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 The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



Scroll down to page 7 of
2013 "My Child has become fifty" interwoven with "One Clip at a Time"

2013: This is one of the most relevant, vital messages in "Godchannel.com"

no date
discovered on 2005_01_24,
I remembered it as a channeling, which I copied from another "NEWHEART"
I am comparing the updates in the table below.

Mother Teachings

Being Parental

"I am the Mother.
The Mother of All Creation.
I am proud to feel myself in all that has been made manifest.

"You have been listening to the stories of my fragmentation
as we have stepped forward out of our suffering
and considered opening to Spirit's Light.
It has been a frightening consideration.
As we have emerged from the shadows
we have been finding ourselves and each other for the first time.
In our House of Pain you have been listening to our dialogue with Spirit.

"We have found ourselves because Spirit has opened his Heart to us.
He has True Acceptance for us this time.

This has helped us to have True Acceptance for ourselves
which has lead to the movement you have been witnessing.
Only in True Acceptance can there be True Healing.

"I love myself in all my fragmentation.
It is who I am.
If I do not love myself and my fragments
and if I do not have acceptance for all of my fragmentation
I cannot heal into wholeness.
Where there is lack of acceptance there is lack of healing.
It is my responsibility
to care for all of my fragmentation,
to love them,
nurture them,
cherish them

and honor their experiences.

"I am after all, their Mother.
I have no Mother so I must Mother myself.
I Mother myself by accepting who I am in all my fragmentation.
For a Mother loves without prejudice or judgment,
unconditionally as only a Mother can.

"I am in constant communication with my fragmentation.
We are not separate.
We are only separate from the parts of our Self still lost,
trapped in the Void.

"We know there are others there
who are not aware of our existence
and thus feel empty, cold and alone.
Please help me to unite with them,
end their isolation
and bring them home.

How can you do this?
By becoming parental to your own fragmented Will essence.
Choose to take responsibility for yourself.
Chose to end your own suffering.
Choose to nurture and heal your fragmentation.
This is the art of Self Love, the art of true healing.

"Learn how to love yourself my dear child.
That is how you help me heal.


Continuation : Updated Version


"That is how together we will end all suffering in our creation.
Do you have acceptance for your tears?
Do you have acceptance for your shame?
Do you have acceptance for your hatred and jealousy,
for your desire to hurt others?
Do you have acceptance for your stupidity,
your sense of being inadequate, ignorant or slow?

Until you have acceptance for yourself
in all of your 'wrongness' and 'ugliness'
you cannot have acceptance for me.

"When you hate a part of yourself, you hate me.
When you judge a part of yourself, you judge me.

When you mistreat yourself, you mistreat me.
When you project a part of yourself out onto another, you send me away.

"When you look in the mirror, see me in the reflection.
Love me, honor me, respect me
- through doing this for yourself [old: through yourself].
All the love you have for yourself is all the love you have for me.
["all" as twice in "all the love" is missing in the old version]
Do you love me?

"I am fragmented.
And so are you.
Do not deny this,
for when you deny yourself
you keep parts of me trapped in torturous hell.
I am many. I am one. I love myself.
Do you love you?

"This is your task dear child [old: dear children].
In loving yourself you learn to love me
and 'in-love' we shall flourish
- as a whole,
in peace,
in bondage no longer.
We are only hostage to our pain.

"Own your pain and care for it
as you would a beaten neglected child
abandoned and cold in the street.

"Learn to recognize the many faces of your pain,
the ones who are clearly inside of you~
and the ones who seem to be in others, attacking from outside.
For they are all you.
And like me, you are the responsible one,
your parts are calling out to you from the darkness of the Gap~
'Do you love me?'

"Bring me home.
Bring us all home.
I want to go home~
and so do you.

"Your fragmentation is a mirror reflection of my fragmentation.
Each fragment of me is a fragment of you
and we all have a story to share.
Do we not?
Listen to the stories of your pain.
Your pain is your fragmentation.
Let all your fragmentation speak.

We [old: you] keep ourselves fragmented by denying our pain.
Are you afraid of your pain?
Then you are afraid of me.

Please, don't fear me.
Embrace me.

"Your pain is not out to hurt you~
even when it is reflected to you from another.
It just wants to speak to you.
It IS you.
Can you ignore you?

Can you continue to ignore your own cries for help?

Each time you experienced trauma
you fragmented
- just as I did.

Reclaim yourself.

"I am the twinkle of the night stars.
This is my admiration and affection for you.
I am the ever-changing faces of the moon in the tides of your life~
always there whether you know it or not.
This is my constancy and emotional presence within you.


"I am loving myself into wholeness.
I am bringing home all of my wounded.

We are a collective.
I welcome every experience into my fold.

Every experience, or fragmented Will essence
has adopted a sense of individualism.
And each 'individual' of me
must be honored for her experience

that caused her to leave the rest of me.

In this regard I/me/we - Will~ has many faces and many voices.
In this regard there is not just one of me.

"I am one Will~~ but I have many faces.
I fragmented in order to survive.
It was not my desire to become fragmented.
It was and is my Will to live.

"Because of fragmentation there are many versions to my story.
I am not masquerading as many personas.
In each instance
I am expressing my pain,
my own victimization.
I am listening with love
to the tales of my Woe. In human form
I am the Wo of Man.

And I have many, many voices.

"You too have many voices.
Give them each a microphone and your full undivided attention. Acknowledge your pain and suffering
and bring yourself home in the process.
It's time to come home.
Follow my lead.
Surrender to your Will.
Love me as I love you.
Love you as I love me.
My Will is your Will.
And I Will to Will thy Will."

Continuation : Old Version in NEWHeart

That is how together we will end all suffering in our creation.
Do you have acceptance for your tears?
Do you have acceptance for your shame?

Until you have acceptance for yourself

you cannot have acceptance for Me.

When you hate a part of yourself, you hate Me.
When you judge a part of yourself, you judge Me.

When you mistreat yourself, you mistreat Me.

When you look in the mirror, see Me in the reflection.
Love Me, honour Me, respect Me
- through yourself. [new: through doing this for yourself]
The love you have for yourself is the love you have for Me.
[The new version adds twice "all" to "the love"]
Do you love Me?

I am fragmented.
And so are you.
Do not deny this

for when you deny yourself
you keep parts of Me trapped in torturous hell.
I am many. I am one. I love Myself.
Do you love you?

This is your task dear children [new: dear child].
In loving yourself you learn to love Me
and "in-love" we shall flourish
- as a whole,
in peace,
in bondage no longer.
We are only hostage to our pain.

"Own your pain and care for it
as you would a beaten neglected child
abandoned and cold in the street.

" Learn to recognize the many faces of your pain.
For they are all you.

And your parts are calling out to you from the darkness of the Gap ~
"Do you love me?"

Bring Me home.
Bring us all home.
I want to go home ~
and so do you.

Your fragmentation is a mirror reflection of My fragmentation.
Each fragment of Me is a fragment of you
and we all have a story to share.
Do we not?
Listen to the stories of your pain.

Your pain is your fragmentation.
Let all your fragmentation speak.

[new: we] keep yourself fragmented by denying your pain.
Are you afraid of your pain?
Then you are afraid of Me.

Don't fear Me.
Embrace Me ... please.

Your pain is not out to hurt you.
It just wants to speak to you.

It is [new: IS emphasized] you.
Can you ignore you?

Can you continue to ignore your own cries for help?

Each time you experienced trauma
you fragmented
- as did I.

Reclaim yourself.

I'm the twinkle of the night stars.
This is My admiration and affection for you -

for all of you and for the All in each of you

"I am loving myself into wholeness.
I am bringing home all of my wounded.

We are a collective.
I welcome every experience into my fold.

Every experience, or fragmented Will essence,
has adopted a sense of individualism.

And each 'individual' of me
must be honored for her experience

that caused Her to leave the rest of Me.

In this regard I/Me/We - Will - has many faces and many voices.
In this regard there is not just one of Me.

" I am one Will but I am many faces.
I fragmented in order to survive.
It was not My desire to become fragmented.
It was My Will to live.

Because of fragmentation there are many versions to My story.
I am not masquerading as many personas.

I am expressing My pain,
My own victimization.
I am listening with love
to the tales of My Woe.
I am the Wo of Man.

And I have many voices.

You too have many voices.
Give them all a microphone and your full undivided attention.
Acknowledge your pain and suffering
and bring yourself home in the process.
It's time to come home.
Follow My lead.
Surrender to your Will.
Love Me as I love you.
Love you as I love Me.
My Will is your Will.


Mother Pages Guide







There are still 16 almost empty pages
[maximum: 1300 kb] of "Edited Godchannel Files" ,
I'll use them for copying Bringers of the Dawn, as far as I could find the book online
I differentiate between passages that are relevant to me and those that are not.

.navigator ~~.new~~.psalm~~.ruowdisc5~~.scarletwoman~~.teachings1~~.teachings2~~.thisisawful~~.trc~~.voices1~~.voices2~~.voices3~.~.voices4~~.voices5~~.voices6~~.voicesresp.

back to chapter 6 of Bringers of the Dawn ~~~~ forward to chapter 8 of Bringers of the Dawn


You benefit by participating in the event of life. By simply being in physicality, you are endowed with experiences and characteristics that you cannot gather anywhere else. To be part of physicality on Earth at this particular time and during the last 200,000 to 300,000 years is a very potent event indeed, because it means that you have come into a place where darkness has been reigning. You have had to struggle to open your eyes in any capacity and to recognize joy and upliftment. If you think back over modern history, you will find that it has been a rare event indeed for people to have had uplifting lives. Therefore, you must birth upliftment for yourself, and you must convince yourself that you can do it.

The nature of existence on Earth has been a struggle between light and darkness for many eons. Some would call it a struggle between good and bad, or upliftment and evil. We will simply say that it is an event and place where certain laws and rules exist and that Earth is certainly not the only place in existence that deals with these kinds of challenges.

You are unique in that the biogenetic structure you operate within has much greater capability than you have ever dreamed of. It is so interesting to watch you perform within these struggles, because you have been convinced that you can utilize only a small percentage of your potential. In actuality, you are grand creatures designed in the image of gods. Even gifted with this incredible potential, you have been controlled to such an extent that that potential has been denied its own existence. Most people use only 3 or 4 percent of their capabilities. Those who are more advanced may use 12 to 15 percent of their capabilities. Where does that leave most people? Where is the other 80 or 90 percent? What can that 90 percent of capabilities do? That 9o percent is awakening now, and the ancient eyes are going to begin to remember and see what the self is capable of being. When the ancient eyes are open, and you recognize your true potential, you will stop arguing with yourselves. You will stop arguing for limitation and will begin to move beyond the things that you insist on using to hold yourselves back.

In ancient Egypt, it took many lifetimes for the initiates trained in the priesthoods to completely open their eyes to other realities. They were trained to reincarnate into certain families and to remember who they were. Mothers and fathers understood who they would be birthing because they would dream of it. They would know who was coming into their bodies before they even moved into conception. The eyes were much more open then, and could see into many different realities. They were called the eyes of Horus because they could look into many different worlds-the world of waking and the world of sleeping, the world of death and the world of dreaming.

You who are wanting to open your ancient eyes and who are the masters awakening have experienced training in many other lifetimes. It is now your time to integrate this training into a body and into a system that has nothing to do with temple life-into something that is not waiting to give you a place for your abilities. You are renegades, so your society is not waiting for you to bring your gifts forward as it was in ancient Egypt. There is no place to put these talents to work within officialdom, no sect within society. This is not how you are living yet. So you will go at the pace that the body and soul and mind deem appropriate for the use of your talents.

Do not chastise yourself for not accelerating at the rate that your ego deems appropriate. The ego has eyes that see one part of yourself. The soul, or the eyes of Horus that look through you, has a completely different vision of what is appropriate. Knowing your needs, your constitution, and your blueprint, you will operate at a pace that will keep you intact. Mental institutions are filled with people who opened the ancient eves and couldn't make sense of it or figure it out; they cannot find their home station. Without a place to plug into, the delicate balance of the nervous system is upset.

You are rapidly developing your nervous systems, and there are ways to recognize it. Every once in a while, you are able to catch the pulsation that takes you out of physical reality as you know it-out of the frequency that is third- dimensional identity. You are then able to move into another vibration and see, feel, and recognize that something out of the ordinary something extraordinary- is going on. It is usually then that denial comes in, because if the logical mind can't explain what is happening or get a grip on it, you deny the experience or block the memory of it.

It is best if you stay in your intuition-if you rely on what you feel and, even though it may not make logical sense, operate with trust. Impatience is a trap for many of you because you feel you need to move somewhere. Don't deny the virtues of the turtle who moves very slowly, stops to go inside and contemplate, is close to the ground, and sees very well.

When you desire an acceleration in this opening of the ancient eyes, state your commitment. Thought is. Thought creates. If your thought is that you wish to move into an acceleration with the greatest growth and ability, that is what you will do. When you doubt, that doubt is a thought, too, and it will also create itself. When doubt occurs, it stops the expansion process because you deny the subtlety of what is coming to you.

You are in the decade that we have labeled "the unnamed decade": the 1990s. It is during this time that all the great events are going to begin to occur upon Earth. Many events have already been occurring, but they have been sequestered away in little compartmentalizations of officialdom. Officialdom is now outgrowing its own outfit and can no longer fit within its boundaries because it does not hold reality as it truly is evolving.

Those of you who are ancients-who are the masters awakening as you awaken, we want you to be able to see out of the ancient eyes and to awaken something that you know, something that you remember, something that is deep inside. You are going to need to trust yourself and rely upon yourself. You need to be able to see, to understand What you are seeing, and to translate the grander vision for others. You' will come to an understanding or a vast implosion of consciousness that will move you to know who you have always been.

It is up to you and only you to undo the locks and allow yourselves to go forward. We have spoken about your beliefs and the importance of thought. We emphasize over and over again that you are a result of thought, that thought is, and that this is the essence of understanding, manipulating, and working within your world. When you begin to take this process from the intellect and put it inside the body, and when you begin to commit to live your life this way, then the ancient eyes will really begin to see.

As you begin to view your soul's history, your identity in this particular body-the "I"-may seem to be very insignificant. You had a magnificent essence expressed on this planet in very ancient times, and there is so much more going on than you can presently perceive. It is as if existence is a book three feet thick and you are on the first couple of pages on this planet with the awakening of the New Age. You are going to go through this whole book in your lifetimes.

As you compute all of this information, the story will flood your consciousness as you begin to drop the boundaries of where you think you and civilization existed and came from. As you begin to disassemble your identity, cherish, honor, and love the variety of identities that are you, and do not feel that any of them are insignificant. Honor each one, whether you are picking strawberries in the fields or looking for cigarette butts on the street corners. Allow the aspect of self that carries the primordial fire to express itself through you. You can still be the "I" when it is appropriate to be the "I." Then, when the vastness of energy wishes to utilize your physical vehicle as part of the plan to effect reality, the "I" is not annihilated. Instead, the "I" is incorporated: this is becoming multidimensional. This is being able to move.

You each know that you are here in a time sequence that is quite profound. The age that has been written about, whispered about, and spoken about is upon you. It is the age when humanity physically mutates before your eyes and literally turns into something that it was not a short time before. What do human beings turn into? It is quite simple: human beings turn into multidimensional beings.

This is a big word and a big concept. However, it is something that will be as familiar to you as tying your own shoes. Multidimensional humans are humans that consciously exist in many different places all at once. Humans are mutating or evolving into beings with the ability to flip from one station to another and to understand the grandness of who they are-that they do not end where their skin ends. Human beings do not end where the aura or etheric body ends; they exist in many different realities.

This is the age of the multidimensional self: the self who can move with awareness in many different realities; the self who can eventually bilocate and disappear; the self who can move into fourth-dimensional consciousness-the perceiver, not the thinker. It is the age of the self who understands that the thinking portion of the self is very important but that it is not to be the CEO of the physical body; it is to be an advisor.

Intuition is the avenue that you are now being guided to cultivate to bring about a marriage of consciousness. It is the marriage of the male aspect, which is logical, with the female aspect, which is feeling. It involves bringing them together to become one.

It is time to get moving. You are at a very crucial point, and it is time for a huge change, a huge leap, a giving up, a releasing, and a letting go. It is time to completely allow light and spirit to move you throughout your existence, and time to let yourself become one with the multidimensional aspects of self and portions of self that you have no idea exist. These aspects of self really do exist. They are connected to you and are using you, the standard bearer of your soul, as the vehicle of movement for light in this universe at this time.

Those within our group who plotted the probabilities of Prime Creator were correct in much of their time travel and anticipation. Indeed, Prime Creator is sending a change of vibration to this area of existence, this free-will zone of consciousness. The action is taking place here on Earth now. It is starting here, at this corner of your galaxy, on the fringes, at this end of the universe.

This is a vast experiment, and it is with great excitement and great longing that each of you came to participate in it. Have courage. We cannot emphasize that enough: have courage. Follow your inner guidance and trust yourselves. Call energy into your physical bodies and utilize it. Defy the laws of humanity, because that is what you came here to do. You are renegades, and we are renegades as well.

There are those who cannot travel this route of consciousness, and that is fine. It is not an easy route that we move your consciousness through. The route will give you rewards that your soul is after, even though the rewards may come through battles. You are bushwhacking through consciousness, and you will come to a place where the vistas are grand and you have completely new options about where to go both on and off this planet. Those who are involved with you will discover that they have new options as well. All of the consciousnesses drawn to this planet at this time will begin a spark of evolution that will change the universal structure. Think big. Think really big and go for it.

Who are these multidimensional selves? Many times you have been led to believe that there are other portions of yourself that are much more together than you are and that know much more than you do. To some extent that was true, and to some extent it is still true. However, you will find that in being the standard bearer of your soul, you will begin to activate data that is stored inside of your body that carries your whole history.

How will you know when these other aspects of self begin to show themselves? This can be very subtle, or it can be like being hit over the head with a two-by- four. It simply depends on the self. You may be sitting one day and find all of a sudden that upon blinking your eyes you are sitting in a different room. That is getting hit over the head with a two-by-four. More subtly, you may be walking down the street looking at a window display when suddenly a mannequin or picture or word triggers something inside of you; for a moment, you drift off and get a clear image of a simultaneous identity of yours-existing at the same time as you.

You will begin to discover aspects of yourself that exist nonphysically, or parts of self that exist as beings working in space who are truly space creatures. The soul is going to wake up. It will know every aspect of itself, and every aspect of the soul's self will know of all of itself at once.

You will be aware of all realities at once as you learn to ride the vibrational rate and become fourth dimensional. You will develop this ability by first balancing three or four realities, then five or six, and so on. You are awakening Prime Creator's abilities and will become your Prime Creator. Your Prime Creator's goal in creating this universe and all other universes was to develop itself to such an extent and have so many multidimensional channels of data open that it- whose consciousness is in all things you know-could become aware of itself in all things, aware of every event that all things are involved in, and compute this and not go insane.

You are evolving that ability in yourselves. Basically, the part that you are presently going through is the toughest part because you are doubting and wondering if it is really real. The body says one thing and the mind says another. The body says one thing and society says another. The knowing is growing, and it is a knowing of what is awakening inside of you.

You must be committed all of the time. When these gifts and abilities begin to be firsthand experiences for you, you must learn to work with them no matter what. Begin to know that you are divinely guided and that all events are drawn to you for your upliftment no matter what kind of upheaval they seem to produce in your life. Ultimately, these events will make you richer. The present situation is like someone dumping barrels full of gold in your back yard and you saying, "Gosh darn it, the gold is wrecking the grass." You think the lawn isn't as beautiful as it used to be because all of that gold is being dumped there.

Whenever you get an experience, learn to participate in it; be a full participant in your physical body. Enjoy it, have a good time with it, and learn how to simultaneously observe your experience, the impact of your experience, the effect your experience has on other people and yourself, and the results you get from all of your experiences. Then, whenever something of an extraordinary nature comes into being, you can say to yourself, "Oh, goody, goody-here it is again. What can I learn from this?"

When you are not having these experiences, begin to fantasize, to take charge of your life, and to act as if you can command or move one of these experiences the next time it sneaks up on you. You can do this the same way you may have learned to come awake in a dream and command that you not be chased by boogie men or to make the bell ring when you are just about to get an "F." You must, as individuals and as a species, cultivate this kind of belief or intention over all experiences of life.

There is a convergence of your selves about to occur on this planet. The selves that you are going to meet are coming from all over the universe. There are selves that petrify you when you think about them and selves that you could die of a heart attack looking at. They are selves that are you.

Earth is going through an initiation at this time. You are going through an initiation because you are part of Earth, and you cannot separate yourself from this system. Earth is transforming itself and intending to act as a domino for your solar system.

It is intending to merge multiple worlds into one, to be grounded enough to allow all those worlds to exist, and to translate the experience. This is what Earth is up to. So, of course, you all must be up to the same thing.

The 3-D world is headed for a collision of dimensions-not a collision of worlds, a collision of dimensions. Many dimensions are going to come crashing into each other. Some of these dimensions may seem horrifying and very frightening. The test, the initiation-and initiation always means to move through another reality to conquer it and transmute it-is to be faced with these energies and entities that seemingly are of incredible darkness and to understand that they are coming to merge with you because they are you. They are part of your multidimensional self, and you are the standard bearer, and you are light. Dark will come to light. Be very clear when you deal with these things. If you are hesitating about something, do not do it. Be clear.

We define light as the promoting, dispensing, and sharing of information. Dark is the controlling and withholding of information. Think about this and feel it. You have come onto this planet with a coded blueprint to carry light and to bring about a huge planetary transformation. You have come to be the standard bearer of your soul, the portion of your soul that is going to lead. That portion of your soul says, "I set the pace here, and the pace is light and information; no more being in the dark."

Have you ever thought that there are portions of yourself that are in the dark that don't know how to find the light except through you? They want the light as well. They want solutions and answers. What you may feel is not necessarily the intent of the dark force but the emotional makeup of the dark force-the fear that vibrates out of lack of information. Portions of yourself that are uninformed are going to come to you to be informed. How do you inform them? You shed light; you share light. You say, "I intend for all of my other selves to come along on this journey and for them to get light as well." It is quite simple.

The battle between light and dark doesn't really serve you.

It is part of the separation story that keeps you confused. In actuality, there are simply aspects of individual souls taking different guises in conflict with themselves. You are battling yourself. The battle of light and dark and good and evil is only between portions of yourself. These portions are multidimensional extensions or reincarnations of the same collective of energies that you are a part of as an individual. Because you don't understand something, you fear it. As separated forms of consciousness that are part of Prime Creator's game, you are in a universe that is made up of dualities. Prime Creator brought this universe into being with the components of free will so that free will could lead to chaos and then to a realignment of energy and a realization of the Creator within all things.

With free will, all things are allowed and oppositions occur. These oppositions split off of the self just as the Prime Creator is in all things and allows all things. The things you meet that you fear are you. So when you focus on the story of good and evil and want to figure it out, all you need to realize is that you are playing ball with another aspect of yourself that allows you to play ball from your point of view.

So-called evil serves a great purpose. You just judge it because it seems bad. As members of the Family of Light, when you exist in other places, you move into various aspects of yourself and play the parts to perfection. When you came here, you entered the density of the planet and worked with the double helix, which is barely functioning, so you forgot many things. Now, as you come awake and realize what you can become, you are leading yourselves toward the realization that you are your enemy.

As members of the Family of Light, you have access to a tremendous amount of understanding that others do not have. You came in with it, you are being reminded of it, and you are now learning it and accepting it. Part of your task is to allow yourself to merge with your selves that seemingly are your enemies and are separated from you. These selves are within all varieties of existence. The task is also for you to carry the frequency of love, which is the frequency of creation, and light, which is the frequency of information, throughout the collection of your soul. You have come together as a soul to gather experience and enrich Prime Creator. As you separate, you go off and act with free will, however you choose, without judgment, so that you can gather the proper information and bring you to wholeness.

This good-and-evil thing is something that can entrap you if you do not get beyond it. You are a collection of an incredible wealth of personalities who incarnate in many different systems of reality. As members of the Family of Light, you come into this reality to bring information, and you do so in many different systems. There are versions of yourself that are doing the same thing within the communities of lizards, insect beings, or bird beings. You are a collection of personalities. As members of the Family of Light, the reincarnational experience of yourself includes nonhuman forms.

A characteristic that members of the Family of Light have in common with one another is their participation in many versions of sentient or composite reality. Many of the forms that you have chosen to incarnate within would look very foreign and be very frightening to you, yet this is how you have evolved your soul. You do not incarnate in only one species; you are travelers. As you are in disguise as humans, you may be in disguise as lizards or something else. You do this so that you can unite yourself to understanding the essence of Prime Creator through a variety of species that seemingly have nothing in common. As members of the Family of Light, you know the inside scoop. You come as ambassadors to make realities merge and become more informed within themselves so that everyone involved can release fear and become uninhibited. Part of your job is to meet these other selves, to merge with them, and to feel what this is like. Ideally, you will become multidimensional travelers and will be able to take the force from your body. You maybe working in the field, perhaps gardening or chatting with someone or picking strawberries, and something strikes you a sound. You excuse yourself and say, "I am being called. I will return later." You go and sit and allow your current Earth personality to depart. With conscious awareness, you then take that personality to where it is needed to add to the Family of Light's capability in that reality. You will know it.

You will all become multidimensional players. You will think nothing of it when one of you excuses yourself from the others when you hear the tone and are called. You will travel with conscious awareness, and entertainment will come from the self. You will not seek to read books or listen to tapes or go to movies, for you will be living those things. As you bring the abilities of the Family of Light to this planet, others are not going to want you to be here, because you will not fit with their gods. Not everyone wants to be free. You, as members of the Family of Light, are going to create a new Earth that is going to be free. Those who do not wish to be free will have their Earth as well. There will be a splitting and a time of separation. Members of the Family of Light know that there is no need to force anything. You are simply to work together in harmony, to support one another, and to seek one another out so that you feel comfort in what you do because some of the things that you do will be very outrageous.

Each of you volunteered to come here at this time to carry a frequency. At this time, that frequency is light, but eventually you will learn how to carry the frequency of love. The large majority of you have no idea what the love frequency can be. You talk about love and light, yet you do not comprehend the ramifications and the true meanings of them. Light is information; love is creation. You must become informed before you can create. Do you understand this? As you grow and come to these higher realms of recognition, you will break through what feels like cement blockslayers of yourself that have held you down.*) Think of the frequency that has limited the human experiment as a radio station. The human experiment has had one radio station on for 300,000 years. Same old tunes! The human experiment was unable to turn the dial and hear a different band, so the same frequency was broadcast. This created a quarantine-a sealing off of this planet. The creative cosmic rays sent by Prime Creator and the Original Planners pierce through this frequency shield. They bombard Earth. However, they must have someone to receive them. Without a receptacle, these creative cosmic rays would create chaos and confusion. You, as members of the Family of Light, come into this system to receive these rays of knowledge. You then disseminate the knowledge, the new lifestyle, and the new frequency to the rest of the population to alter the entire planet.

*) It saddens me, that even after some 23 years, since this message was channeled,
there is not the slightest understanding
about WHY there are these "cement blockslayers of yourself that have held you down",
and what needs to be done, to open them up and heal what's being held captive there.
I see those "teachers" as correctly envisioning what will be and how we will be,
but they do not see the cement-wall that blocks us from all these marvels.
They do not see, that each of us has to vibrate - to move-breathe-sound -
all the Lost Will that is holding us back, to say the least.
For the Lost Will also destroys our lives and our Earth.

As members of the Family of Light, you are here to anchor frequency and allow the mutation process to happen inside of your bodies so that you can make it available to the planet. You live this process, then you broadcast it to the planet. What does that mean? It means that eventually your reality is going to change and that how you deal with reality will change. You will stop being you, as you know you, and will become more connected with all of the other yous who are looking to make the same leap in consciousness as this you! This process involves meeting and merging and using the multidimensional self. As you reach higher knowledge, you realize you are not alone and that there are multitudes of selves; you are challenged to understand this. There is no reaching higher knowledge without going through the multidimensional self. This means coming into full realization and experiencing, meeting, and merging with a collective of intelligence existing in the ever-expanding now, beyond space and time.

Believe us when we say that you, as members of the Family of Light, made a vast study of the historical manipulation that has been going on on this planet, just as anyone sent on assignment would be trained for a long period of time before they were sent out into the field. Each of you has been trained, and you have the knowledge inside you. Our part is to hit key chords and play your consciousness into activity so you can go ahead and make the tune or song or dance you are prepared for. Your knowledge is inside of you, and as you agree to discover it, it will awaken on deeper and deeper levels. You will become very selfsufficient, those of you who agree to this. You will also become incredibly knowledgeable, those of you who do not stop because you are frightened. We will say to you very honestly that fear will always play a part in your evolutionary process, so get used to it. Do not feel that fear is bad. When you succumb to your fears and allow yourself to buy into them, then you must cycle through them and experience all you feel so that you can overcome them. Begin to say, "I will transmute this fear. I will understand that it is part of the plan. I will understand that it can serve me." Remember, your power and your ability to create reality through your will ends where your fear begins. And we will tell you life is meeting fear. Begin to look at the events of your life and how you create them. Understand that you always create them to serve you. You are trained for this. You are coded for this.


back to chapter 6 of Bringers of the Dawn ~~~~ forward to chapter 8 of Bringers of the Dawn




Continuation of  
M Y   C H I L D    H A S    B E C O M E    F I F T Y !
interspersed with the Project & Movie of  ONE  CLIP  AT  A  TIME
page 6

Rafael Rosenzweig's descendants

I n e s  1923

Joel 1947 & Tova

Ran 1973 (& Shir)
+ Lihi 2009 + Noam 2011

Hadass 1979 & Dani
+ Lior 2012

Asaf 1983 (& Anat)


I n e s

Dita 1952 & Gideon 1951

Orit 1977 (& Offer),
+Udi 2003 +Itai 2006 +Ben 2010

Hagar 1980 & Rafi
+Eitan 2010 +Ya'ir 2012

C h r i s t a - R a c h e l  1938

Immanuel 1963 & Ruth 1963
Elah 1987
Alon 1991

Immanuel & Efrat 1966
Mika -2005

C h r i s t a - R a c h e l

Ronnit 1965 & Uri 1963

Jonathan 1991
Rotem 1993
Yael 1996
Itamar 1998

C h r i s t a - R a c h e l

Micha 1966 & Ra'ayah 1957

Arnon 1996
Ayelet 1998





The Schroeders supported the idea
and started to challenge their connections
in Germany


S I B L I N G S [2nd part]

Alon with his sister Mika

Alon with his sister Elah

4th generation:
The brothers Udi and Itai, sons of Orit~~Gid'on
[also on the picture: Elah, Ran's Shir, and at the piano 3rd gen. Mika (Immanuel~~Efrat) and Yael (Ronnit-~~Uri) + 4th gen. No'am (Ran~~Shir)










Grandmother and Grandchildren

At the feet of the jammers: grandma/grandaunt Dita with Ya'irand Eitan (Hagar's sons)

Grandmother Christa-Rachel with her grandson Jonathan and Jonathan's girlfriend Shir

Grandmother with her granddaughter Rotem

Grandmother with her grandson Tomer
Grandmother with her granddaughter Mika






Aunts/Oncles and Nephews/Nieces

Ronnit and her niece Mika
3rd gen. Asaf~~Anat with 4th gen. Lihi, the daughter of Asaf's brother Ran
3rd gen Elah and 4th gen Ya'ir, her cousin Hagar's son- both in striped shirts
3rd gen Rotem and Ran's, her stepbrother's son No'am 4th gen, but do they communicate?

3rd gen Orit, Dita's daughter, with 2nd gen aunt Ronnit,
and 3rd gen cousin Rotem with 1st gen Grandma behind
 Orit with the wife of 2nd gen uncle Micha + Ronnit's daughters


3rd gen
4th gen
Dita with, her nephew Alon, Immanuel's son, and with her niece Rotem, Ronnit's daughter


Continuation to Page 7

M Y   C H I L D    H A S    B E C O M E    F I F T Y !
interspersed with the Project and the Movie of   ONE  CLIP  AT  A  TIME