Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart

Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk
among each other,
and he listens and he
yatakaalamuna allathina
yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri va-yasma'
Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht und er
Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent
l'un a l'autre
il entends,
il ecoute
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eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
23/ Elul 23, Tuesday,
day of "having died to righteousness"-
at Arad
Actions and Interactions: twice call from Immanuel,
twice call from Lior Oren, ~~~pool twice, garden
Parting from my
obsession to complete this page--- on October 16
back to past ~~~~~
forward to future
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
7:32 Coincidence:
programs about the 193 million hungry people in the world &
gathering 200000 food portions for the hungry in Israel
I desire that the satiated nations&individuals
enable the hungry nations & individuals to "fish"
instead of "giving them fish" and undermining what
little self-determination they have or feel.
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
My Body, my Partner,
my God
I give thanks to your wonderful flexibility of assimilating
food in general,
and the great variety in the quality of food, in particular.
Sometimes the food, that was available, was so poor,
[remember how - on my long
way back from the doctor, concerning a problem I forgot -
I vomited 7 times after my mother tried to make use of moldy
bread in a soup? 1949-1950!]
but somehow you always managed
to be fed well!
I'm finally -sorry it took me so long!-
deeply grate-full to my mother
for having been such an excellent model for me
of how to creatively manage with a minimum of resources,
health, housing, food, clothing, schooling, hiking and seeing
the world.
 |
eyes of all look to the bread
My adaptation of Psalm
The eyes of all
look to you,
and you give them their food at the proper time.
You open your hand
and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
The eyes of
all look to the bread,
but not everyone is granted it in time
may the satisfied dedicate his strength
to his hungry fellow
that he too may be satisfied.
und Wut
Warum die Welternährungskrise kein Zufall ist
Der Welthunger ist längst kein temporäres Problem
mehr, sondern eine strukturelle
Welternährungskrise. Sie ist das Ergebnis einer jahrelangen
Entwicklung, die nur am Wohlergehen der Industrieländer
orientiert war. Die Dokumentation
beschreibt Mechanismen der globalen Wirtschaft, die es armen
Ländern wie beispielsweise Ägypten, Bangladesch, Ecuador,
China und Kenia erschweren, sich zu entwickeln.
Ein Mitteleuropäer gibt rund 15 Prozent seines Einkommens
für Nahrungsmittel aus. In Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika
müssen die Menschen bis zu 75 Prozent dafür aufwenden.
Aber schon seit drei Jahren steigen die Preise für Weizen,
Reis und Mais, und zwar drastisch. Die Gründe sind unter
anderem in der Börsenspekulation mit Nahrungsmitteln zu
sehen und auch in der steigenden Nachfrage wegen der Biotreibstoffe
aus Agrarprodukten.
Weltweit hungern über 920 Millionen Menschen. Seit Kurzem
gehen sie auf die Straße, protestieren und plündern.
Jahrelang wurde in der Welt still vor sich hin gehungert, leise
gestorben - die Weltordnung wurde nicht gestört. Was ist
bei dieser Hungersnot anders?
Zum Beispiel, dass sich die Ernährungskrise nicht mehr
nur auf die Armen beschränkt, sondern bis in die Mittelschichten
reicht. Und das sind Menschen, die politisch interessiert und
teilweise sogar organisiert sind. Die jetzt nicht nur der Hunger
auf die Straße treibt, sondern vor allem ohnmächtige
Wut und Zukunftsangst.
Der Hunger der Welt - endlich nimmt
man ihn wahr
Dabei ist das, was jetzt viele Länder der Erde erschüttert,
kein plötzlicher Schicksalsschlag. Es ist das Ergebnis
eines langen Entwicklungsprozesses, der nur auf das Wohlergehen
der Industrienationen abzielt. Jahrelang sind zwar vollmundige
Versprechen der reichen Länder gemacht worden, die Entwicklungshilfe
wenigsten auf 0,7 Prozent des jeweiligen Bruttosozialproduktes
anzuheben, geschehen aber ist nichts. Im Gegenteil: Viele Länder
haben ihre Leistungen sogar noch gekürzt.
Gleichzeitig sind über die Welthandelsabkommen die Regeln
so verändert worden, dass
viele Produkte aus Entwicklungsländern so gut wie keine
Chance auf dem Weltmarkt haben. Und so muss derzeit der Agrosprit
als Sündenbock herhalten, ein problematisches Produkt,
mit dem aber Entwicklungsländer gutes Geld verdienen können.
"Teller oder Tank?" lauten die Schlagzeilen.
Der Weltmarktpreis für Weizen
stieg um 180 Prozent
Doch diese Ursachenbehauptung greift viel zu kurz: Ein ganzes
Bündel von Gründen lässt sich identifizieren.
Missernten bedingt durch die Klimaveränderung,
Bevölkerungswachstum, eine extrem gestiegene Fleischnachfrage,
eine falsche Subventionspolitik und nicht zuletzt knallharte
Rohstoffspekulanten, die auf steigende Lebensmittelpreise wetten.
Bis zum Jahr 2015, so haben es die Vereinten Nationen in ihren
Millenniumszielen festgeschrieben, soll die Zahl der Hungernden
halbiert werden. Ein noch realistisches Ziel?
In Interviews kommen unter anderen
der ehemalige Direktor des Umweltprogramms der Vereinten Nationen,
Klaus Töpfer, der Staatssekretär im Bundesministerium
für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit, Erich Stather, und
der Gründer der Verbraucherschutzorganisation "foodwatch",
Thilo Bode, zu Wort. Alle Experten kommen zu demselben Ergebnis:
Die gegenwärtige Ernährungskrise ist alles andere
als überraschend, sie hat sich seit Jahren aufgebaut und
so abgezeichnet.
3sat-Themenwoche 22. bis 26. September
2008 Der neue Hunger
Fünf Gründe für die weltweite Ernährungskrise
Latet - ["la-tet"="to
200000 food portions for the poor
in Israel
so they'll have a meal on Rosh Hashanah
Slogan: an Israeli is who wants go give
[Though I think, that poverty and
hunger will not stop,
until people will be enabled "to fish",
I appreciate,
that Campaign Latet makes people aware of the hunger in Israel,
and causes them to share - be it ever so miniscule...]
doc in 3SAT did just that: it showed how people are taught "to
I am glad - after almost 50 years of suffering with the hungry
aspects of "God" -
that somewhere people do cooperate to change some of the circumstances,
which cause so many children, the age of Mika, to suffer to
death from hunger.
Ausbeute der Ernte
Thema zur hitec-Sendung "Technik gegen Hunger - Entwicklungshilfe
in Äthiopien"
Den größten Teil Äthiopiens bildet ein gewaltiges
Hochland - auf einer Fläche größer als Deutschland.
Diese in zwei- bis viertausend Meter Höhe gelegene Landschaft
bietet nicht nur ein gemäßigtes Klima, sondern auch
fruchtbaren Boden.
Über achtzig Prozent der Äthiopier leben hier. Und
die Bevölkerung wächst ständig. Eine äthiopische
Familie hat im Durchschnitt sieben Kinder und muss sich von
weniger als einem Hektar Land ernähren. Das reicht gerade
zum Überleben. Neue Anbauflächen gibt es nicht.
Verbesserte Arbeitsbedingungen und höherer
In Kemete bearbeiten die Frauen die Enset-Pflanze. Der Stärkegehalt
der "Falschen Banane" ist viermal höher als der
von Kartoffeln und liegt bei über 80 Prozent. Da es das
Hauptnahrungsmittel ist, schaben die Frauen unter Einsatz des
ganzen Körpers auch noch die Blätter ab.
Mitarbeiter der GTZ
wollen, dass die Menschen in der Region nicht mehr nur von
der Enset-Pflanze abhängig sind. Anfang Juni 2008 bringen
Nele Wasmuth und weitere Entwicklungshelfer von der GTZ zum
ersten Mal ein neues Erntegerät in das Dorf.
Nicht mehr der Fuß, sondern eine Spannvorrichtung hält
die Blätter straff. Das einfache Instrument ist in Zuammenarbeit
mit Yitbarek Alemu einem äthiopischen Stärkeproduzenten
entstanden. Vorteil: Das Bullat - der stärkehaltige Brei
wird auf einem kleinen Brett gesammelt und bleibt dadurch frei
von Verunreinigungen.
Nele Wasmuth, Entwicklungshelferin, GTZ:
"Die Qualität der Stärke hängt sehr stark
von der Verfassung von der gesundheitlichen Verfassung der Kraft
einer Frau ab. In diesem Fall, mit diesem eigentlich sehr einfachen
Gerät, kann jede Frau ob älter oder jünger gute
Qualität erzeugen und das ist sehr wichtig."
Die Idee: Das hochwertige Bullat kann an einen äthiopischen
Produzenten verkauft werden. So fließt etwas Geld in das
Dorf. Wird der Anbau der Pflanze auch noch zusätzlich optimiert,
sorgt Enset nicht nur für ausreichend Nahrung, sondern
auch für ein wenig Wohlstand.
Technik gegen Hunger
Entwicklungshilfe in Äthiopien
Äthiopien ist "Hungerland". Zumindest in den hiesigen
Medien. Dabei hat das Land auch eine andere Seite: Das
Wirtschaftswachstum der Hauptstadt Addis Abeba beträgt jedes
Jahr mehr als fünf Prozent. Längst ist das Land für
ausländische Investoren interessant geworden.
Die Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit,
kurz GTZ, hat ihre Arbeit im Land dieser Situation angepasst und
die Entwicklungshilfe verändert. Die deutschen Entwicklungshelfer
beschränken sich nicht mehr nur darauf, Getreide zu verteilen
und Brunnen zubohren.
Die Ingenieure und Wissenschaftler aus
Deutschland wollen die Industrialisierung des Landes vorantreiben,
denn Länder, die eine gewisse Schwelle der Industrialisierung
erreicht haben, sind weniger abhängig von Wetter und Ernte.
So sollen in Äthiopien nun landesweit 13 Universitäten
für mehr als 100.000 Studenten entstehen. Im Rahmen dieses
Projekts werden äthiopische Architekten, Ingenieure und kleine
Baufirmen qualifiziert.
Die Schaffung wichtiger Entwicklungsfaktoren
Agrar- und Pharmaindustrie entstehen
In Äthiopien existiert keine Nahrungsmittelindustrie. 85
Prozent der Menschen leben auf dem Land - von der Hand in den
Mund. Wenn es gelingt, die Industrie mit der Landwirtschaft zu
verbinden, erhalten die Agrarprodukte einen höheren Wert.
Die äthiopische Lebensmittel- und Pharmaindustrie zeigt erste
Fortschritte. Auch die Leder- und Textilindustrie verzeichnet
Wachstum. Immer mehr Investoren entdecken das Land. Um diesen
Trend zu sichern, braucht Äthiopien Energie.
Erste Früchte einer Entwicklung sieht man bereits. Das Wirtschaftswachstum
liegt seit fünf Jahren über zehn Prozent. Vergleichbares
Wachstum schaffen in Afrika derzeit nur Länder, die Öl
exportieren können.
Nourishment from Others
A clipping from a Seth-book
The realization that you form your own reality should
be a liberating one.
You are responsible for your successes and your joys.
You can change those areas of your life with which you are
less than pleased, but you must take
the responsibility for your being.
Your spirit joined itself with flesh,
and in flesh,
to experience a world of incredible richness,
to help create a dimension of reality of colors and of form.
Your spirit was born in flesh
to enrich a marvelous area of sense awareness,
to feel energy made into corporeal form.
You are here to use, enjoy, and express
yourself through the body.
You are here to aid in the great expansion of consciousness.
You are not here to cry about the miseries of the human condition,
but to change them when you
find them not to your liking
through the joy, strength and vitality
that is within you;
to create the spirit as faithfully and beautifully as you
can in flesh.
The conscious mind allows you to look outward into the physical
and see the reflection of your spiritual activity,
to perceive and assess your individual and joint creations.
In a manner of speaking,
the conscious mind is a window through
which you look outward
- and looking outward, perceive the fruits of your inner mind.
Often you let false beliefs blur that great vision.
Your joy, vitality and accomplishment
do not come from the outside to you as the result of events
that "happen to you." They
spring from inner events that are the result of your beliefs.
To be human necessitates fine discrimination in the use of
such consciousness.
Many people are afraid of their own thoughts.
They do not examine them.
They accept the beliefs of others.
Such actions distort data from both within and without.
There is no battle between the intuitive self and the conscious
There only seems to be when when the individual
to face all the information that is available in his conscious
Sometimes it seems easier to avoid the requent readjustments
in behavior
that self-examination requires.
In such cases an individual collects many secondhand beliefs.
Some contradict each other;
the signals given to the body and to the inner self
are not smoothly flowing or clear-cut,
but a muddied jumble of counter-directions.
These will immediately set off alarms of various natures.
The body will not function properly,
or the overall emotional environment will suffer.
Such reactions are actually excellent precautions,
meant to be taken as a sign that change is needed.
At the same time, the inner self will transmit to the counscious
insights and intuitions meant to clear its.... [end
of clipping]
[I put this last sentence
in "Search"
and came up with a blog
by John Ratcliff , Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
in which he talks about the book,
from which obviously my cuttings are taken.
Nature of Personal Reality :
Specific Practical Techniques
For Solving Everyday Problems
and Enriching the Life You Know'.
... From the blog of John Ratcliff:
"It is true that much of the Seth material is in close
correlation with recent discoveries and philosophical observations
made about modern physics. Especially as it relates to Bohms
view of the implicate and explicate order,
the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, and even
the multi-dimensional nature of reality as hinted at by superstring
" ....While you can find much that is inspirational in
Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Gnostic Christianity, they all
fall short in important ways;
in ways that I think Seth eloquently expresses.
"What Seth tries
to communicate so clearly is
So many Judeo-Christian ideologies view material existence as
as 'punishment'
and even the more enlightened Eastern philosophies promote a
that the goal is to 'disengage ourselves from the flesh' or
Maya of the world.
Seth embraces physical existence
as a great gift
that we are each given;
that it is a great privilege,
one that is to be reveled in with the greatest creative spirit.
See there an excerpt from Chapter 2 : Reality and Personal Beliefs.
Reprint permission granted by the
spirit realm

which ends with the first quote in the
left frame
Backward into the Future" = "Closeups
to the Past" = Healing&Harvesting my Past
The last words I heard from my cellphone "songs-to-rehearse"
when coming back from the pool and entering my house,
were "sometimes I am satiated and sometimes
I'm hungry"
(why is there no word in English
for "satt" in German and "save'a" in Hebrew?)
which is a line from
Uzi Hitman's song : But I stay always I,
so cherished by Mika.
This coincides with my plan, to dedicate some time to the theme
First - concerning my own life, my own hunger,
but a million times more, concerning the hunger in the world:
I have always been - and still am most of the time - hungry.
But there is no objective reason for this hunger, at least not
The first time, I became aware, that other people are objectively
was in Wolfartsweiler, the village to which we were evacuated
from 1944-1946.
Since there were cows, there was milk, but I hated the skin
on warm milk.
My mother said: "there are many children
in the world, who...."
There objectively wasn't much to eat after the war,
and sometimes the bread , we bought, was "enriched"
with straw.
And when, during those "holidays" with the Fabarius
family in 1947,
I asked for an additional portion of potatos, it was bluntly
"Your mother didn't give you enough
ration-marks (English?)".
But my hunger mainly concerned sweet things.
I would press my nose to the window of a pastry shop,
praying ardently that someone would buy me a cake.
Or when I began to receive pocket-money, 50 pennies a month,
I sometimes could not withstand the temptation of buying a "Schaeumle",
a little heap of foamed eggwhite, for 5 pennies, feeling terribly
guilty afterwards.
Once on my way from the grocery through the cemetery I sat down
on a grave and succumbed to the desire of eating a little from
the bag with the brown sugar,
which at that time was sold since white sugar was not available.
My mother found out... and as usual: collective punishment...
no sugar for all...
On the other hand - in
Sinai 1996, when I literally had not a penny to buy food,
my body cooperated wondrously with my plight:
it was content with what little bread was given to me about
once in 2-3 days.
The real suffering began,
when Martin,
my fiance, made me aware of the hunger in the world.
That was in winter 1959-1960
[11:12 Immanuel called from Ben-Shemen,
where Tomer undergoes interviews and examinations.
He asked about the options of Tomer's weekend.
I'm grate-full that there was no dilemma for me:
the only option is to be with Tomer at Bet Nehemya, from Thursday
16:00 till Sunday ,
but I'll now need all my time and strength to cope with what
is ahead,
and shall, therefore, shorten my coping with the hunger in the
I remember, how my soul felt twisted and tortured, while I was
lying in my bed.
and how I stood up despite the horrid cold in that room at Bielefeld,
which I had hired while studying at the Faculty
for Theology at Bethel,
and wrote Martin a letter, with all kinds of ideas
about how to at least express our solidarity with the hungry
people on the planet.
Later - when my children were big enough to sing -
I made that song [see above]
"dedicating our strength to our fellow human, so he may
become satiated,
and we sang it together before each warm meal, holding hands.
Slow Motion of the Conversation between Reconciled
Mother and Daughter - during supper on Sunday

"It wasn't a good idea, that you screamed at
me this morning!"



Since there is still space on this
page, I'm inserting a long-withheld
composition of
mother and daughter in the Mediterranean
Sea, June 19, 2008
In the train a newpaper was lying in front of
At one time I opened it by chance, and this is what I saw:
reminding me of Tomer with great worry:
3 boys - the age of Tomer - jumped from the roof of their school at
Rosh HaAyin,
inspired by an ad on television!
Two of them were wounded severely. The third, who was injured slightly,
"We jumped like on a trampoline"
Underneath this report - another even more frightening report:
" A soldier applied piercing to his tongue
---- and died.."

When Tomer was asked, what option he himself
would prefer - going to his mother, or being with grandma -
he said without hesitating: "with
grandma in Arad".
Arad is out of the question, since there is an agreement with Bne-Arazim,
that Tomer would always be accompanied to and from the institution.
"But when he is at his mother's, he hangs
out with his "friends" in Tel-Aviv all night",
I said bitterly, and Immanuel responded with
even more bitterness:
"You cannot imagine, what his mother allowed herself again, when
T. was there last weekend.
I even pondered, if I should demand a court verdict against his going
there at all. But it's impossible."
He also told about another "usual"
incident, but which this time drove him out of his mind:
After the family had taken Tomer to dinner, and all had a really good
time together,
his father said to him at home:
"Today you go to sleep at eleven,
since you have to be really awake for your exams at Ben-Shemen tomorrow".
Everyone went to sleep at eleven, but a little past midnight both
Immanuel and Efrat felt that something was wrong.
And , indeed, Immanuel found Tomer at the computer.
"I was so furious, so disappointed, felt so betrayed, that I
couldn't fall asleep until this morning 5 o'clock.
I also had a jet-lag (he returned
from Los Angeles in the afternoon), but
I would have slept if not this...
I almost decided to bring him back to Bne-Arazim right then in the
night and cancel "Ben-Shemen" altogether. "
I had a fleeting thought then, and it is a very strong thought NOW:
"Why can't I show him and myself the holes in us, which attract
as I did, when Efrat was so mad at her daughter on Sunday?"
[At the end of our talk my son reported,
how much Efrat appreciated my support on Sunday.
"Well, I'll tell you, what Efrat
told Sharon,
when Sharon acknowledged Efrat's technical help concerning Sharon's
"It's you who created me like this!"
Later the psychologist of Bne-Arazim showed my son a different perspective
of this incident,
first, why it wasn't so terrible in itself, and second:
"It shows Tomer, how much you believe in him!"
I'm terribly frightened.
I was alone with Tomer many a time,
but he was smaller then, and it wasn't for two days and a half.
Thursday to Friday, Friday to Shabbat, Shabbat to Sunday morning.
I'll talk to Lior Oren, when she'll call
me tonight as fixed, to get some support.
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Keep It
Simple Sweetheart
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