I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution in
learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!! "I
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
A magnificent full rainbow appeared above the barbed
wire of the once deadly fence,
when 57 people from 8 nations crossed this gate to BirkenAU on November
3, 2003.
Outside - under the birches, then bare and bleak, since any leaf would
be instantly eaten,
women and children were herded together before being sent to the close
Inside - the remnants of Crematorium IV, blown up by the "Sonder-Kommando"
in 1944.
It was at a time, when 400 000 Jews from Hungary were exterminated
within 2 months.
Those who were forced to do " the job " were mostly Jews
from Salonikae in Greece,
who started their life-span of three (!) months "fresh",
i.e. not yet emaciated by hunger.
"If someone refused, the head of his wife would be knocked into
the fire and burnt."
Witnessed and told to me today - 2003_11_28 - by Helena Hammerschmidt~~
in Israel.
"We were four women in
the camp resistance,
Three of us worked in the ammunition factory.
It was the women, who were hanged,
for they had smuggled the materials
to the Sonder-Kommando
for making the bombs.
"Tell the world, Rachel, save Jewish dignity!
We were not sheep dragged to slaughter,
we were human and we were humane."
Already in 1986 I taped Helena's stories
about the small lights in the darkness,
resistance and support for each other,
self-respect and self-determination.
The rainbow joins earth and sky~ merges rain and
and displays multiple, distinct colors of the ONE Light !
It is the sign of the Covenant between YHWH and Noah,
that never again will there be intent to blot out humans.
But there was this intent! There still are such attempts! "God"
and Wo/Man need to heal, grow, evolve,
aligning with the Rainbow Covenant.
In "Right
Use of Will" and "Godchannel.com",
channeled information,
which has been helping me to understand the world
and be able to live my life
since almost 17 years,
Spirit says, that he is "an evolving God",
an outrageous thought for all religions.
But the Biblical story of creation says the same
and conveys that it is a matter of perspective.
Imagine a huge rotating globe.
On its surface there is movement, polarity, multiplicity, time, tension
and space.
In the center of the globe there is a point without movement, time
or space.
In the first account of Creation
[Genesis 1]
God evaluates everything as "good"
or even "very good".
For from the perspective in the center of the globe everything is
one and whole.
Including "adam" - the human -
whom God creates as one - "male and female".
There God is called YHWH, which cannot and
should not be pronounced.
It is a verb which means: "what happened,
happens and will happen".
Then follows another account, in which God is called Elohim.
And the verb "to create" here is not "bara",
but "yatzar".
Here we see God as if on the surface of the globe,
where there is time and polarity, failure and success.
He is a potter, who shapes an "adam".
But looking at him, he realizes: "not good".
This adam "alone" can not live.
So he makes the animals as companions.
Adam relates to them, invents names for them.
But "for the human there could be found no
i.e. the other pole, without which is neither electricity nor fertility.
Finally the potter finds the other pole inside the adam himself.
Now there are "man" and "wo-man"
and they become One.
In the first story they were seen as one to begin with.
But this achievement of God, the potter, was only the beginning of
a dire learning process.
When people multiplied on earth,
felt that his creation had turned into a disgusting mess.
Those evildoers had one thing in mind - to kill each other.
What was easier for the potter than to blot out humankind?
But then there was an exceptional human being.
His name was "Noah", which the Bible interprets as "may this-one comfort-our-sorrow
from our toil, from the pains of our hands
coming from the soil, which YHWH has damned" [Genesis 5, 29, based on the
translation of Fox]
Noah was instructed to build a ship,
and with the help of this ship, the so-called ark,
he, his wife, his 3 sons and their wifes survived,
and so did a couple of each kind of animal.
Creation got a chance to start over.
Now - if you think, Noah was special, because he was not "evil",
but good,
you are on the wrong track.
Noah was said to be "tamim",
which means "whole".
Not "good", but "whole"
"And with God Noah walked-to-and-fro". [The form of the Hebrew verb is reflexive!
Not walking in one direction is meant here,
like walking in the direction of "goodness" for instance,
- which was my intense and articulated desire as a child -
but balancing the polarities
and doing so with God,
who has to learn to do the same, as I shall make you see.
Let me shed more light on this unfamiliar quality:
"whole" and "walking-to-and-fro with God".
There was only one human before Noah,
who walked-to-and-fro with God,
Hanokh, one of the ten generations between Adam and Noah.
But while all those fathers became very old, up to 969, and died
Hanokh was "taken away" by
God "and was no more",
at the age of 365,
the number which indicates a whole sun circle
and symbolizes Hanokh's wholeness. [Genesis
But this individual wholeness wasn't helpful to humankind.
So the figure of Noah had to be introduced.
Unlike "Gilgamesh",
his literary predecessor in a Babylonian epos,
Noah was quite ordinary.
The Bible makes it a point to prove this and tells a story about him:
After the flood Noah planted a vinyard and got drunk,
so drunk, that he wasn't aware that he exhibited his intimate parts
to the eyes of his sons.
And like any human being so far, Noah died one day,
unlike Gilgamesh who was uplifted to the gods and crowned as half-god.
But neither did Gilgamesh save anyone.
For humankind to start over, the gods simply took various colored
and created the various human races.
Nor had Gilgamesh been chosen for any reason in the first place.
The gods were annoyed by "the noise", humans were making,
and decided to wipe them out.
And it pleased them to let one being live - for no reason.
If Noah could prevent God from blotting out his creation,
it means, that he is a true partner of God, like later Abraham.
And it is Abraham, who receives it as a commandment:
"Be whole and walk-to-and-fro before me."
Abraham is the representative of Israel.
And it is to Israel that a variation of this commandment is addressed: "Whole be-you with YHWH your God"
[October 7, 2009: the teaching of "Abraham"
calls this
"you must be a vibrational match with Source"]
The word "tamim" - whole -
in itself is a plural,
as if indicating the balancing of polarities.
Outside the terminology of cultic sacrifices,
the term is applied only 4 times in the 5 books of the Torah:
- as a quality only with concern to the transhistoric Noah,
- as a command to Abraham and to Israel,
and as a description of God's work: "the Rock, whole is his doing...
I myself bring-death, bestow-life,
I wound and I myself heal" [Deuteronomy
32:4 and 39]
In the Hebrew Bible there is nothing outside God,
no devil and not even the AUschwitz-BirkenAU evildoers in Marian's
paintings. The
Jewish "Shma'"
, "Hear, o Israel" [Deuteronomy
6:5] says,
that YHWH, all that happens, has happened, will happen, is ONE.
And you, therefore, should tune into this oneness too,
First of all by "loving" - which
is the state and action closest to being whole.
But if this is not clear enough, the Shma' emphasizes, with all your heart ...
interpreted correctly by the Mishna, the ancient Jewish Law: " with you good impulse and with your bad
And in a prophetic book God says about himself: "I form (yatzar) light and I create (bara)
we have no problem with that, but then: "I make shalom", i.e. wholeness
or peace between light and darkness,
and if still someone refuses to understand this metaphor,
he spells it out bluntly: "I create evil,
I, YHWH, make all these." [Isaiah
Check how the translations into other languages try to water this
And even Judaism itself could not stand up to this statement.
Though this verse was correctly understood
as the most relevant , outspoken Biblical interpretation of the Shma'
and is said as the "yotzer- blessing" before the reading
of the Shma' twice a day,
the words "I create evil" are
simply omitted.
Nor was it easy for the Biblical God to accept himself.
The Flood and Noah were an enormous lesson for him.
Compare his two statements,
one before the flood: "every form (yetzer) of their heart's
planning was only evil all the day"[Genesis
and one after the flood: "I'll never curse the soil again
on humankind's account,
since what the human heart forms [yetzer] is evil from its
youth" [Genesis
You wonder, if anything has changed?
It has!
though God can express it only negatively:
Not "every" human creation
is evil,
and human creation is not "only"
and not "all" the day.
The omission of these absolutisms "every", "only",
"all" means,
that God has learnt something about creation and therefore
about himself.
It's from this level of God's own wholeness
that he makes the covenant with Noah and through him with
all humankind:
He will never ever destroy this planet and its humankind,
which implies, that planners of "Terminal Solutions"
have no chance.
and as an extremely strong image he uses the rainbow,
the rainbow which unites sky and earth
and integrates rain and sun,
and - what people didn't know in Biblical times - is the one
appearing in its multiple aspects, its numerous colors.
Two divine images
with a finger nail
into the wall
of a death-cell
I'll insert Andrzej's "Rainbow over Birkenau", who chose
a different perspective than I did:
the rainbow over all kinds of visitors in the place where an attempt
was made to blot out humankind.
I'll now quote the text in full.
The book of Genesis, usually so scarce in the use of words,
repeats the message of the rainbow over and over again:
7 times the word "covenant",
3 times the word "bow",
7 times the word "with you",
"God said to Noah and to his sons with
him, saying:
As for me - here, I am about to establish my
your seed after you,
and with all living beings that are with
you: fowl, herd-animals, and all
the wildlife of the earth with
all those going out of the Ark, of all the living things of the earth.
I will establish my covenantwith you:
All flesh shall never be cut off again by waters of the Deluge, never
again shall there be Deluge, to bring the earth to ruin!
And God said:
This is the sign of the covenant
which I set
between me and you and all living beings that are with
you, for ageless generations: My bow I
set in the clouds,
so that it may serve as a sign of the
covenant between me and the earth.
It shall be:
when I becloud the earth with clouds
and in the clouds the bow
is seen,
I will call to mind my covenant
that is between me and you and all living beings - all flesh:
never again shall the waters become a Deluge, to bring all flesh to
When the bow
is in the clouds,
I will look at it,
to call to mind the age-old covenant
between God and all living beings -
all flesh that is upon the earth.
God said to Noah:
This is the sign of the covenant
that I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the
earth. [Genesis
Noah not only prevented God from blotting out his creation,
but became the partner of the rainbow covenant.
For if there is a covenant, it means,
that Noah and God are equal allies!
But what is it really, that God has to learn,
not negatively phrased , but positively?
What does it mean to take responsibility for the imbalance in creation?
In AUschwitz-BirkenAU denial manifested
as abominal fictions:
"Schonungsblock", i.e. "Take-Care-Off Block",
or "Look-After-Block",
the fiction of a hospital, to which "entrance" is
"strictly forbidden".
here the orchestra had to play, incessantly, joyously,
Beethoven and Bach, Schubert and Schuman,
German music, universal music.
Using the concept of time, Spirit confesses,
that at that "time" he didn't know,
what causes the imbalance which culminated in AUschwitz-BirkenAU.
He did not see, that he himself was the cause and originator of this
Why do I always refer to the Biblical God as "him"?
There you are! That symbolizes the imbalance.
The channeled info, which I tried to personalize and simplify (what
an ironiy...) on "Healing-K.i.s.s." for 2 continuous years,
makes this clear in so many stories:
"Spirit" denied "Will", i.e. the female aspect
of Deity, desires and feelings.
If this destruction of your image of "the God of loving kindness"
makes you turn away in disgust,
I want to remind you:
Noah, you and I, are equal partners and allies in the covenant.
We humans are simply aspects of the One,
rays of the sun, waves of the sea, colors of the light.
[Listen to
my song, which created itself in 2005]
I, too, have to keep the covenant of the rainbow!
I, too, have to learn to accept all of myself,
instead of choosing the pole of "goodness" and "love"
while not even taking responsibility for the fact,
that the negative pole, the evil and non-love,
which manifests "on the other side",
is what I denied in myself.
I cannot accept my terrible feelings,
if I have not trained myself in vibrating
them as they need to by vibrated:
physically, through breathing, sounding and moving. Be Sounding - not silent!
the sake of uniting
the Holy-One-Blessed-be-He and his Shekhina
(Divine Presence in female gender) to unite Y-H with W-H in complete/whole unity
in the name of all Israel and let's say: Amen.
These Aramaic
words are said
before blessing over the fulfillment of
certain kinds of commandments.
YHWH is the so-called name of God,
but is actually a verb: he who happens
[July 24, 2010:
I'm now singing every day,
when coming from the
pool and climbing down the "Wadi of Compassion",
what is expressed in such heart-breaking lyrics and sounds: The Pain...]