The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


May 11, Sunday, - at Arad - in Christian countries: Pentecost
re-edited on May 11, 2013, at Arad

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire to enjoy this last full day of my holy routine
without being side-tracked to anticipating and planning -
the last day before opening myself to traveling to and back from my family at Shoham,

and then - next week only! - needing to cope with the events connected with Yael's Bat-Mitzva.
I desire to accept myself as being so tense about things which are "routine" for other people.

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to our shoulder blades
"the scapula, omo, or shoulder blade, is the bone
that connects the humerus (arm bone) with the clavicle (collar bone).
The scapula forms the posterior part of the shoulder girdle"
and to the 17 muscles that are - as I learnt now - attached to them.
And I ask you to remind us constantly and train us consistently
in pulling back these shoulder blades & muscles, so our chest can open up
and our lungs breathe more freely!

I am grate-full for the richness and full-filled-ness
of my Shabbat in al-one-ness,
I am grate-full for my castle and all its content,
for my garden with its lavishly flourishing geranium,
for the wonderful weather savored when I walked to the pool twice,
and for Yael's letter and my response about "each wo/man has a name".


The Community of Qumran - without any name -
as contrast to the Bible with thousands of names,
as a comment on Yael's "Parashah" Numeri 1

2008_05_11- 2013_05_11DELICIOUS      DELETION


Yael became 12 years old on May 9.
Being focused on the date of her Bat-Mitzva, May 20 , I forgot the real date.
I want to make up for this in my own heart - by sculpting part of this page
in grate-full-ness for Yael's existence and for the gift she is for her grandma!

Yael, March 2002, not yet 6 years old: "Moses walking through the Yam Suf"
(the Sea of Reeds, in the English translation of the Bible: the Red Sea)

Yael, November 11, 2003, 7 1/2 years old

Yael, November 22, 2003 : "Night of People"

Yael, December 3, 2003, "People from Different Countries"


Yael, December 12, 2003

photos of Yael, which I took on March 13, 2008 during
the second
" Living Water Workshop" in the Democratic school ,
2 days later a letter came from Deqel, her tutor,
asking for the continuation of this workshop.



On my way to the morning-pool
I climbed into the thorns of the wadi of Compassion,
in order to collect the last remnants of the garbage, I've cleaned up in the last 3 days.
The photos I'd taken of these camels with my cellphone camera
made the sight of all the nylon bags etc. finally unbearable.
While my back was bent down, I heard someone call me.
It was the shepherd of the herd which just came near.
"I'm Ahmed, the cousin of Aisha,
maybe you have good black tea, for the tea I've bought is undrinkable."

It took time, until I understood him in general and his quest in particular.
"I'm living above the wadi, and if you can wait 40 minutes,
I'll bring you tea - without promising that it's better than yours."

But I now reread the last page, which I sculpted on "ARARAT"
and the "short history since April 2005" which I never completed.
It was on the day on which Mika was born: December 20, 2005,
and it now strucks me for the first time:
the fact, that it was the last and uncompleted page of that website
and that 6 weeks later the unrepairable handicap and pain in my groin
made me understand, that the time for my "Nebo-Let-Go" had come,
was due to the timing of Mika's birth.
It now seems to me, that she announced already then:

"You have completed your work on your exterior vision.
Now you'll live
"in the hide of God's face",
dedicating yourself totally, absolutely and wholly to
'Healing Yourself into Wholeness and - by extension - All of Creation',
accompanied and tutored by me, your youngest grandchild, Mika!"


Back from the pool, I filled a plastic box with most of my tea
and brought it down to Ahmed in the wadi.
He wanted to pay....
He also wanted a "bishbish" for the camels to drink.
Again it took efforts to make him help me understand this word.
Could I lead a water-hose down from my house to his camels?
I had to disappoint him.
"It's a distance of at least 300 m! I don't have a hose that long".
So he turned away, not even saying "Ma' Salaameh!"

I had brought my good camera and made some better pictures,
and when already back and above the rim of the wadi, I called:
"Give my love to Aisha!"

I don't know, if I somewhere told the sad story with a happy end,
which had to do with Aisha's father Issa (Jesus), her brother Eid,
and mainly with Aisha's (age 16 in 2005) clandestine "commerce"with me
while I was digging out the "Cave of the Womb" in the Zealots' Valley.
She wanted threads for embroidering, needles, flowerpots etc.
If I haven't told it, I must wait for another occasion, - no time now...

When I turned my back to Ahmed
and towards my little street,
I discerned a beautiful image
squeezed into a boring fence of shrubs.

one pink-purple malva
next to a wafting flag!

The composition of
uniqueness and community
seems to symbolize Me+Mika.
I can't explain it,
but I'll insert here the 5 images,
which somehow didn't find a place
on the day they were taken.
One with the two of us together,
obviously taken by Itamar on April 17.
The others were taken by me on Shabbat morning
during that unscheduled weekend
because of Gil's 70th birthday at "Ne'ot Kdumim",
and my "Driving Backward"
into my 48 years of BEING Israel

On that Shabbat morning around 8 o'clock I heard Mika waking up.
She knew that both her parents were sleeping next door,
and so it was surprising, that she let me lift her out of her bed.
While heading towards the door, I asked her in a whisper:
"Do you want to drink your milk or come to my room.
Heeding my:
"Shtt! Let's not wake up Abba ve-Imma",
she pointed to my room and bed, asking for the "icecream-sticks",
after having placed her dolls beside her
(she still needs to get up, walk, dance etc. with an item in each of her hands)
Knowing, that in kindergarden she was learning about Israel's flag,
I tried to teach her how to use the sticks to form a Star of David
Half an hour laters her parents got up and greeted her with joy.
This is the scene, Immanuel called me to watch a little later:

"but don't disturb her with your camera!"





- while Mika was still in her pyjamas -
I watched this sweet interaction
between her and her mother.

"She is crazy about hearing from me
how it was when she was a baby!"
Efrat explained later.


Ever since the quote about 'brain and memory' on my "altar" on the Eve of Memorial Day
I ask myself, when wanting to choose the right template:
Does this sculpture belong to "Closeup of the Past" or to "Finetuning to the Present"?
It seems more and more that both are constantly intertwined.
I"ll choose the latter now, since it includes the former.

Finetuning to my Present

I don't know, why the world keeps coming to me,
interfering with my wish to complete the pages of Memorial&Independence Day.

It's 17:30 and I'm in tears after a 2 hour docudrama
about a woman, Margarete Trappe, who had a vision like I had,
and the vigour and endurance to realize it -
despite everything - as I had,
but she was not supposed to let the formidable hindrances point out to her:
"the goal is greater than you have known so far,
but it cannot be reached on the exterior plain."

When I woke up from my short afternoon nap,
determined to work on some 7 items on kisslog at once and rightaway,
my eyes were caught by the scenes on the TV screen [the set was on "mute"]
and the attraction was so strong, that I forgot about that determination
und watched - fascinated - with ever stronger feelings of identification
with that woman, who wanted to build a farm in Africa,
a dream which could have been mine at another time,
and whose youngest grandson has built a school for 1000 -singing - children.
"With all my great admiration for my grandmother -
I could not agree, that the land had been taken
[in 1908 in German East-Africa],
so I felt I needed to give back something."

But since I don't know, what else this day has in store,
and for how long my strength to breathe and create will last,
I first want to report on what happened first
- also "only" virtually, but for me it was very "real".

I had finished the sculpting of my response to Yael's letter
about her Bat-Mitzva Parashah:
telling her the story about the Dead Sea Qumran Sect,
whose separatism and name-less-ness
provides such a teaching contrast (thanks to you! for your experiment and failure!!!)
to the solidarity of Israel's community
and to the Bible's seemingly exaggerated emphasis
on mentioning the individual names of men and women.
I then left for the noon-pool,
on my way rehearsing over and over Ehud Manor's song:
"I've no other country".
And when I came back into my castle, switching on TV 3 Sat, while preparing my lunch,
I saw the last part of a news item - about Israel's 60th birthday events
and heard the German reporter saying:
"Much attention was given to the people who survived the holocaust etc."
exactly when the camera focused on lively little boys, who placed themselves in figures,
which would create the Menorah...

And if this wasn't enough - after the news - and I'm busy in the kitchen,
I hear the sound of the series "Human Heritage", have no intention of seeing it,
but peep around the TV set to see the theme, and what is it?

2008_05_11- 2013_05_11DELICIOUS      DELETION
The first sentence of the film text about memory
was much in line of what I've read and written lately:
whoever survives, determines the memory."

2008_05_11- 2013_05_11DELICIOUS      DELETION

And the interpretation of the "myth of Masada",
is the same as mine on the page before the last ARARAT page
which - some hours ago - I re-read and linked to!


Nourishment from Others

Momella - Eine Farm in Afrika

Zweiteiliges Doku-Drama von Bernd Reufels
[see a site about today's "Momella Lodge" ]

Mount Meru in Tanzania seen from Momella Lodge

1. Die Pioniere

Margarete Trappe ist seit der Kindheit fasziniert vom Leben auf dem schwarzenKontinent: Sie zwingt ihren Mann Ulrich, in die Schutztruppe nach Deutsch-Ostafrika zu wechseln - und beginnt für ihre Familie und ihre Farm einen zähen Kampf. 1907 ziehen die Trappes auf der Suche nach einem Stück Land mit einer kleinen Expedition durch den Norden Tansanias. An einem paradiesischen Platz am Fuß des Kilimandscharos lassen sie sich nieder. Landerwerb ist leicht - jeder kann so viel Land abstecken, wie er will. Die Bewohner reagieren unterschiedlich - die Wameru friedlich, die Massai erst einmal feindselig. Doch Margarete erringt schnell den Respekt auch der Schwarzen und geht daran, die Farm gemeinsam mit deren Hilfe aufzubauen. Die Weltgeschichte beeinflusst das Leben am Kilimandscharo immer wieder: ImErsten Weltkrieg wird Ulrich eingezogen und nach Kämpfen für vermisst erklärt. Margarete macht sich mit ihrem Pferd Comet auf den Weg, im Feindesland ihren Mann zu suchen. Als die englischen Truppen kurz vor Momella stehen, treibt Margarete allein ihre Herden mit über 1.000 Tieren quer durch den Busch zur deutschen Kompanie. Nach dem Sieg der Engländer will die couragierte Deutsche beim kommandierenden General die Rückkehr nach Momella erkämpfen. Die Farm ist inzwischen jedoch in einem jämmerlichen Zustand - die einzige Chance, sich und ihre Kinder am Leben zu halten, sieht Margarete bald als Wilddiebin. 1920 erfolgt völlig überraschend doch die Ausweisung. Nach 13 Jahren härtester Arbeit müssen die Trappes ihr kleines Paradies verlassen. Margarete ist zutiefst verstört: Wird es ihr gelingen, zurückzukehren?

2. Das Schicksal

Nach der Ausweisung aus Afrika 1920 arbeitet Margarete Trappe fünf Jahrelang für die Rückkehr nach Momella - mit einem Trick gelingt ihr dies. Die Familie ist nun hoch verschuldet, doch ihren Traum von einer Farm in Afrika hat sich Margarete aufs Neue erfüllt. Auf Momella kommt ihr viertes Kind zur Welt. Bei der Geburt ist eine Elefantenherde in der Nähe - und beim ersten Laut des Neugeborenen heben die Elefanten die Rüssel und stimmen trompetend in das Geschrei ein. Von nun an jagt Margarete keine Elefanten mehr. Nach ihrer Scheidung 1928 lebt sie mit ihren Kindern allein auf der Farm und verdient Geld mit Jagdsafaris. Fürsten und reiche Unternehmer vertrauen sich der erfahrenen Jägerin an, um begehrte Trophäen zu schießen. Die Massai verehren die weiße Frauinzwischen als Zauber-Heilerin - zu jeder Tages- und Nachtzeit reitet sie los, um kranken Menschen oder Tieren zu helfen. Im Zweiten Weltkrieg werden ihr ihre deutschen Wurzeln wieder zum Verhängnis. Nach und nach gehen alle in Internierungslager der Engländer - die Familie verliert erneut die Farm und wird 1945 wieder einmal ausgewiesen. Mit allen Mitteln kämpft Margarete gegen die Ausweisung an und erreicht mit Hilfe einflussreicher Engländer schließlich das Bleiberecht. Zum dritten Mal beginnt der Aufbau der verwahrlosten Farm. Auch diesmal helfen Jagd-Safaris das Überleben zu sichern, inzwischen geführt von Sohn Rolf. Als Margarete 1957 auf Momella stirbt, steht drei Tage lang eine Elefantenherde vorder Tür. Mit einer kleinen Schule, die ihr Enkel Emil gegründet hat, bleiben das Vermächtnis Margarete Trappes und ihr Traum von der Farm in Afrika lebendig.



Benni Gaon died! he was only 3 years older than I.
When I was "pregnant" with "Succah in the Desert",
we worked "together" in 1988 at "Koor",
he as the great savior of the greatest company of Israel,
I as a secretary of the secretary in the Legal Department.
But I had one talk with him
about his involvment in the "Peace-Process".
This was in September 1993, after Oslo,
when he was among the leading Israeli businessmen,
who had great ideas about true cooperation with Jordan.

International Herald Tribune
and many other news agencies:
Israeli industrialist and peace advocate Benny Gaon dies

JERUSALEM: Benny Gaon, a prominent Israeli industrialist and advocate of economic ties with Israel's Arab neighbors, has died. He was 73.

Gaon died of cancer Saturday at a Tel Aviv hospital, his office said Sunday.

Gaon had served in recent years as chairman and president of B. Gaon Holdings Ltd., a firm he founded that promotes investments in Israel, the Middle East and throughout the world.

He was best known in Israel for resuscitating the mammoth Koor Industries Ltd. from near bankruptcy in 1988. In three years Gaon turned the conglomerate around, raising its market value to $2 billion (€1.29 billion). The concern was then floated on the New York Stock Exchange.

Gaon was known in the region for his optimistic outlook for peace prospects, despite ongoing fighting with the Palestinians. Under Gaon's direction, Koor established a trade office in Egypt, the first Arab country to make peace with Israel.
Koor later entered into a series of
joint ventures with Jordanian and other Arab partners. He also hosted corporate leaders from Oman and Qatar even though Israel does not have full diplomatic relations with the two Gulf Arab countries.

He in 2005 helped found the Palestine International Business Forum to foster economic development in the West Bank and Gaza Strip ahead of the establishment of a Palestinian state.

That year, soon after Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip, Gaon wrote in the Globes business newspaper "Despite all of our cynicism, we should recognize that the concept of 'A Different Middle East' is within our grasp." In June 2006, the militant Hamas group seized control in Gaza and fighting there has intensified.

In 1996, Gaon headed the first official Israeli business delegation to visit Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim nation, which does not have diplomatic ties with the Jewish state.



Businessman Benjamin Gaon succumbs to cancer at age 73

Businessman Benjamin (Benny) Gaon passed away Saturday at age 73, after a fight with cancer.

Gaon is known for taking the reins of Koor in 1988, when the company was in difficult straits, rehabilitating it and leading it to new heights of success.

After the company was sold, he left Koor and founded Gaon Holdings, which he quickly brought to a value of more than $100 million. He focused his investments in the water, financial and trade sectors.

Gaon was one of the first to identify the potential of investments in the water industry.

Considered one of the leaders of the Israeli business community, Gaon's name was mentioned several times as a possible Labor Party candidate for the Finance Ministry.

Gaon was recently instrumental in establishing the Palestine International Business Forum, in order to promote projects in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Five months ago, Gaon met with Palestinian businessman Ismail Da'iq and discussed possible joint projects. Gaon decided to match a $1 million Palestinian investment for a project via Gaon Agro and a subsidiary.

In addition to his many other accomplishments, Gaon served as president of the Israel Cancer Association.

from Y-net

Myanmar - the Cyclone may have killed 1 500 000 ...

Addition to Myanmar
on May 25, 2013:
see "Myanmar" in my Search and
especially about Burma-Myanmar in
"Heaven-on-Earth 6"

Within 2 days I was gushed
with two contrasting feelings concerning Burma-Myanmar.

The first was great joy concerning this info:
After 50 years of dictatorship
the Myanmar government has moved towards democracy .
"You see? I said to myself:
it can happen naturally,
without revolution!"

The second was and is grief about this devastating info:
What never happened during the dictatorship, happens now:
there are Nazi groups of Buddhists!!!!
who slaughter and expulse people
who belong to a Muslim minority.
Tenthousands of refugees try to reach the neighboring countries like Bangladesh by boat,
often drown on their way - and though the Bangladesh government is ready to give them refuge for half a year,
what then?

Buddhists! There it is - the paradigm of The German cultural elite and Nazi holocaust perpetration.
All the denied feelings, needs and qualities, all the Lost Will
is erupting like an infernal volcano, and the World even doesn't see it (for why in that first info about the peaceful "revolution" the fact of the Buddhist slaughter of Muslims was not mentioned?) ,
leave alone understand, why this happens,
nor why the holocaust happened?
Oh , why am I so alone in understanding!!!!!



song of the day

My God who ever and ever will be
The sand and the sea
The waves gently flowing
The sky brightly glowing
Our prayer to thee.

Hanna Senesz




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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8

May 2013


Another coincidence:

Of Things Given To Me...

In the garden I see a tree.
It stands firm and resolute,
asking nothing,
serving well,
and the thought that it sends and gives to me is this:

From firmness
comes the softness of the leaf,
held and supported from and by that which is ancient to it,
the trunk and branches.
And like as magic
comes the fineness of blossom,
different and adding beauty and aroma.
And these three give account of the fruits yet to come,
acquired by dedication, service and patience.
And this tree is not ashamed of what it is,
is content,
and uplifted by its place in the order of things.

Will you do less?


See more of "my" pomegranate tree in April 2010

Recently I saw a program about Mordechai Zeira.
Whenever I hear his name, I feel that old regret:
This time I turned to him in the Beyond:

"You know, how sorry I am that I missed you.
But please help me with creating my songs!"

One of the songs touched me, but only the tune.
I noted, that I wanted to find new lyrics for it.
It took only a few days until this happened:
The tune of "what do your eyes say"
attracted the "tree-meditation".

The need to fit this into the limits of tune and rhythm
caused me to transform the "meditation" into lyrics...

In my garden I see a tree
standing firm, yes standing its ground
from its firmness comes softness of leaves
held and supported by trunk and boughs

and like magic comes the fineness of the blossom
different - with beauty and scent
and these three are promising
that fruits yet will come
this tree is content with what it is.

True "tree-lyrics" can be found in that old metaphor of Rilke, in his "Letters to a young Poet",
which has helped me to survive the decades of not knowing my true purpose

"Alles ist austragen und dann gebären.
Jeden Eindruck und jeden Keim eines Gefühls
ganz in sich, im Dunkel, im Unsagbaren, Unbewußten,
dem eigenen Verstande Unerreichbaren
sich vollenden lassen
und mit tiefer Demut und Geduld
die Stunde der Niederkunft einer neuen Klarheit abwarten:
das allein heißt künstlerisch leben: im Verstehen wie im Schaffen.
Da gibt es kein Messen mit der Zeit,
da gilt kein Jahr, und zehn Jahre sind nichts,
Künstler sein heißt: nicht rechnen und zählen;
reifen wie der Baum,
der seine Säfte nicht drängt
und getrost in den Stürmen des Frühlings steht
ohne die Angst, daß dahinter kein Sommer kommen könnte.
Er kommt doch.
Aber er kommt nur zu den Geduldigen,
die da sind,
als ob die Ewigkeit vor ihnen läge,
so sorglos still und weit.
Ich lerne es täglich, lerne es unter Schmerzen, denen ich dankbar bin:
Geduld ist alles! "

3 days later I came across the grand tree,
a metaphor for Nebukadnezzar, 2400 years ago,
[Daniel ch. 4]
with which I coped 7 years ago. ["Shame's task and curse"]

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