The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




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Keep It Simple Sweetheart














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March 11 Tuesday, s - between Shoham andt Arad

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Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!

I desire to finally learn and integrate the vital, crucial old-new lesson,
that my giving [and never through letters!] must be done in such a gentle manner,
that the other human being can   r e c e i v e   or   r e j e c t  it  w i t h  e a s e
without feeling guilty towards me or not-loving towards herself/himself.

"and walking humbly with your God"
image of the day

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to our hands and fingers
for fulfilling multiple tasks throughout my day,
and right now especially for being able to type,
what I think and sculpt and write
concerning the "Carmey-Ovdat Lesson"


Click the entry-sound of "Carmey Ovdat"

I give thanks to my glasses and those who have invented glasses,
and to Aaron, the optometrician, who has endeavored so much,
to figure out glasses which would serve me in most situations.

I give thanks for yesterday's sophisticated, complex , vital lesson,
- to Efrat, whose re-actions are my most unrelenting teacher,
- and to Immanuel, whom I "staged" (after 23:15!) -
(by needing him to help me with the sound software, which I messed-up)
to expand my 'Deqel-lesson' of "don't write emails, but talk heart to heart",
towards my "Carmey-Ovdat Lesson" of giving without raping.


last communication next communication


"and walking humbly with your God"
[Bible, Micha 6:5]

Couldn't you have warned me,
that the real hammer of the "don't write emails, but talk heart to heart"
was to come only at the end of the day,
with my son's expressive words:

"You shouldn't have written an e-mail,
you should have familiarized Efrat with your great idea slowly!
Your strategy was right, but your tactic spoiled it!"

"If I had warned you, hadn't I committed the same mistake?
Wasn't it good "tactics" to first let you understand in general,
that after some 20000 letters you wrote in 60 years,
you must renounce and relinquish this way of interaction,
then let this be reinforced by Deqel's joy:

"I'm so glad we'll talk, not write!"
and only then confront you with the lesson,
for which the "e-mail lesson" was only the envelope."

Yes, this was so clever, that when listing those "accumulated" e-mails
I didn't even mention the e-mail I had written to Efrat with a copy to my son.

"You woke up, didn't you, before the first birds chirped,
"another of Rachel's maddening idea of how to help someone",
and you got up at 5:30 to work out the idea, sculpt it,
get the info from the Carmey-Ovdat site, see the problems,
find solutions, even offer money to partly pay for the price,
corresponded with that hosting business several times,
before and after you sent that e-mail,
and at what unfortunate timing?
On the day of the deadline of Efrat's newspaper!
And after all this you didn't even suspect that something could be wrong,
and didn't list this letter among those you quotes yesterday.

" But this scenario was perfectly suited to teach you,
what you have been trying to learn ever since you incarnated this time:
that unless you truly understand people, and can identify with them,
all your loving, all your giving turns out to be a curse."

Let me scream here!
Not against the dire LAW, you've phrased here so cruelly,
but against the flood, yes, rising torrent of "messages",
which all preach, what I suckled with my Christian mother's milk,
that "we have to give and give, love and love - blah, blah, blah",
accentuated by the quote from the "New Testament",
that "Geben ist seliger denn Nehmen",
"to give is more blessed then to take".

"You have learnt the fallacy and lack of logic in this long ago.
[For if nobody receives, how can anybody give?]
Your understanding of our Cain-and Hevel story was a quantum-leap.
Don't forget, that you are a hologram of all manifestation.
But now you must go several levels deeper,
- and please let go of those love-fallacies of the spiritual people -
your goal is to heal into loving yourself
and thus help other people heal into loving themselves.
Your idea of taking Efrat's utterance
"to have a time out, all alone" seriously
was like throwing a mirror in front of her,
showing her, that she herself does not take herself seriously.
How would you feel if you were her?

"It is relatively simple to NOT write to Deqel where she is wrong
(taking responsibility for those 13 girls, thus weakening their own powers,
instead of letting them become responsible themselves for themselves).

You can say: "I should not critizise, not point out faults in another".
which, by the way, could be just as lacking in true love,
as giving someone gifts- be they ideas, words or materials,
which cause the person to feel small, not able to accept etc.

But that is not the point!

"That astrologer, whom you met by chance in 1992, Nelly Friedmann,
was aghast :

"your giving is like a man's giving, not like a woman's receiving,
it's too much, it's not natural".

"If you forgive me, I want to exacerbate this wording:
Your giving is raping!"

I don't have to forgive you, for I can see that you are right.
My giving has been raping - through all my life.
And I only scream - again - why wasn't there ever anybody,
who has conceptualized or at least mentioned this "problem"?

"If somebody else had experienced, understood and conceptualized this,
there wouldn't have been any need for YOUR being on this planet.
As you know, each and every color of the one light,
each and every wave of the one ocean,
each and every ray of the one sun
experiences and understands a specific aspect of what WE ALL ARE.
Your David was right in a way, when he refused to read your book:

"If a writer needs to insert so many quotes,
it means he can't think for himself."

You are so grate-full for what others give and teach you,
and you want to honor every person, from whom you learnt something,
but this honorable manner of honoring others has a side-effect:
you despair when you understand aspects of life and manifestation
which nobody else seems to understand and express,
of which - as in the case of "loving and giving" -
"whole world gaps on you" as I phrased in the Letter you love.

"It is about time, that you learn to stand up to your own greatness.
You want Hamza in Gaza to stand up against Israeli soldiers
who have taken his wife's gold ,
you want everyone to stop victimizing him/herself,
you see the greatness in everybody
(and have even learnt to show it to him/her only very, very gently),
but you do not really accept your own greatness.
But now, in learning, that "giving can be raping",
you'll finally do your unique job in manifestation:
earn how to give, give your love, in a manner,
that makes the receiver love him/herself more."

Let me digest this during this day and from now on!
Send me more "tutorials" , more situations, interactions,
where I can train in this.
I beg you! Don't I deserve to learn this lesson at the age of 70?

"I can send you experiences,
but the learning you have to do yourself!"

[See the next lesson!]


I woke up at 5 o'clock with an idea
(always these idea's of Rachel,
hated and feared by my loved-ones):
Hadn't Efrat wanted to spend some time all alone?
I had offered her my castle in Arad,

"and where will you stay? Here at Shoham?"
"Of course".

But I feared, she would never do that,
spend time alone, least of all in my flat.
But there - I had encountered "Carmey-Avdat" again!
Wasn't this the splendid place for her?
Though she feels at home in the Galilee,
she also loves the desert.
At 5:30 I jumped up from my bed
and worked out the details,


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2012_03_11- 2013_03_13DELICIOUS      DELETION




From a doc about the economic boom in Chile
(a strip on the beach of 4630 km length and only 180 km wide,
with only 16 mill. inhabitants, 6 mill. in Santiago the capital)
I was impressed by their vast vine-yards
and learnt that exporting wine is one of Chile's main revenues.

Half an hour later Immanuel told me,
that he and Efrat once met Eyal Yizrael
when they visited in Succah in the Desert , maybe 6 years ago.

"Eyal had just harvested his first grapes,
but since he hadn't - in time - asked for permission
from the religious authorities to market them,
he had to throw away all the grapes."

Efrat didn't remember, but still, for me it was a sign,
that my idea really was right.
The idea, not the way I conveyed it...

This morning I strongly remembered
my unintended visit at Carmey-Ovdat,
and how Eyal Yizrael showed me his woundrous desert vinyards,
all based on the ecological principles of the ancient Nabateans.




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2012_03_11- 2013_03_13DELICIOUS      DELETION



Eyal Yizrael
checks the water
in his pond

Above him:
one of the three cabins
for the guests.

In January 2003,
I was hitchhiking to "Succah in the Desert",
in order to bring the "Desert Peace Process"
between Avi Dror and Gadi Lybrock
to a closure
And lo - a desert car stopped
and the driver ~~ Eyal Yizrael ~~invited me in.
I accepted his spontaneous invitation
to see Carmey-Ovdat and his family -
"We have four children!" he said proudly
and I was deeply impressed and happy:
this fantastic creation in the desert
- not many people like me can know,
what was and is involved in this-
and I envied him for having a partner,
his wife Hanna Yizrael,
who has been his co-worker all along.

January 2003



Grandma-Day Gallery

2008_02_29 2008_03_01 2008_03_02 2008_03_03 2008_03_04 2008_03_05 2008_03_09 2008_03_10 2008_03_11


When we blessed over the food on Shabbat Eve,
Arnon - out of an otherworldly intuition - blessed Efrat
(who had gone with Mika to her parents in Acco),
and thanked her for having made her flat available for grandma-day.

Before the Four left, I asked them, to give this "thank-you" a shape.
I told them how painful it was for Efrat,
that they had come while Mika could not enjoy their company.
It was Ayelet who had the grand idea,
that all four should draw their hands on a paper,
and leave space for Mika's hand to be drawn in later.
We didn't have enough time,
and Arnon, who wanted more perfection, needed to be reminded:
"You know, Arnon, that the enemy of the good is the best!"

They scribbled the words that they wanted to say to Efrat,
and after the Three had gone, Yael wrote those words on a pretty paper,
and glued it to the hands.






I myself added some explanations,
so as to open up Efrat to the gift of the kids.
Still, it didn't make the hoped-for impression...



Two days after that creation , dedication and gift to Efrat, Immanuel returned and I left .
But just before leaving I asked Mika to fill the rectangle intended for her hand.

Mika gladly let me draw her hand
but then she wanted to draw my hand as well.
We couldn't find a space for it and she let it go.



Finale of the Grandma-Day-Show:
Helping each other to climb down the steep slope

Yes, they help each other
to climb down steep slopes...



song of the day

How much I toiled - it was in vain - only now my flower blossoms


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whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8



March 11, 2012, Sunday, Arad

My intention is to find the RIGHT format for our sculptures in
And there come hints and inspiration :
- the biblical stories

(the first "format of thought that caught my "mind" at the age of six)
the Chassidic Stories of Martin Buber
People accused Buber of having re-created the original stories,
but when I in an online "Bibliography Of Hasidic Stories and Storytelling
opened a story by chance "The Fire of Joy", I had no patience to read it.
Buber's stories are so short, that I always - at the end - want more of it!
Another example of a "biblically condensed" format
are the diary entries of Pere Roger of Taizé. [mentioned often on Healing-K.i.s.s.]
We could "use" not only "real" stories but also fictional stories,
in order to show what is needed for people to
"bring their Heaven-to-Earth"
by feeling-healing all they feel,            grate-full, zest-full and full-filled

(those people in the desert joined us, just when Boris learnt my new song)
Of course, the episodes in Midrash and Gemarah have the same format.
(Aviva - spotting her friend Razi sitting with me and Boris at the foot of the desert hill
came down to us and hearing us talk about Razi's vocation, and asked about hers, said:

" my vocation is to study and teach Gemarah"]

This very day - 3SAT has "Fairy-Tales" as its theme for the entire day.
I clicked on "record" on my blessed TV concerning each and every movie,
and hope to not only enjoy those during my "evening-input-sessions",
but to be inspired by them for shemshem.

What for me is the only really   n e w   teaching in "Abraham", is,
that circumstances and things in our life, which we do not like,
are attracted by us as
"contrast, from which to create what we want",
[even in today's quote - though its context is not relevant for me - they say:
"it's all part of this contrast that helps you to sharpen your desire."]
I, therefore, understand for the first time,
why I agreed to learn Greek at school and even for a year at the university
though the "formats" were "epos" and "philosophy":
Though my own thinking is - even too much - linear and systematical,
I hate to receive the linear and systematical input from   o t h e r s ....

The biblical format - the persons, the drama - makes me identify, think.

As I seek inspiration for what should be the "format" relevant for this time,
I recall what I just copied about "FORM" as "God in creation",
RUOW p.120:



I suddenly wonder about the "format" of dreams!
"Lucid Dreaming" sent perplexing articles, which I added to the script of the movie "Waking Life"

a movie, Daniel brought into our lives and which I excerpted on Jan. 21, 2012 and inserted in "SHaMayiM-bli-SHi'aMumM"

There was also a sentence about "peak-experiences" (a term coined by the psychologist Abraham Maslov), after which
"Life seems more meaningful and your outlook is broadened, brightened, and yes, a little more enlightened."
And I ask: "Is Heaven-on-Earth = feeling grate-full, zest-full and full-filled
conditioned by the "meaningfulness" of life?
Isn't it the other way round: If I'm giving meaning to my life, I feel grate-full, zest-full and full-filled?
{Razi in the desert:
"I want to contribute something to the world, so my life on this planet will have a meaning"
"Since when do you want this?"
She laughed shyly and said: "When I was eight, I thought I was a prophetess".

Why is it, that I wanted Boris to take photos of Tamir's visit,
but I do not take photos of Ya'acov or Daniel,
and no longer of the "old" starchildren: Boris and Gal-Mor yesterday,
and not even of the new starchildren who joined us in the Desert,
just at the foot of the hill of Daniel's and Dafna's house?
Isn't it, because I envision something new and great ,
that took seed in that wooden house at the edge of the desert
as well as in my own life and "house"?
Something that should be documented only "by the way",
when pondering an aspect to be sculpted in "shemshem"?

2013- What a fallacy.....


What about the "short" experiences which contribute to Heaven-on-Earth?

When thumbing through the TV program "The Voice",
which I had recorded, in order to 'not waste time' on what wasn't relevant for me,
I was reminded of two love-songs, I like to sing
"ata li eretz" and "If you still love me"

More important, I was "granted" -
that's how it feels to me-
to hear the last candidate among 12 - Lionel Faretein,
who - as I now learnt from a video with an interview
in his audition he sang my cherished song:
"Ha-omnam od yavo'u yamim"
immigrated from Argentine, teaches at the Democratic School in Jaffo,
and wants to be more than a star: he wants to make people FEEL
The only one among the 4 "mentors", who obviously felt like I did now, was Aviv Gefen:
"He will be one of the greatest stars of Israel, listen to me!"

Lionel completely enchanted me,
with a song which enchanted me not less, by Amir Benayoun, the great...
(the fall of leaves in autumn), a song, where Love seems to recede.
One of the 4 "mentors" said:
"It's not my thing",
another one said:
"Finally old true Israel"
Lionel sang it better than Amir Benayoun,
whom I got to know through Tomer, my grandson, and from whom I learnt to sing:
"With me you overcame everything" -
"Grandma, hear the most beautiful love song I know"
, said Tomer at the age of 14.

Lionel's face and voice , his whole being touched me deep in my heart.
Before he sang, his "mentor" Aviv Gefen said:
"Take this where you want to take this.
You have a treasure in your head, I'll just be an observer".

Lionel much appreciated to be given this freedom for his art.

As to other "short" experiences of Heaven-on-Earth:
"IsraelGoodNews" told about the Ice-Sculpting Festival,
that will happen in Jerusalem like in other cities of the world.
I highly admire sculptors , be it with sand or with ice,
who take into account, that their creations will not last,
while I, myself , am so addicted to "lasting" creations.
And what about musicians, dancers, actors and their creations?
by Amir Benayoun

In August 2008 ,
when Tomer taught me that love song of Benayoun,
he agreed to a "retro"- self-portrait of the two of us.

How significant became song and image on the following day - March 12, 2012 -
when I experienced the "unhealedness" of what I documented on March 12, 2008!


2012_03_11- 2013_03_13DELICIOUS      DELETION


2012 March 11
[coincidence on Sept.9, 2013: Yesterday Tamir and his family visited me - for the first time after 9 months.
As a gift - in addition to many food products - they brought pretty cups (made in China, of course).
"You may say, you don't need these, but perhaps you replace with them some old cups!"
I, indeed, don't "need" them, but to guard them until I may "need" a gift for someone else?
It didn't seem to be right, and so I emptied the drawer of my cups next to my sink in the kitchen,
and had the "strength" to discard some 5 "outworn" cups, while in my head a tune was humming:
"rokni regashot meshumashim", "clear out used feelings" (2013 songs, August, other authors).
There still wasn't enough space for the 4 bulky cups, but I found a pretty solution on the shelf above.
The point here is, that somewhere between the old cups there a clipping was hiding with a note by me.
Tthe only words I could read referred to the entry on this page, on this date, and the image of little Re'i!]

My new research on Yitro, following the talk on Friday with Tamir, and then with Boris on Shabbat

Boris, who came towards the end of the visit of Tamir's family, asked
"Why did you call this child 'Re'i-Benjamin'.
"As to Re'i, it comes from Re'u'el, a man also called Yitro and (he looked at me and I said: "Hovav")

What Tamir told about Yitro, needed to be modified and completed,

and so the next day , before Boris and I walked down to the desert,
I showed Boris this note of Everett Fox,
the one translator in any language who followed the principles of Buber-Rosenzweig,
and understood, that the key to understanding the Bible is the "Leitwort", the "Key-word".

While we walked down through the neighborhood and my "usual" small trail to the desert
I told, that Moses learnt from this Bedouin Sheikh-Priest not only how to organize the legal system,
but probably also basic laws, which then entered the Torah and even the ten commandments
[he once had seen my most cherished clip from The Prince of Egypt: Yitro empowers Moses,
which complements truly and verily and really -
what "The Bible" did not tell about the first meeting between Moshe and the "Priest of Midian",

and perhaps basic understandings about YHWH,
and that, as I'd told him in the past, it's not by chance,
that the book of Genesis, which I call "the Midrash", the interpretation-in-the-form-of-stories,
of the liberation from slavery and the Giving of the Torah,
depicts "Israel's Fathers" as Bedouins!

Exodus Chapter 18, The New Society:
"Yitro's Visit:
Israel finally reaches the "mountain of God,"
but this, remarkably, is subordinated to the fact
that Moshe and the people meet up with Yitro,
whom we recall from Chaps. 2-4.
[Ex. 2, 18: the story about how Moses "saved" the daughters of Yitro/Re'uel from the oppression of the male shepherds]
The designation "father-in-law" recurs throughout this chapter (thirteen times),
perhaps playing up the importance of the relationship in Israelite society.
The real concern of the story, however,
is Moshe's early attempt to set up a functioning judicial system in Israel
(hence the key word davar, ten times,
translated here as "matter' in the sense of "legal matter").
The chapter thus serves as a good prelude to Sinai,
which will include far-ranging legal material
(despite the fact that some scholars see it as an insertion from a later period
- cf. v. 16 "God's laws and his instructions")

[I just learnt the principle: ba-Torah ein muqdam o me'ukhar,
in the Torah there is no earlier or later]

"It has been noted (Cohn) that the "trek narratives" in Exodus and Numbers
have been laid out evenly,
with six "stations" between Egypt and Sinai
and another six between Sinai and the land of Israel.
Thus here, Israel has come to the midpoint of its journey.
In another perspective, Moshe himself has come full circle,
returning to both the spot and the man
in whose presence the mature adult phase of his life had begun. "

Exodus 2
15 ...Moshe fled from Pharaoh's face
and settled in the land of Midyan;
he sat down by a well.

16 Now the priest of Midyan had seven daughters;
they came, they drew (water) and they filled the troughs,
to give-drink to their father's sheep.
17 Shepherds came and drove them away.
But Moshe rose up,
he delivered them and gave-drink to their sheep.
18 When they came (home) to Re'uel their father, he said:
Why have you come (home) so quickly today?
19 They said:
An Egyptian man rescued us from the hand of the shepherds.
And also he drew, yes, drew for us and watered the sheep!
20 He said to his daughters:
For-what-reason then have you left the man behind?
Call him, that he may eat bread (with us)!

21 Moshe agreed to settle down with the man,
and he gave Tzippora his daughter to Moshe.
She gave birth to a son,
and he called his name: Gershom/Sojourner There,
for he said; A sojourner have I become in a foreign land.

Later [Ex. 3:1] - in the story about the "Burning Bush" - we learn, that
"Moshe was shepherding the flock of Yitro his father-in-law, priest of Midyan

[see contexts, in which I mentioned Yitro on Healing-K.i.s.s.:

biotestimony 4
From "Prince of Egypt" the song "Through Heaven's Eyes":
"Yitro empowers self-invalidating Moses!

Heaven-to-Earth 2>August 1, 2011: Unity and Uniqueness

and in The Hidden Female Thread of Redemption in the Bible> Tamar

And mainly in biotestimony 7 , where I presented this chapter in English also,
but in a different graphical format.
There I also quoted the other passage about Yitro - in Numeri]

Fox' Note to "priest of Midyan":

"This title has spawned extensive theorizing about the origins of Mosaic religion .
It has been suggested that Moshe learned the rudiments of his religious or legal system from this source. We do not have enough evidence to make a positive judgment on this theory: biographically, it does make sense for Moshe to marry into a holy family of some sort."

"seven daughters": The requisite "magic" number, as in a good folk tale.
"An Egyptian man: Moshe would have been recognizable as such from his manner of dress and lack of facial hair.
In addition, he is not yet fully an Israelite, spiritually speaking."
"So-where-is-he": This is one word in the Hebrew (ve-ayyo).
The whole verse stands in ironic contrast to Moshe's earlier treatment (v. 14) at the hand of "his brothers".
There, he was rejected;
here, his host cannot welcome him quickly enough.

It is, as if the image of 1907 - "The Giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai", in Wikipedia "Parashat Yitro"
illustrates the great, historical meaning of the encounter between Yitro and Moses' family

It fits well, to tell the tale of Moses and his father-in-law,
though - in biblical terms - it is exceptionally long.
Exodus 18~~~~~~~ in Everett Fox' translation
[see wholeness of the Bible]
I'm quoting this without omitting sentences that are not so "relevant",
or not even really understandable (there are notes by Fox in the book),
so as to show the "format" ,
in which "the Bible" wanted to bring forward a whole bunch of teachings!

Now Yitro, the priest of Midyan, Moshe's father-in-law, heard
    about all that God had done for Moshe and for Israel his people,
    that YHWH had brought Israel out of Egypt.
2 Yitro, Moshe's father-in-law,
   took Tzippora, Moshe's wife - after she had been sent home -
 and her two sons,
of whom the first-one's name was Gershom/Sojourner There,
for he
[Moshe] had said: I have become a sojourner in a foreign land
4 and the name of the other was Eliezer/God's-Help, for:
the God of my father is my help, he rescued me from Pharaoh's sword;
5 Yitro, Moshe's father-in-law,
came with his sons and his wife to Moshe,
to the wilderness, where he was encamped,
at the mountain of God.
6 He (had it) said to Moshe:
I, your father-in-law Yitro, am coming to you,
and your wife and her two sons with her.
7 Moshe went out to meet his father-in-law,
he bowed and kissed him, and each-man asked after the other's welfare;
then they came into the tent.
8 Moshe related to his father-in-law
all that YHWH had done to Pharaoh and to Egypt on Israel's account,
all the hardships
that had befallen them on the journey,
and how YHWH had rescued them.
9 And Yitro was jubilant because of all the good
that YHWH had done for Israel,
that he had rescued him from the land of Egypt.
10 Yitro said:
Blessed be YHWH,
who has rescued you
from the hand of Egypt and from the hand of Pharaoh,
who has rescued the people from under the hand of Egypt!
11 (So) now I know: yes, YHWH is greater than all gods -
yes, in just that matter in which they were presumptuous against them.
12 Yitro, Moshe's father-in-law,
took an offering-up and slaugther-animals for God,
and Aharon and all the elders of Israel came
to eat bread with Moshe's father-in-law,
before the presence of God.

Now it was on the morrow:
Moshe sat to judge the people,
and the people stood before Moshe from daybreak until sunset.
14 When Moshe's father-in-law saw all that he had to do for the people,
he said: What kind of matter is this that you do for the people-
why do you sit alone,
while the entire people stations itself around you
from daybreak until sunset.
[Moses aloneless - see also in the desperate pleading with God, put into a tune by me 20 years ago]
15 Moshe said to his father-in-law:
When the people comes to me to inquire of God,
16 - when it has some legal-matter, it comes to me -
I judge between a man and his fellow
and make known God's laws and his instructions.

Then Moshe's father-in-law said to him:
Not good is this matter, as you do it!

You will become worn out, yes, worn out,
so you,
so this people that are with you,
for this matter is too heavy for you,
you cannot do it alone.

19 So now, hearken to my voice,
I will advise you,
so that God may be-there with you:
Be-there, yourself for the people in relation to God.
You yourself should have the matters come to God;
20 You should make clear to them the laws and the instructions,
you should make known to them the way they should go,
and the deeds that they should do;

21 but you - you are to have the vision
(to select)
from all the people men of caliber,
holding God in awe,
men of truth, hating gain,
you should set
(them) over them
as chiefs of thousands, chief of hundreds,
chief of fifties, and chiefs of tens,
22 so that they may judge the people at all times.
So shall it be:
every great matter they shall bring before you,
but every small matter they shall judge by themselves.
(it) light upon you,
and let them bear
(it) with you.

[this story could help people with "burnout syndrom",
people who exhausted themselves, wore-out themselves
by - unconsciously - trying to reach full-fillment]

If you do (thus in) this matter
when God commands you
you will be able to stand,
and also this people will come to its place in peace.
24 Moshe hearkened to the voice of his father-in-law,
he did it all as he had said:
25 Moshe chose men of caliber from all Israel,
he placed them as heads over the people,
as chiefs of thousands, chiefs of hundreds,
chiefs of fifties, and chiefs of tens.
26 They would judge the people at all times:
the difficult matters they would bring before Moshe,
but every small matter
they would judge by themselves.

Moshe sent his father-in-law off,
and he went home to his land.






10 Hebrew lines daily between Ya-Ra towards the doomed-to fail
2012_03_11- 2013_03_11DELICIOUS      DELETION




An overdue song

This song is a composition of six messages
in the book of Jeremia

When - in 1962 at the theological faculty of Heidelberg
I had to present a research and a sermon about Jer. 1,
I was troubled by the verbs of destruction [Jer.1:10].
Now, in 2013, I understand, how I must apply these
to ever so many beliefs, habits, relationships,
and even creations - sculptures on this website.
A metaphor on this day, March 11, 2013:
a creative wave   r e c e d e s    from a sandy beach



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