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InteGRATion into
Nourishment from Others - 2007
from "Heaven-to-Earth"]
16-23 , 2 0 1 1 ~~~
enriched by more nourishment
~~~ on
the following seven pages ~~~~ Succot ~~~~ "Gil'ad Shalit" ~~~~ the Desert |
Matthew's Messages
July 2, 2007, from "Matthew", channeled through Susy, his mother-still-on-earth
to "get away from dependence on outside channels"
AND SEEK THE "answers that are within" instead...
"We empathize with your impatience
for the end of Mideast warring ..... a....."
What I deemed so important in "Matthew's"
message four years ago, on July 2, 2007,
seems to be almost banale, four years and fourteen weeks later, - on October
21, 2011.
Still, I'll guard some of my 2007 excerpts and spread them among the images
of 2011.
October 16-21, 2011 What a week!
Succot! Gil'ad Shalit! Desert
The Israeli Government & the Palestinian Hamas CONNECT!
The dedicated helpers throughout the 5,4 years imprisonment:
David Meidan ....... Shimshon Liebman ....... Tami Shenkman
Among them the sisters of Goldwasser & Regev, two soldiers,
who, too, were captured, but wounded, and only
their corpses were returned - 3 years ago.
The full-fillment of "all Israel are
guarantors for each other"
"kol Yisrael 'arevim zae la-zae"
- the
title of my Ph.D. book,
And also:
With old desert partners, Michal
Dror and Renata!
With the families of my sons, Immanuel and Micha.
Immanuel helped to improve the navigation system
for my "Recreation-in-slow-motion"
of Masterchef.
Micha + kids take me to a magnificent Desert wadi.
Is it possible to re-experience all this in 'spherical time'
[also called: 'holographic
time' or 'cosmic time', or 'ultimate
and dedicate 7 pages of "Nourishment 2007" to all this?
exceeding the size of 1300 kb, which I imposed on myself concerning all pages,
except pages of my book, which I created, when I still wasn't aware of "kbs"...]
To see the whole ~~~~ all at once ~~~~
the whole ~~~~ with all its colors and shapes and moments ~~~~
and to pay/play attention with the help of closeups, finetuning and slowmotion
like on the painting of Michal (Miki) Dror, which hangs above her dinner-table
with the insert of a view through the window of her palmfrond covered succah,
which she 'saw', when she worked as a hostess in Succah-in-the-Desert in 1993?
- by contrast: To see the whole all at once ~~~~ as in Mika's computer composition, forwarded this week to my email address: 9 people of all kinds and 9 bags of one kind. Are the people meant to move and wander in the desert, despite the 2 villages which tempt them to "settle" and get stuck? |
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![]() The desert speaks,, calls you to be joyful reminds you that everything blossoms in your heart The Desert wakes up, the rising of the moon reminds you that you are a guest in this world. |
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"G i l ' a d
i s f r e e "
with his father, No'am Shalit, and his mother, Aviva Shalit right:
with Primeminister Netanyahu and Barak, Minister of Defense, and one of the
on the day of one human being's return into the embrace of a whole nation: A history-lesson about Gil'ad Shalit -with the help of scetches, an idea that came to me, when I saw, that she could not grasp, why some people in Israel were against the "Gil'ad Shalit-Deal". |
(1) - Map of
Israel and Palestine (this is Grandma's only contribution to the
scetches and subtitles) (2) - An Israeli bus exploded by Palestinian terrorists (3) - 5000 "terrorists" in Israeli prisons (4) - two Palestinians abduct soldier Gil'ad Shalit (5) - Gil'ad in a Hamas prison, his parents weep, like a Palestinian mother weeps for her son (7) - (numbers confused) The Israeli Government and the Hamas Commanders with swords: "Give" - "No" - "Give" - "No" - till a deal is worked out: 1026 Palestinians for 1 Israeli (8) - All rejoice: Gil'ad, Imma, Abba and also "a Palestinian mother" |
At the same time Mika's father - now a celeb in
Israel - uses his influence to spread the message,
that "kol Yisrael 'arevim zae la-zaeh"
reminding us that
"All Israel are Guarantors for Each Other"
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"I am joyous, that the seed which I contributed
to Evolution 44 years ago, begins to sprout,
but I have no strength or patience to be involved in the growing of so tiny
a plant", I wrote.
After the 1967 war, officially (Mika would say: "cynically")
called "the Six Day War",
there was not a single person, who had to deal with my 5 years-5 hrs-per-day
who was -even theoretically- interested in the concept and slogan, which was
so popular,
that there is not even a tradition about who phrased it first
and this in an environment, where people were warned :
"If someone says something NOT in the name of
who said it before him, he is a killer [horeg nefashot]".
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Israel are Guarantors for Each Other" Maryam, alias Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, married Rachel Rosenzweig, born Eva-Maria-Christa Guth English Summary of my research in Hebrew from 1967 till 1972, edited in German in 1978 and in Hebrew 1982 |
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for instance Tosefta,
Trumah 7:20 in the online edition
of my book in Hebrew on p. 229 , in German on p. 214 The same principle is stated in the Mishna itself, in case Non-Jews approach a group of women in order to rape one of them. It would be better that all let themselves be raped, instead of "handing over one soul of Israel"... Once again I've tears in my eyes.... |
assume] a group of people to whom non-Jews
said: 'Give us one of you and we'll kill him, and if not, then we'll kill all!' So all may be killed and they will not hand over one soul of Israel |
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Now- "kol
Yisrael 'arevim zae la-zae" is shouted
in the streets,
and~~~conveyed~~~by the son of the almah, the unmarried
who became pregnant, gave birth to a son and called him Immanuel.
[see and hear on "Heaven-to-Earth-5">August
30, 2011]
My way of celebrating and empowering this evolution/revolution
in Israel and in the World,
is to re-sculpt these 7 pages of "Nourishment from Others", created
4 years ago in the frame of
into GRATe-FULL-ness,
in the hope, that not only my exact mind, but intuition and inspiration
will do the creative work
that will be received not as a linear treatise , but in "spherical time",
i.e. as a picture, as a dream.
It was during these few days of Succot and 'Gil'ad', that we had the rare
chance to be together,
and we used it, in order to invent "linear
navigation" in the spherical experience of "Masterchef".
I keep emphasizing, that this was the week of the Succot-Festival.
Succot is celebrated exactly half a year after Pesach on Full Moon.
Its message complements the message of Pesach:
"go-out", don't get stuck in the slavery
of convenience, habits and consensus,
"go-to-yourself ... and you'll be a blessing for all
the families of the earth".
But there are two more messages, of which I became aware only this
The first is the c o m m a n d to rejoice
during seven days!
Equality: Everyone, if rich or poor, has to sit in a temporary shelter, the
of which even the roof has to be unstable: it must let the stars shine through.
I was highly and deeply and always aware of the message of the Four Species:
No one is better or worse, all people have a function in the puzzle
of the whole.
This in itself, of course, makes people equal, but the plants are a metaphor,
while actually sitting in the succah, eating, drinking, receiving guests there,
makes the concept of equality more palpable, practical, touchable.
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Still in her night-gown, Mika
shears, glues and intertwines the links of a garland for the community-succah,
erected in their compound of Sella-Street.
I, on the other hand, shall have the chance - to be
a sitting-eating-drinking-talking guest in the "kosher" succah of
Mika's cousins at Mazkeret Batya.
After having seen Immanuel in the "kitchen"
of Masterchef over and over again, and also in his own kitchen,
I enjoy another Rosenzweig Family in another kitchen - preparing together
for the last dinner in their succah
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"Ego is self-identity and
you don't want to let that go.
What fosters spiritual growth is molding the ego in ways
that are aligned with the soul's contract choices-
you know when you are in tune with the contract
through comfortable feelings about yourself,
like self-assurance
that you're being-or becoming-the "who" your soul signed up to be."
SUSY: Thank you. How does one keep positive and balanced at the same time?
".... Balance is the reconciliation
of light and dark,.
Knowing that this is Earth's last chance for her
current residents
to fulfill provisions of their pre-birth choice
to complete third density experiencing,
souls are virtually yelling to their personages’ consciousness: Get
on with it!
This can mean dramatic changes in marriages and other relationships,
jobs and locations as well as in traits and actions.
This is a time of turmoil all over the planet,
but if you will accept
that the intensity of light is acting on behalf of your soul's growth,
making the changes you feel urged to
will greatly ease the process."
I wonder about this conincidence
of my walking in the Desert in this week,
the Desert, in which the slaves from Egypt were finding shelter in succahs
(or so it is claimed in the succot-commandment,
though "in reality" they used tents)
and where they learnt that it was in each person's
to become active guarantors for each other,
in order to not be victimized as passive guarantors as so often in their history:
"One person has done wrong, and all the
community has to bear the consequences"
15 minutes drive from my home, Micha discovered the
Abouv (Oboe)
Wadi, which had not been known to either of
Susy : Someone would like
you to comment on a site
that's encouraging lightworkers to get away from dependence on outside channels
"Happily, and I say HOORAY and THANK YOU
to whoever is encouraging independence from "outside channels"!
This is what we have been telling you-
please wean yourselves from relying on our messages
and other external sources for the answers that are WITHIN you.
Think how often my messages have included the admonition
to be discerning about all information, including channeled,
and guidelines for developing discernment ability-
... We often have provided answers
to your questions for enlightenment, guidance and encouragement,
but we don't want to perpetuate your reliance on our information
because that is counteracting one of our major purposes-
motivating you to trust your intuition.
... We feel the delight of all who benefit from our messages
and we REJOICE
when they try their own wings and soar to their answers within!"
"We have endeavored to fully apprise you of
what IS essential for your knowing:
Changes taking place are the winding up of third density karmic expressions
and you chose and were selected to participate in this unprecedented era
because you have the strength to successfully do what you signed
up for.
There is no need to struggle to discover what this is-
it is as simple as BEing the soul you are
and following your heart's inspired directions!
Yes, some of you are needed in leadership roles,
but most of you are assisting by generating light right where you are,
following what your heart tells you to,
and the effects are radiating around the planet.
Every one of you is an invaluable participant in creating the Golden Age in
your world!"
Before we enter the "oboe", we look east once
more, from a lush Rotem, along the riverbed with its vertical walls.
[Since only my granddaughters Rotem and Elah don't appear in this sevenfold
sculpture, the Rotem shrub may symbolize both,
it was Elah, when she was not yet 6 years old, who helped me with the Rotem
song, after Rotem was born in May 1993]
"We have said that during the transition,
along with the amazing developments you will wholeheartedly welcome,
there will be bumps in the road.
We are asking you to please keep in mind
that aberrant weather and an abundance of geophysical events
are ridding Earth of negativity and enabling her to ascend.
"By traveling your pathway fearlessly,
you will come through the planetary changes and the last wisps of darkness
in accordance with the soul contracts you made
when you knew what you would encounter
and that you are well prepared for it."
..... A writer's bottom line- he can't believe
that the thoughts of the victims of the Holocaust created it.
I am glad for the opportunity to speak about
in the context of what I have mentioned about the state of Earth sixty-some
years ago
when she had to decide
whether to let her planetary body die or ask for help to keep it alive.
Certainly the thought forms in the universal mind,
or the collective consciousness of all souls in the universe, if you will,
that were attracted by the "like" monstrous thoughts in the minds
of those
who conceived of the Holocaust were in operation
even though the thoughts of those incarcerated were quite different
before they were in the camp situations,
where the reality that was not in their former thoughts was presented.
However, chosen karmic experiencing also was at
to balance other lifetimes of both the perpetrators and the camp residents,
but not nearly to the extent that developed.
Along with other unconscionable atrocities that occurred during World War
the brutality and death toll in the camps could have killed Earth's planetary
by draining her little remaining light, her very life force,
and it evoked her cry for help
so she could give her humankind one more chance
to wind up third density karma.
Much, but definitely not all of the suffering and violence since the time
of the Holocaust
has been the completion of karma accrued during that time.
People who endured more hardships and heartaches than needed to balance that
were, by divine grace, allowed to leave this lifetime prematurely
with full credit for incomplete chosen experiencing,
which enables their next incarnations to be in fourth density.
And some who are healthily prospering through honest ways,
but in amounts you may deem unfair
compared to the impoverished conditions of so many others,
are balancing their "victim-hood"
in those years of unprecedented bloodshed
and bestiality.
[remember "Andarean Theory":
"karma is- "understanding still lacking"]]
".....Honest introspection will give you
the answer
and, like laughter, that always is good for the soul!"
On Shabbat-Eve, a day after the completion of Succot, I
learned, that amazing things were done also elsewhere on the planet ,
and mainly how and by whom they are being done: No organized groups, no violence
- but individuals and creative protesting!
While I'm not sure about the future of Libya after their dictator's death,
there is hope for Tunisia,
the initiators of the "Arab
Spring 2011".
[Motto for a youtube
: "What we do in life, will echo in eternity"]
and those who inspired "the Israeli Summer"
and "Occupy Wallstreet".
They will have their first free elections today (October 23, 2011)!
But there is much to do concerning "Vergangenheits-bewaeltigung",
a word invented by the Germans after Nazi-regime and Holocaust.
I closed the TV, when it came to yet another horrid way of torture,
invented by the villains in prisons of 23 years of the Ben Ali regime.
I also heard about "Guerilla Cooking , hinted at
in the
13th program of "Masterchef Summer 2011",
when the team met at Hod-Hasharon, divided into pairs and each pair knocked
at a foreign door,
asking the inhabitants to allow them to use their kitchen + ingredients in
fridge, freezer and pantry,
in order to cook a meal for the family of that home.
"Guerilla Cooking" is a way of communication between people who
don't know each other.
One of the "Guerilla
Cooking" websites chose as its slogan: "Better
Taste than Sorry"...
to former source of nourishment
from others in 2007 and in 2011
to next
source of nourishment from others in 2007 and in 2011
16-23 , 2011 ~~~~ Succot ~~~~ "Gil'ad Shalit" ~~~~ the Desert |