The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"


roll down to:
Practising towards the new Hebrew website shemshem

"This  Creation  is  based  on  vibration.
S O U N D  is vibration."

[see also the page "SOUND"]



2009_11_09, early morning
This night it came to me, that I must finally -update- this pretty page!
For something much more practical and effective has evolved in time:

Whenever I become aware of one of those nebulous feelings of discomfort,
also in nightly hours, when sleep escapes, and I try "desperately" to sleep,
I inhale "God" and extend~~extend~~extend-to-the-utmost my breathing-in
and then - with body's relief of exhaling - I embrace the feeling and love it!
This "alignment with Source" results in feelings of wholeness and content!


Last update: 2005_06_24

Our Jewish, Christian, Muslim forefathers structured TIME by prayer,
not silent prayer, but voiced prayer,
not sitting still, but bending their bodies here and there, now and then.

I am desiring and dreaming, I am longing and yearning,
that you, who will be attracted to this page,
will be enthusiastic about this application of structuring TIME by SOUND.

The Five Daily

I intend to set the alarm clock of my mobile phone
at 7:00,
then at 11:00,
then at 15:00,
then at 19:00,
and at last at 23:00.

Whenever I come across a context on my site,
where I mention "the 5 Sound-Appointments",
I feel shame!
shame that even I myself don't apply my idea.
I still find this format not only absolutely right,
but also practical.
If religious Jews and Muslims can do it,
why can't I?
Why is it that any fixed, rigid format of exercise
has become unbearable for me.
Even "Paula-Keys" and "Better Vision Exercises"
I practice only [partly...],
if I succeed to integrate them
into my functioning of daily living.
How come then, that I'm able to learn new songs
and consistantly rehearse old songs - daily?
Isn't this more rigid?
Squeezing free sound into fixed lyrics?
I don't understand it at all.
And therefore won't delete what I once phrased:


When the alarm alerts me,
I intend to interrupt every activity or interaction or rest.
I take my phone, click "exit" and set the next alarm hour.
With some routine this takes about 20 seconds of concentration.
This concentration on a technical procedure helps me to detach.

Then I start sounding, singing, or at least sighing and breathing.
This morning I saw a Jew waiting for the bus and praying aloud,
but I am still ashamed to raise my voice in someone's presence.
I breathe with intent, I sigh a sound, I hum with my lips closed,
and I intend to move my shame, until I'll lead the world in sound.

When I feel safe, not shame, alone or with friends who join in,
I not only sound, I also move,
I spin and whirl, I jump and jolt, I skip and dance,
all the while listening intently to my body
and moving every limb and every joint as they want to move.

After a time of wild sounding
I focus.
I focus on what I want.
I focus on what I want to accomplish in my present life.
And I do so by voicing a single word:
"y e s h !"
y - e - e - e - sh !
It's a biblical word, which means "there is"
["yesh elohim"=there is a God, "yesh li imma"= there is a mother to me, i.e. I have a mother"]
In recent years the word - said as an outcry of joy - became slang:
"Y E S H !!!"
i.e. I got what I wanted.
Yelling YESH!!! all over the Desert and the Dead Sea makes me feel,
that I shall surely fulfill my vision and my mission.

Even a minute of sounding alone renews my creativity, my love.
What power to make the World whole would flow forth like a spring,
if I could sound together - physically or virtually - with ten people,
for ten minutes
five times a day,
or even only once!

Are you ready?


Christian Morgenstern, 1871-1914
Die Luft

Die Luft war einst dem Sterben nah.

"Hilf mir, mein himmlischer Papa",
so rief sie mit sehr trübem Blick,
"ich werde dumm, ich werde dick;
du weißt ja sonst für alles Rat -
schick mich auf Reisen, in ein Bad,
auch saure Milch wird gern empfohlen;
wenn nicht - laß ich den Teufel holen!"

Der Herr, sich scheuend vor Blamage,
erfand für sie die - Tonmassage.

Es gibt seitdem die Welt, die - schreit.
Wobei die Luft famos gedeiht.

The Air [my translation in Febr. 2011]
The air was once close to dying.
"Help my, my heavenly Daddy",
she called with dreary eyes,
"I'm getting dumb, I'm getting fat,
you use to have advice for that-
send me on a-traveling, send me to a Spa,
also sour milk is often recommended;
if not - I'll let them fetch the devil!"

The Lord, afraid to face discrace,
invented for it the - sound-massage.
Since then there is the world, that -yells,
with which the air does prosper well..

This was sculpted on 2003_12_11 and 2003_12_18.

When I started to walk my talk on "Noah's Shore" .
I experimented daily with this concept and practise.

After 3 months I no longer needed the alarm-clock, because the biological clock took over,
I also felt the need to utilize each sound appointment, be it with myself or with others,
by practising not one but four aspects of awareness:

Releasing Judgements

The Five Sound Appointments
during the Dreamer Training

All the religions established "appointments"
to give people a chance to connect to God = to themselves,
three or five or even nine times a day.
Instead of bells or a Muazzeen
I have a mobile phone and in it an alarm clock.

(translation should have followed)

The Elements of the "Mo'ed"
which I suggest at this stage, are five:

(translation should have followed)

"This  Creation  is  based  on  vibration.
S O U N D  is vibration."

Direct expression without words is what the feeling needs.
I hum, I buzz, I whizz, I moan, I wail, I sob, I scream, I tremble,
I let the sound take a rhythm,
until I reach

"the wailing terrified, deep wretched crying of heartbreaking,
that will let us know, HEART is coming to life in the gap"


Then, and only then, am I guiding my consciousness
(="the Loving Light of Spirit"),
to say:

(2) "What am I grateful for?"

(3) "What feeling do I accept now and not resist or judge any longer?"

(4) "What judgment or belief do I release?"

(5) "What is my desire and intention for the next 4 hours or in my life in general?"

For, as it's said in the "Mother Teachings" of ""

"We'll ... kill heart,
if we try to move emotions without Loving Light present,"

i.e. if we do not bring the light of our consciousness and understanding
into the darkness and blindness
of our pain and shame.
our fear and frustration,
our powerlessness and depression.




The second of four parts of
Practising towards the new website shemshem

continuation from "Sound 2003"


Scham und Schande, Schuld und Scheitern
zeugen Heilung und Erkennung

This alliteration appears in a song created in 1989,








Through Heaven's Eyes:
Yetro empowers Moses

A single thread in a tapestry
though its color brightly shines
can never see its purpose
in the pattern of the grand design

and the stone that sits up on the very top
of the mountain's mighty face
does it think that it's more important
than the stones that forms the base

So how can you see what your life is worth
or where your value lies
you can never see through the eyes of man
you must look at your life
look at your life through heaven's eyes

lai-la-lai...through heaven's eyes(2X)

A lake of gold in the desert sand
is less than a cool fresh spring
and to one lost sheep, a shepherd boy
is greater than the richest king

Should a man lose everything he owns
has he truly lost his worth
or is it the beginning
of a new and brighter birth

So how do you measure the worth of a man
in wealth or strength or size
in how much he gained or how much he gave

the answer will come to ya
to look at his life through heaven's eyes
lai-la-lai...through heaven's eyes(2X)

[the Hebrew text, which I found,
is enriched by even more pretty lines]

Healing through sound: a Cat-Purring-Therapy-Device

From VERONICA , Inner Whispers, regular group-mail, today
The Importance of Self Awareness

"Each physical life offers an opportunity to expand the soul. 
Life lessons are created to offer the choice
in regard to the accomplishment of that. 
The physical reality offers the choices
but alas also offers many distractions
that can keep one from attaining their full potential.
     Attempt each day to have awareness
of your participation. 
Within the chatter and noise of the physical
lies a path to the core of your own soul. 
It is important to maintain the trueness of that path
by being totally aware
of your participation in this physical realm.
     Decide to release unnecessary drama
that can cloud your purpose. 
Often that includes separation from those
who are creating the drama,
and taking responsibility for your energy within the moment. 
     Take the time for the exploration. 
Be aware of your soul and its need in this reality. 
Often the chaos is a reflection of those around you,
not necessarily your own vibration. 
By being self aware,
you may be able to discern the root of the chaos.
     Align with the rhythm of your inner energy. 
Be aware of all its nuances, and become harmonious with it.
     It is a great gift to be evolved,
but the moment becomes more enhanced by being aware.
     Pay attention to the small moments. 
They are the seeds to the garden of your experience.
     Be aware of what your energy brings to the table. 
Be responsible for altering your perspective in the situation. 
That ingredient may realign the drama
and enhance the evolution.






"GoodNews" informed me of a flashmob
in the tortured town Beth-Shemesh

Flashmob is
a new way of expressing in the streets,
which made me feel very enthusiastic
on 11-11-11

[see this interesting website: "holes in the net"]




Golo Mann: Ueber Humboldt und Gentz:
der Baron wollte fuer nichts als seine eigene Bildung leben.
Er befand sich auf der Hoehe,
welche das deutsche Geistesleben mit gefaehrlicher Schnelligkeit erreicht hatte.
Seinen Freunden erschien er wie ein Naturspiel und Wunder.
Der schwer ringende, eifersuechtige, glaeubige, warmherzige.. Gentz
wurde durch das Zusammentreffen mit Humboldt
in seinem Selbstgefuehl erschuettert,
und da es gegen gewaltige Vorzuege des Naechsten
keinen besern Schutz als die Liebe gibt,
so war er sich ihm ganz in die Arme

Friedrich v. Gentz ueber Humboldt:
Diese Kraft in sich und in andern immer aufs hoechste zu befoerdern,
und ihr reines und freies Spiel in jedem menschlichen Wesen hervorzulocken,
und zu fixieren,
das ist ihm der letzte Zweck alles Daseins,
und sein kontinuierliches Bestreben,
wovon ihn auch weder Schmerzen, noch Verdruss,
noch Misslingen abschrecken koennen.

Dabei ist er der groesste und vollendetste Gesellschafter, den es geben kann
(naemlich hauptsaechlich im Umgange mit einzelnen.).
Er lebt ewig nur in dem, mit welchem er umgeht.
Er belehrt nimmermehr aus sich selbst,
und wenn er noch soviel zu sagen wuesste,

er berichtigt nur die Ideen des andern.
Er wuerde einen Einwurf, und waere er auch so wichtig,
dass er auf der Stelle dem ganzen Streit ein Ende machte,
um keinen Preis vertragen,
sobald er nicht aus dem Gange,
den der andre genommen hat, hervorwuechse.

Wenn man mit ihm redet, so ist es immer,
als wenn man mit sich selbst redete, nur unendlich leichter.
Man kennt sich selbst allemal besser, wenn man ihn verlaesst.

From: Day 19 - Self-Love - Blooming Humans are WE

This Love magnetizes to it vibrationally-matched experiences,
drawing to us abundance, creativity, delightful relationships
and fulfillment of our dreams.
It all begins with Self Love.

In recognizing our outer reality
is simply a projection of inner state of being - our vibration -
we are empowered to shift our individual consciousness,
and so we change the world.

Accepting we create our own reality
precipitates responsible co-creation,

Self-Love, thus, becomes our First Nature,
and from here we Birth New Reality. 

... the more we care for Ourselves …
the more others will benefit from our presence.

On this day
honor~cherish~bless~nourish yourself in all that you are...
Love is the frequency of appreciation.
It is time to appreciate all that exists in you
especially the aspects that bring you pain and discomfort.

Remember the allowance (application) of LOVE
dissolves all that is harsh, rigid and timid.
Feelings of guilt, shame, anger, vengeance,
stuckness, fear, hopelessness and despair
are all worthy of Love,
for it is this "withholding of love" for the Self (Singular and Universal)
that creates this suffering.

Understand and know that you are Eternally Divine always,
in every moment,

that your human qualities are not anything less than Divine.
Forgive yourself for withholding love from the aspects of yourself
that bring you pain, embarrassment or suffering.
Consciously Love yourself during these times of discomfort
for as you do
they will be easier to absorb and eventually dissipate.

Our mission is not an ideal of spiritual perfection;
it reaches far, far, far, beyond that.
We have not the time to fuss over
good nor bad, enlightened nor unenlightened.
A total TRUST in our own Divine Nature
is calling for the sake of assisting others
to individually know this truth for themselves.
How will we do this if we are caught up in perfectionism?

Love thy self; Love all."




Seventy years ago today, on January 20, 1942,
the Wannsee Conference was held
to coordinate the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question.”
Hitler had previously authorized the mass murder of the Jews,
and large-scale slaughtering
in German-occupied areas of the Soviet Union and Serbia
by the Einsatzgruppen and others was well underway.
At Wannsee,
fifteen Nazi Party and German government officials met
not to decide the fate of Europe’s Jews
—that had already been determined—

but to work out details for their annihilation.

[See the contexts, in which I mentioned "Wannsee" in Healing-K.i.s.s.]


"Montefiori" - by Yehoram Gaon

Even at the age of 100
Montefiori could not die:
... There's still a room to be built
for the tomb of Rachel ..."



As to Yehoyada, see his recent channeling to me

"Abraham" 2000, e-mail quote on January 21, 2012

Contrast helps you to identify desire.
Desire is summoning.
It's always flowing through you.
You have the opportunity of opening
to the harmony of the vibration of your desire
or not.

As the desires are being summoned through you,
and you go with the flow,
you thrive,
but if you use things to be your excuse for not going with the flow,
you are arguing for your limitations.

We want to show you how to go with the flow.
Which means nothing more
than finding vibrational harmony with your own desire,
and letting the Universal Energy
that your desire is summoning to it
flow to it through you.
It is optimum creative experience


WAKING LIFE- SCRIPT OF DIALOGUES -excerpts of what is relevant for me

"Dream is destiny."
You need a little hitch in your get-along, a little lift on down the line?
Oh, um, yeah, actually, I was waiting for a cab or something,
but if you want to---All right. Don't miss the boat.

- Hey, thanks. - Not a problem.

Anchors aweigh!
So what do you think of my little vessel?
She's what we call "see-worthy." S-E-E. See with your eyes.
I feel like my transport should be an extension of my personality.
Voila. And this? This is like my little window to the world,
and every minute, it's a different show.
Now, I may not understand it. I may not even necessarily agree with it.
But I'll tell you what, I accept it and just sort of glide along.
You want to keep things on an even keel I guess is what I'm saying.
You want to go with the flow. The sea refuses no river.
The idea is to remain in a state of constant departure while always arriving.

The ride does not require an explanation.
Just occupants. That's where you guys come in.
It's like you come onto this planet with a crayon box.
Now, you may get the 8-pack, you may get the 16-pack.
But it's all in what you do with the crayons,
the colors that you're given.
Don't worry about drawing within the lines or coloring outside the lines.
I say color outside the lines. Color right off the page.

The reason why I refuse to take existentialism...
as just another French fashion or historical curiosity...
is that I think it has something very important to offer us for the new century.
I 'm afraid we're losing the real virtues of living life passionately,
the sense of taking responsibility for who you are,
the ability to make something of yourself and feeling good about life.
Existentialism is often discussed as if it's a philosophy of despair.
But I think the truth is just the opposite.
Sartre once interviewed said he never really felt a day of despair in his life.
But one thing that comes out from reading these guys...
is not a sense of anguish about life so much as...
a real kind of exuberance of feeling on top of it.
It's like your life is yours to create.
I've read the post modernists with some interest, even admiration.
But when I read them, I always have this awful nagging feeling...
that something absolutely essential is getting left out.
The more that you talk about a person as a social construction...
or as a confluence of forces... or as fragmented or marginalized,
what you do is you open up a whole new world of excuses.
And when Sartre talks about responsibility,
he's not talking about something abstract.
He's not talking about the kind of self or soul that theologians would argue about.

It's something very concrete. It's you and me talking.
Making decisions. Doing things and taking the consequences.
It might be true that there are six billion people in the world and counting.
Nevertheless, what you do makes a difference.
It makes a difference, first of all, in material terms.
Makes a difference to other people and it sets an example.

In short, I think the message here is...
that we should never simply write ourselves off...
and see ourselves as the victim of various forces.
It's always our decision who we are.
Creation seems to come out of imperfection.
I t seems to come out of a striving and a frustration.
And this is where I think language came from.
I mean, it came from our desire to transcend our isolation...
and have some sort of connection with one another.
And it had to be easy when it was just simple survival.
Like, you know, "water." We came up with a sound for that.
Or, "Saber-toothed tiger right behind you." We came up with a sound for that.
But when it gets really interesting, I think,

is when we use that same system of symbols to communicate...
all the abstract and intangible things that we're experiencing.
What is, like, frustration? Or what is anger or love?
When I say "love,"the sound comes out of my mouth...
and it hits the other person's ear,
travels through this Byzantine conduit in their brain,
you know, through their memories of love or lack of love,
and they register what I'm saying and say yes, they understand.

But how do I know they understand? Because words are inert.
They're just symbols. They're dead, you know?
And so much of our experience is intangible.
So much of what we perceive cannot be expressed. It's unspeakable.
And yet, you know, when we communicate with one another,

and we--we feel that we have connected, and we think that we're understood,
I think we have a feeling of almost spiritual communion.
And that feeling might be transient, but I think it's what we live for.
If we’re looking at the highlights of human development,
you have to look at the evolution of the organism...
and then at the development of its interaction with the environment.
Evolution of the organism will begin with the evolution of life...
perceived through the hominid...
coming to the evolution of mankind.Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon man.
Now, interestingly, what you’re looking at here are three strings:
biological, anthropological--development of the cities, cultures--
and cultural, which is human expression.

Continuation of excerpts on "how I heal myself into wholeness" [2004), on January 29, 2012

2012-03-11 -
I was reminded of this script, when I read a group-email from "Lucid Dreaming"

In 2012 you have two opportunities to participate in a Dreaming and Awakening Program:
1. June 30-July 8, 2012: San Diego, California
2. October 20-29, 2012: Kalani Oceanside Retreat, Hawaii


Becoming adept at lucid dreaming requires practice with effective techniques and a degree of focused attention difficult to maintain during our busy lives. This program provides an ideal opportunity to nurture lucid dreaming abilities and enhance mindfulness in daily life.

Suitable for all levels of experience, our program will feature group and individual exercises for developing awareness skills and valuable insights into the application of lucidity; ....

Discussion topics include: Learning how to dream more lucidly; inducing, stabilizing, and guiding lucid dreams; dream control: freedom, flexibility, and choice;
brain and mind science of sleep, dreaming, and waking;
lucid dream work:
from nightmares to wholeness;
dream ego, shadow,
and self-integration;

Dreaming, Illusion and Virtual Reality;
physical body, body-image, and OBEs
[out of the body experiences?]

Dreams within dreams, shared dreams,
and false awakenings;
consciousness as a model of self and world:

Dreaming, Death and Transcendence;
Tibetan Dream Yoga;
identity: personal and transpersonal
Life as a dream quest:
Awakening in your Dreams and in your Life:
Inception: science vs. fiction? [see contexts in which this term "inception" appears on healing-K.i.s.s.]


Survey: Do you really never remember the beginning of your dreams?

Seven out of ten lucid dreamers sometimes do.

In a famous scene in the movie INCEPTION, Cobb (the protagonist, played by Leonardo Decaprio) and Ariadne, a dream-designer-in-training, are sitting in a street-cafe arguing about how real dreams can seem while they are happening. Ariadne claims it would be impossible for the mind to convincingly create the myriad textures and details of life.

Here Cobb poses a trick question: "You never remember the beginning of your dreams, do you? You just turn up in the middle of what's going on." To which she weakly assents "I guess". Cobb follows up with a reality check! move: "So how did we end up HERE?" and after a moment of increasingly uncomfortable reflection Ariadne concludes "We're dreaming!"

It may be true that most people most of the time don't remember the beginning of their dreams, but there's an important exception: Wake-initiated lucid dreams (WILDs), in which people fall asleep consciously and are thus fully conscious of the beginning of their (lucid) dreams.

NEW SURVEY: Have you ever had a life-changing Lucid dream?

"Peak experiences", a term coined by psychologist Abraham Maslow, indicate quasi-mystical and mystical experiences typically accompanied by sudden feelings of intense happiness and well-being, and possibly the awareness of "ultimate truth" and the unity of all things. They may or may not be framed as "religious" or "spiritual". When you have a peak experience your world view can be strikingly elevated: the view from the mountaintop. You may be filled with wonder and awe. It is as if you have been given a peek into the Infinite. Life seems correspondingly more meaningful and your outlook is broadened, brightened, and yes, a little more enlightened.

.... If you've had a lucid dream that you could consider a peak experience,...we'd like to hear about it. ...Please help us expand knowledge of dreaming and consciousness ....







"Wind of Change"

Mother and Son after our Immigration: Haifa, Israel, May 1964
see context

Mother and Son at the Finale of "Masterchef", Sept. 24, 2010
see context

See Isaiah 53:2 and the song "IMMANUEL" in SongGame 2007_01_23
I'm also adding a recent sculpture around "Imma-Immanuel" from "Heaven-to-Earth 5>Sept.3,2011"

"In November 1992 I visited the office
of the Commander of the Publishing Unit
of the Israeli Air-Force.
The commander, Immanuel Rosenzweig, demonstrated,
what nowadays could be done with the help of a computer: Imma~~~Immanuel in a spiral like form.
The next day I ordered
3 brochures in 3 languages of & for Succah in the Desert
A dream, that wound itself through my sleep, it seems, on and on:
The dream was about hard working and labouring
to find a way to express all this with the computer,
though I don't know to do, what Immanuel showed me in 1992:
the closed spiral with his and my name.
When I woke up, all this seemed to express,
that the time has come for the metaphor of Imma~~~Immanuel

to become real,
and as never before I understood the

For he shot up right forth as a sapling, and as a root out of a dry-ground
as referring to this alma-ben
[young-woman-son] metaphor

behold, the young woman shall conceive, and bear a son,
and shall call his name Immanuel
[Isaiah 7:14]
not only with concern to the holocaust,
but with concern to what will now happen in Israel

Imma and Immanuel    (in a 'Partnership' T-shirt)   1978

Daniel created a much better sculpture of these images for our future site."Shamayim-bli-Shi'amum"

From "Blooming Humans are WE"

Like a seed that has grown beyond its original form,
creating tendrils that telescope towards the Light,
and roots that anchor its body to the earth
so, too, do our ideas, visions and dreams
continually morph, shift and grow.

The vision that you glorify in your mind,
the ideal that you enthrone in your heart,
this you will build your life by,
and this you will become.
- Anonymous


I remembered what I just now read and copied from the Violet Book p. 86 and p. 89
"...I realized, now, that I had a Body forming...".

"The Rainbow Spirits have appeared on Earth in many forms.
They have had ... trouble finding forms that feel right to them."

And there is even an entire chapter -p. 94 - which juxtaposes spirit and form:

"Abraham" 2000, e-mail quote on January 24, 2012

Nothing needs to be fixed.
Everything is unfolding perfectly.
So when you stand in your now
accepting that all is well,
then from that vibration,
you become surrounded by more and more evidence
that all is well.
But when you're convinced that things are broken,
that there is pollution, or that things have gone wrong,
or that the government is doing conspiracies...
then what happens is you get caught up in that vibration,
and you begin to manifest that kind of stuff,
and then you say, "See, I told you that things were going wrong."



"Abraham" 1998, e-mail quote on January 25, 2012

but they rarely understand what they are saying.
You are in this focused time/space reality
with goals and objectives that call you
because as you identify a desire
it literally summons life through you.
Life summoning through you is what it's all about,
not the completion of anything.


links:Talila Hendel-translator of the Blue Book, - "the star of shame" in "Shame's Curse and Task"

link: Jonathan Segev, one "of us" in Ein-Gedi 1999

Thanks, Jonathan, also -for pointing out this animated clip:
"A reminder of the important things in life"

More important is a quote which also appears on Facebook:

“New Energy is energy in motion.
Do something in your life.
Write a book, start a business, run a marathon
– Do all of the above – but Do something….
Do anything you choose.

Do what makes your heart sing.
Stop complaining about your job – quit it.
Stop wondering where the abundance is – bring it in.
Stop using your spouse or your mate or your children
for your reason for not fulfilling yourself.
I know each one of you has had dreams, aspirations.
Now Do them.

Do something in your life
that satisfies you and fulfills you.”

~ Adamus St Germain -
Who is that?
I read in "Crimson Circle":

Adamus reminds us
that the art and true nature of energy movement is simple physics.
He is here to assist in humanity’s transition
from the "Old Energy” of force and duality
into the New Energy, which is expansional and accessible, with ease.

see the orange singsong in SongGame 2007_09_14


Tactile experiences, such as writing and drawing,
assist in
anchoring our visions and dreams into reality. 
Both left and right brain are utilized,
and a bridge is created between Heart and Mind. 

 [from Blooming Humans are We]

Ich lebe mein Leben in wachsenden Ringen,
die sich über die Dinge ziehn.
Ich werde den letzten vielleicht nicht vollbringen,
aber versuchen will ich ihn.
Ich kreise um Gott, um den uralten Turm,
und ich kreise jahrtausendelang;
und ich weiß noch nicht: bin ich ein Falke, ein Sturm
oder ein großer Gesang.
See the tune in SongGame 2007-03-30
I'll now try to translate this into Hebrew
From one of the English translations
I adopted "orbit" as equivalent to "RING.

See the article "orbit" in the English Wikipedia

I live my life in growing orbits,
which move out over the things of the world.

in Hebrew an orbit is a maslul -trajectory
but exactly the word "ma'agal" - circle, orbit,
explains to me a Biblical word, a metaphor,
about which I always wondered:

see Ps. 23 in SongGame,
the metaphor also appears in
Proverbs 4:11 and Psalm 65:12

From that page with Rilke's poems and letters I want to quote myself:
He inspires my understanding of myself
and my experiencing the World.
And he teaches me to move from
"feeling-experiences ~~~~ towards the desire ~~~ to feel everything feelable".

It is from  feeling, moving, accepting every feeling in every moment,
that I draw joy, even ecstasis about the smallest and biggest "things"

[Febr. 14, 2012: See now the third (English) stanza of "and Yah chose Ya'acov"]

[link to the sound-button, that will appear in "shama'yim-bli-shi'amum"]]

Like a circle in a spiral
Like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning
On an ever-spinning reel
Like a snowball down a mountain
Or a carnival balloon
Like a carousel that's turning
Running rings around the moon
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
Past the minutes on its face
And the world is like an apple
Whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind

[see underneath the song "turn, turn, turn"]



Like a tunnel that you follow
To a tunnel of its own
Down a hollow to a cavern
Where the sun has never shone
Like a door that keeps revolving
In a half-forgotten dream
Like the ripples from a pebble
Someone tosses in a stream
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
Past the minutes on its face
And the world is like an apple
Whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind


"What do you love about yourself
that is in service to the awakening of humanity?...

Fulfill a deeper sense of purpose and contribution


Continuation of my "practising" towards the website "shamayim-bli-shi'amum"
in "Wholeness 2004"