The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



Back to Overview of all Songs

InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound


German and Hebrew Canons


The amount of Hebrew songs
created in the last 100 years in Israel
is incredible,
but one genre is sadly underdeveloped: the Canon.
Singing together in 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 voices
was an almost everyday activity,
while I lived in Germany (from 1938-1964).
I'll list the most beloved canons on this page.
I would like - in time - to sing the tune of each,
but singing them alone doesn't make sense.
A chance - Oct. 19, 2010 - to sing part of the canons  t o g e t h e r,
was with Regina, the eldest daughter of Ursula, my late sister.
Ralf, her husband, joined in, and sweet and loving as this was,
it made recording impossible, since he sang so out of tune!

Hebrew Canons, which I sing with one voice only, my own:

Not yet recorded and inserted:

Second stanza - Dec. 2012

Psalm 130:2 and Psalm 118:5

Already recorded and inserted:

May 13, 2013
Thanks to Martin, my dead sister's husband,
who finally helped me to remember this excellent canon.
Thanks to Martin also for finding Canons for me,
which were missing in my ABC List: :
B: Bona Nox- C-Cantate - J: Jubilate - N:Nacht bricht an -
P: Pacem -
T: Tanz rueber - Z: Zieh mit der Sonne

Mit uns springet, mit uns singt
July 20, 2013:
A month after the completion of the Canon-sculpture,
with the help of Martin, my brother-in-law (81!),
and crowned by my own canon: "Zeit ist's"
[see 2013 Songs June]
I opened one of my two Hebrew Bibles and out feel this clip!
So , now I have a canon, which originally begins with M,
not only "Meister Jacob" which in its French original: Frere Jacob begins with F

German Canons, which I sing with one voice only, my own:

Zeit ist's - Ps. 119:126 - June 26, 2013
dedicated to Franz Rosenzweig, my father-in-law's article "Zeit ist's"-1916

2013-05-07 When I came around to add the lyrics to the titles, there were 5 canons which I remembered only partly.
I asked Regina's father about them.
One title
"Ein Stimm beginnt zu klagen" at first didn't remind him of a canon but of a song: In stiller Nacht,.
The tune is by Brahms, my favorite composer,
and the sad lyrics are by the Jesuit Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld (1591-1635),
a man "out of the box", who should have been sanctified by his church, but never was.
I had seen a moving youtube "Ein Stimm beginnt zu klagen" about this man just 2 days ago
when I had searched for that canon myself,
but grasped the meaning of this title only after I got that mail from Martin about "
In stiller Nacht,"
I'm now learning the song by heart from a performance by the Brussel Chamber Choir and am moved even deeper,
though the sadness "belongs" to my earlier life,
like the lines about the moon that does no longer want to see the suffering on Earth.
During the Eichmann Trial in Jerusalem in 1961 I often looked at the moon and screamed:
"Why could you see AUschwitz and still go on shining?"

In stiller Nacht, zur ersten Wacht,
ein Stimm' begunnt zu klagen,
der nächt'ge Wind hat
[süß] leis und lind*)
zu mir den Klang getragen.
Von herben Leid und Traurigkeit
ist mir das Herz zerflossen,
die Blümelein, mit Tränen rein
hab' ich sie all' begossen.

Der schöne Mond will untergahn,
für Leid nicht mehr mag scheinen,
die Sterne lan ihr Glitzen stahn,
mit mir sie wollen weinen.
Kein Vogelsang noch Freudenklang
man höret in den Lüften,
die wilden Tier' trauern auch mit mir
in Steinen und in Klüften.

*) I replace süß by "leis", which is more fitting in
content and also a nice alliteration with "lind"

[See the original poem
"Trawer-Gesang von der Noth Christi am Oelberg in dem Garten" (Mourning-Song of the Suffering of Christ on the Mount of Olives in the Garden)
I, Christa-Rachel, always understood, that "Gethsemane"
symbolizes all human suffering.
See my book -----the chapter:
"The identification of the Sufferers with the Crucified"

I learnt the song on my way to the pool, as usually,
except that the tune is so easy, that I learnt it quickly.
Just when I took out the water bottle next to the "Grave of Compassion", where I recently started to spread "good" earth from my garden and to plant cuttings from those flowers - like Geranium - that do not need roots in order to become rooted, I sang, while watering the Grave:
die Blümelein, mit Tränen rein hab' ich sie all' begossen.
And when I came out of the pool, walking the first 300 m or so through the street along the ugly houses, built when this town, Arad, was founded in 1962, I heard - together with the line on my digital recorder about "kein Vogelsang" - among all the cooing of the pigeons- an unfamiliar sound from a bird high up on a street-lamp. I pulled my glasses out of my backpack and there it was - a green-yellow Tucki [parrot]! I've seen these jungle-cage birds once before here,
but that one of them would shriek exactly when the song sang
"no bird-song nor sound of joy", was exhilarating,
just like it was exhilarating that I watered "my" grave
(once a military pit in the desert) not with"pure tears", but with pure tap-water, provided by Arad's Municipality!
In the quiet night, at the first watch,
a voice began to lament;
[sweetly] and gently, the night wind
carried to me its sound.
And from such bitter sorrow and grief
my heart has melted.
The little flowers - with my pure tears
I have watered them all.

The beautiful moon wishes to set
out of pain, and never shine again;*)
the stars will let fade their gleam
for they wish to weep with me.
Neither bird-song nor sound of joy
can one hear in the air;
the wild animals grieve with me as well,
upon the rocks and in the ravines.

*) I understood this line differently:
"for suffering he no longer wants to shine"

2014-02-01 - I learnt about a different tune, and by whom? by Idan Raichel!
He asked his friends, the German Andreas Scholl, countertenor,
and his Israeli wife, Tamar Halpern, pianist,
if they knew of lyrics that would fit the tune.
They suggested :
In stiller Nacht, obviously without knowing its origin.
Tamar explained in channel 23, "Intermezzo", that it was about a lonely woman....

I feel so attracted to this man, that I studied Wikipedia about Friedrich Spee:
"an opponent of trials for witchcraft. Spee was the first person in his time who spoke strongly and with arguments against torture in general. He may be considered the first who ever gave good arguments why torture is not a way of obtaining truth from someone undergoing painful questioning.

...the Cautio Criminalis did bring about the abolition of witch-burning in a number of places, especially at Mainz, and led the way to its gradual suppression. The moral impact created by the publication was considerable. Even in the seventeenth century a number of new editions and German translations appeared. Among the members of Spee's Jesuit order his treatise found a favourable reception. A memorable observation in the book suggests that Germany and England must have more witches and devils than Spain and Italy since there are so many more stake burnings in the former. This may have been a not so subtle criticism of Protestant reform Europe which he believed was guilty of even greater abuses than the Catholic countries. [This is - by the way - another proof of the dynamics in history , that any "betterment" that is accompanied by denial and repression- soon leads to a regression],The book is still in print
See for instance my talk with Meirav:"Only this will cause tikkun-olam!
All the big manifestations for bettering the world - since they were mingled with so much denial -
had their setbacks, their regressions, the evil that came out of the good."

The burning of 3 "witches" in Switzerland, 1585

Right after having written my assumption
about "repression-regression"
[in the left frame]
I read in Wikipedia about witch-hunt
"In Denmark, the burning of witches

increased following the reformation
of 1536.
Christian IV of Denmark, in particular, encouraged this practice,
and hundreds of people were convicted of witchcraft and burnt."

I changed the German part into the Hebrew original,

also in order to escape the terrible "dem Herrn", the "Lord".

Juni 26, 2013 - Lieber Martin,
Der letzte Kanon-Brief, also - Du scheinst ermuedet!

Der Kanon mit Z "Zum Geburtstag" hat mich nicht beruehrt.
Du weigerst Dich, selber einen Kanon ueber Zeit ist's zu machen.
Wie oft - hat grade der Widerstand den Funken entzuendet!
Also legte ich mich aufs Bett - Handflaechen ueber die Augen-
und wollte mir eine Stunde Zeit lassen, um inspiriert zu werden.
Schon nach 30 Sekunden sprang ich auf und an den Keyboard.
'Wenn lateinische Kanons wie "pacem in terris", "Viva la Musica"
nur 3 Worte enthalten muessen, und 4 deutsche Worte genuegen
in dem letzten schoenen, von Dir gefundenen: "Zieh mit der Sonne",
dann ist wohl in dem " ET La-ASOT la-SHEM " a l l e s gesagt!'

Die Melodie fuer die erste Zeile - in deutsch - war sofort da,
daraus ergab sich die zweite - in english,
und fuer die dritte hab ich den Anfang der ersten einfach umgedreht.
In dieser Trinitaet der Sprachen (viel davon in Rosenzweigs Artikel von 1916)
kommt auch die Doppeldeutigkeit des Spruchs schoen zum Ausdruck:
'Es ist Zeit, dass Du, Gott, etwas tust, bzw. dass ich etwas fuer DICH tue.'
Die vielleicht tiefste Neuerung in der Buber-Rosenzweig Bibel-Uebersetzung ist,
dass sie YHWH als Personalpronomen verstanden, also ICH, DU, ER, DICH, DIR
Die Harmonie der drei Zeilen ist zwar fad, aber es singt sie ja niemand als Kanon!

So nun darst Du "von Deiner Arbeit ruhen".
Grossen Dank


Back to 2010

With Regina and Ralf in Gita's and Ronny's B&B castle at Safed, on October 19, 2010,
singing canons, photographed by their twin daughters who no longer know canons

Ich lieb dich so fest, wie der Baum seine Aest,
wie der Himmel seine Stern',
grad so hab ich dich gern.

[Learnt from my mother some 50 years ago,
relearnt and recorded on July 18, 2010]

I love you so strongly, like the tree its branches,
like the sky its stars, just like that I love you.


to former song    to next song

[see the main 2 pages about the visit of my German family, with links to several branches]

Because of our singing canons together, me, my mother's daughter, and Regina, my mother's granddaughter,
I re-use this page for a composition of photo-experiences in the graveyard of my mother - on October 15, 2010.
This was the simple idea, when I began editing, sculpting, composing. Yet something far vaster came out of it...

A sculpture of old photos may precede this "Driving Backward" to dead people, who once lived in the holy land.
And a sculpture of new photos - made by my German family when they visited us from Oct.12-22, 2010- will follow.
While sticking to my limit of 1300 kb per page, I see with wonder, how and in what order these 7 pages were filled!

SongGame 2007_12_29
German&Hebrew Canons

SongGame 2007_12_26
German Christian Hymns
SongGame 2007_12_25
Stille Nacht
SongGame 2007_12_23
Ihr Kinderlein, kommet
SongGame 2007_12_22
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen
SongGame 2007_12_24
Ich steh an deiner Krippen
SongGame 2007_12_28
Jewish Festival Songs
1960-11-04~~~Christian & Jewish, Israeli & German~~~2010-11-04


My last visit of my mother's grave was in September 2003.
In my archive of photos I noted: "Probably my last Visit".
Now I learnt, that the integration of Cross and David-Star,
"our mother had a Jewish and a Christian daughter!")
is not so much a commemoration of my mother's existence,
as it is a symbol for "Christa-Rachel"
and also a prophecy for the world.

A composition of photos may precede my 2010 sequence.

First Part: 1963-1983

Maria Guth, our mother, with my son Immanuel (1963), and with Ursel's daughter Regina (1964)

Israel, March 1967, Maria Guth with her three grandchildren in Purim costumes, shortly before her stroke.

Maria Guth, sick with Altzheimer, 1968 at Boeblingen, Germany ~~~ 1984 at Ramat-Gan, Israel

An old paper composition: Maria Guth 1938 (pregnant with me) and 1983-1985 (cared for and dying in my arms)

Another graveyard - in Wolfartsweiler, where my mother + 3 children were evacuated 1944-1946,
I visited it -1983- with Regina and a friend of my father (fell in 1943), who had proposed to drive us.
This occurred when I lived with Ursel for 4 weeks, and visited our mother at Calw hospital every day (by bike: 10 km),
until it became clear that she would not die, but come into my care in Israel, from July 1983 till she died, Febr. 1985

Ursel, my sister, with Regina and the second of her 4 children, Hartmut, perhaps 1968




Second Part: 1985-2003

My mother died in my arms ~~~ on Februar 20, 1985.
We buried her in the Templers' Cemetery in Jerusalem
and later installed this integrated Cross and David-Star
(see more in K.i.s.s.-Log 2008 on Maria's birthday date)

My daughter Ronnit tried to bond with her grandmother, though Maria didn't even recognize me. her daughter.
Yanina and my main Arab partner in the seventies
helped me to install the sculpture.

What a contrast in Jerusalem
between the green graveyard in 2001 and this nearby spot in Sept. 2003.
The dry spot was where my bus had parked for 4 weeks in May 1988.
As far as I could see now -2010- that "parking-lot"has become part of "Bell-Garden".

I wonder, if the guide of that group was Me'ir, the same Messianic Jew,
who now, on Oct.15, 2010, utterly elated, told me and my German family

"For 10 years groups have been asking me about this grave of Maria Guth,
and I tell them: I know nothing about her, but she must have loved Israel!"


Third Part: October 15, 2010- between 2:15 and 2:45 PM

Though we met Me'ir only, when we all arrived from the Brith of Tamir's son,
[.... from Birth and Brith to Burial ....]

I need to mention Me'ir before taking you on a virtual early-morning-walk through the tomb-stones.
In the morning my old key had opened the gate, but now I had forgotten it in my family's rented car.
Yet - when we came - driven by Yacob of Tamir's family- the gate was wide open, for the first time in 25 years!

I hurried inside, ran to the third grave in this row and there was Me'ir exclaiming:
"Who are you?"

Meir: "You should restore the rusty and broken sculpture!
And you should replace the plastic flowers, which I put here,
with two bushes of roses!"
[See the rose-triad I planted for my kids]...

A messianic Jew guards and guides in a graveyard of Christians,
Christians, who were expelled by the Church because of their belief,
Christians who left everything in the area, where I was born and grew up,
Germans, who immigrated to what 100 years later, when I myself immigrated,
had once more become

An e-mail quote arrived in this very moment [Oct. 27, 2010, 8 AM ] of my last work on these 4 pages

As you are born into these physical bodies,
you experience the vibrational continuum of the generations
that have come before you.
Their desires as they have lived as individuals
—and their Collective Mass Consciousness desire—
has emanated to the boundary-less boundaries of the Universe,
and Law of Attraction is answering all of those requests.
So, each generation who follows the previous generation
benefits by the desires
that have been exuded by Mass Consciousness.
Abraham [2004]

While rejoicing in the fact, that Me'ir cared like a son for Maria Guth's grave,
it dawned on me, that my and my sister's iron symbol of Cross+Star-of-David
must have entered body and heart, if not the consciousness of many people!
And I began to wonder, why I am to learn about this at this moment in time?

May 2, 2011

There are still "problems" with realizing Meir's wish.
On the background of world events
like the "end-time promo" in Japan (since March 9),
and the dumb reaction to the killing of Bin Laden now,
it would be ridiculous to quote the CMA's "rules".
In any case, if Maria Guth would have died today,
she wouldn't have been "qualified" for being buried here,
nor would I have had the required 3000 dollar
for burying her in Jerusalem.....


I now was to have another experience in those 30 minutes of Oct. 15, 2010:

In all these 25 years I never had a chance to enter the split-off section of the cemetery,
which seems to "contain" only the graves of the original Templers,
those people who came from "Schwaben", or as it's called officially: "Wuerttemberg",
precisely in "my" Germany around Stuttgart, where I was born and raised
and Wolfartsweiler near Saulgau [see map] to where we were evacuated (1944-1946)
They came exactly at the time, when the brave Jews in Jerusalem broke through the walls,
and erected Mishkenot Sha'ananim [see also the website of Mishkenot Sha'ananim today, and see my own experience]]
I want to believe, that not all of these "Landsleute" ("the people of my country") were Nazis,
though all of them - up to the last family - were evicted by the British Mandate Government.

I feel driven, on October 26-27, 2010,
to dive into the history of the Suabian Templers, nowadays based in Stuttgart
by copying most of the paper brochure
which Me'ir gave us about

"Footprints of the Templers,
The Wuerttemberg Templers in the Holy Land"
and (mostly in my mind) comparing the information
with what I once learnt, taught and applied:
the facts of the incredible accomplishments
of the first   incredibly   courageous   Zionist.

Moreover - I always had an inkling,
that I was around in the twenties
in the Yezreel Valley.
Now this inkling has become a pervasive fantasy about my connection to both:

a) the Jewish pioneers,
as exemplified in Alexander Zaid,
murdered 5 weeks before my birth in 1938,
His mother belonged to the "Sobbotniks",
another Christian sect, but tending to Judaism

b) the Templers at Betlehem-in-the Galilee,
10 km from Sheikh Abreik Hill
[Bet-Zaid & Giv'at Zaid]
where Alexander & Zippora found refuge in 1926 from their own companions in Kfar Gil'adi,
and where in winter 1963-64 Kfar Tikva,
a village for adults-with-special-needs
was installed,
realized by German pietists from the Black Forest, with "my" Rafael Rosenzweig as the administrator.
This was 3 months before we could marry,
dreaming about living and working together
where Alexander Zaid had worked and died.
But Rafael was expelled after 2 months,
as "not fitting" the Pietists' beliefs...
I saw "Kfar Tikva - Hope Village" only from afar.

In the twenties
there was nothing between Zaid's Sheikh Abreik
and the two Templer settlements in that area,
Betlehem and Waldheim
[today Aloney-Abba]
[Ramat-Yishai was founded in 1925, Bet-Shearim in 1926,
, the nearby town, only in 1947!]

They were direct neighbors:
The Jewish Russian Zaids
and the Christian German Templers!
Why was I led to live for some days
at Betlehem and Waldheim in Febr. 1988?
Why is the composition of photos dated
February 20, 1988, my mother's death day?

February 20, 1988, exactly 3 years after my mother's death I found myself for a few days
in the two Templer settlements, Waldheim (today Aloney-Abba) and Betlehem-in the-Galilee !!
Strangely- there even exists a composition of photos about the visit of my children there.

I want to voice my fantasy:
Was I Alexander Zaid, whose mother, a Sobbotnik, was murdered, and who let himself be murdered on July 11, 1938?
Did I slip right away into the womb of a pregnant woman from Saxony (the only other area in Germany with Templer communities)
in order to let myself be born only 35 days after Alexander Zaid's death, hurrying, hasting towards the circumstances of this life-time?
I've always known, that it was necessary for my life's assignment,
that I experience the holocaust, though as a child, from both sides, from the side of the victims and the side of the perpetrators!
And I always knew, that unless my father, a judge at the beginning of his career, had moved from Communist East-Germany to liberal West-Germany,
I could never have gone to Israel for a scholarship year
and therefore would never have immigrated to Israel,
in order to live, what that prophecy calls "godêr-paeretz", the one who repairs a gap in a fence?
"and thou shalt be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in".
But why did my parents come to Stuttgart, the base of the Templers in Germany?
And why did I, the child, whose parents did not talk with her the Suabian dialect,
come in close contact with the children of the Suabian peasants, just when my consciousness began to wake up?

[How short is the time of 2 3/4 years, when one is 72, and how long, when one is six years old!!!!!]

From Me'irs brochure about the Wuerttemberg Templers:
[my few, accidental comments- comments often only by coloring a name or word that brings up emotions - are in brown or purple.. - the links are also mine]

Who are the Templers? ... they have nothing to do with the Knights Templar of the crusader era. That order was dissoved in 1312 AD.
Following the call of their faith, they began moving to the Holy Land in 1868.      They were the first to successfully drain swamps and make the land habitable for Europeans. To this day, many traces testify to their beneficial activity.
[Petah Tikva, the "Mother of the Settlements", was founded in 1878 by religious pioneers from Europe ]

The Christian community of the Templers evolved out of mid-nineteenth century Protestant Pietism. The Temple Society was brought into being by the theologian Christoph Hoffmann (1915-1885), who was the son of the founder of the Korntal [!] Pietist Community near Stuttgart and delegate to the 1848 National assembly in the Frankfurt Paulskirche.....

In view of the grave social ills of the time....they wanted ( - after the model of the early Christian Church) - through the establishment of communities of like-minded people... to gradually pervade and transform society...In these communities, where tolerance and love of neighbour were practised, individuals would see themselves as living components of a spiritual temple of God, as demanded in the New Testament - hence the name Templers.

They made the task of working towards the kingdom of God the centre of their lives and founded their first model community not far from Stuttgart, in Kirschenhardthof, in 1856.They understood the prophetic promise that God's kingdom would begin its victorious spread in Jerusalem as a call that they should also strive for it in the holy Land and from communities there. Thus, many of them sold all they had and emigrated from Wuerttemberg, from Saxony
[the country of my mother and her ancestors...], from the USA and from the Caucasus [one of the areas to where the "Sobbotniks", were deported) to the Holy Land, then a desolate region of the Turkish Empire, and to Jerusalem.
The work of the Templers
[see how similar it is to that of the Jewish settlers, and all this at the same time!]
"When the Templers began establishing their settlements in 1969, the country had not one decent seaport, its forests had been cut down, agriculture was primitive and there were more dilapdated townships than inhabitable ones. It was a country with no coach traffic, no hotels and no trained physicians."
So wrote the Israeli historian of the University of Haifa, Prof. Alex Carmel (died 2002), in his book
"Die Siedlungen der wuerttembergischen Templer in Palaestina 1968-1918" (The Settlements of the Wuerttemberg Templers in Palestine 1868-1918).

After years of meticulous planning, the first four Templer settlements emerged in Haifa, in Jaffa, in Sarona near Jaffa and in Jerusalem. Initially the newcomers concentrated on getting established in agriculture. They laid out fields, vineyards and orchards and successfully employed modern working methods. Their steam-powered oil presses and flourmills were open for business to the local population also. Qualified tradesmen began operating workshops of every kind, and factories emerged, producing soap, machines, beer and cement, to name but a few; others opened shops, banks and hotels. A doctor set himself up in Haifa as early as 1870, and another one in Jaffa, and European-style pharmacies and infirmaries commenced operations in both towns.

"The Templers soon gained a reputation for their skills and their diligence. They built exemplary colonies and pretty houses surrounded by flower gardens - a piece of their homeland in the heart of Palestine" (Carmel)

The generously laid-out Haifa Templer settlement has meanwhile become the heart of the city.
(It's where the families of Nimr Ismair and Ibrahim Sam'aan lived in the seventies, and where many of the sessions of the Partnership Committee took place...) Then Jerusalem consisted of only the Old City within its walls, as we still find that part today. It began to outgrow its walls only after the Templers founded their settlement on the Plain of Rephaim.
[why don't they mention "Mishkenot Sha'ananim"?

Wikipedia: Mishkenot Sha’ananim (lit. Tranquil Abode)
[see also the version and images in Hebrew]
Mishkenot Sha'ananim was the first Jewish neighborhood built outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem, on a hill directly across from Mount Zion. It was built by Sir Moses Montefiore in 1869 as an almshouse, paid for by the estate of a wealthy Jew from New Orleans, Judah Touro. Since it was outside the walls and open to Bedouin raids, pillage and general banditry rampant in the region at the time, the Jews were reluctant to move in, even though the housing was luxurious compared to the derelict and overcrowded houses in the Old City. As an incentive, people were even paid to live there, and a gate was built around the compound with a heavy door that was locked at night. The name of the neighborhood was taken from Isaiah 32:18: "My people will abide in 'mishkenot sha'ananim' (peaceful habitation), in secure dwellings and in quiet resting places."

See my experience in Mishkenot Sha'ananim [with my friend Lior]
right after my morning visit in the Templers' graveyard
and before my visit to the grave with my German family...

The Templers' decisive contributions to the country during these early years were the building of new roads and the improvement of the existing transport routes, because up to then there was only one road fit for vehicular traffic, namely the road the pildgrims travelled from Jaffa to Jerusalem.

Architects and engineers, including the perhaps best-known second-generation Templer, Gottlieb Schumacher (1857-1925, from Tuebingen and Ohio), realised these ambitious plans, together with Templer building firms such as Beilharz Brothers. In addition to his work in town planning, cartography and scientific publications, Schumacher led the first archaeological excavations at Megiddo from 1903-1905. The Haifa University's Institute for research into the Christian Contribution ot the Restoration of Palestine in the 19th Century bears his name.

The road from Haifa to Nazareth was the first to be built. The construction costs were largely carried by the members of the Haifa Templer Community. The new road made relatively convenient and safe pilgrim journeys to Galilee possible. Templer families built and ran hotels in Haifa, Tiberias and Nazareth. Regular coach services operated between Haifa and Acre, and between Jaffa and Jerusalem. Where previously goods transport and travel were only possible using beasts of burden, or boats along the coast of the Mediterranean, the face of the country was now changing. The groundwork for the development of a modern economy had been created.

In addition, the Jewish immigrants who began arriving in the late [?] 19th century were able to draw on the knowledge and experience of the Templers,
who not only were commissioned with building work in Zikhron-Ya'akov [founded 1882!] and Bath Shlomoh [1889], but also supplied the Jewish settlers with foodstuffs and household equipment. [What about the first Jewish settlement - Petach-Tikvah - founded 1878 ?]

Due to the increased volume in domestic markets and the development of trade links with Europe and the USA, some of the workshops and service industries of the Templers grew into sizeable enterprises.

New agricultural settlements (Sarona, Wilhelma, Betlehem and Waldheim) were founded. Even though the Temple Society in Palestine remained a small community of less than 1500 people, its contribution to the development of the country was fruitful in manyways.

The settlements were pushed to the brink of disintegration during World War I when the British, after occupying Palestine in 1918, deported a large number of Templers to internment in Egypt and denied them the return to their settlements after the war. Permission to re-enter Palestine was not forthcoming until international intermediaries intervened on behalf of the Templers, who then returned to restore their houses and farms, which had been badly damaged by the ravages of war. .

However, Great Britain's entry into World War II signalled the end of the Templers' work in Palestine. They were interned in their own settlements , and a large proportion, consisting mainly of younger families, was deported to Australia in 1941 [see their website]. The last of those remaining had to leave the country when the State of Israel was proclaimed in 1948.
[The brochure says nothing about the Nazi involvment of part (or all?) of the Templers....]

Footprints of the Templers:
Haifa, Jerusalem, Sarone, Wilhelma, Betlehem, Waldheim.

The first Templers arrived in 1868. They bought land at the foot of Mt Carmel, to the west of the then Arabic town. .. it became a new economic centre in northern Palestine. "In those days, Haifa was still a miserable place, overshadowed by Acre [Acco], the district capital. Most of the 4000 inhabitants lived crowded within the city walls. If there was anything like a fresh breeze to be felt in the small town at that time, it was the German settlers who now provided a decisive impetus for its development" (Carmel).

Today, the "German Colony" is situated in the centre of the City of Haifa. The former has become a landmark of the city. It runs straight from the sea to Mt. Carmel. Jakob Schumacher from Tuebingen built it in 1869. What was then a vision in the wilderness is today Ben Gurion Ave, "one of the most beautiful streets in Israel". [How often did I walk this road up and down, as well as the parallel road with the Arab-Jewish center "Bet-HaGefen" at its corner, and had no idea about the Templers from my home-country, and what they did there one hundred years before!]

Many a doorway is still graced by a Bible quotation chiselled into its lintel. The old Templer neighbourhood extends along Ben Gurion Ave and across two roads running parallel to it, from the port facilities up to the foot of Mt. Carmel, along the former Weinstrasse (now HaGefen Rd) . ..
A new suburb with residential areas, a hotel and a sanatorium was developed around 1890 in a generously laid out pine grove on Mt Carmel. The memorial stone commemorating the visit to the Holy Land by Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1898 can still be seen on Panorama Road (Yefe Nof). Looking down from this road over the Baha'i temple and across the red-tiled roofs of the Templer houses out to sea, the view is simply stunning (see cover page of the brochure, "google" for images about Templers in Haifa).

The first Templers who moved to Jerusalem lived in the Old City but, in 1871, Matthaeus Frank from Neuffen near Stuttgart, bought a piece of land on which he built a steam-driven flourmill [how strange, that his pioneer of Jerusalem, too thought of a flourmill like Montefiore, except that Montefiore's was driven by wind and founded already in 1857...] and a home whose front door still features the Eben Ezer 1873 incription. This house, not far from Jerusalem's Jaffa Gate, was the start of the Templer community on the Plain of Rephaim, where businessmen, travel agents, hoteliers, tradesmen, architects, innkeepers, teachers and public servants soon settled. This is also where Christoph Hoffmann relocated the Templer head office and secondary school. The Templer president now lived in Jerusalem which quickly became the spiritual and cultural centre of the Temple Society.

The establishment of schools was among the most urgend community projects for the Templers in new settlements and was carried out at great financial cost. These schools were also open to students of other nationalities and religions.

A walk through the lanes of the settlement with its quite well-preserved houses and gardens is a rewarding experience. Situated along Rephaim Road, the "German colony" is bounded by Bethlehem Road in the east. Just were the two roads meet at an acute angle is the Saal, the Templer place of worship, which now serves the Armenian Patriarchate as a church. New constructions are now planned on the site of the two adjacent school buildings.

Betlehem and Waldheim and Wilhelma
The agricultural settlement of Betlehem was founded in 1906, not far from the Plain of Yezreel. ...Just a few kilometers away, the settlement of Waldheim was founded in 1907 by the descendants of the Haifa Templer families who had returned to the Protestant Church. - [now Aloney-Abba].
Wilhelma, now Bney-Atarot, the charm of rural Templer settlements is best preserved. Founded in 1902, its significance throughout the surrounding area was enhanced by the establishment of an agricultural school in 1909, by the introduction of artificial fertilisers and by effective animal husbandry. The products of its cooperatively managed dairy (which had an exemplary hygienic standard) were particularly in demand. The town, now a moshav, is situated not far north of Ben Gurion airport in the direction of Petah-Tiqvah.
Wilhelma was extensively damaged when the advancing British troops battled the Turks in World War I. In World War II, Wilhelma - like Sarona, Betlehen and Waldheim - was transformed by the British Mandate Authority into an internment camp for German nationals.

The first Christians who settled as a group in Jaffa in the 19th century were Adventists from the USA. They, too were well prepared for settlement in the disease and epidemic-ridden land, even bringing with them their disassembled prefabricated houses. But the undertaking, which was begun with such great expectations, failed after only one year. The Templers acquired the timber houses in 1869 and several of them exist to this day.

Most of the newcomers were engaged in a trade. Hotels were fitted out, a small pharmacy and an infirmary, both of which had been taken over from the Basler Pilgermission, were expanded and a doctor established his medical practice.
Regular coach services soon connected Jaffa and Jerusalem. Farmers concentrated on the cultivation of citrus fruits: Jaffa oranges soon became a household word.When this neighbourhood, nicknamed Amelikan, ran out of space, the Templers of Jaffa spread to a place called Walhalla [this name has a nauseating ring after the Nazi period] a little further north around 1892. A small, but by no means insignificant industrial area developed there, including the well-known iron foundry and machine workshop of the Wagner Brothers from Maegerkingen.

Sarona [See an impressive image of "Sarona among Skyscrapers"]
Since there was no space for sustained agriculture in Jaffa, the Temple Society bought land in the Plain of Sharon along the Yarkon (Audsche) Riffer in 1871. This plain, after which the new settlement was named, was full of swamps and malaria was rampant. A large number of settlers, including many children, fell victim to the disease. But the survivors did not give up; they drained the swampy ground and planted eucalypts in great numbers wherever possible. By 1873, malaria was largely defeated but, as late as 1902, Sarona still had to spend large sums of money on draining swamps.

Ten years after its founding, Sarona was a flourishing colony, not least through viticulture, which the farmers pursued as a specialty sideline to agriculture and animal breeding. Intensive orange cultivation was added in due course.
Today, Sarona (Ha-Kyria) is situated in the centre of Tel Aviv. The houses of the former settlers are seen on both sides of Kaplan Street. They were occupied by the Israeli military for many years. The houses vacated south of Kaplan Street have been restored and declared a Municipal Historical Park-Sarona Gardens .

        As an antidote to this brochure, obviously written by Templers,
      read the - painful - article Sarona, the Kirya in Tel Aviv was founded by the Templars

Naturally, not all Templers lived in the named compact settlements. As early as the 1870s, the wagner flourmill began operating in Nazareth; it is now the St Charles Hospice of the Rosary Sisters. Those days also saw the establishment of the Hotel Galilee. Traces also in Tiberias and Ramleh.

The Templer Cemeteries:
Life continues in the former Templer settlements: new people live in the houses, and the fields are tended by others. What has remained, however, are the Templer cemeteries in Haifa and in Jerusalem. Originally, each Templer settlement had its own burial ground but, in 1964, the cemeteries of Waldheim, Betlehem (Haglilit) and Wilhelma were closed and the mortal remains re-interred in the Haifa and Jerusalem. The deceased of Sarona/Jaffa had been transferred to Jerusalem in 1952.
... The Templers today: Following World War II and the loss of their Palestine settlements, the Templers reunited in new communities. After their liberation from internment, Australia offered the Templers the chance to stay... In Germany a new community centre was established in Stuttgart.
Their baisc concepts: "Set your mind on God's kingdom and his justice before everything else. ... trusting in God, loving their neighbour, acting responsibly towards the world and committed to furthering God's kingdom of love and kindness among humans." They feeel a bond with all those who also see their life's task as working towards these aims.



A few images of the section of the Templer graveyard, where Templers are buried

Father Christoph Hoffmann, 1815-1885

Samuel Hoffmann, 1888-1889
who died like the other children from cholera

Son Christoph Hoffmann 1847-1911
Generations of Schwaben in Jerusalem

Christoph Hoffmann senior and Christoph Paulus (1811-1893) - from Ludwigsburg - were the founders of the group in 1854,
In 1868 Christoph Hoffmann and a few other families emigrate to Palestine
1884 Christoph Paulus succeeds Christoph Hoffmann as Head of the Society. [see timeline]

The children die in the Holy Land

Three children graves in a row and more children graves nearby:
one of them quotes:
"the little girl is asleep". [Matthew 9:24]
But in that Jesus-story the girl was resurrected to life...

One of my two bosses at the Tuebingen "Institutum Judaicum" was Prof. Otto Bauernfeind.
I was employed there for half a year after I was evicted from Heidelberg University, 1963.
Bauernfeind, "Enemy of Peasants" conjures up the time of Martin Luther's "Reformation"!

Me'ir showed us this empty space on the wall above a list of names: "Here was the relief of a big swastika".
I don't know, how the names under it are connected, but those I could decypher show fascinating wanderings:

like: Paul Guenthner born in 1879 in Jaffa, died in 1920 in Stuttgart ~~and like ~~ Jakob Mayer, born 1887 in Kirchen, died 1918 in Nazareth.
or : Joh. Wennagel, born in Sarona 1884, died in ? 1914 - The landlady of the flat in Stuttgart, into which we were re-evacuated in 1946, was called Frau Wennagel


Nazi affiliation [from Wikipedia Sarona]
"During the 1930s, with the rise of the Nazi party to power, many of the Templers embraced Nazi ideology. Nazi party branches where established in every colony and Nazi official, diplomats, gestapo and S.S. officers – including Adolf Eichmann – visited Palestine and were received with great enthusiasm by the men and women of Sarona. About a third of the Templer colonies registered as supporters of the new rule and become Nazi party members. Nazi youth movement activities were popular and the plans to open schools based on Nazi ideologies turned the once-friendly Jewish Yishuv away and Templer produce was boycotted.
At the end of August 1939, a few days before World War II broke out, young Templer men eligible for the draft were conscripted into the Wehrmacht and left for Germany. Those who stayed behind became enemy nationals.[4] Sarona, together with the three other agricultural settlements - Wilhelma, Bethlehem of Galilee and Waldheim - became "perimeter" compounds into which all Germans living in Palestine were interned. Sarona held close to 1,000 persons behind a guarded, 4 m high barbwire fence. In July 1941, 198 people from Sarona, together with almost 400 from the other internment camps were deported to Australia on the Queen Elizabeth. They were interned in Tatura in Central Victoria Australia until 1947. By November 1944, most of the remaining Sarona residents had been moved to the camp in Wilhelma camp. The last group was sent there in September 1945."

