"Acceptance is the Essential Medicine"
Fundamental Principles of Wholeness Work
December 12-16, 2010
Closeups to my Past, Finetuning to my Present, Nourishment
for my Living
- which enhance and enrich my experience of "Mika's
Heaven on Earth"
who appeared (as usual in my life) as an angel-on-the-abyss,
created a cape from a plastic-bag,
so I would not get wetter than I already was, when I came into this crystal-hall
in order to buy "Micas"
for Mika's
5th birthday
[Dec. 23, 2010
but, alas, the cape did not keep me from the cold, nor did it dry the wetness,
and the sufferings of Body are still not over...]
Shoham, Monday, December 13,
of Gabriel Viera''s
How have I grown in 2010 Society: In canvassing,
... I was out on the street all day long, and each person I talked
to was affected in some way by my cheerful presence. I also learned
the basics of how to canvass effectively, a powerful tool that I have
since used effectively for work that is closer to my heart than fundraising.
I recently put these skills to use in an experiment on gift economy,
in which I walked around Portland with a sign advertising my needs
and my offerings, and used my canvassing skills to engage people and
share the concept with them. In writing my output on canvassing, I
created a manual for heart centered canvassing that could be very
useful for organizations and individuals interested in fundraising
and campaigning. I have not yet explored how this work could be shared
most effectively.
Soul: This was a turbulent and productive time for soul work. I was still hurting from the abrupt end of my relationship with Alissa, and was undergoing challenging transitions in my relationship with another lover, Tamuz Shiran. Tamuz challenged me to explore my relationship with healthy, sacred masculinity, which I did through meditation and prayer, reading books such as Iron John..., and in my sexual connection with myself and with her. As a feminist who has always deeply connected with the feminine energy within me, I struggled with the meaning of sacred masculinity. The lack of healthy adult models of masculinity in media and culture has left me deeply confused about my own maleness. As a result of this and more recent work, however, I now feel much more comfortable with my maleness, and connected to divine masculine energy. During this time period, I invented a holistic journaling tool... based on the four elements and used it to process my experiences, which deepened my connection to soul by giving me new windows into my experience. I also discovered my ability to relate to my ancestors in meaningful and powerful ways. This discovery began with my participation in a healing arts practice called Family Constellations, in which representatives are used to uncover and adjust the energetic dynamics within a family system. During this practice I experienced a deep connection and interaction with the energy of ancestors, both my own and those of other people. This led to my exploration of my connection with my own ancestors during a family vacation to Portugal, my father's ancestral homeland. Society: Although my focus in this time was on Soul rather than on Society, I did experience a deepening in my ability to relate to others authentically and without fear. During our vacation to Portugal, I met two wonderful new friends, an italian couple named Maria Giuilia and Giovanni. I met Maria Giulia in a public square, by walking up to her and asking her boldly what her name was and if she wanted to talk. This friendship was deep and beautiful, and reminded me of my ability to quickly make friends with new people. Also, my work with my own masculinity has had an effect on my relationships, particularly with my lovers. I am more fully present and confident, particularly during sex, and more able to assert my own needs and desires generally. Sustenance: During
this cycle, I worked with Larry Huls of Larry Huls Designs building
a fence in San Jose. He taught me several valuable principles that
he uses in his work. ... Chapter 4: Relationship design, Self and Other Soul: In this cycle
I looked deep inside myself. I sat a ten day Vippassana meditation
course, a silent retreat with ten hours of sitting meditation each
day. It was very challenging for me. In struggling with the rigid
discipline and inward focus of this practice, I connected deeply with
my embodied, outwardly focused spirituality. I feel that
my soul work in this life is to embrace the body and all of its pains
and pleasures. During the course, I was
frustrated by the idea that aversion to pain and the craving of pleasure
are the cause of suffering, because I saw it as a denial of perfectly
natural instincts. “Its perfectly natural to avoid
pain and seek pleasure,” I said to myself, “I don’t
want to learn to stop doing those things, I just want to learn to
do them better.” Despite my resistance, I did practice sitting
with equanimity, and in hindsight I see that letting go of aversion
and craving does help me to more fully experience my pains and pleasures,
which I value greatly. SustenanceL The major Sustenance skill that I practiced during this time was the implementation of a system of personal organization based on the book “Getting Things Done: the Art of Stress Free Productivity” by David Allen. I created and implemented a system for capturing and organizing all the things I need and want to do so that I can easily make efficient use of my time. This type of workflow organization is an important sustenance skill because it allows me to remain calm and present while attending to all the myriad challenges of life. I also learned some practical sustenance
skills during the VBC. I learned to mix cob, a great technique for
natural building and a skill that could be used as part of a homesteading
project or in the implementation of permaculture design work or any
natural building project. I also practiced my customer service skills
working the snack booth at the evening programs. I loved interacting
with all the people who came to buy snacks, and learned that I could
really love being in that kind of customer service environment, and
using it as an opportunity to connect with people. Chapter 5: Recharging my Love Battery Soul: Camp Winnarainbow, where I lived and worked during this time period, has long been my spiritual home. Living on that sacred land, underneath the ancient oaks and bay laurels that I have come to know so well, and watching all the beautiful children laugh and learn and love, I connected deeply with my purpose in this lifetime. In dreams and meditations, I felt repeatedly that my calling in this lifetime was to be a healer of the earth, through intimacy and relationship with other humans and the natural world. I practiced the art of loving, and using the conscious practice of love to deepen my work as a mentor. I was challenged in this practice by fighting children, painful estrangement and intense reconnection with Alissa, and my own insecurities and triggers. When camp ended, I felt more loving and more deeply connected to myself. Society: At Camp, I provided love and affirmation to hundreds of children, and learned to relate to them more effectively. Each year, working at Camp has been my major contribution to society. Every day that I work there, I know that I have changed forever the lives of these wonderful children, because my experience at Camp was such a huge part of making me who I am. By learning to relate to the kids with love and support, and to model clear boundaries with them, I build their self confidence and their ability to love themselves and each other. I feel so strongly that this work ripples out into the world and brings healing to many people. Sustenance: Working at Camp is a marathon of learning around mentorship and teaching. Every time a child calls another child a mean name, or steals their candy, I have to jump into action and help those children learn to relate to each other with love. Every time I do this, I get to watch the results of my actions, and learn from them how to act more effectively. I also have many very experienced mentors available to ask for guidance. Working with kids has always been a passion for me, and is one of the income streams I intend to use to sustain myself. Working with kids feeds me emotionally and spiritually, and can provide monetary income as well. Chapter 6: Diving deep Soul: In this time,
I dreamed powerful dreams and recovered a profound trust in the unfolding
of my life’s pathway. I spent most of this time at Short Mountain
Sanctuary, a Radical Fairie community in Tennessee. A lot was moving
for me while I was there. It was my first experience in explicitly
queer space, and it was a shock to process and relate to the very
different social world of gay men. At the same time, my dear friends
and lovers Lily and Marissa were there with me, and our complex and
intimate relationship process was provoking a great deal of growth.
... This was the first time in my life that I have been so connected
to my dreams as a source of guidance and strength. Society: In my relationships at Short Mountain, I explored the idea of consent and learned to better express my needs and desires. For the first time in my life, I connected intimately and sexually with other male-bodied people. In order to feel safe in this hugely challenging experience, it was very important for me to be very clear about my needs and desires. I practiced asking people “can I put my hand on your knee?”, “can I rub your cheek with my hand?”, and “will you hold me while I cry?”. By being really specific and asking for each touch, my partners and I were able to remain totally present with each others needs and comfort levels. This created really deep intimacy and trust between us. Since then, I have felt more comfortable expressing my needs and desires and have noticed an increase in intimacy and a decrease in anxiety in my life. Sustenance: My experience on vision quest was essential in creating a foundation for sustenance. I returned to trust in the abundance of life, and the knowledge that my existence is supported by the universe. This deep and abiding trust frees me to be more daring in my exploration of the world and all it has to offer, and sustains my emotional and spiritual well-being. In addition, I learned the basics of HTML and web design in creating my output 5: Life in the Hinge.
Soul: Here at Earthaven, I have reflected on my year's work and gained an overview of my pathway. In writing this Learning Review, I have seen clearly that my center of gravity in my life right now is in Soul and mystery. This has provoked the revelations described in the section of this review entitled “Looking Forward.” Society: By observing life here at Earthaven, I have learned a lot about living in community. I have taken note of some of the processes and structures of this community, such as consensus council meetings and their complimentary currency system, and talked with members about their feelings about those structures. I have also witnessed some serious issues arising in the community. This community seems to be struggling right now to hold itself together, and to fully live its vision of itself as an experiment in creating a new culture. Many people here seem to me to be pursuing their own individual lives over and above the life of the community, which causes tension. Many also seem to be isolating themselves out at their private home sites, which gives the community a feeling of individualism and privacy, rather than one of vibrant openness and connectedness. I have learned that I want to live in a community where the core organizing principle of the community is healthy, harmonious, and holistic interrelation of the people that live there. Sustenance: Here at Earthaven, I have had several discussions with people about their personal holistic health and self-care practices. I have been inspired by people who care for their health using herbs, homeopathic remedies, energetic healing modalities, and more. I look forward to researching these topics more and developing my own holistic self health care practice. And so my year comes to a close, and the spiral continues...For a taste of what’s to come, see Looking Forward, Looking
Forward The purpose of my education, in Gaia University and in life, is to further my unfolding development as a human being, towards full embodiment of my Soul, my ultimate place in relationship with all things. Every skill that I learn, class that
I take, or certification that I pursue, is in service to that goal.
In order to achieve that goal, it is useful to have a model of what
soul-centric human growth and maturation looks like. Bill Plotkin
provides such a model in his book “Nature and the Human Soul.” It is not yet time for me to focus
on learning skills for delivering my gifts to the world. This will
happen in the next stage, “The Apprentice at the Wellspring”.
*Note: In a mainstream educational pathway,
the purpose of a college education is to prepare you for a career,
or at least to create possibilities and acquire the necessary knowledge
and certification to have various career options. As stated above,
this is NOT the purpose of my education. Driven by social pressures,
from my parents and from United States culture generally, I have spent
a lot of energy in attempting to decide what kind of “career”
I might want to pursue, and acquiring the skills necessary to pursue
it. According to the wheel, this is extremely developmentally inappropriate
for a person in the Cocoon stage. In the Cocoon, the Wanderer discovers
their Soul, their Ultimate Place in the world, and the gifts that
they are meant to bring to the world community. Then, in the Wellspring,
they begin to learn culturally viable methods for delivering those
gifts. This does not mean that Wanderers do not need to learn sustenance
skills. In order to fully leave home, the wanderer must establish
what Plotkin calls their “survival dance”, the temporary
way of sustaining themselves that will allow them the independence
they need in order to find their “sacred dance”, the way
of being in the world that allows them to embody their Soul and offer
their gifts to the world community.
my return from Shoham to Arad, on Tuesday, December 14, 2010.
The last stretch of my hitch-hike trip happened to be
in a bus
which gave me a chance to listen to music on my cell-phone.
I chose : Schubert's Mass in Es Dur [E-flat
which he composed in his last year (1828).
Being again deeply moved by this music, I thought:
This creator gave humankind such magnificent gifts,
while he himself had such difficulty to cope with his life.
He never even heard his own composition,
and I feel so akin to him, living my life for all humankind,
and nobody even realizes it, leave alone benefits from it so far.
Or so it seems.
But it was not only the
music that touched me in a way,
that I wanted to hear the third part, the Credo, over and over again,
not only while walking from bus to pool, and from the pool back home,
but during the hours of cleaning up the incredible amount of desert sand,
that had landed on my veranda at Arad, while I was flooded in Ramat-Gan.
It was the text of the Credo
[= I believe]]
the "incarnatus est" till the "crucifixus..
passus... sepultus",
which made me feel and think, more than ever before,
that there is something real in the myth of "God's Son":
"et homo factus est", says the text of
the Credo .
"and he, God, was made
a human being".
A line which is left out in Schubert's mass, says,
that this son, this human being, this "true God from
true God" -
genitum, non factum, consubstantialem patri,
begotten, not made, of one essence with
the Father.
Isn't that true for all of us?
Consubstantialem Patri!
Only: where is the Mother?
in unum Deum,
patrem omnipotentem, factorem coeli et terrae, visibilium omnium et invisibilium. Et in unum dominum Jesum Christum, Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine, Qui propter nos homines Et incarnatus
est de Spiritu Sancto Crucifixus
etiam pro nobis |
-youtube Listen to the purple part also on
page in SongGame, |
I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. And
in one Lord, Jesus Christ, God from God, Light from Light, For us men By the power of the
Holy Spirit For
our sake he was (even) crucified |
Abraham 1998 E-mail Quote on Dec. 15, 2010 Feel the power and the freshness of your now: You decipher the contrast. You know what you don't want. You send out your rocket of desire of what you do want, and now you stand in a fresh new place; you want in a fresh way that you have never wanted before. And that's what life is. In that fresh wanting, you summon another dose of Energy. If you can begin t o s a v o r the mere fact t h a t y o u h a v e d e s i r e r i g h t n o w , and you would stop trying so hard to have that desire be fulfilled and manifested in some physical format, then you would have it. |
The majority have been programmed |
Arad, Thursday, Dec. 16, 2010: In the middle of last
night my throat started to hurt.
"Please, let me become healthy till my return to
Shoham, so as not to infect Mika!!!"
Haven't I calmed Efrat that I would not get sick as she feared after my wet
I went 3 times to the loo, drinking a bit of my urine instead of any other
and for today I decided to not go to the pool, but to focus on REST and recovering.
See the result and deeper insights concerning
what I learnt this week, on Shabbat!
to feel better requires that you become better at feeling"
of Closeups to my Past, Finetuning to my Present,
Nourishment for my Living -
- which enhance and enrich my experience of "Mika's
Heaven on Earth"