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Version of 2010 [discovered in 2013, when my young friend Boris ordered "The Blue Book" for himself']
continuation from page 22 of the 1984 version and
page 28 of the 2010 version of The Blue Book
- page 23 Opening to the Will needs immediate
attention, The
prophecies predicting these times on Earth |
page 28
- page 24 ["Realities Precipitating towards Earth"] Each Spirit feels good in its right place. The denial of the Will has been so extensive that many Spirits are not in their right place and cannot find their right place unless I help them. Even the ones going to what is referred to by others as Hell are not going to necessarily feel bad there. You need to realize that just because something does not feel good to you does not mean that it does not feel good to another. Your Heaven could be their Hell. The reality is that I have many different ways to feel and I do not want limits on any of them. You have chosen to emerge with a limited consciousness and you must accept that this is right for you, but you must not impose your limits on another. Others have different feelings and different paths and everyone needs the freedom to follow their own path. I want to put Spirits in their right place so that they do not interfere with each other in the pursuit of these paths. Respect of other paths is necessary. Even if you do not understand something, accept its right to be, and know that this is why I need to put Spirits of limited consciousness in their right place. So even if most of the people on Earth are choosing to learn from experience that they do not want to have, that appears to just happen to them for no good reason, you have the choice to understand why it is happening and to release yourself as much as possible from having to face your denials in outer reality. This is your own choice here and it is not a matter calling for judgment. The choices you make are right for you and are going to put you in your right place. You will only experience what you need to experience in order to learn what you need to learn no matter how much power the reality of others seems to have. The understanding you need about protecting yourself when you are surrounded by a reality that does not seem to agree with your own personal choices is this: get in touch with why you are there and process everything you can find in yourself regarding this in the way I am explaining here and see what happens. I am going to help you with this because I can see that the reality on Earth is pressuring for widespread conformity. You must take responsibility for yourself though and clear out of yourself everything that holds you to a reality or part of a reality that you do not like. Then I can put you in your right place |
page 29 ["Realities
Precipitating towards Earth"]
1984 - page 25 ["Realities Precipitating
towards Earth"] which will not have
anything you do not like |
page 30 ["Realities
Precipitating towards Earth"] |
- page 26 ["Realities Precipitating towards Earth"] and experienced before they were ready things that overwhelmed them and with Spirits that they could not accept unconditionally. This experience was needed because these limits could not be accepted and understood in any other way or they would have been. Hear me on this: I do not judge you for this; I only seek to teach you and warn you in an effort to save you the path of pain and suffering that comes from overstepping your limits. I am not sending you pain as punishment. Pain is supposed to warn you that you are overstepping your limits. Pain only continues if you refuse its message. I am not angry over this either; I just want to help all the Spirits that have had enough of the path of pain and suffering that the disregard for their own limits has brought to them. Many Spirits thought I was judging them when I pointed out their own limits to them and many of these Spirits tried to push My Presence away by rebelling against Me in the belief that I then would not be able to see them or judge them if they overstepped those limits. I have allowed this experience to continue on Earth for as long as it needed to. The Spirits that are now ready to hear Me are going to get a chance to. The prophecies all point to the time when this will happen and that time is now. I will speak to each Spirit in the form in which that Spirit can hear Me because even the ones that still want to refuse to hear Me must at least accept My power to put them in their right place where they can continue refusing to hear Me without interfering with the ones that are now ready to hear Me. See that prophecies are not something to be looked at as either a sealed fate or a doomsday or as something to deny and defy. The prophecies are meant to teach by showing people what they are creating for themselves so they can make sure it is what they want. If it is not what you want in your own personal reality, you cannot avoid reality by denying that it is happening; you must seek the way to create differently. Release of the fear that you have created your own just punishment by overstepping My limits is necessary because holding a strong fear that you deserve punishment is going to draw punishment to you. Denying that you have this fear only disconnects the fear from the understandings it needs. Release of fear is not possible unless you have acceptance for the fear. |
page 31 ["Realities
Precipitating towards Earth"] even appearing to be for no good reason at all, you have the opportunity, and can make the choice, to understand why what is happening to you is happening, and release yourself from having to face your denials in outer reality as much as you can. Whatever choice you make will be the right choice for you. Even if it turns out to be a painful choice, you will only experience what you need to experience i n order to learn what you need to learn, no matter how much power the reality fo others seems to have. An understanding you need about protecting yourself when you are surrounded by a reality that does not seem to agree with your own personal choices is this: Get in touch with why you are there, process everything you can find in yourself regarding this, in the way that I am explaining here, and see what happens. I am going to help you with this, because I can see that the reality on Earth is pressuring for widespread conformity. You also need to do your part by developing and using your discernment. By taking responsibility for yourself, you can clear up everything that holds you to a reality, or part of a reality, that you do not like. Because misunderstandings have been in place for so long, this can seem to be a tall order, much more complex than many people have thought when they began, but if you do not begin, you cannot get there. When you no longer have anything within you that atracts what you do not want, your right place will feel good to you because it will not have anything that you do not like. I am not sending any Spirits to what may look like Hell to you unless their denials are so extensive that they refuse to accept anything from Me. What may seem like Hell to you may be Heaven to them. I feel I need to mention this because so many teachings have said that man is base and that, if he gives in to his true feelings, he will bring Hell to Earth or be condemned to Hell. To bring your own Wil into balance, it is necessary to give in to whatever you feel in order to find your true feelings. By giving direct, emotional expression to whatever you feel, you can find your true feelings, which may be hidden underneath your usual spectrum of acceptance. Your true feelings are not in opposition to Me, but you must allow whatever you feel so that the warps and twists on your judged-against feelings can have a chance to evolve. Through this process, they can come into alignment. I am Love, but confusing self-denial and guilt with love has resulted in many people feeling afraid to make the shifts |
- page 27 ["Realities Precipitating towards Earth"] See that Earth has reached the place where it must have its balance restored. Denial is the main reason for the problems on Earth today. You need to accept the Earth's need to be healed now and you need to accept what is going to be involved in this. Healing the Earth is going to involve serious upsets in its usually hospitable acceptance of man. The Earth itself must clear the denials it has received from the Spirits that have been living upon it. The Earth can no longer tolerate the abuse it has been receiving, and for that matter, neither can the animals. The animals have for the most part appeared to submit to what has been done to them. Their behavior patterns so far have not seemed to show much variance no matter how they have been treated, but this is not accurate seeing of the animals. Reality is that animals have much more to their behavior than they have been showing man lately on earth. Man cannot slaughter them, overrun their habitats and otherwise disrespect their Destiny Paths without the animals responding in some way. In his denial of the animals, man has mistaken their patience for lack of response. The animals have been building-up to a need for clearance themselves, and in the coming times on Earth animals are not going to be easy to keep. Fenced and caged animals need their freedom in order to stand a chance for survival anyway. Domestic animals may need freedom and the opportunity to return to familiar ground when necessary. When the Earth changes intensity, animals that need clearance may become suddenly fierce and unapproachable. Others may choose to die. Cattle for example have asked Me to lift most of them off of Earth. Everything has consciousness and feelings and nothing is meant to be denied unless it willingly chooses denial. E v e r y t h i n g n e e d s a c c e p t a n c e a n d t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o f u l f i l l i t s e l f without overpowering anything else to do it. This involves balance and attunement to what this balance is. Today, people claim that their understanding is greater than ever on Earth, but this is not exactly true. People have more experience than they have ever had before, but they have denied so much that they might as well not have the experience unless they're going to open to it and let it teach them. |
page 32 ["Realities Precipitating towards Earth"] necessary to end their denials. If people are not ready to accept this information, I will accept their choice but they will not be able to have this choice on Earth. Earth's time for harboring denial is over. These denials, and the resulting imbalances, have gone as close to the tipping point of being unrecoverable as I can let them go. I want this denial ended now. The pain present in that which is loving, but has been held outside of love, is unbearable and must be healed. Denial has allowed many to ignore this pain for a long time, but I am not disconnected from it. I want you to take reponsibility for your own denials. The Earth can no longer remain hospitable to denial and imbalance, and so only those Spirits who are in harmony with ending denial and finding alignment and balance are going to be able to remain on Earth. Fear needs to move around this. The fear of displeasing Me is a very great fear on Earth, which also includes those Spirits who blame others and those who have been rebelling and acting out to "show" Me that they don't care what I think. All the Spirits who originally came to Earth overstepped their limits of right time and right place and experienced things before they were ready, that overwhelmed them and with Spirits they could not accept unconditionally. All of you have been holding fear of displeasing Me in common, even if it presents as anger that says it doesn't care. All of you fell away from Me into experiences for which you were not really ready, and all of you have suffered the consequences. Many Spirits have believed that this was punishment from Me. Many have seen Me as judging or threatening them when I have tried to show them their misunderstandings. Many have tried to push My presence away in the belief that I, then, would not be able to see them or judge them. As painful as many of these experiences have been, they were needed because understanding could not have been gained another way, or it would have been. I am not judging you for this. I understand why this happened. I seek to help you, and warn you, so you can release yourself from the path of pain and suffering. Many things have been forgotten and lost under the layers of conditioning that have resulted from repeating and repeating re-enactments of old misunderstandings. I have not been sending you pain as punishment. Pain is supposed to warn you that you are going past yourself. Pain only continues if you continue to refuse its messages. However, by overriding or ignoring parts of yourself, many of you have created a long history of denial. Extensive denial has created many situations |
- page 28 ["Realities Precipitating towards Earth"] Original Spiritual awareness sought experience to evolve itself. So many on Earth overstepped cautions given to them by Me that they overloaded themselves and then denied rather than admit this. In this experience many Spirits lost power, not because of the experience but because of the denial of the part of the self that overstepped limits and because of the denial of Me. Today's society reflects this imbalance and denial, which even though short-lived has seemed a long sentence to Spirits that remember the balanced way, even if they have temporarily lost their ability to manifest fully. Many power-hungry individuals have attained a place of power by taking advantage of the denials of others. Denial of personal power allows others to seem to have more. When responsibility for denial is not taken, a picture of power can be projected onto others then labeled as causal. This situation has not been improving on Earth. Denial has caused more and more people to blame others and not take responsibility for themselves. I am not telling you the specifics of why this happened because your feelings need a chance to bring forward the memory of your own reasons for being involved in this. So see that the clearing of these misunderstandings and resultant denials is of extreme priority unless you want to manifest the reality that will reflect what has been denied. This information is a reflection of what exists in the emotional and mental energy near Earth at present and is not meant to sound like a threat. The desire to maintain denial can perceive the mention of that which is denied or [as?] threatening. If you feel threatened, you have pressure on your will, otherwise you appreciate the warning. These statements are only meant to show what is precipitating into physical reality now unless those that created it make changes in their energy fields. People can choose to recognize this while it is still in mental and emotional vibrations and clear it out from there, or experience it by waiting until it creates a physical reality. The situation on Earth is such that people need to know what they have been creating and are creating for themselves and what they can do about it. I am willing to help in whatever way my help can be accepted. At present , the openings through which people will allow help |
2010- page 33 ["Realities Precipitating towards Earth"] in
which it has seemed |
- page 29 ["Realities Precipitating towards Earth"] are very limited by judgments, denials and separations. Help must match the openings made to accept it. Do not underestimate the power of your feelings here either. If y o u a s k f o r h e l p w h i l e b e l i e v i n g a t t h e f e e l i n g l e v e l t h a t y o u c a n n o t h a v e i t y o u r f e e l i n g s c a n p r e v a i l o r m a k e h e l p t h a t i s p r e s e n t u n r e c o g n i z a b l e t o y o u a s h e l p. Although the form has been changing, history has been repeating patterns because the understandings have not been reached. It has been believed that a change in form would change the outcome, but in fact consciousness can enlighten or corrupt any form it uses. Democracy is denying the reflection of its own denials. These denials will gain acceptance sooner or later and the form this denial will take to gain acceptance will be the form needed to break through the oppression it has received. If the denial being presently held in the emotional and mental bodies of the Spirits on Earth does precipitate into physical reality it will be seen, and I exaggerate not, as either the perfect opportunity to align the Spirit and the Will in the Heart or as Doomsday, depending upon whether the individual Spirit accepts his own denial or not. The more clearance you choose to do at the emotional and mental level, the less outward reflection you will face. Once denial is cleared from the Earth, the remaining people will find that they really are compatible and government can then take on its true capacity of open-mindedly observing, giving advice and holding the balance points. At present society on Earth represents as much of the reverse of this as people have been willing to tolerate. The question of how to have a society without oppression is the question of the Spirit and the Will accepting the process of balancing in the Heart. There are many ways this alignment can take place. Some ways are destructively oriented and others are more peaceful. Presently feelings are so disconnected from the consciousness that they draw experiences without the understanding as to why the experience is happening. When individuals do not take responsibility for all of themselves, the result is often blaming others and acting out on others. When denial is ended and responsibility is taken, balance can be achieved without the extremes of imbalance outwardly reflected as war, revolution, |
2010- page 34 ["Realities Precipitating towards Earth"] the
widespread denials so present on Earth |
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![]() While this was a raven I followed in 2002, when standing on the Yishai waterfall above the Salt Sea the black-and-white picture below shows a stork, photographed by my soldier father in 1941 near Koenigsberg (today Poland). |
- page 30 ["Realities Precipitating towards Earth"] rebellion, crime, violence or any other form of
social upheaval. |
2010- page 35 ["Realities Precipitating towards Earth"] cannot
penetrate deeply enough when held fear is blocking the way. |
1984 - page 31 ["Realities Precipitating
towards Earth"]
end of this chapter in the 1984 version |
2010- page 36 ["Realities Precipitating towards Earth"] held
in place by the belief that you don't deserve it or cannot have it,
2010- page 37 ["Realities Precipitating towards Earth"] balancing
in the Heart. |
page 38 ["Realities Precipitating towards Earth"] the Will's attempts here have usually been misunderstood and heavily judged against. A free Will is not destructive as society has feared. When the Will is trapped in a web of judgments, its attempts to release the pressure of repression and denial have often done the things that society has feared. How could it be otherwise when the Will has been so trapped that it has felt desperate? In this light, it can be seen that many have feared facing their own denials, while believing that they fear the Will itself. The Will can be encouraged to begin with the things closest to it. By finding the space for your Will to freely express its response to everythng you experience, you can begin clearing your energy field. Feel everything there. Accept the Will's messages to you without waiting for an outward exerience to prove it right. Understand though, that the will has to be given the time and space to recover its lost vibration and clarity. Even so, it can still provide you with a lot of helpful understandings and information along the way. If the Will is accepted, every experience you have is a learning opportunity to further clarify your energy field and improve your ability to create what you want for yourself. You are not fully filled with My Loving Light, unless you have fully balanced with your Will in your Heart. While free Will, when attuned, behaves appropriately, there is no place to start other than where you are. The Will must be accepted wherever it is and allowed to express its held charge safely. This will bring the Will into present time. No matter what anyone else chooses to do, y ou need only make your own personal choice to cfeate your own reality in this way. TheWill seeks understanding and must feel trust in the Spirit to be comfortable in its search. Will and Body can be forced to serve the Spirit, but this ia a form of dictatorship and enslavement; exhaustion, unhappiness, dis-ease, aging and death have been the result, The ability to live a long, healthy and happy life comes when the Will and Body are not forced to do what They don't want to do. Many have fears that doing what they want to do will lead to inertia with resulting homelessness and starvation. Others fear they don't know what they want to do or that they cannot survive doing what they want to do, given the ways things are on Earth, now. Some fear this will lead to all manner of degradation. These are all fears that need emotional movement and judgment release. Rather than making sudden changes, which would be a way of going past your fears, you can see these situations as changing and evolving with this process. |
page 39 ["Realities Precipitating towards Earth"] Life on Earth is a constant flow in which feelings either remain in balance or they don't. This is the question of balance between Spirit and Will. Once the old charges are released and spontaneity and loving acceptance are found, Feelings can accompany and enhance your life like music. |
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From tadpoles in water
~ to snails on a rock ~ to the beautifully looking and singing bird , the
Tristram, indigenous only to the SaltSea, caught above my Springs
the chapter in the 1984
version, which appeared already before "Inner Listening", is called
page 39 ["Discipline, Death and Reincarnation"] Discipline
is a point of real confusion among most of the people on Earth today. |
page 40 ["Discipline, Death and Reincarnation"] The maximum possible amount of time has been given for Spirits on earth to work on this imbalance through the pattern of death and rebirth. This has been seen by many to have been such a large amount of time that an assumption has been made that reincarnation is the way it is meant to be. This pattern had its place, but it has also confused many into thinking that they have an unlimited number of lives. This is not the reality of the situation, though, and fear around this has caused nearly as many to go to the opposite extreme and claim there is only one chance. Neither extreme has had the answer, but, in fact, Earth's time has come to end this pattern by finding Heart balance between the Spirit and the Will. The desire to outgrow things is part of the path of spiritual evolution, but the application of disciplining yourself into actually leaving parts of yourself behind is not accurate understanding. You need to evolve all parts of yourself and not just your higher levels of vibration or the parts you have thought you liked better than your judged-against parts. Evolution is the process through which these parts can change and grow with you. You came to Earth by slowing down a part of yourself until it became dense enough to be called physical. The process of birth and death came when the power to speed up the dense part was lost in the confusion of experiencing this new vibratory rate. No one allowed the suspicion to surface that this loss of vibratory power had anything to do with suppressing the emotions that were felt there. Most Spirits pretended they were fine and had no problem. Many blamed others for their entrapment. Many have believed that to even be physical was a sin. Death began to be the regular result of misunderstandings, confusions and judgments around physical existence. There are many judgments around this experience that need release. These judgments were attempts to make some sense of a situation overwhelming enough to cause a split between Spirit and Will. These attempts, however were not true understandings; they were misunderstandings. Release of these thought patterns, and their accompanying emotional charge, will allow the needed understandings to come in their place. This entrapment caused a breakdown between the Spirit and the Will, and in most people there has been no communication between their Spirit and their Will in this area. In seeking the cause for the entrapment on Earth that resulted in the split between Spirit and Will and the beginning of physical death, many blamed the Will. Many Wills reacted by blaming their Spirit. |
page 41 ["Discipline, Death and Reincarnation"] The feeling of being trapped on Earth. and of the Spirit having to leave Will and Body behind in order to leave Earth, is such an old feeling that many have come to believe that there is no other way. The question of release from this trap is a question of willingness to face the denials that have been going on for so long on Earth. The confusion of consciousness that resulted from the pressure of changing vibratory rates was, in part a lack of experience. There is no reason to believe that this will always be the case. This is what has been called "the fall." By seeking within and accepting what you find, you can discover your own experience in this entrapment. This explanation has, so far, been a generalized one because the experience of losing the power to come and go from earth at will has highly charged emotions around it that need acceptance, expression and understanding. Introduction to its memory needs to be gradual for most people, but you can remember this for yourself opening your acceptance for these memories and letting them surface as you are ready, rather than deciding ahead of time that such things are impossible, or are only possible for others, as you are an ordinary person with no extraordinary powers. Memory loss is only an illusion, caused by a held emotional charge blocking the way between you and old memories. Although the doorway to old memories may be blocked by trauma, if you want to remember, and you are ready, you can remember by allowing these held emotions to express even if you can only allow a little at a time. Forgetting has been a coping mechanism to the extent that many have believed that letting go of the past is the right way to proceed. The denial within the self is the reason that the full memory of everything you have experienced is not presently in a recognizable form in your daily consciousness. The practice of Right Use of Will can give you the understandings needed to recover the lost power of leaving the physical plane with your entire being rather than with just a part of it. End of this chapter in the 2010 version |
January 13, 2012
November 1, 2011, I felt,
that I should re-read and copy the second and third
RUOW book, as much as linear "TIME" will allow, and juxtapose
them to the first, the BLUE BOOK.
Below I "managed" to insert (max space:
1300 kb!) the pages 84-105
of each of the two books. In time I'll add links to the
content titles.
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything "If there is a God who has any power, then why is it the way that it is on Earth?" The ways in which people have answered this question have consisted mostly of rationalizations designed to help better accept what their feelings do not want to accept. The Unseen Role of Denial is why it's been the way it's been. When we deny parts of ourselves, these parts can become so lost from us that they find other ways to express, even expressing through other people. This book begins the story of our ancient beginnings and the misunderstandings born from lack of experience". |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations When the Will receives judgment instead of love and light, it becomes lost from the light and thus the term, "Lost Will." The definition of love needs to be expanded to include emotions that have been labeled "negative." Much of what we've judged to be negative became lost so long ago no one remembers what happened to it. These lost memories go as far back as our origins. How you really feel is what needs expression and in the most natural way possible. ..., suspend words and emphasize non-verbal sounds. Doing this in private can evolve these emotions. |
CREATION ......1 |
Continuation from Violet and Purple Book, pages 58-83 at the bottom of the page
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
84 your life. If you get sick of hearing Me sound like a God that is always fear-ridden and guilty, then you are feeling the feelings that participated in creating the original denial of these feelings. Their denial has created a far greater problem than just feeling them ever could have. There is still time to heal this now, although guilt has stilled the movement of so much light that there is a real danger of the light falling inescapably into its grasp. Once consciousness has been lost by lack of movement, it is not easy to regain it. In the beginning, I underestimated what was involved in the recovery of lost essence. Now I would like to say that every order of spirit has emerged with guilt that was not recognized at the time, and has lived with this guilt ever since. To make matters even more complex, misunderstandings have often said that guilt was right and God was wrong, and thus, My identity and guilt's presence have become mixed together. Sacrifice is one good example of guilt's punishment being mistaken for God. I want to bring guilt forward as I became aware of it as much as I can, but I am also giving some understandings ahead of their chronological order because the misunderstandings in these areas are so monumental that some of them need immediate release so that you can take in the story without reacting the way you did the first time, which was to turn away when you couldn't handle any more and deny what troubled you. Denial was the path taken then because evolution of emotions was not understood. This time, evolution of the Will and the accompanying increase in light is going to be necessary. If these understandings are giving you trouble, or making you feel like you don't want to face them, move emotion and come back to this later. Turning away has been accompanied by the forgetting that there even was a turning away, but turning away has left everyone with incomplete and fragmented images of Me which are mixed together with guilt and misunderstandings. The Will has been so pressured to hold all of this that it is terrified that it cannot recognize God, or God does not exist, or God is something so terrible that hiding from Him is the best bet [sic]. Guilt over hiding makes many go to church and pretend to worship a God they do not, in their true feelings, believe that they even like because of the images being presented by religions. I have cautioned against worshipping false images, Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness, of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth [Exodus 20:3] and this warning has not yet been understood. I have sent My heart in the p. 85 form of Jesus and this teaching has not yet been fully understood. Try to open this time by getting your emotions moving. You can recover lost consciousness if you first get movement in the consciousness you still have. Now, returning to the Seraphims and the Cherubims: We had guilt in these orders of spirits that was not recognized at the time. We were unconsciously looking to see if We should be God or not, and Our doubts and fears were feeding guilt's ability to show Us spirits that made it appear that We should abdicate in their favor. The Ancient Ones first and then Lucifer. Now We had a number of spirits among the Seraphims and Cherubims that gave Us the feeling they were more powerful than we were. They were not threatening to Us overtly because We had love for one another, but subtly they were trying to prove something to Us. They gave Us a feeling that We worked for them. They wanted Us to be the light generators for them so that they could use the powers they had been given. We had an aversion to this because We didn't like the feeling of constantly having to generate more light to maintain the spirits. At that time, it appeared to Us as though the emerging spirits were increasing in definition and manifested powers as We progressed, and We did not know if Our path of Creation was meant to lead Us to a more hightly evolved God than We were or not. Of course, Our path was leading Us to Our Own Self-Realization, but We did not know that then. We had gotten so caught up in the process of creating and allowing spirits to manifest, that We had temporarily lost the overview that Heart and I had had in the beginning. We had gotten out of balance here. Instead of seeng the Oneness of everything, I had gotten caught up in the differentiation between all things. Lost Will has not yet found the way that oneness and differentiation fit together. Lost Will believes that differences divide people and does not like to notice, and sometimes does not want to allow differences unless there is a desire to feel separate from the ones who are different. We shared what We could with the Seraphims and Cherubims at the time of their emergence, but We could not lay everything to rest then. As with the others, We had a growing feeling that they needed to experience on their own and that We needed to go forth and manifet more spirits. There was some guilt about leaving once again, but We could not hold Ourselves back anymore. |
p.84 In the places where
Body felt afraid and guilty, Body tried to please Me. He knew that
I blamed Him for what was wrong with the Manifestation. Even though
I denied it to Him, He was afraid that I was punishing Him for what
I didn't like about the manifestation of the spirits. Body also feared
that even if I was not punishing Him directly, I felt that He was
getting what He deserved and that I was allowing and perhaps even
enjoying it, and thus, Body was also increasingly ashamed to face
Me and even sought to avoid Me in certain areas. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
86 These new spirits could see that the Angels had a home and they wondered if they also had one. We had opened planets to manifest a life-giving home for all the spirits as they emerged, but I have omitted this information because of the length of the material and because it is not the information you really need right now. I am mentioning the question of home in relationship to these spirits because the Rainbow Spirits have a karmic problem around the question of where their home is. These spirits were envious of the Godhead and insisted that they belonged there. Even though we had opened planets for all the spirits and these planets had great beauty in Our eyes, we were manifesting a reflection of Our own guilt here that maybe We had selfishly created the best place for Ourselves. We feared that We loved Our own home the most since We felt the most comfortable when We were there. Not that the other planets
did not interest Us, they did, but We found Ourselves wanting to
return home often to get the intensity of light We needed. We
have since found that every kind of spirit receives the kind
of light best suited to nurture his/her needs. To be at peace
with this understanding means being at peace with the self,
and We were manifesting the same lack of self-acceptance among
the Manifested Spirits that We had for Ourselves. |
p.86 Since We were maintaining
Our image by denying all the things I have been bringing
forward now, We were empowering Denial Spirits to live by denying
Lost Will essence into them without realizing it. These were the spirits
that were having trouble enough to need almost constant help from
Us. Later, all the spirits following Our example began manifesting
Denial Spirits of their own and these Denial Spirits also
began coming forward in need of help. The more We denied, the more
Denial Spirits there were until We felt overwhelmed by the troubles
they brought Us. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
88 Right now, I want to go on
to the emergences of the other colors. We had very rapid emergences
here and feared that this was not right. Of course, We found out later
that it was. We had a lot of fear around emerging spirits because We
had love in Our Hearts that wanted to give these spirit a good life
and manifest them in ways that would allow them to have a good start
in life. We had not done this before, and, like so many parents today,
feared that Our own lack of experience might overlook something the
spirits needed. I also want to say here that it is not wrong to have sex involved. I had sex long before I had children. It was orgasms that emerged all of the Manifested Spirits and gave them the light they needed, and yet, all of the Manifested Spirits have had trouble accepting sexuality as part of God. As a result of this, the full presence of light and love has been held apart from every single sexual experience that has yet been had on Earth, whether the participants are aware of this or not. Sexual guilt
is immense on Earth. Having guilt mixed with light and love has been
the experience needed, but is not a very bright beginning for spirits
trying to manifest on earth. Guilt fragments are what most people get,
therefore, when they have children, instead of the spirits they think
they are getting. These children then usually turn around and mirror
their parents' guilt to them. These children are a healing
presence if you learn to undersatnd and accept the reflecton. |
The Mother of Everything
and the Father of Manifestation both felt overworked and exhausted.
They were not feeling good in Themselves and still They pressured
Themselves to go on trying to help those in need. They had My help in taking
on this viewpoint because I was projecting the image of Myself
as perfect and above blame for any of the problems They were having.
Thus, it appeared in Their minds that Their problems were not My fault
but a result of Their own shortcomings and imperfections.
Guilt had Them believing that They could only live
as I did if They attained perfection
and that to do this, They must always be striving to do better
and be better. What felt good to Me was
luxuriating and expanding My light in the Godhead, communing
with the Angels and generally glorifying Myself by reveling in the
miracle of My Creation. It was a miracle, no question about
it, but it had a seamy underside that I didn't want to look at unless
I could blame it on someone else. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
You all had interest in My
sex life, whether you admitted this openly or not. It was unnerving
to Us to try to have sex in the middle of all the Manifested Spirits
who wanted to hang around and get off on it with Us. Spirits who had
acceptance and wanted to receive the light gave Us a feeling that it
might be possible to allow it, but the feelings we got from many were
quite disquieting. Lost Will has the voyeurism that
We feared was happening then. Going Off into the darkness
and having sex away from the spirits We had already manifested was the
right thing to do at that time, because We had to open more space into
which more spirits could manifest. We had feelings that were not at
peace with this, though, and these feelings have been reenacted by Lost
Will ever since.
p.90 Since the Mother and
the Father of Manifestation could no longer come to Me on Their own,
They could only view Me from afar and hope that I would come to Them.
Because of all the feelings involved,They tried not to call on Me
any more than They had to. They hoped that by healing Creation,
They could prove Themselves in Me and heal things with Me.
Their fear was great, though , that They did not have the
power to heal it and that this meant They were unworthy of Me. When Will and Body couldn't
stand the pain of all that They were holding back any longer, They
would turn to One another in an effort to ease Their pain. When They
made love, it seemed that spirits slipped forth and hid in the darkness.
I did not see this happening, but it was My feeling that the Mother
was emerging something without Me, and whatever it was, it did not
feel good. I must admit that I
was taking My time studying the problems, They were having because
I had so many uncleared emotions that I could not get Myself
to look much at what was going on between Them. When I did look, I
had trouble seeing the situation for what it was. I told Them I didn't
want to have sex with Them until I felt ready to emerge more spirits
and that I did not want to emerge more spirits until the problems
we had already were solved. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.92 The celebrations they had upon emerging were conducted by the Godhead spirits and We were not present until later. We could not quiet or hold back our desire for Orgasm until We had reached the end of the rainbow, and yet, We had guilt telling Us that We were becoming much too involved with one another and getting too far into sex to care about anyone else or to be responsible toward the children We were manifesting. Guilt said that We were not taking proper care of these spirits or giving them all that they needed. "Look" guilt
said, "You have whole orders of spirits floating around without
even having a proper home." I felt somewhat shut out and I could not see the ways in which He was giving Her repeated orgasms. I knew that they were very intense and the intensity stirred fear in Me, which was accompanied by a riot of inner pictures. I could not even tell if the Mother and the Father of Manifestation were struggling and fighting with each other or making love. They were breathing and vibrating intensely and at times even sounded desperate and out of breath. They were crying out and many other sounds were coming out of them also. I heard tinkling bells, chimes, roars, grunts, moans, gasps, rumbles, deep drumlike beats, waves crashing on shores, volcanoes erupting, birds crying, winds rushing. There was popping and crackling. There were crackles, booms and explosions during which the atmosphere around them filled with colored light; every color and combination of colors that I thought imaginable were exploding around Us like a riot of expensive fireworks booming in the night. There were also soft places in the light that |
p.92 When I added this up, I saw
Them as inferior to Me but I also feared that for some reason, They
were willfully defiant. I saw Them as in opposition to Me and feared
this was the reason They were opening to the darkness. Perhaps They
had intent to embrace darkness and pit it against My light. The more
I told Them not to make love, the more They seemed to want to do it.
I wondered if They knew what They were doing and intended to take
in as much darkness as They could in order to be a match for My light. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
I saw the way the Mother was responding to the Father of Manifestation,
I feared that She loved Him more than She loved Me, that He was more
fulfillling to Her than I was, that He gave Her more intense orgasms
than I could and that She loved Form more than She loved Spirit. These
feelings all have presence in the denials and guilts of these orders
of spirits. Everything that was present in Us, recognized and unrecognized
at the time of emergence, has presence in the conscious and subconscious
awareness of the spirits who manifested there, or who even came into
conscious awarenss of themselves within Us at that time. I gave a lecture to the Mother
and the Father of Manifestation as They were lying there that contained
many of the judgments that were taken in: I felt overwhelmed,
abandoned, denied and betrayed by willfull emotions and bodily passions
that showed no concern for Spirit. You didn't care about Me, You only
cared about satisfying Yourselves and You are still not satisfied." |
p.94 These beings lived
beyond the shadow, out in the darkness. For quite a long time, the
Father of Manifestation had been trying everything He could think
of to see these Denial Spirits and without success. He wanted to look
at these spirits but they hid. When He saw things He thought might
be them, He was unsure because they did not look as He had imagined
them. Although He did not realize it, the forms of these spirits changed
in the light, both because of the light and because the light did
not accept them as they really were.
by unseen things in the darkness. The Father of Manifestation made immediate judgments that His repulsion was unloving and that His fascination was a perversion. He repulsed HImself that He could be fascinated by such an occurrence. He shook His head in disbelief and moved to resume His healing efforts with the shadow beings, but He could not help trying to imagine what was going on in the darkness. Indigo spoke to Him then and said, "quit trying to imagine and just look with Your internal eye." The Father of Manifestation
felt embarrassed that He had not thought of this earlier and then
realized that He had already looked at the time the Mother had first
told Him about creatures in the darkness, but He had been unsure as
to whether He had seen reality or the Mother's suggestions. He had
hoped these things were only the Mother's imagination, but
now it seemed that He was also involved, if only in His imagination.
Already, His mind had begun to deny His experience because
it seemed so fantastic to Him. He wondered how He could know
if it was reality or not, but He decided that He was going to have
to look again.
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.96 The Father of Manifestation
did not like the way I was making Him feel and He and I got in a fight
right then. "You're supposed to let Me in - include Me! But no - instead You want the Mother all to Yourself, and as a result You have bungled everything. There's no order to this, only chaos." Body blamed Heart then,
saying He should have come along to hold the balance. "Without
His balance, it's no wonder things went wrong," He said. "Look, Look for Yourselves,"
She insisted. "The beauty is so great that I am sure it is not
wrong. There is so much beautiful colored light that I'm sure what We
have done has to be right." |
p.96 The spirits around him were
holding Him down. He began to hear His name being called over and
over. It sounded like the spirits He had been trying to heal. He opened
His eyes and only then remembered it was his internal eye He had been
experiencing. In a flash, the Mother knew
what had happened to the Father of Manifestton. She had thought it
was not possible to know these realities without going into them the
way She had done, but now She felt internal experiences could
be just as strong. The Mother could not bear to see the Father
of Manifestation in such a state of pain, fear and guilt. She tried
to comfort Him and lead Him away from what He had experienced by focusing
Him on The Father of Manifestation
wondered if He was solely responsible for this or not and He feared
the implications if He was. He wondered if these beings were
the unintended side-effects of His creative expression. He wondered
if He was putting the Mother in danger from these beings when He took
Her into the darkness to make love. He wondered if the experiences
He had had were real or not, reminding Himself that his Light
had never shown Him such things when He actually was out
in the darkness. He was not sure what it meant if He had imagined
all of this and He was very frightened about what it meant if He really
had experienced all of this. She had felt these things biting and striking Her as they left. |
Though I force myself to be truly stingy with
taking photos,
following my decision to no longer document my living, learning, creating
introduction to 10 years of the "healing-k.i.s.s." website]
I - the desert woman - cannot help photographing yet another magnificent tree.
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.98 stand My false humility and They had a great desire to kick Me in the head then, but They denied those feelings in favor of Their feeling for how insecure I felt. Earlier I had shown them My anger but not My fear. Instead of feeling so defensive and frightened that They had done wrong Themselves, They began to have more sympathy for My point of view. They let Me know then that They had had a feeling of being overwhelmed by My light which had kept Them running ahead in order not to be engulfed by it. This had been Their experience at the same time that I was feeling I couldn't keep up with Them and didn't have enough light for Them. "Something must have come over Us," the Mother tried to say then as a way of smoothing things out between Us. "I had to run from both of You," She said then. "I was having orgasms, but I was also terrified that as much as I have wanted both of You, both of You were too much for Me. Every time I got far enough ahead to feel that I wasn't being overwhelmed, Body would catch Me and hold Me until I was overwhelmed with light again. I was being overwhelmed into orgasm. I could hardly catch My breath." Now the Father of Manifestation felt hurt, frightened, angry and betrayed. He had thought the Mother was enjoying the intensity He had given Her. He had even thought that She was leading Him on. Now He feared that either He could not trust Himself to know or He could not trust Her to let Him know. He also feared that if Her feeling was that the two of Us were too much for Her, this statement might mean that She intended to leave Him out and choose to go back to spirit. I had the fear that She had chosen Him and not Me. None of Us wanted to express all We felt right then because We all had too much fear of what the outcome might be. We had fears running rampant in Our minds and there was jealousy between the Father of Manifestation and Myself. We both wanted the Mother, but We did not think We should both be trying to have Her at once. At the same time, neither of Us wanted to be left out of anything that had happened so far. The the Father of Manifestation feared that the Mother was using Him to make Me jealous, and I feared that Her desire for Me was not real anymore, but that She feared Me enough to say that it was. We were all afraid of being hurt and of hurting one another and this interfered with Our ability to be honest here. The Mother feared that She had no right to try to hold on to p.99 both of Us. Her desire for both of Us began to look to Her as though She just wanted to keep Us both so that She could have which ever one best suited Her needs at any given time. She feared that She was self-centered and not thinking of Us. We felt Her then and feared that She was not wrong. Suddenly, Body and I both felt as though We were being used by the Mother. We feared that She actually had set it up to have both of Us, and then when She found that She couldn't handle it, wanted to play Us off against one another and have only One of Us left. I had a moment here of feeling Myself to be One with Body against the Mother. I felt this Oneness with Body so intensely that I lost track, for a brief time, of any separation between He and I, I actually did not know for a time who had said and felt what, and it did not seem to matter because We had agreement between Us. We both feared that the Mother could be dividing Us and using Us against one another wrongly. We were both very angry at Her for this and even hated Her at that moment. As soon as We realized what Our thinking was here, and that We had become One, We startled Ourselves out of it. The feelings We had that were not aligned with this suspicious view of the Mother did not allow Us to remain there for long. We also knew that She was not unloving and that She was trying to do Her best, given the situation. We realized that We were feeling more of the pressure that We had felt from the beginning because We did not understand why we had what appeared to be three men and only one woman. We all began to wish Heart would come to Us and help Us balance Ourselves again so that We could feel some understanding and acceptance for Our situation. Heart did appear then and let Us know that He had love for Us. He asked Us to look at what We had manifested and see that it was reflecting Our own imbalances. We did look then and We were horrified to see that the colors were already losing some of their brilliance and the music, some of its harmony. Heart asked Us to accept Ourselves here so that the Rainbow Spirits could accept themselves. Heart gave Us a lecture then. He said that as the parents of Creation, We ought to be able to act more mature. Guilt was actually giving Us this speech, but none of Us knew that Heart had guilt. Heart's guilt always sounded so balanced and right to Us that it was the last guilt to get recognized by Me. Now I want to help you to recognize it. When guilt affects the Heart, it makes love appear to be something higher than what you have yet been |
p.98 For a time, the Mother was
glad that the Father of Manifestation was no longer making Her feel
pressured sexually. She had feared displeasing Me by making love with
Him and She had feared displeasing Him by saying no. For a period
of time We all felt relief from sexual pressure and many times I wished
the Mother had left well enough alone [sic]. The Mother did ignore the
situation as long as She could but She had a growing jealousy over
the partners the Father of Manifestation was having. As much as She
was concerned over His sexual problems, She was also glad He had not
been able to find satisfaction with another. She still had love for
Him, and hoping He still had love for Her, She decided She would try
to seduce Him. Her swirling motions brushed Him like a soft feather on skin. Her eyes peered mysteriously out at hIm frm Her veils as though calling for Him to respond to Her. The Father of Manifestation gave no outward sign of response. He sat motionless in the fear that response meant trouble for both of Them. The Mother drew closer to Him, as though She wanted to talk but didn't know how to approach the subject with words. The Father of Manifestation could feel the warmth of Her breath upon Him along with the stirring coolness of the feathery touch of Her veils. He began to feel titilated, but still He gave no sign outwardly. The Mother felt that He was responding anyway and She began to tingle in Her lower chakras. Her breathing intensified. Heat began radiating from within Her, cooled by the swirling of Her veils. The Father of Manifestation could not look at Her for fear of what He might see in Her eyes. He thought She might be laughing at Him and challenging Him to respond. The Mother did laugh then from deep within Her and began a seductive, swirling dance in which She allowed Her veils to slip apart in places, revealing the golden glow of Her being within them. The Mother also began to sing of how much She loved the peace and quietude of the darkness and of how much She loved to feel the heat of the day cooled by the gentle breezes of the night. |
A quite dangerous narrow road winds through the
Hell valley.
Lior and her dog pass by an ancient rocky site with caves that might be graves.
[I climbed up, but found no sign attached by the Authorithy of Archeology]
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.100 Here is what Heart had
to say to Us then: "The Angels have begged Me to come to You and
ask You not to scare these new spirits before they even have
a chance to know what it is like to be manifested. The Angels
have been trying to celebrate the Rainbow Spirits' emergences with them,
but they have not opened out of their emegence patterns yet. They have
remained clumped together right where they emerged. The Angels
feel that the Rainbow Spirits do not have the security they need to
move out into manifested life because they do not know if they are accepted
and they do not know yet where their homes are. The Father of Manifestation was now feeling real fear that He had done wrong to manifest everything so quickly. His guilt was freezing His fear in place so that He could not move or speak. He had enjoyed what He had done and He feared the possibility that He was wrong so much that He did not want to find out if He was wrong or not. He had also been holding His fear that He could not have the Mother anymore. He wanted to ask Heart and I to help Him, but He could not speak. I wanted everyone to move.
We all had more feelings toward one another that needed to move,
but We all felt it was not right to go into them any more then. I wanted
to say something to the Father of Manifestation just as He did to Me,
but we denied the great charge of feelings We had in favor of what We
thought was the loving approach that Heart had described. Instead
of saying anything, I turned to go. |
p.100 She hesitated to touch the
Father of Manifestation and Her hands trembled, but She leaned close
to Him, still breathless in the fear of what His response might be. The Father of Manifestation
pulled the Mother gently down upon Him and tried to help both of Them
recover from Their fright by rubbing His hands up and down Her body.
He began kissing the Mother and caressing Her hair. as His light mingled
with Her, it gave the effect of a many-hued sunset, Their hair, like
beams of setting sunlight, fading off into a surrounding dark sky,
glistening with the many stars of night. I told the Mother and the Father of Manifestation that We needed a place that was Ours where the spirits could not follow Us. I told Them that I thought I knew how to go out into space without making a passageway that the other spirits would know how to follow. I told Them that it involved compressing Our light into a very dense state, beyond what anyone else knew how to do. The Mother demonstrated fear here, but I asked Her to let Me lead Her and She had to agree because She didn't want to be the reason I might leave Them, now that I had finally come. We joined together as tightly as We could and I directed the Father of Manifestation to start moving Us out into space. The farther out We went, the greater the compression and the more dense We became. I could feel that We were moving into space that had been unopened before. We were both holding the
Mother, but I was holding Her as tightly as I could. She started struggling
with Me when she felt the increasing compression but I did not let
Her move because I did not want Us to expand into a large presence
of light until I was ready. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.102 He gave Me a hard look
which let Me know that He did not think it was right to leave Him out,
but He was not going to pressure Me to include Him if I didn't want
to. I pulled the Mother
to Me and also gave the Father of Manifestation the go-ahead without
actually saying anything to Him. He began to stroke the Mother. She
blushed as red as can be. She felt ashamed of how easily passion could
be aroused in Her when She was held by the two of Us. I lifted Her and
gently rocked Her into merging more and more with Me. Body was stroking
Her all over with deep slow strokes that awakened passions She had not
known before. She hungered for Body and pulled Him to Her as hungrily
as I was pulling Her to Me. I pulled the Mother
to Me again and gave Her a rise by making Her giggle. Her gold was brilliant
now and She had a lightness in it that was producing yellow again. She
had the joy of sunlight now and the gold of afternoon nearing sunset.
She was still glowing red and orange as though the sun were setting
within Her but I was lifting Her into the sunshine of daylight. He gold
lit up into yellows as the Father of Manifestation had Her laughing
with abandon.Giggling and laughing and the merriment of sunshine brought
the next orgasm and the next emergence of spirits. Gold
and Yellow Spirits formed a ring around Us and let Us
know they had found life in Our light.
p.102 for a little while that I was going to punish Her for Her behavior and then I compressed Her a little bit again. My intention was to show Her that Her terror was not so bad if it didn't go too far. The Father of Manifestation
enjoyed this idea and together We compessed Her a little and then
Let Her go. We had not done this very many times when the Mother orgasmed.
We could feel Her beat up in embarrassment immediately but We did
not know why. Her orgasm triggered Ours. Because of Our differences,
the Mother had lost Her nerve many times when She thought of showing
Me Her fantasies. Now, without warning that it was going to happen,
She was living them. We were all glad for the lack of warning because
it meant that She didn't have time to frighten Herself out of this.
We entered the Mother's place from the top. The Mother was making love
without moving the feelings She
had been holding for so long. Even though the
Mother was giving Us orgasm after orgasm, I already felt that
She was having trouble living Her fantasies. At the time, I didn't
know the reasons. When the sun grew
too warm in the meadows, We ran along mountain streams, rushing over
the rocks like nimble children, jumping down the waterfalls and landing
with a great splash of laughter and rainbows. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
Febr. 12, 2012- Since I felt, that I should first
copy the pages of the Blue Book, which appear on Healing-K.i.s.s. only as
scanned .gif images,
which cannot be reached by "Search", I let go of the violet and
the purple book for the time being.
I only want to mention, that an important passage from the violet book p.
155 -(About the Rainbow Spirits, who mostly incarnated
as Jews)
is quoted in the edited
Godchannel-File .ruowdisc5
On April 28, 2012 -
following a letter from a delighted reader of Healing-K.i.s.s. - I copied
8 more pages, i.e. p. 101-104 in both books.
No need to say, how surprised I was by the similarity of content between the
violet and the purple book on these pages!
p.104 p.105 We were flying now and We had
wings and far reaching song, sung in flight. The Father of Manifestation
and I were both lifting the Mother, and Our great wings had the power
that Our Hearts had felt earlier. We had hands and arms also and We
were using them to hold Her. The Mother felt small to Us. She
could feel Our great strength and power and She trusted Us to hold on
to Her. We gave birth to Blue Spirits in the air and they all fluttered out onto Heaven sent clouds. These spirits had a feeling of falling in the beginning which they have not gotten over yet. Many loved the free falling in space and trusted that they would be caught, but some became terrified that they either would fall forever or be stopped by something hard and unpleasant. The Blue Spirits had vision and they could see far and wide from their birthplace in the air. These spirits like to get above everything so they can have the breadth of viewpoint and the perspective that they like. They feel that getting above it allows them the clarity they seek. The Blue Spirits also have voice and arms. The expression center is their power. These spirits were born with a high-mindedness which they have mostly given up now in favor of rivalry with the Blue Spirits who were born with white light instead of gold. These spirits feel guilty that they have given up so much of their visionary powers, and they have a dream life that they don’t like to bring right forward for fear the intensity of their dreams holds some kind of power that it is not right for them to have. They feel guilty that they have envisioned things that did not turn out the way they envisioned them and that the fault is theirs. The Blue Spirits have making love in the air as one of their main sexual fantasies and have often wanted to make love with Angels so they could have the feeling of being lifted the way they felt it at their emergence. We flew on, knowing the Blue Spirits would be found shortly by the Angels who would respond to the light of their Birth. We
p.104 hanging trees. There were many places here where the Mother wanted to make love on the soft mosses that spread like a carpet before us. We felt We had the privacy so long sought and We felt safe to expand Our love-making. We found many new ways to approach orgasm that gave Us intense pleasure for long periods of time. And in these already hidden places, We found even more hidden places, deeply erotic and moist that only opened their pleasures to Us when We went into them.We found great passion here and orgasms to match it. Glistening with sweat, We were happy to find many pools of different temperatures for bathing These pols had been thoughtfully surrounded by many flowering plants dripping in oils and scents. Mosses edged the pools and grassy hummocks surrounded them. Massage seemed like a natural part of the progression We were experiencing here. We rubbed One another with scented oils. Our bodies thrilled to the touch in many new ways and We made love in new positions suggested by the hummocks. At last We felt satisfied to rest in One another's arms and give in to sleep. We slept the deep and uninterrupted sleep of exhaustion knowing We could not be found and awakened because We were hidden like a star among stars in the night. The Father of Manifestation awoke first and took the Mother swimming with him. They ran laughing out of the forest onto sandy beaches, dancing in sunlight, running in shallow shimmering waters, rejoicing in the sunrise and diving into cooling depths of treen and turquoise. Their arms stirred the waters into waves, the movement of Their legs gave it currents and Their exuberance gave the water foam and bubbles. I had not known I was awake but I had the experience of swimming with Them. When They returned to the place where I had been sleeping it felt as though I were being sprinkled with a soft shower of rain, but when They looked for Me, I seemed to be gone. I did not see Myself there either and then I realized that I had internalized Myself in the Father of Manifestation. I realized much later that this was the solution I had been seeking but I was not ready for it then. As soon as I realized I was within the Father of Manifestation, I jumped out. He felt abandoned then because He had not ever felt so happy and full of light. His guilt over feeling that My presence was necessary for His happiness and His fear over why I did not care to remain caused Him to remain silent when He felt Me leaving Him. p.105 SPIRIT FEELS DRAWN TO RETURN TO THE GODHEAD I had a feeling of uncomfortableness then and I began to fidget. I told the Mother of Everything and the Father of Manifestation that I did not know how long We had been on Earth in terms of how the others were experiencing it. I had the feeling that I had to go but I did not know how to broach the subject with Them since We had not even discussed any of the things I had had in mind to discuss when I came to Them. I told Them I had to go but that later I would come back and We would discuss the things that needed to be cleared between Us. Of course, the emotions ran wild in response to this statement and Lost Will received most of it. The only response the Mother gave was that She began clinging to Me and begging Me not to go. She told Me that She didn't want Me to leave Her, that She wished we never had to leave Earth because She was feeling so good, She wanted it to last forever. No sooner had She said this than Her fears arose that I had not liked it enough to want to stay. Later, she was going to fear that because she had wished to stay forever, I was allowing Her to do just that. Guilt began nagging Her with more success than it had had during Our love-making. It said I did not like this place as much as She did and that I was getting bored being just with Her. Guilt then reminded Her that once again, She was being a bad Mother to want Me all to Herself and to want to remain here instead of taking an interest in the Manifested Spirits. The Mother wished we had spirits that didn't need parenting. She really believed that Creation should be able to take care of Itself but She judged this to be a selfish desire just so that She could have more time with Me. Then guilt told Her that She must let Me go because I was not really interested in Her. "If He wanted to be with You," guilt said, "You would not have to hold Him this way. He would wish to be with You." The Mother let go of Me then and stepped back. She tried Her best not to let Me see how She was feeling but She was unable to look at Me. She was so crestfallen I told Her We would make love one more time and then I would have to go. We all tried to make it a |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything "If there is a God who has any power, then why is it the way that it is on Earth?" The ways in which people have answered this question have consisted mostly of rationalizations designed to help better accept what their feelings do not want to accept. The Unseen Role of Denial is why it's been the way it's been. When we deny parts of ourselves, these parts can become so lost from us that they find other ways to express, even expressing through other people. This book begins the story of our ancient beginnings and the misunderstandings born from lack of experience". |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations When the Will receives judgment instead of love and light, it becomes lost from the light and thus the term, "Lost Will." The definition of love needs to be expanded to include emotions that have been labeled "negative." Much of what we've judged to be negative became lost so long ago no one remembers what happened to it. These lost memories go as far back as our origins. How you really feel is what needs expression and in the most natural way possible. ..., suspend words and emphasize non-verbal sounds. Doing this in private can evolve these emotions. |