The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart








My new Midrash and song in 5 languages
about the prophecy of Malachi 3, 16
["YHWH" is named "HA-SHEM"= The Name]


















Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other,
and he listens      and he hears

yatakaalamuna     allathina     yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri        va-yasma'

Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht      und er hoert

Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
il entends,        il ecoute


Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


August 15/ Aw 14, Friday, my 70th birthday - between Arad and Bet Nehemya
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- on September 9, my dead mother's 99th birthday
re-read on August 14, 2010

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire to receive the message of Wittig-Wendler concerning "death" [phrasing not completed]
I desire to become wholly free of the chains and sufferings connected to these 3 judgments:
I desire to release the judgment, that I must fulfil the expectations of my Sixteen
I desire to release the judgment ,that I am bad, when they feel triggered by me.

I desire to release the judgment that they must see me as I am and not distort or defame me.
I desire my birthday wish to fulfill itself, "an intimate encounter with you, my six children..."

image of the day: one of the few drawings in Fox' translation of the 5 Books of Moses.
It refers to "Moses on Mount Nebo", but what I see it is the Moses in Moses V 10:10.

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

I, Christa-Rachel Maryam Bat-Adam
give thanks
with all my Body [at this moment a bit tormented by cramps in our intestines]
with all my feelings, my "Desire", my "Will"
with all my consciousness, my awareness, my "Spirit"
with all my whole-healed "Heart", which manifests God

for the marvelous, miraculous victory over my death-wish,
for the   2 6 2 6 7    days   and   nights

which I lived and often suffered
in order to lovingly do what I came here to do.

I give thanks to all those - in this world and Beyond -
who assisted me, supported me, guided me, saved me again and again.
I still cannot say that I am grate-full for having chosen Life on this planet,
but more than during any of those 26267 days I can say,
that I wholly and forever ! accept that choice and that I    k n o w :
it will not take longer that 7 years until I'll be able to also thank for it.


Finetuning to my Present

Many rivulets flowed together and created a streaming river.
* My - now healed - memory of Rafael's scream, which I told yesterday:

"the prophets did not dare to speak in their own name,
so they spoke 'in God's name'!"

* Franz Rosenzweig's sentence, which I didn't even insert, but remember it well:
"they all talk in the name of their (philosopher)"
[of the names he mentions I remember Husserl]

* David Troim's rejection of my book "All Israel are Guarantors for each other":
"I couldn't read it, it's overflowing with quotations,
as if you had nothing to say in your own name."

I still don't agree to that,
it's those quotations who evolved my thinking to maturity,
and I wholly agree to the warning of one of the ancient talmudic Sages,
that whoever quotes something not in the name of who said it,
"kills a soul".
But David was the man who loved me more than ever anybody loved me,
so maybe I should take-to-heart - now - that there is a message.

The message came yesterday night - with that glimpse into my Parashah...
It was confirmed by the last dream, with which I woke up:
There was a young boy, like Boris, in a circle of people,
and while talking about the plight of these starchildren,
I suddenly approached him, standing a bit aside, between him and the circle
and tried to say - afraid, as always, when I feel judged, which is always -

"yesterday I read something, which I want to tell you."
And my introduction became longer and longer - because I was so scared,
and the quotation then didn't come out clearly at all.
When waking up, I knew rightaway what I should have said in one sentence:

"Those are difficulties of adaptation,
for you came to this planet with a richness
which is not at all in tune with your surroundings".

It was then, that I was absolutely sure,
that the decision (taken 2 weeks ago ) to study my newly discovered Parashah
on my 70th birthday
led me not only to the metaphorical overview of the harvest of my 70 years,
but also to the lesson which now has to be learnt:
Standing on the mountain,
not on the mountain of Nebo-Let-Go,
but on the mountain of

From "A Fable of Transformation",
which I read yesterday while eating my -not so tasty - lunch,
in Jean Hudon's e-mail compilation

"Some members even chose
to go through serious traumas with their human families
in order to develop deeper compassion.
Others simply felt alone and bewildered,
unable to comprehend
why those around them couldn't see
that love interconnects us all.
At times, all of them felt lost and forgotten.
They felt they somehow didn't belong
and sensed an inner calling to some greater purpose.

Reden 10:10,
the modified version of Buber-Rosenzweig in my edition of 1976
Ich also stand auf dem Berg, wie die ersten Tage,
         vierzig Tage und vierzig Naechte,
ER hoerte auch diesmal auf mich, nicht war ER
         willens dich  zu verderben.

Deuteronomy 10:10
[Everett Fox]
As for me, I stood on the mountain
      like the days, the first-ones, forty days and       forty nights,
and YHWH hearkened to me also on that        occasion -
YHWH did not consent to bring-ruin upon you







Reden 1, 5-6
Jenseits des Jordans, im Lande Moab
       unterwand sich Mosche diese        Weisung zu erklaeren,

ER unser Gott
redete zu uns am Choreb, sprechend:







Deuteronomy 1: 5-6
In (the country) across the        Jordan, in the land of Moav,
Moshe set about to explain this        Instruction, saying:
YHWH our God
spoke to us at Horev

finetuning to my present

This is what I did on my way in bus and train :
I felt my grate-full-ness for the relative safety (yes!)
and freedom in this country,
and for being surrounded by"normal" people,
old and young, in many colors and languages.

I had the courage - and felt encouraged by my inner voice -
to part from yet another "friend" - Felicia.
A double, awkward phone interaction following her birthday blessing,
helped me to do, what for her came as a "sudden surprise"...
"I've tried to prepare you for years,
but you wouldn't hear or feel me",

I said.
I was as gentle as possible, but I knew I would cause pain.

I delved into the Wittig story about Dr. Martin Wendler
and the sweetness of death,
and was even more touched than during previous readings,
since I'm realizing more and more,
that in 1979 I counted the days until my death,
day after day for 365 days.
I know now, that I was not meant to die physically.
Another death is the condition not only for Body's survival,
but for what I still need to learn: to rejoice in living as a gift:
the condition is the death of my righteousness:

I desire to release the judgment,
that I must fulfill real or projected expectations,
be they by other people, especially by my family,
or be they by my "vocation".

I desire to release the judgment, that I am bad,
when others feel triggered by me,

and though I'll do "my best" to not trigger anyone
and though I deeply desire to make it  e a s y   for them,
I want to be aware, when my boundary is reached.

I also desire to discern, when I feel "staged" by others as triggering
and when I'm making mistakes in my own eyes and feel shame.

(like the way I addressed Tomer, when I found him on the computer in "my" room:
"you are probably not so glad about my coming,
knowing that I want to be alone in my room."
"It doesn't disturb me!" "But if I'll tell you to get away from the computer?"

I should have greeted him, and only in the very minute of wanting to be on my own,
I should have simply asked:
"Can you leave me alone now?")

I desire to release the judgment that others must see me as I am,
understand what I say and do, & not distort me, leave alone defame me.
Again: when I feel distorted and defamed,
I want to accept it as yet another "death" of my righteousness
and feel FREE.

I'll now - 17;00 - be open to the actors in my drama,
radiate what I want for them - to love themselves,
and train in "dying" the death of my righteousness!

Two more poems of Jehuda Halevi, as translated by Franz Rosenstock,
together with his notes, which were and are relevant to my living.
Now the beautiful paper pages, which "if they were empty, people would be eager to buy them", as he wrote to Gritli ironically, are decomposed....








See three impressions on this morning
- a spot of beauty in my garden
and the sadness of 2 kids on my way to the bus-station
and in the train Beersheva ~~ Tel-Aviv-Haganah~~Ben Gurion Airport:
a soldier sleeps, while we pass through the desert

Friends outside my family who related to my birthday, though I froze my relationship with them

a SMS from Zipi

A birthday-call from Felicia:
the talk turned into a lesson:
I had never wanted
this communication,
but I never could find
a way to cut it off,
though I hinted....
Unlike the two
old friends
Ran and Ya'acov,
who know and agree to
my "hiding in God's face",
and unlike Dvorah,
with whom my retreat
occurred gradually,
Felicia never sensed,
that she could not
fulfill my criterion
for keeping up,
i.e. fostering!!
a relationship:
Do I get what I need?
And can you receive,
what I need to give?

I asked her gently -
to freeze the relationship
for a year
and I must bear,
that she was deeply hurt.

a skype letter fom Ya'acov Hayat

A phone-call from Levi,
my "adopted" son,
He wanted to emphasize
his written invitation
to the celebration
of his second daughter's birth.
When he heard,
that it was my 70th birthday,
he decided to surprise me
and came with Ayelet, his partner
and his daughters
to Bet-Nehemya in the afternoon,

see below.
Only today (August 18)
I see the connection between
3 months old Maya in a sea-shell
and my 70x12 months of living.
a skype letter from Dvorah Silberstein
a skype letter from Ran Lichtner
From Barbara in Germany
Shalom Rachel Dear –Just a short note to wish you health, happiness and all the luck as there is water in the China Sea on the occasion of your birthday!!!! I do hope you and the family are well and there is a year of joy, harmony and wonderful experiences ahead of you . --- Hopefully this will get through to you - don't even try to contact me via E mail, I have been without internet acces for months and there is no hope of hlep in the near future. Thinking of you - Barbara.

Levi invited me - first per e-mail, and this morning by phone - to celebrate the birth of his second daughter - Maya


On August 26, I received an additional birthday blessing - from Michal Dror, the special mother of another Maya,

and on August 29 I came across a communication with Deity,
in which I tell the story of


Levi and Maya, Ayelet and No'am

Maya in Efrat's and Mika's arms

Two 45 year old "brothers" enjoy Levi's little girl Noam


ee more of Maya on the Celebration of her birth on August 22

Grandma, hear the most beautiful song I know:

"Amir Benayoun" :
With me you overcame everything.
Indeed a fantastic clip, in sound, content and image; thank you for this birthday gift, Tomer!
[See my own singing of the song on Sept.25]

With this idyll the day of my birthday ended:
Immanuel, my firstborn, with Tomer and Mika, his children from two different wifes.
May this scene be a promise for my next year and all the following years!



song of the day with my own recording
- a mother to her daughter

Tell me, how could I have been so wrong,
exactly when I wanted you to be joyful
tell me, my beloved child,
how was I not worthy to be good for you.

and tell me how come you know
when one should not touch
the close soul

Tell me how at my age I was wrong
how everything I saw did not give you an answer
tell me, my beloved child, tell me
how come that I did not identify:
you only wanted me to be listening

and tell me how come you know
when one should not touch
a hurting soul

Tell me how come that I did not shut up
how come that I didn't give only a hug and a kiss,
Tell me how come that I was so worried
how come I did not believe you were strong

And tell me how come you know
not to be afraid to touch

Mother and child'
Ronnit's drawing at the age of ten




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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8