The Purpose of HEALING - K.i.s.s.
as stated 11 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential PEERS
to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - as holograms - all of Creation!
As the fruit of becoming whole = accepting all of
myself, I desire:
to live and explore and evolve L O V E
in my personal life
and to play my part in creating the conditions for
by radiating grate-full-ness, zest-full-ness and full-fill-ment
on the actors in my individual life-drama and on all
human beings!
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
may! 7:10
After the story with Dania & my
daughter I felt a strong temptation to actually CALL Ronnit
and begin:" let it be enough now!"
But it wouldn't have been right.
The initiative for "then
those who see Ha-Shem do talk among each other ..."[see yesterday]has to come from her.
Today my "waking-up-awareness" showed me the exact
time of our sitting on the veranda of my flat at Modi'in [paid
also by her!]:
it was in May-June 2003, after my task with T. had ended
& before my new lekh-lekha on July 3: she asked me to
agree to a freeze
I desire my child to run back into my arms & to be the first
of those who do
talk among each other!!
Today I desire to "complete" the series of Nebo-Let-Go
& the Driving Backward to July 15, 2006.
image of the
day The short street which branches
off the main street of Arad. Beyond the triangular synagogue
is my "Almond" Neighborhood
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
7:49 My Body,
my Partner,
my God
I give thanks to our arteries and veins and capillaries
and to the many components of our blood
and to the many processes, which make this blood run through
and enable us to live, to feel, to think, to grow and create.
I am again grate-full for the blackbird on my neighbor's high
which ever so often through my day delights me with its song: [I recorded 32 seconds of it,
without removing the pauses! - Click on the note!]
I am grate-full for the peace and quiet
of my town and neighborhood (after having watched again, how
in big cities like Moscow every car - and in the car human
beings like me - gets stuck in traffic jams for 11 hours per
month on the average). I am grate-full for the peace
in "my" Desert:
no war or terror, no draughts or floods (Spain, Saragossa!),
no hunger or sickness, no earthquakes, volcano eruptions or
Three spots of beauty
which I perceive each day,
when I climb up these steps
on my way from the pool
During the hours of working on "Nebo-Let-Go"
I suddenly perceived a beautiful scene inside my castle:
A play of wind, afternoon sun and my purple curtain [bequeathed to
me by Meital's
friend last year]....
Back to "Aetgar
ba-Midbar", the optimal content for a mobile Desert Hosting Business
We carried out four
"Aetgars" ('challenges')
with young people.
Satisfaction was enormous,
the model was a success.
But de facto this was a merger
between two models of hosting businesses
between a "Succayah" and an "Ohalah".
Without Rachel the hosts had difficulties
to unite between "regular" hosting in the
and the organization of "Aetgars" in the
The "regular"
hosting was never to my liking.
In order to receive the blessing of the desert SPS,
the treasure of its Space, its Silence, its Purity,
you should be a guest at least for 3 nights.
But as long as only
one business is existing,
the expenses prevent rentability,
and the price for a guest is like that in a hotel.
Desert Economy has its own concept: (not capitalism, not socialism,
not globalism, but:)
Yod - Yod - Yod
Yekhidim Yotzrim Yakhad Individuals create together
(the pun and its mystical connotation gets lost in
[See the first of my 2012 songs - inserted at the
end of the
Intro to Healing-k.i.s.s.)
not a collective, not a Kibbutz,
Yotzrim, not laborers, not employers,
Yakhad, not each individual "in his studio".
One hosting business, and in it 12 people,
will function only in the frame of a "Midbariya"
of 12 businesses + a "Midbaron", a Desert
Only then will the price for the guests allow them
to enjoy an extended "Nofesh la-Nefesh"
re-creation for the
Also each business will then have its special target
This was my intention
with regard to a "Succayah",
And this will turn out to be right with regard to
a Pyramidion.
21 years of "lekh-lekhâ"
in the footsteps of Abraham
Vision about Peace
through Economy in the Desert
to the Hebrew -Sculpture-in-Words First Stage: Training towards the "landing"
of the Vision-
living, driving the Bus, my mobile Home Second Stage: Development of a model of a
t e m p o r a r y Hosting
Business in the Desert: "Succah in the Desert" Third Stage: Development of a model of a
m o b i l e
Business in the Desert: the "Pyramidion" Where to now? Realization through Healing:
I have to heal and
wait until I can accept my shame "in my womb"
Third Stage:
Development of a mobile model
of a hosting business in the desert:
the basis of "a mobile hosting business" in the
["Ohalah" in
Hebrew, "Rihlah"
in Arabic,
"Pyramidion" in
was developed - first generation - already in 1992,
by Ram
Eisenberg, the desert architect, and me. [I now found an
article, in which Ram appears as I know him, though not
as architect
[awards for Ram Eisenberg : Jerusalem-Talpiot]