The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart








My new Midrash and song in 5 languages
about the prophecy of Malachi 3, 16
["YHWH" is named "HA-SHEM"= The Name]


















Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other,
and he listens      and he hears

yatakaalamuna     allathina     yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri        va-yasma'

Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht      und er hoert

Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
il entends,        il ecoute


Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery



pool: twice
TV [about
Interactions [ph=phone; e=e-mail; sk=skype]
ph:Dental Clinic: only on Oct. 22, 15;30
e: to Immanuel
ph-Immanuel-does not agree to "Neve-Eitan"
ph-Efrat; info ~~~ph-Efrat: Go to Neve-Eitan!
ph to Paz: welcome! even if I'll give birth!
September 24
Elul 24,

at Arad
Parting from
my obsession
to complete

this page---
on the next day


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may
I don't exist to realize my desires, rather my desires exist to give me reason for creative action and pretext for loving interaction!
12:32 [after 'completing' Sept. 11 and 12, including the arrangement of a tree of the expanded family which I met at the wedding]

I desire - from this moment on - to focus on my encounter with Tomer tomorrow and after that.
I desire to be guided to create the most beneficial exterior circumstances for our togetherness.
I desire to rehearse the lessons as far as they are reported on Healing-K.i.s.s. since 2001.
I desire to be whole & capable to meet the challenges without! suffering stress or strain.


hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to our eyelids,
this thin fold of skin which covers and protects our eyes.
I give thanks to the levator palpebrae superioris muscle
which retracts the eyelid to "open" the eye,
be it voluntarily or involuntarily [happens once every 5 seconds!].
I give thanks to our eyelashes which heighten the protection.
and the meibomian gland which secretes the lipid part of the tearfilm.
I give thanks to the nerves and the blood-supply in our eyelids.
I give thanks to the fact that I can blink fast
- to spread moisture across the surface of the eye,
to ease discomfort, or to remove irritants, which have landed in the eye,
or to control the amount of light which enters
(control of the iris is autonomic),
I give thanks, that moving my eyelids
helps me to heal past pains and to cope with present plights!




Finetuning to my Present

I had such a good idea concerning the time with Tomer.
to travel to Yuval-David and Paz at Neve-Eitan.
At first it was clear, that we would go by hitchhiking and busses.
But this morning I thought:
Why shouldn't I, for once, enjoy a car?
I carefully sculpted a letter to Immanuel, but he called me, before he had read it.
So I voiced my idea - with great fear, knowing that he wouldn't like it at all.
He said, indeed:
"This is a journey much too long, and together with Tomer...
I would rather pay for a taxi and send Tomer to Arad than this..."
"I knew that you would feel pressured, leave alone Efrat.

But neither did I want to succumb to your feeling before having told you."
There would still be the possibility to go with public transportation.
But it would take us so many hours, that returning after Shabbat would be impossible
So, I let go of this and any other initiative. I'll be open to what will happen!!!!!!!!

An hour later Efrat: "Immanuel told me, though you had asked him not to.
Why shouldn't you go to Neve-Eitan? "
And she gave me technical info!!!!





A Hebrew song , which Tomer let me watch and hear

You are white, I am black
I am dark, you are in the light
which warms like a mother,
which cares for you.
You are small I am big (or tall)
I want to, you are able to
dance and march forward,
to be whole among people,

And perhaps a day will come and we'll become equal,
you will be a river for me, and I'll be oceans for you
and we'll flow together to infinity
a second before the line of the shore arrives.

I cry, you scream,
I am wrong, you are right,
this is our drama,
and there is no audience and no stage,
Perhaps we should sit and rest
you are you, and I am I,
let's dance , march forward
let's be equal among people.

And perhaps a day will come and we'll become equal,
you will be a river for me, and I'll be oceans for you
and we'll flow together to infinity
a second before the line of the shore arrives.


Nourishment from others

The Eye Movement Exercise

Healing the Divine Feminine Force.

   The magnetic Divine                Feminine force
                 expresses itself                through emotions
          and through the          physical plane.


Feelings are intense now
because great healing is underway.

There are feelings that need to be healed now.
This is necessary for the transformation of consciousness

in the physical body.


Everyone has experienced panic
and these feelings are surfacing now to be healed.
Emotions heal through flowing.

Use eye movement
Relive the memory over and over
until all the feelings associated with it have time to flow.
If you cannot remember anything, but just have the feelings,
flow with them using eye movement and deep breathing.

These are times when overwhelming feelings are coming up to be healed.


Just as a woman breathes while giving birth,
keep breathing when panic feelings come up.
In addition to deep breathing, use eye movement

and stay focused on the feelings
for as long as it takes for good feelings to return.
Usually this happens quickly.


and use every bit of will power and mastery
to stay with the feelings
and to FEEL THE FEELINGS through.

Conscious flowing is how feelings heal.

everything depends on getting through the feeling and not around it.

Flowing is how EMOTIONS heal,

denial just makes them unconscious
and the body stores them as tension and stress in the musculature.

Use eye movement and deep breathing
instead of giving into disassociation
or destructive acting out.


It is wonderful when panic comes up.

By healing these emotions,
the Divine Feminine Force is healed.
By healing the emotions of the dark dark wounding,
the body is healed.




It is like having an emotional bowel movement.
Whether it is fear, anger, hopelessness, suffocation, betrayal, shame, etc,
this is the healing process at work.

The next time feelings become unbearable,
stay with the feelings
no matter how painful they are,
use eye movement and keep breathing.
The feelings heal so fast it is amazing.


Driving Backward to my joys and lessons with Tomer, my grandson,
thus preparing for the frightening challenge which is ahead of me


Tomer (with his brother Alon) in the air, Shoham, May 2007
From "The Four Elements of Tomer"

"when I'm sad, I'm earth,
when I'm glad, I'm fire,
when I'm calm, I'm water,
and when am I air, grandma?

"when I feel free!!!!!
"and do you know
why I am earth, when I'm sad?
because the earth is beneath my feet."

Tomer with Elah & Mika, Aug. 200, 6 and with Abba & Mika, June 2007

Biographical Sculptures


from Tomer - the BEGINNINGS
2003_04_21; last update; 2003-05_31

Tomer's self-portrait with my camera, Aug. 2002
and the devilangel, shot by his father, Aug. 2001



Wrestling with Tomer


The sculpture of a temporary close encounter with my grandson
between November 2002 and April 2003
reflects highlights of my inner healing towards what I now call
My Wrestling with Tomer

following the biblical story of Ya'aqov's wrestling with himself.
This story - which must not be severed from its context,
i.e. Jacob's growth through having to face his brother Esau -
has been immensely helpful to me during this whole process.
Like all pages on "Healing- K.I.S.S",
this is a 'clinic', where I heal myself,
a 'school', where  I  learn and grow,
and an 'art-studio' , where  I  create.
Imagining people who might be assisted by my process in their own,
compels me to steadily "sculpt" my experiences and understandings,
in order to make them communicative.

Still, I feel, I rarely succeed,
but then, this frustration is just one more feeling,
which I feel, breathe-move-sound, and accept.



At the end of November 2002,
my grandson Tomer was "diagnosed as an ADHD child",
and "permitted" to be given the Ritalin drug every morning.
Since the effect of the prescribed dose lasted for 4 hours,
the drug was supposed to juggle him safely through school,
"safely" meaning,
that he would not hurt himself nor others,
nor damage equipment,
nor be too much of a burden for the teachers.

At the same time I started to function as "noon-school",  "tzaharón"  in Hebrew,
thus replacing the institution, which harbored Tomer after school, but gave up.

(I try not to judge,
neither the school,
nor the doctors,
nor anyone else involved)

"Grandma's noon-school", "tzaharón-savta", was superior in 3 aspects:

1. Total attention to Tomer, and, moreover, from a loving grandma.
2. Extended hours (5 instead of 4), until his mother would be 'free'.
3. A strict time structure, mostly outdoors , in water and  in nature.

I also proposed, that Tomer would stay with me overnight once a week,
and for a whole weekend twice a month, both together with his brother.

My proposals were accepted by father, mother and the psychologist,
and - with minor deviations - this "arrangement" lasted for 20 weeks.

Close to another visit of my son from the US to Israel,
Tomer's mother reached the heartbreaking conclusion,
that it might be best for everyone involved,
Alon & Elah, the mother, her partner and his kids, and Tomer himself,
if Tomer would leave with his father and live with him "for a year".

That's how our "wrestling" seemed to have come to an end on April 12, 2003.


I "happened" to be in Tel-Aviv, when Tomer was born there on Nov. 8, 1994.

In 1996 the family, Immanuel, Ruth, Elah, Alon and Tomer moved to the Galilee.

I came often from the Red Sea (Sinai, later Eilat) to visit or replace the parents.

In 1998 the couple separated and the mother with the 3 kids moved to new Modi'in.

In 1999 Immanuel took a flat in another new town, Shoham, 20 min. drive to the kids.

I lived with him (after the eviction from Ein-Gedi), from Oct 31, 1999 till March 13, 2000,

and again (after my 100-day-SaltSea-experiment), from June 30, 2000 till Nov. 4, 2000,

welcomed by Efrat, my son's partner, who in the meantime had moved into that flat too.

On Daddy-days, twice a week and every second weekend, Tomer and I became closer.

On Nov. 4, 2000
I started to live in Modi'in myself, in my pyramidal tent in my daughter's garden.

But though Tomer's home was only 5 minutes away, I saw my grandson much less,
mainly when I had to replace Ronnit and fetch her kids from the Democratic School.
I remember the pain, when - on his birthday - I walked all the long way to the school,
to bring Tomer a gift, but he wasn't there, because his mother hadn't sent him that day.

In May 2001, Immanuel and Efrat felt the need to move away, back to the Galilee.
It was then, that my son suggested,
that I take a furnished flat, where he could receive his kids on Daddy's days
and on those weekends, when he could not take the kids to his Galilee home,
like when Elah, a busy dancer, had a rehearsal or a performance in Modi'in.

In my sculptures on this site between Oct.3 and Nov.11, 2001
I shared the anger and pain, and how I coped and grew in Oct. 2001

pp22 --pp35--pp19b--pp33 [see excerpts from all these tomorrow]

Watching Healing-K.I.S.S. I discern 3 graphical prophecies towards Tomer's Coming to me:
The Logo of HEALING-KISS through all the Introductory Pages and all the Puzzle Pieces
is based on four drawings of Tomer around what was his favorite theme at the age of four.
The background I chose for the page Contact, shows Tomer and me on our Titorah-Hill!!!
The animation which I chose to demonstrate my relationship with the "Actors of my Life"
is showing an often repeated acrobatic interaction between Tomer and Grandma.

The two photos were taken in Dec. 2001 by T's father, after Tomer's 7th birthday. In May 2002 I asked him to combine the photos into movement.



The deeper I go into Tomer's history, the clearer I see,
how this soul has written the script for his life's movie.

 I am awfully sorry, that T.'s mother felt overriden by me.
There was neither blame nor shame in what I analyzed,
but sheer awe for the way Tomer conditioned himself,
in order to experience, what he decided to experience.
But I did, indeed, remove what was so badly received.

 It was a precarious situation, on November 7, 1994,
which would have been my father's 73th birthday,
in which I stood - not in my desert - but on a roof,
leaning against the reel and overlooking Tel-Aviv.

"Elah" & "Alon" are the names of trees [Isaiah 6:13], I thought.
Is there a third tree in the Bible , which would fit as a name?

It's when the name "Tomer" jumped into my mind and heart.
And so it came to be, that the next day "Tomer" was born.
"Tomer" is a version of "tamar", the date palm,
and Deborah, the female prophet sat under it.
[Judges 4:4-5]

I interrupted my sculpting, ran up my Hill, and photographed the 3 not very impressive palmtrees I've discovered there , from many different points of view.
This panorama shows the tree on that ancient Maccabean hill in a significant context:
the remnants of a crusader castle to the left, young Modi'in to the right, and the Palestinian and Jerusalem mountains in the background

Once I explained Tomer why I prefer to write his name as it is written in the Bible
[just as "Rotem" without the consonant "waw", which is used for "o", when needed].
But he, who likes the mystical game with the Hebrew alef-beth called Gimatria, said:
"But if you write it with the "o" (which avoids reading the name as "Tamar"), it is SEVEN!"


Though my desert was 3-4 hours away, and my creation there had been a job around the clock,
I had never let two weeks pass without seeing at least part of my children and grandchildren.

Still, I was not close to them as I am now.

But shortly before Tomer's birth in Nov. 1994, I had done my first "lekh-lekhâ" from the Succah,
and - following Gadi's SOS regarding the Succah's financial situation - moved to Tel-Aviv altogether.
From January to April I lived with Tomer's family in a flat opposite Gadi's family, in Shenkin-Street,
with a computer in Gadi's studio, from where I tried to give my Desert Vision a solid financial base.

My intense efforts concerning this goal resulted in failure and exhaustion,
but from the present perspective I see that the time was blessed after all:
I was physically close to Tomer, when he set out for his life's journey.

Tomer was not yet 8 months old, when he started to walk - in my presence.
From then on he was in constant danger, and everything around him as well.


This triptych of sweet little Tomer in the Galilee
shows only one side of the coin.

Whenever I visited or replaced the parents for some days,
I had little patience or sympathy for this uncontrollable kid.

No cupboard was too high to be climbed for a sweet,
no vessel or instrument too precious to be broken

Of course, I was his partner in acrobatics already then,
but the rest of my memories of those Galilee years are gone.
There was no relationship between us then.

A relationship started, when I moved in with his father.
I chose to have my mattress in the boys' room next to theirs.
This allowed for cushion battles and wild games between us.

Not less wild and exhausting for me was the dancing,
his creative movements, while hanging on my hands.

In puzzle piece 8 - Understanding and Choosing Experience, Nov. 2001
I told the bad-good story about Tomer, the Breaker.
Now there is a completion to it:
One day during these last months he said out of the blue:

"I would like to receive a gift from you,
a little animal made of wood!"

Surprised I stared at him: "What?"
And he added gently, like "The Little Prince",
when he begged the pilot to draw a sheep:

"Yes ~~~ you know ~~~ like that elefant!"
I got it!
"Is it, that you still regret having broken my little elefant,
which I gave you as a present for your sixth birthday?
And receiving another little wooden sculpture like this
would be a sign, that that breaking is truly forgiven?"

"Yes!" he said with great relief, "that is what I mean."
And I gave him my little colored wooden bird,
a gift from Gabriela and her colleagues from India,
when they spent time with me at Ein-Gedi in 1999.

I also was the one, who was always ready
to race with him on his roller-plates in Shoham.

From that time I remember an incident,
which I had a hard time to forgive Tomer:

He sat on the ground and refused to move.
"I can't walk, carry me."
Though even now I am able to carry him on my back,
I didn't want to do it then,
probably because he was breaking some promise
given during an earlier warning.
In the end I pretended to walk away without him.
I watched - hiding -, but suddenly he was gone.
I searched everywhere, truly in panic.
Finally he came out of a street on the hand of a girl.
"Are you responsible for him?" she said angrily.
"You deserted him and I let him call his mother!"
Why his mother?
He was with Daddy and knew his number very well.
It was a vicious way of punishing both me and Daddy.
The consequences did not tarry to follow:
The irresponsible grandmother was forbidden to....

I attracted this blame of being irresponsible,
even when Tomer didn't sell me off.
Once he begged me for my miniscule ancient penknife.
How could anyone cut himself with this? Tomer could!
I was "reported" by his sister.

and up to
our last day
in April 2003



Tomer is my partner in so many things,
also in our love for creating in Nature.
Before my bicycle was stolen-
which happened at one of these trips,
we drove to another ancient site,
on the western outskirts of Modi'in.
It's where we found this carob tree.
and a heap of "modern" trash under it.
Tomer wanted to build his own house,
and I assisted him with enthusiasm.
He was so happy and proud,
that he insisted to bring Daddy here,
who luckily took these photos

(Febr. 2002, before I had my own camera).

But we also walked a lot by foot,
and one time Tomer refused to move.
The circumstances are more complex,
but the point is , that I walked away.
I saw him plodding back, sobbing.
Parallel to him in the wadi, but hidden,
I trudged above the crest of the hills.
When I let myself be discovered,
he showed me that he hated me.
I joined him and we began to heal it.
But neither of us forgets the 2 events.

There was another situation, in which I seemingly "deserted" Tomer.
I now look at it from the perspective of that critical day [2003_04_04],
when I not seemingly, but actually deserted him in the swimming-pool.

This became obvious, when he reminded me that "I did it again".
It's only through my consistent work in this "Driving Backward",
that separate events coalesce into a coherent path of evolution.

The situation, this time, was also that triggering swimming pool.
He now was 8 years old, not 6 as when he built his carob house.
And I could dare to let him experience being deserted - literally.

The trigger was his reckless lingering in the men's shower-room.
Whatever agreement I made with him, so as not to have to wait,
he let me wait, even after having been warned, that I would go.

So one day I did just that, I left and walked up to our picnic tree.

Of course, I was hysterical with fear.
But he did arrive!
Though the security guard at the exit of the pool
had, by mistake, indicated a different direction to him,
and though by that time there was not yet a clear path to the tree,
Tomer found me!

He was mad at me, but he was also proud!

He made it!

He now was less dependant!

He had grown, outside and inside.

I didn't hide my appreciation,

and we felt knitted together even more closely

by having coped with one more challenge,



From Communication with Deity on February 16, 2003


I can't understand, why talking with you daily, should be too difficult for me.
I feel so disappointed and wounded, when Tomer doesn't keep agreements,
but I myself - do I keep the agreements I make with myself?

The point now is,
what should I do with Tomer - right now in half an hour?

"Your idea is essentially right:
Go to the school, meet him in his classroom or outside, if he shouldn't be there,
without  the equipment for the pool and the following picnic on the Titorah hill.
Tell him, that from now on you will be available
to help him with his homework for 15 minutes as before,
but only here in the classroom and only right after school,
so you wouldn't have to be afraid of the nightmare,
that hits you when you come back from the Titorah
and need to keep the agreement of engaging in 15 minutes homework.

Aren't you just sculpting, what I figured out in these last three days?

"I've been with you in figuring this out.
But let me go on expressing your overall plan:

"Since he'll say that today, Sunday, there is no home-work,
or that the homework left from Friday needs equipment he hasn't got with him,
you'll remind him, that on days without homework you do "life-lessons".
And the lesson today is about how to get along with each other,
since obviously the method of making agreements doesn't work.
In the midst of your emotional upheaval on Thursday you said to him:

"But what should I do with you, Tomer, if agreements don't work!?"
And he blurted: "Don't do anything with me."
Tell him, that you want to understand this response.
And that therefore you won't go to the pool etc., as usual,
nor insist on any other agreement,
but that he would have all the space to become aware of what he really wants to do
and of trying to win you over to what he thinks best."

I'm so afraid, that what little routine I've created with Tomer,
will go down the drain,
and he'll misuse this break in the routine
and feel legitimate to break every agreement we make.

"Your judgment is, that you cannot handle such situations.
"Right now you looked up our first channeling
[pp28, Maryam, 2002_01_06].

[not completed]





pool: twice
TV [about
Interactions [ph=phone; e=e-mail; sk=skype]
ph:Dental Clinic: only on Oct. 22, 15;30
e: to Immanuel
ph-Immanuel-does not agree to "Neve-Eitan"
ph-Efrat; info ~~~ph-Efrat: Go to Neve-Eitan!
ph to Paz: welcome! even if I'll give birth!
September 24
Elul 24,

at Arad
Parting from
my obsession
to complete

this page---
on the next day




Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8