The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.i.s.s.
as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential PEERS
to HEAL ourselves
into WHOLEness,
and - as holograms -
all of Creation!
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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on this page,
click ctrl/F
and put your word in "FIND"]
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"

Note to pp4, 2002_08_29-31; updated on 2003_07_19 during

An unsown seed

on my veranda in Modi'in, Israel

grows fruit

"Behold the fowls of the sky
They sow not
neither do they reap
nor gather into barns;
yet your heavenly father feeds them."

[New Testament, St. Matthew 6,26]
June 2002


A trinity
has ripened



The leaves are gone,
but eleven fruits go on ripening



2002_08_15 , my 64th birthday.

The vine has collapsed under the weight,
but the grape-like cluster still keeps ripening


A week later Avi Dror visited me for the first time,
As symbol
for the success of the Succah "peace-process"

I picked one fruit out of the eleven for him

and put it on top of a plate

with my veranda passifloras

and my Titorah figs.
(see further down)

The eleven red fruits are gone,
but my passifloras and my figs
literally fall into my mouth.

On my veranda I planted 3 passifloras in pots,
when - after 16 years of wandering -
I moved - for a certain time - into a "normal", rented & furnished flat in July 2001

The plants produced
this fruit
and another eight


within half a year.

On my other veranda, intended for the laundry,
the vines creep up from my neighbors's garden.
I just adjust them over the washing-machine

and then enjoy their blossoms with exhilaration

and place their first fruits in a basket among those fruits which still keep ripening on the vines.

Down on the pavement behind the house
I pick up 10-20 fruits per day.
They fall from the fence along the garden
of my neighbors downstairs.

The kids
one day put them in their treasure box
underneath the tomatos
next to the shrub of the Louisa
from which I make the tea so cherished by the kids.
It climbs high up along my folded pyramidal tent

A chronic bladder-infection flared up
during the Succah peace-process.
I'm certain, that I owe it to these fruits,
that the infection is receding.

And as to the figs

instead of the figtree

being mine,

it's a figtree
for all
who care

to see it,

to touch it,

to tend it

I did not plant the tree,
nor is the tree my property,
but I've been tending it for 6 months now,
from early spring through all the summer
until the harvest
and it rewards me with overwhelming abundance.


"Nation shall not lift sword against nation,
neither shall they learn war anymore.
And they shall sit each man under his vine
and under his figtree
and no one shall frighten them!"

I rejoice in the fulfillment of the Biblical prophesy
in my personal life:

Micah 4,4; Zechariah 3,9;
[similar; 1.Kings 5,5; 2.Kings18,31/Isaiah 36,16]

"And I will remove the iniquitity of that land
in One day.
On that day you will call each other
[to come]
under the vine and under the fig tree."


This is my veranda roof, the two-dimensional tent,
which I prepared and used at my last desert station,
my Salt Sea Springs,

from March 13 to June 30, 2000.
There is a meaning to the differences:
instead of the fruits of the vine,
mine is the fruit of passion,

in its double meaning,
the passion of Christ, and the passion of desire,


And one last time - two shots of the passiflora washing-machine
today, 2002_08_31,
on my youngest son's 36th birthday


I went to see the vine
planted by Uri over their succah
in the garden,
in which I had lived
in my pyramidal tent

from Nov. 1, 2000- April 30, 2001.
The grapes had been harvested. Rarely does someone sit there.
The vine badly competes
with other climbing plants.
How similar is the structure of the leaves of vine, Passiflora and figs!

These facts fit my funny notion,
that the vine has to move back
in favor of the passiflora.