which species-wide are the most highly evolved spiritually and intellectually
on your planet,
will soar to their original light stations when they leave physically,
but they will continue to grace your planet with their love energy.

What are commonly known as “global warming” and “El Nino”
are part of Earth’s natural processes
to return to her original moderate climate everywhere.
While she is achieving this, glaciers will melt,
the vast deserts will become arable,
rain forests will flourish,
and variations in temperatures will markedly decrease—
ultimately, everyplace in your world will be comfortably habitable.
Peoples now living in the coldest or the hottest climes will adapt,
but it is unavoidable that the few animal species in the polar regions will disappear and some that live on the fringes will survive by migrating;
the affected species instinctively will know not to reproduce or when to move.

Contrary to current count and certainly population projections,
your numbers are decreasing and the birth rate will continue to drop
but not precipitously.


The balance of Nature no longer will require pestilence,
so no disease-causing or transmitting factors will be present,
and the common use of toxic chemicals and prescription drugs will cease.
Medical treatments will drastically change
until there no longer is any need for therapies
because bodies, which will have a greatly longer lifetime,
will become free of all forms of dis-ease.
New educational systems and resource materials
will reflect factual universal and planetary history,
and true spirituality will replace religions

Those are some of the most significant changes underway and ahead,
and all will have trickle-down effects
that will permeate and uplift every facet of life on Earth.
The Golden Age—the “second edition” of the Garden of Eden—
will radiate the love, harmony, serenity and beauty of spirit
that you, in your remembered awareness of being god and goddess selves, ARE.

Now I shall tell you some of the more “down-to-Earth” features
that you can anticipate in that beauteous world.
City life will be much more fulfilling for the spirit than it is today
due to the demolishing of substandard buildings
and restoration of once fine buildings that fell into decay;
the addition of many small parks and colorful playgrounds,
vegetable and flower gardens,
and neighborhood libraries, concerts, museums, and galleries
with locally produced art forms; entertainment and recreational centers
for all ages and interests;
and animals, even those you now consider wild, roaming freely.
Also, new transportation modes and a much fairer distribution of wealth
will enable city dwellers to frequent the countryside,
where a booming business will be “bed-and-breakfast” inns
to accommodate the growing desire for those oases of respite
from routine activity,
and to travel to distant places as well.
Still, millions now living in cities may prefer
to move to the solitude and restorative energy of familiar rural, forested areas. And, like a new wave of pioneers,
some of you will be motivated to relocate to currently uninhabitable places
when those start flourishing and beckon the adventuresome,
while other souls will choose to live in houseboats on the calm, restful seas.

Architecture will be limited only by imagination and choices,
but no building will be ugly or inadequate for its purpose.
Geodesic domes will be popular as will fanciful building designs
that reflect the light-heartedness
that so long has been denied the majority of Earth’s peoples.
Current and new technologies will produce construction materials
similar in strength and appearance
to today’s concrete, steel, rigid and flexible plastics,
and those along with natural products and quality simulations of fine woods
will be widely used.
So will glass, which will be altered from its present composition,
because you will desire to live closer with Nature
even when you are indoors.

By unified intent, no litter or eyesore of any kind will exist anywhere.
Wherever you live or travel,
you will not want the vista marred by the utility poles
that now are necessary blights on landscapes.
The poles will be removed and where conduits are required,
they will be underground;
and other energy sources will be direct, without any need for connecting wires. Although telepathy will become a common form of communication,
voice-to-voice communion across the miles will be as important as now,
but the harmful aspects of the wireless methods you are using will be gone. Expanses of concrete gradually will be removed too,
as new transportation modes
will change the need for current fuels and highways.

All unjust laws and policies will be struck down
and education worldwide will accurately reflect the universal truths.
The writing, printing and distribution of textbooks
will be done expeditiously in conjunction with computerized lessons,
and the souls who are innately prepared to teach
will step up to this mission they had chosen.

These and other marvelous lifestyle differences awaiting you
are indeed gargantuan changes from life in this moment,
yet the greatest transformation you will experience is in humankind,
where love and higher consciousness are REcreating “miracles.”
Like souls on Earth and in Nirvana
once again going back and forth between these physical and spirit worlds,
travel that was commonplace
until third density limitations closed minds to this possibility.
Like your transcendence from believing you are lone individuals
to knowing your inseparability from all life in this universe,
and embracing each other as well as members of extraterrestrial civilizations
as the brothers and sisters you all are.
Like life without anxiety or conflict
as people of all countries and cultures
are harmonious, cooperative, helpful, kind,
high-spirited and delightfully good-natured.

Now I must tell you as well that the transition from this day to that world
will continue to present challenges.
To say otherwise would be neither truthful nor prudent
as your expectations would not be met,
and instead of successfully dealing with challenges—
which you are well prepared to do
with wisdom and strength of spirit and character

or you wouldn’t have chosen and been selected to participate!—

you could become discouraged
as Earth continues apace on her ascension journey.

Wars and other violence, injustices, deception and corruption will continue
until that energy set in motion is played out. ...
Further, the higher frequencies now on the planet
are magnifying all human characteristics, ...
Rejoice in knowing that its momentum is close to the point of exhaustion
because all of you who are living your light are helping to speed it to conclusion.

Controlling the flow of money is the last mundane tool...
Remember, you have the power to create your own abundance
through the law of attraction,
and sharing your resources is the best way
to bring even more abundance into your life.

Prior to peace and harmony prevailing throughout Earth,
many, many souls will leave due to the same causes as now
—disease, starvation, injuries in wars and other types of violence,
geophysical events—
so the population will continue to decrease from those means.
As sorrowful as these deaths may seem,
the adversity that the souls experience beyond their pre-birth agreements
gives them leaps forward in soul growth.
They will greet their return to Nirvana
knowing that if they choose another Earth lifetime,
it will be in the splendor and glory of a revitalized world
and the abiding love among its inhabitants.

Geophysical events will continue
as Earth’s natural and necessary cleansing process....
The effects of these events,
which will lessen in frequency and severity as Earth keeps ascending,
are being diminished to the greatest extent possible
by members of your universal family.

The record high and low temperatures, droughts and flooding
that are part of Earth’s transition to her original moderate climate globally
will present hardships for a while longer.
Gradually some sea level coastlines will become submerged;
this need not present anxiety
as there will be protective and compensatory measures
for any inhabitants of those areas.
We are aware of the speculation that Atlantis and Lemuria may rise,
but this will not happen.
Those large land masses served their civilizations during that era on Earth,
but their return is not needed;
however, some souls living then have come back
to assist in the ongoing consciousness-raising and spiritual renewal
within today’s populace.

That religions are teaching the “word of God”
will be shown in the fullness of the deception that spawned that falsehood,..
The resistant souls, like all others in the universe,
will continue their evolutionary pathways
wherever their needs shall best be served,
and the eternal and infinite love of Source will undergird their way.

In summary we say to you, our beloved Earth family,
know with your entire being
that the world of love, peace and harmony
you have been co-creating
is close at hand.


Message from SaLuSa -- 8 October 2010

... You cannot take anything with you and it is totally unnecessary,
as all that you will need will be provided.
In fact your needs will be considerably less,
as you will experience the joys of having a new body.
It will be lighter and more of energy rather than physicality.
Consequently much of your bodily input
will come directly from the energy around you.
Also with an ever-healthy body
you will not need to replenish it as you do now.
Since you will eventually create through the power of thought,
you will not be wanting for anything at all.
... .Much lays at a subconsciousness level that surfaces from time to time,
as you never lose your memories of previous experiences.
For example at this time many who desire to ascend,
are subconsciously aware that in their past they failed to take such an opportunity. They are mostly souls that were present when Atlantis sank below the waves.

When you realize that your lives have a plan and a purpose to lift you up,
your experiences become so important because they are not random or by chance. ... Look at everything in terms of how you can apply the Light, [what's that?]
to ensure you do not create further instant karma.
In the end you will leave the present Earth with a clean slate,
[what about Julia/Matreya's claim, that humankind has decided - in July 2010-
that "either all or nobody will ascend"?]

and certainly minor karmic debts will be foregone through the Law of Grace. that dream now and create around you an aura of happiness
that allows you to sail through life.
That will also help others who travel along with you,
as the higher vibrations are extremely uplifting.
The mere promise of action at long last has greatly lifted the vibrations on Earth, and we do not want you to lose that excitement and energy of anticipation.
After millennia of time and in some cases hundreds of lives,
you are ready to put your feet up
and take an enjoyable rest and break from the rigors and demands of duality.... Perhaps the most important aspect is the valuable experience you will have gained. It will serve others in the future,
as you may well take your place in the Galactic Federation.
Once ascended you will have much more say in your future lives, ...
As you begin to understand more about life and Universal Laws,
you will be quite clear as to the goals that lie ahead of you...
The sooner your hearts can resonate and accept our vibrations,
it will allow us to be far more open and contact will be possible.
That is a time we greatly look forward to,...
Others will be won over once they see the assistance we will provide,
to remedy the damage to Mother Earth and the widespread pollution.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius,
and feel that our venture with you is now only just beginning.
There is so much we can do together, and life will become a delightful experience. ... Thank you SaLuSa.       Mike Quinsey


Message from SaLuSa -- 27 October 2010

... We are anxious to get on with the cleansing programs,
and tending to the pollution of the seas that are a danger to life,
and that is a priority. ..

Let us make it quite clear
that in taking up the challenge to live through duality,
you also knew that having been given freewill
you were also liable for the consequences.
You readily accepted the challenge as part of an experiment
that was prepared according to God's Plan.
It gave you the assurance
that no matter how far you dropped into the lower vibrations,
there would come a time when the cycle would close,
and your full consciousness restored.
That time has arrived, and from a karmic point of view
you now have to make good the damage caused to the Earth.
That is another reason we are here, as you need our help
to complete the cleansing operations in a relatively short time.
Once things get off the ground we can assure you
that life will be one great adventure,
as it promises to release you from all of the trappings of duality.
Look at it this way, and your fears will no longer play such a big part in your lives.
[They know nothing about humankind's task on Earth,
to heal ourselves [= "God"] into wholeness in our heart , in our Body'

The joy and happiness that is to be yours draws nearer, ...
you lived and believed in the separation
that set the dark and Light at odds with each other. ...

... when you ascend whatever is remaining will be deleted by the Law of Grace.
The Creator is All That Is,
and has no thought whatsoever to punish aspects of the Creator
that have been given freewill to choose their experiences.
... You do not ... need to concern yourselves about other souls,
as all will work out perfectly according to each one's plan.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as we experience time as being in the Now,
your remaining days in this cycle would seem to us to be but a blink of the eye. You of course will experience it in your own way,
and we will be accompanying you on your journey.
We Are One, and thus it will be so.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey

See also "Walk the Earth as a Living Master"


Nov. 1, 2010, 11:48 - Before closing this page
(towards a bit of sleep, then the weekly phone-talk with Ya'acov,
then hitchhiking to Sho'evah, to visit the young family of Tamir,
- This "by chance" happens on the Hebrew date of Tamir's 40th birthday,
because Immanuel came back tonight and will fly again tomorrow night,
thus it was not worthwhile to return to Arad but neither am I needed here at Shoham
I want to summarize:
The compilation of Jean Hudon about "Choosing Ascension Deep Within Our Hearts ",
together with the other messages, has had an effect on me - despite my reservations,
and this because of the "coincidence" , that images had accumulated,
images, which do not belong into the context of any "thread",
neither to"Mika's Heaven-on-Earth", nor to the aspects of my German family's visit,
I decided to dedicate this page to the fortuitousness of all of them,
to a composition of scenes in past and present, with nature and people and human buildings,
as an exemplification of living and experiencing "Outside linear time".

Continuation of Closeups to my Past, Finetuning to my Present, Nourishment for my Living -
- which enhance and enrich my experience of
"Mika's Heaven on Earth"