The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














intro to k.i.s.s.-log ~ library of seven years ~ HOME ~ contact

March 1, SHABBAT, - at Shoham

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image of the day

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to our nerves and all their parts and connections,
which guide the movements of my fingers
as they transmit - from our brain to our breathing system -
the desire to breathe awarely and intensely
in order to clear up the greyness of my soul.


I give thanks to my woundrous, miraculous Quartet,
and the way they demonstrated yesterday evening,
that they - like Mika - "still" know
how to find full-fill-ment in play,
using the grating, screeching merry-go-round as a spaceship,
and the swings as a time-machine,
and moving forward and backward in time.


Finetuning to my Present

The togetherness with the children was so fantastic,
and the feedback from Deqel and some parents she had met so encouraging,
and the Skype-talk with Immanuel so good
(Efrat had told him in one sentence about the trigger "Grandma-Day),
and everything on the exterior level is so enjoyable,
that it's hard to accept, that my soul is grey like the sky today.
It may be the aftereffect of the "Grandma-Day-Trigger"
[see tomorrow].
It may be the incident with Nella now.
Or it may be my tiredness, after not having slept well -
the noise outside is such, that I prefer to close the window,
which in turn suffocates me, be it only in my imagination.

Since we came back from the darkness outside only at 19:30,
I thought I could skip walking her before going to sleep.
This meant, that she was bothering me in the early morning,
and I had no choice (?) but to get up and take her out.
[Completed the next day, since the children had woken up:]
When we found ourselves on the street, she ran off:
I had forgotten the leash!
Ambiguous feelings:
Fear! When I had suggested to not go home to Arad on Friday,
but stay alone in the flat, until Efrat would come back from Acco,
she said: "That's very good, for I didn't know what to do with Nella."
But I also felt, that this maybe a test:
Efrat lately has been mad at Nella, for biting and for loosing hair everywhere.
She threatened several times to return her to the S.O.S. animal organization.
I felt: "If Nella won't come back, Efrat even won't have to decide anything."

Having learnt my lesson with Nella's running off
I did not even try to chase after her.
I searched for stones and other items, to keep all 4 doors in the house open,
so she could come back by herself.
Eventually I heard barking and ran down to the street.
It was a dog on the floor above us, which barked out of the window.
And, indeed, the object of its excitement was Nella,
which carelessly walked along the side-way across the street.
I called her - and she came! She run up like the devil - to her home.

[2008_03_05 -
the same happened again! on Friday-morning, before I left for Arad!
I wanted Efrat and Mika to sleep a bit longer,
and in order not to make noise, I took Nella with the leash in my hand,
intending to tie it to her collar only outside, since she makes tying so cumbersome.
But lost in thoughts, I forgot and Nella escaped.
This time my endeavors to call her - gently - several times later, failed,
and only when I was already in the train, I heard, that Efrat had caught her.
But! and that's the point, nobody was angry at me.

"If she doesn't want to stay with us, let her have her way!" ]


Grandma-Day Gallery

2008_02_29 2008_03_01 2008_03_02 2008_03_03 2008_03_04 2008_03_05 2008_03_09 2008_03_10 2008_03_11



Back to the Eve of Shabbat with the Four.

Then there was the experience
around the merry-go-round
on another little playground nearby.
It was where Mika had experienced rain
for the first time
(in November, I think)
and whenever we pass the little park,
she'll say: "geshem!" - "rain".


Since I couldn't get the entire Space-Story,
I showed them the photos the next day,
and they explained -
while they were quite synchronized,
in what they remembered,
and in how they saw the evolution of their story.




"It was all about different kinds of time-machines!

"The first period into which we traveled,
was the Year of Independence
of the State of Israel".
Therefore, what we saw,
was all in black and white."





"Then we traveled back to the time of the dynosaurs
(which was in their opinion in the year 2010 and 2391 B.C.)
it was the "time" when Nella was very nervous,
(I had tied her to a bench),
so Ayelet and Itamar said,
that she was a nervous dinosaur
and that we must get away from her."




"We also traveled back
to the time of the Bible,
but then we wanted
to go forward in time,
to the year 2500.

"The problem was,
that we got stuck
- already in the year 2200.
The time-machine exploded,
and we hardly escaped."

"Arnon and Itamar tried to repair it on earth,
but did not succeed"

[I laughed, - in real time, i.e. yesterday night,
when Arnon sent Itamar to the shop,
to buy and pay for a screwdriver:

"Do you really think,
that in the year 2200,
there will still be a need for screwdrivers,
and that people will still have to bother with money?"

(then there was a confusion in their story,
of what preceded what,
and what happened in space and what happened on earth).





"Then each of us got lost somehow,
and in searching for each other,
we could not always rely
On our communication devices!

"Still - the first of us to meet each other,
were Yael and Ayelet."




"Then those two found Itamar.
He had flown off
to a period shortly
after the "Big Bang".

" Luckily he found a time-door
and could return
to real time
on Earth.

" We then synchronized
our watches
and flew off again,
to find Arnon."


"Somehow we returned to our machine,
ate and drank and slept and woke up,
and ~~~


"... and learnt,
that all we had experienced,
was just a dream!"

I wondered:
"All of you had the same dream?"

And Ayelet, never being at a loss for an answer:
"Yes, of course, aren't we of the same family?"

At home, the "little-ones" immediately advanced to their next activity:
using Mika's felt figures to tell the story of "the Raspberry-Juice-Man",
changing it according to the materials which were available.

Arnon wanted to help me with making the "Pfannkuchen", grandma's specialty of South German pancakes,
but the gas-stove at Shoham is just too inconvenient and dangerous for a child to work on.
So he spent a beautiful togetherness with Yael and Nella.
And an old photo has to serve as compensation: Nov. 2006, Grandma-Day in Arnon's house at Mazkeret Batya:



At night :
a response to Gabriela in India,
who hadn't written for 2 months.

Thank you for re-connecting.
You seem to be - relatively - alright, and I am glad for that.

As to your dying mother
- I can feel with your uneasiness of having left her behind like that.
You once explained, why my way of turning a curse into a blessing,
i.e. nurse my mother till death and thus heal my childhood,
is out of the question for you.
Can you explain this again? I forgot your arguments.

The Popocatepetl, which you visited after the visit to your mother in Mexico,
was quite central in the scarce geographical knowledge of my childhood,
probably because I found the name so funny.

Why you don't get tired of attending all those conferences, is a riddle for me.

The same is true for your involvement in your college.
Approaching the age of 65 - aren't you allowed to retire?

But then, you once claimed that you wouldn't know what else to "do".
I can't believe that.

My exterior life has not changed.
I'm still commuting between Arad and Shoham.
But the meaning of this circumstance in my life-drama becomes clearer.
There is Mika on the one hand - now 26 months old - who teaches me,
what Full-Fill-ment is.

For she lives like that - from moment to moment.
And there is my daughter-in-love.
In the local newspaper, which Efrat produces, an article was published
about mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law.
We were both interviewed together, and what each of us said, was striking.
Even I hadn't been aware
how effective we were in coping, learning, healing together.
And though in 2003, just before my new project at the Dead Sea,
I've worked a lot on Ruth and Naomi,,
as part of "the hidden female thread of redemption in the Bible",
it was only now, that I understood the daring metaphor of this little novel: Ruth
(who was invented as the great-great-grandmother of King David ,
he himself being a metaphor for the "Messiah"):
The clichee about mother-in-law and daughter-in-law
is one about mutual hatred, to say the least.
And there comes this channeling writer in the Bible and claims,
that there was the deepest caring and love between Ruth and Naomi.
As if s/he wanted to say:
If you want a demonstration of what the future Heaven-on-Earth will be,
study the relationship between that Israeli widow and that Moabite widow.

Heaven-on-Earth is what we now have to create,
instead of escaping from earth to heaven.



I think this letter, across continents and live-concepts
should be contrasted - humorously - by a few of Rotem's photos
of Arnon's "Pfannkuchen"
on Grandma-Day at Mazkeret Batya, in November 2006;




2008_02_29 2008_03_01 2008_03_02 2008_03_03 2008_03_04 2008_03_05 2008_03_09 2008_03_10 2008_03_11



When I put the older-ones to sleep
they wanted to hear two of the Rafael-Rachel children songs:

" the red flower",
and "the little camel and the little bear".


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home ~ library of seven years ~ intro to k.i.s.s.-log ~ contact

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8


See - in SongGame - my discovery of Hans Christian Andersen's "What the Moon saw"

sent two delightful introductory videos

The concept as the videos are magnificent,
though what is missing even here,
is the awareness of the root of all that's not working on this planet:
the denial of feelings - i.e. of big parts of myself - in general,
and from there the denial of my greatness,
and from there the feeling of frustration and lack of full-fill-ment
and , of course, the lack of self-esteem, self-acceptance, self-love.

Towards Ya'acov's birthday tomorrow
I'm collecting our correspondence since February 11, 2012,
since I am not content with how we communicate by mail,
and I am focusing on my intention to see what this means.
(see the first step towards an answer on March 4, 2012]

February 11, 2012

2012_02_11--- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION

On Febr. 20, 2012 Ya'acov inquired, if I had received this letter, I hadn't, but since he sent it again, I could answer
On Febr. 20, 2012, I responded with several letters.
Ya'acov answered almost a week later, letter by letter, yes passage by passage,
and as a forward explained, why it took him so long:
He wanted to follow all the links I had mentioned:

2012_02_20-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION

2012_02_20-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION

2012_02_20-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION

2012_02_20-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION

link: my research of "akedia" in K.i.s.s.-log 2008_10_31

2012_02_20-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION

2012_02_20-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION

2012_02_20-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION

In hindsight (March 2013) this is a first example of how my way of talking/writing -
associating stories and symbols-
did not touch Y.

2012_02_21-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION
February 21, 2012: 13:35

2012_02_21-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION
Nr. 7 of the 2012 songs on "triptych"

2012_02_21-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION

link to the quote from Living with Joy in Right Use of Will on "Healing-K.i.s.s."

2012_02_21-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION


2012_02_21-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION

Ya'acov re-quoted, what I had sent him in an extra-letter,
though he, too receives the daily e-mail quotes from "Abraham"
and it was from him, that I learnt about "Abraham/Esther" about 2 years ago.,

How Polarity relates to Wholeness
link to where Original Heart tells the reason for splitting itself appart - >peers...

2012_02_21-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION

I also tell Ya'acov, that when I scrolled to the preceding page,
>Celebrating what is right with the World>January 29, 2010
I found the moving images of Ya'acov's daughters and my granddaugther
and there also the link to The Voyage of the Four to Poland -October 2009


2012_02_21-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION

The next day, March 2, 2012, Ya'acov's 55th birthday, I wrote, as if free of the chaos of interaction as documented above.
Yet Ya'acov's answer on March 3 showed me, that neither me nor he did understand our challenge of communication yet:

2012_02_22-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION

breathe, listen and make room for Me to lead you.
Pay close attention to symbols, signs, whispers,
experiences that come your way,
how you feel, not how you think; and that which shifts.
And then, follow in that direction.

SongGame 2007-03-02

2012_02_22-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION

"" is online now and we could start to work on it.

He knows that "triptych" means the introductory page of my website.
2012_01_06 till 2012_02_17

2012_02_22-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION

I link him to the page on which I sculpted my encounter with "Yehoyada" on Nov.10, 2011

2012_02_22-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION

2012_02_22-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION


2012_02_22-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION

youtube: "the work with Byron Katie"Mother and Son"




2012_02_22-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION


Last letter -2012-03-04 - before meeting face to face - 2012-03-07

2012_02_22-- 2013_02_29DELICIOUS      DELETION


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