from SB to Healing-K.i.s.s.
reply from Maryam to parts of a letter from SB, dated 2002_06_09 And then there is the following
sentence in SB's letter: to this I responded: "And if this is not enough,
you give me another gift "Thank YOU!
2002_08_08; reply from Maryam to parts of a letter from SB, dated 2002_07_17 "As for your intro page "to
whom is this site addressing", "But You, then, are a hologram!
"Thank you,
2002_08_18 - Response
to SB's post dated 2002_08_09 "What is your HEARTS desire?"
The Dangers of
Virtual Interaction
I am quoting from this important
channeling on 2001_09_27, "Regarding RUOW email
lists and forums - "Do not pressure yourself,
"Guilt which says |
The only other virtual interactions, which
were fruitful at least for some time,
occurred in 2011/
But when I felt, that there should be a face-to-face communication between
those two,
so that a fruitful triangle could evolve in time,
both men did not respond to my quest,
and that was the end of our interaction.
2013-09-23 - More disappointment:
Nobody ever seems to enter healing-k.i.s.s., except for people who "google"
for their names.
The second of the two people who contacted me in 2011, did just this,
and like a few other people who did this, found his name on my website
These people were always "annoyed", to say the least! even furious.
So much for "transparency".....
And so much for people with a claim to "spirituality", when his/her
3D persona is at stake.
Let me express my feeling of disgust with the Hebrew "ikhs!!!"
February 3, 2011:
Dear Maryam,
(is this the name you prefer?)
I have been reading and going through your site
on and of for the last 1-2 years.
February 3,
2011: Shalom Markus, February 4, 2011 Dear Maryam, good and appropriate questions. I can say from
my past experience that yes I was able to be triggered and take responsibility
for it. But depending on the intensity of the trigger it sometimes
can take days until I am fully able to process everything that came
up. I cannot know at this time what would be relevant for me to share, besides that I felt like contacting you and exploring the possibilities. I understand that you might have had experiences in the past that after people were triggered by/through you it ended in a projection/blaming game and so might have caused even more anguish or pain, and so you like to be very clear not to create that dynamic again. I have a deep yearning (or at least it seems
I do) to manifest Wholeness, I would be grateful therefore for reflections
from people that have the same intention for they could show me things
I might not be aware of. I am open to any more specific questions as best as I can so please let me know if there are some other things you would like to know. Thank you! Markus
[shalem means "whole", and shalom first of all "wholeness", and only then "peace"] Fine! You've motivated me to try ... "I can say from my
past experience First Question: How do you process? February 4, 2011 Dear Maryam, Shalom indeed. First, coming up is resisting to return answers
in writing for it seems so tedious for me instead of verbalizing it
via skype for e.g. It takes so much more time and is also less flexible
for you cannot immediately explore of any given topic. Things where triggered in me while reading your email, I will point out more specifically when, how and what during my writings (see below I am continuing using your highlighting method which I like to respond - please let me know if how I responded worked for you). First Question: How do you process? Very good question indeed and one of the main
reasons for me to connect with you more, because I actually do not
know specifically how I process and have often responded with mental
doubt / insecurity if anything is moving or if I am evolving at all.
E.g. the RJ technique which you have on your pages taken from GC
and RUOW books
(thank you for posting the links for quick access) has had me confused
many times because of the uncertainty of its efficiency and is one
of many examples.
Second Question: do you trust me, This question triggered me to some degree.
Even so this would be a great Gift for me
Once we have voiced,
breathed, expressed, blinked, moaned, screamed, cried , Of course, you know all this, but it doesn't hurt, if I re-phrase it for both of us. I now repeat the question:
Now let me - rightaway
- put our maturity for this healing-work to a test!
My two websites, www.Empower.co.il/Healing-K.i.s.s
and www.Empower.co.il/ARARAT
I am taking a break after almost 45 min.... Not immediately, but after
a certain progression in our sharing? I am grate-full! "I do not wish to create any distorted ideas
so I cannot guarantee it.
I appreciate your
honesty very, very much. In any case - I, myself,
desire to know a bit about your life circumstances: Yes. when? Are you married? No. No. Long answer part I would have to indulge
you more into what my current "Experiment" is about. For
now it is suffice to say that I am self employed during a variety
of things. What is your dream, your
vocation? How did you come in contact with Godchannel, and with my website? In 2006 after an intense experience which lead
me more deeply into my subconscious What is your present
focus of desire, or of coping? Let me know if any of my answers are unclear
I do ask if you would reconsider connecting with me via skype when it feels good to you. Thank you. Markus Perfect understanding! Thank you! "I have a deep yearning (or at least it
seems I do) to manifest Wholeness," "I would be grateful therefore for reflections
from people that have the same intention This gentle expression
is all I need in such a case, Maryam
I was told by my "Cosmic Self", As to you, you stood a test, Yes, how I wrote and what I wrote , was "overwhelming".
But look at the rules-for-the-beginning which
I've set up! Tell me, if you can accept my quest to write
instead of skyping, And - could you, please, correct and edit carefully what you write? I would like to hear the stories which you postponed:
Shalom - Maryam
please see below for reply. I was told by my "Cosmic
As to you, you stood a
test, Yes, how I wrote and what
I wrote , was "overwhelming". But look at the rules-for-the-beginning
which I've set up! These are some valid points. There is a possibility
that by communicating in a faster more direct way I would override
some of my feelings. It could be that my desire to interact "faster"
is because I do not wish to feel everything, but that I do not know
yet. On the other hand I would imagine that using verbal interaction
(skype, webcam etc.) where more senses are involved could be beneficial
and supportive in expressing and healing, although more intense too. If you "don't have
time", then take your time with responding.
I've carefully read and
edited (for myself), what you wrote, Yes. Whatever feels comfortable, good and natural
to you (my self). I accept but to do so without compromise would
be a lie. But I do compromise still in many areas of my life.
I do so until I am able to resolve certain judgments and move emotions
that show me another choice I can make that is more valid. Sometimes
I feel that to allow myself to compromise is also to feel more deeply
and see more clearly if the experience of compromise comes because
of certain mental judgments or if they are truly Will feelings to
be honored. So I have used compromise as a tool before. (as simple
example: "I desire to eat a certain food and in doing so I am
compromising my "health" to some degree, but I am also allowing
myself to resolve the judgment that this food is always bad for me
no matter what). (No Compromise would probably also mean
a complete Spirit in total alignment with Loving Light). Could you clarify more by what you mean by that? - feelings again coming up of confinement, rules and regulations, that I am doing something not right or not good enough. Expressing again as above: you say your intention is to simplify (GC), but do not rules make life more complicated? Childlike expression is my yearning without the fear of judgmental repercussion of "this is right and this is wrong", this you "can do" this you "cannot". On the other hand I do know this well within myself to record everything to bring all thoughts and emotions into "linear form". I do write Inspirations and experiences down from time to time. But as I have in 2006 where I had an epiphany as part of my experience that Life cannot be thought out or written down, Life is a Feeling experience, I burned probably more than 300-400 pages, all of my journals so to speak. I started writing again when things "came to me" naturally around the summer of 2010. Paradoxically I rarely if ever read what I have written.
More about this in my coming emails (or voice
recordings if that be the case). February 14, 2011 Shalom Markus, 00:01 Also, ich gebe mich geschlagen. Ich weiche
Deiner Standhaftigkeit. Ich nahm mir Zeit, - auch weil ich auf meiner
website noch Dinge vollenden wollte, February 14, 2011 Dear
Maryam, I did feel excitement when having read your last response.Thank you Shalom, Markus
Finetune to your Body, Markus!Maryam On March 3, 19:50_20:25 we had our first skype-talk Arad, March 4, 2011, 8:05Christa Rachel Bat-Adam to Sung Shalom, Friede und Ganzsein sei Dir, Markus, Ich muss etwas ergaenzen, was ich unterbrochen
habe, So - noch 3 Minuten, ich zittere - was ich Dir
auch noch sagen will, Meine Zeit ist um Shoham, March 4, 2011,
11:52 AM Da ich also ein bisschen Zeit habe, Und schliesslich - im Bus las ich im gruenen
RUOW Buch Ach ja, wenn ich Dich schon ueberschwemme, dann
noch die Hauptsache: Auch jetzt schaeme ich mich, dass ich Dich so
ueberflute. Maerz 4, 2011 a) Unification Church / Family Federation for
World Peace and Unification / Sun Myung Moon. OK ich werde einfach spontant anrufen / skypen. P.S.: Es ist OK und verstaendlich fuer mich das soviel aufeinmal rauskommen und ausgedrueckt werden moechte. Ich werde einfach sagen wie ich mich damit fuehle und wann es zuviel ist. Auch die letzten zwei emails koennten wir vielleicht dann noch ausfuehrlicher bespraechen da nicht alles fuer mich klar und verstaendlich ist.
Since then we skyped 3 times, last time on March
16, Shalom Maryam, hier ne kleine liste von natuerlichen remedies. - Cayenne mit den diversen spices kann man einen tea machen und dann mit honig suessen. bis zum naechsten male Shalom Markus Shalom Markus, Dich wollte ich schon voriges Mal , als Du so
viel vom Koerper sprachst,
March 20, 2011, to Maryam Habe versucht dich heute per skype zu erreichen. March 20, 201 Markus!!!!
March 23, 2011, Shalom Maryam Ja das wuesste ich. Hatte nur angenommen da
ich dich online sah das deine enkelkinder schon wieder abgereist sind.
P.S.: Der Vollmond (supermoon) scheint einiges emotional in mir zu bewegen.
Ich habe mir die beiden roemischen Markusse angesehen. Ich wuensche mir, dass Du bei zukuenftigen Skype-Begegnungen
March 24, 2011 - Markus , heute frueh weckte mich Mika, meine juengste,
5 jaehrige Enkelin,
March 25 , 2011 Shalom Maryam Danke fuer die information.
March 31, 2011, Lieber
Markus, Als Einleitung zu dem, worueber ich in der Nacht
imaginaer mit Dir gesprochen habe, Inzwischen ist es Abend geworden (nachher bin
ich babysitter bei meinen Hausleuten), 2) Ich will Dir mein wohl kuerzestes Lied vorfuehren
, vom 17. Februar 2011: 4) Eher ein Singsong als ein Lied ist , was mir
als erstes eingefallen ist fuer Dich. Nach der ersten Zeile kam die zweite von selbst: "And take of the pressure
of what gives me pleasure Ich sang also diese 4 Zeilen taeglich beim Zahnfleischmassieren, Nun sang ich entweder abwechselnd oder hintereinander
die beiden Strophen, Auch diese beiden letzten Zeilen sind gechannelt, Jetzt singe ich jeden Morgen eine oder zwei der
Strophen, so jetzt muss ich gleich gehn. Third letter,
answer to a link, sent by Markus,after he had told me about it on
"skype" with reservations Markus, "hathaworld". "Wie fuehlt
es sich an", fragst Du exact. Obwohl ich nicht mit meinem "selbstgewaehlten"
Drama hadere, Ich war auf dem damals einzigen humanistischen
Maedchen Gymnasium in Baden-Wuertenberg. Ich frage mich immer, warum eine Information
zu mir kommt, Seit dem 11. Jahrhundert sind auch die Juden
der griechischen Art des Denkens gefolgt, Was ich von einem Lehrer , sei er Gott oder Mensch,
brauche, Von Dir erbete ich mir noch was Kleines: Maryam April 4-5 , 2011 to Markus Lieber, wirklich "lieber" Markus! Was mich betrifft, so fuehle ich mich jetzt ziemlich frei Dir gegenueber, und ich hoffe, ich kann Dir helfen, dass Du Dich so auch mir gegenueber fuehlst! Das bedeutet z.B., dass ich Dich herausfordern (challenge) darf, und Du darfst sagen, ob Dir das passt oder nicht, oder jetzt !!! nicht. Ich habe keine Forderungen (z.B. dass Du klare, fehlerlose Briefe schreibst, wie ich das waehrend der Testphase verlangte), ausser der einen: dass Du wahrhaftig und ohne denial bist, soweit das unsrem Bewusstsein schon moeglich ist. Dazu gehoert auch, wie Du weisst, dass Du, wenn Du zu schlimm getriggert bist, mich fuer eine Pause oder gar fuer eine Trennung gewinnst und dies mir nicht durch einseitiges Schweigen aufzwingst. Da wir beide lernen, nicht nur Verantwortung
fuer evt. Getriggertsein auf uns zu nehmen, Aber waehlen zu koennen, wann ich einem
Druck nachgebe und wann nicht, Deshalb noch mal was zu Deinem Singen. Muss ich es nochmals sagen, dass Du keine der
Seiten, zu denen ich Dir ein link schicke, "aufschlagen"
m u s s t , Und lass das Skypen wie das Schreiben ruhen,
bis Du wirklich, wirklich Lust hast! April 4, 2011 Shalom Maryam, also erstmals danke fuer die links und deinen
ausdruck und weitere information zu den verschiedenen email austausch
der anderen personen deren absicht es ist zu heilen. Das was fuer mich einer der groessten challenges
ist wenn du dich wie du sagst "nicht mehr zusammennimmst"
ist wie ich dadurch getriggert werde im bezug das ich denke ich muss
auf alles antworten oder eine antwort haben. Meine email ist vielleicht ein bisschen inkoherent und mit schreibfehlern bestueckt, aber ich habe dies trotzdem zusammengefasst weil ich mich jetzt noch hemme wieder mit dir zu skypen da ich noch kein musikstueck geschrieben habe und auch nicht weiss wann ich dieses manifestieren werde. Ich fuehle da einfach zu viel druck. Ihm anhang noch dazu - Ich fand deine verschiedenen lieder und reime gut. Besonders gefallen hat mir: "Let your air pass my throat clear and free! Und bei "Not afraid not Afraid" hab ich ein bisschen mitsingen geuebt. Ich bin vielleicht nicht auf alles eingangen bis jetzt was du schriebst aber das ist erstmal genug fuer micht.Shalom Markus
April 8, 2011 , sent
on April 14, 2011 Shalom, lieber Markus Aurelius, Ich setzte mich an den Computer und sah nochmals
die Bilder durch, die im Internet erscheinen, In fuenf Minuten gehe ich, um Mika vom
Kindergarten abzuholen. Hast du schon mal das Gefuehl gehabt, dass ich
"verrueckt" bin? 1) Wenn Du anfaengst zu singen, wirst Du den Durchbruch zur Freiheit erleben. 2) Du sollst Deine Biographie schreiben, so ausfuehrlich
wie moeglich, Eine Stunde spaeter: Auf dem Weg dachte ich: nun habe ich es nicht
"geschafft", das "dritte Gebot" zu schreiben.
Was wuerdest Du, der handy-lose, in so einem Fall machen??????? Ich habe "gebetet", dass ich Blitzableiter
fuer den Zorn werde 4 Stunden spaeter. Noch was Technisches.
April 12, 2011 to Markus
[sent on April 14] I was sure, you were sensitive enough - I also went through stupid imagined questions: Of course, my fear of initiating a talk with
you, What is so pain-and shameful is not only, I am nauseated, when I find Hundescheisse on
the sidewalks, In former times all kinds of scenes recurred
in my dreams:
Ein bisschen erste Naehe und schon sind wir
"reif" fuer trigger. After a skype-talk in the
evening I saw a movie "Man hasst uns so sehr",
Du siehst, so sehr ich "BLAME" ausschalten
moechte, Ich hoffe, der andere Brief mit den challenges
"will keep you busy April 14, 2011, A last
time to Markus Maryam
wie sehen die neuen spielregeln fuer unsere kommunikation
aus? Shalom, Noch was: Bei uns ist heute Holocaust Gedenktag,
May 29, 2011 Shalom Markus, Dieses Stolpern unserer Kommunikation frustriert
uns beide. Ich moechte Dir also vorschlagen, zum Schreiben
zurueckzukehren. Ich habe versucht - vor einiger Zeit - Dich dazu
zu bringen, Ich sehe, indem ich Dir jetzt schreibe, wie traurig
ich bin, Ich hatte dir auch eine nachricht per skype hinterlassen, Ich mag zwar gut im reden sein, meine aktionen lassen aber noch sehr zu wuenschen uebrig. In wirklichkeit fuehle und judge ich mich nur als disorientierte mentalitaet die nicht weiss was wie und wo ist, und deshalb sich selber geschichten erzaehlt um zu versuchen das leben zu verstehen und dadurch Sinn zu erschaffen weil ich als verlorene mentalitaet den Sinn nicht mehr Fuehlen kann. Wo ist mein Wille? Es tut mir leid das ich vielleicht deinen Wunsch Peer zu sein nicht so erfuellen kann wie ich denke das du das vielleicht moechtest. Vielleicht ist der schritt zum email schreiben ueberzugehen ein guter. Ich weiss es nicht. Mal sehen. Mal fuehlen. Shalom Markus
May 31, 2011 Shalom, Markus, Was mich betrifft, so kannst Du ja an der
jeweils akuten Skulptur in "Nourishment"
erahnen, Falls ich es mal ganz deutlich sagen muss: June 3, 2011, Shalom Maryam Ich nehme Gefuehle wahr und druecke sie zum
teil verbal / schriftlich aus, aber das heisst noch lange nicht das
ich sie genug "womb'e" (denglishes wort). Ich weisst immer noch nicht was genau deine "vorstellungen und wuensche sind in bezug auf becoming peers - oder soll ich schreiben es sich ausdruecken kann, in welcher form". Ich habe deine nourishment skulptur gelesen. Vielen Dank fuer Deinen Deutlichen Ausdruck. June 3, 2011, Markus, Shalom! So, now, when I wanted to close the computer
and go to bed, Back to my experience this evening. Nowadays I rarely put myself in a situation, I understood, why this unexpected togetherness
was staged for me: I must not expose Hathra to any additional person
in the first days, Now I feel humbled and deeply grateful, that
by this sudden togetherness The subject matter of these feelings is as far
from you as the next galaxy. And this can only be said in German:Ich
habe Dich lieb, Markus! Maryam June 4, 2011, Maryam again Mika came to me already at 6:45 The tumult of feelings yesterday was meant to
show me, So, the first rule is:
What I must s e n s e most of all, is, w h e
n is it FUN for me to interact with her So, again and again, this will be an exercise
in "walking humbly" with myself, June 11, 2011, Shalom
Maryam, Why do I have to "work" for something? Why can't I just Be and have everything I desire now!? Will the suffering ever end? Shalom,Markus
The food will come to you, when you need it! Maryam
Jun 1, 2011 J. wrote: This is J.. I found your website, and Now I want to contact you! Thank you! I may come to Isreal, sometime. I like how Earthy you are. Your site scared me, and it still can. But I am willing to work with it. I found RUOW when I was 22, 3 years ago. It cut me open, I was wondering...HOW? Ouch! The impressions inside all welling up. Coming to surface pain, Holes, Glory. In some ways, I have hated myself for being Jewish. It is hard to say that. I even renounced it to myself. I have ability to go to Israel on the Birthright program. If so, I would like to meet you! I am American. I want to be real and not proper. To vibrate FREE. I want to absorb your experience. I know I can learn from you, With you, of you. Not better than. But downloads. Remembering. I'm trying to drive backwards and let this happen. No Plans! OK thank yOU! BYE!
I'm glad, you have the courage to contact me,
And thank you for the compliment , that I am "earthy"! June 1, 2011, Well, hi.
And Shalom. I would say, your site scared me, in the sense,
if I was walking on the earth, skipping along, and, saw beneath me,
deep dark chasms, streaking into the earth. I just was visiting my dad. I felt so many fears,
kill feelings, dead feelings. Un accepted, feared, and hated. Misunderstood.
I live in Wisconsin. For now. I see owning the projections and feeling the
feelings is really going to be the worthy part of this interchange.
Well, Earthy, is how it felt to me. Like you
are un afraid, to be and feel, everything in you. which means, Whole.
But there isn't a little cute technical spirtual technique, Every now and then I meet people with really strong, open, flowing emotional bodies, it feels like such a relief! I also feel more clearly the patterns of my wounds, when it is Obvious, they are not being caused, anymore, by something or someone outside. When I saw you, I felt, its like water.
Like Roots, coming up from the Earth. I Guess that would
be, the mother, or the will. Also, I said Joy in the email because I thought
that was your name! Skype, yes...I don't want that right now. Maybe? Often I just feel uncomfortable and put on the spot. Also, I want to say, I'm finding that i could write in way that goes through all my triggers, and, or I could write, in a way that keeps on the surface, just in areas where I am safe, and clear, and relaying this to you. Well, for now, Shalom Aleichem -J.
"I see owning the
projections and feeling the feelings Yes, and skip the judgment, which you added to this intention! "I imagine that I
would feel both safe and threatened around you. Yes. "my wounds, ...obvious,
they are not being caused, anymore, by something or someone outside." I like your poetic expressing, your metaphors,
like that you feel me as "water", as "roots. And take your time with this interchange. Be wombed, J., like the biblical J. in the sea...
I know alot of what I wrote as hatred towards
women, is really, more to do with anger and rage, at not being nourished. Another thing I wanted to bring up is this: Another thing I want to bring up is this confusion
i sometimes have, The question of what was it I wanted that never
got. Im going to leave it at that. Please forgive me, I notice I have some tendency
to sabotage. It is called "I'll reject you before you reject
I'll relate to some of your more concrete pains,
J., As to your difficulty to breathe, As to the Jewish "karma": I advise
you to not deal with it. The same advice pertains to the question of "fragmentation"
and the difference in consciousness. http://www.empower.co.il/healingkiss/PuzzlePieces/pp41.htm As to your question: where does the suffering
come from: Thank you for relating to my "Bedouin drama".
You may view the latest post at June 12,2011,
June 18, 2011, Shalom
J. - If you do give a damn for my intuition, My father-in-law (died 9 years before I was born)
, Franz Rosenzweig (quite famous among Jews), If nothing else, then the common ground could
be your music. The commonalities between
you - despite some sharp differences - are such, To be "kicked out" from both, your
home and your job, is good. "selling" things is definitely not
"going-to-yourself" ("lekh-lekha") As to your question, if there is no value to
raging if it doesn't dissolve into crying: |
WOW! I had just parted from my channeled response to you: 9:30 AM, Israel Time and began to move on to read other e-mails, when I opened this message, which is exactly for the three of us! You, Markus, live in Houston! You, Y., are free to travel there and reach just
in time, And I was reinforced in my understanding with regard
to you both! So the time for sending my letter is already NOW! Shalom! Be whole! Sound! Together! Markus and J.! |
Heart Hola beloveds, I trust that we will all be enjoying the Solstice and all the ceremonies during these potent days. I wish you all the best. I had planned to be in Israel by now, to participate in establishing a Circle of Sound there, yet Divine Order had other plans. Yet the Circle will be established there. The set of bowls has already arrived and is in good hands. Plus some dear Circle of Sound members from Argentina will be there to get the job done. This teaches me that sometimes we do not have to complete the mission, that others can do it. Yet we must do everything within pour power to make it happen. So be it. So it is. This means that I remain in the USA, in Houston, Texas, where I am visiting and enjoying my daughters and grandchildren. And I will be participating in a Global Harmonization Ceremony here in the states for the first time! I will share the ceremony at Memorial Park here in Houston with whoever attends. If you know of anyone in this area, who might be interested, please pass along this invitation to join us. No bowls or experience is necessary. Just an open heart and concentration on the five intentions. Thanks for passing this along. More information about this ceremony is found at this web page: http://www.circleofsound.org/equinox2005.htm In peace and Joy all ways, Daniel Brower www.circleofsound.org |
19, 2011, to Markus and J., subject; Angels on the Abyss Until I feel that the time is right, my draft-mail-box will guard this response which came to me spontaneously, after I had read both your letters at 7:30 AM, Israel time, on June 19, 2011
Markus' letter is short,dry and constricted , In all the exterior dramas and interior depression, Both of you had one practical "desire": Get up and move your hurting asses and tortured souls! I've written this with inspiration from OUR "Higher
Selves"! That's it! That's my ultimatum! |