The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Nourishment from Others
and photos of my tiny "castle" in November 2006 & November 2007

2007_11_20-22 ; latest update: 2010_09_16, a day before the Eve of Yom Kippur...


the ongoing diary of Starchild Channeler Celia Fenn, South-Africa

I'm tired of messages from above,
be they from "teachers" on this or other planets.

One of the wondrous characteristics
of ""
that the fourfold aspects of "God"
talk as
" I " ,
totally personal,
totally transparent,
totally responsible
for their own evolution,
their failures
and their desires.

I want to hear and read people who say " I ",
people who live "transparency",
people who do not have to hide,
but do share with me the way they experience, heal, grow, create.
And there I came across Celia's "Earth-Log".
which is coming closer and closer to "FEELing",

[though even here the term "Light-Workers" is used
instead of "Will-Workers".
"Light" is a metaphor for "Spirit", the "electro",
but without "the Will",
i.e. without the magnetic field, i.e. feelings and desires,
the electro cannot manifest anything.

See "Puzzle-Piece 21- Oneness and Duality

See "Puzzle-Piece 39 - Deity and Manifestation"

and "Puzzle-Piece 39b - The Process of Manifestation and Creation"

But I'm excited to read Celia's diary
and quote what is most important for me.

[Sept .16,2010:

Celia's term "Earth-Log" inspired me
to begin the 365 days of my "K.i.s.s.-Log 2008]

Excerpts from Archangel Michael's messages from 2005-2010

2005_05_06 The Meaning of Compassion in this Cycle :
The Teachings of Lady Quan Yin through Celia Fenn"
2009_07_31 Becoming Your Authentic Self
Transmitted Through Ronna Herman

Except for the excerpts from these 2 messages on the Starchild website,
all other excerpts of messages from "Archangel Michael", inserted on Healing-Ki.s.s. , were transmitted through Celia Fenn, South-Africa.

2005_05_20 - It is Learning to be in your Bodies...

2007_05_30-Paradise on Earth & Living in a New Body
     [quoted also in K.i.s.s.-log 2008_09_21: You and your Crystalline Body]
2007_06_05-New Pattern of Manifestation on new Earth

July 2007 - New Earth Rising : Cosmogenesis and the Lion’s Gate of 2007


2007_10_03-New on Earth: From Light &Dark to Lightness&Joy

2007_10_13-Only through your creations will you know yourself

2007_10_22-How_to_hold_Aloneness in balance with Fullness

2008_01_11 - Heartweaving: Holding the Balance and Creating from the Heart

2008_01_19- Earth-Log>The Fifth-dimensional “Wobbly”...

2008_02_06 - New Codes for Planet Earth>Economic Balance & Abundance for All

March 2008- [No title above my excerpt ]

2008_04_29- The Grail Codes of 2008
- quoted also on 2008_10_07

2008_08_18: THE NEW EARTH RISING : The Fifth Dimensional Earth and Coperation and Sharing as a form of Planetary Governance

2008_11_11 -The Song of Harmony

2008_09_16-The New Beginning : Infinite Love Embodied as Heaven on Earth

2008_09_17-Second Part of "The New Beginning"

July 2009 -Rebirthing into the Diamond Light

2010_01_18- Archangel Michael and Mary Magdalene + a video: Celia in Jerusalem

2010_02_26 The Awakening and the Awakened>Navigating the New Earth Fifth-          Dimensional Hologram

Aurora    images
Solar minimum indeed? Here are some photographs taken from approximately 36,000ft from a flight from Gatwick Airport in the UK to take passengers up to see the auroral oval. On the night of November 12th, aurora chasers were greeted by an awesome display of the lights showing arcs, curtains and rays all changing rapidly as they watched.

Pete Lawrence,
36,000ft up, just north of the Shetland Islands, UK
Nov. 12, 2007

A b
rief display of northern lights was visible on the night of November 13, 2007. Like anyone else I was busy photographing the 17P/Holmes comet. However, I found some time to shoot these pictures.
Ørsta, Norway
Nov. 13, 2007
Fredrik Holm,
Aurora over
Nov. 20, 2007

Colourful and moving auroras on a beautiful winterevening near our polarlightinfo-center.

Threes van Nieuwenhoven,
Austvagoya, one of the Lofoten islands, Norway
Nov. 13, 2007


by Celia Fenn

[see Earth Log, November 19th, 2007, at the end of the previous page]

November 18th, 2007:

The Earth Awakens to the Light,,,
the power of the Full Moon in Sagittarius as it approaches,
together with the effects of Comet Holmes as it explodes in the heavens,
is creating a powerful energetic mix.

I have been feeling an increase of “symptoms” recently,
my body has not felt this way since I started the “ascension” journey in 2001. As I was lying in bed last night,
I could feel my Light Body vibrating like a jet engine just before take-off.
It is not that pleasant, I feel over-energized and exhausted at the same time...

The Earth herself is feeling the Light streams as turbulence.
I had a letter from Claudia Garcia,
who is the Starchild Team member from Chile,
to express the feelings of shock that the people of Chile are feeling
as they deal with aftermath of the earthquake in that country.
In addition, the Cyclone that hit India and Bangladesh....

... Many people [like my son Immanuel, from whom I learnt everything I know
about creating this site, with text, images and sounds...]

are having problems with crashed computers,
this being a reflection of their need to “shut down”
and allow themselves time to realign
and re-orientate themselves to this new place.

As the Light increases, it has become a place
where only total honesty and integrity with yourself will work for you.
I am finding that what “worked” for me six months ago, no longer works now.
I have changed, what I see and perceive has changed.

I find now the intense need
to be able to connect with what I am feeling
and express what I am feeling.

My life pattern in the past has been to suppress what I am feeling
so that I do not hurt others.
So I sit on what I feel so that I can keep the peace,
and yes it is an old pattern.
Now, I find that I just have to express what I am feeling
no matter what the consequences will be.
There has to be an alignment between my heart and my mind.
I have to express what I feel and what I think,
I can no longer just push my feelings away
so that I express what I think others want to hear.


No, it is not easy,
but I am finding that the “cost” to myself to do otherwise is just too much,
and ultimately the “cost” to others is the same.
For in this new place of Light and Intense Love,
we have to Love ourselves enough
to express our Truth and be in that Truth.
We also need to be able to love others enough
to really hear what they have to say from the Heart
and to listen with compassion.
The new skill we are all learning is how to express
what is the truth of our Heart

without falling into old emotional patterns
of expressing feelings as victimhood
and destructive anger
and manipulation,

...but really allowing yourself to feel what is happening inside yourself
and to be supportive of your own feelings and processes.

I have found that when I do this,
people often respond in ways
that indicate their own coping mechanism
and their own inability to feel and to be in their feelings.
When I express what I am feeling
I have had people tell me that I am reacting from “fear”
and that I am “not listening to my heart “.
not to pass judgment on what that person is feeling.


... I think we need to see the Light and not the Darkness right now.
Another friend wrote to me yesterday
about how we were were having to accept all that was "dark" in ourselves
and not to fear it or reject it.
Yes, I would just express it differently,
I would say that we are having to accept what we feel
and to be ok with what we feel, no matter what it is.
If we are angry, there is a reason for it,
it is better to accept that and to find out why,
and to make the changes that we need,
rather than to just “accept” that we are not being loving
and that we are in “fear”
and go on with life.

Anger is a signal that all is not well,
so don’t repress it, be with it, and find out what it is telling you.
If it seeks changes in your life, then make those changes.
It takes courage, it takes strength,
it asks you to be in your Personal Power.
It asks you to keep re-creating yourself

as you learn more about yourself and who you are and what you want in life.

.... So many people say to me
that they cannot find their passions in life,...
We repress our feelings
and we don’t allow ourselves to feel the depth and intensity
of what happens within us.

We probably learnt this when we went to school
and had to suppress our natural energies
to sit behind a desk all day and think.
After a while we shifted totally into our minds,
and we learnt to think rather than feel.

And so, we judge each feeling~~~that is good, that is bad~~~
and our mind sets up a control system over the Heart and its feelings,
not allowing any expressions of powerful intensity
because that is ‘bad”.
And so, in times when the light intensifies
and we feel in an intense way,
we feel “bad” literally within our bodies,
because we cannot cope with the intense waves of passion and feeling that are passing through as.

..., right now, we are having to re-boot our inner computers
to allow us to feel
and express these powerful waves in our bodies as well....

The stress comes in because we have become so mental and emotional,
and so out of touch with our deeper feelings,

that we tend to pass judgment on our passions as they arise
and to respond from our mind and emotions,

instead of honoring the feelings that come to us
and listening to what is being said....
The Great Shift into the Fifth Dimension and our sense of “Oneness” is
to be able to be in the Heart as One with another,

and still honor their right to express themselves
in ways that are different to yours.
Different, not better or worse, just different,

maybe on a different frequency of energy.
For indeed, choice is the essence of Personal Power,
and we should always feel that we have choices
and allow that others can make different choices for themselves.


So here is one of my favorite songs,
It is about Passion and about how we need to be able to take risks
and find the courage to live our passions in their beauty and intensity.
And, in this New Earth, to also feel safe and supported as we do so.
We are all in the seed stage, becoming “The Rose”.
So, on this Sunday, if you feel so inclined….
here is Bette Midler singing “The Rose” . Please Click Here for Video.

November 22, 2006:
My Chrysanthemon under what my neighbor Albert calls
"Arc de Triomphe", which is nothing but a bent water-hose.


I could bring it to life again,
this descendant of a flowery clover-like plant,
given to me by my upstair-neighbor Orit,
when I lived at Modi'in, 2002


November 16th, 2007

The Gateway of Love....and the Cosmic Fireworks Party.
This Earth Log entry is written partly in response to all those people
who have written in to ask why, when everything seems to be speeding up,
their lives seem to be slowing down.
This comes from healers especially,
who are seeing their client numbers drop rather than increase
as we enter into this new phase.

So, here is the information that I have been given from
Archangel Michael on this topic.

As you enter Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness,
you will indeed slow down.

As you slow down, it will seem
that everyone else is hurtling past you at great speed.
This has always been so, but you have been hurtling along at the same speed, and so now you notice
"hey, I'm going slower~~~I'm slowing down".
And yes, you get panicky and anxious,
mainly because you have to "earn a living" at the old speed,
and you feel as though you are not "doing"
what you should be doing.
"Why is Spirit not using me at this important time?"
many people wail in despair.

Well, Spirit is working with you.
... you have to pass through the Gateway of the Heart
in order to get into Fifth Dimensional Spiral Consciousness,

that place beyond the Linear Time "hurtle" forward,
that place where Consciousness spirals gently
into ever new levels of Becoming and Being. ..

As you enter into Heart time,
you need to find that still point at your own center.
You need to BE,
in order to be able to Create in the new way.

So, as you enter into the stillness of your own Being,
you will feel that slowing down,
until you are at a point
of complete inner stasis and nothingness
then you can create on the next spiral of consciousness.

Now, most people are terrified of that moment of nothingness
that preceeds birth and creation.

They do their best to deny it and escape from it,
by rushing around doing things and finding things to do
in order to fill the empty space.
The more you deny the emptiness,
the more you push away the very thing you desire.
You have to enter the emptiness,
the Cosmic womb within,

in order to begin spinning out the web of creation
from your own still center.

As you watch everyone else rushing by at high speed
and seemingly intent on their creations,
you feel, but what about me?
I am not rushing and busy as well?

The rushing around is an illusion of "busyness",
it is what is left over of the Third Dimension,
when looking active
and filling your time with action
was considered a virtue.

In Cheryl Hutton's beautiful song "To Be One",
that she channelled from her Higher Being,
the Divine Essence says:
"What are dreams and hopes, if you just can’t cope,
Or wings and prayers if you never dare,
I need you here and now, in this mystery,
To BE free. To BE free."

So many people are not coping
because they are still trying to create in Third Dimensional Mind Time,
and are not creating from Fifth-Dimensional Heart Time.

So, what is Heart time?
Well, it is slow.
It is a state of Being.
As the song says, "I need you to be here and now, in this mystery".
Be PRESENT in your own life, be PRESENT with others.
Be intimate, be close, be loving,
experience your life as it is and as you are.
Stop rushing around...stop being busy....stop.

That slowing down is a gift.
It says you are ready to create at the next level.
Honor the gift and let go and trust.

Remember that we come from a society
where the two main tendencies have been action and consumerism.
You work hard and then you consume.
Work, work, work, shop, shop, shop....etc.....This is modern life.
An unbalanced rush from one day to the next,
from one month to the next, and ooops its Christmas again.

Fifth Dimensional life moves gently and with grace.
It is filled with a quiet richness and great Love.
It stands poised on that moment when you realize that you can just BE,
and that you are FREE
from the constraints of the linear third-dimensional rat race illusion.

The creation power of the Heart is far stronger.
That is why Archangel Michael has spent so much time in the past
talking about the power to manifest and be.
That is why in Cheryl Hutton's dream
she saw all those cars stopped at the side of the road.
The road is linear time, and humanity just can't do that any more.
It just doesn't work any more.
It just exhausts the new Human Angel
who is designed to spiral gently
through the Cosmic fields of Light
on the wings of Love.
Hmmmmm...sounds good to me.

That means, going slowly and with grace.
Having the time to notice others and to be with them and to really hear them. Never to "be too busy" to be with another human in grace and love.
I am always disturbed when I get mails that start:
"I know you are busy but could you....".
It is as though people have this image of me rushing around being "busy"
and that I have no time for another human being
whose needs are somehow lesser.
Well, I may be tired, I may find I can't fit in everything as yet
because I live on my own and work on my own,
but you can be sure that I do my best to be present with you.
I try to read every mail that I get
and to send Love on the Heart Grid of Unconditional Love,
hoping that you will feel that,
and not anger because I have not been able to answer you with a mail.

And now, about the Cosmic Fireworks party. ...
The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 24th will usher in some powerful Light, .. Now, added to this potent mix is the "exploding " Comet,
which is now apparently larger than the sun
and is the largest object in the Solar system right now.

Thanks to Christine Saul of the USA,
who sent me the information about Comet Holmes, as it is called.
This an image of the comet, in relation to the sun. The image is taken from

Well, I asked Archangel Michael to channel something on the Comet,
and the request was declined.
I think sometimes that this energy is a little prudish,
for the word I was given was "orgasm".
Was that meant to be a joke?
Well, not really, apparently the explosion of Comet Holmes
is like a great explosion of Joy and Ecstasy
as the Cosmos enters a new era of Light. does that affect us?

Well apparently, there is a lot of turbulence out there in the Solar system
and that does indeed affect the Solar Light Body.
It contributes to the instability that is already out there.

If we were a more organically integrated society,
we would be out there dancing around bonfires
and doing other joyous things
to join in with this great Cosmic fireworks display.
In that way we would be able to ground and run the excess of Light energy
that many of us are feeling right now.

It is why Archangel Michael always tells us to be joyous and to celebrate
and to do rituals and ceremonies of Light and Joy.

You may feel the energy as an increase of your own energy,
or as extreme tiredness.
You may feel anxious or depressed as the energy "hits" your nervous system. You may, of course, also feel filled with great Joy
if you are able to fully present at this Cosmic party.

So, for now, I guess, just be aware of the great surges of Light and Energy
that are out there right now!

Also on November 22, 2006:
A red pepper plant, which had sown itself.

On November 11, 2006
when my family visited me for the first time after the accident in July,
Immanuel photographed me watering the corner of the pepper pot



A year later, October 28, 2007, the pepper plant bore fruits again
Also a year later, Nov. 4, 2007- the "biotope" with Orit's clover-flower


November 15th, 2007 :

Flying on a Wing and a Prayer~~~
the Nature of Miracles as we Create them~~~
and a Song for Peace and Oneness :

That's rather a long title, but there is much to say today.
For those of you who are wondering
why there is suddenly an Earth Log every day,
well, that is what my Higher Guidance has asked.
I have been given a new "assignment" for the New Earth energies,
and it involves more writing, so here it is~~~

I am going to start by thanking all those who send in ideas and responses.
I appreciate all of you
and I do read everything, even if I can't answer every mail.
I want to thank Christina Mueller of Berlin,
who sent me some images of Berlin, then and now.
For those who say that "nothing has changed",
these pictures showed me quite clearly that so much has changed
and we just need to be more aware of the miracles that happen all around us.
I am sorry that I cannot share the images with you,
as they were copyright images and so could not be copied here.

This image was sent in to me by Lori Wood of Wisconsin, in the USA. Apparently it was taken by a group of scientists
who attached a camera to a hot air balloon.
It is called "Ice Crystals", but as Lori says,
you can just see the magic in these beautiful rainbow beings
hovering in the skies above the planet.
They seem to be radiating this pure and radiant rainbow light.
Maybe, it is even an angel's wing....who knows:

And now, talking about Miracles and Wings,
here is the story I wanted to share with you today.
You may have noticed if you follow the news, a headline on CNN
that said "Passengers see engine fall off Jet".
Hmmmm, being someone who flies a lot, I was drawn to that,
and was surprised to see that this drama had happened
just "down the road" at Cape Town International Airport,
where a Boeing 737 lost an engine on take-off.
Having done the take-off at Cape Town many times,
I could just imagine what that must have been like,
and so read the local papers to find out more.
The official story was just that the plane continued to climb out
and that the pilot was able to circle over the ocean,
dump his fuel and land the plane safely.

Well, planes are generally designed to fly with one engine
when the other engine is still there to balance the plane.
When it is not, things get scary,
especially if the engine drops off
right at the moment when the nose lifts off the ground.
Anyway, I found out the "human" side of the story
when the local "drop in the box" newspaper arrived yesterday,
and a local woman who had been on the flight
told her story and her experiences.

Apparently, after the engine fell off
the plane was shaking all over and was unable to gain much altitude.
It was a stormy day,
and the plane was flying through cloud in an area surrounded by mountains.
The pilot came through to the passengers on the intercom
to acknowledge a problem, he had to,
they could all see that the engine had just fallen off.
He told them that he was "consulting the manual" and would get back to them. Oy....can you imagine....there you are...flying at low altitude through cloud, surrounded by mountains, with one engine,
and the pilot is consulting the manual!
I would say you were in deep trouble.

What amazed me, when I read her story, was that she said
that everyone was very calm, and there was no hysteria.
Many people were praying.
I like to think that what carried that plane and brought it down safely
were the angels wings,
as the prayers of those on board manifested into safety for all of them.
No one was injured in the perfect landing.

Of course, all credit to the Pilot and his skills,
and he must have found the right page in the manual!!
But, another thing that I noticed in the story was
that after the plane had landed,
the pilot came through to look out the window and see the damage.
She said that the look on his face was pure amazement,
as though he could not believe
that he had been able to keep that plane in the air
and land it safely with that kind of damage.
I saw a photo of the Boeing 737 on the ground after the landing,
and it was amazing to see that this plane was still there
and in one piece,
with the hole on the wing where the engine should have been.

My feeling, when I connected with this story, was that it was indeed a miracle, and that what kept that plane flying
was the trust, the prayers and the co-operation between the humans
who were there, including the pilot,
and the angels who kept that plane in the air and landed it safely.
That is how we create miracles in the New Earth.
We stay calm and centred
and we ask, we pray, we visualize a safe outcome...and so it is!

Now, here is a beautiful song about Peace and Oneness
that was sent to me by Cheryl Hutton of Canada.
In keeping with our theme of flying,
here is Cheryl's description of how the song came to her:

This is a song for Peace. It came in a dream April 15th , 2007.

In my dream I was flying above the tree tops and looking down at a major highway below that was empty. For as far as I could see cars were parked on the grass beside the highway and people were standing out beside their cars with the doors open. A message told me they couldn’t make it up the road, that they were waiting for something that would help them. At this point I began to sing this song as if it were on a loud speaker. Over the past few months, the journey that this song has taken us all on is proof that the words and melody seem to hold a subtle embedded message that only the heart can hear. What a privilege it is to be able to deliver it.

When I listened to the song I really loved it,...

"What are dreams and hopes, if you just can’t cope,
Or wings and prayers if you never dare,
I need you here and now, in this mystery,
To BE free. To BE free."

"Flying" is the content of this diary.
It's an opportunity to insert some photos about the flying
of my pilot son , Immanuel

July 2007 , Over Groenland


September 2007, to Bankok, (with his son Tomer - 12)

October 2007, on the way to New York (with his daughter Mika)



14th November :


So, here are the words from Archangel Michael
about the Passions of the Heart,
... This is an extract from a written channel:

The issue of partnership
is also one that concerns many people right now.

As the Earth moves into her own personal alignment
with her Twin Flame energy,
humans also feel a deep need to be in that Twin Flame passion.
The Milky Way Galaxy is currently merging with the Andromeda Galaxy,
and the energy of passion and love
that flames from that great unified Heart
is very strong.
Its resonance is felt on many levels,
and the desire for Union is part of the great changes and transformations
that you are experiencing right now.

... It is not about looking for the “right” person
or the person who attracts you most in a physical or sexual way.
There are many people who enter into intense sexual relationships
and imagine that this is the energy of the Twin Flame.
Indeed, it is not.
The passion of the Twin Flame burns in the Heart,
and has very little to do with sexuality.
It may be expressed through sexuality by two beings
who are able to bring the energy down to the physical,
and that can be very powerful.
In Lemurian and Egyptian times,
this was an art that was left to the priests and priestesses,
for they were best able
to carry the powerful Twin Flame energies in their bodies
without being thrown into imbalance.
But now, one of the gifts of this New Earth is
that all humans are being enabled
to create and experience the Twin Flame Union in their own Lives.

However, dearest one, so many self-sabotage these relationships
because they seek first the material and sexual expression of the relationship
before they have grounded it into their Hearts
and created the required weaving of Light and Spirit
that will hold the relationship.

So, what you are all learning, is how to "be",
and to create a new kind of relationship,
that emanates from the Heart and is expressed through the Heart.
Until you can do this,
you will find that you will continue to feel as though there is nothing for you,
for you will be seeking for something in the “wrong place” as it were.

.... in order to attract a partnership of great passion,
you have to be able
to live and hold that passion in your own life and in your own heart first.
Then you will be able to hold the love and passion of another being in your Heart, and then you will create a great and powerful union.
You cannot “avoid” the passion and the intensity of intimacy
by escaping into work or other addictions,
and still expect the relationship to be passionate and heart-based.

At this time, you as a people, are still in the learning stages of this energy.
Both men and women are still learning how it feels
to make a powerful connection through the Heart,
and how to nurture and care for that connection.
For, once the seed is planted in the Heart,
it must be nurtured and cared for every day,
otherwise, like any plant, it will wither and die.
So, with these new relationship energies,
the way to allow the “plant” of the heart to flourish is
to water it daily with the energy of Unconditional Love and intimacy.

It requires great honesty and openness,
and the ability to be vulnerable
and to express exactly what you are feeling.
For, the other person knows immediately
what you are thinking and feeling through that Heart bond,
and if they experience anything less than total honesty
to those feelings in your actions,
then the bond will wither and die.
For the Heart only “speaks” in total honesty and in total alignment,
the heart and the mind must speak as one,
or an imbalance is created
and the relationship will not grow and flourish.

…you are all in this learning phase,
and few of you have yet discovered the power of the Heart
and the power of the Passion and Intimacy of the Heart.
It is what you all seek,
but it is what you have yet to find within yourselves
as you move away from the old concepts of relationships
as sexual/material experiences
to the new paradigm
where relationships are powerful and passionate expressions
of the Heart and Soul as well as the physical body.


Dearest one, learn to trust yourself and your feelings.
If you feel great Joy, then express it to those who are near you.
If you feel great pain or sadness, express that too.
In this New Earth,
you are learning how to support your own feelings
and to support those of others
by sharing what you are feeling
and thinking with compassion and unconditional love.
It is only when you are capable of feeling these energies and expressing them, without falling into anger or into “victim” patterns,
that you will be able to hold and express the ... energies of the “Twin Flame”
in all your creative relationships.

So, know that you are all learning
and that, just as you learnt
how to hold these new incoming energies in your bodies,
you will learn how to hold them in your Heart
and how to balance them and to nurture them
through expressing them in honest and loving ways
and having them received with openness and love.

For this is how passion flows between sacred hearts and loving souls.
It is expressed and shared,
and in that communion is the Flame of true Creative Energy.
It is the dancing of Hearts in the power of Unconditional Love.


Back to Earth, to my home and garden.

November 11,2006:
Happy with my new "Nikken" mattress/cover/cushion

My bed covered, 80 cm of its width hide the magnetic mattress!


Next to the bed: a corner of my desk and the reading-lamp

The corner with paintings of my children when they were small,
and with vessels and memories of those who gave them to me.

There is a story to this extraordinary acquisition [3700 NIS] in my life,
the "Nikken" sleeping set:

Ya'acov, my "twin-brother", 19 years my junior and in a wheelchair,
is an agent of "Nikken".
When he entered the "pyramid" of the selling organization,
I was absolutely against it.
This was a year earlier , and I was proven right,
he was not successful.
BUT ! Neither did he give up his faith,
that he could help people by making them more aware of their bodies,
and I knew, of course, that this was the real purpose of his "job",
and not the money, though he needed the money desperately.

I knew, that he valued my judgment .
Still, he did not succumb to it.
I was proud of him.

So when we met in late October 2006, for the first time since March,
I told him, that "by chance" a friend had lent me her Nikken mattress,
when she found me terribly afflicted with the pain in my groin,
[See the reason for Nebo-Let-Go , since the end of January 2006]
and that I felt, that it had done me a lot of good.
So now,
- having saved exactly the sum needed to acquire the entire set,
I wanted to buy it through him:
"And mind you, to NOT take your commission from me!
I'm so happy, that you choose your own path,
even if I, your twin-sister, believes it to be wrong."



2nd November :

…we are being urged by the Angelic Realms, through Archangel Michael,
to remember that we are Powerful Creators,
and that the way that we create is through Dreams and Intentions.
Now, back to the idea of the Dream,
and the need for us to Dream the New Earth Dream.

I want to start by saying that we, as a Collective,
have been in a major Transition and Transformation phase since 1998,
when the Crystal Children began to incarnate in large numbers
to assist us to hold the Christ/Magdalena consciousness
as we transformed from a mind based Collective
to a Heart Based Collective.

This change was neccessary,
for the nature of Human Life on Earth had shifted irrevocably.
We had managed to "cancel" the "end of the world" scenarios,
that is why the Crystal Children came.

But, we were left with the "problems" of an Earth
that had changed beyond recognition.

I read a while ago, that in the year 2000,
the population of the Earth shifted
from being primarily rural to being primarily urban.
More of us live in cities than on the land, and it will continue to be that way.
Our planet has become a network of interconnnected cities,
and we are connected to each other through our Hearts.
It is time for a Dream
that will allow us to create a New Earth with this as our basis.
I have been shown, in visions with Archangel Michael,
that in the New Earth our cities will be so beautiful
because we will learn
how to live with Nature and with the Animal kingdoms once again.

We will invite them back into our lives.
In these dreams, I have seen cities
where the houses are "lost" among the beautiful forest like gardens,
and I have seen shopping malls
where birds and animals roamed freely and without fear. Hmmmmm.
Something to think about maybe.
What do we want to create
in our New Earth future
if we accept that we are One,

that there is not going to be a major catastrophe
that will wipe out large portions of the population,
and that Collectively we have to find a way Forward.
I believe that New Dream will begin to manifest in 2008,
because we are ready, as a Collective to begin to dream the new dream.
What do you see for the New Earth?
Are you ready to be the Dreamer who will Dream the New Dream?
Are you ready
to Hold the Intention
and Receive the Manifestation
of the New Earth
when it begins to Birth?

…. Our transition to the Higher Dimensions of Consciousness means
we acknowledge that we are One,
that we are Connnected,
and that we share a Common Home, our planet Earth.
We share a common future,
and we have the greatest of privileges given to us,
to dream a New Dream for our Planet in a Conscious way.
We call this dream the "New Earth" ...

[See the biblical quotes about "A New Heaven and a New Earth"!]

...ready to use the Power of Dreaming and Intention
to Create a New Vision for a New Future,
and to work to ground that vision on the Earth,
to bring a Heaven of Love to the Planet in a material way.

As we move towards the 11: 11 stargate,
it will be a powerful time to dream
and plant seeds that will manifest as a new "home" for all of us.
And so, here is some music, again, to celebrate this new energy.

The song is called "New World Beneath my Feet"
and is by a South African group called Mango Groove.
The song was written about the South African experience in the 1990s,
as we transitioned from a society based in violence and repression
to an open and democratic society.
I think in many ways, the South African process was a "seed energy"
for what can be achieved
if people open their hearts and work together to avert violence
and create a future based on the common good.
I know South Africa is not Utopia,
it is still a rough, tough and unruly place,
it is Africa after all.
But, when I returned home recently
I was struck by the Human Love and Creative energy
that is the "energy signature" here right now.
So, to all the people who worked with me in the Netherlands and in the USA, to raise the consciousness of Africa to the Fifth Dimension,
I can say that the energy sparkles here right now.
The Dream is Being Born.

So here are the words to "New World Beneath my Feet" ...

We need this time to heal our sadness
To wipe away the tears of yesterday
We have one life, we have one future
and the Sun is rising on our brighter day
So, if we look inside and find the strength to change
Learn to Love and learn to Give
With Hope as our Guide
We can reach out to each Other
And find that there's a better way to live.
So, take my hand and lead me onward
Let a New Love be released
We'll heal our Hearts and find a Future
With a New World beneath our Feet
With a New World beneath our Feet
In our hearts we feel the power
Of a love that's getting stronger day by day
We have the strength to face tomorrow
Because we know that there can be no other way
Though we may fall and we may falter
But if we stand together we'll walk tall
Under the shelter of a Dream
A Dream that lasts Forever.......

The "Arc de Triomphe" again, but a year later, Nov. 4, 2007,
when the Chrysanthemon just started to open.
Not much does grow or blossom in my desert-earth,
all the more I cherish what does.
2 years ago I stole a little plant from a park
where nobody would ever have noticed it.
It's a rare flower in Israel, certainly in this desert area.
Now this year it even has a little child growing beside it!

On November 22, both - parent and child - are in full blossom

It has finally become colder,
no rain yet in this "winter",
but today on my walk to the pool,
twice to and fro,
I was enchanted by the artwork produced by clouds...





to former source of "Nourishment from Others"    to next source of "Nourishment from Others"