The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"


50 days of Moving and E-volving Emotions Manual - 11th day, July 18,2002











the fear of being judged for exhibiting my tears, and even photographing them.


The FELT days 45, 46, 47, 48 ~ of the next 15 FELT years

1 5   y e a r s  = 5 4 8 0   days   of
g e f u e h l t e - g e f u e l l t e   Z e i t   
"inmitten der Ewigkeit",
f e l t - f i l l e d   t i m e  
"amidst eternity"
from the beginning of my 76th till the completion of my 90th year [unless I'll die after all]
"A dream is our life on Earth ...we measure ...(it) in space & time" -see 2013 songs August Nr. 4-
Yes, I, Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, want to measure my life on Earth in space & time!

4 days of feelings will be inserted on each of the 1400 pages [set up between 2001-2008]
continuing with M E E M and then following the order of folders and files on my "local site".

The feeling chosen from a day is exhibited in max. 7 lines per day since August 28, 2013
On 6 days of the week I learn, but Shabbat is dedicated to my main feeling: grate-full-ness.
Since feelings must be vibrated and wombed, each day symbolically closes with a song,
following the order of SongGame 2007, which includes my own songs from 1967-2011,
and from then the songs created by myself or learnt from others in 2012, 2013 till 2028...

To challenge myself like that -while not knowing what will be "staged"
in my personal and in the world's drama till 2028 , exhilarates me!

5441 days

Since I was 16, I desired to empower people! I now call it: to heal the holes of their harmonica, blocked by Lost Will, so it can play their music. What pains me is the gap between what e.g. Efrat wants to give and what anyone is able to receive. How can I empower her creativity in her post, without betraying my- critical - self?

song: shorshi patuach aelee-mayim Job 29:19

2013-10-12-Shabbat-still 5440 days

I feel so grate-full for being, living so free.
Nobody I have to cook for, to talk with,
to be considerate when twisting in bed
"Erfuellt ist nun meine Lebenszeit,
gab hin mich an Mensch und Welt
was ich jetzt bin auf Erden,
ist das ganze Himmelszelt."

Shabbat-song: hishlamti aet tqufat-khayah


2013-10-13-Sunday-still 5439 days

Joys: (phone) Helpful to Lior! in dreams: first step of a 'world-project' succeeded! Then a (physical) door opened! Then I delighted in people'sjamming, including a woman on an electronic church-organ. I awoke, recalling the jamming of "My child became fifty": joy, then pain again: why was his pleasure cut off?

song: o koennt ich fliegen (Mendelssohn)

2013-10-14-Monday Arad>Shoham -still
5438 days

I, a mother, ardently desire
that Immanuel may succeed
in becoming a flight-captain.

song:Once more: O could I fly, o koennt ich fliegen













The turn of the "morning-book-from-the-shelf" was
Herzl's State of the Jews, a very small edition,
the book severely damaged by the rain that last year invaded through some crag between window and wall.
I asked for a sign.
The first was in the preface:
"if this people is still too numb (atum)
to understand i..
then a future generation..."
The second was towards the end: "Little familiar things":
In the future state people
will find also the "little familiar things",
like there is.....

Then, after I got up from bed for the morning "games",
and also went outside to the garden to comb my hair,
I saw a strange wetness here and there.
"It can't be that there was a bit of rain?" I thought,
seeing the blue sky,but also some fog over the Wadi.
Again inside I see an even stranger sight:
many, many drops on the net that covers the window!
Though on the photo the drops look like white color,
-what came out more beautiful than on former photos,
is the La-Hai Ro'i, the rock-spring in it's pond!







And then I took this image from the door next to my computer
and put it on the floor of the veranda to get enough light for it,
and while I photographed, an ant ran over it .

How did this ad come to me?
2 weeks ago I was in the center of my town Arad,
something that happens only once a month,
when I may take my National Insurance from the Postal Bank,
and whatever things have to be bought, I'll buy then.
I came across a miserably looking man
who distributed the newspaper
Israel ha-yom, Israel today,
It was for free, but I still didn't take it, knowing I wouldn't read it.
But when I passed him another time,
I wanted to give at least a nano-feeling of satisfaction
and therefore let him give me the paper.
At home I "asked" to open it at a meaningfull spot.
What was it? an advertisement! what advertisement?
of El-Al about their soon to be released Boing 737,
a plane, which - as my son explained to me later - he is flying all this year,
and which - for the passengers is very different, but for the pilots only a little
I cut the page off and glued it first to my fridge, later to my door,
so it would remind me constantly of our wish,
that my son may make it on this day - October 14 -
when, among other tests, he has to appear in front of a committee,
the most difficult test towards becoming a flight-captain,
towards which he has been training for an entire year now,
and will still not be finished for another half year

When the photo for the ad was taken, he was asked to participate,
but he was on flight somewhere in Europe.
The ant on the ground, doesn't it mean,
that Herzl's words about the "small familiar things"
should not be forgotten, even when we fly high in the sky?

I celebrate Elah (26), the firstborn of my son ,
and Jonathan (22) , the firstborn of my daughter,
[this time with the sad face he had as a child and as a teenager]

Elah is so proud of her friendship with Sara von Schwarze,
who was born from a German mother AND a German father
and is an actress both in Hebrew and in German

How grate-full I am for "Facebook":
It allows me to participate in the lives of my loved-ones,
who do not want, or don't have time
to share with me, what matters to them.

For instance my daughter invites people to an activity,
in which she plays an active part: Israeli Association of group-therapy
"When the yakhid [individual] meets a group"


On Oct. 10, I came across this excellent note of the Godchannel Channelers

.....that when you're doing this healing work,
it's actually not you who is doing it.
You are channeling into action
the Universe's desire to heal and evolve.
You know what to do
because you find yourself following a stream of intuition.
And you know the effects of your actions
on a moment-by-moment basis
through what you feel,
not by 'knowing' anything ahead of time
or following an idea or plan in the mind

It's only now that I discovered this image of Jonathan,
taken in June 2013, at a Henna ceremony
obviously of a family-member of his girlfriend Shir,


Itamar, Jonathan's brother (15) writes:
The result of the most dangerous experiment
which they did:
what will happen to an Ashkenzi at a Henna?
Result: natural integration: what a surprise

I celebrate my daughter Ronnit's caring and wit and her daughter Rotem's humor and wisdom

How glad I am, that Ronnit responded to the post "of my sister", Efrat,
in a way that I could not have done responded to my daughter-in-love..

On Oct.25 Rotem changed her" profile"

ON Oct. 25 Rotem also changed her "nosee" ("theme"?) on Facebook

On Facebook I also found these 2012 photos of Rotem: Febr., April, July

See this picture as an entry to my of the testimonies about our togetherness in May 2010 ,i.e. when she was 4 1/2 years old

By the way, Mika is - not yet - a vegetarian.
A veil must be over her eyes and mind,
so that she doesn't make the connection between her deep compassion for animals
and the gourmet steaks, her father, the Masterchef, makes her eat.
I hope, this veil will stay there for some time,
so she will not be torn too soon between her compassion for animals
and her love for her father, which demands gratitude and honor for his creations.

Soon after I had written this, I was hit with the fact, that Mika DOES know...
and that she is absolutely aware of her dilemma - animals or parents.
I helped her to find a way: Nothing drastic! Just moving cautiously.
"I don't want this!" but: "I prefer this".
And when she has no choice, to handle the dilemma how I handle it,
and how I taught her cousin Rotem, who was a fanatic through all her childhood.
I say:
"I would never buy or cook meat. But if I'm given leftovers,
or if I'm invited to a meal, I say to myself, that it is given with love,
and that love will atone for the pain that is caused to the animal."

I didn't tell her, that the pain is not only caused by being slaughtered.
It's HOW they are slaughtered and how they are kept when alive....
I didn't tell her, that I try not to eat anything from cows or imprisoned hens.

his "family-composition"
gives me the chance to tell
an utterance of Mika,
which makes me re-think the entire

sheep-shepherd ideology
of the Bible.

[see former page]

We were talking about her home-work:
Moses fleeing to the desert
and helping the 7 daughters of Yitro
against the male shepherds.
[Ex 4:16-19]
[This is one of the 3 situations, which
- as I learnt from Nechama Leibowitz-
characterize the uniqueness of Moses

- see the "promo" about Moses in my Hebrew-German book, at the end ,
as to the main chapter : see

and the summary of it in English

It was then that she [age: 7,9] voiced:

"I don't like shepherds".
"Noooo?" I exclaimed,
myself being such a fan of physical and symbolic shepherds.

"But all important people in the Bible
are depicted as shepherds:
Abraham, Yitzkhaq, Ya'aqov,
Rachel, Moses and David.

"I don't like them, because in the end
they slaughter their animals."

I was swept from my seat!
I had never ever thought of that!

nd suddenly it occurred to me,
that the "problem" with "God's"
favoring Hevel's gift over Kajin's,
without any stated reason
is also that Kajin offered the fruits of his land,
while Hevel sacrificed animals:

"from the firstborns of his flock,
from their fat-parts"
[Genesis 4:4]

In all these decades of teaching everyone about Kajin and Hevel,
a symbolic story - the first in the Bible
after the eviction from "Paradise",
which explains so much of all the pain
that is going on between human beings,
it never occurred to me to explore
the content of the offerings of these two!

Which brings me back to the quote from Hosea

"It's khaesed [mercy, grace] I desire , not zaevakh slaughtered sacrifice ,
da'at Elohim
[the knowing of/uniting with God] rather than burnt-offerings."
Hosea 6:6, see 2013 Songs, March Nr. 2

 Elah in "Ta Theatre" [theater-cell]          The old women - sent by both, Elah and Ra'ayah          

Elah, my granddaughter, longs to live in Berlin.

See my feelings
about the young Israelis in Berlin and elsewhere abroad

Isn't Orit , the daughter of my stepdaughter Dita, beautiful?

Sept. 21 (my letter to Orr)~Oct. 13, 2013,
I , indeed, could let go of Orr Scharf,
vibrating and wombing my feelings,
of b
oth: shame and disappointment.
Again I played the pathetic Partneror!

See my former letter to Orr and see my struggle on Oct. 9

When Orr had not responded to this letter of Sept.21
in which I had turned my intestines inside-out,
I began a letter on Oct. 2, which I shall not send ,
just asking him, if he had decided,
that it was not worthwhile to try this communication,
requesting to just tell me so in one word,
though I wouldn't torture myself with fantasies
of having hurt or shamed or angered him.
And then, when I was totally at peace with Orr's having floated out of my life again
like other new people to whom I open so hesitantly, he asked for "Freundschaft"!

Again he writes about things as if he assumed,
that I was familiar with them or interested in them.
This time I'll open up to this challenge.
I learnt about "You are to afflict yourselves",
which I oppose fiercely, but which appears 4 times in the Torah
and produced the Yom-Kippur fasting.

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.98-103 quoted in "Blue Book Intro"

...Have you had the experience of behaving with someone
in a way that you had not intended?
It just sort of came out of you suddenly.
That was your experiencing the power of influence
from another's expectation.
Have you noticed the personality of a child changing
depending on which adult it is interacting with?
Cooperative and pleasant with one person,
and obstinate and cranky with another?
You were witnessing the power of influence
from another's expectation!

... No longer blame others with whom you share relationships;
that you are the attractor of your experience.
True freedom comes from that understanding.
... as you train yourself
into the good-feeling thoughts of your Source,
as you come into alignment with who-you-really-are,
as you learn to love yourself-
the others with whom you interact
will not be able to buck that current of Well-Being.
They will either love you back -
or they will gravitate out of your experience.



Transferred from the former page to which this composition has a connection:
October 9, 2013
this day would be my sister Ursel's birthday (1939), if she would still be in this world
The last time I saw her, was - exactly 10 years ago - on my way to the retreat in AUschwitz-BirkenAU.

For Martin, Ursel's husband (82), I cropped this detail
from a page of the AUschwitz-BirkenAU experience.

To his response Martin added this grand picture :
Martin's brother and Ursel's nephew Matthias,whom she never knew,
born from her youngest son Wolfgang and his Chinese wife Angie.
Isn't this child symbolizing beneficial (not "Babylonian" ) unity?

How strange, that today a letter from Yael reached me,
referring to our talks about how to cope with her own journey
to the Holocaust places in Poland,
in which she will participate in 2 weeks with two groups
from the Democratic Schools of Modi'in and Hadera
[my memories of the Hadera school before my flight to Egypt in 1995!