Back to Overview of all sculptures in the fourfold library of "InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness"
InteGRATion into
Nourishment from Others
September 7- 20, 2011: enriched by more nourishment
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I am Firing the
Grid on 07-07-17 at 11:11 GMT 14:11 in my time zone in Israel |
The Sixth Parcel
for Rotem, on May 3, Then we have those who have been searching outside
the organized religions The fence sitters make up the third type. |
Sixth Part of the Video
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to Earth PAGE 2 |
to Earth PAGE 3 |
to Earth RESPONSES |
former source of nourishment from others, 2007 and 2011
to next source
of nourishment from others in 2007
If you
wish, you can already continue
to "Heaven-to-Earth-7" 2007 and 2011
Lovolution towards Union-Consciousness
from Heaven-to-Earth 5
Arad-Shoham, Wednesday,
September 7, 2011,
Closing and Opening, Darkness and Light - a threefold
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When Ra'ayah brought
the Quartet to me, she entered for a moment, and there she paid attention
to the composition on the wall:
My first family with my father in uniform during his last visit before he
got himself killed during the invasion of Sicily in Aug. 1943.
and my 3 children, when they were small, in a play-pen, converted into a pyramid
by creative Immanuel, and when they were big,
mother and daughter embraced, Immanuel in uniform, a pilot in the Israeli
air-force, and the Israeli flag between him and Micha.
All this framed by 2 flower-pins from Hathra (2004), and the mystical ivory
rose, a gift (1981) from an artisan-shop in Bethlehem.
A week later I myself was caught and stunned by a momentary illumination of
what is hidden behind TV set and pyramidal lamp:
The afternoon-sun played a game of less than a minute with darkness and light....
Shoham, Thursday, September 8, 2011 [once the birthday of my ex-husband, Rafael Rosenzweig, born 1922, died 2001]
![]() ![]() The Divine Name - The Sound That Can Change the World “How 11.11.11 Becomes The Divine Name”. Healing Sounds® pioneer Jonathan Goldman demonstrates in a video , accompanied by overtone-singing, how the magical numbers 11.11.11 transform into the Tetragrammaton; YHVH the four letter name of God that was revealed to Moses on Mt. Sinai. the Divine Name is actually a universal sound composed entirely of vowels that when intoned resonates our chakras and puts us in touch with the Divine.
It's for many years, that Jonathan Goldman's Soundhealing makes me rejoice. This video reached me today, and what did occur yesterday? In the bus from Tel-Aviv to Shoham I was continuing to read in my folder but I had taken with me only the pages from 100 to the end , 135, not wanting to carry the entire folder . By chance the text , sculpted exactly 40 years ago, was about the divine name. "Or" (=light) a young man, religious, soldier in the Intelligence, from Shoham, asked: "What is it you're reading, is this by Nechama Leibowitz?" I wondered, for who knows Nechama Leibowitz, one of the two people in Israel, who 40 years ago interpreted the Hebrew Bible like me according to the "leading word" , the method, which Buber and Rosenzweig rediscovered. Or was bewildered, when I said, that the Bible has been helping me "learn to live"! "I sometimes ask myself, what's the meaning of life, but "learning to live ?" ![]() perhaps I'll have the "time" to copy more of this not accepted first version of my PH.D. |
How a daughter-in-love lets herself be helped by her mother-in-love "I didn't close an eye",
said Mika about her last night, |
Shoham, Friday,
September 9, 2011 [once
the birthday of my mother, Maria (Berge) Guth, born 1909, died 1985]
Amsterdam and Shoham,
Anne Frank and Mika Rosenzweig, 1945 and 2011
Just before the beginning of Mika's
first school-year, the threesome visited for 4 days in Amsterdam -see
SongGame 2007_10_14.
And see also the Mika-Anne sculpture on
the last page of the 64 pages of my Re-creation-in-slow-Motion of the Masterchef
![]() Today I learnt, that Mika, who after lingering "incarnated" in Amsterdam. As a girl, her mother, from Moroccan background, looked like Anne Frank. Abba and Imma showed Mika Van Gogh and visited the Anne-Frank house. They had to wait outside for 40 minutes - time of Mika to prepare herself... ![]() |
![]() Mika sits and does her homework in one of several modern schoolbooks. After she'd finished what she was obliged to finish, she came to my room. "WORD, Savta" she demanded, meaning: I want to write letters in "WORD"! Tthe day before she wrote a proper sentence: "with love to Abba from Mika, the child. May you win in "Masterchef". 3 letters are" she wanted to write "in the word ABBA", but misclicked, the doc vanished and by chance the power of the computer got cut off. This was 10 min. before Abba's leaving for his flight to China - he managed to repair it Now on this night she swept swiftly along the keys, till after some 20 lines- the word "ABBA" produced itself "by chance" - her way of writing a diary? ![]() |
![]() Annelies Marie "Anne" Frank 1942 |
![]() Ruth (Efrat) Avitan perhaps 1982 |
Shoham-Arad, Sunday,
September 11, 2011
12:40 11.09.11
"Netanyahu: Cairo embassy attack was an assault on Israel-Egypt
That assault and that rescue 'happened" yesterday
before sleep I read in the "album" with excerpts
from diary-entries and pictures of 1979, created for my 3 children
in 1995
March 26, 1979: P E A
C E - T R E A T Y W I T H E G Y P T
The sculpture next to this naive announcement was meant
to symbolize the meaning of this embryo-peace.
[the cartoon shows Saadat and Begin
paint the first stroke in the hollow 'SHALOM" as contrasted to the blatant
And this is what I wrote in Hebrew in 1995:
Zittenfeld [a Jewish pupil, to whom
I gave private lessons in Latin, in 1956, a year before I finished school]
- in her Anne-Frank look and with her "Arian"
friend Irmi :
her parents, holocaust survivors, like Esther's parents, reached Stuttgart
from a DP Camp
(DPs = displaced persons, not as I wrote
here: Deserted Persons)
never recovered.
Poli's father committed suicide, Esther's
father lay in hospital for years with MS, and her mother died young.
"In March 1979, I discovered the address of Poli, by then a psychotherapist,
and wrote to her.
I did not get
an answer,
but on this day (18/1/95) it
is clear to me, why I came across Poli on the Day of Peace."
Our neighbor at Ramat-Hadar, Gershon
Litman said after Saadat's visit:
"Now I know why I survived Auschwitz
- to experience this day!"
Only during the time of my
last "Peace"-initiative , in summer 2003,
did I learn and understand from Nimr,
my "Partnership-Partner":
"we , the Israeli
Arabs, were mad at Saadat for making peace with Israel
without considering the Palestinians!! No wonder,
he was murdered."
Arad, Monday, September 12, 2011
![]() On our way back from school, Mika knelt on the ground and let me re-discover the mysteries of the Judas-Tree, the spirals of its pods, the intricacy of its "lentils" (Mika's word) with which we so often had played, when she was little. I stuck two on the iron frame of the mirror in my room at Mika's . Today, in my room at Arad something reflected the afternoon-sun up to the ceiling and drew a pattern, which reminded me of those double spiral pods. At the same moment I knew, what these two signs meant........... And there was a third sign: When I came back to Arad, I could not enter my e-mail. the password didn't work. and nothing I did, could repair it. Yet Immanuel, my magician, was in the air for another 10 hours, and it was only this afternoon, that he could solve my problem. He replaced the password "strength" which I had never chosen, -it sneaked in - wherever a password was demanded, I didn't know how with the password, which had accompanied me for many years. This word, too, must stay a secret. ![]() |
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Arad, Wednesday,
Septemer 14, 2011
7:46 Time! Everything is about learning Time
Once again I
quote from Time is the key to the
multi-dimensional reality. And so, the expression
of gratitude ... the vibrational frequency of Earth plane
has increased significantly Well, by 2012, you will enter "no time".
Now, as time slows to the point of ceasing
altogether, ... What is in fact speeding up is the rate
of manifestation,
Arad, Friday,
September 16, 2011
travel to Yanina to Ramat-Hadar, from
there by taxi to Shoham, now, 14:00 , back in Arad
Mika is already the best friend of
Elihav, [one of "the amazing trio" of "Masterchef", as
they call themselves], when
he was ordered to interview Immanuel in his home.
Yesterday, Thursday morning
7:38 [completion on Sept.17
+ Oct.12]:
I have 12 minutes before going out to two big assignments. My head aches a bit - something that hasn't occurred in years. But "Paula" will put it right, round breathing will set it right, too. After feeling and moving and thinking
this night, I no longer suffer pain or anxiety with regard to meeting
I'm free now to demand for myself what I
need, so that I can trust her. As to the "message"
which I wish to transmit through that
TV interview, which will be broadcasted before the Masterchef
finals, I hear you saying: |
Today, Fridaymorning, still
at Shoham, 8:00
I'm awake since 5 o'clock and I seem to have one hour till I must set out to travel home. On the exterior level all experiences on the strenuous last day were to my best expectation [addition on 18:21: yet a horrid attack of back-pain began at 16:00, just when the program began, which included the Masterchef-team's cooking for the soldiers which have to "stay Shabbat" in a basis on the Golan-Heights..... The unbearable pain and immobility told me, that the great emotional (and physical) efforts didn't pass "unnoticed" by Body - but soon I could even water my garden, somehow, and the pain became weaker with the hours until it vanished in the evening]. And yet, there were and are so many feelings, which need not only to be moved, but understood, accepted and integrated. I want to mention one suffering, to which I never paid attention before: it is "caused" by my identification with a person who judges him/herself. Like when Efrat - after the Masterchef interview (staged and repeated too often) - mumbled: "I said the same things many times - what an idiot I am", "they will cut out what you said twice, so don't worry", Immanuel comforted her , or like when even Immanuel - who by now is used to being exposed - asked me, if his singing (to the guitar), which Elihav "suggested", was terrible out of tune. "When you played and sang "Tzippor Shniyah" - [Second Bird] , your voice was hoarse - how else could it be, when you have to perform without any preparation, but you were not out of tune at all". but behind his constant smile, also Elihav was self-conscious, (it turned out, that the interview-questions were dictated to him, but luckily I could answer what I wanted to answer, and convey my message, which had come to me clearly - [comment on October 12, 2011: Only one sentence was selected for the edition on TV, but it was the sentence which people really grasped, as I and Immanuel could see later). What made us laugh, me and Efrat, was the phenomenon, that she couldn't help feeling my "suffering", during the intense, noisy, chaotic situation, and more so, when Mika and I were sent upstairs for most of the time, without even be told, that the reason was, "that interviewed people are not natural, when they are asked to tell about their childhood and relationship with the family". "but now I identify with your pain of identifying with me and suffer twice..." Turning inside I ask: 'How should I relate to this constant feeling of identifying myself with other people's pains, except that I know, of course, that I'm often, but not always projecting on them my own pains? And by the way, "by the way"...., I again wonder, how you, who know all your aspects, all your rays and waves and colors, can bear all their pains? It even occurred to me again, that all this personification of YOU is nonsense... But I tell myself - as always, that the fact that we are "persons" means o b v i o u s l y, that you are "persons", who do feel all our pains. But what if you aren't? "We smile! |
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In order to not
forget the bigger, bitter picture: "Al-Araqeeb |
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I just heard - in 3 SAT
"Nano" - that there are planets which surround not one sun, but two suns! I felt joy! For often when I'm yearning for my true peer, I wonder, how this could at all happen, For if I am a sun, not a planet, how can another sun be with me? They circle around each other, the astronomers say. How wondrous, this metaphor for true peership! |
Arad, Sunday,
September 18, 2011
focus is still on the slow motion study of the "Masterchef" workshop--
now program 15
the video about Spencer
Tunick's artwork with naked people at and for the Dead Sea
I'm very happy about this event and all its
effects, may people be aware of them or not.
Today Achinoam Nini in "Words I must say before
Sept 20" quotes President Abbas:
“Our first, second and third priority is negotiations.
There is no other way to solve this.
No matter what happens at the United Nations,
we have to return to negotiations.
We don’t want to isolate Israel but to live with it in peace and security.
We don’t want to delegitimize Israel. We want to legitimize ourselves”...)
Arad, Monday,
September 19, 2011
L., in her "clinical" depression, called:
"what should I do ?!"
Whatever I said to support her, the weakest of voices repeated:
"what can I do?"
Her assignment is to let herself be supported by her boyfriend,
into whose rented flat she has recently moved in as a co-tenant.
But since this human being even refuses to look
at his holes,
which are horridly triggered by L.'s despair and despondency,
they push each other into feelings/judgments of unworthyness.
In the end I had to give up and admit my own powerlessness.
"I feel guilty like hell, L., but the only thing I can do now,
is to appeal to your cosmic self to help you help yourself,
b y b a s i n g y o u r r e l
a t i o n s h i p o n m
u t u l s u p p o r t.
You are 23, you've learnt from me concept and techniques
of supporting others and guiding others in supporting you.
If this concept of mutual support is NOT working for
if you think, your relationship with A. can work without it,
if you go on "having sex" while your souls are NOT whole,
then we must admit , that it is not ME who can be of help.
If, on the other hand, you can win over A.
and come to me and take a minimal lesson
in how to heal feelings, release judgments,
and take total responsibility for yourselves,
then I invite you to me, but only after the 24th."
We agreed to part in admitted feelings of powerlessness.
And thus I woke up: filled with grate-full-ness as always,
but with this sting of letting my 'starchild' grope in mud.
And yet -
I once again became certain of this week's assignment:
to totally focus on my desire for the Masterchef finals:
not one person will win, but all three will be victorious.
The most wondrous though strenuous way to focus is
by sculpting the path of competitors as well as judges
i n s l o w m o t i o n.
Today (now it's 9:14) I
start with the 16th program,
and I do desire to find the technique for completing,
what has been shown on TV and appears on videos.
before the occurrence of the live Finale on the 24th,
while all the time feeling how the world is changing
22:45,After a very good togetherness with starchild
[after having seen this sun-metaphor,
he said to his love Madleine:
"You are a sun, and everyone is circling
around you,
but know, that I am a sun , too!" ]
I complete this day with a wonderful short video:
at yourself after watching this"
There is a peer, who does what I do -
what is right with the World!
Arad, Tuesday, September
20, 2011
This last sculpture on this page may be an example
of living in "holographic", non-linear time...
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day is meant to be a breakthrough for the Palestinians. In "GoodNews"
I find another though small breakthrough which occurred on Sept. 14: Nearly four decades after severing ties in wake of Yom Kippur War, Israeli Embassy reopens in Accra, the Captial of Ghana "It's hard to describe the sense of pride we felt, standing here with a local orchestra playing the anthem and seeing the flag flying in the background," newly appointed Ambassador to Ghana Sharon Bar-Lee told Ynet "on the sides of the road, we were greeted by 'talking drums' – when you play them the sound they make sounds like actual syllables, and they played the word 'Israel.' There was an electrifying vibe in the air!" Israel currently has two ongoing projects with Ghana, in the fields of medicine and children's education. |
23:20 I went to bed joyously and healthy. 2 min. later I wanted to get up to stop the vent, but my back was stuck and hurt like an apokalypse. With screams and unbearable Octopus squirmings (see my slow motion creation with Mika) I reached the vent and fell back into bed, screaming. When I reached a certain position, it was alright, but as usual I woke up for turning around - oh hell... I suffered my full bladder till 7:30 and then crept to the loo like a worm. Forcing myself to raise my body and sit somehow - oh hell. Body decided to make it even harder - diarhea, then and 15 min. later again. In bed again I tried to detect - by chance - what would be a fitting contrast to the present Masterchef sculptures. I did come across two compositions in my "Hologram of Rachel 1984" - two huge folders of sculptures in paper. I dragged myself - with the funniest and most torturous movements to preparing a cup of coffee and then to the computer and this entry. But now I'm "finished" and must creep to bed. What about my plans? Obviously I must let go of them!!! |
At 12:15 - after I allowed myself
to swallow two of the only pills I have,
they are "against" coughing, but since
they contain Codein, they might relax my back a bit,
I returned to the computer - still with excruciating pains, but a bit more
mobile -
and the first thing I did, was to watch another movie, sent, like the above,
by Jean Hudon:
against all odds - with Emmanuel Kelly,
the "handicapped" singing star
(On Sept.22 I learnt from the Israeli
TV, that an Iranian (or Iraquian?) mother put her handicapped twins in a shoe-box,
which was found by an Australian woman and it was this woman, who decided
to raise them.)
MALLASZ Talking with Angels [see my work with the parts of the book, which I found online in May 2011, When I shared my joy about some of these messages with Yanina, she ordered the book. Now she gave it to me as a gift to my birthday. End of the last of the messages given to "The Four" during 17 months, 1943-44: p. 466 Victory over death! In jubilation the Four Who Sing: ... THE TWO HALVES OF LIFE HAVE BECOME ONE. Believe: Eternal Life is already yours Gitta ends the book, which appeared for the first time 33 years after the experience of The Four, with this story: "The Red Army is slowly but surely descending upon Hungary: ... Everything in the city begins to disintegrate and a sense of the inevitable end is in the air. On December 2 (1944), the young girl who has been keeping watch suddenly crashes into the workroom... a company of Hungarian Nazis has broken down the front gate and is approaching the house. I (Gitta, the only non-Jew among the Four) race madly out the back door and through the secret opening in the fence to our German SS neighbors to call them to help us. ....The German soldiers immediately grab their hand grenades and run with me to the clothing factory! At the sight of the approaching SS, the Hungarians retreat in confusion. p. 468 My calmness returns and I gain a clear presence of mind. While the Hungarian commander hesitates, I discreetly signal to one of the women that all of the others should take flight through the garden of the SS. As we stand in front of the house (in the book a sketch is attached), an incredible development unfolds in the backyard: the German Nazis stand guard for the Jewish women and children so that they can escape from the Hungarian Nazis. Two German soldiers take position on either side of the escape hole through our common fence and hedge, ready with their hand grenades to defend against any intervention by the Hungarians. With powerful gestures, they encourage the women: "Quickly! Run fast!" At the same time, the German corporal, the Hungarian officer and I are engaged in an animated discussion in front of the house.......[Gitta does everything to win time, but under the pressure of the Hungarians) p.469 the German corporal makes contact with his superior and, as I had suspected, the German commander has not had the slightest inkling of the friendly relationship between his soldiers and their next-door neighbors, and he reprimands, then sternly instructs his corporal to "not interfere in this affair." With that, my delaying tactics come to an end and the SS soldiers retreat. Together with the Hungarian Nazis p.470 I leave the office and he is horrified to see that no more workers are present; the house is empty! I look out into the garden, and now it is my turn to be horrified: a group of thirteen women, guarded by Hungarian soldiers, stands lined at attention and ready to march. It is those who are too old to flee, or too weak, and those who have made the decision not to flee: Hanna and Lili (two of The Four). I know how much both of them love life and how foreign the idea of voluntary martyrdom is. They are not submitting to deportation without reason. On the one hand, they fear that I will be shot on the spot if the Nazis find no one to deport and it is obvious that I have been deceiving them. I suspect an additional reason: Hanna has often said to me that, of the four of us, it is I who must stay alive to save the message of the angels and give it on. The thirteen women are deported to Ravensbrueck. Only one of them survived. She later told me that Lili was such a radiant, loving force in the death camp that her fellow prisoners would volunteer to work with the hard-labor detachments, or Kommandos, as they were called, where Lili could always be found, so as to be in her consoling, strength-giving presence. p. 471 ...As the SS guards shaved the heads of the prisoners, one of them called out to Hanna: "Hey, what are you doing here, with your blue eyes, your straight nose and your long, blond hair? Are you an Aryan?" Hanna replied; "I am a Jew". It was certainly not a desire to be a victim that caused Hanna to answer in this way. She had conveyed the word of truth for seventeen months (Hanna was the channeler among the Four) and must have become incapable of uttering even the smallest lie. The woman added: "Had it not been for Lili and Hanna, I would not have survived. When Hanna said to us: 'We are not the ones who have been beaten. All of this does not touch us...' - of course I still felt the effect of the blows on my body, but the human degradation lost its power over me. I didn't feel it anymore." As Allied forces approached, the women were again herded away, N A K E D AND S H O R N, [see in my sculpture above, Aug. 18] and packed standing tightly together into cattle cars. Ravaged by epidemics and soiled with their own excrement, most of the women died of hunger. Lili died one hour after Hanna. ... Joseph died at about the same time in an Hungarian camp. All of the women and children who fled through the garden of the SS survived." |
The last sentence of the message to the Hungarians
was: When I took the book into my hands, I wanted
to receive a message - by opening it blindly.
Tin Win and Mi Mi, the heroes of the extraordinary love-story in a village in Burma [2013-05-27 see about Burma-Myanmar] are both 'handicapped'. Tin Win is blind and Mi Mi was born with her legs turned inward and can walk only on all four limbs, just like I "walked" to the bathroom several times today (now, 13:46, the pain is still harsh, but I can walk and sit almost normally). What coincidence is there between what I'm reading here with what I just saw on those two videos? Has all this to do with my lame Ya'acov, whom I so much want to be "my true peer"? Or has it to do with what I read in an interview with an Islam-teacher, when I returned by bus from Cairo to Israel in 1982: "Why is it, that Allah lets people born blind or lame?" "It is for the "normal' people, so they may appreciate what they have." The video above indeed has a line of text: " Sept. 5 2011 Succeeding against all odds Grab a few tissues and watch this moving video. It will change the way you view obstacles and may give you the courage to achieve just about anything. But the other coincidence is hitting me even more: the theme of "rhythm" in "Talking with Angels" , and the drums in Accra, and the experience of multifold sounding in "The Art of Hearing Heartbeats". Tin Win can hear the pounding of people's heart all around him - "and each heart has a different sound". Yes he can hear ever so many distinct sounds - in German there are perhaps 20-30 verbs used, which express sounds, which reminded me of my own effort to find distinct ways of "sounding emotions" :"Direct expression without words is what the feeling needs. I hum, I buzz, I whizz, I moan, I wail, I sob, I scream, I tremble, I let the sound take a rhythm, until....." and the bridge between his and Mi Mi's heart was, when he heard a sound in the thicket and asked her to see what it was. "There is nothing but thorns and a nest". So he carries her on his back to the nest and she sees an egg in it. That's how she helped him to be sure, that indeed he could hear correctly and not only imagine it: What he heard was the heart-pulse of the embryo in the egg! |
As if I hadn't heard enough about
hearing today,
I received a book called: "Ich hoerte auf die Stille", "I
listened to the Silence",
by Henri J.M. Nouwen,
(in the English original: The
Genesee Diary: Report from a Trappist Monastery
Martin, my sister's widower, had discovered it 3 days ago among old books.
The dedication says: "for Rachel, 22.4. 1986, Kassel
from Leonore Adams."
I don't remember the book, nor why I left it with my sister at Gechingen,
but I remember my 4 months in Kassel and I remember Leonore Adams,
a woman, who half of the year was sunk in deepest clinical depression.
Did she survive? Is she alive? And why is her gift coming to me NOW?
Continue to "Heaven-to-Earth-7"