The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



Overview of & Links to My Community-Water in the Desert  Overview to My Community: RedSea/SaltSea-PartnerSHIP


2003_06_23; last update: 2003_07_01

The Functioning of the Jordanian Tent

the geopolitical challenge of the Gulf of Eilat&Aqaba
the physical technical challenge of Hosting-on-Water
Places and Timeline
The 'aniyah'-partner-SHIP
The Pyramidal Tent: 4th generation R&D

The Functioning of the Jordanian Tent
The RAFT: dovrat ha-shalom ba-yam ha-adom
First Glimpse
The pathetic Partneror
p.P. 1 , p.P. 2 , p.P. 3
The pathetic Petitioner

p.P. 1 , p.P. 2 , p.P. 3 , p.P. 4 , p.P. 5
Last Glimpse


Syrian-African Rift: RedSea
The Gulf of Eilat and Aqaba



As with the Mayor of Eilat
on the day of the dismantling of the Four Nation Tent,
the Jordanian tent served as "madaafah" for another five months.
In the middle we had created a clever device:
we found a round copper tray, made a hole in it,
placed a gas bottle under it,
and though I boiled the tea in the bus,
it could alway be kept warm in the tent.
The copper kettle was already at my mother's house in Germany.
and my copper candle-holder, a device for keeping food warm on the table,
was transformed by David into a lamp-shade for the little solar bulb.


Consumer-Games with Food
- towards a new economy

This specific game we played for a whole week: Mali and her brother Erez,
but nobody else wanted to go on.
I am still playing such a game - 2003_06_30 - in 13 months I've been to the Supermarket only 4 times.

I am still playing a game alone - 2009_09_18 - not spending more than 50 NIS per months in the grocery.
My family and my landlords know, that whatever food they would throw away, would be welcomed by me.
They feel good and I have fun with my acrobatic skill of creating new combinations of discarded remnants...

Like Peggy with sand, pebbles and palm fronds,
I would create ever new formats for learning.
Not only for the future Peace Raft on the border,
but right there and then.

There seems to be a third pathetic pattern ,
in addition to that of the "Partneror" and the "Petitioner".
I could certainly be a candidate for "Guiness" in this:
creating the most interesting formats
for learning the most vital things
and almost never finding anybody who responds.
When I came up with the idea of the New Economy Game,
and wrote its concept in a triangle of pebbles in the sand,
Albert said: "People will stand in line to participate."

Peggy, from East Germany,
"belonged" to the "Rainbows",
a big group of wandering people, not organized in any way,
of which some ten or more people sojourned in Eilat at that time,
and part of the time around the bus.
It would fill a page to tell the intense learning process,
both by intention and by not-intended experience,
which we went through with these special people,
whose specialness exhausts everyone,
like does mine




Change the angle of the view by a few degrees,
and a whole new vista surprises you


Arad, September 16, 2009- continuation of "Elah and Eilat"

But this was not all, "God" had in store for me during that voyage from Eilat to Arad.
Akram had just let me off at the T-junction to the Rotem-Company [see on March 14!] and then to Arad,
when a private car stopped, with two similar-looking, blue-eyed young men in it.
I had not yet taken my seat, when one of them exclaimed:
"You have the same symbol on your neck
which I let craft for my wife for our wedding!"

and the other exclaimed: "are you Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam?"
Both are called Nimrod, though one of them added a "hey", an "h" : Nimrhod,
and one of our many issues was the understanding of this name Nimrod or Nimrhod.
But in re-living this weird encounter, I want to confine myself to the main issues.

They were on their way to the Rotem Company and Nimrhod entered it,
while Nimrod and I were sitting on a stone outside – a bit pestered by flies.
After we had pondered one aspect of the compounded coincidence,
the Right Use of Will symbol ,
which probably no other woman except for me and his wife Shirlee wears on her neck,
my work was again – though on another level altogether -
to show a way out of victimhood - to taking responsibility for what we create in our dramas.

Nimrod had met and later married Shirlee, while she was a student of W's "Merkhavim" .
There she studied for a year, together with Nimrhod,
who was the partner of Telila Haendel,
with whom he had visited Ceanne de Rohan, in order to get her agreement
to translate "Right Use of Will" into Hebrew.
At my time – 1995 in Boulder/Colorada – Ceanne would not agree to receive me,
and there was no question, that RUOW should NOT be translated .

Though the book was not often mentioned in the "Merkhavim" studies,
the symbol was important for Shirlee,
and that's why her fiancé let craft it for her it in silver and gold.
I told my own story about Tamah, another exiled pupil of "Merkhavim",
and how she had - during the Festival of Shittim on March 7 -
- removed the symbol from her neck:
"I've asked a silversmith in India to make it for me,
but now I know, it is meant for you!"

See more in SongGame about my birthday

Mentioning Tamah, Nimrod dared to come out with his pain and anger
about W. and about himself.

I knew, of course, what the pain was.
But after so many years of healing myself from so many pains, which I attracted into my drama
it was clear, that here my help was needed and perhaps put to use swiftly.
Since there already was so much common language between us
- exactly because of W. and what Nimrod, Nimrhod and Shirlee learnt from her -
it was much easier than it had been with Akram -
to make him aware of how and for what purpose we attract actors into our drama,
and why and for what purpose we let ourselves be triggered by them.

Later, when we all had arrived at my castle in Arad and sat for a while on my veranda,
I also made them aware of how they could and should womb W..
I told my own exciting story with her, so crucial in its joys and in its pains,
and ended:
"Try to see her from a perspective beyond this life:
Why did she write the script for her drama like that?
I, by contrast, have no problem whatsoever with "Ego"
( I didn't say, that my problem seems to be the lack of "Ego"),
but I have plenty of other formidable problems.
So , if you see W. coping with such a pain-causing monster,
for so many years now,
wouldn't it be healing for her, as well as for yourself,
to simply "womb" her in your womb,
where there is only acceptance, no judgment,
only compassion for what she has taken upon herself to learn? "

I've been writing this 2 days later,
after – yesterday – I came in contact with a book "Spontaneous Evolution",
which resonates strongly with my own knowing
and is definitely exemplified by how the stages of my hitchhiking were set up.
It is again the insight I had during the Walk about Love:
Contrary to my belief, that I should interact only with people,
with whom a long-term relationship of trust, intention and consistent learning would be possible,
I am now "sent" out to people by hitchhiking – to meet them for a short time
but a time, which would make them more awake and aware,
and this without needing to cope with the triggers,
which they soon might attract from me, if they would let me into their lives…
The same is true also for me:
I do not have to cope with others being triggered by me!
I do not have to make myself small and be so terribly cautious!
I can be all me – great and powerful –
while climbing up the mountains from the Dead Sea in a truck with an Arab driver.

Nimrhod is almost a copy of my fiance Martin Fincke 50 years ago...




What does all this mean?
It will reveal itself in the future.