See below: (9)
The Model of a Twin "Rihlah-Ohalah"
for Israel&Ismael 1999
The FELT days 271, 272, 273, 274 ~ of the next 15 FELT years [see
linear time-line]
1 5 y e a r s = 5 4 8 0 days of g e f u e h l t e - g e f u e l l t e Z e i t "inmitten der Ewigkeit", f e l t - f i l l e d t i m e "amidst eternity" from the beginning of my 76th till the completion of my 90th year [unless I'll die after all] The feeling chosen from a day is exhibited in max. 7 lines per day since August 28, 2013 Since March 25, 2014, the only documentation of my life is distilled in "Felt Days"!! My role in the manifestation of the Tent-Vision is implied in the biblical tent quote! Since April 10, I sculpt "Felt Day" in Hebrew, prepared for and inserted as ".png". Names in "Felt Days" appear on top in English, so they can be found in "Search" |
on my next Felt Day in ARARAT>Communication
with Deity 2003-06-10 |
June 5, 2014 - OHEL 118 picked by Mika from among its 365 appearances in the Bible
There are - in this prophecy - other metaphors or plain descriptions of what will happen to "The daughter of Zion" for all its iniquities, but - in my eyes - to imagine the tents of shepherds around a fortified town, whose flocks will eat away everything eatable around, is not so much frightening as it is shameful ! It's also a hint at what was at the beginning of the fortified citizens' incapacity to take care of their self-interest: their being too much SETTLED! [s. Jeremiah's grand prophecy against Moab's being too much settled: Jer. 48:11, put into a tune by me]
June 6, 2014 - OHEL 119 picked by Mika from among its 365 appearances in the Bible
While the three walk down and around the Succayah, which I myself have sworn to never ever step into again, after Avi Dror did not welcome and not let enter my Bedouin friends at the end of the year 2009. I walk around the top of the Hill of the Angel's flight, discovering these new stone-heaps (rujums"), which open the view to the "Lekh-lekhâ-Mountain" and the hills on both sides of 'my' Ramon Crater. |
Finally I myself take a look down on the Succayah
- first towards Ya'aqov above, Sarah on the slope, Lea in the wadi,
[Arnon later told me, that "Lea",
which he remembers well from having slept there in 2003, was largely expanded]
and then I take in the entire view - which from here still gives the illusion
of "desert" - but which is spoiled and ugly,
when we passed by on the other side. Luckily Micha prevented me to take a
picture of the devastating garbage there.
[The Three did enter the Abraham-Succah, and
did meet Avi, but did not conceal their identity, but simply said: "we
want to look around"]
My very last photo of a scene in the Succayah -
Please, let it be the last one for eternity!
[see the
scroll to Avi in Dec. 2013]
- points at the Rachel-Succah in
the wadi
The four of us in the jeep moved on to four
other sceneries
in the neighborhood of what was once Succah in the Desert-
the photos
June 7, 2014 - OHEL 120 from among its 365 appearances in the Bible
I can't help but feel a dissonance when I read this instruction for the covering for the Tent. And yet, what choice did they have at that time? There was no plastic "net-shade", as I used for my tents and as shall be used by the manifestors of the Tent-Vision. And yet is it by chance, that what opened itself in the next morning-book, was this verse in the last chapter of Isaiah (66:3) ? ![]()
June 8, 2014 - OHEL 121from among its 365 appearances in the Bible
Joab seeking refuge in God's TENT and - after having been killed by King Salomos henchmen - despite this refuge - being buried in his own house in the wilderness (Kings I 2:34)
I want you to enhance and to not distort, |
on my next Felt Day in ARARAT>Communication
with Deity 2003-06-10 |
Overview of
and Links to the Pages of My
Community: Desert
Vision - Rihlah
from its realization in the exterior World
D E S E R T |
Carefree oasis, tent not-to roam,
{the habitation in the garden} its stakes for ever-and-ever and its cords not-to be-cut-off Biblical Prophesy Isaiah 33,20 |
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hebrew "OHALAH",
arabic "RIHLAH"
The Invention of the Pyramidal Tent 1992
(3) The R&D of the Pyramidal Tent 1993-2001 (4) Tent Compositions: the Ohel-Mo'ed 1992-1996 (5) Tent Compositions: 'King David's Harem' 1995 (6) The Pyramidion/Rihlah in Sinai 1996 (7) The Four Nation Tent in Eilat and the Vision of a floating Pyramidion 1997-98 (8) My own living in a pyramidal tent 1998-2001
2003_02_11; last update: 2003_03_11
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"O mankind! lo!
Towards the end of the time I was permitted
to live and create in the Desert, Tamir and I had discovered a place in Israel
above the Wadi Rakhaf, When I got the ultimatum to leave the fieldschool
of Ein-Gedi with bus and minibus, |
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Tamir's tent - during our time in Metzuqe-Dragot,
north of Ein-Gedi, in Palestinian land
Tamir, the artist: the fence of palmfronds above
the SaltSea
and the two of us in our shortlived cathedral , a composition of bus, minibus
and tent.
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Tamir on his own for the first time: Festival "Bereshit",
Sept. 1999, in a field.
He erects two of the tents and invites people for learning about both -
Desert Economy and Training Emotions.
What follows in Hebrew, is a budget.
Tamir and his partners wanted to call the first twin mobile hosting business:
"Ohalah Or-va-Tzel", the Light-and-Shade Pyramidion.
They asked me to outline a budget for investment, marketing and ongoing expenses
Tamir's first station after he had to leave Ein-Gedi:
Ne'ot Ha-Kikar, south end of the Dead Sea
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When the job there,
But this idyll soon found
an end too, he saw no choice, |
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This is Tamir's chaos , This is the second winter
But Tamir is growing despite much misery. |
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Update : 2004_05_05:
In June 2003 Tamir couldn't stand the prison of the orchard any longer.
He moved the bus - not the minibus - back to the cliffs.
A month later - while he was visiting his father in hospital in his home-town
Dimona -
the bus was tugged away by an unknown authority
- and imprisoned in a compost plant in Kiryat-Bialik near Haifa.
It took him 5 days to find out about that and to get a ranger to let him visit
his home.
It was badly looted, the mobile parts of the solar system, the gas bottle,
his musical instruments etc. were gone
and the bus a total chaos.
The authority refused to take responsibility, and instead charged a fine of
3000 NIS to liberate the bus.
Since Tamir did not and does not have 3000 NIS,
he understood, that the bus has to stay put for the time being,
and that he was guided to undergo an experience which he had shunned until
to live in the big city, Tel-Aviv, in a flat - like "normal" people
- and to make the money to pay for it,
and at the same time to work on fulfilling his dream of becoming a singer.
But he is never far away from the Israel/Ismael
Desert Dream.
After our unintended visit on May 3, in Ali's "Shick" near Arad
(once a Bedouin tent, now a shack, for receiving visitors)
he said:
"I was again touched to tears, seeing what we,
Israel, have done to them
and go on doing to them."