The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness

Fine-tuning to my Presence



2007_12_04-11, Chanuka

"God" is the lights and the shades





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On the eighth day: Grandma day at Mazkeret Batya

Second Page




Light and shade on Itamar's pyjama and fingers
while he, in Arnon's embrace, swing in the winter-sun

Above and below:

From the girls' choreography of their "Blessing over Breakfast"



While the first process was about denied "fear" and denied "anger",
the second process was about shame.

Itamar's story about the man whose horse was stolen,
and who, by trying to get it back, saved the world.

When I urged Itamar to tell me, what he was playing with his 'lego',
he told me a story, which took not more than a minute.
I found it excellent and urged him to share it with the others.

At first Itamar was too shy to dare,
but after they four of them ran wild
(what is the English term for "hishtollelu"?)
he invited them to his show.


They listen politely,
but Itamar makes the listening a tedious job,
and everybody turns his attention away,
except for me, who always feels tortured,
when somebody wants to give something
and it is not received.
But instead of admonishing them: Listen,
I dared to stop the show and bring the truth to light:
"Itamar, this will hurt a lot, but you lost your audience!
Let's sit together and find out, why this is so."


This, too, was a woundrous process.
Ayelet was the one, who gave us the theory of a good plot,
and everybody gave Itamar his/her loving support.
His tears finally wiped away his shame,
and we all turned to new excitements.



Arnon helped me with the potatos for the Chanuka-"Levivot",
Yael learned from me how to cut apples in four,
for the "fruit-shake", which they wanted to prepare

And grandma? she ruined the blender!
Arnon had asked me to peel two mangos.
I believed, I was careful to remove the pit,
but then, when the blender started to swirl, a dissonance! and a halt!
The plastic connection between mashine and blender was broken.
"But the pit was inside, so why is the damage outside?"
My technical grandson explained:
"Because the motor wanted to run,
but couldn't because of the pit inside!"

Light and shades on Itamar's pyjama and hair


Since I had mentioned several times,
that the Chanuka-song:
"We came to drive out darkness" was not to my liking,
and that it was Yael's and Itamar's mother, my daughter Ronnit,
who had suggested , already 6 years ago, to modify the song and sing:
"We came to accept darkness, in our hearts is light and shade..."
Ayelet and I composed all the colors she could find,
and around a colorful puzzle she had made
- on the colorful cloth on which we had eaten our breakfast cereals -
we demonstrated:
No duality! no black and white,
but yes, many individualities, many shades of colors!

She did not remember, that at the age of three and a half had created a painting,
which she had called:
"This is the sky, and this is all the colorful world",

[inserted in puzzle piece 53 Joy]




It was almost 3 o'clock, when we were ready for our lunch of Chanuka potato "Hearts",
and if they'll get cold, because the blessings MUST be said and performed, who cares?

The blessing was choreographed by Ayelet and Itamar, still in their pyjamas.
Of course Yael, Arnon and Grandma expressed their blessings individually



"Can I now show you my FOX?"
Arnon said
and I sit next to him at his computer
to watch his Powerpoint presentation .

Over the last months he had, together with a friend,
invented the future pupil's desk,
with all digital, electronic,
communicate devices inside,
in a way,
that the pupil of the future
will have to bring with him nothing but his sandwitch
and the key,
which will connect
the computer at school
with his computer at home.

The thought behind it the FOX
does not only concern
future technology,
but a more effective method
of teaching and learning!

The first letters of his invention produce the word SH.U.A.L., i.e. FOX.


Second Page



to former sculpture of my Present      to next sculpture of my Present



There is some empty space for inserting a few samples of the "Book",
which I and Efrat created for Ayelet's Bat-Mitzva, August 14, 2010,
celebrated in the wider family in December 2010.
There is pain in me concerning the lack of appreciation for this gift!
Instead I was hit by envy of what I had given to someone else...