The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














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March 8 , Sunday,- at Arad
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- on March 17

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Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!

I've fulfilled the intentions of the last 2 days except for one:
Recording the River Jordan song, which I now know so well, that it hums in my head.
Today I desire to cope with my fear and study the advanced program of working with SOUND,
so that I can record and edit not only this song,
but create more complex sound files in the future.

image of the day, William Agudelo with Ernesto Cardenal

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to our arteries and veins and heart,
which made our blood flow so evenly through us,
while this night's sleep carried our spirit to other spaces.


Thanks for all the little joys after getting up from my comfortable bed:
- for the computer which opens and prepares itself for my creation,
- for the little casette-recorder and the old songs of William Agudelo,
[may yesterday's treaty between Ecuador-Venezuela-Colombia last!]
to which I listened during the 10 min. of dressing, making my bed etc.,
- for the Khamsin, which lets you, precious little stove rest on this morning,
- for the water, the electric kettle, the black tea and those who reaped it,
- for the water&sewage-pump of my toilet and the water to clean myself,
- for my black blouse (from Ra'ayah) & red trousers (from Tamir, 2004)
- for the prosthesis of my teeth, for the comb with which I combed my hair
while strolling through the tiny, newly refreshed path in my little garden.


Anni, 101 years old:
"The only thing I can't do any longer is singing!"

During the last days I learnt about remarkable old people :

These twins are the oldest in Switzerland.
Annie and Rosie were born on Febr. 14, 2008.
Annie's husband died 30 years ago.
She still lives by herself,
even after she broke a rib and was in hospital.
Rosie never married..Now she agreed to live in a home,
where she does gymnastics with the younger inmates.
Asked what helped them live that long, they said:
"Being grateful for whatever there is."
Annie added:
"I only miss one thing, I can't sing any longer!

I also learnt about old people who look for partners.
(In Saxonia) "The women are terribly disadvantaged:
at the age of 80 there are twice as much women as men,
of these 90% are "in good hands",
and the rest may be good for nothing".

I also saw a doc which accompanied the life of
ex-Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and his wife Loki
died 2010,
both born in 1918, 5 years older than
their very good friend Henry Kissinger,
whom I heard speaking German with them!

About Helmut Schmidt, Wikipedia 2013:
His circle also includes Henry Kissinger " he wishes to predecease Helmut Schmidt, because he would not wish to live in a world without Schmidt."
2012 Schmidt is in love again, with Ruth Loah, 79!
Rita Levi Montalcini, born April 22, 1909, also a twin (of Paola),
2013: she died on Dec. 30, 2012!
she came to Israel now to do research and when asked,
if receiving the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1986 excited her
"what excites me is a new discovery, not a ceremony!"

To sing and to live and to die
is like being
the River Jordan

To sing is like being Jordan
you begin above in the north,
young, cool, fizzing, cheeky,
you hear birds in the thicket
and each of them is like a bird
in the garden of Eden,
for to sing is to be like Jordan

Your days flush like Jordan,
and as Jordan you flow south
on the shores grow wild herbs,
but further on the tides of your waters
Isn't it that your days flush like Jordan.

Your end is to die like Jordan
to be gathered slowly to the Dead Sea
to the lowest place in the world
but from the top of the snowy mountains
with great cheering bustle
after you your songs bubble .

Isn't it that to sing is like to be Jordan.




After the "theme" of becoming very old
and the "theme" of dying into the Dead Sea,
there comes that other big "theme": sin and guilt.

In the pool and during the walk to and fro I was rehearsing a choral by Martin Luther,
"Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir",
"Out of the depths I have cried to You",
which totally opposes what I believe in,
but its tune arouses nostalgic feelings to my singing as a child and young girl.

Now, when listening again to the touching 10 min. series
of Lutz Goerner's "Lyric for All",
I felt compassion for the poet Georg Trakl who lived
in that abyss of guilt, sin and shame, Luther talked about.
[see a page about Georg Trakl in English
with 20 translated poems and a biography] .

Folge 119
"Nachdem ich Sie mit den expressionistischen Texten von Jakob van Hoddis vertraut gemacht habe, komme ich jetzt zu dem wohl härtesten Drogensüchtigen der Literaturgeschichte, dessen Werk heute noch bekannt ist. Mit 16 Jahren begann seine Drogenkarriere mit Alkohol, Zigaretten und Chloroform, wobei der Körper durch unzählige andere Rauschmittel elf Jahre später dem Wahnsinn verfiel und abstarb. Ich rede von dem Salzburger Georg Trakl.
Hineingeboren in die goldene Backhendl-Zeit, wie die Österreicher die Zeit um 1890 nennen, war Trakl das vierte von sechs Kindern eines wohlhabenden Eisenwarenhändlers am Waagplatz in Salzburg, da wo sich heute das Café Glockenspiel befindet, in dem es diese einzigartigen Salzburger Nockerln gibt, und wo dieses unsägliche Mozartdenkmal steht.

Der Heilige

Wenn in der Hölle selbstgeschaffener Leiden
Grausam-unzüchtige Bilder mich bedrängen
– Kein Herz ward von erwünschter Geilheit so
Berückt wie meins, und so von Gott gequält
Kein Herz – heb ich die abgezehrten Hände,
Die unerlösten, betend auf zum Himmel.
Doch formt nur qualvoll-ungestillte Lust
Mein brünstig-fieberndes Gebet, des Glut
Hinströmt durch mystische Unendlichkeiten.
Und nicht so trunken tönt das Evoe
Des Dionys, als wenn in tödlicher,
Wutgeifernder Ekstase Erfüllung sich
Erzwingt mein Qualschrei:
Exaudi me, Maria!
Der Gewitterabend
O die roten Abendstunden!
Flimmernd schwankt am offenen Fenster
Weinlaub wirr ins Blau gewunden,
Drinnen nisten Angstgespenster.
Staub tanzt im Gestank der Gossen.
Klirrend stößt der Wind in Scheiben.
Wie ein Zug von wilden Rossen
Grelle Blitze Wolken treiben.
Laut zerspringt der Weiherspiegel.
Möwen schrein am Fensterrahmen.
Feuerreiter sprengt vom Hügel
Und zerschellt im Tann zu Flammen.
Kranke kreischen im Spitale.
Bläulich schwirrt der Nacht Gefieder.
Glitzernd braust mit einem Male
Regen auf die Dächer nieder.

"Trotz dieses katholischen exaudi me, erhöre mich, Maria, war Trakl protestantisch und auch
recht gottesfürchtig.
Und so gibt es heute genügend Leute,
die Trakl mit dem Nimbus
überirdischer Vereinzelung umgeben wollen
und ihn am liebsten in einen rein geistlichen
Raum entrücken möchten.
Trakl, der Nietzsche und Dostojewski verehrt,
der geprägt ist von den Gedichten
von Lenau, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Verlaine, George, Hofmannsthal und Rilke,
hat seine fünf Jahre jüngere Schwester Grete nicht nur zur Rauschgiftsucht verleitet, sondern
auch zu einem sexuellen Verhältnis.

"Grete hat sich drei Jahre nach dem Tod ihres Bruders als 25-Jährige erschossen."


Es dräut die Nacht am Lager unsrer Küsse.
Es flüstert wo: Wer nimmt von euch die Schuld?
Noch bebend von verruchter Wollust Süße
Wir beten: Verzeih Maria uns, in deiner Huld!
Aus Blumenschalen steigen gierige Düfte,
Umschmeicheln unsere Stirnen bleich von Schuld.
Ermattend unterm Hauch der schwülen Lüfte
Wir träumen: Verzeih Maria uns, in deiner Huld!

He not only lured his 5 year younger sister
into Morphium,
but had sex with her.
She aborted their child,
and shot herself 3 years after Trakl's suicide.
Am Abend tönen die herbstlichen Wälder
Von tödlichen Waffen, die goldenen Ebenen
Und blauen Seen, darüber die Sonne
Düstrer hinrollt.
Umfängt die Nacht
Sterbende Krieger, die wilde Klage
Ihrer zerbrochenen Münder.
Doch stille sammelt im Weidengrund
Rotes Gewölk, darin ein zürnender Gott wohnt,
Das vergossne Blut sich, mondne Kühle;
Alle Straßen münden in schwarze Verwesung.
Unter goldnem Gezweig der Nacht und Sternen
Schwankt der Schwester Schatten durch den schweigenden Hain,
Zu grüßen die Geister der Helden, die blutenden Häupter.
Und leise tönen im Rohr die dunklen Flöten des Herbstes.
O stolzere Trauer! ihr ehernen Altäre,
Die heiße Flamme des Geistes nährt heute ein gewaltiger Schmerz,
Die ungebornen Enkel.

"Bei dieser Lebensweise schaffte Trakl natürlich nicht das Abitur, und wurde, was für einen Morphium-, Veronal- und Opiumsüchtigen sicher nicht so geeignet ist, Apotheker.
Er lebte nun meist in Wien, der Dreckstadt, wie er sie nannte, »wo kalt und böse ein verwesend Geschlecht wohnt.« Wenn man nicht wie Trakl dort untergehen wollte, musste man sich Wien anpassen wie Hofmannsthal und Rilke oder Wien bekämpfen wie Karl Kraus.
Georg Trakl wurde durch seinen Drogenkonsum, zu dem noch tagtäglich drei Liter Wein plus Bier und Schnäpse kamen, immer mehr von der Realität entfremdet. Er bekam Anfälle von Platzangst, Schweißausbrüche und Persönlichkeitsspaltung. Er war nicht mehr arbeitsfähig.
Die Zeiträume, in denen er bezahlte Arbeit verrichten konnte, wurden immer kürzer. Der letzte Versuch eine Stelle im Wiener Arbeitsministerium anzutreten, das war ein Jahr vor seinem Tod, endete schon nach zwei Stunden.

Im August 1914 wurde er zu einer Sanitätskolonne in den 1. Weltkrieg eingezogen. Einige Wochen später schreibt er über die Schlacht im galizischen Grodek, das gleichnamige Gedicht, in welchem er aber auch über seine Schwester Grete und das Kind, das sie von ihm erwartete und abgetrieben hatte, die ungeborenen Enkel, berichtet. "


At evening the woods of autumn are full of the sound
Of the weapons of death, golden fields
And blue lakes, over which the darkening sun
Rolls down; night gathers in
Dying recruits, the animal cries
Of their burst mouths.
Yet a red cloud, in which a furious god,
The spilled blood itself, has its home, silently
Gathers, a moonlike coolness in the willow bottoms;
All the roads spread out into the black mold.
Under the gold branches of the night and stars
The sister’s shadow falters through the diminishing
To greet the ghosts of the heroes, bleeding heads;
And from the reeds the sound of the dark flutes of
autumn rises.
O prouder grief! you bronze altars,
The hot flame of the spirit is fed today by a more
monstrous pain,
The unborn grandchildren.

On November 1914 Trakl killed himself with an overdosis of Cocain.

»Ich sehne den Tag herbei, schreibt er,
an dem die Seele
in diesem armseligen von Schwermut verpesteten Körper
nicht mehr wird wohnen wollen und können.
An dem diese Spottgestalt aus Kot und Fäulnis verlassen wird,
die ein nur allzu getreues Spiegelbild
eines gottlosen, verfluchten Jahrhunderts ist."
The "themes"
of becoming old~~~of sin and guilt~~~ of death
have one thing in common,
a horrid despise for Body.
Trakl has put this in words :
"diese Spottgestalt aus Kot und Faeulnis"
"this figure of mockery, of shit and putridness"
which "the soul" yearns to escape...



Nourishment from Others
Is this a warning?

From Jean Hudon's 40000 words e-mail today:
Co-Creating The Future of Our Choice
(archived as Meditation Focus 183)

2008_03_09- 2013_03_09DELICIOUS      DELETION

Grandma-Day Gallery

2008_02_29 2008_03_01 2008_03_02 2008_03_03 2008_03_04 2008_03_05 2008_03_09 2008_03_10 2008_03_11

Finally the three are willing
to leave the exciting hill,

with its ancient cisterns and mounds,
and the destructive structures
for the future commercial center

and follow Itamar to the merry-go-round
of the night before.

Arnon walks with Nella
towards this majestic neighborhood
at the western outskirts of Shoham.

Just in front of it is the little park,
where Mika always remembers "rain",
since it was there that - with me -
she first experienced rain,,
and when I too arrive,
Itamar and Ayelet already sit
on the "Time-machine"


But alas, the "time-machine" had been overused by the Four last night,
and only with enormous effort the thing would move,
screeching and shrieking and disturbing the other families in the park.


So we left the park and crossed over to the "Pelican-Circle"
which guards the Western entrance to Shoham.






We sat down
and ate a snack,

looked upon
by all the cars
which drove
around the circle
to enter town
or to exit town.

Nella was tied
to the
red man above
and felt left out

So she used every opportunity
to bark at something, someone
standing on two legs like a circus dog.

Yael's photo!



Intimate interaction
between grandson and grandma,
while Itamar
forever checks his watch
and Ayelet watches him.

Yael's photo!


song of the day

Flowing like the River Jordan - singing, living and dying


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whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8





March 9, 2012, Wednesday, Arad

When opening the daily e-mail quote from "Abraham" today,
I got very sad again.
However much "they" deny the accusation: 'You promote denial',
they do just that: they promote DENIAL.
Then I told myself: I don't want to strengthen what's wrong.
I'll only point out, what in my eyes is beneficial for evolution.
But later - when finding the (annoying)message in my mail-box
"there are some activities on Facebook which you might have missed... "
and opened it, since the time to remove Facebook from my life, is not yet ripe,
I saw an entry (by Ibrahim Sam'aan, once a partner in "partnership"),
which made me just as sad,
and this time I felt, I should actually quote what makes me sad,
since - as "Abraham" teaches ME, yes ME -

"you all learn by contrast."

"Pure love
is a willingness
to give
without a thought of
anything in return"

Ibrahim's quote
within a pretty heart...

Yes, "something is important", when I feel a feeling,
which I would like to ignore, push away, override.

And yes, it is important to know what I want.
But who am the "I" and what can the "I" achieve,
if the "I" is fragmented, having shoved away so many parts of the "I",
memories and qualities and so-called "negative" feelings?

Ibrahim's quote of the horridly famous "Jesus-Word"
"geben ist seliger denn nehmen" "It is more blessed to give than to receiv".
[Acts 25:35]
simply makes me mad,
not only because it's lacking any logic,
for if everyone would give without wanting to receive,
who would be there to receive, what you want to give?
Worse! It's the most egotistical love I can think of!
Because what "Cain", and we all are "Cain", wants,
is to give, to give from "the fruits of his soil",
to give from what he has learnt or created.

My love is "pure" ,
if I summon an opportunity for the loved-one
t o    g i v e   t o   m e .

[expressed in an old song of mine (1984)]

In the context of my thinking and living: not in linear , but in spherical time -
I found another clipping with "What the Moon saw" by H.C. Andersen 1840!
I want to let ourselves be inspired by this format for

I'm tempted to tell and analyze an immensely strong and long dream tonight.
[If I should ever attract the most dreaded exterior situation of a sealed prison,
without input or output, without interaction with people or exterior experience,
I would still have my memories, my nightly dreams, my visions and dear Body]
but writing would also belong to:
"talk, talk, talk is your temptation,
just remember your vocation
empowering those with whom you are
let them bring their Heaven-to-Earth
to feel-heal all they feel
grate-ful, zest-full and full-filled
to love themselves in each others' heart,

loving ourselves in each others' heart."

As to the influence on the world of One United Feeling in the Heart,
I'm studying a video with Gregg Braden, sent to me by Yanina:
"We can see the cancer disappear within 3 minutes
in the presence of the language that heals".

The 3 Chinese practitioners create the feeling in their heart,
they use a word to create the feeling in their body,
it could be any word, but it means: "It has already happened".
The field of energy reflects our feeling in the moment.
as if this woman (cancer in bladder) is already healed,
or as if our perfect relationship has already manifested
So what we choose to experience in our lives,
we must first feel in our hearts,
as if it has already happened.

Go inward for a moment, feel your energy,
and allow a picture, a symbol, feeling or word come
which represents your purpose here.
What is your growth centering around in this lifetime?
What have been your main challenges?
What, in form, have you been wanting to create in your outer world?

Higher purpose is always something you love
[centered and stressed in the book itself]

In the next month, become more aware of your purpose.
It is always playful and joyful.
Higher purpose leads to the finer energies of life,
such as a deep connection with a loved one,
the joyful union of friends as they play ..
Joy can exist in every moment
if you are willing to live in purpose.
Manifesting higher purpose means believing in yourself,
and believing in the goodness of the universe.

For the first time since Febr. 2011
Tamir , indeed, came to visit me,
with his wife Hila and Re'i-Benjamin
and the new child: Gaefen-Miryam.
Boris - later - took these photos~~

Gaefen-Miryam, Tamir's and Hila's daughter

See the touch between father and son, Tamir and Re'i-Benjamin,
also on a photo in the context with my new research on Yitro/Re'uel,
the Bedouin Sheikh and Priest of Midian, Moses Father-in-Law,
according to whom Tamir~ Hila called their sun "Re'i", my friend.


The beginning of a "communication-game", on March 9, 2012
I suggest to never write more than 10 (sculpted) lines

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