I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
may! 7:05 I desire to understand and conceptualize
what I'm doing/being in my present,
as differentiated from what I was "doing on the exterior
level" in my past.
I desire to apply this understanding during more moments of
breathing in and breathing out
to my feeling and thinking, learning and creating, acting and
interacting, and to my healing.
2013 -----and deleting what should be deleted
of the day: a thorny star and a glorious iris,
after too little rain in this winter
one of the few flowers which now blossom in the small riverbed
of my Wadi
of Compassion in 2013 they disappeared already 2 days ago
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
9:04 My Body,
my Partner,
my God
I give thanks to your inner clock, which works during sleep,
causing me - every 90 minutes - to stage a dream scenery,
which helps me to process and heal, what is still not integrated
so many past experiences and patterns of experiencing,
like in this dream-during-waking-up:
trying to join the activities of a huge "tribe"
on a rain-muddy nightly street,
(since nobody joins ME in full-filling my
Desert Economy Peace Vision),
and being rejected by the people and reprimanded by the leader.
I give thanks to the scientists and media professionals,
who - in the doc series about MEASURING TIME -
fill me in with info which helps me to realize today's "INTENTION".
Measuring the evolution of the visible universe with a 24
hour clock,
the first hominids appeared only in the last 15 seconds,
and Oetzi,
The Oldest Preserved Human Being: 5,300 Years Old,
who lived at the beginning of the Copper-Age, which signifies,
I think,
the quantum-leap of humankind towards technically domineering
appeared only in the last mini-mini second of all this time. I'm grate-full
for being part of those who will bring about the quantum-leap
of humans evolving towards
F E E L I N G a s F U L L -
F I L L e d a s p e c t s
o f T H E O N E.
with this mental work
(accompanied by feelings of fear : "I'll not be able to...")
of conceptualizing the LEVEL on which I (and
hopefully millions of others)
am to full-fill the task of these "end-times",
the task of exploring the conditions for "Heaven-on-Earth",
conditions which have to be full-filled
in the way I live and breathe.
"Ha! You already said it all!"
This is just a general blah-blah-blah!
it advanced you - us - one major step:
You freed yourself - ourselves - from the very polarization
of "manifesting on the exterior
versus "healing on the interior level".
If you let go of these very terms,
it will also free you from being triggered
by the two kinds of co-workers:
those who try "to change the world"
by acting, "petitioning"
and "partnering", and those
who want to heal the world
by "inner work", praying and meditating.
You'll no longer be trapped by self-justificatin
of telling yourself and others, what you DON'T do.
From this moment on you'll focus on what it is,
Y O U D O !
sigh with relief !!! Thank you, thank you so much!"
I'll go to the morning-pool now and let this sink in !
from the morning-pool]
"This time I let you have a tiny
joy-full experience, didn't I?"
Yes! Amazing! Thanks!
I took my desert-brush + dustpan
and swept the "staircase",
I once made down the slope to "the Wadi of Compassion"
now spread with small stones with make the slope slippery,
and only after I had taken a full dustpan to the "Grave
of Grace",
I took out my cellphone to listen to Jonathan's recently
recorded songs
(planned to be inserted here on his birthday, April
That's when I saw the SMS from
Gal Mor, one of the Starchildren,
whom I haven't seen in person for more than half a
year: "Where are you. Can I come
to you today?" Luckily I found her on the phone:"When did you send this?"
"Yesterday, around 3 o'clock!" I justified myself, (what a
pattern!) "You must know, that my
phone communications are so minimal,
that I take the phone to the pool only to listen to
But yesterday I needed to clean things in the wadi
on my way home,
so instead of hanging the phone around my neck, I
put it in my backpack.
I forgot it there, put the backpack in the shower
and couldn't hear you.
"It only means, that it was right, that I didn't
reach you !
I felt so bad, that I wanted to come to you,
but then Tzippi came unexpectedly and she took care
of me!" I felt excited: "You
see, how it works out so wonderfully?
You didn't have to come all the way from Tel-Aviv
to Arad(3-4
hours), for Tzippi, the angel, was already
on her way to help you,
isn't that fantastic?" She agreed and then told me,
that soon Boris would arrive too,
and then they would travel to the Northern Galilee,
to Kadita. "There'll be a festival,
since there is so much to celebrate:
Spring-Equinox, Purim, Shabbat, Full Moon, 'a Cosmic
Gate', they say.
Since Dina cannot come with us, we'll first go to
Petach-Tikva!" [where Dina's "Gar'een"
of "Hanoar Haoved vehalomed,
works as leaders of youth-groups, while still in the
Gal closed with saying, that
she loved me
and was "anxious"(in
English)to see me!
"Don't worry, we've all
the time in the World and in Eternity."
2008_03_20- 2013_03_20DELICIOUS
I would like to read your list of conditions for
"Heaven-on-Earth or "Feeling Full-Fill-ment"
[as far as an individual person is concerned,
leaving out his/her dependency on others, be it family or humanity)"
the list was composed of NINE conditions,
but splashing - all alone! - in the jacuzzi, I saw, what was
the Buddhists call it "being mind-full" (in
English, but what's the original etymology?).
In Hebrew we call it "setting heart
to" something or someone,
or more poetic "setting my/your heart to",
for instance, "you, God" ask your servant Satan -
even twice: "Have you set your heart to my
servant Hiob?"[Job
1:8 & 2:3]
"Would you please give us the whole
list first,
and then let's consider this difference in nuance
'being mind-full of' versus 'setting my heart to' !"
sounding [why not seeing, hearing etc.?]
rhythm between activity and receptivity, rest and sleep
rhythm between receiving/learning and giving/creating
loving and being love, i.e. being important for others.
you added one other condition: 'knowing and doing what full-fills
cand felt that this was confusing.
What is exact is this:
Setting your heart to those nine (?) conditons,
and acting accordingly - [I'm not yet content with the latter-
will make you feel full-filled,
will create your personal Heaven-on-Earth,
and not once and for all,
but from breath to breath to breath to breath.
sounds good for a beginning!
Some more respect, please! ]
Let me apply this to each of the 9 conditions.
feel full-filled
my body needs air and my mind needs to set my heart to...
a good merging of the Buddhist and the Hebrew concept: 'my mind needs to set my heart to'
The question is : to what? not only to
the chemical composition 'air'?"
That's where it becomes complicated or
complex or ~~challenging!
There are innumerable compositions to be experienced with air!
Not only 'breathing' and 'flying'. [By the way, I just
found out, that there is no word for "air" in the
Hebrew Bible.
It was only in the Talmud that they borrowed "aveer"
from the Greek "aer"!]
"Maybe 'compositions'
is not active enough.
What about 'interactions' with air?"
Let me try this with the other conditions.
But not now!
Glancing at my list I feel overwhelmed by what should be added,
explained, exemplified, modified
and my feelings of "how far am I from understanding"
hamper my mind.
one item on your list "rhythm" between activity and
Ha, there you got me already!
my phrasing confuses between 'activity' , 'receptivity' and
"So what?
this only promises more delighting communications between us.
And now, turn to the less demanding 'activity', for which you
sculpting a composition of the evolution of your apricot-blossom."
Will you go on "setting your heart
to" our issue ?
with you
in all your "activity or receptivity" and whenever
you "rest or sleep",
helping you to feel full-filled!""
move Body, I quickly and intensely brushed my carpet,
swept the uncovered areas, shook out my 3 rugs in the garden
(Shalom, my neighbor:"Rachel
, all the dust comes to me!", ) and since my thoughts continue racing,
I want to mention two more things:
and "Manifesting" doesn't seem to be the same.
And when you say: "Cease
to manifest", you don't say:
"cease to do!"
The proof?
The small children in my life, Mika,
my youngest granddaughter (27 months)
and Amit,
my landlords' son (37 months)
are doing all the time, receiving and creating and giving all
the time,
unless they sleep and who knows what they "do" in
their sleep!
But only rarely do they "manifest" anything, a painting
for instance.
I'm grateful, that I have the chance to watch them .
And yes, "grate-full-ness" is the second thing I want
to mention.
Much of "setting my heart to " is feeling grate-full,
or so it seems to me.
"I also suggest, that you read again
through your puzzle-piece
and the quotes from me, to which you have linked that page!
But not now, and maybe not today! Don't rush! FEEL!"
more thoughts:
The rhythm must be not only between activity, receptivity and
but between different kinds of activities
and different kinds of "receptivities",
or would it be better English to say: output and input?
I feel, that I'm starting to loose the sight of the forest
because of the multitudes of trees.
The aim is not the game, the game is the game!"
It's hard
to think of this painstaking process,
which I started already in July last year,
as of a game.
That's one
task for you, which you should full-fill right now:
Let go of the judgment that what you "have" to do
is different from what little Mika does all day long.
Even working on such an Einstein-project
- conceptualizing the conditions for Heaven-on-Earth
or Feeling Full-Fill-ment -
is a game,
and if the process is not a game, how can the result be a game?
And if Heaven-on-Earth is "painstaking work" instead
of playing game,
then what would we have gained?
Maybe, my
(small) predicament has more to do with shame.
Shame that somebody might read this communication after all,
and then despair halfway, because it seems to run in circles.
then what? Then you will be ridiculed and dismissed as unserious,
is that it?"
I think so,
that's a great exercise then, isn't it?
to again feel your shame,
breathe and sound and move your shame,
and heal it!"
The evolution of one blossom on my apricot-tree
from March 4 until today, March 20,
may symbolize the evolution of the thinking
which I do in communication with Deity
about "the Condition for personal Heaven-on-Earth or
Feeling Full-Filled".
March 4
March 6
March 7 -withering has started
March 9- withering continues, but the first green leaf appears
March 10 - the blossoms shrink, the leaves develop
March 11 -
one last blossom seems to fill the spaces of the veranda openings
March 14 - the beauty of the petals is gone
March 16 -the leaves rise up majestically!
March 17 - another perspective
March 19 - and yet another perspective
March 20 the leaves have grown and envelope the
yet unvisible apricot fruits underneath the withered petals
the gorgeous blossoming of the tree in 2005 - then already at
the end of February!
A view into the short spring of the Wadi of Compassion
Towards the south: a group of lilies in the riverbed
Towards the north: a solitary lily ["irit"
in Hebrew] on the slope. 2013:
A pity, that soon a Beduin shepherd will lead his goats and
sheep here,
and they savor the lilies....
A few - just a few - flowers : the yellow Adonis(dmumit meshunnaenet), I compare it with its red cousin growing
in such rich environment, which we discovered it at Shoham, on Grandma-Day,
on March 1
A sad correspondence in 2008 and my comment
to it in 2013
to my friend in India
Dear Gabriela.
I appreciate your writing
despite "being blocked".
I simply do not know how to write
to you.
If there wouldn't be a kind of mutual dependency,
based on what we went through in another life,
I had long since stopped communicating with you.
For nowadays I am only communicating with people,
with whom there is a mutual dependency and a continuity,
which is almost only with the 16 members of my family
(not all of them are communicating with ME, though...).
In October I met with each of my 3
best friends in Israel,
Yanina (70), Yaacov (50) and Zipi (20)
and tried to win them over to "freezing the friendship".
I'm not getting what I want and what I want to give is not received.
At the age of almost 70 I feel entitled to want it all or nothing
at all.
The agreement includes the clause,
that if one of us is in need, the other will be asked for help.
Because in my case those three -
and others, from whom I've disconnected without agreement -
were always at their greatest, when I needed help.
But that shows the problem, and if the problem is not clear
to you,
I don't feel like pointing it out.
My frustration
has nothing to do with love.
I love you as I love my friends in Israel.
But I want to love ! Not to be compassionate.
Compassion I feel anyway, towards each and every person.
But concerning "friends", I don't want to base my
relating on compassion.
Nor do I include my potential friends in my slogan: "walking humbly with your God",Micha 6:5. The slogan has to do with the
interpretation of a 5 minutes sermon
I heard at Tuebingen 1958: "I've a son, 3 years old, he
cannot walk as fast as I can. I must adapt to his pace.
God adapts to the world's pace, and if we want to walk with
we must adapt to his pace with the world." Again, this is true for my relating
to everybody,
but from my potential friends I demand
total equality,
absolute standing up to me,
accepting being challenged by me and challenging me in turn.
I yearn for a "haevruta",
that's an old Jewish framework for learning in a group.
No teacher, no pupils.
people teach each other and learn from each other.
And!!!! they do this on an ongoing basis.
Recently I hitchhiked
with a religious truck-driver.
He belongs to a Haevruta, which meets every evening from 9-10!
Since 20 years.
Every Shabbat morning at 2 AM he wakes himself up
and learns all the texts the group is going to study the following
so he will be prepared and not fall asleep after his tedious
It doesn't matter, that the content of his learning doesn't
interest me.
But equality and continuity - this is what I yearn for,
in order to heal, learn and create what I want to heal, learn
and create.
This does not contradict my knowing,
"that everybody heals themselves in their own way." But the very fact, that your
interpretation of my response made you doubt that,
is one, just one of many signs, that our time has not come yet.
- since I believe in a future with you as with some other "friends"
we have to agree on a manner of "keeping in touch".
What I suggest is:
When you write, I shall not refer to the content.
I'll take it in, what you share and that's it.
I'll try to do the same, share with you exterior events or developments,
nothing to discuss, unless each of us has a technical question.
Please open yourself - this one time
- to truly feel what I try to convey,
and then respond as you'll feel like responding.
Please give Nalu my love. Her red
Africa cloth serves as a glorious curtain,
which hides my dresses etc. I always have it in front of me
when I sit on the toilet...
Tomorrow we have Purim, not Pesach.
It's a leap year -
a 13th month regulates the synchronicity between moon and sun.
From a friend
Dear Rachel,
I feel a bit blocked writing to you, because you sound so dismissive
of my lifestyle that i do not exactly feel challenged to reply
to your questions.Just take note that everybody heals themselves
in their own way.
I am not going to explain about what are the
conferences to which i am going, because you appear to have
a general judgement that there is no meaning there. Let me only
say that this is a country the size of Europe. The movements
with which we are all working span the length and breadth of
this country. We would not be able to understand each other
in the different states, if we did not meet
and coordinate what we need to do together. Our country, though
difficult to live in, is not as paralysed in its democratic
processes as yours seems to be.So we are inching ahead, preventing
the onslaught on the working classes to destroy the movements
the resource base. Building relationships over great distances.
As far as the college is concerned, i will
retire after one more year.
I only stay on because J. still has to finish his doctorate
and D.and A.are still writing their thesis.One of the meaningful
things i have done is to train up some women who can stand their
ground.What i have invested in the men has not really born much
fruit. I also have to finish some work to prevent the whole
discipline of Social Analysis from being dismantled. This is
a trend in this monopolar capitalist world.But analysis for
transformation is more needed now because of the energy collapse
and global warming, the whole eco crisis which goes with it.
In our country very large numbers depend very directly on land,
forest and water, while global capital is rushing in to appropriate
the resource.
It's more about people's sovereignty than resistance, but it
leads to a lot of violence by the State. I know this all does
not convey much, because i can't make it intelligible with examples,
it would require to write realms and realms.
I am glad to hear that you feel that Efrat
and you are effectively helping each other to cope....
I know more examples of mothers in law being
supportive of their daughters in law, even in this country,
where the relationship appears more demonised than elsewhere,
and for good reasons, as the persecution of females produces
female infanticide and foeticide.Our juvenile sex ratio is 927
females per 1000 of men.
My daughter and family is here for a few months,
she has to finish her MPhil thesis and then apply for PhD research.
She is working on weavers in Tamil Nadu. It is very interesting,
and it is good to have my grandson around as well.
My son is in Berlin at present but will come
on 27th March.I will have to give a lecture on that day for
the 70th birthday of D.C., our former principal, who had a big
row with the present establishment, and they are now trying
to kind of reconcile in public. It's all very ticklish, and
they feel i can help them out of their fix.I checked it out
and agreed to do it, as it may help to
create a more constructive atmosphere.But it will be quite difficult
to do all this.
I am going to see Nalu in Trivandrum
for three days over Easter.I presume it must be Pesach one of
these days.
Some time later Gabriela did separate from me.
And as to the 3 friends to whom I suggested "to
freeze our friendship":
As to Yanina:
I visited her after her husband's death in Sept. 2011, and said:
"Now after 43 years of friendship I'm asking you to be honest with
It has always seemed to me, that after a meeting with me you were truly
grateful ("You know, what your task is
in my life? You are reminding me of myself!"
you said 30 years ago).
But then again you felt , that communicating with me was a kind of obligation.
I no longer want this kind of relationship.
Even though you - unlike me - believe in Death - we have all the time
we need.
Only when you truly feel an urge to talk to me on the phone, or write
a mail, or even meet me,
take the initiative and contact me.
I won't take any initiative for the time being, but I'll be always available
for you."
There was a kind of lame communication per e-mail ,
and then she decided to see me in Arad.
The last minute she wanted to escape, with the pretext that she couldn't
drive that far.
But then our angels forced a solution on her:
her son-in-law suggested to travel to the SaltSea with his daughter,
so on their way they brought her to me and also fetched her when they
drove back.
Yanina felt terrible to have "exploited" him,
and only when she saw, that unless her -already canceled plan to come
to Arad -
father and daughter would not have such a great experience together
at the SaltSea,
did she relax.
But this was the last encounter - as always truly worthy of the word "friendship".
This was shortly before Ya'acov separated from me on July 4, 2012.
She even had helped me to understand even deeper the gap between Y.
and me.
As to Zipi
there is no separation, but there also is no contact.
She lives at Abu Gosh near Jerusalem and doesn't seem to visit her house
in my street any longer.
Her Altzheimer sick mother is in an institution in the center of the
and her father, her brother and she visit her more than once a week.
Even on the day, on which she invited all the starchildren, on Dec.
14, 2012,
she came only late at night, since she "had " to visit her
mother, and this without having a car.
Tzippi, though 49 years younger than me, always suited the conditions
for a friendship,
as I phrased in my letter to Gabriela.
But then - I know, that it is important for her to experience other
people, other interactions.
On August 12, 2006, when Tzippi was 18 years old,
I noted her revolutionizing statement: "I want satisfaction through
what I feel, not through doing!"
And what about me? I feel relieved! Relieved of my yearning for "true
human peers".
AsI use to sing with John
Denver: "We are never alone, even though we try to
///I'm always with you, and you always with me"...
2013-09-05 and 06,
on both days of Rosh-Hashanah Tzippi came to see me, the second time
with Julie.
There would be so much to tell about this visit, including our talk
about "friendship",
but my preference now is simply to "become a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel".
And on the 12th day
of my 15 felt years - only Julie "played a role" for this
you see someone living something awful,
a rocket of desire for their resolution
shoots out of you.
And then,
if you start focusing upon their resolution,
you'll start feeling better right away.
And now, you're part of the current
that is part of the solution.
March 20 , 2012, Tuesday, Arad
Why is it, that D. brought
me a book, a research by her uncle Ilan Horovitz
about "Passion" or sexuality in the Jewish tradition?
She agrees with me, that some passages are "unbearable" for
but others are not only relevant , but beautiful, e.g. the motto of
the first chapter: "It is the obligation of the man, to
satisfy the woman"'
which I detected in Hiob
(Job) 5:24, a book, which I hardly ever open,
since its language is much too complex and difficult for me to grasp.
The motto - 5:24- appears within many other aspects of a GOOD LIFE,
and it's for the first time since the beginning of Healing-K.i.s.s.,
that I don't edit a passage - neither by omitting nor by emphasizing
I simply print-screen Job chapter 5: 17 to the end from
the on-line original ["kafan" in v.22 means hunger,
"kaelakh" in v. 26 is believed to mean "old age"]
10 Hebrew lines daily
between Ya-Ra towards the doomed-to fail shemshem.org 2012_03_20- 2013_03_20DELICIOUS
When we were sitting on the edge of Khirbet-Tzura,
Ya in his wheelchair and I on a small rock,
~~was it before or after the so fateful crucial phonecall of Lior,
that we saw exactly this sight??
At the end of my carefully sculpted letter I tell, that I was afraid of the
dog of D's neighbor,
and that the dog, indeed, attacked me, tearing at my frock. "What does
this mean?" I asked.
4 hours later - while trying to organize the videos from the Pleiades in "Bringers
of the Dawn," [see below]
I also look for info on my "Search"
and find a "Communication
with Deity", >2009, partly in German,
on the one hand about Lior as a messenger in a dream [see also in another Communication
in K.i.s.s.-Log 2008:"Lior
whose frequencies are rising so fast!"]
and on the other hand about chasing, biting
Nella, - interpreted as a metaphor for people
who cannot integrate their desire for freedom and their interest in truly
living life.
As usual, when we are alone or with Nella, we
don't use the elevator, but use the stairs.
That's were Mika took a "still" of her dog , while soon she'll turn
to making movies:
Savta, can you please lift up Nella, I want to take
a photo of both of you!" But Nella refuses to be lifted, so I let her
go and Mika shouts: "Savta~" That's why I could crop this pretty picture from
her little movie."
Part 9, about Feelings=Life In 1994, when I visited my daughter and
her family, then in Boulder/Colorado for 2 years, I found this book
in a NewAge bookstore. The book was meant as a gift for Yael Gavish,
then the hostess in Succah in the Desert, whom I assigned to be my successor.
I studied the book before I gave it to Yael and recorded the most relevant
passages on a casette, which I then heard over and over again during
waiting for cars, when hitchhiking through the desert . Once someone,
whom I do not recall, wanted to borrow the casette and never gave it
back. For some years now the book is on the Internet and sometimes I'm
listening to one of the many youtube parts. And now,
on this day, Ya sent me a link to "a new message",
on a video of 130 min.
Embraced worldwide as key
spiritual teachers of our times, the Pleiadians are back, with another
bold and controversial look at our highest purpose on Earth. Earth: Pleiadian
Keys to the Living Library is their handbook to inspired living, calling
on us to restore and return value to the human being, and to recognize
the Goddess energies and the power of blood as connections to our DNA
and our heritage.
Using wit, wisdom, and deep
compassion, they entice us to explore the corridors of time through
the concept of the Game Masters; to awaken the crucial codes for multidimensional
perspective; and to redream the Living Library of Earth. Their teachings
are significantly arranged in twelve chapters to trigger a deeper understanding
of our ancestral lineage. Earth probes the memories hidden deep within
us to reveal our crucial roles in the transformational process unfolding
in our times.
Pleiadian Keys
to the Living Library
20 parts Part
1: 10 min.
"Compiled from more than four hundred hours of channeling
by Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn imparts to us the wisdom
of the Pleiadians, a group of enlightened beings who have come to Earth
to help us discover how to reach a new stage of evolution. Master storytellers
and humorists, they advise us to become media-free, to work in teams,
and to eliminate the words "should" and "try" from
our vocabularies. We learn how to go beyond fear, how the original human
was a magnificent being with twelve strands of DNA and twelve chakra
centers, and who our "gods" are.
"Startling, intense, intelligent, and controversial,
these teachings offer essential reading for anyone questioning their
existence on this planet and the direction of our collective conscious
— and unconscious. By remembering that we are Family of Light,
that we share an ancient ancestry with the universe around us, we become
"bringers of the dawn," consciously creating a new reality,
a new Earth."
"An underground sensation." — Publisher's Weekly
There is another upload, a sequence
of short sections,
see the first one: I'm stunned by the definition of LOVE as
CREATIVITY: 3:10: "Love
is the basic building-block,
so when when one has love, all possibilities exist.
To bring back LIGHT which is information and LOVE, which is creativity,
is the plan. " [I'll quote more, soon]
From a review
by David Hoogstad on
the Amazon website about Bringers of the Dawn "I remember as i read this book for the second
time, after a reading it a year earlier, the book felt brand-new,
never read before. The words written are coded, meaning that they
will signify something to you based on your current level, however
as you progress, you will discover new deep meaning hidden in the
To those critising the stories as fiction,
i have the following to say.
The Pleiadian intelligence state themselves in the books, that it
is up to us to decide whether what they say is a (bedtime) story or
real facts, they stress that ultimately their only motivation is
to stirr up our (conditioned) views on our identity and our understanding
of us being here. They encourage us to deepen and challenge
our views on topics such as Time, our society, Media,
Politics, reincarnation, soul, Relationship, sexuality,
and so much more.
Ultimately they wish for us to reclaim our power and reinstate
our souvereign position as (co-)creator through the Self in manifestation."
10 Hebrew lines daily
between Ya-Ra towards the doomed-to fail shemshem.org 2012_03_20- 2013_03_13DELICIOUS