I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution in
learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!! "I
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
52 days of Moving
and E-volving Emotions Manual - 10th day, July 17, 2002
The FELT days 41, 42, 43,44 ~ of the next
15 FELT years
5 y e a r s = 5 4 8 0 days
g e f u e h l t e - g e f u e l l t e Z e i t "inmitten
der Ewigkeit", f e l t - f i l l e d t i m e "amidst
eternity" from the beginning
of my 76th till the completion of my 90th year [unless
I'll die after all] "A dream is our life
on Earth ...we measure ...(it) in space & time" -see
songs August Nr. 4- Yes, I, Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, want
to measure my life on Earth in space & time! 4
days of feelings will be inserted on each of the 1400 pages [set
up between 2001-2008]
continuing with M
E E M and then following the order of folders and files on my "local
site". The
feeling chosen from a day
is exhibited in max. 7 lines per daysince
August 28, 2013 On 6 days of the week I learn, but Shabbat
is dedicated to my main feeling: grate-full-ness.
Since feelings must be vibrated and wombed, each day symbolically closes
with a song,
following the order of
SongGame 2007, which includes my own songs from 1967-2011,
and from then the songs created by myself or learnt from others in 2012,
2013 till 2028... To challenge myself like that -while
not knowing what will be "staged"
in my personal and in the world's drama till 2028 , exhilarates me!
5445 days
I keep asking: if "feelings are your
what is the balance between refraining from creating interactions
that might be triggering
(like: "I'll never ask E. again to search for the best
public transport from Shoham to Arad")
which might be playing "the game of avoiding",
and "I'll risk being challenged for both of us"? Song:
la-simchah [Ode an die Freude]
5444 days
think (feel?) I found the criterion if yes or no
to engage in a interaction [Orr! Dov!
or - within a conversation - to say or to write something:
If it might shame only ME
('they'll judge me') then I'll go ahead
in order to train my feeling-skills, but if I fear, it may
cause the other person shame or guilt, I'll refrain from it.
Pressure, fear, my feeling, pain & shame
New song: O feelings (2013
Songs, Oct. Nr.1)
5443 days
Perhaps I do NOT need to exhaust my m i n d
searching for the "the
vibrational signature of each emotion"
including the pale numb feelings,
just as I' not f o r c e d to seek a reason for
it or a meaning in it, i.e. "to pick a grain of gold". "Allow its vibration",
trust the feeling that it knows how, why, what for
to vibrate! Surrender!
the big theme "Israel"on this page, I go on exploring the balance between holding back
and going ahead when talking(s.Tuesday).
Surprise: Dafi's visit! my talking is put to a test
Some of it was helpful to D, pleasing to myself,
some was too much, like showing her my Game
of-Felt-Days didn't touch her>only MY shame!!
October 9 till November
4, 2013.
I now let go of this page with its overwhelming
theme: Israel's vocation!
It is a polyphonic, not a linear creation. Some pieces of a huge puzzle!
Is it right timing to go into depth of
this verse[Deut.
I came across it a month ago and it's still whirling in me: va-yashlikhem (with
an enlarged 'L' in my Hebrew Bible) -
er warf sie einem andern Lande zu/he cast them into another land what a harsh expression! what a horrid
destiny for the outcasts! [Oct. 24, 2013:
Or is there a purpose? Not a reason, but a goal?] [Nov.1: Refugees/immigrants,
even invaders enrich their hostile hosts]
Now, after pool and climbing through my Wadi of Compassion while rehearsing both "O
Feelings" and the "King David Rap",
I feel, that after so much diving into pale, numb nano-feelings,
I should jump into the big picture of Israel's task on this globe.
Since the mythical Ya'aqov is considered as "Israel"
and the historical David is considered as "Messiah" I begin with the view of the library of what
I'll now call "The
David-Code" [the links have to be opened from the original pages] which I created 9 years ago, in May-June
2004, within 6 weeks,
before "going
down" to the desert between the Salt Sea and Arad In "Interpretation"
I said, that "completion is still missing"! Have I matured into
completing "it" now?]
How come, that exactly these two
whose average behavior was even beneath the general standard of ethics,
3000 years ago as well as today,
are considered as symbols of 'Israel', the chosen nation, and
of 'Messiah', the World's Redeemer?
And the nations shall know
that the house of Israel went into exile
because of their iniquity, or - since I came to
understand "avon"
as "denial":
because of their denial.
"It means, that through Israel,
the pioneer of Evolution, [-like me, but as a nation-]
everyone will understand in time,
that nobody is a victim or the object of arbitrary events,
but all people and peoples are masters of their destinies,
all people and peoples are free to create their lives."
Here I add - on
Oct. 24, after having re-studied the David-Code:
This can manifest, if all people/s learn from Israel,
to become their individual selves:"this depends on ME!" "If I am here, everyone is
if I am not here, nobody is here!" (Moshe and Hillel, s. my
books, the entire chapter and Moshe:
Oct. 9, I came across this passage in Deuteronomy
[The letter Lamed in "ve-yashLikhem"
appears as bigger than the other letters.
Why? I couldn't find out. "he cast them into another land
as (is) this day",
proves, that Deuteronomy was created only during
or even only after the exile to Babylon [since 587 B.C.,
i.e. 600-700 years after Moshe, Egypt and Sinai.] .
was reminded of the ancient proverb:
REDEN 29,27[Buber-Rosenzweig
ER jaetete sie aus ihrem Boden,
in Zorn, in Glut, in grossem Grimm,
er warf sie einem andern Lande zu,
wies heut am Tag ist.
‘The parents have eaten sour grapes, but
the children’s teeth have grown numb.’
Ezechiel 18:2 (New English translation - NET] What do you mean by quoting this proverb concerning
the land of Israel,
'The fathers eat sour grapes
And the children’s teeth become numb?'
I now want to go deeper into the ancient, ever more relevant issue of
I s r a e l ' s v o c a t i o n
And if you say in your heart: Why did these(things)happen
to me? Jeremiah
13:22 [see below Nr. 16] This can also be read as: Why did these (things) c a l l me? call
me to look at myself and explore: where did I stray because I denied myself:
unhealed feelings, unfulfilled needs, unaccepted qualities, unrecognized greatness
Why do you do this great evil to your souls
(= to yourselves)? Jeremiah
below Nr. 21]
Of course, this
double question refers to all people and all peoples on Earth!
so why did Amos - 150 years before Jeremiah - claim it refers only to Israel?
You only have
I known of all the families of the earth
that's why it's you I call-to-account for all your avonot Familiar
translation of Amos 3:2 therefore I will
visit upon you all your iniquities. ----See
context below: quote Nr. 30
Because Israel was
taught and had learnt to question: How did I cause this?
The Edomites, the Moabites, the Ammonites, the Philistines,
even the Babylonians and the Romans disappeared from the word-stage,
for they obviously did not dedicate their wisdom to the obstinate questioning:
ma garam le.... what caused this calamity, this destruction, this catastrophe
, this demise, this perishing.
Israel's Wise Men, after the seemingly final destruction
in 70 CE and the absolute catastrophe
of 133 CE
did not waste their feelings on blaming those who "did it", but
asked, what in us "caused it", "garam-le"?
When I ask :what is m y responsibility? then I have
a chance to change, what I did or omitted doing.
When I admit that it was me who attracted the calamity, I know that also my
future is dependent on me!
Why or for what purpose does Israel's
seem to be harsher than that of other nations?
Israel's "avon" is not a dramatic "sin",
like the sacrifice/slaughter of firstborns
though this was still the usage in the time of Jeremia, s.
my research in the context of my grandson's recruition to the
and in the context of my
song "To redeem from victimhood I've come")
as was or is still the usage in Columbia's rainforests, [as
I read in ca. 1982 in "Times' Magazine"]
and not the "vendetta", blood-feud,
as I just now learnt about (Christian!) Crete,
where a quarrel about a sheep that led to murder, wipes out families,
Israel's "avon" is their preferring other Gods over YHWH
(=who is, was, will be).
On a low level of understanding this sounds like "God's"
But WHY did the Israelites, as many people
on Earth up to now,
prefer gods, who want sacrifices, kneeling, prostration
Is it not, because it is easy to get away with bowing to them, hoping-
they will give me what I want without any responsibility on my part?
"It's khaesed [mercy,
grace] I desire , not zaevakh slaughtered
sacrifice ,
da'at elohim [the knowing of/uniting
with God] rather than burnt-offerings." Hosea
6:6, see 2013
Songs, March Nr. 2
If it's not an Ego-issue of Israel's One "God",
then what should be the interest of anyone
to adhere to a God who demands responsibility?
If Moses and the prophets were so adamant about "serving
it was, because this "God" represented the law of this manifestation: the l i n k between
what I do or omit doing
and what I attract to me in my life or destiny!
Yes, I attract it not only to my personal life,
but to the lives of the generations after me, see below: quotes
of "Poqed Avon" Nr. 1-4
yes to the people of my community,
be it my family, my neighborhood, my nation, my humankind. see below: quotes of "Poqed
Avon" Nr.6
[My entire Hebrew-German books is about this law, see an exemplification
in the English
summary of the main Moses-chapter Moses is a prototype of a singular and
solidary man.
.... the base for solidarity of the outstanding personality
is the same as for any other individual:
the dependence upon the community, the need for the community. Yet Moses exemplifies the evolution
which leads from the feeling of dependence to responsible action:
"This matter, the rescue of the nation, depends upon myself!"
"Values" or "morale" or "ethics", are
called "mussar" in Hebrew.
This word comes from "yissurim", i.e. pains and sufferings.
Doing "bad" things or not doing "good" things
is not a matter of "bad character",
it's not the bad qualities of a person,
it's not the breach of a value taught by parents and teachers.
It's the consequence of denying my knowing,
what is good for me,
for me as a person as for me as my community. If you heal yourself of all denial- "...you know what to
because you find yourself following a stream of intuition.
And you know the effects of your actions
on a moment-by-moment basis
through what you feel..."
"Channelers' note] "Good for me" forever includes good for "your
in Hebrew connected by the very grammar of 'zulatkha', 're'ekha'.
Israel as a nation was and is like other
"good and bad", "wise and stupid".
But it was chosen as "a pioneer" of evolution
for understanding and living according to the laws of manifestation.
[Manifestation allows for Experience, through
which Deity/we EVOLVE!]
Let me prove this by exploring the verb p-q-d
in the Hebrew Bible.
The German translation by both Martins (Luther
and Buber)
is "heimsuchen", a verb which is sorely missing in English.
It means: "home-searching", and I interpret it like this:
don't search the reasons for unwanted happenings outside.
Not in other people nor in punishments of some god or gods!
Search at home, in yourself,
what denial of yourself has attracted what you don't want? unhealed
feelings, unfulfilled needs, unaccepted qualities, unrecognized greatness
Your denial has attracted something to "trigger"
so you may heal the hole in your wholeness, heal your separations!
Become conscious of your denial and release it
by feeling, wombing, moving, sounding it and then understand. (Also the often repeated phrase - you have forgotten
me, your "God-
must be understood as: you have forgotten yourself, you are denying
"mind-thinking" in the left frame
will be accompanied in the right frame
by images of water and cats-in-love
at the Kinneret / Lake of Tiberias,
cropped fromthe
video "Nof" (landscape)
with images from Land
of Genesis" "The
theme here is a love story
between wild cats at the Kinneret" saysAchinoam Niniwho
sings Gil's "Nof"
Oct.28 I wondered, why I came across
Rafael's inspired writing in Febr. 1962,
trying to reinforce his advice
that I should write a book about Jesus. "Das Thema sei dir zu gross, sagst
aber es gibt doch gar keine kleinen Themata,
die Idee, die einem nicht weniger zum Weglassen wichtig sein
soll als zu dem was hinzukommt,
eine Arbeit wie die - kann eigentlich nur in einem dauernden
Prozess der Elimination entstehen,
was natuerlich voraussetzt,
dass vorher etwas zum Eliminieren da ist."
I was not interested in "Jesus"
at that time,
when - after my time in Israel in the year of the Eichmann-trial-
I struggled hard to deny my
Christian identity,
after having worked on this page with utmost effort and focus,
I can see, indeed, - on the Fourth of November
2013 -
that the David-Israel-Rachel Code matured "through
a constant process of elimination,
provided, of course, that there is something to eliminate", and that Yeshua of Nazareth - is one manifestation of the Code!
But first: What is "Sin"?
of many vivid descriptions of such ravage
in Lamentations
4:18-20 Schneller sind unsre Verfolger
als die Adler des Himmels,
gehetzt werden wir auf den Bergen,
sie lauern in der Wueste uns auf.
Unser Lebensodem, Dein Gesalbter,
in ihren Fallgruben ward er gefangen,
er, von dem wir gesprochen hatten;
'In seinem Schatten
werden unter den Weltstaemmen wir leben.'
They hunt our steps, that we cannot go in our
broad places;
our end is near, our days are fulfilled; for our end is come.
Our pursuers were swifter than the eagles of the heaven;
they chased us upon the mountains,
they lay in wait for us in the wilderness
The breath of our nostrils, the anointed of the LORD, was taken in their
pits; of whom we said: 'Under his shadow we shall live among the nations.'
"sin" means, I'm separating between parts of myself,
I'm denying parts of myself, like:
unhealed feelings, unnfulfilled needs,
unaccepted qualities, unrecognized greatness.
These denied parts erupt elsewhere
and ravage my life, ravage Israel, ravage the World.
Lamentations 4:18-20
P - Q - D -
calling- you-to-account for what you do, don't do or deny The
verb p-q-d has different meanings,
even "to remember someone for the good"
but mostly: to remember for the bad - usually translated as "punishing".
It relates to individuals, men as women, kings as queens,
as to collectives ,
Israel and other nations, even to animals[see
below quote Nr.7] So - I ask again - how can Amos claim: only Israel?
That is the point!
Evolution begins with one tiny mutation:
The Bible tells it in a myth:
"God" had to learn through the collectivist
humankind of Babel: "His" lesson: I have to choose one single man - Abram
- a pioneer,
who - if he'll truly grow through the experiences he'll draw to himself,
will "be
a blessing for all the families of the earth"[Gen.12:3]
[As I showed - there appear women
pioneers in the Bible as well,
but in an era of male prevalence, this could be shown only covertly]
First: 3 examples where p-q-d has the meaning
of "remembering lovingly", "caring for":
one - in Jeremia 29:10 - expresses the inversion of all the "negative"
p-q-d towards Israel,
one - in the 4 chapters of Rut [Ruth 1:6], which is as a symbolic story for
Israel's redemption,
where the positive meaning (no more famine in the Land of Israel)
hints also at the negative meaning
the third - in 2. Kings 9 - mixes negative and positive and sounds like an irony:
After Yehu had commanded to throw Izebel out of the window, he also commands:
"pray, care for this cursed one and bury her, since she is the daughter
of a king." 2.Kings 9,31
And now let's go into the crude, cruel, crushing
law of responsibility: Poqed
avon "Calling-to-account for SIN" In listing the quotes I've chosen as relevant, I follow
the order of the books in the Hebrew Bible,
though - for instance -
Amos, since 750 BCE, a sheep herder (!!!) and a sycamore fig farmer,
lived after Hosea
(since 780, like Amos in "Israel", the northern kingdom)
and lived before Isaiah
(since 740, in "Juda/Yehuda", the southern kingdom)
and long before Jeremiah
(since 626, in the southern kingdom)
and children
[grandmother and grandson, e.g.
pp16, 2002/01/16]
In the 10 commandments: Exodus 20:5
and 3 more times in 3 books of the Torah
Ex 34:7~~~Numeri 14:18~~~Deut. 5:9
In this context - the first context of Law-Giving -
p-q-d is not a verb like I have.... or I shall...., poqed avon is really a title of YHWH ,
a God who represents the law of manifestation:
the connection between what I do~omit doing~deny
and what "happens" to me a s i f
I were a victim. In
the Torah p-q-d in the sense of "calling-to-account"
appears - except in the father-sons context- only once:
All the World is called-to-account
26:14-21 + 27:1
+ 27:2-6
All the land, even the sea-animals are called-to-account
(8, 9, 10) Jeremiah 5:9
3 times the same phrasing: the calling-to-account is depicted
as "God's" revenge
Jeremiah 6:13
Young people as grownups, prophets as priests,
all are called-to-account
(12, 13)Jeremiah
+ 8:12 "the TIME of being calling-to-account"
for their "abominations"
Jeremiah 9:24-25
Juda (Yehuda) as Egypt as Edom as Ammon as Moab
every nation will be called-to-account,
like all the nations are arelim (uncircumcised)
so all Israel are uncircumcised-if-heart
(15)Jeremiah 11:21-23 Now it becomes personal: the citizens
of Anatot,
Jeremia's birth-place, are called
to account for persecuting him.
Jeremiah 13:20-22 In this poem the one who is called-to-account
is depicted as female, yes as a woman giving birth Why did all these (things)
happen to me?
(17)Jeremiah 14:10-12 "God" does "not
want them", "by sword, famine and pestilence
I, I , will annihilate them"
(18)Jeremiah 23:2
Here it's the leaders, the shepherds,
who will be called-to-account See this passage of Jeremia 23
also in the context of the sheep-shepherd ideology (below) and see the same mixture p-q-d and
in Secharia 11 (below)
Jeremiah 30:18-20
Here it's not Israel, but its "OPPRESSORS",
who will be called-to-account
In Jeremiah
36: 31-32, it's a king, Yehoyaqim,
who makes his children, his slaves, yes all Jerusalem,
yes all Yehuda guarantors for what he did~omitted doing~denied
(21)Jeremiah 44:
1 + 7 + 11 + 13-14
And yet another, specific collective,
which will be called-to-account:
The Jews who settled in Egypt to escape the destiny of Yehuda
will have no different destiny in Egypt- "sword , famine, pestilence",
and even if they should want to return to there homeland,
this is the destiny they'll meet there.
49: 7-11
Here it's a specific neighbor of Israel, Edom,
in sore memory of its forefather Esav,
which will be called-to-account.
50, 31 Here it's not as usual paqadti
al--- but paqadtikha,
with a direct object, as if it was meant to be positive [s. above p-q-d in the meaning of "to
remember for the good" (24)Jeremiah 51:
In this passage it's not only humans ,
but a god (Bel) and the Babylonian idols that are called-to-account
HOSHEA [ Hoshea and Jeremiah are considered
prophets of reproof, rebuke, admonishment, of "doom"]
(25) Hosea
Here, too, Israel, who is called-to-account,
is depicted as a female, yes as a whore
(26) Hosea
4:9ordinary people or priests
are all the same
and have to be called-to-account
(27) Hosea
8:13 YHWH does not "want"
they as well go back to Egypt
(28)Hosea 9:7-9
The slaughter of "Giv'ah" [Judges 20:5) is vivid
[s. "the Concubine of the Levite" in
my book:
All Israel are guarantors for each other]
The "time of being-called-to-account" will come now
as surely as it came then (some 300-400 years earlier)
12:2-3 While Jeremiah [s. Nr. 22] drags Esav
into the admonishments,
Hosea drags his twin-brother Jacob (Ya'aqov) into it
3:14 Israel will be called-to-account for
its "crimes"
1:12 This is an "evil" that has
not been mentioned by anybody else.
As to the expression: ha-qof'im al shimrehaem,
see my tune to
Jeremiah 48:11 about Moab
Like in the shepherd speech of Jeremiah 23 [Nr. 18] ,
the verb p-q-d appears also in its positive meaning: to care for ,
though here it's about a shepherd who does NOT care,
see more what the caring of a shepherd involves
in Zechariah 11 in the sheep-shepherd ideology below
In later books p-q-d in the sense
of "calling-to-account"
appears only once in all the 150 Psalms- not as a prophecy, but as a general
warning (34)Psalm
and once in Lamentations - against
this follows the passage quoted above in "WHAT IS SIN"?
Reading these Poqed-Avon quotes in a row, I shudder.
How did the editors of the Hebrew Bible (around 90
have the guts to include these terrible threats?
Reading, for instance, Jeremiah 14 (Nr.17):
"God" does "not want them",
"by sword, famine and pestilence I, I , will annihilate them"
makes me ask:
would you, Jeremiah, phrase this also after the modern Holocaust?
How come, that all those people, who did not really understand
the link between "annihilation" and the denials
of their leaders, or of former generations, or their own,
did not turn their back on "God" or "Israel"?
The Shepherd-Sheep - Ideology has to be revised
If it is a law of this Manifestation, that only an individual can learn, not
a collective,
only a yakhid can become a yakhid-segulah, a unique human, as a pioneer of
the yakhad ,
If so, I wonder, why those prophets and especially Jeremiah, did not cease
to rebuke the collective.
After all, the election of a yakhid-segulah began with Moses
(and in its translation into a myth: with Avraham Yitzkhaq and Ya'aqov)
and became "rampant", so to speak, with King David (and in its translation
to the myth of the Messiah).
Yes, what was truly "rampant", was the metaphor, even the ideology
of the shepherd and his/her sheep,
So rampant, that even "God himself" was depicted as a shepherd,
yes "Jeshua of Nazareth" saw himself as "The Good Shepherd",
who came to save "the Lost Sheep",
and is glorified as such by his adherents up to this day.[Put
"the Good Shepherd" in "Google" and see how much comes
It's not by chance, that David's
psalm 23: YHWH is my shepherd
is probably the best known, sung, filmed biblical poem in many languages. [see the
Hebrew version which I use to sing to myself]
In the parts of the Samuel-books which seem to be somewhat authentic,
King David may have felt as a sheep in God's care,
but he himself certainly did not care for his people as a shepherd should. See just one example: Yoab's, his fieldmarshal's
fury about David's mourning over one of his sons, Absalom,
who was responsible for the war between him and his father, which cost the
lives of tenthousands of people.
Therefore the later appendices to the Samuel books try to make up a story
about another David, who wants to be a true shepherd,
asking 'God', not to let his sheep suffer for his own sins.
Except, that this quest comes rather late,
for in the meanwhile already 70000 died of pestilence (2.S.
24: 15)
Reality is, that uncountable human beings were killed ,
because they let themselves be reigned by "Kings",
whose denials brought ruin about entire nations.
In other words:
the evolution of a yakhid-sgulah in the costume of a "King"
did not lead to people's taking responsibility for their lives.
And yet, it is not Moshe, "the humblest
of men on earth"
who became a symbol for "Messiah", but King David!!
What the yakhid-sgulah has to evolve in him/herself,
is the capacity to feel every little thing in every moment,
so there won't be any separation between parts of him/herself,
so there won't be the slightest denial, which later could erupt as evil.
I now must think about the threefold meaning of Rachel:
mother-sheep, shepherdess and Mother-of-Israel.
What made me re-think and - discover - and - question!!
what I now call "the biblical shepherd/sheep ideology",
was an experience with Mika, my youngest grandchild: {see the full story
on next page} "I don't like shepherds"... "because in the end they slaughter their animals." I was swept from my seat! I had never ever thought
of that!
It means, that
this entire "shepherd-ideology" of the Bible and of me
has to be thought over!
Oct. 16, 2013 I'm obsessed with the biblical metaphors of
the shepherd and the tzon (flock of sheep and/or goats).
tzon, tzon, tzon - doesn't it associate Tzion, i.e. Zion?
See Isaiah 53
and my
song, and in it
And in the New Testament: The Good Shepherd. It was the "Good Shepherd Church in
to which I bequeathed my
electronic church organ.
They promised me that I could always come and play there.
But the 2nd Intifaada which ended with the closing of the border,
put an end to it after a few months -until now, - can this be real? In 2000 the phone of the convent was 02-23225232
POB 23, Jericho, Fr. Simon Herro (?) Latin Parish
The "Midrash
Bereshit", as I call the book of Genesis,
chooses to tell us twice about the fighting
between the
shepherds of Abraham and Lot and
between the shepherds
of Yitzkhaq and Abimelekh
In both cases peace is reached in ways
that could be models for our present world!
In the story about Yosef and his brothers
the profession of all of Ya'aqov's sons
is emphasized in an exaggerated manner:
43:32 To eat with the Hebrews
was an "abomination" for the Egyptians.
Because they were shepherds???
Here it's said explicitly: "for Egyptians every shepherd is an abomination"
Here they tell Pharao, what Yosef hat told them to tell,
but added the reason for their emigration to Egypt:
in their homeland their flocks found nothing to each.
Why did the story-teller
or the editor of the Bible
(whom Franz Rosenzweig calles "R" = Rabbenu, our master)
find it necessary to say twice,
that the Hebrew shepherds -
so glorified in the Bible
were less than honorable in Egyptian eyes?
And why were also in the reality of the Land of Israel
shepherds honorable
even after farming became more widely spread?
The metaphor of the shepherd also
to harshly rebuke the leaders . In the
following two passages
p-q-d appears in its double meaning
The shepherds did not "take care" of their flocks
therefore they will be "called-to-account"
and finally "God" will take care of his herd, of the house
How strange - also in Zechariah
- the connection between p-q-d , often in its double meaning,
and the sheep-shepherd metaphor.
As one means to "call-to-account"
"God" will appoint a "foolish" shepherd
who will neglect all of the tasks of the shepherd,
tasks that only someone who was a shepherd himself, can know.
(See about Yusuf, the young Beduin shepherd, Samira's son,
my Ararat website!)
the shepherd and his sheep:
Samuel 7:8 and
1. Chronicles 17:7 I imagine the Chronicler some
2500 years ago copying the books of Samuel
and - if he agrees to a story or a passage - quoting the full text,
correcting only "mistakes'. What the Chronicler saw as a mistake, may be
a secret:
instead of"tribes
of Israel"there should
be"judges of Israel", a correction, which Fox adopted even
for "tribes" in Samuel have
I (ever) spoken a word with
one of the judges of Israel
whom I commissioned to shepherd my people Israel The original "tribes" may be a mystical
secret after all:
the merging of the "shepherds" with the "sheep"......
Another aspect of the sheep-shepherd ideology in the Bible
is the fact,
that shepherds did not own land,
which is very important for the
lekh-lekhâ ideology,
or the sha'anan Moav mi-ne'urav
is ro'im mostly, not always, written in ktiv khaser,
i.e. without the vocal "o"
so that it could be read as ra'im , the evil ones?
There are 2 extreme warnings against the "ro'im ra'im",
the bad shepherds,
one in Jeremiah
25:34-36 and one in
Ezekiel 34
who lived partly at the same time
before, during and after the first Destruction,
around the year 600 BCE
This, by the way, is one of the contexts,
where the slaughtering of the sheep is mentioned,
outside the contexts of religious sacrifice
(which doesn't make it less disgusting)
I said,
this entire sheep-shepherd ideology has to be thought over:
It's not only because of the slaughter involved in shepherding,
but because this metaphor for the shepherd and his tzon,
- may the shepherd be a mystical king or even "God"-
is totally "counterproductive" to the application of the
which Israel and through it humankind are meant to learn:
Each and every human is responsible for his/her destiny,
as for the destiny of his/her community,
as for the destiny of humankind.
"shepherd and sheep",
a metaphor which inplies an abhorrent lack of equality:
and if so, how can Moshe's desire be fulfilled,
that "all Israel would be prophets"?
I already mentioned this appendix to the David-narrative:
Someone found it necessary to correct the image of David
in the last chapters of the 2 Samuel books.
But even this corrected image is pathetic:
David wants to take responsibility for his "sin",
so that the "sheep" will be spared.
But 70000 of his 'sheep" have perished already .
2.. Samuel 24:17
Why are the prophets, especially Jeremiah with his constant u-faqadti
relating to the people as to children, who have to be punished by
their parents?
See, what Moshe tried to achieve, even after so great a "sin"
as the golden calf: "You, you have sinned a great sin!
So now, I will go up to YHWH,
perhaps I may be able to purge away your sin.
Moshe returned to YHWH and said:
Ah now, this people has sinned a great sin,
they have made themselves gods of gold!
So now, if you would only bear their sin--!
But if not,
pray blot me out of the record that you have
written~ Exodus
We also can see a totally different relation to "sinners"
in the two metaphors for the collective of Israel, Ya'aqov and David.
Their "sins" are horrible and still they are not "punished"
like children.
They have to go through harsh experiences
to learn what is good for them, which includes what is good for others.
And this, of course, is true for every person and every community,
if they believe in a God or don't .
Again: If we are finished with this ideology and metaphor,
then what about "Rachel", the shepherdess and the mother-sheep?
Not a man, not a shepherd who became king, but a woman, a
me pause here,
before going on with this overwhelming theme:
On this date, Oct. 9, 1939, Ursel, my late sister was born.
Oct. 23, 2013: The "overwhelming theme" grew and grew
and I finally transferred my sculpture in honor of Ursel to the next page. and this, though Ursel is connected to the "theme",
since the
last time I visited her in Germany
was before my journey to
She was also one of the people,
who gave me money for this at a time,
when I could not even pay alone for my rent at Modi'in.
Another person, who inspired me to get down to the "theme"
was Yael, my daughter's daughter [at Modi'in],
She had visited me recently- for 48 hours -
in order to prepare for her Democratic School's journey
to Holocaust-Poland.
The later correspondence between us
about what she was preparing for,
I, too, transferred to another
Excerpts from the David-Bat-sheva Code
From "interpretation"
David, the sound-healer and David, the war-hero
is the very image of Israel's" vocation
"to understand itself."
If Israel will understand itself
- through the image of the feeling, failing David -
humankind will begin to understand itself. see Everett Fox quoted in "The
Bible of Feelings"
................................................ David certainly knew
how to feel and how to move his emotions through Body.
He knew how to sing and to dance and he knew how to weep and to mourn
How David dreads the news about his rebellious son's death
and despite all denials of his presentiments had to face his death.
Yoav's blame against David's excessive grief is justified.
And still - it touches my heart, I who never knew a father,
how both Ya'aqov
and David could weep and cry about a son.
But again:
It was not Abraham who became "Israel", but Ya'aqov,
the bypasser, cheater, deceiver
[who, too, was infatuated with only one of his sons, whom he favored
and becried]
and it was not Moses who became "Messiah".
It was this D
A V I D , the naked king
of feelings
who leaped and whirled ...
Ya'aqov's wrestling with himself
is Israel - not because he is an
ideal person,
but because he wrestles with his
being not ideal at all.
David's Ancestry:
kmo shae-ya'aqov ha-ramai ve-ha-oqev[Gn
25:26+27:36] hafakh le-yisrael
kach David ha rotzeakh ve-ha-no'ef hafakh la-meshiakh see also
k.i.s.s-log 2008-08-05
David-Bat-sheva vs. Franz-Gritli Oct 17, 2013, David from the Yehuda-tribe?
Yehuda from the word le-hodot, in both meanings, to thank, to admit,
suits David well.
From Efraim-Efrat - ge'ulah perushah shae-ani be-atzmi ashiv kol dawar
shae hikkhashti, hidkhakti, dakhiti, hishlakhti [there are 2 importants text.gifs
-Efraim&Efrat 6a and 6b, that do not appear on the page. See if
they appear somewhere else]
Everett Fox has enlightened me now [2004-06_25]
through his introduction to the Samuel Books,
see in "the Bible of Feelings"
that the two central stories about the "Feeling King" ,
are intricately connected.
David didn't die after the Bat-Sheva-Uriyya adultery, murder and abominable
lack of solidarity,
but Amnon and Avshalom, his sons,
reflected back to him
everything he had not healed in himself.
The beginning of the "Great Rebellion"
started with the rape of David's daughter by David's son,
right after the Bat-Sheva-Uriyya scandal.
David the shepherd, David the
David the symbol of 'Messiah',
the symbol of "Israel".
My rap about David,
the shepherd king,
the feeling-failing Messiah,
the embodiment of Israel
ruakh ra'ah: 1.S 16+18+19~5 times
David nigen: 16+17+18: 7 times
9:3 Shaul looked for the she-ass
10:1 + 11:15 Shaul is made king
15:28 Shmu'el prophecies,
that the "kingdom of Israel" will be given "to your
neighbor, the one better than you"
Shaul 'pakhad': 1.S
David 'yaskil' 1.S18:18:4+14+15 1.S 18:8-9
Sha'ul's inner "Cain"
is terribly triggered
s. right frame at the end
1.S18:5-7 and very often later
In "Megilat
The entire horrid story - 2.S
is graphically edited
in Hebrew and in English
including Natan's parable
about the kivsat-ha-rash.
The Uriyya-scene,
which is the most horrid
but also the most wondrous,
I also edited
(with different colors and fonts)
1.S 30:6 vayitkhazeq David
be-YHWH elohav
[Nov.4 , in time I might continue
to point out the verses in Samuel,
on which the rap is based]
navon-davar -skilled in words 1.S16:18
na'im zmirot Yisrael 2.S
- in
my book - I re-read my interpretation of the David "Code"
[the name - with and without the letter yod, which hints at YHWH-
appears 1023 times in the Bible, the name Moshe only 770 times]
I was struck by a short passage 1.Samuel
23, 19 +24-25, in which
the name "ma'on", seemingly
a mountain south of Hebron,
appears 3 times and rhymes twice with "yeshimon"
[ poetic for Desert], 1.Samuel 23, 19-25 The scene with
Shaul and David, in the Bible calledsaela' ha-makhloqet, has
become a familiar idiom in modern Hebrew:
"the rock of conflict is..."
Before the last line,
which returns to the shepherd,
but this time means
the future shepherd of the future people,
the shepherd of YHWH,
I had fabricated a funny rhyming,
which I had the strength to omit from the poem.
Still I want to remember and enjoy it.
David, the shepherd, died, his
son from Bat-sheva became king,
but then the tzon-Tzion fragmented into "Israel" and "Yehuda",
200 years:"Israel" perished and 150 years later also "Yehuda".
There was a regathering in the land, but under foreign rule.
And again an independent state following the Maccabeans.
But for how long? For 120 years, till the Roman ruler came.
A Roman province for 100 years, again destruction & exile.
The hope for revival smashed to "final" doom by 2 Jews,
the cruelest of men, Koziba, + the wisest of men, Aqiba.
Even the name "Jerusalem" ="Zion" became forbidden.
How amazing is it,
that there are not even 14
million Jews in the world
[Before the Holocaust: 16,7
millions!] "If not for the Holocaust, there would
be as many as 32 million Jews worldwide,
instead of the current 13 million", demographer Prof.
Sergio Della Pergola 2009
If - in the 3250 years -
since the Exodus from Slavery and the Receiving of the Torah,
the Hebrews or "the House of Ya'aqov" or "the sons
of Israel",
or the "Yehudim"
[since the
exile in Babylon in the 6th century B.C.] [or - at the same time - the often
voluntary exile in Egypt, s.Jeremiah, above "Poqed Avon"
Nr. 21]
would have multiplied in a natural way
- without wars and pogroms, without exiles and emigrations-,
there probably would be hundreds of millions of Jews today.
All this is true, too, for all other nations mentioned in the Bible:
Yet there is not one Ammonite, not one Edomite, not one Moabite left, [see
a map with these nations]
and though the Palestinians draw their name from the ancient Philistines,
there is no biological or cultural or religions connection between
Let's focus on exilation and emigration
Ammonites, Moabites, Philistines assimilated to the nations of their
And so did most of the Yehudim, Juden, Jews.
So why not all Jews?
Why could even Hitler, who said - "there
cannot be two chosen peoples",
not exterminate the Jews?
And this after already a psalm - I don't know in what century - quotes
nations as consulting each other how to exterminate Israel,
so that even its name would disappear from this planet? 'Come, and let
us cut them off from being a nation;
that the name of Israel
may be no more in remembrance.'
[see my song "Immanuel"]
It's understandable, that many people in Israel - me included - are
that so many Israelis wander "off" - from so small a population (6 1/2 million Jews among 8
million Israelis compared to 1400 millions Chinese) see "Demographics" in the
English Wikipedia "Israel -
the numbers depend on the counting of Jews in occupied territories
or not: "In mid-2013, Israel's
population was an estimated 8,051,200 people,
of whom 6,045,900 are Jews.
Arab citizens of Israel comprise 20.7% of the country's total population
Over the last decade, large numbers of migrant workers
from Romania, Thailand, China, Africa and South America have settled
in Israel. By June 2012, approximately
60,000 African migrants had entered Israel ")
There seem to live 10000 Israelis in Berlin now,
which is just one town - and what a town ! with its holocaust connotations!!!... And in USA universities there are up to 10% Israelis in faculties
And yet, it has never been the number of Hebrew, Jews, Israelis,
that promised the continuation of the pioneers' existence on this
planet. [I even can guess what the meaning
of the Israelis in Berlin is...]
October 10, 2013 To be able to take responsibility
for EVERYTHING that happens to me,
as a person as well as a people as well as humankind,
I must learn to know who I am,
an individual ray of the one sun,
an individual wave of the one sea,
an individual color of the one light,
I must learn and live my uniqueness!
As I interpreted already long
the descendants of Noah's sons were meant
to "be separate and scattered",
but instead they ended up in "settling"
in a "biq'ah" [something between a valley
and a pit - Buber-Rosenzweig found the word "Gesenk"] acting-reacting-behaving like a collective,
having "safah akhat u-dvarim akhadim",
"one language and one-set-of-words"
"so one couldn't differentiate between
someone wise and someone dumb" (Ibn
a herd with the one goal, for which they built their tower:
"lest we be scattered over the face of all the earth".
So what did "God" do to make people grasp
that the goal of manifestation is the evolution of All-that-Is?
One man, Abraham, and one woman, Sarah, were chosen,
who - through terrible tribulations (the result of resistance?)-
begot one nation - the nation of Israel ,
meant to be a pioneer of Evolution
and as that pioneer not to mingle, not to melt into other nations,
so as to incessantly, throughout history be an example of: "go-to-yourself
from all security and safety of the collective,
for only then will be blessed in you all
the families of the earth". Genesis
Looking around me,
even the 16 actors of my family, even my "friends" and "peers"
surrender to the pressure of the collective,
saying "hi" instead of "shalom"
and "bye" instead of "shalom"
and "how are you" instead of "what is your shalom?"
And this is just one of a million examples of Babel-behavior,
which are contrary to Israel's vocation, mission and task.
It can't be "better" demonstrated
than in the scene 3000 years ago, where the Hebrews screamed again
and again at Shmuel, the prophet: Give us a King
(I quote from the translation of Everett Fox, the
pupil of the Buber-Rosenzweig way to understand the Hebrew Bible,
He did not "make it" to more than the 5 books of the Torah
and the books of Samuel . The edition of the latter he called:
Give us a King
The prophet is shocked by their demand and details a frightening list
of all the horrid impacts such a king would have on their daily lives. But the people refused to hearken to Shemu'el's
they said:
Rather, let there be a king over us
so that we, we too may be like all the nations!
Let our king lead-us-as-judge
and go-out before us and fight or battles! Samuel
I, 8:19-20
This scene makes me cringe with pain and dispair.
For in all these 3000 years nothing has changed. Re-reading "God's" surrender
to this fatal request,
I understand, that the people were not mature enough.
They had - as we all do - to experience on their flesh, as
we say in Hebrew, how utterly stupid,
yes begetting future catastrophes their desire was.
And yet, Moses, the Egyptian Hebrew or Hebrew Egyptian,
did have a nano-success with his yearning for people's uniqueness: "A lad ran and told Moshe:
Eldad and Meidad are acting-like-prophets in the camp!...
My lord Moshe, contain them (in
modern Hebrew the verb means: imprison
But Moshe said to him: Are you jealous for me?
O who would give that all the people of YHWH were prophets..." a sentence in
Numeri 11:29
that forever brings tears up in my eyes...
The "unique people" became - in time and terrible destiny
- unique,
only because within the herd there stood up such "prophets"
the 'am-sgulah is a collective "give-us-a-king"-herd,
it's the yekhidee-sgulah who fulfill Israel's mission.
I believe, that even if there was no chance or is no chance
to "stand up", they lived their vocation,
as symbolized in the metaphor of the
36 hidden Lamed-Vav-niks
When I googled for the term, called Tzaddiqim
I discovered what I'd never known:
the uniqueness of these 36 is not in their "righteousness",
there are millions who are "righteous" in the usual sense. [Moreover Buber-Rosenzweig have
that tzaddiq means "bewaehrt", i.e. s/he lives his/her truth.]
What makes them able to fulfill their - Israel's - mission,
is that they "accept the Shekhinah". in every generation 36
righteous "greet the Shechinah," (Tractate Sanhedrin 97b; Tractate Sukkah
Shekhinah is the female aspect of "God", Spirit.
Israel, the unique people, is meant to be the pioneer
of all humans on earth in becoming each one unique.
For only then "All-that-is", or "Deity" can evolve.
And Evolution is the purpose of "Manifestation".
On the other hand the kibbutz-galuyot, as described
in Ezekiel 22,
how could this succeed in the State of Israel,
after the 1948 war and as many immigrants as there were citizens in
the country,
in the face of all the poverty (tzaenna),and the unfathomable trauma
of many!,
People who if they even survived, had to leave every material possession
facing all these enemy threats
squirming among all these wounds of the Shoah, not only as memories,
but as denials of all that racism,
of having been humiliated,[even if not slaughtered!]
which then, of course, exploded in racism against the "weaker"
not to talk about the abysses of culture ,
of not being able to understand each other,
even in language. see the
movie: davar al meqom himatz'am shows Haifa in 1949,
while I experienced Haifa for 3 months right after my immigration,
April 15, 1967 There was a kur
khitukh, a melting pot , also in the Americas,
but not in so compressed a time and circumstances
khitukh - how impossible and what a success after all,
just as difficult as it is to be dispersed in order to become unique,
it is to be gathered together
in order to function and fill our vocation as a collective: Ezekiel 22:
17-22 Why does Ezekiel depict the gathering also as
a punishment? I prefer the verse in Isaiah
30:25-26, see
2013 songs, April Nr. 1 be-yom khavosh ha-Shem aet shaever amo, and the end of
Hosea 14:5-10, see see 2013 songs May Nr.6
arpa meshuvatam, ohavem...
Avnery quotes historian Runciman:
"the Crusader kingdom collapsed
because too many Crusaders returned to their ancestral homelands,
while too few came to join the Crusaders.
In the end, the last remnants were thrown into the sea (literally)."
Avnery: "THERE ARE vast differences between
the Crusader state
that existed in this country for two hundred years
and the present State of Israel, but there are also some striking
"Lately I was reminded of Runciman’s conclusion
because of the sudden interest of our media in the phenomenon of emigration.
Some comments bordered on hysteria."
The analogy of "the decline of
the Crusaders", is interesting, but not valid,
nor does Avnery expose other than economic reasons and "brain-flight", ["One single fighter plane
costs more than a school or a hospital or a laboratory".]
He points out that "brain-flight" is definitely not a problem
of Israel only..
In my eyes, - and so far I, too, have been pained by the "descenders"
the reasons don't matter.
People all over the world leave their home-countries,
and perhaps should leave them,
just like Abraham was called to his lekh-lekhâ.
The difference is, that unlike ALL other people,
Jews have a hard time to merge with other nations.
This exacerbates the question:
what is the vocation of the Jewish people,
not only in Israel, but among "all
the families of Man"?
One sentence of Avnery I want to quote: "Young Jewish Americans are no longer
proud of Israel.
Some of them are ashamed."
I remember the daily newspaper (not the weekly "Ha-Olam
edited by Uri Avnery after the so-called Six-day-War,
and in it a report about an Arab prisoner tortured to death.
I was so ashamed, that - if only possible- I would have left Israel.
I felt: 'What is the difference between Israel and Germany
except in the n u m b e r s of
their atrocities?'
I thought of Rabbi Kurt Wilhelm and other "good" Jews,
who had left Israel already in the early years of the State,
not being able to take responsibility for its "mis-deeds"...
It was then, exactly then, that I
- quite in the beginning of working on my Ph.D. thesis -
realized, realized with all my mind and heart and being,
what the difference between a Jew and any other identity really is:
"Mis-deeds" like that occur in every country.
You may be allowed to live there,
but you cannot do anything to change matters,
b e c a u s e y o u d o n o t
b e l o n g,
like the "evil people' of Sodom smashed in Lot's face,
when he did not consent to their quest to fuck his guests . Pray, brothers, do not be so wicked!
(He proposes his two virgin daughters instead....) But they said: Step aside!
and said:
This one came to sojourn and (wants
to) judge, play-the-judge?!
Now we will do worse to you than (to)
them." Genesis
19: 7-9: This story taught me,
that it was and is only in the community, to which I belong,
that I can try to make changes.
To go away and be ashamed of my home,
and powerless because I don't belong,
is a pathetic example of victimhood!
(November 1+4, 2013) Thoughts to the theme which I cannot integrate
on this page in a linear way.
But since sculpting the understanding - as the understanding itself-
occurs in a polyphonic, not in a linear way,
it may be beneficial to also study the David~Israel~Rachel~Code in a polyphonic
i.e. listening to the flow of the music, but also distinguishing between different
Like in a polyphonic piece of music, the linear lines of the voices
sometimes overlap, sometimes merge harmonically, sometimes stray into dissonance,
but in the end the piece of music has a beginning and an end and is whole
in itself.
aspect: I always say, that denial , Lost Will, ends up either in self-destruction,
or in violence etc. against the other.
But there is also the defense-mechanism of PROJECTION!
Cowardice is a result of shame , not in all, but in many cases. See
David>intro II
Also anger (Cain) is covering over shame. A
song about shame: ha-yom ba-kittah
Oct. 26, 4 AM , recorded in bed, then copied to this page
- edited on Nov. 4, 2013
Why will "ethics, morale, mussar, values, and all laws"
be outdated,
when we know how to feel? Because if I know how to feel, I'll always
know what is good for me.
This includes that I'll not hurt anybody else, because this would
have hurtful consequences for me
Yet, - as long as not ALL people know how to feel, there will be 2
1) the other might "expect" and therefore attract from me
something from his/her victimhood.
{Is this so? Am I then a victim of their victimhood?????}
2) that my very yikhud, uniqueness, provokes the Cain
in the other,
and that was so for the Jews who became unique because they were aware
of the link between what they did or omitted doing and what happened
to them.
This consciousness of uniqueness led them to be different from others,
and therefore people could project their Cain-feelings on them, and
make them the scape-goat.
One thing I thought I could do , if I knew how to feel, was to always
empower the other,
but as I learnt (Rafael,
Lev), my very being interfered with empowering the other,
and also empowering the other does not really help, if the other has
the feelings of Cain.
- lack of self-worth and victimhood.
So the only thing that will help in the end is to be a pioneer of
learning to feel,
and to radiate this on everyone around me.
Of course this is the task of any aware person on this planet,
but since Israel is not just a person but a collective
and with such a long history of having been unique by force,
it is - through me and hopefully through others - the vocation for
the World.
to know how to feel, and then comes the rest of the chain as I pointed
As a pioneer of Evolution I learn how to feel:
I vibrate/womb my feelings, I become aware & I feel full-filled.
Therefore: no projecting, no acting out of denials and Lost Will,
and also no victimizing myself to others' projecting, acting out,
and no despair because others are not receiving this from me. I know, how to grow from all that is still happening because
of people's denial.
And as I heal and grow, Israel will heal, and as Israel heals, the
world will heal.
What is new and has to be learnt
is, that "sin" is not something bad I do, but a denial,
and there is a specific denial:
that I fear to be judged and even put to shame - even for wonderful
like David
for his skipping around God's ark, and ridiculed by his wife Michal,
If I deny, override the shame, I might do something bad to another
on the other hand ,if I surrender to the shame,
I might shut up and not be myself and thus withhold my gifts from
the Word ,
not full-fill my vocation and not reach zest-full-ness and full-fill-ment
for myself
[David was great in this situation of
"dancing before YHWH with all his might"
The punishment for Michal [barren
till the end of her life] was the invention of the narrator,
for in another context, 2.Samuel
21:8 it's told, that Michal had 5 children,
yet they were all hanged as a condition for David's peace with his
It's the consciousness that makes a Jew a Jew, not biology!
There were 4 cities in the Land of Israel - Tiberias,
Safed, Hebron and [Jerusalem ?]
where Jews lived throughout all the centuries till the revival in
1870 [check]. Biologically,
population in the country-side were Jews as well,
Yet when Byzanthine Christianity and then Islam infiltrated the land
of Israel,
the people - in time - forgot who they were.
Only in the cities where there were schools,learning guarded Jewish
Back to the question, what can the unique people or the unique
person (Immanuel)
in order to not provoke the Cain in people and as a result not only
damage 'the world',
but cause more self-hatred (Rafael).
And the solution I found for myself for not triggering the entire
world (Tamir
about me)
i.e. withdrawing from almost all people,
to never initiate but be available - and even this in homeopathic
doses -
cannot be a solution, neither for Immanuel nor for Israel. From a tiny calendar-diary in 2000 "By investing so much giving, e.g. for Micha's
in order to make people feel validated and empowered
I not only trap, deny, part of my own Will, feelings,
but make the receivers feel even more invalidated and powerless.
that's why I have ceased to
manifest or to plan for any future
and instead I almost soleley drive backward"
Then [see above: Rafael's advice in
the frame with Achinoam's song] I rejected his suggested theme
"Jesus" totally.
Now I connect that Yeshua was a pioneer of wanting "to redeem
the lost Sheep" and to dissolve "Guilt", Yet
having so much denial himself - he failed to reach his goal [put
Jesus or denial in "Find" of pp16 and pp45].
[See what I - on
the 4th of November 2013, 11:40 A.M.
just detected in pp1b, 2002, while putting "Jesus denial"
in my Search:
I am still very grateful for this gift
from Rafael,
and I'm moved by the fact, that it so happened,
that I've scanned, marked & inserted this page
as the first thing I've been doing on this morning.
For on the 4th of November - 42 years ago -
our bond was tied.
And yet - as
the hit "Amazing Grace" shows - many people - on a personal
level - were "redeemed".
But on a collective level his self-attracted death and the Jewish
symbolic figure of Is. 53 -given to it,
aggrandisized the denial and the guilt among humans..
My insight around my 75th birthday:
that Lost Will can not be redeemed nor can the Guilt dissolve,
as long as we humans are such beginners in knowing how to feel. Godchannel's
message (where?): "Your capacity to feel
is far more vast than you have ever realized"
1.Samuel.10, 2 Shmuel tells Shaul
that he will find 2 men at Rachel's burial place
who will tell him, that the atonot, she-asses have been found. What do the atonot have to do with Rachel?
David, the shepherd,
came to comfort and heal Shaul, the king,
but by his very being he deepened the lack of self-esteem
which Shaul had brought into his life as king {Shaul didn't even tell his uncle
- 1.Samuel
10:16, - that he was to become the King of Israel} and conjured up a horrible Cain-Hevel story, except
that David was not Hevel, a nothing.
Oct. 24 What
I am meant to learn, obviously,
is the purpose of Israelis leaving Israel in such numbers
zerstreut in alle Voelker, Salz der Erde,
dispersed in all nations, salt of the Earth.
Many will get lost (=assimilate),
but some - and it's always "some" - will learn, and radiate,
what perhaps only the lekh-lekhâ-people
can learn,
since the foreign culture,
yes their very not-belonging gives them a broader perspective
of why they let themselves be born as Israelis,
more exact - since I now learnt that there is no "Israeli nationality"
as Jews in Israel.
My effort to make sense of the
demographics of Israel in mid-2013, Israel's population was
an estimated 8,051,200 people,
of whom 6,045,900 are Jews.
Arab citizens of Israel comprise 20.7% of the country's total population
In 2009, over 300,000 Israeli citizens lived in West Bank settlements
20,000 Israelis live in Golan Heights settlements.
In 2011, there were 250,000 Jews living in East Jerusalem
The total number of Israeli settlers is over 500,000
led me to another insight:
Israel itself was never "clean of Non-Jews"
like Nazi-Germany tried to be"clean of non- Aryans"
I was told so even by
Israel Koenig, the governor of Northern Israel, in 1976,
when I needed him for my Bir'am
Israel Koenig (what a name! Israel
King!) was not honest with me,
but I appreciated his saying: "In the land of Israel there always lived
other nations
together with the Jews - right from the beginning!"
As if it was not "problematic enough",
that "70 nations" came together as Jewish immigrants:
and as if it was not difficult enough,
that in the land of Israel lived Arabs, before the Jews came,
and that despite the expulsion or flight of many,
there are still 20% Arabs in the State of Israel,
there are Jews who do not stick to the official and recognized state
of Israel,
but disperse-"settle" among the Arabs, now called Palestinians,
claiming their land as Israel,
thus living voluntarily as a minority!
What is the purpose of all this mingling and merging ,
this mixing and blending, this chaos of identities?
Isn't it the Babylonian-Dispersion-effect
? [See my Tower-of-Babel interpretation
for instance in pp11] Learning to know myself, become myself
by seeing the differences between myself and others/
And isn't racism the opposite -
the fear of becoming myself as differentiated from another?
4, 2013
While working on this "voice in the polyphony" of the David-Israel-Rachel-Code,
Joe, a neighbor, brought me milk and yoghurt from the far-away goats-farm,
as I order about every 3 weeks and am delivered without any money for
his service.
Seeing that his wife Debbie was not with him as usual,
I inquired about her strange sickness (too much haemoglobin) and understood,
that they cannot get medication,
because they [immigrants from USA] are not allowed to be insured.
And this, because they are - after years - still not granted Israeli
And this - "because
we believe in Yeshua". "But how would anyone know, that you
are Messianic Jews?" The fundamentalist, counter-missionary
NGO "yad-le-achim" found out
and reported us to the authorities...
I immediately wrote to them,
despite my discipline of being totally dedicated to "completing"
this page on this day!
Shalom Debbie and Joe,
please turn to the media concerning
the State's refusal to grant you citizenship,
with one of the results, that you cannot register for health-insurance
in Israel
because some fanatic NGO found out that you are Messianic Jews and
reported you.
There are two programs which
are open to such outrageous injustices,
One is called "Osim
seder hadash"
It appears in 2 parts from Sunday to Wednesday.
it consists of 7 interview, 3 in the first part, 4 in the second part.
The first part also appears on
Channel 2, at 5:30 P.M.
The second part appears in Channel 1, at 10 A.M. and again at 2 P.M.
Both parts appear one after the other at night in Channel 23 at 23:33
is an ad, a video, on this page,
which points to the other program called "Erev hadash"
It appears in Channel 1 from Sunday to Thursday always at 5 PM
It starts with political matters , but towards the end your issue
would suit them.
The times are quite confusing,
I had to really focus to get them right for you.
But please take some time to watch in order to find out that you would
fit in.
For, of course, the issues of injustices etc. are endless and varied.
I myself have been watching both programs for over 2 years,
but often there is only one item that is relevant enough for me to
choose it.
(not only "interesting", - there are too many "interesting"
things to watch)
Please, relate to "your"
issue as to an issue of All Israel!!!!
Do not be silent, do not say:
"Life is not fair" and other "beliefs", which
if you adopt them will manifest! Rachel
[as to this quest: relate to your personal issue as to an issue of
All Israel,
I now read, in my last draft: "The merging between the persona
and the collective, or in biblical language: between the
Servant of YHWH and Israel,
is especially clear in the poem Isaiah
49: see my song:The
Prophet's Frustration
today - Oct. 24 -
about the liberation of Palestinian prisoners
in exchange for more building in the territories,
which "naturally", impulsively, I find outrageous,
I feel, that here, too, I must change my judgment
and see the fruitful in the frightful [s.
my 2013
songs Nov.Nr.4]
And I suddenly remember the great wisdom of Rafael: "Fighting with each other is the
first step towards peace,
because in order to fight the enemy effectively,
you must get to k n o w your
And the better you know him,
the easier it will be to make peace with him."
4, 2013 How lovely: an interview with a young
Israeli, blonde woman
[my "racist" feelings against blonde, blue-eyed,
i.e. "Aryan" women
are such, that I almost closed this TV item).
She went to visit the family of her husband
for 6 weeks in a poverty area of the Ivory Coast.
How did you know each other?
5 years ago I volunteered at "Asaf", an NGO for
assistance to refugees.
There I saw a wonderful woman, the sister of my future husband,
both mehagree-avodah, labor emigrants.
"Could your mother-in-law come to your wedding in Israel?"
"Are you kidding? How can the two of us marry in this
Yet black and white are married nonetheless
and both - Israel and the Ivory Coast - will benefit from
David-Israel Code is now activated in Rachel
As a pioneer of Evolution I learn how to feel:
I vibrate/womb my feelings,
I become aware & I feel full-filled.
no projecting,
no acting out of denials and Lost Will,
and also
no self-victimization to others' projecting,
others' acting out,
and no despair
because others are not receiving this from me.
I know, how to grow
from all that is still happening because of people's
And as I heal and grow, Israel will heal,
and as Israel heals, the world will heal.
with this summary,
which concluded all 36 pages of the Messiah David-Bat-Sheva library,
that - after 9 years - I want to conclude this page, too:
The Fourth of November 2013,
12:00, my granddaughter and Yitzhak Rabin
more to the movie and Achinoam's video
of Genesis" about Israel's Nature
I asked Achinoam to complement
what I did not understand in the lyrics. Though I had addressed her
with Shalom
, Achinoam,
she addressed me with: "Hi, Rachel"...
.Even Achinoam who works actively for Peace!
Despite my vow,
to no longer make people aware of their numbness,
I'll respond to her with
my 2013 song April Nr.2: