The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart








My new Midrash and song in 5 languages
about the prophecy of Malachi 3, 16
["YHWH" is named "HA-SHEM"= The Name]


















Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other,
and he listens      and he hears

yatakaalamuna     allathina     yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri        va-yasma'

Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht      und er hoert

Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
il entends,        il ecoute


Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


September 14/ Elul 14, Sunday, 29th day of "having died to righteousness"- at Arad
Actions and Interactions: pool twice, garden, Dental clinic with Dr. Irene, Etti, Shanni, Ziva
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- on October 6

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future



Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may
I desire to assimilate the 2 main experiences on Shabbat (which was free of actions&interactions):
the past: Sept. 13,1993, the writing of "Alt-Neu-Land 2003" & the signing of the Oslo-Accords,
the future: Bernadette Tynan's Brain-Training to bring out the over-looked talents in any child
I desire to again savor the togetherness with my close and my larger family on Hagar's wedding.
I desire to enjoy the jumping between the last days & the not yet completed pages from Aug. 18.
I desire, that Big Lior & Little Lior find the courage and ingenuity to accomplish their tasks.

"Bernadette Tinan empowers children by training their brain,
but she does not train their feelings and fears.
"fear is nothing, put it in the balloon & blow up the balloon!"

"In order to help her I taught her brain to overcome fears"

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to the bone of our bones, its organic substance:
the flexible collagen and its inorganic substance calcium phosphate,
to its cells, its blood-vessels, its nerves and pain receptors.
How light it is and still how strong!

"In tensile strength (resistance of a material to being torn apart; maximum stretching force) it is like cast iron, although around 1/3 of the weight,
in bending stress it behaves like steel, although only half as strong."

The biggest bone, the thigh, can temporarily handle up to 2 tons

I am grate-full that I'm getting better at setting boundaries and balancing
the inundation of information, the deluge of memories, the flood of people.
As to what I did allow to come into my life yesterday:
I'm grate-full for having learnt the lessons - for myself and for humankind-
from my superhuman efforts and self-torture in 1993, as before and after...
I'm grate-full for the mirror held out to me by brain-trainer Bernadette Tynan,
her ardent desire to empower people, as her denial of the reality of fears.
I'm grate-full to Big Lior and Little Lior for attracting me into their lives
and letting me practice how to coach "you" towards whole empowerment:
so you will neither succumb to your fears, nor override your fears,
but walk with them - slowly - , like with a limping friend on a hike,
putting your arm under his armpit and his arm around your shoulder.


"It's not true that you can't teach an old dog a new trick.
You can train your brain at any age"

Bernadette Tynan
Continuation of the gallery of accidental photos of the screen - mostly during the episode of Aisha.
They are ordered from right to left, according to the direction of the Hebrew subtitles.
By the way, when Bernadette Tynan let Aisha write some words in Arabic, she gave important info
about how the two parts of the brain are connected (?)
when two languages are written, one from the left and one from the right.
[October 6: I had intended to translate the Hebrew subtitles back into English, but it would take too much time...]






While Aisha, 11 years old, organizes everything for her cultural festival at Manchester,
her mother (with the name fitting a Palestinian lover : Judith.....) is very worried



The Festival








Nourishment from Others - via e-mail

From an e-mail from Stacey Robyn and the ground crew of Go Gratitude!

....As a civilization, we are daily creating new pinnacles of possibility,
taking stock of what is working, and returning the rest to Love.
Old models of domination and aggression
are giving way to Unity and Compassion.

For all it's gifts and service, the technocratic world is a double-edged sword, providing both connection, information
and ease of delivery (We are great-full to use it everyday!)
... while also distracting us from the present, to play in illusory worlds
and so become lazy in our ability to maintain a single point of focus,

and follow through on our commitment to Love.

...Gratitude is a waking meditation ... a state of being
that allows us to experience a single point of focus
as EVERYTHING, to be All That IS ~~~
and flow centered in the Great-FULL-ness of Life..

.. the heart's magnetic field is 5000 times stronger
than the brain's magnetic field.
So as we choose to Go Gratitude, to live this state of waking meditation,
we begin to 'Think with the Heart, and Love with the Mind'.

We create from the center of our being,
and every breath becomes a prayer of Gratitude. WOW!

Now, in the beginning, as with any discipline,
we are rarely able to sustain, or shift quickly, into a state of Gratitude.

The ego mind habitually steps in to bring us back to "reality"
~~~ focusing on the things that could/would/should BE,
instantly taking us out of the moment, out of center,
spiraling the mind into an illusory state of dis-satisfaction,
where the ego can then "fix the problem."
With intent and discipline, this radically changes.

Let me share an example:

Recently my sister, Katherine, paid me a sincere, deeply touching compliment.
She shared that watching me in-vision, co-create and steward Go Gratitude
had dissolved some illusory beliefs of a gap
existing between her and other teachers/prominent figures/Masters ie. "successful people."

In watching my human-ness, growth spurts and ummm -| authentic ignorance -
Katherine realized she'd put these folks on a pedestal - imagining
THEY were perfect, enjoying the life of their dreams, totally enlightened
and waaaaay BEYOND her present state of evolution.

She realized we are all human, we wake every day
and face what the Spirit of Creation brings our way.
[No! not "the Spirit of Creation", but our own staging of our dramas!]

The difference is how we choose to use what we are given.

So ~~~ as Katherine's sharing this insight,
gushing with Gratitude for my role in dissolving a dis-empowering illusion,
my ego is going, "Oh, I see ... you love me because I'm not perfect???
and it makes you feel better about yourself???"

Or something like this ...

It was more of a feeling, a deeply embedded anti-bliss mechanism
that was attempting to sabotage the moment and find something wrong with it. EGO.

[What is called "EGO" here,
I call "the belief in my need to be righteous!"]

.... Appreciation for the perfection of imperfection.
Thankfully, as the discipline to Go Gratitude! has become (almost) first nature,
I breathed deeply to enter center and listened with my heart.
What I felt was a wave of Love shifting my being from ego to essence.
I felt safe, honored, nurtured ... and inspired.
... Inspired to discover my learning curve was of benefit to another.
Inspired as I perceived this gift
to be a chance to re-write old patterns of self-loathing, judgment and perfectionism ... and be great-full for all that IS!
... after launching the Experiment, I found myself gripped with fear.

Fear of being found un-grateful.
Fear of forgetting to live what I was teaching.

Fear that others might believe I AM - uugggh - a fake.

Now, you've heard the phrase "Fake it till you make it", right?
In reality, to experience the profound blessings of choosing to Go Gratitude,
there is no faking it.
"Faking it" is a form of resistance - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
What we resist persists,.

... as we choose to stand in our authentic power,
we align with the Higher Self, gaining access to insight, discernment, and compassion.
...So how do we stand in our authentic power?
We live our truth - with compassion [TOWARDS OURSELVES!].
We let go - and grow with Gratitude.
... We Faith it till we make it.

"Faith is born of gratitude.
The grateful mind continually expects good things,
and expectations become faith"

~Wallace Wattles

... as we ... focus our hearts upon those things we are great-full for,
that which brings us joy and mirrors truth,
we shift from ego to essence and resurrect our Selves.

P.S. Experience a vision of a world dreaming awake
and join with us, as One Heart United, to declare this day,
"I CHOOSE LOVE", initiated by Shawn Gallaway.

Let it open your heart ... yaaaaaaaaaaa!

Shawn also wrote a get-up-and-groove tune called ... Go Gratitude!

Thank you, Shawn, for shining your Light and sharing your heartwork with the world!

[I watched Shawn Gallaway's video
: I choose love.
Sometimes I felt whole with the contrasting images
but sometimes I felt disgusted
(Jesus-Heart and Hitler...),
and altogether I feel grieved,
that "choosing love" means - for all those "good" people -
to not take responsibility,
to not be parental
to all the phenomena of non-love...

Nourishment from Others - via Television

3SAT, Lutz Goerner, Lyrik fuer Alle, Klabund: Folge 143

Angekommen sind wir in der Weimarer Republik
in den 20er Jahren des vorigen Jahrhunderts.
Der Autor, den ich Ihnen heute vorstellen will, heißt Alfred Henschke.
Er ist in Crossen an der Oder 1890 geboren.
Und als er sechzehn war, stellte man bei ihm eine Lungentuberkulose fest,
was damals ohne Penicillin einem Todesurteil gleichkam.
Zwei Jahre danach beginnt Alfred Henschkes Dichterleben,
das 20 Jahre dauerte bis zu seinem Tod 1928.
Während dieses Dichterlebens nannte er sich Klabund,
eine Verbindung aus Klabautermann und Vagabund.

Die Harfenjule
von Klabund
Emsig dreht sich meine Spule,
Immer zur Musik bereit,
Denn ich bin die Harfenjule
Schon seit meiner Kinderzeit.
Niemand schlägt wie ich die Saiten,
Niemand hat wie ich Gewalt.
Selbst die wilden Tiere schreiten
Sanft wie Lämmer durch den Wald.
Und ich schlage meine Harfe,
Wo und wie es immer sei,
Zum Familienbedarfe,
Kindstauf oder Rauferei.
Reich mir einer eine Halbe
Oder einen Groschen nur,
Als des Sommers letzte Schwalbe
Schwebe ich durch die Natur.
Und so dreht sich meine Spule,
Tief vom Innersten bewegt,
Bis die alte Harfenjule
Einst im Himmel Harfe schlägt.

70 Bücher hat Klabund in diesen zwanzig Jahren zu Wege gebracht,
d.h. alle drei, vier Monate ein Buch. 25 Dramen, 14 Romane, 21 Gedichtbände, dazu noch Erzählungen und Nachdichtungen meist chinesischer Lyrik.
Ein Wettlauf mit dem Tod.
Ein Wettlauf auch durch meist südliche Sanatorien.

Auf der Veranda. Neben mir zwei Huren
Aus der Gesellschaft, syphilitisch eitel.
Sie streicheln zärtlich meinen Schuppenscheitel
Und sprechen von Chinin und Liegekuren.
In ihren grauverhängten Blicken duck ich,
Ein Morphiumteufel ihrer Liebesmasche.
Ich hüstle, huste, und zuweilen spuck ich
Den gelben Auswurf in die blaue Flasche.

In einem Sanatorium lernte Klabund auch seine erste Frau kennen,
die aber schon nach kurzer Ehe bei der Geburt des ersten Kindes starb.

Ich sehs an deinem Bilde, auch du leidest,
So himmelweit von mir entfernt zu sein.
Ich fühl, wie du die Engelspiele meidest
Und wie du traurig bist, besternt zu sein.
Ich bin nur deines Schattens schmaler Schatten.
Du bist so hell. Ich bin so dunkel ganz.
O wirf den goldnen Käscher nach dem Gatten
Und zieh hinüber ihn in deinen Glanz!

Klabund schreibt:
»Mit dem Kinde habe ich sie getötet.
Meine höchste Seligkeit wurde meine tiefste Schuld.«

Selber tot sein möchte er:

Am Luganer See
Durchs Fenster strömt der See zu mir herein,
Der Himmel auch mit seinem Mondenschein.
Die Wogen ziehen über mir dahin,
Ich träume, dass ich längst gestorben bin.
Ich liege auf dem Grunde alles Seins
Und bin mit Kiesel, Hecht und Muschel eins.

1911 begann Klabund in München Pharmazie zu studieren
und in diesem Zusammenhang
lernte er 1917 den acht Jahre jüngeren Bertolt Brecht kennen,
der dort in Medizin immatrikuliert war.
Beide studierten nur sehr vage und widmeten sich ihren Dichtungen.
Sie traten zusammen auf, sangen ihre Gedichte zur Gitarre.
Auch in Kathi Kobus Simpl, wo Ringelnatz Hausdichter war.
Manchmal gesellte sich Karl Valentin oder Frank Wedekind dazu,
manchmal die Schauspielerin Carola Neher,
die Klabunds zweite Frau werden sollte,
und die in Brechts Dreigroschenoper die Polly sang,
und für die er das Gedicht Kukuli schrieb.

Kleiner Vogel Kukuli,
Flieh den grauen Norden, flieh,
Flieg nach Indien, nach Ägypten
Über Gräber, über Krypten,
Über Länder, über Meere,
Kleiner Vogel, lass die schwere
Erde unter dir und wiege
Dich im Himmelsäther - fliege
Zwischen Monden, zwischen Sternen
Bis zum Sonnenthron, dem fernen,
Flieg zum Flammengott der Schmerzen
Und verbrenn in seinem Herzen.

Carola Neher floh 1933, fünf Jahre nach Klabunds Tod
vor den Nazis in die UDSSR,
wo sie als so genannte Agentin von Stalins Schergen
zu zehn Jahren Lagerhaft in Sibirien verurteilt wurde
und wo sich ihre Spur im Dunkel verliert.

Klabund wurde in Crossen in seiner Geburtsstadt begraben.
Gottfried Benn hielt die Totenrede
und nannte ihn einen »sich selbst verzehrenden, genialischen Künstler.«

Doch vielleicht noch mal zurück zum Anfang.
Zur Harfenjule, einem Gedichtbändchen,
das Klabund 1927, kurz vor seinem Tod zusammengestellt hat.
Kurt Tucholsky hatte darin ein Lieblingsgedicht.
Es trägt den Titel: Bürgerliches Weihnachtsidyll
und Tucholsky schreibt darüber:
»Klabund hat es mir einmal leise am Klavier vorgesungen
- er hatte es in sein Notizbuch gekritzelt
und da saß er so still und bräunlich am Klavier,
er hätte ruhig zum Schluss mit dem Hut einsammeln gehen können.«

Bürgerliches Weihnachtsidyll
Was bringt der Weihnachtsmann Emilien?
Ein Strauß von Rosmarin und Lilien.
Sie geht so fleißig auf den Strich.
O Tochter Zions, freue dich!
Doch sieh, was wird sie bleich wie Flieder?
Vom Himmel hoch, da kommt sie nieder.
Die Mutter wandelt wie im Traum.
O Tannenbaum! O Tannenbaum!
O Kind, was hast du da gemacht?
Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht.
Leis hat sie ihr ins Ohr gesungen:
Mama, es ist ein Reis entsprungen:
Papa haut ihr die Fresse breit.
O du selige Weihnachtszeit!

Vielleicht noch eine kleine makabre Geschichte.
Kurz vor Ende des Krieges saß Karl-Heinz Stroux,
der spätere Intendant des Düsseldorfer Schauspielhauses
und damals noch Regieassistent von Gustav Gründgens,
der unter den Nazis Intendant des Schauspielhauses in Berlin war,
mit Kollegen in einer Berliner Kneipe und sie sprachen über Carola Neher.
Da drehte eine altgewordene Hure sich um und sagte zur Verblüffung aller: »Ick besitze det allet von die Neher.«
Stroux ging gleich zu ihr nach Hause und sah,
dass sich dort in einer großen
Kiste nicht nur Nehers, sondern auch Klabunds Nachlass befand.
Er versprach wieder zu kommen. Was er auch tat,
denn er sollte im Auftrag von Gustav Gründgens diesen Nachlass kaufen.
Doch als er am nächsten Tag vor der Tür stand,
war das Haus und der Nachlass nur noch Schutt und Asche.
Der Bombenangriff der letzten Nacht hatte alles zerstört.

Klabund in Wikipedia


Väter und warum sie besser sind als ihr Ruf

(aus der SF-Gesprächsreihe "Sternstunde Philosophie")

In den Diskussionen über die Krise der Familie und den Mut zur Erziehung ortet der in St. Gallen lehrende Philosoph Dieter Thomä das Ergebnis einer jahrhundertealten Verunsicherung der Väter und ihrer Rolle. Der Vater als Patriarch hat ausgedient, doch wer tritt an seine Stelle? Trifft das Schlagwort von der "vaterlosen Gesellschaft" überhaupt zu?
In "Sternstunde Philosophie" erläutern die Psychologin Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello und der Philosoph Dieter Thomä, warum Väter besser sind als ihr Ruf.



Finetuning to my Present

my talks with Rotem and Hadass were fabulous,
also with Efrat, Rafi's mother, and with Rafi and Hagar about my gift.
But "there is no time" to sculpt what we communicated...


Song of the Day
I dreamed a dream a long time ago

About people who know how to live

Their words and their deeds are simple and pure

And their love they most willingly give.

Each day of their life is a reverent prayer

Their joy fills each moment with light,

And the peace found within is reflected without

Like a day softly echoed by night.

Big Brother Drama 23:00

Renin in the "Confession Room" again spilled out her pain of deep loneliness
after another Jewish Kiddush on the Jewish Shabbat-Eve,
and this after Miki had once started to sing the "Ha-Tikva" with "the soul of a Jew".:
"I have no Jewish soul", cried Renin,"I think, I'll leave the Big Brother tomorrow."
What was soothing, was the way, Shai succeeded in comforting and hugging her,
though it was him, who unlike the others didn't want to wait for her to start eating.
"I don't care about Kiddush. At home I eat puree with milk and shnitzels,
I only care about us sitting and being together."

Just as soothing was the following scene:
Big Brother announced that Shifra would be the one to be granted the priviledge
of the posh , almost private "suite" for 12 hours.
Shifra wanted to give it to Renin, "since it's her birthday tomorrow",
but before she ended her sentence, Big Brother said:
"You are allowed to take someone with you".
And so it was clear, that Renin was the one.
Though I suspect, that Big Brother's motive for choosing Shifra was,
that she had confessed to have had a Lesbian relationship,
and having discerned,
that Shifra and Renin, the 2 wise women, had much in common,
probably calculated, that "something may happen" between the two,
I was still happy, that I could watch Shifra&Renin in ecstasis about their "suite".



Continuation of Hagar's and Rafael's Wedding
Encounter with the expanded family: the descendants of the three Hahn-sisters: Edith (my mother-in-law), Gertrud and Ilse
the yellow names signify people whom I met at the wedding of Hagar, the daughter of my stepdaughter Dita

Hermann Salomon ~Johanna
Salomon Hahn~Rosali
Their daughter Elise Salomon married Rudolf Hahn
They had 3 daughters
Edith Hahn ~ Franz Rosenzweig
Their son Rafael, 1922-2001, married twice
Rafael Rosenzweig ~ Ines
their children: Joel, Dita
Ines later married Heinz
one of his 3 children married Adina
who approached me at the wedding
Rafael Rosenzweig
~ Christa-Rachel
our children:
Immanuel, Ronnit, Micha

Gertrud Hahn~Siegried Jordan [in Israel: Yarden]
Their two children:
Hanna ~ Otto Berka
Arie Yarden~ Tzippora

Ilse Hahn - Otto Strauss
Their second son (the first died)
Eliyahu Strauss ~ Hanna

Rafael Rosenzweig's descendants

I n e s

Dita &Gideon

(&Ofer, Udi, Itai)

Hagar (&Rafi)

I n e s

Joel &Tova

Ran (&Shir)


C h r i s t a - R a c h e l

Immanuel& Ruth
Elah 1987
Alon 1991

Immanuel & Efrat
Mika -2005

C h r i s t a - R a c h e l

Sister Ronnit&Uri

Jonathan 1991
Rotem 1993
Yael 1996
Itamar 1998

C h r i s t a - R a c h e l


Arnon 1996
Ayelet 1998




Immanuel, my eldest son, Dita's step-brother,
with Mika, my youngest grandchild




Rotem wants to hide, but when she sees, that Tomer, who usually also hides, makes a joke of it, she coopererates



Tomer with Lior - this time it is a man who bears this name "Li-Or", to me is light.
Lior was introduced to me as Elah's boyfriend. Tomer likes him a lot, it seems.
While Lior puts his hands on Tomer's shoulders, Rotem lets Mika take her hand.

Tomer was not aware of me taking his beautiful profile



A woman framed by two brothers, Joel and Immanuel.
It is Inneke, Dita's Dutch cousin and her age.
I looked for the photo I remember of the young girl -
on a trip with Rafael 30 years ago - but I can't find it in my computer-folders

better perspectives of Alon


Micha's wrist in plaster..

About what are they worried?
Hagar with Immanuel
Ra'ayah, Micha and Ayelet

Dita now is the only one who seems worried

Elah and her new boyfriend Lior






back to past ~~~~~ forward to future

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8