2014 |
The FELT days 212, 213, 214, 215 ~ of the
next 15 FELT years [see
linear time-line]
1 5 y e a r s = 5 4 8 0 days of g e f u e h l t e - g e f u e l l t e Z e i t "inmitten der Ewigkeit", f e l t - f i l l e d t i m e "amidst eternity" from the beginning of my 76th till the completion of my 90th year [unless I'll die after all] The feeling chosen from a day is exhibited in max. 7 lines per day since August 28, 2013 Since March 25, 2014, the only documentation of my life is distilled in "Felt Days"!! My role in the manifestation of the Tent-Vision is implied in the biblical tent quote! Often some "Driving Backward into the Future" is presented in a link beneath a day's song! Nourishment refers to every outside input, which I enjoyed or from which I learnt. . Since April 10, I sculpt "Felt Day" in Hebrew, prepared for and inserted as ".png". Names in "Felt Days" appear on top in English, so they can be found in "Search" |