The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound


Amos Oettinger
Meir Noi

I learnt this song during my scholarship year in Israel, in 1960-61,
and see myself singing it around a bon-fire in the mountains of Eilat,
among German students, one of the first groups allowed into Israel.
The group was organized and led by my teacher Reinhold Mayer.
He invited me to interrupt my studies in Jerusalem and help him.

Waves of Sand (see Elah's Song, inserted in tomorrow's Sand-Song) - in a photo of Sand Dunes in Vietnam

to former song    to next song



En-JOY-ing and growing with Mika and my Family
following the documentation "Mika's Heaven on Earth", inserted since Song Game 2007_01_01


March 24-27, 2011
continued from Song-Game 2007_08_05

Thursday morning, 8:00, the phone rings.
It was closed during the night, for a change,
and I had just opened it and gone back to bed.
"Savta! Can you come today?"
I was shocked. I hesitated:
"But your Abba is at home,
and you know I'm coming only on weekends when he's absent."

She explained in well-set language, that there was no reason,
that both Abba and Grandma were together at home.
What could I do?
After having talked also to my son,
I understood, that I needed to follow my principle,
to never initiate, but to always be available.
I promised to come in the afternoon.


At the end of SongGame 2007_08_02
I inserted 2 stories in Hebrew about Mika.

The images to the first story are still on Efrat's cellphone.
As to the second story, I'm now complimenting it with these 2 images:
My son (
whom I haven't seen for almost 3 months, except on Itamar's Bar-Mitzva) and Efrat's old painting.

I was reminded of the
"woman within the woman within the woman, within the woman",
when I read a passage of Janet Sussman: Identity and Intuition>July 2010

"and never again can that person see themselves as just one identity
but  as  a  parceling  out  of  personal  expression
so that each individual layer can be made breathless and direct. "




Mika suggests to play "Musical Chairs"
though we are just two persons,
Mika and me,
but according to Mika's "laws":
not the person
who is the last one to catch a chair,
will win,
but the one who will evade
catching the last chair,
and this, of course, is Mika...

(see the song about the contest of donkey and cuckou.)

On Sept. 8, 1972,
also Rosh-Hashanah of that year,

I arranged (for the last time ever!!!)
a big "party" in our garden,
for my husband's 50th birthday!
One of the events and games,
were "Playing Musical Chairs!"
"But! let's omit the principle of the competition!" I suggested.
So how did the game end,
after all chairs had been removed?
I don't remember!
As to the importance of the disc-recorder on Mika's table: see the song she introduced me to

This is the "modern" world: We go out into Nature, in splendid spring weather and want to remember spring-songs.
So Immanuel searches for familiar songs on his cell-phone Internet, and he and I sing at least 10 songs.
Abba always asks Mika, if she wants to hear another song, and she - who never allows  M e  to sing - always agrees...


An e-mail about Mika from Efrat on April 6, 2011

To my answer (see left) I also added
- with concern to Mika's and my longing for each other -
that in 2 weeks time there would come a big compensation!


Continuation of "En-JOY-ing and Growing with Mika and my Family" (after Elah's page and Alon's page) in SongGame 2007_08_09