I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
- My
new Midrash and song
in 5 languages
about the prophecy of Malachi
3, 16
["YHWH" is named "HA-SHEM"= The
1 2 3
How Learn And
I The Train
Heal Conditions In
Myself For Creating
Into Heaven Those
Whole On Conditions
Self-acceptance Earth Daily
Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk
among each other,
and he listens and he
yatakaalamuna allathina
yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri va-yasma'
Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht und er
Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent
l'un a l'autre
il entends,
il ecoute
To thepool
(2) climbing up and down
Wadi of Compassion
Garden: working watering
Kisslog: healing-creating
TV & Internet: learning
Preparing food. Cleaning
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year.
As such, it is a time for Jews to review the mistakes they made
in the past year
and to resolve to make improvements in the upcoming year I desire to repeat and reinforce
the resolution of my 70th birthday to sacrifice the last
remnants of my imprinted belief & patterned need to be righteous
& perfect
be free of this kind of ego and be 'lomekhet' [see
this new strategy]towards
those who trigger it.
I desire to encounter my
peers and my peer
of the day
A prominence of rare beauty
is dancing along the sun's southeastern limb
a cloud of hot gas held in the grip of solar magnetic fields. No
one understands why the top of the prominence cascades
down as fast as it does;
the "magnetic diffusion coefficient" of the medium
shouldn't allow it.
At the same time, swirls and vortices indicate an exquisite
degree of magnetic control
so far impossible to duplicate in Earth laboratories.
How does the sun do these things? It's a beautiful mystery.
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
7:43 My Body,
my Partner,
my God
I give thanks to our amazing
brain, "Four pounds and several thousand
miles of interconnected nerve cells
(about 100 billion)
control every movement, thought, sensation, and emotion
that comprise the human experience.
Within the brain and spinal cord
there are ten thousand distinct varieties of neurons,
trillions of supportive cells,
a few more trillion synaptic connections,
a hundred known chemical regulating agents,
miles of minuscule blood vessels,
axons ranging from a few microns to well over a foot and a
half in length,
and untold mysteries of how—almost flawlessly—all
these components work together. I give thanks that with
this brain I can become master of my life,
and - now finally - free myself from victimizing beliefs &
I am grate-full for the fantastic exterior
circumstances of my life,
which give me TIME to live each challenge, each experience
to the fullest.
I am grate-full for the times of LOVE in my life,
Though those experiences were marred by denials & righteousness
they gave me a glimpse of what it is I truly long for and
shall receive!
I am grate-full for the one - though virtual
- experience of true 'nidberu'.
-Sept. 17, 2008: "Warning: Material
contained in this story may make you wish to become a solar physicist.
Japan's Hinode spacecraft, launched in 2006 on a mission to study
the sun,
is beaming back movies that astonish even seasoned investigators.
"It is a curved wall of
10,000o plasma
about 90,000 km long and 30,000 km tall." A stack of planets three Earths high
would barely make it to the top.
Solar astronomers
have seen prominences like this before,
thousands of them,
but never so clearly. The new view is challenging long-held
In the past, researchers thought of prominences
as mainly static structures,
held motionless above the surface of the sun
by magnetic force fields.
"Now we know those ideas are too simple.
Just watch the movie!"
On our drive home from Neve-Eitan to Bet-Nehemya
on Sept. 27
Tomer asked: "Can there be life on the sun?"
"No" , I said, "of
course not, how can....."
But he was adamant:
"How can those scientists know everything?
They CAN NOT!"
From the many images sent to
I chose this one: Les
Cowley Sep. 28, 2008 England,
"This morning saw a giant, but faint, prominence on the
southern limb.
There was very fine filamentary detail altering with the H-alpha
tuning - this perhaps indicated high velocities.
The whole surrounding area was also active and changing from
minute to minute. "
Impressions on my way to the morning pool
A man in tallit
and kippah walks
above the Wadi of Compassion,
yet he doesn't go to the pyramidal synagogue which is close,
but crosses the Wadi at a less steep spot than I do.
I saw this from beyond, but I didn't see to which synagogue he was
The first "sitvanit" - autumn
lily - in the Wadi of Compassion - and
the glorious bougainvillia at the entrance to the pool
Big Brother Drama 10:15 AM
The camera shows a cloudy sky,
while the men with Asher in the synagoge are heard praying.
Then the camera moves to the rooms, where people sleep,
all of them with their heads covered under their blankets
except for Ranin and Leon.
Vanessa: "Ranin
at least was born in Israel,
I'm not at home, not in France and not in Israel!"
Participating in the Big Brother
while eating my own breakfast...
I feel pretty
Oh so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and gay
And I pity
Any girl who isn't me today
feel charming
Oh so charming
It's alarming how charming I feel
And so pretty
That I hardly can believe I'm real
See the pretty girl in that mirror
Who can that attractive girl be?
Such a pretty face
Such a pretty dress
Such a pretty smile
Such a pretty me!
I feel stunning
And entrancing
Feel like running
And dancing for joy
For I'm loved
By a pretty wonderful boy
I feel pretty
Oh so pretty
That the city should give me its key
A committee
Should be organized to honour me
feel dizzy
I feel sunny
I feel fizzy and funny and fine
And so pretty
Miss America can just resign
See the pretty girl in that mirror
Who can that attractive girl be?
Such a pretty face
Such a pretty dress
Such a pretty smile
Such a pretty me!
I feel stunning
And entrancing
Feel like running and dancing for joy
For I'm loved
By a pretty wonderful boy
"Driving Backward
into the Future"
Retrieving an actual, though short experience of Puis
ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
il entends, il ecoute so as to strengthen and reinforce
my desire for
Dearest Mar,
What could
I do with your poem,
if not correcting some spelling mistakes
("insight my tigh" must be "inside
my thigh", right?
but I couldn't figure out, what "saccaded"
and arrange it graphically in the center, to enjoy
it even more?
Mar ,
Maybe, we shouldn't meet after all.
The cord you strike could make me fall in love with
and that's the last thing, which would be appropriate,
both for obvious and for "metaphysical"
Or the opposite would happen:
We may find out,
that we create each other from our wishful thinking,
but the fear, that lurks around,
or my prejudices against therapists, for instance
may create what we are afraid of.
Please discern
between what is serious and what is a joke here...
Of course, we would be able to handle any of those
But do send me some pictures, so as to be equal,
since you had the possibility to see me on my site.
Thank you
for inviting me into the porcelaine crystal shop ,
and trusting that I won't break anything,
but just delight in the beauty and identify with the
"it is so easy to fill up with
spirit-force new-age truths and optimism and lift
but so wrong now " Yes. And if you would
do that, I wouldn't be gentle.
I wouldn't interact at all.
is always filled by this feeling of not-enough un-finished
", There are so many sentences
in your poem, that "ask for more",
but maybe you can say more just about this one.
And what
about the inside of your right thigh?
Sounds like a lymph infection?
You may have
found the RUOW
page by now.
It is really helpful , to think of you,
when I edit what I copied.
And now the
amazing thing:
You reminded me of pp28,
my long struggle with others feeling overridden by
my "transparency".
[Sept. 30, 2008:
The "Reality Shows" on TV in general,
and "Big Brother" in particular,
are a big step towards "transparency"!]
A few days earlier my ex-daughter-in-law threatened
me on the phone,
and yesterday she did the same, a hundred times worse,
in a letter.
The reason is very much the same as that in pp28,
except that there is a family dependency between me
and her,
since she is the mother of Tomer.
This makes the matter much more precarious and dangerous.
The way you received what I shared about my process
and the timing of it, - another coincidence,
made me decide to share my predicament and process
with you.
I include the letter to R., which I've worked on the
whole day long,
but will send it to her only if and after my son will
approve of it.
And here's a test for you:
How would you feel, if I would publish your poem on
my site:
a) without asking you and without mentioning your
b) without asking you and mentioning the capital letters
of your name
c) asking you and asking you also if I may mention
your name or not.
Mind you, I want to know, how you would feel,
not just how you would answer.
I am sick of people's obsession with privacy,
privacy as a concept or a value.
As differentiated from the openly admitted need to
i.e. the openly admitted fear of being judged.
Be hugged
- warmly, though virtually
To Mar
[Before sending this letter:
The following text was supposed to be a short P.S.
[to the letter on May 6, see left frame]
and now see, what came out of it!
I feel guilty of being overbearing.
So please, Mar, if you, too, feel that, now or another
help me to be sensitive to your boundaries! CR]
Thinking of what I wrote to you and attached to you,
I feel, 4 things should complete it.
1) R's Hebrew letter (but you don't have to read it,
I just think it's fair, that you see it)
2) My first reaction to it in a letter to Immanuel
3) The little sculpture about Tomer's entry into this
which I removed from the site already a week ago,
and am not so sure now, that it should be removed.
4) - an explanation
of why I wrote my letter to R. in English,
though she isn't too good at it, as most Sabres:
My son cannot receive Hebrew mails right now.
(He, his wife Efrat and Tomer
are on a camping trip in the western part of the USA,
with their last money, after my son was sacked ,
while he was here to visit his kids and to take Tomer
with him.)
But I also have to make a confession,
- wanting to be transparent with YOU!
The more I advanced in writing, the more I saw,
that the writing became sculpting.
And when the letter was complete
(unlike the Tomer
pages, which still aren't),
I felt I would like - one day - to insert it on my
Am I an "exhibitionist" after all?
I feel guilty and ashamed.
A perfect hole for any Asura to jump in.
On the other hand, there are so many things,
that I cannot be transparent about,
because R. would have an actual reason to feel blamed.
Now she is "only" projecting on me
from her terrible feelings of guilt and unworthiness.
But my whole concept of transparency on my site is
so fickle.
For I have to hide even things, that have to do solely
with myself,
because even neutral visitors would be embarrassed,
and my dear ones would bury their heads in shame.
So whatever I DO expose to the Internet,
is the utmost distillation and refinement of my experiences,
which, I believe, is the quality and characteristics
of ART
and therefore not only permitted, but necessary,
if others, who want like me to heal into wholeness,
are to benefit from my experiences and understandings.
Isn't it that, what you phrased so beautifully about
At a loss
The mulberry Tree on the Titorah Hill,
which I visited at every sunset for 28 days, in memory of
Mar [From
the last page of Right Use of Will:]
"I've been so enticed by the menorah (
candelabrum) shape of this half
dead, but wildly recovering mulberry tree
that I photographed it day after day for four weeks,
in order to follow the path of the sun and the changes around
the tree.
The last time was on June 21, the summer solstice."
Attachments to the letter to Mar
What a coincidence
between my Tomer-pages on Sept.
24-25, 2008
and the fact,
that the drama between me and his mother
reached its peak
during the few weeks
of the Mar-Mar Virtual Love-story...
sentence from the "Temporary Settlement" between
Immanuel and R.: "Tomer
will leave Israel on Monday April 14th 2003 with his
father Emanuel
and will stay in the US under his custody for a period
of a year ."
[to myself] R. threatened me concerning this passage in "Beginnings".
I'm removing it for the time being,
until I'll understand,
if inserting it in the Tomer pages means I'm overriding
"The conception of Tomer,
my eldest son's third child,
was neither intended nor welcomed.
Due to Immanuel's memory of my grief over an abortion
forced on his mum by his father,
he became convinced that the child had to be born.
Ironicly, it was exactly towards the time of this birth,
that the long smoldering frustration with his marriage
exploded into Immanuel's determination to walk out.
He was 16, when he
entered the liaison with R..
It was his self-denial to let it result in matrimony.
Despite this, I often stepped in to make it going,
and trained them in how to support each other.
5 years earlier I had favored my son's decision to separate,
but standing at the bed of 2 year old Elah, he couldn't
do it.
Now, at the verge
of delivery, divorce was out of the question.
I mended what I could, and while the couple celebrated
I was standing at the rail of their roof, overlooking
The following
text is only a sample of the lawyer style letter,
since she hasn't written it herself, I shouldn't give
it too much space.
2003_05_05 to
R. wrote me a ghastly
letter, with so many abhorrent threats,
that I was unable to read the letter word by word.
I saved it somewhere and shall not touch it, unless
someone will force me.
At least, the letter provided me with her e-mail address
(she had wanted to give me the one that works,
when we were still on "good terms", but forgot).
So I sent her your pictures without a word.
The question is, if
you too find
the sculptures about Tomer offensive,
in general or in some places.
I've been working on these sculptures ever since you
arrived, i.e. since four weeks.
Since I have time now, this means,
I work a "full time job" on "My
wrestling with Tomer".
And the more I work, the deeper I understand, and the
more joy and fulfillment I feel.
It's far from completed.
I'm extremely careful in not voicing the slightest blame
towards Ruth.
(And tomorrow morning I'll read all the texts and see,
if somewhere a critical undertone has escaped my awareness
and correct that.)
But she still claims, I slander her, I lie about her
and worse than that.
What she demands is, that I eliminate all pages, all
the very name of Tomer or any other member of the family.
If I would be her, I would be proud, that my son is
such a great star on the Internet.
As for me, I am really sick of the obsession with "privacy".
As you know, I got the same kind of letters and threats
of taking legal actions,
when I put the "Edited Godchannel" in Healingkiss,
and sculpted some e-mail interactions on the site.
I eliminated the latter, but did not touch Godchannel.
No legal action was taken.
Tomer is your son too,
And who knows, what R. might do to your relationship
with Tomer,
if I go on causing her to go out of her mind, literally.
I would be deeply frustrated and hurt,
if I would have to take down all the pages about Tomer,
and all the sculptures in the puzzle pieces,
which I only now start to rediscover,
because at the time those events happened,
I still did not see the great teacher,
who has been on his way to me, ever since he came to
this world.
I have to take Tomer out of my site,
I don't think, I can go on with the site at all.
Everything I believe in , was put to a test by my wrestling
with Tomer.
Everything I did in the past, the big things in the
world, have value only,
because I was also able to dedicate my whole being to
one single "soul",
just as I dedicated my whole being to realizing a world
I cannot write about my beliefs, which are the source
of my living,
In any case, this is how I feel right now.
Maybe I am too numb with pain and disappointment.
I certainly lack minimal rational perspective right
That's why I need you to tell me, what YOU feel towards
my creation.
If you too feel, that I am overriding your privacy,
or Tomer's privacy,
or worse - if you fear,
that Tomer's status between you and R. could become
even more precarious,
then I would sacrifice all the pages about Tomer, and
maybe the whole site
[To R., my ex-daughter-in-law -
I may have sent this only to my son Immanuel]
If I would be you, I would be proud,
that my son is such a great star on the Internet.
After that written threat you now threatened me on the phone,
that if I shall not remove all pages and pictures about Tomer,
you are going to file a "civil and criminal lawsuit"
against me
"right after Independence Day or even on the festival
Believe me, that since your first threatening on April 28,
I've not stopped coping with this new blow to our relationship.
I have scrutinized every word, I've sculpted about you on
my site.
Except for a few "slips" I could find nothing offensive
against you.
On the contrary, there is the sculpture of our exchange of
on the day of the "shoe-lace
and jacuzzi-drama"
when at first you were exhausted and I could step in
and then you could step in , when I was exhausted.
Didn't that experience prove to you,
that something between you and me had healed,
and that this was really Tomer's achievement?
I'm very sad for myself and for Tomer,
that I may have deluded myself -
there was no healing, no achievement.
The "slips" are eliminated now, not because of your
but because they really have nothing to do with you.
They were the trickles of much pain and anger, "triggered"
by you
which have accumulated over 24 years and have not yet healed.
Healing them is MY problem
and I mustn't take the pain out on you, not even in a slight
So I am glad, that you helped me remember and correct that.
But I know, that this doesn't satisfy your demands.
You want me to eliminate all the verbal and graphical sculptures.
and to not ever mention the names of Tomer, You, Alon &
It is not your threat to take legal action, which deters me.
On the contrary, if you'll really go ahead with filing a lawsuit,
some people, at least, will be forced to read about my experience,
my wrestling, rejoicing, suffering, understanding, healing
with Tomer,
which will retrieve it from the obscurity of some unread website,
to which I got not more than 4 or 5 feedbacks in 21 months,
and open the experience to a broader audience.
What does trouble me, is the question, if I am overriding
There I need to first discern between Your
need for "privacy",
and the need for privacy, which you project on your small
As I now re-read all the 5 pages, called "Tomer"
I came to a certain really beautiful sculpture
and suddenly felt Tomer telling me clearly,
that he has no problem at all with starring on Healing-KISS,
on the contrary, he is happy to be able at such an early age
to accomplish a part of his task of "Teaching by Example".
(I mailed this up to here on 2003_05-08 -11:34)
As to R's response, see WORD>R.-Rachel May 2003)
This communication even makes me question
if I was right to have removed the passage
about Tomer's entry into this planet:
You were hurt by 2 things I wrote there,which are not new
to you.
Your marriage with Immanuel and your pregnancy with Tomer.
As to your marriage I'll refer to it at the
end of this letter.
I can find nothing wrong with not having wanted that pregnancy.
I myself was not at all pleased, when I heard of it.
I also made this very clear to Tomer,
that it wasn't Tomer, whom you didn't want,
but the pregnancy with something that could not even be seen,
at a time, that didn't seem to be appropriate at all.
But from Tomer's point of departure, this
beginning was important.
He knew, that his parents would be unhappy about this pregnancy,
[and, after all, Immanuel was not happier about it than you
My interpretation of Tomer's choice is,
that he came as a teacher to this world,
and first of all for his parents, siblings and me.
The best teacher, of course, is the one,
who is him/herself in an ongoing process of learning,
what he has set out to teach others.
In short:
I feel at peace with Tomer's starring on Healing-K.i.s.s.
This leaves me with the second part of my
your feeling, R., that I am overriding you.
Remember, that I was won over twice to your
Though you made no effort to win me over, but threatened me,
I eliminated everything on that
first Tomer page in December,
which you found offensive,
even quotes from a letter from my daughter,
which were meant to be helpful for everyone.
But I understood your pain and point
and despite harsh reactions from my loved-ones
to what was seen by them
as "succumbing to R.'s dictates and threats",
I was at peace with what I removed.
The second time was,
when you "forbade" to take Tomer to the Salt Sea
via Jerusalem. There was no need to forbid anything,
there was just a need to win me over.
Since you didn't know how to do that,
I did it myself: I identified with your fears.
The way, you threaten me this time, brings
to my mind,
how I coped with a similar threat in December 2001.
Not by chance, the one feedback of the few I got,
came a day before your letter and concerned pp28:
"no overriding, no letting override"
and the story of my coping with those threats.
I'll quote from this rare e-mail, (from Israel by the way)
because it demonstrates, what I want to accomplish,
(also with my sculptures concerning me and Tomer): [quote from Mar's
letter 2003_05_04] "I have read the process you have gone through
with godchannel and other healing people
at PuzzlePieces/pp28.htm
very strong
thank You
It has shown me a way
an example,
a justification
a reflection
of the perfection of a small
still struggling
of what I believe is "reality" (wrong word)
or something that I'm about - maybe a way of the heart-
You threaten me, just like those people in pp28 did:
"You are overriding me and I'm going to make you pay
for that!"
What is the difference between this
outcry of you and those people,
and a dictator's reaction of jailing or murdering a dissident?
Didn't he feel overridden too?
The 38 or so mass-graves, now discovered in Iraq,
aren't they too the result of one human being's reaction
to having felt overridden by people's thinking, words or actions?
I really am at a loss!
With you I don't know how to live up to one of my greatest
which is "not to override anybody
and not to let anyone override me",
(lo le-hakhni'a ve-lo le-hikana',
lo likhpot al af aekhad ve-lo la-tet le-af aekhad likhpot
I would like to win you over to my goal behind
those pages.
But will you give me a chance?
Can there be a chance at all, after you besmeared me with
so much vomit,
that you may not even be able to look at me without needing
to throw up?
I cannot let you override me this time, Mother R.!
I would not know what to do,
if I would have to take down all the pages about Tomer,
and all the sculptures scattered in the 70 pages called "puzzle
which involved Tomer, but preceded "grandma's noon-school".
These I only now start to rediscover,
because at the time those events happened, I did not yet see the great teacher,
who has been on his way to me,
ever since he came to this world.
If I have to take Tomer out of my site,
the whole site will be a fake. Everything I believe in was put to a test by my wrestling
with Tomer.
Everything I did in the past, the big things in the world,
have value only,
because I was able to dedicate my whole being to one "soul",
just as I dedicated my whole being to realizing a world vision.
I cannot write about my beliefs, which are the source of my
living, (like "kol
Yisrael arevim" , "Right
Use of Will" and "Godchannel"),
I cannot go on with "Israel&Ismael",
Vision" and "Desert
Water") if I cannot write about grandmother and grandson.
I cannot let you override me this time, M. Ruth!
And if I cannot find the way of not overriding YOU,
I'll have to feel and accept feeling a failure and bad.
And to let my compassion reach you on the "inside".
Christa-Rachel, Grandmother of your son Tomer.
on 2003_05_07 [perhaps sent only to Immanuel]
Imagine, that when I wanted to insert
about this new blame of my overriding others,
and opened pp28b,
I saw, that the last thing there is a composition with you
and your paintings!
Which gives my the courage to appeal to your feeling for art:
I do have a concept of "transparency" in my life
and on my site.
But there are so many things that I cannot be transparent
because someone of my family would feel blamed or shamed.
Even things, that have to do solely with myself, have to be
because talking about them might embarrass even neutral visitors.
So whatever I DO expose to the Internet,
is the utmost distillation and refinement of my experience,
which, I believe, is the quality and characteristics of ART,
and therefore not only permitted, but necessary,
if others, who want- like me - to heal into wholeness,
are to benefit from my experience and understandings.
Isn't this how you view or do art yourself?
[To R., my ex-daughter-in-law - I
may have sent this only to my son Immanuel]
As to your marriage
You are now a mother yourself .
You have already experienced the predicament of a mother,
when she sees her child choosing something in life,
which - according to a mother's view - will have bad consequences.
Not only Immanuel chose you, you too chose,
you chose Immanuel.
and if I would have been your mother then,
I would have feared for you just the same as a feared for
This has nothing at all to do with your qualities
or with his qualities.
You just didn't seem to fit,
and every single person who knew both of you, said so then. Of course, on a metaphysical level our choices are
always right.
For theses choices create the circumstances,
in which and through which we learn. That's why you - for your own learning - had to marry
my son,
and that's why my son - for his and my learning - had to marry
But this doesn't mean, that I wasn't allowed to be unhappy,
when I saw that all my fears came true,
and they came true DESPITE all my efforts,
to help you grow inside this relationship.
Please allow me, at this point, to express
my pain.
I know the "holes in your wholeness",
that let you project so much evil on me.
But it hurts, it hurts extremely, R.,
that you never once acknowledged,
that I was there to help you both.
And in the most difficult situations.
Let me mention just the last one, before you broke up.
When Immanuel finally discovered LOVE with a woman,
{ and listen to me, R., please, listen for once!
It wasn't your fault, that he didn't discovered it with You!
the three of us communicated day after day for an hour,
you two on two phones from your home in Kfar
and I on my miserable cellphone in
my bus in Eilat.
Has there ever been a therapist in the whole world,
who has tried to help in such impossible conditions?
And then I paid for your flight to Eilat,
and we worked together for three days.
Not only, was all this work for nothing.
Not only, did you never appreciate it.
You didn't even try to win me over,
when you hated the food I had cooked
and went to pay money in a restaurant.
Despite all Immanuel's and my efforts you finally decided,
that you couldn't live with that other woman in your life,
and demanded from Immanuel to leave the house.
Again, -- who came to help you?
Straight from the Dead Sea, where I met with friends,
and where Immanuel's SOS call reached me!
I know, that after several days of helping,
I did two bad things:
One: I suggested to you- very very gently -
that you "give" Elah to Immanuel,
because the 3 difficult kids would be too much for you.
You screamed: "how dare you to even suggest that!"
The second bad thing was,
that I became so triggered by the waste of money,
which brought those immense debts on your family,
that I decided to crash down on both of you.
You were away for a day or so.
So when the kids were at school,
I hitchhiked - with 7 cars - to my son in Rosh-Pinna,
and gave him hell,
hitchhiked back - again changing many cars -
and some time later that day called you,
and dared to give you hell also.
This , of course, was the silliest thing I could do.
If you hate me so much,
when I'm good and nice and help you
and tear my heart out of my body,
dedicating my time, my skills, my energy, my love,
to you and to your children,
how much more do you hate me,
when I dare to voice the slightest anger.
And so the result was to be expected:
you demanded that I leave your house immediately.
Oh, R., my whole body is now sobbing and screaming. If someone would write a book about ungratefulness,
you could definitely be the star in it.
But I know, of course, that it's me who creates you like this.
And what makes me despair, is ,
that I seem to have learnt nothing.
For how else could I create you hating me so much,
after a whole year , and within it, those 20 weeks,
in which I was there - totally and wholly there -
for your son,
and through him for you!
Was not the only acknowledgment, I ever got from you,
that you said to the psychologist in the first common meeting: "I saw, that finally someone
(Rachel) cares about ME,
and not only about Tomer."
What am I denying in myself,
what hole in my wholeness is it,
that attracts all this venom and vomit from you?
But again, - I go on, though the tears won't stop -
when I said, that it was "self-denial" ,
which made Immanuel enter matrimony with you,
it was not Your fault.
I think, you were not less self-denying than him.
Self-denial means:
you were not listening to your true feelings.
I remember the exact spot in Ramat-Gan,
where he said to me:"Marry
her? Never."
And then suddenly the announcement: "We are going to marry."
"Because she will be a good mother to my children."
From this perspective this sounds like
and it sounded like that to me already then.
Is this the reason to marry someone?
I never asked you "Why".
Because you would not have allowed such a question.
Except for a compassionate letter,
you wrote me during the ghastly process of my divorce,
a letter I still keep and cherish,
there was no communication between us.
Remember, that for seven long years, you were so shy,
that you never initiated even a simple question,
like "how are you, Rachel?"
Much later I learnt from your husband,
that you were interested in my life, after all,
but you just could not show me that.
And the proof I have for this, is,
that you helped me with two very important ideas.
One was the idea for the
logo for "Succah in the Desert",
the simple line of "The Little Prince", and the other was the invention of the
word "Pyramidion" for a mobile
hosting business, based on our pyramidal tents.
But back to my premonition concerning
your marriage.
You may know, that I got an early lesson
in "letting go":
When I was pregnant, not married and the father married,
I visited a friend, 16 years older and a mother of three.
Mayer, Reinhold
Mayer's wife] saw my belly
and said : "It's already now, that you have
to cut the navel-cord,
this child doesn't belong to you, it belongs to itself."
This letting free, letting go was always
my principle.
Still , it hurt, when Mona,
my woman-friend, said: "I have a good relationship with
Ronnit and Micha,
but I can't stand being with Maeni [Immanuel]
because Maeni is denying himself so much." Though she always never saw him without
she meant his denial in general, not in particular.
At about the same time I asked Jonathan Jacobi,
whom I then saw as a kind of twin-brother,
why on earth did Immanuel choose Ruth,
though he was surrounded by so many girls,
and at least two of them would have suited.
(Remember, what I said
about the metaphysical rightness of the choice!).
Jonathan said: "It's the
syndrome of the Knight on the White Horse:
With a mother like you - too strong too powerful ,
he needed a girl, for whom he could be a Knight." It's time, Ruth, that you ask yourself,
why on earth did You choose This boy.
2003_05_06 Immanuel,
here is my day's work.
You see, that I have had new understandings since my letter
to you yesterday.
My questions to you are - from MY point of you - not relevant
any longer.
I don't fear for Tomer and I don't fear for your relationship
with him.
I only want to be as compassionate towards Ruth as I can,
without letting her override me.
I want to send the letter to Ruth only after you 'll approve
of it, IF you will approve of it.
synchronicity about 24 years later,
yesterday, on the Eve of Rosh Hashanah , Sept. 29, 2008
I received a general e-mail greeting from Jonathan Jacoby Let's sing a new song this year!
Shana Tova
A song mentioned by
During the following five weeks I managed to learn it by heart
- hear on November 7.
Like a circle in a spiral
Like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning
On an ever-spinning reel
Like a snowball down a mountain
Or a carnival balloon
Like a carousel that's turning
Running rings around the moon
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
Past the minutes on its face
And the world is like an apple
Whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind
Like a tunnel that you follow
To a tunnel of its own
Down a hollow to a cavern
Where the sun has never shone
Like a door that keeps revolving
In a half-forgotten dream
Like the ripples from a pebble
Someone tosses in a stream
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
Past the minutes on its face
And the world is like an apple
Whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind
Keys that jingle in your pocket
Words that jangle in your head
Why did summer go so quickly?
Was it something that I [you?] said?
Lovers walk along a shore
And leave their footprints in the sand
Was the sound of distant drumming
Just the fingers of your hand?
Pictures hanging in a hallway
Or the fragment of a song
Half-remembered names and faces
But to whom do they belong?
When you knew that it was over
Were you suddenly aware
That the autumn leaves were turning
To the colour of her hair? [these 2 lines are
sung with different words]
Like a circle in a spiral
Like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning
On an ever-spinning reel
As the images unwind
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind
exchange of letters with Tomer's mother, 2003
Dear Christa-Rachel
> What could I do
with your poem
nothing to do...
it just needed to be written with someone in mind
from the french 'saccade'
it may not exist in english, meaning
coming/falling one after the other in a frenzy -or
something like this
> > and arrange it
graphically in the center, to enjoy it even more?
feels nice to read self so presented,
nice to know you've been read
and enhanced.. put into value...thanks
> We may find out,
> that we create each other from our wishful thinking,
there needs to be time for me to investigate what
it is I am creating
both what I feel I need
what it is I am afraid of
the possible ridicule
the possible unease
the fear of conflict
things the image of you through your site and your
seem to trigger
how clear it is that I do not live
in any reality other than my sick
(no judgment intended) projections
I think we would either dispel the
fears too easily by meeting now
or I could be triggered into fear/unease and choose
ease and distance
and and and and bla bla bla bla
not now
but later I strongly believe we will.
The universe will provide for the occasion (or not).
> Please discern between
what is serious and what is a joke here...
not easy
although it may seem so easy if I tap into the relevant
there are a number of them
and depending upon what I project upon you I will
create as my reality
is it going to be the fear of (your..) uncontrolled
threatening my peace of mind/life forcing me to back
close-in or are you going to become the kind of person
I want you to be
that is able to uphold the kind of interaction/dialogue
I believe I want
or shall I be overwhelmed by my own mental sickness/mindset
For some reason (I know of) there's a horrible smell
of perfume in the air here...
I really dislike perfume.
it nearly makes me gag and makes me feel all weak
and my head - is stuck in the smell.
open windows
> Of course, we
would be able to handle any of those possibilities. of course
would it be possible to be where each of us is in
life, and
be able to communicate the deepest of what one is
able to communicate
and be heard/received by the other?
in balance
you seem to be doing this
without being received (letter to R.) your pain here is at time too big for me
the letter sometimes annoys me
like fighting windmills (this song.. windmills of
my heart..)
just BILTI NISBAL [unbearable]
the pathos...this place where you
could be put: "well she's just crazy with all these ideas
in her head
and these books about god, and why aren't you reasonable/mainstream"
(R. does this in her so cold and raging letter
expecting you to give in to fear, threat and blows)
I have this fear of being utterly
criticized to nothing
annihilated by the word
annihilated by reason
rejected by those I "need"
i really don't believe in me at all................
you know in my head there are all
these judgments floating around me
and I've build these ideas/walls to protect myself
I'm original, I'm different, they are morons, everything
is relative
and to avoid them -
by having success, by being charming, by being funny,
by not having any ideas of my own,
and if they are mine they change constantly,
by going with the flow, avoiding conflict
(these are not judgments of ideas)
and by being an outsider within a system
and now there is that disgusting
taste in my mouth -
I must have licked my fingers with this anti-mosquito
thing on-food-
takes bad taste away
and I love it that you can
state your self
where you are at in your understanding of your feelings
But do send me some pictures,
see attachments of me with my 2 children (about 2
months ago)
and one of my wife and my daughter about a year +
and one I added today (independence day)
I thought about you when it was taken.
I bring them in (my family) our realm
although this exchange is private (not secret)
something important to feel through......................
my life is like a cupboard of separate
sad how life and 'experience'
have brought me to make compartments
and I know this has always been the right choice
still it has been my dream
to have always all and everything in the open
because I believe in my good intentions.
and in the good intentions of those close to me.
but they have sometimes reacted with anger, jealousy,
fear, rejection
accepting others' limits has always been a difficult
thing with me
especially when their limits affect me
my vision
and I seem not to have been able to uphold my vision
alone and it seems that I have never
been able
to share/create this vision with anyone
and comes along
[Of course I'm familiar not only
with Jesus, with whom I grew up,
and with Moses, who is my
most beloved teacher,
but also with Buddha, who did not impress me in any
[I read "The Celestine Prophecy"
and the only thing I remember now, is
"that people will not even see you, when your
vibration changes".
But I learnt more from it, when I read the book.]
nelson [In Wikipedia:
List of Channeled Texts a Nelson Farley is mentioned
as having paraphrased Edgar Cayce's "A search
for God"]
As to the relevance of all these "spiritual"
see Godchannel's "God's
telling me (as I understood
it then/now)
to be absolutely alone
and not to search for the illusory companion
that only distances you from your self
(or else to 'know, dear masters that you never thread
this world alone...
'Fuck them - I have been alone since always,
and if some of the angels
or 32 level little green/grey people/spirits or something
like that
have protected me from all kind of evil -and they
did- so what? why didn't I get what I wanted, why am I told
what I need?
there's a big lie here -a major program in the matrix)
where have I gone here...
rage and sadness...they're kind of easy in front of
a computer.....
oho...self-contempt.....where is this leading me?
..but its too late today to get into this (this part
is 2.15 nighttime)
so as to be equal,
we are
(couldn't miss making a remark about that slip....
and be a smart ass,
but I saw a sadness here I wanted to hug)
maybe I also wanted the right to be insensitive
and trusting that I won't break anything,
> but just delight in the beauty and identify with
the pain.
first time I read the sentence I thought you were
telling me
what to do....(e.g. being a smart ass, ha ha)
now i see what you (really) wrote
how deep and automatic this is with me., these reactions
> "everything is always filled
by this feeling of not-enough un-finished ",
there is too much for the written
even too much for the spoken word
maybe there is even too much to be communicated
and it's always late in front of the computer and its like a game to open up and feel as
real as possible
and mind and feelings question each other with body
there to clue
and reality to do the dream-work
until it often clouds up in something I can't/won't
that's how things work for me for now
> > but maybe you
can say more just about this one.
> "everything is always
filled by this feeling of not-enough un-finished ",
simply: so often there is no peace of mind
>And what about the inside of your right thigh?
for now I think it is a muscle problem
How would you feel,
if I would publish your poem on my site:
> a) without asking you
and without mentioning your name
bad >b) without asking
you and mentioning the capital letters of your name
c) asking you and asking you also if I may mention
your name > or not.
you could tell me it feels good/right to you to have
this published
and I would then answer that I would appreciate this
you would then discuss with me if I wanted my name/initials
or not
and I would feel through this and tell you how I felt
about the options,
whether I would feel threatened etc...
and then would work a bit with these emotions
and check again if I'm comfortable with any of this
for the moment I need the possiblity
to publish this
to be an exchange
a personal one
you see
if you tell me you want to
and I either say yes/no or/and feel this through
I am still alone
but I have no answer yet
and will take my time to feel this through and see how much of myself I still need to
(which is another issue still)
although I feel a part of me would be proud too
and it would mean something new for me
instead of always writing/publishing things
that don't really seem to go to the core of me
it would be a declaration of some sort
but do I want "people" to be able to throw
even more judgments at me
(If my name is put down)
I guess I don't feel secure now
But even my initials to the text...
it's somehow Lehithayev [to
commit myself]
(sorry no dictionnary at hand -memory blank)
fear fear fear
can't yet walk thru that
maybe tomorrow
> I am sick of people's
obsession with privacy, privacy as a
concept or a value.
>As differentiated from the openly admitted need
to hide,
I am sometimes ashamed of this need/fear
Be hugged - warmly, though virtually
thank you
I do not fear the closeness
for we are touching
and if this is virtual
many other hugs are much more virtual than this one
I will relate to the second e-mail
and to your letter to R. in the next mail
suffice it to say for now
that I feel you are struggling with things of essence
that this conflict is something I am learning from
(although not very clear yet what...)
it might be about transparency, guilt or 'everything you always wanted to know
on how not to get overriden by others
and remain true to your self without
having to live a warriors life'
I think there's something in this last sentence...
trying to figure out how to end this
a lot of possible endings here but
just know I feel with you here and
that i am there
that you are not overbearing
more soft and warm light
like a blanket of hands and softness holding you
--- in the morning, Mar
how in-credible, that you
are in my world right now,
and so close geographically.
And the pictures! And the response! and the sharing!
and the beauty of your being.
But I wasn't going to relate
in written words right now.
What's urgent is my letter to R.
I reached Immanuel on the phone yesterday afternoon
They were camping above the Great Canyon.
(Tomer: "yesterday at dusk - ben ha-arbayim -
we saw a kingdom of stones - mamlekhet avanim"
and he described the colors)
My son said, he couldn't connect to e-mail
and that I should not make myself dependent on him.
R. had also called him, and he had said to her,
that, yes, part of what i'm telling on my site,
was definitely impinging on people's privacy,
but that threatening his mother with a lawsuit, wouldn't
She should rather try to "convince" me.
So I decided to send R.
the first part of the letter,
just to give her at least a "chance" to
feel, that I care and that I relate.
While deciding about the extension of this first part,
I felt, I should elaborate on the expression of the
eliminated part: "It was his self-denial to
let it result in matrimony."
And when I started to do
this, so much pain came up.
It's always been clear to me,
that my son's self-denial was sucked in
with what little milk his mother had to give him,
when the circumstances of his pregancy,
birth and first months
had the potential to make us both insane.
I can clearly see the role of this actor, R., in my
I cannot see, though, how I am healing or learning.
And that's why she keeps coming back into my life.
Mar, my friend, since you said that (so far?) I am
not overbearing,
and that later you would relate to my issue with R.,
I wrote that addition today , while communicating
also with You.
It might help you to make me see things which I don't.
Or at least to comfort me, as you have done in your
second poem.
I'm crying again...
I'll have to go now to fetch my daughter's four children
from school,
and shall be with them at their house until six.
So let me just hug you ("every
person needs at least 4 hugs a day", I learnt in
Reevaluation Counseling)
and say "Shalom"
(always with all the deep meaning of this extraordinary
I attached the part of the
letter to Ruth,
that starts with "As to your marriage" :2003_05_08
My friend,
I wanted to allow myself
to spend the last hour before midnight with you,
responding to the letter,
I had been savoring during the day, when I was home,
but there - there was a new e-mail from you.
I was kneeling at my computer for many minutes,
until I could restrain myself and n o t write.
Then I couldn't sleep for 2 hours, despite getting
letting Body spin time and again.
So now again, I'm disciplining
because of the preferences of this day,
and because the Arab proverb is so true: "itha sahbak 'asal, ma tilhasoosh
"If your friend is honey, don't lick him up totally."
I shall not allow myself to write until tonight, period!
Only this, since you were
(no need, ever, with ME! hear me, trust me!),
how I would receive your perspective concerning my
"drama with R.":
Yes, you caught me in the full swing of my favorite
survival pattern,
which made me forget, why I set out on this coping
in the first place:
to understand - again -
how this "no overriding, no letting-override"
- applies.
Thank you, thank you
for being on this planet
and for informing me of this!
Now the fear is almost greater
than the eagerness to write. Isn't it pathetic, that two New-Heart-people,
trying to become acceptable in the world by a PH.D.
etc. etc. etc.,
can have so much fear of each other,
the fear to be judged, the fear to loose.
I know now, that you are
not from the US.
This is another thing about you, that pleases me a
But your English is more fluent than mine,
as if it was your mother-tongue. How come?
I calculated, that you are now 41,
at what age did you immigrate to Israel?
And is your wife too from Belgium?
From Bruxelles?
And do you also know Flemish,
or what is it called, the second language in Belgium?
This would mean, you would be closer to my German
Yesterday the banale idea came to me,
to look you up in the Internet.
I found you and your wife in "wholefamily"
and read all the articles with both mind and heart.
I saw the info about your work and research,
"humor" for healing - I'm looking forward
to this one!
I was shocked about the kind of therapist you are.
I felt as if I had misused you for the R. drama.
But I swear, I didn't know then.
And anyway I shared the story not because of the drama.
Not at all. But I'll talk about this in a later letter.
Today I just wish to talk
to you through a poem by Rilke,
which suddenly fell into my hands again.
I think the English translation is mine,
in any case I improved on
it a little,
when it occurred to me to send it to you. I recently added
a tune to this poem and keep singing it in the
„Ich lebe mein Leben
in wachsenden Ringen,
die sich ueber die Dinge ziehn.
Ich werde den letzten vielleicht nicht vollbringen,
aber versuchen will ich ihn.
kreise um Gott, um den uralten Turm,
und ich kreise jahrtausendelang:
und ich weiss noch nicht: bin ich ein Falke,
ein Sturm
oder ein grosser Gesang?“
I live my life
in growing rings
that stretch out over the things
Maybe the last one I won't complete
But to try I certainly wish.
circle round God, the age-old tower,
I've circled for thousand of years,
and I do not yet know: am I falcon or storm
or am I a great, great song.
More relating to your letter
from 2003_05_08---1:10 2003_05_10
Let me just re-present again,
what is especially delicious
there needs to be time for me to investigate what
it is I am creating
both what I feel I need
what it is I am afraid of the possible ridicule
the possible unease
the fear of conflict
things the image of you through your site and your
seem to trigger
how clear it is that I do not live in any reality
other than my sick
(no judgment intended) projections
I think we would either dispell the
fears too easily
by meeting now
or I could be triggered into fear/unease
and choose ease and distance
and and and and bla bla bla bla
not now
but later I strongly believe we will.
The universe will provide for the occasion (or not).
"The universe"
will not dare not to! [Sept. 2008- So far
it choose "not to!"]
the fear of (your..) uncontrolled emotions
threatening my peace of mind/life
forcing me to back out close-in
or are you going to become the kind of person I want
you to be
that is able to uphold the kind of interaction/dialogue
I believe I want
I believe I am
I too hate perfume, and
of course
would it be possible to be where each of us is in
and be able to communicate the deepest
of what one is able to communicate
and be heard/received by the other?
in balance
you seem to be doing this
(this song.. windmills of my heart..)
Is it worthwhile to know
this song?
I have this fear of being utterly
criticized to nothing
annihilated by the word
annihilated by reason
rejected by those I "need"
i really don't believe in me at all..............
I don't have this fear
any longer,
can this give you hope?
And I don't buy it, that you don't believe in yourself
at all.
This is the only untruth in all your letters so far
and I love it that you
can state your self
where you are at in your understanding of your feelings
I thought about you when it
was taken [Mar's
photo on Independence Day].
I couldn't save this
third one.
So I copied it from the screen and edited it in Firework.
And though I saved it, it stayed there all day long.
I can edit other things, without needing to delete
And I wonder, and I wonder.
I bring them in (my family)
our realm I didn't understand
this sentence.
although this exchange is private (not secret)
something important to feel through......................
my life is like a cupboard
of separate drawers...
sad how life and 'experience'
have brought me to make compartments
This sentence has echoed
in me a lot.
I have had the same dream and it's almost completely
It's only when I come in contact with the word of
(like when the check of my rent is returned for no
reason whatsover)
that I find myself separated from myself
in a not yet integrated compartment,
but I'm working on bringing this one home to me, too
(pp13, 2
days ago
and I know this has always
been the right choice
still it has been my dream
to have always all and everything in the open
because I believe in my good
and in the good intentions of those close to me.
but they have sometimes reacted with anger, jealousy,
fear, rejection to what specifically,
Mar, and who are they?
accepting others' limits has always been a difficult
thing with me
especially when their limits affect me
my vision to have always
all and everything in the open?
and I seem not to have been able to uphold my vision
and it seems that I have never been able
to share/create this vision with anyone
and comes along buddha, jesus, moses,
kryon, early lazaris, ramtha,
emannuel, neale donald walsh, redfield, nelson
I found "kryon" and "ramtha",
but not redfield and nelson.
The "kryon" - nicely animated - has a good
which concerns our issue:
Kryon this magazine and
website do not require excessive online administration.
Therefore, the duties
surrounding password maintenance access restrictions,
visitor tracking, and email notifications have
all been avoided in the creation and maintenance
of these sites.
And most important of all, there are NO SUBSCRIPTIONS
to the magazine.
By removing these simple attributes,
we have eliminated high maintenance on the site
and magazine,
which allows us to share information in a way
the Internet was intended to work...FREE, with
no hidden agendas.
telling me (as I understood it then/now)
to be absolutely alone
and not to search for the illusory companion
that only distances you [ "you"? or "me"?]
from your self
It is true,
I also got this message,
to be alone - at this time,
but not at all for the reasons you mention.
But this is too big a subject to start now (23:30)
why didn't I get what I wanted,
why am I told what I need?
there's a big lie here -a major program in the matrix)
where have I gone here...
rage and sadness...they're kind of easy in front of
a computer.....
oho...self-contempt.....where is this leading me?
I listen to the movement of your pain, anger, frustration,
and wished you would give it a sound, a dance, a deep
but I saw a sadness here
I wanted to hug)
I surrendered to it like the child I never could be
there is too much for
the written page
even too much for the spoken word
maybe there is even too much to be communicated
if you tell me you want to
and I either say yes/no or/and feel this through
I am still alone
I now don't want to
publish anything.
I want to gestate this in the darkness and water of
my womb.
But I didn't quite understand this sentence:
I am still alone.
I am sometimes ashamed of this
I am not judging this
need, nor should you.
I am only judging people's ideology and morale around
without people's awareness of the underlying fear
of being judged
never perfect&complete
Keep It
Simple Sweetheart K.I.S.S.
- L O G 2
0 0 8
About Tomer during his 10 weeks in the US with Abba
and Efrat
May 19, 2003
thanks for the 3 letters.
10 days ago R. threatened me with something else,
that I would soon get a list of all the atrocities I've committed towards
her in 24 years.
I , by then, was quite whole in myself, and wrote her compassionately
and cheerfully,
that she should really go ahead and do this,
and that I would withhold the later parts of my letter to her,
so as to really listen to her first.
Since then I haven't heard anything.
Nor have I sent the rest of my letter.
I think, there is a part, I even haven't sent to you.
It's not important any longer.
I've done the work I needed to do.
And if I should still need to attract Ruth's threats,
I'll deal with it then.
By the way, the
"kushi" was needed again. [a saying in Hebrew when one feels misused:
"the negro has done his job, the negro can go!"]
I got a sudden call from Alon
whom I haven't seen, since you were here,
"savta, can you give me an ishur?"
"what ishur?"
"I'll give you the teacher", and off he was.
I was told, that the school was going to a performance,
and that Alon hadn't brought the ishur from his mother.
If I could please come immediately and sign.
So good grandma runs down to the school,
where all the classes are thronging through the gate to get to the busses,
goes to the secretary and is given a paper to sign. No Alon in
Then I was allowed to squeeze myself back through
the masses of pupils.
I truly felt used and misused.
As to "transparency".
It is a direction, not a policy.
About most of the things I cannot be transparent,
even things that concern only myself,
for if I would write about them,
my family would bury themselves in shame.
So I am very careful in what I do write about.
But I agree, that my understanding of what is possible and what not,
differs from the understandings of others.
I'll go even further: Sometimes I myself - when reading something later
differ from my first understanding.
What I would need, is true
And there I want to voice my pain:
and say it sarcastically:
How strange, that no one is interested in my site,
no one gives me feedback, to say the least,
unless it's the kind of feedback Ronnit gave me yesterday,
when I asked her if she had found my gift for her and Uri,
the pages
(appendices>biographical sculptures>grandmotherhood) about
Yael: "It's impossible to find anything on your
site. Everyone says that."
And when I defended myself, and said, that I try to make it simpler
all the time ,
she blurted: "Then try harder, because no
one can find anything."
But R. finds everything she wants to find in order
to then threaten me.
Isn't that ironic?
I don't know, where I wrote the things about you and Efrat and MIcha
and Ra'ayah.
If you know it, tell me.
If you want me to remove things, I'll probably do it rightaway,
because I respect your feelings, and I trust you, that you will not
erase me altogether like R. does.
But be specific. The site has long become to big even for me.
May 20, 2003 from Immanuel
Subject: RE: Tomer on the Internet
You are right
about the irony...
I wrote you and R. that things should be taken care specifically and
not in HACHLALA and that what I'll do once I'll have time and energy
(or someone else's energy...).
I'm sorry that you don't have any communication with Alon. Sometimes
I feel that I'm loosing him my self. I hope to find a way to communicate
with him better soon.
Tomer went to his 2nd day at school. Yesterday was wonderful and he
was excited to go again today.
I will update you in about few days about the rest...
in English - concerning Tomer - before November 2002
2002_10_08 Rachel to Immanuel
I didn't write about Tomer,
because I'm not sure yet, if and how to report to you after the kids'
stay with me.
I'll tell you about one of Tomer's "kuntzim": " I am not tired, I won't go to bed." Grandma:"I'll
not tell anyone to take a shower or clean his teeth tonight.
We'll play a game in future, so that I won't have to be your educator
or police-woman.
But you are going to bed now, Tomer. " When I saw, that he faked not to listen, I said; "I'll not talk to you, until you lie in
bed." He didn't listen and when I was washing the dishes
he came to show me something.
I tried one more time: "I know you did not listen. So I'll say
it one more time:
When you'll lie in bed, I'll come and talk with you a few minutes.
Until then - no word or reaction from me.!" So what did he do?
He opened TV, though I had asked them - very kindly - not to open TV,
unless they ask me first.
I let him go on with this for about ten minutes,
just came in several times and looked at him to make him feel uneasy.
When this didn't help, I left my work, sat in front of him and looked
at him .
When this didn't help, I closed the TV and went on looking at him, without
any word.
My golden rule should be, to use as few words as possible.
After a long while he lay down and covered himself with the blanket,
not bothering to undress or wash or anything.
I continued to sit by his side, once on this side, once on the other.
He very clearly was thrown out of balance, which was my aim.
After 25 minutes or so I felt, he had had his lesson.
I gently cupped his head, on and off, for a minute
to let him feel, that for me everything is ok now,
and switched off the light.
This morning he woke up according to his body watch, i.e. much too early.
He came straight into my room.
I sat on "your" chair and took him on my lap and he really allowed
that for some minutes.
We went to the Titora and continued to build his towers.
The twin-towers we did already last time - very huge stones, which only
Succah Grandma can lift, of course.
This time he chose the stones for building an even higher tower.
He called it "Empire State Building", in exact pronounciation.
Then he reconsidered and said,"No
these are the Chicago ---towers," I don't remember, how they are called.
I inquired if these are buildings in New York too,
No they are outside New York. "Where? in Chicago?" "Yes, yes".
"But you weren't in Chicago, were you!" "No, abba told
me." Back home, Alon had already eaten.
He knows, that with me he has to learn , that we always eat together,
even breakfast.
He has some exhausting patterns concerning opening the fridge, when the
food is already on the table,
never waiting for anyone and getting up from the table every half minute.
He complained about his long day today: after school piano lesson, Perakh,
And he pestered me for half an hour, while all the four were at the mitkanim
in the park with me,
that today he wanted to go to the Democratic School and that I should,
please, please, convince his mother.
On the piano he always plays the same two tunes.
I suggested, that next time he should bring his music,
and we would practise for the lesson on Tuesday.
The dynamics between the 4 kids was as I had hoped.
Especially Tomer and Yael may develop something beneficial between them.
Avi from the Succah was here this morning, Tomer
and he even met for a minute.
Avi is growing so fast, and the way he understands and handles Gadi,
is mindblowing.
Dear Renata, 2002 23:24
I was glad and troubled, that you had read "all
the diaries", though part of them was not yet corrected or
I did this the whole day, and wondered, how you felt about all the gratefulness
to you and praises for you,
which are one of the main issues of these diaries. The seventh and last
diary page mentions that I had gotten a prediction about your coming
and taking some of the burden from my shoulder. I won't have time in
the forseeable future to add photos to this last page. Maybe, it's waiting
for the photos you, Renata, promised. But take your time. I've started a new mission, which I cannot really convey.
It has to do with being a kind of foster grandmother for my grandson
Tomer (8),
who is highly gifted and highly disturbed, and if healing will not start
the school cannot take him any longer and more severe consequences are
to be expected.
But these are bloodless words.
I feel, there is no frame of reference nor language for this experience,
this mission.
I am in a process of reorienting not only my exterior life.
I also must speed up my learning of computer skills and other electronic
for Tomer is far ahead of me in these.
Did you see the "Desert
Peace Process 2002" in "Desert Vision".
You'll see at the end of the fourth page, that I was supposed to be
invited for a final Coming Together.
But I haven't heard from them.
Anyway, I am satisfied with the fact, that I prevented them from fighting
with the help of lawyers.
An Ursel, my sister, 2003_03_11
Mit Tomer bin ich jetzt wirklich gut trainiert,
sodass mir das Ganze (und ich meine das GAnze, naemlich auch die anderen
Seelen in der Geschichte) jetzt leichter faellt und ich wieder mehr
Zeit habe fuer meine website. Das ist wichtig, weil ich dadurch soviel
Vergangenes "aufarbeiten" kann, wie man auf Deutsch sagt,
oder "bewaeltigen", ein andres Wort. Manchmal hab ich dann
auch eine grosse Einsicht, wie eben neulich: dass das Wasser - das das
Fuehlen repraesentiert und symbolisiert - wie ein durchsichtiger Faden
durch mein Leben und vor allem durch meine Wuestenerfahrung und creation
laeuft. Dass unsre Mutter mir schon im Weiler in Wolfartsweiler die
Anfaenge des Schwimmens beigebracht hat, dafuer war ich immer dankbar.
Es interessiert mich, welche Erinnerungen Du, Ursel, an "Wasser"
On January 8,
2013 I re-studied the correspondence between me and Immanuel/Efrat concerning
Tomer's moving- in with them for 10 weeks in Detroit/USA. (April-June
2003, see also on a former page) I did so, because
the evening before I suddenly got an SMS from Tomer; "I sent you
an e-mail with a link to an amazing song".
When I asked, where he was, he said, "at home",
i.e. with his mother. "But isn't it school-time?!" "On
this very day I left the boarding school Ben-Shemen. I'll only go to classes
there every day" . I was shocked, but added only a few questions
and then stopped to pester him.
Yet today I was troubled and I began to understand - or so I thought-
that Tomer wanted to say something to me through this one-time e-mail
in years.
I wrote a letter to his father, but in the end did not dare to send it
to him. Instead , I called him. He did not even want to relate to my understanding
and idea and proposal: "The only thing that interests
me is, that Tomer will not evade his army-service and his contribution
to society."
So I'm free to let go....