Structure of Healing-K.i.s.s. - as perceived
in 2009 - including a second website: ARARAT
March 13, 2011:
After 10 years of almost daily creating and playing, learning and healing
with the help of Healing-K.i.s.s.,
I find it a bit ridiculous, that in 2007-08 I wanted to point out a "structure"
behind the websites' content.
And yet during the weeks of trying to at least present that content in somewhat
systematical overviews,
I finally- on March 13, 2011 - played the kids oracle:
"Leaving" or "Deleting" ? Answer: "Leaving!"
"Leaving", of course, has a double
meaning.....- what else is new with "oracles"???
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Keep It Simple Sweetheart
whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Lass dir
alles geschehn, Schoenheit und Schrecken. Rainer Maria Rilke, aus "Gott spricht zu jedem
ehe er in macht" |
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Let everything
happen to you, beauty and horror. Rainer Maria Rilke, from "God talks to each one
before he makes him" |
Enhancement in 2011, completed
on March 13
Exemplary I n t e g r a t i o n of two time-periods
in my life:
Diary Texts of 1978 ~ and ~ Desert Photos of
.integration.2001-2003 God has Evolved |
.integration.2001-2003 My Life's Harvest |
Continuation from .integration 2001-2003
At "my" edge of the Ramon Crater:
Heidelinde, my sister's third child, came to Succah in the Desert encouraged
by her mother.
She, too, paid from her own money like a regular guest, though she helped
me in the Succayah, especially with the donkeys
Synchronicity on March
1, 2011:
the insert of the Channelers' response in a Godchannel file, which I understand only now We are being
![]() ![]() I'll give myself a direction to contradict this formidable pattern. "Bueck dich und heb gefaelligst den Kruemel auf, den du hast fallen lassen." ![]() But I shall not bend my head anymore! |
I don't remember who were these three children
- guests or visitors?
[In one of the years I managed to count: there came 3 times as many visitors
as guests,
a fact, which was an enormous burden for the hosts, since visitors not only
needed tea (5 NIS), but also attention.
After all, the visitors were our way of "promotion", of both, the
Vision itself and the Succayah which paid for it.
Nor can I remember who were the two men who constructed the "makhsan",
the storeroom,
which later was enlarged to include a room for one of the 3 "hosts"
(volunteers to whom I paid a little salary, something I could
not afford for myself...)
According to my memory it was my son
Immanuel, who created the first storeroom...
1646-1716, philsopher & mathematician]
In philosophy, Leibniz
is mostly noted for his optimism, e.g. his conclusion that our Universe is, in a restricted sense, the best possible one that a God could have created. ![]() und Doktor des weltlichen und des Kirchenrechts in der frühen Aufklärung. Er gilt als der universale Geist seiner Zeit und war einer der bedeutendsten Philosophen des ausgehenden 17. und beginnenden 18. Jahrhunderts. Leibniz sagte über sich selbst: „Beim Erwachen hatte ich schon so viele Einfälle, dass der Tag nicht ausreichte, um sie niederzuschreiben.“ |
This photo which shows my niece again with three
of the donkeys, the storeroom, later called "Esau", is already covered
with netshade
more pictures with Heidelinde and the donkeys
on December 27, 1978 There is progress! Yesterday night, Benjamin, Rushdi and I attended an evening with friends of Ganem Jakobi talking about Partnership. It was – according to my former standars – a 'failure', but even yesterday, when Benjamin parted from me and said: "It's a pleasure to work with you, and we'll find ways to be more effective" I was not depressed at all. This morning I woke up with some very distinctive thoughts about what had been good and with a very clear understanding of the pattern which wants to be "at least realitic and not delude myself". IN order to prevent criticism and blame, especially the formidable sentence: "You are naïve! You don't even sense when people ridicule you etc." I always pick out all the things that went wrong, completely contrary to Dita, my stepdaughter, who picks out all the things that went well, so that I am convinced she has never known any failure in her whole life. So what? Is it still that distorted notion of "truth" that governs my feelings and sayings? "At least to face the truth"! And somehow truth is always negative, always painful! I should at least for the sake of exercise, avoid any pointing out of any negative event, for at least 3 months! Like that exercise. "You should first be strong yourself, before you are allowed to take the hand of the One who is stronger than you are." Rafael, November 1960. Following this (perhaps "channeled"?) sentence, I weaned myself from praying and then I did not need the hand of a stronger one anymoe. I surely thought I would die, but I didn't. And that's just the same now: to give up pointing out negative things, seems to me synonym to giving up my pride, the pride of "facng the truth"! I'll never be lying like Rushdi did [as he said himself ] – telling Ibrahim Hatib in Jaljulia, that in Tira already exists a Partnership group. But I'll point out and be aware of all the positive things in anything I do or others do or anything that happens to me. And I'll tell Rafael about it, whenever I come home. [March 1, 2011: It took me another 32 years, until I learnt "to celebrate what is right with the World".....] |
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look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, To wear a cheerful countenance at all times
[Today, March 2011, I call this : |
![]() Was er tat, tat er mit ganzer Seele, darum war auch Gott mit ihm ![]() |
My own children were not only guests and visitors, but also helpers
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below: |
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And after my family in Germany and my family in Israel it's time to hint at myself:
Though this pretty view from my bus
with my first computer [and a photo with Ronnit and Jonathan]
may have been taken in some later year,
when I allowed myself to park in the middle of the wadi, right in front of
the famous Zin-Wadi,
it is exemplary for the life I lead in my bus, while creating the scientific
model of my Desert Vision.
By contrast:
this is the bus from the outside (destination: "Thousands
of Pathes"), still parking inside the area of the Succayah,
next to the temporary "succah", but also next to the first real
succah: Succat-Rivkah. [See
Last pages of Diary
1978: December 29 and 31 ![]() |
This is my most cherished picture, below the
Hill of the Angels' Flight,
but on the other side of the Wadi: Succat Sarah.
Channah, my "partner", had confirmed the registrations of 6 families
with children for the Pesach-Festival,
while not all of the succahs were yet completed.
So I worked like hell, to at least close the triangle on the western side,
the side of the wind....
The guests, who had no idea, what they let themselves into, when they registered
for the still unknown "Succah in the Desert",
were extremely angry, when they had to face facts, and immediately shortened
the registration from two to one day only.
But I could talk to them in what was almost a "channeled" way and
appease them.
And the next morning they told about a synchronicity which touched them:
Each family lived in a succah, the name of which was also the name of one
of the family...
A scene of rare togetherness between me and
Channah, my obstructive "partner"....
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A different "job" was, |
January 1, 1992 the incredible happened: snow and ice all over the Succayah I wonder, that plants I tried to save... See more "snow-images" in Closeup to my Past |
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.integration.2001-2003 God has Evolved |
.integration.2001-2003 My Life's Harvest |
continuation in .integration-2001-2003-My Life's Harvest