Back to Overview of all sculptures in the fourfold library of "InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness"
InteGRATion into
Nourishment from Others
August 1 - 4, 2011: enriched by more nourishment
How to bring Heaven to Earth
my delight in complementing the messages from others: What are the Conditions
for Heaven-on-Earth?
to Earth PAGE 1 |
to Earth PAGE 2 |
to Earth PAGE 3 |
to Earth RESPONSES |
I am Firing the
Grid on 07-07-17 at 11:11 GMT 14:11 in my time zone, in Israel |
"As we enter a time of more loving energy the frequencies of our earth will heighten. The tonal frequencies of this song awaken a sleeping piece of our soul to remind us of the potential within us all." Shelley Yates in "Firing the Grid>The Plan": |
The 3 musical creations, to which Shelley linked in 2007 are no longer accessible on August 1, 2011, but the site of her friends Bradfield opens with music, which I could record and edit for this page of 2007- 2011 |
The Second Parcel for Rotem, on April 19, 2007 "My final words to my little boy as
the water came over his head was "That is when I heard a voice,
a calm majestic voice, directing me to relax. They were definite in explaining that I
must follow instructions implicitly The team of emergency doctors and neurologists
were waiting for me. Things were the most bleak I have ever known.
Remember, I had no God, so I could
not even call for guidance. They were to do this I proceeded against
hospital protocol Within the first week Evan
had recovered all his body functions, |
Yates speaking in Vancouver
Shelley– after having revived from
death herself - screamed::
to Earth PAGE 1 |
to Earth PAGE 2 |
to Earth PAGE 3 |
to Earth RESPONSES |
to former
source of nourishment from others in 2007 and 2011
to next source
of nourishment from others in 2007
If you
wish, you can already continue
to "Heaven-to-Earth-3" 2007 and 2011
Lovolution towards Union-Consciousness
[I learnt this word from Ran Lichtner, and
later looked into one
of the websites called "Lovolution"]
Arad, Monday, August 1, 2011
As so often, and despite this special date, I woke up with "general-Not-Okay"
But now I have this immediate remedy of remembering and singing my "feeling-song":
Enwrap me, my Shekhinah,
in Your feeling!
Free every judgment about how I'am feeling right now,
panicky to get away from You!
Free me and enwrap me!
For all my joy is in the very fact that I feel!
The intense - painful - re-study of my lesson with Tomer in
August 2008 and in August
intertwined with a surprising call-to-meet from Ran Lichtner about the present
When I couldn't sleep, I pulled a card from the treasure of past nourishments,
Oct. 1982,
which had the potential to throw me even deeper into the self-hatred of "Will
I ever learn"
and this 180% contrary to its content,
i.e. to what I knew already in 1982, and still don't know, leave alone apply,
It was one o'clock past midnight, New Moon, when I walked into the desert.
But the sky was hazy and only one bright star truly "glowed", in
the East, perhaps Jupiter.
I translate,
what I wrote in 1982: "To carry or bear sin": "How do you know: perhaps I want to work precisely through your evil, your errors and your failures?" Perhaps the most important thing demanded from a human being (who is the guarantor for his community) is that he'll truly take upon himself his errors and shames and guilt - and not purify himself from those by: self-justification, blaming others, asking forgiveness, or escaping into the solidarity of "we are all guilty"? "Love your evil - like you I am YHWH" [ the interpretation of Rabbi Nachman of Breszlav of "Love your-other for he is like you", which I found in the book of Erich Neumann : a book which revolutionized my thinking in 1969). Proverbs 30:12 'There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet are not washed from their shit' On the other side of the card I wrote: Mona: "Instead of freeing yourself from Ego, you finally come in touch with it!" Mona:"And don't think rightaway how to teach this - not for half a year!" ![]() I: "I rack my brain what it means: to take the sins of others upon myself, while I still haven't understood how to take my own sins upon my own self." Mona: "You started from the end instead from the beginning. That was your escape!" I: "It was so hard for me all my life to carry my sins, that I neutralized them by our common sins!" Mona: "Don't make a theory, don't learn it by heart- rely on your subconscious! Your next book you will not write about "Solidarity with Others" but about SELF- A C C E P T A N C E!" I: "But just now it seems to me that no one talked about this in Judaism!" Mona: "What do you need Judaism for?" I: "It's convenient for me to hide behind Judaism, but perhaps the time has come to say things in my own name?" |
![]() What contrast to the black-and white photos! It was one of my first digital photos , Febr. 2002, which appeared on the screen, while I was intrigued by Stacey's article about "Destruction" see below. ---------------------------------------------- On the other side of the card I wrote in German Rechtfertigung des Suenders bedeutet, dass Gott jedem Menschen sagt: Du bist mir recht, mein/dein Werk zu tun. Du bist mir recht so wie du bist." [In Protestant Christianity this is called "Justification of the Sinner" and understood as the purpose of birth, life and death of 'God's Son'.] This theological statement referred to my first glimpse of Total Self-Acceptance It hit me, when I had to give a lesson in religion to five-graders in Heidelberg, 1962, about Luke 1: I found a relevant interpretation for "salvation": "God says: "Du bist mir recht!" "You are alright in my eyes!" The tutor of us theology-students was delighted: "You must hurry and teach in My school!" |
the first side of this card I wrote on October 30, 1982 "La connaissance du salut" [="Knowledge of Salvation".] New Testament, Luke 1:77 "And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways; To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins, [ in Greek: "gnosin soterias en aphesei harmation auton"] |
This image , titled "the object of my sorrow-December 2", created
by Kathleen Macgregor, was posted - like the image above - by the
Healing-to-Wholeness site on July 29, 2011
Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810)
The great-grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
(sometimes called Bratzlav, Breslau or Bratislava)
was one of the most creative, influential and profound of the Chassidic masters.
Breslov is a town in the Ukraine where Rabbi Nachman spent the end of his
but some say the name Breslov comes from the Hebrew bris lev, meaning
of the heart".
his youth, he followed a path of asceticism and prayer,
though he warned his followers not to abuse themselves physically.
He emphasized living life with joy and happiness.
One of his best-known sayings is,
"It is a great mitzvah [commandment]
to be happy."
[I'm certain, that he said "joyful" (sameakh)
. See the difference between
joy and happiness!]
was a passionate individual, given to intense swings of emotions.
These he put toward the service of G-d, and spoke often of
how to find G-d even in the low states of mind,
and how to serve Him during the emotional highs.
...Rabbi Nachman died of Tuberculoses at the age of 38. ...
the mystery and depth of his teachings continue to attract students today,
and Breslover Chassidism is one of the largest and most vibrant of Chassidic
[Why did and do all those, whom I identify as my potential
peers, let themselves die so soon, while I....]
The Quero Apache tell us we’ve entered the ‘Year
of Birthing New Reality.’
On March 9th, 2011 we begin what Carl Johan
Calleman calls
‘The Unity Wave’
the beginning of our Initiation into Unity Consciousness and peaceful co-creation.
from the "Go-Gratitude-Crew" July 31st begins the Fifth
Day on the Mayan Unity Consciousness Wave calendar, and so does our
42 Day Blooming Humans Unity Wave. ... The dictionary offers these
synonyms: ruin, havoc, wreckage, crushing, wrecking, shattering, undoing,
demolition, devasta-tion, annihilation, and ruination. Wow! By embracing destruction as part of the cycle of Life, we free our conscious-ness, emotions and energy bodies of fear-filled, limiting thoughts and BLOOM into an empowered state of co-creation. As a Global Come-Unity, we are witnessing the rapid dissolution of many systems, structures and old-paradigm ways of operating. ie. fear, separation, force, control and manipulation. Out of this dissolving, or destruction,
is rising a new consciousness based on Unity, Cooperation, and Co-Creation. In Gratitude we GO ... and grow! ...Now, to share a personal experience on Birthing New Reality and the life-affirming power of Destruction (a paradox, to be sure!), let's begin with a Dream. Under the June New Moon and solar eclipse I was on a Moon Quest - a native women's form of vision quest. For three days, in solitude on the land, I slept during the day and stayed awake at night to dream awake, call in vision and re-connect with the life-affirming energies of Changing Mother. My intention for the Moon Quest was to gain clarity and insight into my ever-flowering purpose and Life Path. This is one dream, of many, that came: I AM Standing in a well-lit, octagonal room, many stories high. Hanging above my head, suspended from the ceiling at various heights and angles are pieces of Art, lovingly crafted by a single HeARTist. Mid-Way up the chamber is a glass-windowed viewing level, wrapping all the way around the center gallery. On the viewing level stand many beings, looking in rapture and awe at the beauty of the art pieces. In order to fully appreciate each piece in the collection, the viewers must make a full circle journey around the center gallery. To see the Great-FULL-Ness of the art on display, the patrons must change their perspective many times. Still standing at the center of the gallery, appreciating the opportunity to be centered in the midst of such an exquisite, unique display of heARTistry ... I AM suddenly whisked away. Traveling through a tunnel of light and whirling stars, I find myself serenely surrounded by the Heavens of Creation. Star nurseries pulse in the distance, constellations dance, and a peace-filled silence permeates All that IS. Next, a scrolling series of HeART peaces appears before me. Flowing from left to right, as if on a cosmic carousel of fortune, one after the other comes and goes. Each carries the energy of Ancient Wisdom: Sigils lovingly crafted to offer insight, inspiration and initiation into a higher order of Consciousness. The styles of art vary widely ~~~ revealing each piece is crafted by a different HeARTist. At once, I become aware it is up to me to CHOOSE an image. As soon as I decide to CHOOSE, the scrolling body of images stops and locks into place. A HeART Peace comes into clear view. The image reveals an illuminated Tree, standing guardian at the center. Two Beloveds - male and female - face one another at the base of the tree, their HeartFires glowing. On the tree trunk, between the two Beloveds, are two interlocking Hearts. One inverted from above, meets the other (right-side up) from below, creating an infinity symbol in the center. The tree branches twist and inter-connect, making the shapes and forms of animal guardians in the canopy of the tree. There is no separation between the guardians and the Tree. They are One. Above the Tree is a full rainbow, bending to meet the land on both sides, with a Pink Ray at the center. Between the rainbow and the tree float symbols, glyphs and ancient text. Upon full recognition of the contents of the HeART peace, I AM once again whisked through the tunnel of Light, returning to the center of the Gallery. As I gazed upward, I find the gallery is now empty. Cords which once carried art pieces are now barren, and viewers look on in confusion. The curators of the show are even more distraught, a look of panic fills their faces. 'Where have the HeART peaces gone?', I wonder. Just then, a door appears to the right of me. Curious where it leads, I step through the door into an adjoining room. Here is the HeARTist, the Creator, bright-eyed with a wide-grin ~~~feeding the HeART peaces, one by one ~~~ into a shredder. With great Joy and excitement, the artist
proclaims: Filled with many layers of insight, wisdom, and universal-yet-personal symbology this dream also reveals the gift, beauty and power of Destruction in our lives! The artist is teaching us to release our attachment to the past~~~ in order to Birth New Reality! .....As Meister Echart invites, "Become
aware of what is in you. |
Blooming Humans.com/unity-wave Leveraging the
Power of Group-Focus This Special Blooming Humans Unity Wave Begins July 31st. Growing through this wave together at the same time, we’ll be: >>> Calibrating our Thoughts, Vibrations
and Energetic Presence In 42 days we flow through ALL the stages
of the Mayan 234-day calendar ~~~ from Seed Activation to Fruition.
.... consciously tap into the BUDDING co-creative
energies Starting at New Moon, we align with the lunar
cycle of New Beginnings . . . A perfect time to plant seeds of intention,
On the Quero Apache calendar, this is the Dragon Moon. A rare occurrence, this moon invites us to “fill the world with freedom through evolutionary vision”.
Stacey dreamt not only about a
star nursery [see left frame], but also about " Two Beloveds"
" two interlocking Hearts.
One inverted from above, meets the other (right-side up) from below,
creating an infinity symbol in the center. Day
1 - BIRTHING NEW REALITY "What is my role in Birthing New Reality?" Once more, here's how we Go and Grow: 4. Record what comes thru, preferably in a journal dedicated to the Blooming Humans experience. Allow space for integration, contem-plation and sparks! emitting feelings of Appreciation and Joy. Share, as inspired. What is this Dream Seed? It is a time-capsule, designed to activate and grow into your unique role in Birthing New Reality. Just imagine what will happen as multitudes across the face of creation activate their Dream Seeds, too: A Garden of Illuminated Hearts ... Unity ... Peace ... Thrive-ability ... Just to name a few. Who knows what will sprout and grow! Also, we've set up a Facebook page to connect, share and record the journey.Please join us here: Thank you for making the profound choice to
begin. We look |
and Uniqueness
"We're all composing the same picture"
(see below - the song of kullanana, of All of Us: a Million heart-beats]
While translating and editing my "bio-testimony",
I re-discovered the wonderful song "Through
Heaven's Eye" in "The Prince of Egypt",
in which Yitro, the Bedouin Sheikh and his future wife's father, empowers
Moses towards taking responsibility for his people-of-slaves.
A single thread in a tapestry though
its color brightly shines can never
see its purpose in the pattern of
the grand design
- Second day - GROWING IN GRATITUDE [see the "Wave of Word Gratitude", which began on Sept. 8, 2010] Our thoughts and emotions create a vibrational
field, Designed to give birth By choosing an attitude of Gratitude,
... You are Now programming your Dream Seed
Growing forward, This simple shift ====================================== Blooming Humans are WE! ====================================== Remember, it is the soil that feeds the
seed. By prepping the Garden of our Hearts "It's common to say that trees come
from seeds. But the seed does provide something that
is crucial : |
Dream Seed HuManifesto,
Blooming Humans - Dream Seed HuManifesto |
another group-email today: .......I, like many, am now looking at the distinctly different ways that resonate within our souls, to 'be' as a Divine New Human. Each of us requires making our own personal adjustments in order to be harmonized, recalibrated and vibrationally sound within and without for ourselves first, and then we shall be far more effective and valuable for being in service and support to humanity and the New World. We have a task and we made a promise to make ourselves ready for the downpour of the new Codes of Light and of Love that will weave themselves into the temple of our beings, if we have created a clear container for them to enter into, in the months and year ahead, particularly on the 11-11-11 and the 12-12-12. ... I have become better apprised of the fact, that when we truly take care of ourselves, by our very actions we are taking care of all others. This to me now is an important aspect of being in service in an entirely new way. The protocols for living in the New World are completely unique to the ones we have lived since we have taken on human form. We, as humans, have lived very unnatural lives. That will no longer be supported. The New World does not allow for any one of us to live against The Laws of Nature or the New Codes of Conduct.... Knowing precisely what is called for and the ways in which to arrive there, (which is actually so much simpler, and clean than what we have to this point been conditioned for,) still requires our deep attention, curiosity, fluidity, ...a truthful and abiding love for Self and all others and a much greater capacity to fully embrace joy, happiness, harmony and peace. These are no longer just lovely words. They are a mandate for passage into the New World. Only when we have 'prepared our mansion on Earth,' which is our Selves, will further Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth be passed on to any one of us. We must exhibit the attributes of each of the above. No longer are there corners or masks to hide behind. Everything is transparent now to those with eyes to see. .. In closing, we have a responsibility for ourselves now to sustain the ways of our Higher Evolution and hold the frequencies of the greater bandwidths of energy that beckon us forth. We have a large task at hand, bringing Heaven to Earth, clearly through ourselves first, thus making us able to lend a solid hand to each other. So for me, off I go ... to re-focus, recalibrate and solidify my own state of being so I may continue to enhance the new Divine Plan upon Earth and be in greater service upon the Path of Love to myself and all others in an even more effective manner. How about you? What are you up to? |
A surprising call from Ran Lichtner about meeting with me and Moshe Klein on August 12, 2011
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"Since so many people and peoples are now in a process of taking responsibility for their lives, it seems, that the changes, which we - in Sinai, Aug. 1996 - "prophesied till 2011" , are greater than what we expected. Therefore it is important that the three of us, fore-runners of the "Lovolution", meet and decide where humankind must go now." We parted and I went
to the pool as usual. When I came back, I ate my simple dish , as
usual, |
I "by chance", read a story in my small German edition of
Buber's Chassidic
Stories, which is with me since 1960.,
Rabbi Uri, p. 613,
why then is it forbidden
for one letter to touch another letter? "Each soul in Israel needs hours in which to be alone with her Creator." I, Rachel, would interpret: The consciousness of Unity does not contradict the consciousness of uniqueness. If we were not different rays of the one sun, different waves of the one ocean, different colors of the one light - there would be no creation, no manifestation, which in turn means: there would be no knowing, no creating and no loving. To love someone , s/he must be both, like me! equal to me! and yet different from me! "Infinite Combinations in Infinite Diversity" [Blooming Humans] |
in Jean Hudon on July 31: video: Healing our Blue Jewel through Planetary Healers "Oliver Hauck, a wonderful lightworker and film maker, is making an uplifting film about planetary healers and how we can all heal the earth. The film includes messages from David Miller and the Arcturians, Pepper Lewis who channels Gaia, and Roger Nelson, a psychologist who founded the Global consciousness project. Oliver is travelling to the Sahara desert in August ... to do an experiment with group consciousness and rain. " "This film will bring viewers closer... to know about the existence of more similarities between humans and the earth,... People will feel close to ... a true mother. What could be better than a hug from her? In this loving embrace, people will come to words and deeds ...: The planetary healer. ![]() only then will you find, that money cannot be eaten. Cree Indian Prophecy ![]() |
these messages are wonderful, and so is Ran Lichtner's enthusiasm, but I need to balance this by "hatznea laekhet", i.e by. "walking humbly with my God", and by stooping down to where the "Mother in me", "the Will", the feelings, emotions, intuitions and desires are still neglected, ignored, denied, shoved aside. Why is it, that just now I was urged to cope with 'my teacher' Tomer, and reshuffle my past lessons with him, and realize sadly, how, what caused me to fail over and over again, is played out also in my children, his father and my daughter-in-love?. But it's not the failure, which is the point. For my potential peers all over the world who desire to succeed in lovolving "Unity-Consciousness", the point is, - to be aware of my failures - to let Body move the pains, - and then: not to judge them, but, on the contrary, to trust, that "it's through your failures and shames, that I work", i.e. that this world, this humankind lovolves. |
Arad, Tuesday, August 2, 2011
"At peace with all the Universe, yet filled with
zestful fire
serene with past achievements, alive with new desire ..."
My peace is gone again, because my "zestful fire"
does not pertain to anything in the exterior world,
I am serene with past achievements, but my "new desire" does not
pertain to meeting with any-One.
And since I promised Gal, I would "work" for the sake of an encounter
between me, Tomer and her,
and since I agreed with Ran's wish, that we, the forerunners of 'Lovolution',
would meet on Aug. 12,
and since I am, "of course", flooded by ideas, which might make
these meetings more efficient,
but the planning of which would amplify my pressure and stress of having to
meet expectations,
I understand, that the word "sin"
in that compressed diary of 1982 |
A letter to Ran Lichtner and Moshe Klein , which I sculpted, but did not send. Perhaps it is not by chance, that the situation with them in 1996, though most relevant for my life then, and probably for the future, is documented only incompletely. ![]() |
I was about to close the computer - at 11 PM - when I saw the tiny screen-image under "August 2". I enlarged it and detected this sequence of April 2005, Tomer (11) and Bowling:
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Arad, Wednesday, August 3, 2011
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![]() Michelangelo (Sistine Chapel) depicted "the End Time" As to me, I detected some charming flower-clusters, which on this day are hanging from my veranda |
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This time I want to insert a sequence with Mika on
this page
(see a larger version in "her
own pages")
Her mother tells about their 3 days in London:
"Mika found a "sabba" (grandpa)
flower in the park,
she blew on it and then asked being granted a wish.
I don't know its content, but she was very focused."
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And as to me, I no longer must Do anything
on the exterior level,
as I've come to learn in January
2006 in my Cave of the Womb,
"the most painful strain in my
right groin and hip told me that my work in the exterior world was done."
I also must not think about what "has to be done" for the planet,
as this film of Oliver Hauck (s. above) with us pleads so ardently.
I suffer "all the
iniquities" against planet and all its inhabitants.
I desire what the crew of the "Blooming Humans Wave" desires.
But I must not waste my energy on neither that pain nor this desire.
I must stoop down, listen to my own so slowly growing self-acceptance,
I tremble, I shiver, I sob , I accept, that the
hologram which I am,
seems to be still so far from feeling "okay" in every inhale and
But I do trust, that it's Mika's/my prayer of blowing my feathered seeds into
the world,
the seeds of my healing into total self-acceptance, into total "I am
okay" with my 2 sins
- of not fulfilling expectations and the fear of it
and of invalidating people by my very presence -
this is my individual way of healing Creation into Wholeness,
and thus bringing Heaven-to-Earth.
and Uniqueness
"We're all composing the same picture"
to my own singing and see my sculpture on
more I learn the "kulanana" song of "All-of-Us" the song of "a Million heart-Beats", [video] the more I am amazed by both - the content, and the process of how it came into being: "We all compose one picture ...." ( kulanana, - a splendid new word - which mixes the Hebrew kullanu and the Arabic kulluna or kullna ='we all' or 'all of us' together with "anu" = we in Hebrew ) Now Roni Schechter and Na'ama Alon, Project "kullanana" [see there a video of how this NGO was established] were interviewed in "Osim Seder Hadash" about the present "Social Protest " in the State of Israel. |
![]() On the website of "Kulanana" this image was chosen as entry to the song: , Ron Weinreich who was wounded during the 2nd Lebanon-War and sang from his wheel-chair |
![]() In Shironet I found this front image for the song: An elderly -religious! - couple kiss, - an opportunity to pass on the "good news" that there is a group of religious Jews who supports the Palestinians' struggle in Sheikh Jarach, A Million of Pulses (or heart-beats) sung by the team of "A Star is Born", 9th season, lyrics: Noam Horev, tune: Ohad Hitman Look at how we all talk about heat We honk at the traffic light here now And among thousand hopes it's always the same prayer And the same news on the hour Look at how we all stand in traffic And there are a thousand dreamers awake here tonight Look at how all of us are from joy to joy Look at how we all march together
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After I had translated the lyrics myself, Look how we all speak about the heat Look how we’re all caught up in traffic (CHORUS) And a thousand dreamers are awake here tonight
See my sculpture on the next page
of us the sons of a single man, we are honest, your servants have
never been spies. |
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Can there be sharper contrast between the "Holy"
Scripture 2400-3500 years ago and the Masterchef cooking-contest on the streets
of Israel in 2011?
And yet - this is an example of ALL-OF-US!
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first video about my son on the Internet: Audition with the judges Haim Cohen and Eyal Shani. See much more On July 21 I photographed the audition of a Palestinian Muslim woman, from a town near the border - they showed, how she squeezed herself through the Israeli checkpoint... |
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Continue to "Heaven-to-Earth-3"