The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates

January 23, Wednesday, - at Shoham -
The song of Immanuel's children to his 50th birthday, 2013

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future

Immanuel's 45th Birthday
[see the song of your name in SongGame 2007_01_23]

Immanuel this is my birthday present and blessing.

I am with you – always and forever!


Right now, for the very first time, I realize, that "Imma" is the beginning of "Immanuel".
Maybe, that is the deeper reason for your choice of the Latin transcription "Emanuel"?



back to past ~~~~~ forward to future



image   of   the    day:         by chance it was exactly the minute of her Abba's birth 45 years ago, 8:05,
when we planted together the violet flower, which Mika broughtme from her Tu-bi'Shvat celebration.

hodayot   [thanksgivings]     for today
My Body, my Partner,
I give thanks to our reproductive system,
which enabled us to conceive Immanuel,
to let him grow in our womb and to birth him.
Though I still regret, that I let our womb be cut out, in 1988,
because they promised I would have less bladder-infections,
and though I still regret, to have taken hormons after that for 8 years,
I am grate-full that this system is still functioning in you, Body,
grate-full even for the heat-waves which remind me of it .

I give thanks to you, my firstborn,
for having been in my life for 16436 days,
during some woe and much joy.....
and for having chosen me as your mother,
as the womb inside my body and outside of it,
the space for growing and becoming who you are,

You chose to fly high and to love deep - like the Albatross





Your flight above the French Alps, May 2004 -
today, during this week, you are in the Italian Alps for a ski-holiday with your son Alon, your brother Micha, your step-brother Joel and you step-sister Dita.



Listen to Mendelssohn's song based on these verses in Psalm 55: O for the Wings of a Dove!
I said, "Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest- I would flee far away and stay in the desert; Selah"


Your flight above the Gobi Desert, October 2004



edited excerpts from Wikipedia

are highly efficient in the air,
using dynamic soaring
and slope soaring
to cover great distances
with little exertion.

Pair bonds
between males and females
form over several years,
with the use of 'ritualised dances',
and will last for the life of the pair.

A breeding season
can take over a year
from laying to fledging,
with a single egg
laid in each breeding attemp




Your flight, May 2004, Approaching Luxemburg (pilot: Kobi Yaniv

Febr. 2005, After a wasted pilot-day [the plane could not be repaired],
at a time, when you still had to drive 2 1/2 hours to Ben-Gurion airport
and after a tiring flight up to 3 hours back to the Galilee, where you lived.


edited excerpts from Wikipedia: Wandering Albatross

Together with the Amsterdam Albatross
it forms the Wandering Albatross species complex.
the whitest of this species complex,
the largest member of the genus Diomedea (the great albatrosses),
and one of the best known and studied species of bird in the world.

The Wandering Albatross has the largest wingspan of any living bird,
with the average wingspan being 3.1 meters (10.2 ft).
The longest-winged examples verified have been about 3.7 m (12 ),
but probably erroneous reports of as much as 5.3 m (17.5 ft) are known.
As a result of its wingspan, it is capable of remaining in the air
without beating its wings for several hours at a time
(traveling 22 meters for every meter of drop)
The length of the body is about 1.35 m (4.4 ft)
with females being slightly smaller than males...

. In the days of sail it often Accompanied a ship for days,
not merely following it,
but wheeling in wide circles around it
without ever being observed to land on the water.
It continued its flight, apparently untired,
in tempestuous as well as moderate weather.

edited excerpts from Hebrew Wikipedia:Albatross



Your flight, April 2004, Above Kasachstan


In my opinion the best island we visited was Espanolá, the primary breeding ground for the endemic Waved Albatross...which is appropriately called the Galápagos Albatross... I think it is the most beautiful of its kind. The large yellow bill is set off by the smoky black back and wings. The name "Waved Albatross" described the subtle wavy lines on the sides and breast [gray in these pictures]...

Parents feed the chicks by regurgitating food into the chick's mouth. At first the chicks are fed daily by one parent or the other but later in the season a chick may wait 2 weeks for either parent to return.

Chicks almost ready to fledge start exercising their wings. They are fed up until they fledge. Then the chick walks to the edge of the cliff and takes off into the wind. It is now on its own and will remain alone at sea for at least 2 years before returning to the natal colony to begin the search for a mate.

Most birds return when they are 3 years old and spend up to 3 years as singles looking for a mate. ... Birds may not mate for the first time until they are 7 years old. When they find a mate, they build a lifetime pair bond by dancing and those lucky enough to witness this dance are enchanted.


Your flight, October 2004, Wingtips Vortex


October 2004, A colleague of yours, photographed while you were flying too.


See the amazing video about a Wandering Albatross

and this one about the Royal Albatross
with the roaring of the Sea and the shrieking of the birds

and this one, which accompanies the majestic flight with majestic music

and this one with gorgeous stills, a composition of photos by many gifted artists.
showing albatrosses in soraing flight as well as in moving love...

and this one of an Albatross mother, laying her only egg in one year

and this one of a couple's mating dance and song, which can last for years

and this one with a group of couples performing that dance and song

and the last one I chose: the mating dance of blackfooted Albatrosses

edited excerpts from Wikipedia: Dynamic Soaring

Dynamic soaring is a flying technique
used to gain kinetic energy
without effort
by repeatedly crossing the boundary
between air masses of significantly different horizontal velocity.
Such zones of high wind gradient
are generally found
close to obstacles and close to the ground,
so the technique is mainly used by birds,
but some glider pilots have also been able
to soar dynamically in wind shears at higher altitudes.
Some seabirds dynamically soar
by repeatedly diving into the valleys of ocean waves,
and then wheeling back up into the air.
Albatrosses are particularly adept at exploiting the technique

and they use it to travel many thousands of miles
using hardly any energy.

When the bird pulls up into the wind
out of the still air in the lee of a wave,
it suddenly becomes exposed to a head wind,
so the speed of the air over its wings increases.
It then turns in the other direction
and, with the wind behind it,
dives back into the shelter of a wave.
This also results in an increase in its air-speed.
So by repeating this "wheeling" pattern,
the bird can continue flying indefinitely
without having to put in any effort.
In effect it is harvesting energy from the wind gradient.


Your flight above the Himalaya, October 2004

The Pilot parts from his girls and the Pilot rejoins his girls: January 30, 2007 and August 9, 2007 - from "Mika's Full-Fill-ments with her Parents"


Two days ago I found the first wild Calendulot
and brought them to Mika - she was delighted,
and yesterday I discovered the first Calaniot
and brought one to Mika - she was delighted.
This morning, after having planted the Amnon ve-Tamar in your name,
we looked again at those flowers, which will remind her of her promise
to say YES

May you, her father, my son, release your "Yes-Pattern",
and say Yes to All that you ARE and all that you have lived.

Your flight, July 2004, Sunrise over Saudi-Arabia



song of the day
About the Storks and how they put on their wings and fly,
a song for baby Immanuel by Abba and Imma, May 1963


Immanuel's birth and name /Immanuel's birthday in 2009


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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8

The son, whom the almah, the young-woman called Immanuel, has become fifty years of age!

From SongGame 2007: Chanuka 1970:
I could not imagine, not hope, not dream,
that not yet 8 years later Immanuel would be part of a family,
not only with his younger siblings - Ronnit and Micha (on my lap)
but also with hia Dita, his sister from his father's first marriage.

From Closeup to Immanuel 1971:
How had he found this cross of mine?
I felt embarrassed and must have disposed of it soon after.
But from this perspective it is right,
that he - unawarely - brought his Christian heritage to the surface

Immanuel alone








Immanuel with his sister









Immanuel with his brother

Immanuel with his mother








Some more compositions of the accidental photos with Immanuel,
photos that escaped my destruction of paper-photos, scanned years ago

Sharing my excitement about "Immanuel is 50 years old today" - with three people who are even older than I (74)

Today I got an e-mail from Renata (76) with a video about Mercedes Sosa
shalom rachel, thought of you when I saw this, I think you will enjoy it
I was not aware of her connection with israel
things are good here with me. hope you can say the same
blessings, renata

Dear Renata, January 23, 8:35 AM
So this great woman of mestizo, French and Amerindian ancestry
had a sister who was married to a Jew, who immigrated to Israel.
She died at my present age, and she was born only shortly before you.
A pity, she, when old, didn't have the beauty of YOUR face and stature!

The only two people who were close to me during my outrageous pregnancy with Immanuel, and who are still alive, are Martin, my dead sister's husband,(81)
and Anke, my oldest friend (75).
I wanted to share with them - from afar, far both geographically and in terms of our frequences -
how much this fact, "the Fifty Years", means for me.

Anke... Uebrigens wird Immanuel am 23. Januar f u e n f z i g Jahre alt! Weil Du so nahe bei mir warst waehrend der gegen die deutschen Theologen rebellierenden Schwangerschaft, wirst Du Dich darueber freuen, zusammen mit Deinem eigenen nie verschwelenden Gram
[Anke's son, one of her 3 children, committed suicide]
Martin ...Was jetzt wichtig ist, ist Immanuel's 50. Geburtstag!
Da Du ja ziemlich viel von der - gegen die Theologen
rebellierenden - Schwangerschaft und Geburt mitbekommen hast ,
wirst du ein wenig erahnen, was dies fuer mich bedeutet:
dass dieses - von manchen so verdammte Kind -
(Prof. Schlink, als ich ihm meine Examensarbeit zusammen mit einem Photo ueberreicht, aufbrausend:
"Wissen Sie warum Hitler kommen musste,
weil immer die juedischen Bosse ihre Sekretaerinnen und Hausangestellten vergewaltigt haben")

nun fuenfzig Jahre am Leben ist,
und dass auch Israel , das ja laut Psalm 83
schon vor 2500 Jahre haette ausgerotten werden sollen,
quicklebendig ist, und das trotz seiner rasendmachenden Fehler, Dummheit und Versaeumnisse.

For Immanuel: 3 songs of mine
to a poem of Rafael Rosenzweig, a composition of Biblical poems, and a poem by Hermann Hesse, translated by me