Humanity is an experiment. Humanity has been
designed, as has just about everything else that exists within
creation. Prime Creator began experimenting with creation
a long time ago in this universe for the purpose of greater
self- exploration, self-gratification, and self-expression.
Prime Creator brought energies and essences of life-extensions
of itself-into this universe and endowed those extensions with
the gifts that it had. It gave willingly and freely of its capabilities.
There are many other universes and many other ways of designing
universes; this particular one was designed as a free-will
zone in which all would be allowed.
Prime Creator said to these extensions of itself, "Go out
and create and bring all things back to me." This was quite
a simple assignment, was it not? In other words, Prime Creator
was saying, "I am going to gift you of myself. You go out
and gift of yourselves freely so that all you create in this
universe can understand its essence as my identity."
These extensions of Prime Creator, which we will call creator
gods, went out and began to experiment with Prime Creator's energy
as it existed within themselves. They began to create their own
hierarchy, which in turn created other hierarchies. Each succeeding
hierarchy created another hierarchy to endow it with its own essence
and to assist in the development of this universe. Eventually,
in one of the galactic systems, a plan came together to
design Earth as an intergalactic exchange center of information.
It was an incredible plan. Earth was a beautiful place, located
on the fringes of one of the galactic systems and easily
reached from other galaxies. It was close to many way portals,
the highways that exist for energies to travel throughout space.
There was much scurrying and shuffling to create
individual representation from all of the galaxies here upon this
planet. Some of the creator gods were master geneticists. They
were able through their hierarchies to tie molecules together,
encoded molecules of identity, frequency, and electrical charge
to create life. Many sentient civilizations gave of their DNA
to have representation of their coding upon this planet. The master
geneticists then designed various species, some human, some animal,
by playing with the varieties of DNA that the sentient civilizations
contributed to make Earth into this exchange center of information,
this light center, this Living Library. The plan for Earth was
a grand one.
The Original Planners of Earth were members
of the Family of Light, beings who worked for and were associated
with an aspect of consciousness called light. Light is
information. The Family of Light created the information center
they had conceived of; they designed a place where galaxies would
contribute their information and where all would be able to participate
and share their specific knowledge. Earth was to be a cosmic library,
a place of incredible beauty that experimented with how information
could be stored through frequencies and through the genetic process.
Outside the structure of time, 100,000 years can pass in what
may be a year within the structure of time as you know it. These
creator gods did not exist in time as you know it. A few hundred
thousand years or a million years was nothing to them.
Different energies were brought into existence.
There were species of humans on Earth perhaps 500,000 years ago
who developed very highly evolved civilizations. We are not speaking
of the civilizations that you call Lemuria or Atlantis; to us,
those civilizations are modern. We are talking about civilizations
that are ancient, civilizations that are buried under some of
the ice caps of the far southern continent of Antarctica.
The project of the Living Library on Earth was eventually
fought over. It looked enticing enough to be mined by some. During
Earth's early history, there were wars in space for ownership
of this planet. Have you ever wondered who owns Earth? It's a
prime hunk of real estate. Do you think it would go ownerless
in space?
Skirmishes took place, and Earth became a place
of duality. Certain creator gods who had the right to do whatever
they wanted-because Earth is a free-will zone- came in and took
over. We call this "raiding" the Earth. It was like
corporate raiding on Wall Street. These creator gods raided Earth
approximately 300,000 years ago-the time period, historically
speaking, that you would call the beginning of human civilization.
This is merely the time period that you, in this present day,
are taught was the beginning of civilization. In actuality, it
was only the beginning of the later phase, the phase of modern
When this skirmish occurred, a certain group of
entities fought in space and won the territory of Earth. These
new owners did not want the native Earth species- the humans-to
be informed of what took place. Uninformed, the species would
be easier to control. This is why light is information and darkness
is lack of information. These entities beat out light, and Earth
became their territory. It gives you a new idea of light, does
it not? There was great radioactivity and nuclear action, and
much of Earth was rent asunder. The original species, human creation,
experienced great destruction and was scattered.
These new creator gods who were the new owners were
also master geneticists. They understood how to create life, and
they wanted this territory for their own reasons. Territories
are created and held by certain energies for many reasons, one
of which is that there is consciousness within all things.
Consciousness communicates continuously. Consciousness vibrates,
or can be led to vibrate, at certain electromagnetic frequencies.
Electromagnetic energies of consciousness can be influenced to
vibrate in a certain way to create a source of food. Just as apples
can he prepared and eaten in a variety of ways, consciousness
can be prepared and ingested in a variety of ways.
Some entities, in the process of their own evolution,
began to discover that as they created life and put consciousness
into things through modulating the frequencies of forms of consciousness,
they could feed themselves; they could keep themselves in charge.
They began to figure out that this is how Prime Creator nourished
itself. Prime Creator sends out others to create an electromagnetic
frequency of consciousness as a food source for itself.
The new owners of this planet had a different appetite
and different preferences than the former owners. They nourished
themselves with chaos and fear. These things fed them, stimulated
them, and kept them in power.
These new owners who came here 300,000 years ago
are the magnificent beings spoken of in your Bible, in the Babylonian
and Sumerian tablets, and in texts all over the world. They came
to Earth and rearranged the native human species. They rearranged
your DNA in order to have you broadcast within a certain limited
frequency band whose frequency could feed them and keep them in
power. angels-heaven.org
The original human was a magnificent being whose twelve strands
of DNA were contributed by a variety of sentient civilizations.
When the new owners came in, they worked in
their laboratories and created versions of humans with a different
DNA-the two-stranded, double-helix DNA. They took the original
DNA of the human species and disassembled it. The original DNA
pattern was left within the human cells, yet it was not functional;
it was split apart, unplugged.
Within human cells are light-encoded filaments,
fine gossamer threads of energy that carry information. When these
gossamer threads are working together like a cable-the way fiber
optics works-they form the helix of your DNA. When you here rearranged,
you were left with the double helix. Anything that was unnecessary
for survival and that could keep you informed was unplugged, leaving
you with only a double helix that would lock you into controllable,
operable frequencies.
A frequency fence, something like an electrical
fence, was put around the-planet to control how much the frequencies
of humans could be modulated and changed. As the story goes, this
frequency fence made it very difficult for the frequencies of
light-information-to penetrate. When light frequencies were able
to penetrate the control fence, there was no light to receive
them. The humans' DNA was unplugged, the light-encoded filaments
were no longer organized, so the creative cosmic rays that brought
light did not have anything to plug into and hold onto.
What part do you play in this story? You are members of the Family
of Light. The mere fact that you are reading this book shows that
you are Family of Light. For some of you, this is just like a
dream. We are reminding you of what you know inside yourselves.
We have come onto this planet to trigger your memory banks-to
inspire the human race through the band of light so that you will
begin to remember who you are, to create your own reality,
and to alter the frequency on the planet and
claim rightful ownership of yourselves and this territory.
We, as Pleiadians, come back through time-into what
would perhaps be called our past-in the vestige of representatives
of light. We come back in order to share a frequency with you,
a frequency that each one of you has agreed to carry on this planet
in order to change the DNA of the rearranged human race. This
is a big story. It could make headlines, you know.
The Original Planners are not about to lose the
territory. Do you think they are going to give up so easily? The
Original Planners began to call on the Family of Light to go in
and infiltrate the project, to incarnate one-by-one and bring
the light-as information via creative cosmic rays-into the place
where it was lost. The Family of Light began its work here, coming
into a system that was devoid of light and devoid of information.
By mutating the laws of humanity, these creative cosmic rays began
to pierce people's bodies, individual by individual, then group
by group. In very small amounts throughout the eons were these
frequencies of information brought onto this planet. At times,
great battles were fought to keep out the light or information
that was always looking to be expressed. The Original Planners
knew that, cosmically speaking, this was a lesson for them in
allowing, in understanding the creator gods who took their project.
The Original Planners set out to insert their own version of
a plan to coincide with a time when the frequency of Earth would
be altered, a time when the owners would perish
if they could not change their own frequency. Emotions
are a source of food. There are those whose food source is love,
and the Original Planners intend to alter the frequency of Earth
to that of love. The current owners' food source of fear, anxiety,
chaos, hunger, and despondency must be removed. Guess who is removing
this food source? You are! As members of the Family of Light,
you are renegades. You are systems busters, here
to conquer your own fears and to show the rest of the planet that
there is no reason to fear anything. You love to go in and cause
trouble. You are famous, your branch of the Family of Light. You
are famous for going into systems of reality and altering the
frequency, thus bringing information. It is not your task
as members of the Family of Light to proselytize. You simply go
into systems and act as receptacles; you receive the creative
cosmic rays into your bodies, the bodies that you occupy
as humans. You are in disguise as humans, and you allow a process
to take place.
You are coded, and as your memory begins to rise, you will respond
to the plan with which you came here to participate to
alter the frequencies. You will begin to hold, keep,
and maintain a certain frequency and then to line it. Identity
as frequency is the sum total of your physical, mental, emotional,
and spiritual bodies broadcast as electronic pulsations. As
you live your frequency, you affect everyone, every place you
go. That is what you are doing now. There are many who
already understand their assignment, and there are those whose
memories are just beginning to rise. The plan to change the frequency
modulation affecting the human species entails the rebundling
of your DNA and of the light-encoded filaments. The plan is gigantic
at this time. Earth is assisting, in its own way, the evolution
of the universe. Earth is where things are happening: it is the
hot spot, the place to be. It is where the plan begins to blossom,
and what happens on Earth is going to affect many, many
As members of the Family of Light, you agreed to come
to Earth many times-in many guises and in many different time
frames-to learn the ropes, to figure out the character,
and to become trained. You needed to experience Earth
and to prepare yourself for the time when the frequency alteration
would begin to occur and you would all incarnate in large
numbers to bring the plan into action. The Family of Light everywhere
is beginning to unite. You must all focus on what you have in
common, not what you do not have in common. As members of the
Family of Light, you bring information to the planet neutrally
to stimulate your own growth. You need to do this for
your own growth affects the growth of the planet.
Your DNA will evolve from two helixes to twelve helixes. These
twelve helixes correspond to energy centers, or chakras, inside
and outside of your body. Millions of you on the planet
at this time are on assignment, and you have agreed to carry the
frequency to accomplish this. Handfuls of you are becoming
impeccable, and these handfuls are affecting the others.
Soon you will begin to have great clarity as to who you are and
what your assignment is.
This process is an incredible evolutionary leap for
one to be involved in, and it is going to take place on an accelerated
path for the next twenty years. There are those who have already
received a realignment of the twelve strands of DNA, the twelve
helixes. These twelve spiral strands of DNA interact with one
another in the body and outside of the body. The connection of
the twelve strands means that the twelve energy or information
centers can begin to function and send information
back and forth to one another. Traditionally, seven of these centers
are located in the body, and five are located outside of the body.
They are commonly known as your chakra centers and are aligned
with the spinning of the twelve heavenly bodies that you know
of at this time within your solar system-the twelve heavenly bodies
that are vibrating, as you recognize them, in 3D. These twelve
heavenly bodies are spinning with information: they spin with
the chakra systems that go out to the end of the universe, and
they spin with the DNA spinning inside your body.
When human DNA begins to rebundle as a twelve-stranded
helix system and this information is acted upon, there will be
incredible power. Individuals, simply by coming together and jointly
intending what they want-jointly becoming a telepathic receptacle
for energies from all over the cosmos-will change the face of
the universe.We call the rebundling process of your DNA a mutation.
Once you, as members of the Family of Light, are able to take
this mutation into your bodies, you will be able to integrate
your twelve centers of information. You will begin
to understand that you create your experiences, and you will learn
to become conscious creators. More than that, you will become
conscious rememberers of who you are.
As your tenth, eleventh, and twelfth chakras
begin to open themselves, many off-planet energies will appear
in your lives. These energies will occur on this planet as more
and more of you hold the higher frequencies. The tenth chakra
connects with the solar system, the eleventh with the galaxy,
and the twelfth with a place in the universe. As you hold
these frequencies, you will bring information onto the planet
that will astound and shock most of the world. There will be a
merging of identities, a merging of cultures, an infusion of many
"new world orders," and there will be much chaos and
confusion. As members of the Family of Light, you can simply observe
this, knowing that chaos and confusion must come to break down
the system so that it can be rebuilt with light. As members of
the Family of Light, you can understand that there is an
evolutionary process taking place and that those who
can handle the changing frequencies by all means will evolve.
Earth is an exciting place to be at this time.
It is a good plan, is it not?