The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


June 5/ Sivan 2, Thursday, still 71 days -at Arad
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- on June 12

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
8:00 the same hour, the same intention as yesterday, but a new day
I desire - from this Chodesh Sivan onward - to train - consistently & with utmost concentration!!
how to manifest my desires through heart-felt, God-felt INTENTION and not through words&acts

I desire to thus draw on the help of the whole 'universe' & integrate my desire into its 'right flow'
I desire that my 'test case' of manifesting desires in this way will be:
my intention that Yael&Rotem seek communication with me - without writing/calling them to do so!

I desire that this focusing will -first of all- 'heal' all blame/guilt ,self-victimization/self-justification

image of the day

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to you for having chosen to "age"
not in fast motion with progeria [see a video]
like "Sarah", see June 3 & June 4,
not prematurely with Altzheimer like Shifra, Zipi's mother,
(both came to sit on my veranda right after I had copied the "Intention")
not in slow motion like most people,

but by expressing the growing wholeness of our being.

I am grate-full that I don't have to feel guilty for being "priviledged",
like all the holocaust survivors who feel guilty for having survived,
since "Shifra" and "Sarah" are aspects of us, the ONE.
I'm grate-full that this mother and this daughter came at this minute,
while I was wondering for the first time what would be the image of the day

I'm grate-full to have seen the constant physical touching and embracing,
- the only expression of Shifra's soul now, and also an expression
of how Zipi learnt to accept her mother's sickness,
while 4 years ago she was hiding it in shame.
And I'm grate-full for the "dog-shit-proof" of "Manifesting by Intention"...

"It's you, Rachel Bat-Adam, who have created this,
it's you who have to be blamed!
After you came down on me because I let my dog shit in the park,
there are now signs in all the parks,
that whoever doesn't lift his dog's shit, will be fined with 450 NIS!"
I laughed:
"It wasn't me who went to the municipality to complain!"
"I know! YOU don't need to DO that - to create what you desire!"
"So what about your own dog?"
"We go down the wadi and let her shit there, for we are afraid!"
"Ah! it's not because of your understanding, that you do that,
but because of a threat and your fear of the fine?"
"Well, perhaps my desires can be fulfilled only in steps"

30 intense minutes with Zipi and her mother:

Zipi is very happy to work as a shepherdess
and to be in nature, "where one has nothing to do but BE".
Today - as last Thursday when she called me at Shoham -
she is with her mother at Arad, here in our street,
because Luda, the caretaker, has gone on holiday.
It's the first time that she travels home to the Ukraine,
from where she came 2 years ago, following her elder sister,
who takes care of Zipi's grandfather,
to make the money to pay for the studies of her daughter,
who stayed behind with Luda's brother
and cancer-sick mother.

"Luda's mother has cancer in the Ukraine,
while Luda works with your Altzheimer sick mother in Israel?"
"She needs the money!"

Luda is the most wonderful nurse for Zipi's mother.
What would the family do without her? but still????

"Doesn't she have a father?"
"He died, when Luda was small.
Luda says, that many men died because of "Chernobil".

[Evening, 3 SAT "Nano" about the warning system ECURIE !!!]
The European Community Urgent Radiological Information Exchange (ECURIE)
"I am moved by the intimate body connection between you!"
(later Shifra got up and dragged herself around my veranda
and ever so often came back to Zipi hugging her,
talking in a language nobody could understand,
then followed Zipi's advice to sit down, holding her hand)
"Wasn't it like that with your mother?"
I hesitated. Many things are similar,
my mother, too, couldn't remember her daughter's name,
my mother, too, had diapers.
my mother, too, couldn't DO anything but sit in bed, in a chair,
reading in always the same little illustrated book,
while Zipi's mother
"sometimes sings to herself".

My mother, sick with Altzheimer, age 75,
cared for by me in Israel from July 1983 till Febr. 1985
"I often held her hands", I finally said,
"but I don't remember that we hugged.
My mother never hugged or kissed us when we were children.
Since her husband was killed, she never received a hug or a kiss..."

We talked about each one choosing his/her life.
Yonat, who during her Service Year works at Kfar Rafael,
an anthroposophical institution that takes care of adults
who suffer from mental and physical disabilities, north-west to Beer Sheba,

told her:
"Since there is a whole being inside each of these humans,
and it was their choice to come to this life with a disability,
in order to learn something this way
we try to balance between nurturing and "advancing" them,
and letting them have the life which they chose."

I was stunned:

"Though this is not new to me, I'm surprised to hear this again.
I zapped into a doc, just when a mother said almost the same sentence
about her child with Down Syndrome,
and I happened to listen to a passage on that tape of 1988,
where someone - not even asked by me - channeled about me,
and - talking about my frustration of not Accomplishing anything -
said, that I wanted to motivate people to get out of their victim-role
and to live the lives they yearned for, but:
"not   everybody    wants    such    a    life".

We talked about what "life" should be,
and how this is what I study as a pioneer,
calling it "Heaven-on-Earth-in-Body
and searching for and experiment with the conditions for this.

This talk with Zipi now gave me the strength to transcribe this part of the channeling, done by "Kathy" 20 years ago.

"Driving Backward into the Future" = "Closeups to the Past" = Healing&Harvesting my Past

When I received that tape in October 1988,
I was working at "Israel Chemicals" as an old secretary of the young secretary.
This was 2 months after I had learnt "Computer" for free at "Manpower's",
while living in my bus on the beach south of Herzlia.
So during the hours of doing my job, I found minutes
of secretly transcribing the entire tape to the computer and from there to paper.

[I can't find the document now, and anyway
- jumping between the tape on my desk and the chair in front of my computer,
in order to "play" the tape and "pause" and "rewind" and "play" again -
helps me to imprint those words even deeper. ]

In July 1988 - after they had taken away my womb
and while badly coping with a sickly "partnership",
I happened to answer a letter from Bob Gidel from Punta Gorda in Florida

I've quoted from "Andarean Theory", a book with channeled info about "The System",
by Kathy&Bob Gidel, Florida, privately published in the early nineties
See also the so helpful quote in pp40, and new quotes in Nourishment 2007/2011
I seem to have expressed the fathomless depression I suffered from in July 1988,
before Ronnit, my daughter, came to visit me
and - from the beach - brought the director of "Manpower", Aki Friedmann,
whom she had met in the great workshop "Joyspring",
and who now advised me to work as a secretary via Manpower.

"I ? work as a secretary? I can hardly sit on a chair for an hour on end."

But 2 weeks later I succumbed to my soul's desire to survive,
I learnt computer, I got a job, my self-esteem rose, my spirits returned,
my decision to work on R&D of Solar Power in Israel
led to Succah in the Desert and the Vision of Desert Hosting Economy
and everything changed from then on!

And in the 20 years since then I've learnt to let people live the life they chose.
I am no longer dependent on being able to "help" them
in order to meet my need for feeling Accomplishment and full-fillment.

Nourishment from Others

From Kathy's Channeling about Rachel Bat-Adam, Oct. 1988,
rediscovered "by chance" on June 4, 2008:

"... and there is a lot of frustration of not knowing how to motivate people
that carries over from that life...
she very much wanted to be a force
to gather the people together to Accomplish something
but they wouldn't be gathered,
and so there is frustration with people that won't change, that has to be worked out.
She carries that over into this lifetime
People still won't change
and she still doesn't really belong.
She fits in for a while but she is still the odd ball out.
People don't always see her ideas as practical
or as being able to apply them to themselves.

[ pause]
So there is a blending of her forces into different groupings
where she may be helpful in some way
where there is room for the motivating forces she brings."

[Bob Gidell, who asks the channeler, his wife Kathy:]
"She says here:
"I want to use or create situations
where people can discover their strength or power for freedom"

"her real problem comes from the fact,
that not everybody wants to do that.
That's what I feel is her major frustration.
She would like to apply it to them
and that has to come from spirit
and so in some way there is the desire to awaken their spirit,
but that doesn't happen from without
that happens from a flame that becomes lit within.
And so there is much concern on how to motivate people,
and yet none of the ways seems to be satisfactory for that reason."

Bob: "She says she wants people to not feeling and acting as victims,
is this part of the same ?"

"Oh definitely
"but you see people do act as victims,
because they do not want to gather together the strength to take an active part,
they don't want to be leaders
and in order to do that they have to become "LEADER" within.
Yes, maybe, they work amongst the whole group
as we saw in the very first regression that we looked at,
where everybody was working as an active part of a group.
This is part of what she carries in her spirit
that she would like to see it Accomplished,
but people become very depressed in spirit
and they become very unsure of their own ability
and she tries to give them hope
but they see it as a bandage being put on and nothing long term
and it comes from having had the rug pulled out from underneath many many times.
And eventually they will learn to stand up,
but sometimes what she has to say, is just irritating,
because they don't want to hear it yet,
she is there as a reminder
but she doesn't get the feeling of Accomplishment
she would like to get for the amount of desire she has
to improve things,

[At this moment of transcribing Kathy's voice, I get an SMS from D. :
"yearnings and embraces in honor of the Shabbat"
I responded : "I was thinking of you at the same time"
{I was indeed thinking of her the same moment
- as my only example at present - of people who want to receive help,
but to whom I no longer want go give "a bandage"...]

Bob: "how does all of this tie into the fact that she elected
to incarnate in Germany and later [live in Israel]"

"for the fact that the feelings are stronger in the peoples
that were born in those places now,
that there is a greater sense of unification
when one is born in that area in the world
one does not think of other countries as being quite so distant
as let's say if being born in America,
because of the small size of so many countries."

Bob reads from my letter:
"obsessed with the sense of vocation,
everything is seen as a preparation for the actual "work",
I have yet to do."

"My impression is that there is a feeling that there is much to do,
but that there is a frustration
that there is not the appropriate places to do it
and it's all stemming from what we have just discussed,
there is that emptiness over not being able
to completely motivate other people or help to turn them around.
All too often she finds people
that even though they have received temporary upliftment
turn around and go back into the depresssion
that they were into previously
and go back into the old ways.
There are the occasional people
that go on to improve their lives
but they are not enough
and its their condition which works against her in many ways

"She does carry a light through what she does
but she really doesn't have the tolerance for people
who do not wish to live their life
and there is a place for that
that is an experience
that is necessary for many people,
it helps to teach them the value
of being able to create their lives.

"It will be through stabilizing herself
and finding use for herself
which is mundane and unimportant,
that fullfillment will come

but there is much in her that needs
to have impact upon a great amount of people
because she feels very strongly about those people."

While putting "Bob Gidel" in my "Search",
I found a diary entry of 1993,
[written during a 3 day silence meeting with myself around each Rosh Chodesh]
which is very relevant to that channeling in 1988
and to my "Intention" today, in the year 2008....:

Meirav talked about what little love there is in her life. She was rationalizing, she was terribly cynical, she demonstrated her self-hatred in a heart-breaking way. I did the first and the last just as she does, but I never was cynical. I told her so. My experience with having to stay silent and only now and then scribble some sentences on a piece of paper, was that of "God", I think, wanting to prevent suffering from a human being, but knowing, that each spirit has to make his/her own experiences in order to reach her own understanding.


I could see clearer then, how much I still indulge in the "overflowing" with my own experience, my own understanding, hoping that others could adopt them. But in such a lesson it's only me who is learning. When I wrote to her in the end, that she does not have to imagine, what kind of partner would suit her or what kind of love she wanted, but that she only had to let the yearning BE and the pain of not getting what she needed, FELT, and that LOVE would come one day, just as it would come to me, it was a confirmation for myself, not for her.


The experience of being a silent teacher is what I need now. Above this computer a piece of folded paper reminds me [of the lesson I learnt during the Ski-Rebirthing-Workshop in Aschau/Bavaria around Sylvester 1986/87
mentioned for instance in Communication with Deity 2004_10_15]:

"pas de control!
Ma presence suffit!
Ma presence aimante et divine."

[No controlling! My presence is enough.
My loving and divine presence."]

I was extending this presence to Meirav. I was touching her sometimes, putting my arm around her shoulder another time, even stroking her hair a little. I was just trying to radiate my love and my trust that - as I said in the end, when she wanted to know, if she can just leave for some days and go to Tel-Aviv and see a movie and see Sarit and forget about everything -

"each experience you create for yourself
will either nourish your soul
or fertilize your soil."

It is simple, this trust.
And it's good, that Bob Gidel from Punta Gorda in Florida sent their book about "In-Between-Lives" & Reincarnations. It radiates on every page
that each spirit is free and decides on his/her path,
the path of experience, understanding and creating.


(Kathy, the channeler, about her understanding after having committed suicide
in one of her lives:)
"I should have stayed and allowed myself to experience that relationship. He is an entity too, and has feelings ..."

Are you suffering any penalties from having committed suicide?

"No. That just ended the learning process of being around the Governor
(who wanted to sleep with her & she hated him).
It is easier to learn lessons on Earth,
in the middle of physical interrelationships,
than to understand them
in this dimension or place.
The learning is more difficult here,
and now."

"Do you mean that if you hadn't used the dagger
you would have learned your lessons
more easily and more quickly?"

"Yes, I should have stayed
and experienced the situation."

"So , our purpose on Earth
is learning and understanding,
and we must experience everything,
no matter how undesirable it might be?

"Yes, we can change our situation if we wish, as I did, but the lessons must still be learned.

"....I must better understand
and become aware of my feelings,
and I must better understand
the feelings of the Governor.

I must review the records of the situation
I went through,
and understand the alternative
in ways I could have reacted
to his advances.
Perhaps, I could have changed him,
making many different outcomes possible, and maybe helping many other people,
by helping make him a better person
and a more loving Governor."

"Have you found problems
carrying over from other past lives too?"

"There are points of lack of development. An entity starts out just learning to know itself, its potentials, knowing that it exists. Through many lifetimes it learns more about the environment around it ... about other entities, what they think of themselves, and what interaction is all about."

I quoted this passage and re-edited it graphically
as an appitizer to read the rest of the dialog
and the rest of that 1993 diary.


My garden this morning after Zipi and her mother left

And since among my "thanks-givings" this morning , I mentioned "people who age in slow motion" ,
I perceived these two old women on a bench outside the pool (with only old people in it between 8 and 2 o'clock),
and three cats playing in front of them in the delicate shadow of the pretty palm tree
[see the same place on June 8!]:


A rare phone-call from an even rarer source:
two of my Bedouin children, Ateeq and Ahlaam,
tried to communicate with me.

They were with their goats and sheep on the mountains,
and obviously high enough for reception
But there dialect was hardly understandable for me, - add the wind in the phone-
and the only thing I could do - when they asked me when I would visit them - was:

"I've made your mother understand - a long time ago -
that it is not the right time for me to meet you or anyone else.
There will be a time, when Allah will want it, that we shall meet again.
I'm happy, though, that you remember me,
and I remember you too, all the time and always!"

They said sentences - again and again - and only after I had regretted 5 times:
"I'm sorry, I don't understand a word", did they give up.
Later Samira herself called - she made several attempts, even went up a hill,
but except for
"how are you", "how is your foot","we have a new telephone" ,
we couldn't communicate

The photos were made in February 2005,
at that time I rarely dared to put them on the Internet,
but now I'm not afraid any longer...

February 2005, from left to right: Qaasem, Ahlaam, mother Samira with little Farag, "Maryam", father Yahia, Yusuf



The War of June 5, 1967, Ruth Dayan in my bus July 1988

About Ruth Dayan and her encounter with an Egyptian woman 40 years after the 1967 war
Der Tag, der alles veränderte
Zwei Frauen begegnen sich vier Jahrzehnte nach dem Sechstagekrieg

1967 besetzten israelische Truppen die ganze Sinaihalbinsel, den Gazastreifen, das Westjordanland, Ost-Jerusalem und die syrischen Golanhöhen. Was eben noch Jordanien gewesen war, hieß nun Israel. Moshe Dayans israelische Armee besiegte das Land - ebenso Syrien und Ägypten. Es war ein Triumph für den jungen Staat Israel - in nur sechs Tagen. Aber es stürzte den Nahen Osten auch in einen dauerhaften Konflikt.

Vier Jahrzehnte später begegnen sich
Ruth Dayan, die Ehefrau des Helden des Sinai-Feldzugs, und die Ägypterin Magda Kjaer zufällig in Jerusalem und sprechen miteinander: die Frau des Siegers im Sechstagekrieg und Magda Kjaer, deren Land von ihm vollständig besiegt wurde. Für Ruth Dayan begann der Krieg an einer Tankstelle. Hier suchte sie Deckung, als die ersten Schüsse aus dem damals jordanischen Teil Jerusalems herüberpeitschten. "Ich rief meine Schwester an", erinnert sie sich, "und sie sagte mir, du wirst dich sicherlich sehr freuen: Es gibt keine ägyptische Luftwaffe mehr. Wir haben sie mit einem Schlag vernichtet."

"Der Sechs-Tage-Krieg wurde uns aufgezwungen"

Magda Kjaer ist Ägypterin und lebt zur Zeit in Jerusalem. Für sie und ihr Volk war der israelische Sieg ein Albtraum.
Er nahm ihnen jeglichen Stolz und jede Würde. "Wir wussten, es hatte gerade einmal wenige Stunden gedauert, und alles war vorbei", sagt sie. "Unsere Flugzeuge, einfach alles. Ohne zu übertreiben kann ich sagen, das waren die schlimmsten Tage meines Lebens." Und Ruth Dayan ergänzt: "Der Sechstagekrieg wurde uns aufgezwungen. Niemand kann erahnen, wie wir uns fühlten, als wir ihn gewannen." Magda Kjaer konnte es nicht glauben, dass sie "diese Dame traf, die jetzt für den Frieden arbeitet - wohl wissend, dass ihr Ehemann in wenigen Stunden unser Land platt gemacht hat". Jetzt treffen sich die Israelin Ruth Dayan und die Ägypterin Magda Kjaer in Jerusalem. Und jetzt, mehr als 40 Jahre später, ist es möglich, dass sie sich anfreunden. Es ist kein Krieg mehr zwischen ihren Völkern.

Ende der 1920er Jahre hatten sich Ruth und ihr Mann Moshe im Kibbutz Nahalal kennengelernt und geheiratet. Von Politik war keine Rede. Beide arbeiteten in der Landwirtschaft und das sollte auch so bleiben. Das war der Lebensplan. Die Jahre mit Moshe dort empfand Ruth einfach nur als schön. Ihre Kinder wuchsen hier auf. Unruhig waren die Jahre und das Landleben bedeutete harte Arbeit. , so Ruth Dayan.
"Irgendwas mit Kühen machen. Ich hatte ziemliche Angst vor ihr, als ich zum ersten Mal eine Kuh sah. Aber ich hatte es beschlossen: Ich gehe in ein Kibbutz. Warum sollte ich dann noch das Gymnasium beenden? Ich brauchte diese Bescheinigung nicht. Im Kibbutz nahm man mich auf. Wir waren damals Sozialisten, wollten das Land aufbauen. Alle aus meiner Generation kamen aus intellektuellen Familien, aber alle gingen in Kibbutze."

Aktivistin für den Frieden

Nahalal gibt es immer noch. Und Ruth Dayan kommt oft hierhin, wie in ein vergangenes Leben. Die Keimzelle Israels. 60 Jahre Israel? Das ist kein Thema für sie, war sie doch schon 30 Jahre vor der Staatsgründung hier. Ihr Mann, Moshe Dayan, ist oberhalb Nahalals begraben. Von dort geht der Blick in die weite Ebene Nord-Israels.
91 Jahre ist Ruth Dayan mittlerweile - älter als der Staat Israel, in dem sie wirkt und sich kümmert, wie sie sagt, um alle, die sie brauchen - Israelis und Palästinenser. In der linken Meretz-Partei ist Ruth Mitglied. Ihre Tochter, Yael, ist Vize-Bürgermeisterin von Tel Aviv. Sie sagt: "Meine Mutter ist keine Politikerin. Sie ist Aktivistin für den Frieden. Einen politischen Posten hatte sie nie."

Vier Jahrzehnte nach dem Sieg Israels über Ägypten sitzen Magda Kjaer und Ruth Dayan im "American Colony" in Jerusalem. Es war immer schon ein neutraler Ort für Treffen aller Art. Vor dem Sechstagekrieg lag es in Jordanien. Jetzt liegt es zwischen Israel und Palästina - und bietet genau den Raum, in dem die beiden Frauen ihr unterschiedliches Erleben reflektieren können.

Ruth Dayan kommt nicht zur Ruhe - niemals. Noch heute jagt sie mit Tempo 120 über die Landstraßen durch die Negevwüste zu ihren Beduinen-Frauen. Eine Weberei von Ruth - vor Jahrzehnten gegründet - gibt den Frauen Arbeit und Selbstbewusstsein. Sie lernen Lesen und Schreiben und emanzipieren sich in ihrer patriarchalen Welt. Es ist Ruths Verdienst. "Geh zu Ruth", heißt es, wenn man ein Problem hat. Ausruhen, langsamer gehen nach 91 Jahren? Kommt nicht in Frage. Eine "Mutter Israels", hat eine Beduinin sie genannt.

I wished
I "had time"
to open
all these links
[since they are difficult
to find later,
I only photographed
their titles]

Who says to whom: "I didn't know" , the Egyptian woman to the Israeli woman, or the Israeli woman to the Egyptian woman?

Did I talk about aging today?
This woman (who visited me in Arad 2 years ago)
is 91 years old and still drives
to the Bedouin women at Laqia, close to Arad

Ruth Dayan visits her pioneer Bedouin women at Laqia

Nourishment from Others

I discovered a new message on - published on June 1,
and I'm excited as always, when such a message "finally" arrives.
"finally" is, of course, ridiculous, for I haven't even studied into depth,
what was given to me on March 31 and edited by me on April 3

Old Heart, New Heart

"This is Heart,
and I am so grateful to those who have been doing this healing work.
Thank you for opening space for New Heart
to become more present in manifestation.
I am now being born in all the places
where you love your feelings,
where gentle loving awareness
embraces every desire and emotion and sensation,
where Spirit in you is in service to the Mother in you
and all your Will is fully honored.

"New Heart is tender and loving
and able to know love's presence in every movement,
every touch, every glance and every word.
New Heart reaches out for love,
extends love,
opens to love,
gives love,
and finds love in the other.
New Heart has no equal when it comes to
the presence and excitement of being alive to love,
alive in love and alive as love.

"New Heart as the manifestation of real love is now beginning to emerge,
held in the loving embrace of the Mother,
in the loving regard of Spirit,
the two Creators in union are the birthing of New Heart.
And this is happening right now, in deeper places perhaps than you have known.

Old Heart and Denial

"There are big differences between the old and new in Heart.
Old Heart has been the blown-out wasteland
in the ancient denial-filled gap between the Creators.
Old Heart has that familiar feeling of heartbreak.
It is what you feel
when the person you believe is the love of your life leaves~~~
or never arrives,
and you feel as though you have nothing left to live for.
As Old Heart you can easily see your life
as a hopeless string of heartbreaks
with no reprieve
and no chance of ever truly having your Heart's desires fulfilled.

"When identified as Old Heart,
there is a feeling of neediness and expectation
like there is someone or something out there
that will one day fulfill you,
but that day never comes.
You may feel like a helpless child in the house of hateful parents,
and as much as you feel you know
what would be best for them to heal their gap
you are too little and helpless to do anything to help.


"Where you have been disappointed
is where to look for the ancient denial energy
that has kept Heart broken apart.
Where you find Old Heart inside
is where things are still not right with love,
where love still doesn't feel right.
Acknowledging the presence here of Old Heart will help.
Finding and releasing any judgments or deep denial energy is the next step.
Love infected with denial
does not feel quite right
and is not yet real love.


"When the denials are acknowledged for what they are
and released as untrue,
New Heart and real love can enter.
With denial gone,
New Heart can blossom in the atmosphere of true acceptance.
Where there had been dismissal,
New Heart's emergence is welcomed.
Where there had been mistrust,
New Heart is honored as the beginning of a new Universe
where real love can be fully present.

the rightness of the Mother's Will,

and wanting above of all
to fulfill her deepest desires.


"New Heart has no need to idealize or invent a fantasy of love.
New Heart is already everything dear and tender,
here for other in true regard
and wonder in the beauty and power
of the Universal Masculine's authentic surrender
to feeling presence of the deep, magnetic Universal Feminine.
This is divine romantic love.
With loving Spirit and the Mother uniting inside of you,
you and your mate can each channel your inner union
into loving relationship
as whole female Body and whole male Body,
divine union in manifestation.

"The shadow of divine romantic love has been the realm of Old Heart.
Popular songs, romance novels and soap operas
have given voice in the culture to the sad mystique of Old Heart.
Popular dramas depict the ups and downs, the winning and losing.
They display a mind-made version of love
where the characters appear to 'fall' in love with each other ~~~
only to find some horrible lie or dramatic twist
that has been hidden away under the 'love.'


"In healing Old Heart
it's important to find the places in you
where the drama has been enjoyed and pleasurable.

There is lost Will here,
along with its ancient denial energy.
In releasing the denial energy
and finding and vibrating the true desire of those feelings,
New Heart is born in those places.

"Old Heart has been the story of the prince and princess
who desperately long for one another
and yet are separate, pained and heart-broken.
New Heart is the story of the prince and princess together,
integrated as one human being.
Meeting another human being
in whom the prince and princess are also fully integrated
with all parts of Deity in loving balance
is to realize Original Heart's vision.
New Heart is
loving Spirit and the Mother making love inside of you.

Divine Romantic Love

"If it is your desire to come upon another
who is also hosting the union of loving Spirit and the Mother in this way,
it is inevitable it be fulfilled.
You will not need love
because it will be already fully present inside of you.
Without needing anything,
you are free to love the other just for who they are,
not for what they can give you or do for you.
Without any neediness, guilt or blame,
there is only pure love, real love.



"Real love, unconditional love, has no opposite or shadow.
And real love is not 'fallen' into~~~
it is discovered or kindled in you.
It is awakened from inside of you
with a tremendous self-love.
Where your deepest desires
receive your unconditional loving acceptance
and with the feeling
that your love is bringing their fulfillment right now.

"Even the longing for another to share that love
can be fulfilled by lovingly accepting the desire itself.
Unfulfilled desire has been difficult for Old Heart to accept.
As New Heart you channel loving Spirit
and move to fully accept the desire just as it is,
unfulfilled and all.
As you embrace your unfulfilled desire for real love,
you empower the fulfillment of your desire~~~
and not just inside of you,
inside all of manifestation as well.
It is as if all of Creation
is held in the loving arms of New Heart.


"You can feel the relief of your good grief now as you cry for joy.
You can taste the richness of life
because the Universe feels nourishing and fully loving.
You know yourself as New Heart
because you feel whole and complete in yourself~~~

while experiencing the fulfillment of the deepest yearning in creation~~~
to share and explore love with another.
New Heart matures in you as quickly
as you move to embrace and act on the fact

that you are first your own beloved.

"When you embrace
all your desires, feelings, emotions and sensations
as your own inner beloved,
the space opens for the magic
of drawing another into your life
as the outer beloved.
Suddenly, miraculously he or she is here with you,
entwined in your embrace.
You find yourselves as two whole beings
now in divine union as one.
Kissing, caressing, curling around each other,
you love and honor the manifested Divinity you each are.
Songbirds fill the air with sweet music,
flowers bloom and the trees sway in gentle breezes
as all of nature dances in the warm embrace your divine romantic love.

Original Heart's Vision

"This is the realization of Original Heart's vision,
to have many fully whole beings
exploring love however they desire.
And New Heart's vision is the realization of the Mother's Dream,
where complete free Will reigns
and all beings have the fulfillment of their heart's desires
in a moment-by-moment, ever unfolding, evolving wholeness.


"At this present layer of evolution
you may still experience vacillation between Old Heart and New Heart.
When you first begin healing you may realize
that all you knew of yourself was Old Heart.
As you heal into wholeness
you will naturally feel yourself becoming more and more
the embodiment of New Heart.


"You can come out of Old Heart
using the Four Steps to Wholeness,
bringing love to any place in you that has felt trapped in Old Heart.
Allow Old Heart's imprinting to bring you the healing opportunities
that you need to birth yourself as New Heart.


"Thank you Old Heart
for enduring all of the disconnection and pain and suffering you have been through
for the sake of love's evolution.
Your pain and torment can end now~~~
as together we create the real Heaven on Earth
we have always longed for,
as together we realize the Mother's dream.

"All your longings and desires are awaiting their fulfillment.
Everything you have truly desired is now possible.

For you are the Human,
loving union of Spirit and Mother,
you are both Heart Son and Heart Daughter
fully integrated in Body.
And with your mate,
you are the culmination
of Original Heart's quest for peers
Together you are the Mother and Father of Manifestation,
you are the crowning jewel of Creation,
you are divine love incarnate."

Heart Pages

[I, Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, wasn't so fond of former "Heart Pages",
but this one today resonates wholly and deeply with me
and how I have always perceived the ONE who talks in


song of the day

M y   U n i v e r s e

Secharja 4:6
"Not by might nor by power,
but by my Spirit"

Four times in the pool, yesterday and today,
yielded the second stanza of Arnon's song.
I used my dislike for the original one
as an incentive to cast into a song,
what I have phrased as my "Intention"
yesterday and today,
the intention which I incessantly apply
to my feelings of double shame
concerning Yael and Rotem,
- having dictated my decision
to cancel our RedSeaTour
instead of having worked with them
on reaching a consensus,
- having written to their parents about my decision instead of to the children themselves.

"No need for words, nor for deeds
whole shall my spirit flow with my universe

meaning in this case:
I want Yael and Rotem to communicate with me
by their own volition and initiative.
I want them to give me the chance
to repair where I failed
but I want them also to see my pain about them
and learn from it.
And I still want to go with them and Arnon
to snorkel in the Red Sea.
But I shall not express my desire in words,
so as to not increase blame-guilt on this planet,
and I don't trust my own understanding,
if the time is ripe for that journey.
My Intention will blend in, weave in
with the right flow of "my Uni-Verse".

Raq biglal ha-ruakh
only because of the spirit

[my modifications are indicated by this color]

May be what may be
I shall yet change
I shall realize my dream
Issues of bad tidings
Blows or more catastrophes
will not change my essence.

I, you and my God within me
will finally win
not because of the power
but because of the ruakh [wind and spirit)
which blows in my back

Only because of the ruakh
in me, in my brain, in my soul
Only because of the ruakh
in me, in my blood, in my soul

My body carries my brain,
my feeling nourishes my spirit,
together we'll realize my vocation.
No need for words,
nor for deeds
whole shall my spirit flow with my universe

I, you and my God within me
will finally win
not because of the power
but because of the ruakh [wind and spirit)
which blows in my back

Only because of the ruakh
in me, in my brain, in my soul
Only because of the ruakh
in me, in my blood, in my soul

Did I ever talk about "the Universe", leave alone "my Universe"?
So why - when vacillating between "qiumi"
my existence
and "yequmi"
my universe     - "my universe" chose itself?
And why did I now watch (though not understand much) a program
about CERN and the Genesis of the Universe?
CERN is The European Organization for Nuclear Research,
By the way - the World Wide Web began as a CERN project in 1989,
i.e. around the time when I first learnt "Computer"
which brought about my pregnancy with Succah in the Desert,
which is my model for Peace through a Desert Hosting Economy !


Putting "Universe" in my "Search"
I found the exact title of that book, i mentioned above.

Andaraeon Theory
of the Physical-nonphysical Universe System
Author-Collaborators: Robert Gidel and Kathrin Bostwick, 1990
plus a relevant quote!

From pp 8 -Understanding and Choosing Experience 2001_09_03

I just came across a sentence from another channeling source,
which beautifully summarizes the information on "Godchannel":


Continuation of Arnon's and my experiment with my Pyrennees tent in the pool of Kfar Daniel on Shabbat, May 31

There is a problem with the "door",
the scotch which ties together two triangles:
tends to stick also to the net-material itself
which then has to be carefully loosened .

A pity I didn't move that plastic chair out of sight...
But the scene between the three of us
and the play of light and shade and network
is lovely

What instruction or warning
was I giving to Arnon here?

I wanted him to experiment with
our sitting and lying in the tent,

and to document this.


To lie inside an open tent, protected from insects, and to look up to the apex, is a heavenly feeling.
I told the story of the mystical events around the invention of the first pyramidal tent.
When I slept in one of them for the first time (in 1992) , I had this heavenly feeling too,
though that tent was far from being transparent as this one.





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