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into GRATeFULLness"
InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Fine-tuning to my Presence
On the eighth day: Grandma day
at Mazkeret Batya
the last time at Mazkeret Batya - The Four Elements ~~~~~ and the
last time in Arad-Full-moon-Full-Fill-ment
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The Rosenzweig Chanuka-Song tells the story:
years ago there were troubles at Modi'in"
The time was in the year 167 A.D., i.e. almost 2200 years ago.
On this night my daughter brought her two younger kids
from the young town Modi'in
(founded in 1996)
to the relatively old "settlement" Mazkeret
Batya (1882)
to celebrate the eigthth day of Chanuka.
The same theme, three realizations
When I woke up at six o'clock, one of my first thoughts/feelings
was regret!
"Why didn't I take a photo of that rare scene yesterday night,
when my daughter and my daughter-in-love stood there in the kitchen,
talking to each other, while Ra'ayah made little "sufganiot" for
the later Chanuka-celebration?"
Ronnit had brought her kids, and unlike at other occasions, had about 20 minutes
time to stay.
When I heard Micha in the house, I also told him about my regret:
Watching the process |
she exchanged the sizes of the two mothers:
Ronnit, the tall one, is small, Ra'ayah, the small one, is tall.
She gives her drawing a name: "medabbrot"
- "talking" (in the female
She lets her mother say:
"Do you think , they (the sufganiot) are ready?"
and lets her aunt answer: "How should I know?"
While the girls started with the persons, Arnon
"I'm not good at drawing persons, so they are transparent on my drawing".
While all three worked on their creations, he was busy with drawing the exterior
things only.
Only a minute before I left in the evening, I urged him to add the two mothers
after all.
When he did so, we laughed and Ayelet jumped on the sink to demonstrate,
where the mothers were standing in Arnon's painting.
He lets his aunt say to his mother: "It looks tasty!"
while his mother answers: "I don't want to think about it!"
(since Ra'ayah would never eat something
baked in oil)
10 days later - at the celebration of Mika's second birthday
at Shoham - I got another chance:
Here they are, Ronnit, my daughter, [in white]
and Ra'ayah, my daughter-in-love,[in red] talking:
Back to the eighth day of Chanuka, the 24 hours grandma-day at Mazkeret Batyah:
Lights and Shades in the Rosenzweigs' one
year old garden
But before we reached those creations,
two processes had to be gone through.
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