The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



From the Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2009-2011:
Exploring and Exemplifying,
lore and to exemplify
how to discover and how to live
the Condition for "Heaven-on-Earth" called:
"Feeling Grate-full, Feeling Zest-full, Feeling Full-filled"
as ongoing vibration of Heart breathing in Body"



January 18, 2009:
Shalom and Salaam to any visitor, who reached this page by an erroneous link:
My dream about "Training Dreamers" has transformed,
after this "program", as many a program before, did NOT MANIFEST.
But the concept and the practical ideas are still part of my Desire and Vision
[See also another "project" , which did not manifest, but was a light at the end of a dark tunnel!]





Not Silence
is sound
for me now!

Click and listen
to the sound of Noah's
hot sulphur spring!


Noah's Dreamer Training
See also "Economy of Dreamer Training"

2004_03_22-27 ~~~~
(on July 27, 2009, I found a good example of how I have - since the age of 16 - trained dreamers spontaneously - see in "Noah's Shore History" , second attempt)

Who am I?
There is no answer to that.
I am with you, what I am with you, because you are with me, what you are with me.
and vice versa.
And even with you I am not always the same.
I am with you NOW, what I am NOW, because you are with me NOW, what you are with me NOW,
and vice versa.
Let us not tag, label or judge each other!
Let us perceive each other as flowing water, not as sculpted in stone.

Love means being a space, in which the beloved one can grow.
Love also means being a boundary, against which the beloved grows.

Know, that I am
a Trainer of Dreamers.
But I may not be the right Trainer for YOU.
That's why we are two Trainers on Noah's Shore.
We both utilize the situation
created by the process of realizing "Noah's Shore Peace Project".
But the Space and the Boundary which I, Christa-Rachel, provide
- by my personality and present choices -
are very different from the Space and the Boundary
provided by Yuval-David
[you may get to know him a little in Noah's Diaries, 12th Day and 40th Day.

If you feel attracted to study this site,
or to encounter me virtually via e-mail,
or to meet me in person on "Noah's Shore",
know that this is what you will have to face:
your own self and your own vocation,
challenged and enhanced by a Trainer of Dreamers.

If you give us a chance, but then decide you need another trainer,
because you feel that my space is too limited for you,
and the challenge of my boundaries is too triggering,
then tell me so - lovingly - before you leave.
Do not project on me any anger with yourself.
Let me help both of us to be whole with your parting.

On the other hand, if it's me whose boundaries you tend to override
- like , for instance, if you cannot or don't want to keep a commitment -
I am eager to accept the challenge of growing against YOUR boundaries,
under one vital condition:
that you stand up to me!!!
and that you make the effort
to either win me over to your need to transgress my boundaries,
or to support me, so that I can breathe-move-sound my anger and my pain.

"To support" me means, that you will be like "a womb" for me,
i.e. you listen with compassion, without judgment or re-action.
A womb is a place where there is only darkness, only water,
no duality between darkness and light, water and not water,
no duality = no choice,
no choice = no responsibility,
no responsibility = no judgment.

You can be "a womb" only,
after you have done your work with your own feelings,
so that you are able to accept yourself,
free of guilt and free of blame,


To Arab speaking visitors:
I pray you may be the first
to translate this flyer into Arabic.
If so, please send it to me as a picture in .gif format, since this program supports no text but English.
If you need help to do this, write to me - - or call me: 066-290920.

Dreamer Training
in Hebrew and in English


Second Edition of Hebrew Flyer - to be printed on two pages and distributed

- A Space for Training Dreamers

You have a dream!
A dream you want to manifest.
A dream to manifest peace!
Peace with your soul,
Peace with the Earth,
Peace between Nations.

(Translation will be continued)


Examples for Challenges
which create the training conditions:



The Structure of Time











Entry Test



Click on "Earth" to hear my song "I dreamt a dream".
As to its translation into English, see the entry to puzzle piece "Everyone a Hologram"

As to the structure of time during the Dreamer Training,
see The Five Sound Appointments
See there also what I share about my shame, that I do not keep the Sound-Appointments myself...


I'll now try to present the interior stages of learning to realize dreams:


If you want to train,
know, that there are 4 steps to be taken:

The first step is:

to know how to deal with the feelings, which prevent you from realizing your dreams
the fear, the shame, the frustratioon, the dispair, the powerlessness, the disappointments,

There are two things that have to be done with feelings:
one is - to "move emotions", i.e. to physically vibrate them through breathing, sounding moving.
The other one is - to release the judgments againt the feelings, which make them more unbearable than necessary
("I shouldn't feel like this, that's bad, that's ridiculous"
I don't want to feel like that, I want to stop feeling like that etc')

Lass dir alles geschehn, Schoenheit und Schrecken.
Man muss nur gehn. Kein Gefuehl ist das fernste.
Lass dich von mir nicht trennen.

Rainer Maria Rilke, aus "Gott spricht zu jedem ehe er in macht"

If I am judging
my feelings,
I'm separating myself from God,
since feelings
are an aspect of God.
Since feelings are God.

Let everything happen to you, beauty and horror.
One must just go. No feeling is the farest.
Do not let yourself be separated from me.

Rainer Maria Rilke, from "God talks to each one before he makes him"

Accept any feeling as LIVING
and breathe, move and sound it,
and you'll get an inkling of what life can be like.
I, too, am only at the beginning.
but not the level of advancement is crucial, only the direction of Self-acceptance.

The second step is:

To consistently strife for Self-Acceptance.
Accepting all my feelings, is one aspect.
To accept my personality traits is another.
A third is to not make wrong my patterns.
For it's by coping with them, that I grow.
And the last one, which I understood only today
is to not judge my doings.
For instance:
"According to my priority, ,I should be doing something else right now",
or "I should be more focused, more efficient".

But I want to accept the experience and the feelings connected to what I am doing or not doing just now,
or of what I have done or not done a moment ago, or the day , the week, the year before.

The third step is:

To adopt the belief of "Self-Determination', or the knowing,
that I am the master of my existence, be it in this world or in any other.
Which means, I am never a victim, even if every evidence seems to prove the opposite.
I am parental (a more exact word for "responsible") not only to the outcome of my doing or lack of doing.
I'm parental to everything that happens to me.
I am not to be blamed for attracting painful experiences.
I always do the best I can.
But I am parental to what I attract,
and I know, that I can transform the seeming curse into a blessing.

The fourth step is:

To fulfil my dreams,
to realize my vocation,
to co-create the world as I want it to be.


More Insights concerning the concept of Training Dreamers:

This morning I had charged my computer at Khalil's petrol-station.
When trying to get a lift for 4 km back to the border-sculptures and my cave,
a mother and a daughter took me in and then came with me down to the cave.
They were on their way to a Yoga workshop, "but this sounds more interesting!"
Drawing them out about their dreams, as I now always do,
a new understanding -
which crystalized during the hard mutual training between me and Yuval-David,
became a decision:

I want to train dreamers,
who have learnt already one thing in life: commitment!
People who have experience and skills in raising a family and making a living.
They may even already have fulfilled a dream, but are now stuck.
This is the timing for us to meet.
Since 'love is being space where the other person can grow,
but love is also being the boundary , against which s/he can grow',
I must be well aware of the space I can be and the boundary I cannot avoid being.

My boundary:
I need people to be committed to their promises, to themselves and to me.
And if they cannot keep a promise or choose to break a commitment,
I need them to stand up to me, win me over to their choice,
or at least listen to me lovingly, while I scream or cry my pain.

Since many people find it too difficult to fulfil this condition,
there will be Yuval-David as another type of a dreamer-trainer.
The space and boundary created by his personality and present choices,
may be more suitable to young people, or people who choose non-commitment.

Lass dir alles geschehn, Schoenheit und Schrecken.
Man muss nur gehn. Kein Gefuehl ist das fernste.
Lass dich von mir nicht trennen.

Rainer Maria Rilke, aus "Gott spricht zu jedem ehe er in macht"

Let everything happen to you, beauty and horror.
One must just go. No feeling is the farest.
Do not let yourself be separated from me.

Rainer Maria Rilke, from "God talks to each one before he makes him"