The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g+all dates ~ library of seven years ~ HOME ~ contact

March 15, SHABBAT, - at Arad

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future




Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!

I desire to live every breathing in and breathing out on this Shabbat
in holy whole aloneness, all-one-ness,

"celebrating every movement in my feeling, each sensation in my belly, on my skin"
and "doing" only what spontaneous desire asks me to "do",
instead of succumbing to the pattern and pressure of "completing what is uncompleted"
image of the day, Dorothee with my Three, Ramat-Hadar, Israel, 1968

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to the 26 muscles in our face,
which allow us over 10000 nuances in expressing our feelings,
and thus show my aliveness as well as my responsiveness to others.

[Ika's mother 1956: "You look very similar to Dorothee", another classmate.
I exclaimed: "But she is so pretty!" with no intention to fish for compliments.
"A lively face is always pretty!" she said and helped me love myself a little.]

I give thanks for the chance of talking with my son,
arranged in a cafe at Shoham yesterday
in the tight time-space between his arrival from Thailand
and my return to Arad.
I'm grateful that I could convey relatively clearly,
not only the details of the "Initiation-Journey into Adulthood",
but also how I see the good that came out of it,
despite my big mistake of not having communicated the rules of the game.
I'm also grateful, that I could depict - though without getting a response -
his need for strengthening his backbone by taking over legal custody for T.
and the evil of his goodness (inherited from me) - towards his firstborn.

My family, Rafael, Rachel, Immanuel, Ronnit, Micha with
my classmate Dorothee Kneser in Munich's Zoo, 1969
and "Sisters in New-York", Immanuel's video of
his daughters Elah and Mika, October 2007



A memory of a touching, sad sentence said by Tomer during supper, 4 days ago:
"When I was the age of Mika ~~~ did my siblings love me as much as I love Mika?"
The age-gap between him and Alon is 3 years and between him and Elah 6 years.

Israel, Acco, at Efrat's parents, Nov. & Dec. 2000
United States, holiday with Abba, Sept. 2002,
Israel, Mazkeret Batya, at Micha's: Chanuka 2002


Nourishment from Others (from TV, 3SAT - Nano)
More than 10000 micro-expressions betray our feelings.

Forscher aus Österreich und den USA haben mehr als 10.000 Mikroausdrücke in der menschlichen Mimik ausgemacht, die viel über eine Person verraten können. "Sie können Mimik schlecht trainieren", sagt Verhaltensforscher Karl Grammer. "Das läuft auf unbewusster Ebene ab." Man könne nur absichtlich lächeln. "Die restliche Mimik kann gefälscht werden, aber das fällt auf, dass das vorgespielt ist." Doch auch ein falsches Lächeln lasse sich am Spiel der Muskelgruppen erkennen.

Eine entscheidende Muskelgruppe um die Augen, die für die Krähenfüße sorgt, könne man nicht bewusst anspannen. "Lügen kann man im Gesicht erkennen", schildert Grammer. "Es ist aber sehr schwer. 40 Prozent der Menschen können perfekt lügen."

Im Gesicht Bill Clintons will er die Lügen über seine Verhältnis zu Monica Lewinsky erkennen können: Die Videoanalyse zeigt ein verräterisches Stirnrunzeln in Sekundenbruchteilen.
26 Muskeln steuern die Mimik. "Lügen erkennt man vor allem daran, dass der Ablauf der Muskel-Kontraktionen im Gesicht asymmetrisch ist. Und das zeitliche Verhältnis des Ablaufs zueinander stimmt nicht." Dennoch könnten Computerprogramme Lügen nicht sicher erkennen und Hinweise statt Beweise liefern.

Sein Computerprogramm will eher Mimik simulieren.
"Das Programm kann die Grund-Emotionen: Überraschung, Traurigkeit, Glück, Furcht, Angst, Wut und Ekel. Wenn man diesen ganzen Raum abfährt, dann findet man alle unterschiedlichen mimischen Ausdrücke, die ein Mensch machen kann."

Eine dieser Basis-Emotionen sei
die Angst: "Das kann man simulieren. Hier werden zunächst die Brauen gehoben. Als zweiter Teil werden die äußeren Brauen gehoben. Dann werden die Brauen nach unten zusammengezogen. Und dann wird die Unterlippe nach unten gedrückt und der Mund wird in die Breite gezogen. Insgesamt sind sieben Muskeln an so einem Bild der Angst beteiligt."

Nourishment from Others (from an e-mail)


"Everything is sound!"

2008_03_15- 2013_03_15DELICIOUS      DELETION





Impressions from my journey from Shoham to Arad yesterday

I didn't want my flight-tired son to bring me to the airport - train-station.
But the last bus - with a gap between bus and train of only 20 min. - was gone already.
The bus available would leave at 10:00 and I would have to wait for the train until 11:14.

It was then that I saw a pattern breaking apart!
The pattern of "always saving money"!
It was five minutes to 10:00 and while walking to the bus-station I said to myself:
' If an empty taxi will pass by before the bus, I'll afford myself a taxi!'
I had hardly finished this sentence, when a taxi arrived.
The driver wanted to talk:
"Do you live in Shoham?" "No, in Arad!"
"Oh I have relatives who live close to Arad!"

He was a Bedouin, who lived with his family in Lod.
This information made me tell him about Nuri Al-Uqbi.
It was unavoidable, that we entered the dire subject of "Israel and the Bedouin".
And as if to demonstrate this -
at the entry to the airport area the guard took my driver's identity card away.
I've photographed a Hananiel, a Jewish driver when waiting for the guard at this entry.
Hananiel had to stop, but he was not questioned, nor did he have to show anything,
nor was, what he had to show, taken away for systematic examination.
At first my Bedouin driver played it cool, but when he saw that I was upset,
he used the rest of the time to spell out his anger, pain and frustration....


Though my backpack was heavy with all the food I had "inherited",
I felt like getting off the train at Lehavim and hitchhike to Arad.

The spring- weather was gorgious and I didn't mind,
that I had to wait for 25 minutes, until a car stopped.
As usual, I did not stand, but strolled along the road.
That's how I got these pretty perspectives of Lehavim.

The impressive "dome" is - a mall or a market.
How could it be otherwise in this time-period...

Every 10 seconds I turned around to see if a car was coming from the west.

I walk on - further east - and get a glimpse of the last houses of Lehavim

'Will it be this car?' - No, it can't be, since it's followed by a lot more cars.
Usually only when a car comes along with no other car in front or behind,
is there a chance that the driver will stop.

After a short while I was invited.
When asked, I told that I was commuting between Arad and Shoham, since my son was a pilot etc.

"I may know your son! I'm a pilot too!"
It was Zwicka Dominitz, 3 years older than Immanuel,
but during a year and a half or so they were both trainers on "Pipers" at Hatzerim Airbase

"that was a long time ago, but it was only a month ago that I met Immanuel somewhere!"

Realizing that - unlike my son who had left the airforce after 12 years - Zwicka was still there,
I couldn't help asking, if he was doing other things as well,
and conveyed as cautiously as possible that my son thinks,
that pilots who stay in the airforce or go directly to fly for El-Al,
are stuck.

"Yes caught in a honey-trap", Zwicka agreed.
But he himself does do other things and he was - right now - on his way to the desert,
where he would join people from the Nature Reserves Authority to count predatory birds.





I don't know how it occurred that I told him how glad I was,
when my son hadn't made it to become a "fighter-pilot".
He insisted to know why.
Again - I was very cautious not to hurt him:

"Immanuel was smashed ,
when he became "only" a pilot for Transport and Intelligence,
but soon enough he saw the terrible competition among the fighter-pilots
and was glad not needing to be part of that.
But my own reason for being glad was,
that I did not want my son to ever get into a situation,
where he would have to kill.
I've listened to several people in my life,
who could never sleep in peace,
because they always carried with them the people they "had to kill".

Zwicka explained that all pilots, yes all army-people, yes all the people of Israel
were responsible for the killings.
I agreed:

"I've written my PH.D.-thesis on "kol Yisrael 'arevim zae le-zae" - how we are all responsible for each other,
And you are absolutely right ~~~ there really is no difference between the one who physically kills,
and the others who are dependent on him and don't find a better solution than killing."

"What other solution?"

Zwicka became excited, as if so far he hadn't thought of a better solution himself.

From then on he succeeded in drawing me out about my "Partnership Ideology and Experience",
until we stopped in front of my house, where he wanted to leave his car for the next 5 hours,
and from where his colleague Ohad Yahalomi (a new generation of rangers...) fetched him.
I wondered about the clarity and conciseness, which his resonating drew out of me.
And I wondered, why I was suddenly in that role again,
"how to turn a negative dependency into a positive dependency, a partnership. "

Thank you, Zwicka Dominitz!


And then I was home!
Struck by the spring burst of new reddish leaves from all the branches of my pomegranate tree.
[on this date in 2012 the buds of the leaves are still much smaller, almost closed]





All this occurred to me yesterday.
I hoped for a Shabbat without any exterior occurrences...

"Rachel I've found worms", LiorCohen screamed across the Wadi of Compassion,
when she spotted me from above, while I climbed down the opposite slope.
Ofir, her father, accompanied her bike-ride through our neighborhood.

"You must learn the difference between worms and caterpillars!"
I started to teach her.
"Worms stay worms forever, but caterpillars transform into butterflies!"
She couldn't grasp this and "instead" led me to a small, pretty dung-beatle.
"Its task is similar to that of the isopods!" ("I've seen isopods too!"),
about which I taught her last time,
and what is also worthwhile to know - I said this to Ofir -
is that the scarabaeus, as it's called in Latin, was holy to the ancient Egyptians."



Ofir and I walked her home and stood on my veranda talking,
while Lior continued her art-work on the oval table,
she pestered us with:
"I want to stay with Rachel!"
Her father said: "No, you come with me!" and I reinforced this:
"No, not now, your father is walking with you,
take advantage of this, take him to the desert!
"But he doesn't want to!"
"So try to win over his heart!
This is my expression:
Not 'convince him' , but 'win over his heart!' "



Listing today's learning, creating, interacting.
Examining, if I fulfilled today's intention.

* Climbing down and up my Wadi of Compassion and walking to and fro -
to the "morning-pool" between (9 and 10 AM) and to the "noon-pool" between 1:30 and 14:25 PM.

*Following my intention for this Shabbat I took it easy with creating on K.i.s.s.-log,
I didn't stick to preferences,
I let myself be led to read some "old" sculptures,

"Driving Backward into the Future" = "Closeups to the Past" = Healing&Harvesting my Past

While Driving Backward to find sculptures about Tomer on Healing-K.i.s.s.
[outside the folder with the continuous sculpting of "My Wrestling with Tomer"],

I found the Heart-Page
and Puzzle-Piece 19b about death
and "Communication with Deity" in September 2002...

and I lay down sometimes to zap into two relevant TV channels, 3SAT and Israel's educative channel 23,
or I worked in the garden, watering diligently and pruning some plants in the soil or in a planter.


problems with G-mail and the Internet, about which I wrote to my son,
and the final collapse of the sewage-pump, Ofir's dismantling it
and my needing to do without toilet and kitchen sewage.

* Also unexpected:
towards the evening I got a rare visitor,
perhaps the only visitor I really love to receive at present:

She has always been unpredictable and this time
- after having hugged me - she said without introduction:

"Do you remember your work on "Nakhash Ha-Mashiakh"
Messiah's Snake ?
see what I wrote above the song in honor of my starchildren
[In July 2006 I asked my "starchildren"
to support me in doing serious healing-work
on what I still hated in myself:
judging the people, whom I came to help,
in this case the Bedouin in the Zealots' Valley
whose mutual hatred prevents any movement
towards a betterment of their situation,
leave alone towards becoming the pioneers
of my "Desert Hosting Economy Peace Vision".
In Hebrew "Mashiakh "
not only sounds similar to the word "Nakhash" = snake,
but the numerical value of the letters "Messiah"
are the same as the letters "Mashiakh".
The dark shadow of "Jesus, the Messiah",
for instance - his judgments against his people,
and the dire consequences of those through the centuries,
was and is a somber warning for me.

"Of course!" I answered.

"Let's do, what we then did several times:
put our palms on our eyes (a "Paula - Key"),
and then sound and move as our Body wants to."

"I'm glad you remind me of this!"

She lay down on my bed,
invited me to lie down beside her
and we started to breathe, to sound , to move,
with the palms of our hands on our eyes.

I couldn't help peeping at her sometimes.
The sounding and the moving had made her body get up and dance
on what little space there was
between mattress, desk, computer-system and keyboard,
it was great to see her so free!

About one issue of our talking - see tomorrow.
See also "Tzippi walking in the Zealots' Valley"

A BBC-doc about who was once
the greatest opera-singer of her time,
moved me very much.
Her rise and downfall,
her non-communication with her mother,
and all this in memory of my own acting
as Maria Callas, in 1987
when in the grand workshop "Joyspring"
each of the some 50 participants
was cast into a role
[see also SongGame June 9]
which would help him/her find his/her essence.
Most participants had to repeat their show ,
while I "was done" after only one performance.
As much as I was in panic
when I was given the role,
bought a casette with the opera "Carmen", performed by Maria Callas,
I regretted to have performed so well
and not being allowed to "practise" more.
I enjoyed this once- in -a -lifetime -chance
of singing- performing in front of an audience

From a doc about Shakespeare
I learnt a line,
which should have made history!

"Speak what we feel,
not what we ought to say!"

Shakespeare King Lear.

The image to the right
is from a performance
on the 6th anniversary of 9/11.
The weight of this sad time
we must obey,
Speak what we feel,
not what we ought to say.
The oldest have borne most;
we that are young
Shall never see so much,
nor live so long.



song of the day

Thanks for both, the honey and the sting....


back to past ~~~~~ forward to future

home ~ library of seven years ~ intro to k.i.s.s.-log ~ contact

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8




"Abraham" (2002) e-mail quote on March 15, 2012

If all you did was just look for things to appreciate
you would live a joyous, spectacular life.
If there was nothing else that you ever came to understand
other than just look for things to appreciate,
it's the only tool you would ever need
to predominantly hook you up with who you really are.
That's all you'd need.

March 15 , 2012, Friday, Arad

Just like 4 years ago, an e-mail from "Sound-Healing" reached me.

2012_03_15- 2013_03_15DELICIOUS      DELETION

And another (also Jewish) " man wrote" , the Dutch Marc Oyserman,
from our "Walk about Love 2009", a man of "az nidberu"...
And though it's NOT my task to demonstrate Oneness or peace,
but evolving myself and humanity towards personal wholeness
"feeling-healing all you feel, grate-full, zest-full and full-filled
loving ouselves in each others' heart"

I want to celebrate and empower Marc's and his companions' vision:

See -flowing -still images of such a hug on

Every individual person can participate in the Worldwide Hug.
Just invite some friends
on the streets, in your home, club, gallery or community centre,
on Wednesday, March 21
and focus together on peace and unity in yourself

You can share your personal stories, sing, dance and meditate.
Make a human chain, do free hugs or a flash mob in the streets!

We are all part of the collective consciousness,
connecting everything with all.
We are able to heal our planet
and unite everybody with each other in peace and tolerance.
So let us demonstrate our unity,
showing our fellow-men that we are all One,
no matter what kind of religion, race or culture we represent.
We are able to love and respect each other....

May his vision of this WORLD WIDE HUG 2012 manifest with many people!

I am invited together with these other "az nidbru" Walkers-about-Love:
Sjors from Holland, Gabriel Viera from California, Gil Sason from Israel

also on March 15, 2012

I appreciate and celebrate this amazing synchronicity all the time:
During sleepless hours one theme was the "Riga" coincidence.
[ tp Barbara:" Tied to your bed with only your I-Pad will not enable you to click CTRL/F and put "Riga" in "Find"!"]
First thing in the morning: to finish copying, what I had begun 2 weeks ago:
a handwritten diary-entry 1978 about Immanuel and other crucial themes..
['I'll turn the Hebrew text into .gif images and insert those here', s. below the double frame]
That's when I opened this page and saw all these photos from the past.
And then I came across the dialog with the hitchhike driver Zwicka
[s. above]
'Zwicka'? Hadn't I read exactly this name on top of the next document "in line"?
(an accidental "line" of old letters, most of them in German, to my sick mother, which I find worthwhile to copy)
Then, in 1969, it was a Sephardic child, who sat next to Immanuel in first grade,
in whose family I wanted my son to experience "a total different home than his""


2013 - translation

[at that time I obviously didn't tell Immanuel the crucial meaning of his name]

Translation of one of the stories about first-grader Immanuel:

This was a hint concerning my own childhood....

A diary entry of Dec. 1978 about Immanuel and about my children in the context of my political work
"Immanuel completes the separation from his mother's navel"

Since the verdict, that Daniel has to leave Israel till March 27, is not only a "personal" problem,
personal for him and his friends, personal for me and Ya'acov for our website,
I want to document the process of manifestation of our desire, that Daniel can settle in Arad, in Pni'el!

2012_03_15- 2013_03_15DELICIOUS      DELETION

Under the circumstances that you have described,
and if you are not Jewish,
you have very few options for remaining in Israel legally
other than as the spouse or domestic partner of an Israeli Citizen,
or on a work visa as an expert or worker in a specialized field
who has a petitioning employer on his/her behalf.

2012_03_15- 2013_03_15DELICIOUS      DELETION

My response:
Daniel, Sometimes one has to follow "Qohelet",
just as I told you with concern to learning Hebrew:
Choose both ways: Live Ulpan and Virtual Courses.

I'm daily practicing to work with the Sound Software, which I had to learn,
since what I used all these years -
first 'Sound Forge' and then 'Sound-Booth' for recording and editing
and "Flash" for turning the result into sound-buttons ,
does not work with the "Free Software Linux".
As strenuous as it is for me, to learn something new in a technical area,
as clear it was for me,
that since I share Daniel's beliefs about "Free Co-creation and Transparency",
I had to be brave and move out of my 'comfort-zone' and change and re-learn.

Now - since the use of "Flash" is out of the question and absolutely indisputable,
and Daniel had not yet the time to teach me,
how I could insert the newly created sounds on the new website,
nor are Ya'acov and I mature enough to begin our co-creation
I discipline myself to daily train in recording and editing with the new sound soft ware.
Now, after an hour and a half of such practising I feel,
I should collect and insert at least the lyrics of some new songs
and the modifications in some old ones
which occurred since 2012,
on one place, i.e. on this page,
so it will be easy to find them,
if and once we'll truly begin with
The more so, as for 3 1/2 days I won't have access to the local site of Healing-K.i.s.s.,
since on the computer in Shoham it's "Windows" that's installed and not Linux!
But -praised be the Internet - once I "synchronize" this work,
it will accessable wherever I'll be in the world, certainly with Mika at Shoham..


Since the end of 2012 these songs appear among all the 2012 songs on "triptych" , also without sound-buttons.,
It was such a strain for Daniel to insert that one sound-button at the beginning of "triptych",
and the bugs on that Intro page which resulted from it, were so many,
that I understood, that I had to let go of soundbuttons for any new songs.
But since - in later 2012 contexts I may have linked to this page - I must leave these songs here.

Song (1): [SongGame 2007-07-31)
      3 of the 4 stanzas "manifested' only this year.
     The song is now too long - 2 1/4 mintues -
     and I'll probably divide it into two songs, but with the same tune.

Song (3) is a new song, but based on the tune of a song by Shuli Natan, which I discovered on an old casette of mine. It does not exist on the Internet. The second, short stanza (without the chorus) are Shuli's lyrics

2012_03_15- 2013_03_15DELICIOUS      DELETION

In song (6) - from SongGame 2007-09-21,
I "only" exchanged one,
but crucial line - on Febr. 17, 2012

Song (7) - SongGame 2007_03_14
was enriched by a fourth stanza on Febt. 22, 2012,


Note to song 11:

Song (8) is a new song,
the lyrics are two biblical verses
and the tune is mine.
There is a third verse with the same metaphor of the fruit-full tree,
but I haven't yet succeeded to adapt it
to the tune of the two first stanzas.
[It became a separate song (triptych Nr. 10)]

Song (9) are the exact verses of a story,
in which I see one of the two diamonds
in the crown of my interpretation of the Bible. How strange, that after 30 years of teaching and applying these verses,
they adapted themselves
to a simple folksong,
which appeared at the end of a documentary about Easter-Island.

(11) The song is the famous Psalm 46.
Martin Luther - at the stormy times of his Reformation of the Church 500 years ago - turned the Psalm into a very strong hymn,
which is sung also in other languages
in the Protestant World.
When I now - by chance - came across
the Hebrew psalm 46,
it adapted itself without effort to the tune
of another famous hymn by Martin Luther, which contains another Biblical psalm...
[see SongGame 2007-12-26 "Aus tiefer Not",
also a canon in Hebrew: me-ma'amaqim]

There are so many biblical poems,
which I would like to put into tune,
and I would have no difficulty
to create a new tune everyday:
I simply sit
with my digital recorder in my hand,
holding it close to my mouth,
look at the text and listen within,
let myself be inspired
without thinking or planning,
and the song is ready
and rarely needs any correction later.
But since learning the new song
would take several days, even a week,
and I can really learn only by walking,
in this case by walking
to and fro the swimming-pool every day,
and since also the "old songs"
need to be rehearsed during walking,
so as not to get lost
in the abysses of my brain,
I'm forced to limit my creative drive
- even more than in all other areas....


See the song on Ki.s.s.-log 2008/2012-03-03
2 new Songs
by other authors,
which came into my life
since 2012
and which I like so much, that I learnt them,
the incredible difficulty
for me to learn a new song. This difficulty
is also the reason,
that so many songs are still "waiting" to be learnt,
like Neil Diamond's
"The Way to the Sky".
[Now on "triptych"]
But the songs
which I do manage to sing,
should appear
like my own songs

See the entire Hebrew-Arabic-English song
in K.i.s.s.-log 2008/2012-03-06

A Swiss woman made a movie about what causes young people to join Neo-Nazis groups,
though they don't know anything about their ideology.
- boredom, boredom, boredom -
yearning to belong to something
yearning to have an identity,
yearning for self-esteem,
and not even knowing, that they yearn for - purpose, orientation, meaning.
I have known this all along and I only wished, it would be talked about all over the world~

10 Hebrew lines daily between Ya-Ra towards the doomed-to fail
2012_03_15- 2013_03_13DELICIOUS      DELETION


Three grandchildren on Facebook today

Tomer again changed his "profile" on Facebook,
Elah who flew to her boyfriend in Germany,
sent this funny snow-sculpture from Berlin

Alon and his girlfriend on Facebook. At first I thought it was Immanuel, his Abba

also on March 15, 2013

Maureen Moss ["A catalyst for evolution in the human soul"]
newsletter - 2013-03-15 -excerpts

During my current hiatus I have had the privilege of speaking with many new people I had yet to meet, and to have lengthy conversations with dear friends of mine I hadn't seen for awhile.

All conversations seemed to lead to the same place, humanity, the depth of connection and unification we feel toward All, the swiftness of thought turning into manifestation, and the falling away of ... what had once seemed so important to us.

Conversations also included our fascination with how 'vertical magic,' works rather than linear process, and how apparent it is that we are indeed the Creators, of this, our New World.

We also spoke about humanities personal concerns, or perhaps some of the fall-out to what has been a radical awakened rebirth, including many a challenge as to where to focus energies (particularly since the focus for most has changed dramatically,) ...

All conversations, led to my further contemplation. As such, I see one of the main challenges for humanity right now being that too many people believe they are missing something in their lives, that if had, would somehow complete them, complete their passage to joy and even enlightenment, and secondly that that many feel they are moving through life aimlessly, and without passion, (something new for many,) which branches off of something is missing.

"A Message From The Divine" [through Maureen Moss]

You live in a new time. Let the old you, the old perceptions of you, the old stories about you, leave.

You have each made your decisions to be on the steepest curve of evolution than any other species that previously walked before you. You chose on behalf of Love, both for your Soul's evolution, your Planets evolution and to allow Me to make a full descent and have a full expression through each of you on your Planet of Earth that are willing to persevere and adjust through a short period of time ahead of you.

Many are in need of this 'time' to recommit to Life on Planet of Earth, to dispose of pre-conceived notions of life on Planet of Earth and to be willing to begin anew without interference from the world external, or choosing ownership of pain above your Freedom.

Eventually, if you will allow it, your inner and outer world will be seamless, having no distinction. You will notice nothing has ever been missing other than the love for yourself, the acceptance and embrace of your life, and your trust in Me.

I ask you now to learn to hold the vibration of Me inside of you, steadily, in the days and months ahead, as the final preparations to weave you, ever more deeply into the fabric of my golden creation are completed.

Come to me daily. I will help you hold Me and   i n f l a m e   Me within you. You will then cross the threshold between the old world and the new, gracefully. That is My Promise to you. You will no longer feel aimless, nor lost. That too is My Promise to you.

You have all of my tendencies and capabilities, Beloved Ones. Remember that. Let your old self go so I may enter and have a greater expression as the complete You. If this is to occur I must be in the midst of you, always. A moment of Oneness between us is but a taste of your fullness.

The next step in your evolution is to embrace your fullness, through stabilized vibrations of love, peace, harmony and Oneness. I AM a stabilized vibration of each. You need not go in search of what is not missing.

And so it shall be sooner or later, for each one of you, as your craving for Freedom takes you over, and you experience the power of your completeness."

Christa-Rachel: What is missing in this message, is the condition for all of this to happen: the redemption of "Lost Will". How can I embrace my "Fullness", if I'm crammed full with ever so many denied feelings, judged needs, judged qualities , denied greatness?



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