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of 2010
1984 - p.50-55 and 2010- p. 42-54 ~~~ SEX AND CHILDREN
50 ["Sex and Children"] The children born of the balance of the Male and Female Principles within and between the parents will also be able to balance and they will be able to unfold into life on Earth in the kind of family situation that will respect, accept and nurture this Spiritual balance. When children being born can experience an environment that nurtures their true being, the evolutionary process will speed up tremendously. No longer will adults have to spend time attempting to release conditioning received in childhood; children will be able to grow and evolve within the family from the start. It is a real possibility to attune yourself so that any children you have in the future will attune to you and the rest of your family. Understanding Spiritual balance yourself can bring Spiritual balance to the entire family. Family members you already have may or may not accept this growing Spiritual attunement in you. Family members on earth at present do not always have the same Destiny Paths or the same sense of timing. Possessive love has tried to pressure abdication of True Natue and personal destiny Path in favor of images held by family members as to what that particular family is meant to be. Many of the problems now on Earth (and within the family relationship) can be traced to sex without Love, or sex with only conditional love. |
42 ["Sex and Children"] When chldren can be born of the balance of the male and female aspects, both within and between the parents, they will also be able to balance and unfold into life on Earth in the kind of family situation that will respect, accept, encouarage and nurture this spiritual balance. When children being born can experience an environment that nurtures their true being, the evolutionary process will speed up tremendously. No longer will people have to spend so much of their time trying to recover from what happened to them in the womb, at birth and in the early stages of their life. Children will be able to grow and evolve within the family from the start. It is a real possibility to attune yourself so that any children you have in the future will be attuned to you and to the rest of your family. Parents, and other family members you already have, may or may not accept this growing spiritual attunement in you. old conditioning and conditional love has often pressured people so that they have not found their own sense of self, |
51 ["Sex and Children"]
43 ["Sex and Children"] |
1984-page 52 ["Sex and Children"] they are having sex in the presence of denial.
44 ["Sex and Children"] that it was just some punitive religious ban and prejudice against people enjoying their bodies. The understanding of the sanctity of sex has been, for the most part , lost, and while understanding was meant to be sought, the presence of these judgments froze the energy field until most people began to think that the judgments against sex were the reality of having sex. This is all going to clear up as people end their own denials. When people have a sexual relationship, this closeness and focus opens their energy fields, or auras, to one another, and their energy fields mingle together. The love that is present, and also the denials, mingle together. Often, people have not known what is being held in a state of denial there. In sexual relationship, "what is yours" becomes"what is ours." When men ejaculate, they can, and often do, pass denied emotion to their partner. This is problematic, but it is particularly problematic when what is passed is denied hatred of women with a charge of denied rage. Each person must be responsible to him/herself here, as no one can really be the determiner of this for another. If the ones involved claim they have only love and have not given acceptance to the denied undercurrents they have, they are having sex in the presence of denial. Opening to accepting your own judgments and denied feelings is the most important thing you can do to help this situation. Sex in the presence of denial, and especially sex without love, has been opening space for problematic reflections to manifest and for denial Spirits to enter Earth. Sexual energy is magnetic. Magnetic energy attracts what it is vibrating to. The love that would naturally connect through sexual closeness is meant to increase Light, Love and Will presence through orgasm, but Will denial is not able to attract Loving Light. Orgasm, with denial in the energy field, has been increasing the presence of denial on Earth. So many people have increased the denial on Earth in this way that the ones able to see it have thought that sex brings darkness to Earth. The true understanding is that sex in the presence of denial has been increasing the darkness on Earth. Not only do the ones doing this increase their own denial and lessen their light, the children they attract to be born through these unions carry the denials that are present between the parents. This has been playing a larger role than most people have realized when these denials manifest in the relationships with their partners and their children, and they dislike so many things about them. Many people have thought that child-raising was not so pleasant, but was a necessity. even though most people have been told |
feats in the vast desert: lichen on iron-stones, among the "lothos" rujum, the nicest way-mark, which Thomas, my helper, had made. ![]() |
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our path: A winter with almost no rain had passed. A grass here and there. These were the tiny signs of spring. ![]() |
53 ["Sex and Children"] the more denial present, the more denial is attracted. The more non-acceptance in the parents, the more unaccepting the Spirits will be that get born through them. In discussing this subject, in fact, it is necessary to point out something else. Any time a parent allows the birth of a child it does not really want, there is an accompanying risk of allowing into the Earth a Spirit that does not mind overriding the feelings of others in favor of itself because this Spirit entered Earth against the wishes of the ones bringing it into the world. Knowing yourself is important so that you can know whether you really want the child or whether a confusion about individual Will and Divine Will is causing you to accept a child you do not really want. In any case, the child that is not totally wanted is not a child of unconditional Love. At present, abortion is actually preferable to increasing the presence of Spirits that will deny others in favor of themselves and preferable to increasing denial in general. Having a baby because society says it is required and abortion is not allowed brings more spirits that are not in harmony with respecting others. Pregnancy is a two-way street; both the baby and the parents have to be considered. Earth is reaping the harvest of its practices by experiencing the expression of Spirits not in harmony with one another. If there is alignment, conception will only take place, no matter what day of the cycle, if the parents both want a child and the right child for them also wants to enter at that time. Living with the fear that unwanted pregnancies are part of life is not necessary. Unwanted pregnancy cannot happen if the persons involved are balanced and also cannot happen if you use the birth control method you feel is necessary until your Body tells you that it is no longer necessary. If you are on your way toward balance and are making this clear, then Spirits will not seek to incarnate against your Will because they will know that you will not allow it. During the time balance is being sought, unconditional acceptance of everything that happens along the way is needed. If the reality of unwanted pregnancy presents itself, you have denial you need to find. Look over everything that presents itself about the situation and learn without making judgments. The conditioning that sperm are madly swimming toward the |
45 ["Sex and Children"] that it is supposed to be, and claim that it is, a wonderful and loving experience, the truth of the matter is that many parents have been having trouble accepting their own children unconditionally and vice versa. Many parents have mixed feelings about their children, as they do about their partners. Even though many people have tried to tell themselves that this is just the way life is; this is no accident. There is a definite relationship. The more alignmentyou have within yourself, the more alignment you will attract as a partner and in your children. Wherever there is lack of alignment, you will attract the reflection of those denials. The more lack of acceptance in the parents, the more unacceptable and unaccepting their relationships with their children will be. Even though most people on Earth have not, yet, experienced unconditonal love for one another, this now needs to happen and must not be believed to be impossible. Everyone has had the experience of loving parts of another person and feeling very annoyed, and even hateful, toward other parts of that same person. It has been thought to be that when you love someone, you have to put up with whatever they do that does not please you. This has been called unconditonal love. However, what about you and how this really feels to you? When you feel you have to suppress parts of yourself in favor of someone else, this is conditional love that involves self-denial and self-sacrifice that hasn't known how to fully love yourself and love another at the same time. An understanding needed now on Earth is that many people, without realizing it, have left themselves open to attract to themselves darkness they have not been prepared to handle. This darkness, then, is in themselves and in their children. It is a reflection of what they haven't accepted in themselves, and it is more than that, too, but is not something that can be fully explained right now. For now, opening to accept your own denials and lack of self-acceptance can greatly improve the situation and help you understand what else needs to happen. It does not further healing to continue with the misunderstanding that I have asked people to sacrifice themselves for others. Original Cause in creation had this misunderstanding as a part of it. If you look at this thoroughly and follow it through as many implications as you need to understand it, you will see that it does not work. This includes the raising of chidren. Children need examples of how to relate in a realistic manner with others and not more examples of how to further deny themselves and others. |
approach the vast Zin Wadi which passes close to the Succah. ![]() |
ancient terraces remind of past extensive agriculture. ![]() |
54 ["Sex and Children"] egg no matter what, and that barriers to this are the only hope, must be released. Sperm can be guided by the consciousness in which they are ejaculated. This is why some people wanting children and having low probability for producing them are able to do it anyway. This guidance is the consciousness of both parents, not just the male or prospective father. The persons involved must both be clear about whether they want a child at this time or not, and the harmony must be at all levels between them, not just mental or just sexual or just feeling good with each other or any other partial acceptance. If, on the way to balancing, you are not finding wholly compatible partners, some birth control is still going to be necessary. So see the situation as evolving toward a time when birth control is a thing of the past and the balance between Spirits experiencing sex with one another is going to increase the Light on Earth and guide the process of conception to attract only Spirits in harmony with the Destiny Path of Earth. Rest assured that this can happen quickly, but don't pressure yourself to be there before you really are. Allow yourself the space needed to learn what you need to learn so that you can evolve. The outer reflection that will bring this evolution is close at hand, and the conception of a child at this time, I want to remind you, is going to reflect you at this time. You will then have yourself and your child to align at the same time. So unless you can have total acceptance of whatever is going to happen, I recommend a temporary moratorium on pregnancy. This will not stop anyone from having children if they desire to later. It will protect people from the grief of being perhaps unable to save themselves or their children from what is happening on Earth. As much as possible, the energy now is needing focus on bringing the self to the balance necessary for the coming times. Survival will then be insured and children can come later. Spirits incarnating now must be able to accept having an extremely Will-oriented position for the balancing about to take place. If they cannot accept this position, they are heavily denying Me because I have informed all Spirits not in the physical plane. You are going to be able to have children and lovingly care for them with much joy if you allow yourself to recover first. Having children without recovering first will bring more pain for |
46 ["Sex and Children"] |
55a ["Sex and Children"] the Spirit and the Will to have to work out. I am recommending that pregnancy be avoided until the Spirit and the Will are brought to the place where they can do this without any pain. Pain in childbirth, for example, is just another expression of less than total attunement between the Spirit and the Will and between the mother and the child. Total attunement never brings a painful or life-threatening situation to the birth experience. The understanding needed is that judgment here is not useful. The pain of the Will increases each time it gives birth without unconditional recognition of the sacredness here. In taking responsibility for attracting Spirits to Earth, people must realize that they have thus far through misunderstandings created a situation that is not allowing anyone to fulfill their Destiny Path completely. The opening made through conditional Love have allowed mixed Spiritual presence on Earth. The openings provided without Love have allowed loveless Spirits to enfer the Earth. [end of the 1984 chapter of "Sex and Children"] |
47 ["Sex and Children"] Painful and difficult
pregnancy and birth, |
48 ["Sex and Children"] The pain of the Will has increased each time it has given birth without the loving care and acknowledgement of the sacredness of bringing Spirits forth on Earth. Overpowering doesn't need to happen between parents and children. Children need an opportunity to develop their own responses to situations and learn to choose accordingly. Right Use of Will is for all ages. If family is not allowing children to develop their free Will, the children need to realize that they may have chosen this family or there may not have been any other opening through which they could be born. They will have to accept this to whatever degree is necessary and do the best they can to make space for themselves and hold on to their own sense of self until they are able to leave home. If parents are not intending to interfere with the free Will of their chlldren, but are not sure about what this means, let Me say this; It does not mean letting the children run over you. This would be denying yourself in favor of them. However, do not deny them in favor of yourself either. This is a delicate balance, especially in the learning stages. If the behavior of your children does not make sense to you, as much as you can, discern between your own needs and theirs. For example, you might say, "I understand that you want to do this right now, and maybe you can do it later, but right now, it is necessary for you to do this (whatever it is) with me." Encourage and support them. Let them learn, and protect them while they are learning. You can give guidance, and let them learn without imposing your reality by requiring them to do, or see, everything your way. Proteting children from danger is necessary, especially in the world at large, but this can be done constructively, without filling them with fear, often by simply beng present with them. For example, instead of stopping a chld from learning to do things by telling the child he/she is going to get hurt, you could help the child to be successful. Instead of telling a child to be quiet, you could listen to what the child is trying to express. Rather than making judgmental pronouncements, you could help the child to learn. If you feel you need to say something, make your comment specific rather than a generality about the child's abilities. Trying to keep others where you are is not free Will. If children are seeing things that you do not see, fearing a particular adult for example, they need to be allowed to have their feelings, be acknowledged and feel heard rather than dismissed or pressured, |
49a ["Sex and Children"] because you see this person as a "nice person. It is important to give acceptance to emotional expression rather than use it to control what is accepted and allowed. If chlldren are angry, see if they can be helped to find healthy ways to give it direct expression other than acting out, and start by giving acceptance to their anger. It can help to express your own anger without frightening the child with it. Acceptance and acknowledgment can increase children's confidence and self-acceptance. As they grow, they can become more and more able to realize their potential as well as recognize potential dangers or drawbacks. This approach can foster true independence, make the job of parenting easier and create good alignments with the children. Then, when chldren are ready to leave home they can do so with confidence and balance rather than in reaction to their parents. If the situatoin has not been as described here, it can always begin. Starting from where you are is the only point for beginning. You may need to begin by giving expression, privately, to your own emotions. This is often better done in private so that children do not misunderstand or become frightened of their parents' emotions. If you have enough self-acceptance to express your emotions in the presence of your children, this doesn't mean subjecting them to verbal diatribes. It means making the sounds your emotions need to make. Giving acceptance to children's emotions and points of view helps them to communicate and express themselves. Seeing that children and parents are together to learn from one another, and not just the child from the parent, can accelerate the growth. Chances are that time is going to be needed to reach the understandings needed. Allow time to show you what you need to see. [end of the 2010 chapter of "Sex and Children"] |
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1984, pages 55b-61a, and 2010, pages 49b-44a ~~~FREE
55b ["Free Will between People"]
Mixed presence on Earth has resulted |
2010 - page 49b ["Free Will between People"] Mixed
presence on Earth has resulted |
56 ["Free Will between People"]
2010 - page 50 ["Free Will between People"] if
their own approach would work or not. |
57 ["Free Will between People"]
That which cannot align with the settlement is forced to be held undercurrent. Possibilities for denial are increased this way and so is the explosive possibility of society when undercurrents can no longer be held. This was only appropriate as long as denial was appropriate on Earth. Now that denial is no longer appropriate on Earth, the way of relating between people is needing change. Settlement needs to feel right to all parties involved or it is not a real settlement. The guideline here is that no one has the right to force anything on another. Denial has been the opposition to direct settlement of this kind on Earth before. In denying others, people have not even realized they've done it in many cases. When you've already denied things in yourself it can be very hard to notice when you are denying those things in another. While in the process of clearing out any old denial you have, you can aid all of your interpersonal relationships by just observing this simple guideline: do not impose your own approach on anyone else and do not let anyone else impose their approach on you either. Try this out and you will see how far along you are in the practice of Free Will between people. You need to look at this closely though and see how much has already been denied in situations where you relate to other people. To understand your denial here you need to feel your true feelings and let yourself hear all the thoughts you would normally push away from your relationships with others. Once you have all the information from your own being, you can make any adjustments you need to make in the relationship based on your own needs. The other people involved need to make their needs clear also. In making needs known, try to get to the bottom of them by seeking the source of the need r ather than staying at the symptomatic level. You can seek the source by asking yourself why you have a certain need. If your answer is another need, ask yourself why you have that need. Follow yourself back this way until you find the denial you made in yourself that has been rendering you unable to fulfill this need in yourself. Then release the denial and allow yourself to fulfill the need. Fulfilling needs that involve other people maintains the balance point of Free Will when nothing takes place that is against the Free Will of another. |
2010 - page 51 ["Free Will between People"]
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58 ["Free Will between People"]
For example, do not let another person tell you how you should be relating. Instead, let that person express his or her feelings toward you. Then you have the opportunity to change the way you relate to that person or to stop relating to that person. If you have to end a relationship with someone, you need to end it without judging that person or yourself. If judgments are already involved, you need to understand yourself enough to end the judgments and release the emotional charge around them. You can release yourself from the other person having any power over you by releasing all the feelings and judgments involved in the situation. In other words, feelings are for you to feel and express, but not for the purpose of manipulating others. So far when people have tried to seek balance in the ways described here they have met with obstacles that seem formidable. There are some notable examples which I want to point out. Whenever the legal system on Earth has gotten involved in attempting to settle interpersonal problems it has so far usually resulted in a denial of Free Will some place. This has to change in the next few years because the Earth is going to change in the next few years. The legal system has done the best it could given the Spirits present on Earth, but it can no longer impose its limits on Spirits that do not have those denials within themselves yet have been forced to accept those limits by the society in which they live. That brings Me to another example of a seemingly notable exception in the process of balancing your Free Will with other people. Society has at present seemed to disallow any direct approach between people attempting to resolve conflicts in any way that does not involve heavy denial of true feelings. People, even more in recent times than in the past, have been labeled emotionally unstable, emotionally disturbed and even insane just for trying to express old charge on Earth. These labels have been applied by people who are in a heavy state of denial themselves. I want to point this out because I have seen that many people on Earth could have recovered their full Spiritual presence already if they had been allowed to express themselves as they needed to. Do not make an assumption that violence would have been involved here. The understanding you need is that the repression |
- page 52 ["Free Will between People"]
While in the process of clearing your denials, you can aid your interpersonal relationships by observing this simple guidelin: Do not impose your approach on others, and do not let others impose their approach on you. As you try this out, you can find out how difficult this can be for you, which will let you know how much guilt you have and what judgments you may have held against taking care of self. You need to look deeply into this to see how much has already been denied in situations of relating to other people. To understand your denials here you need to let yourself feel the actual feelings that you have, and let yourself hear all the thoughts you might normally ignore or try to push away. As you gain information in this way, you can respond to your own needs and also create freedom for other people to state their needs. In allowing yourself to meet your own needs, try to get to the bottom of them by seeking the source of the needs rather than staying at the symptomatic level. You can seek the source by asking yourself why you have a certain need. If your answer is another need, ask yourself why you have that need. You can follow yourself back this way until you find the initial source of the need and what lack has left you feelng unable to meet the need. If your answer is that you don't know, stay open to further understandings coming later. Denials leave the self feeling incomplete. This is why trying to meet your needs might still leave you feelng unfulfilled. Nonetheless, meeting your needs is still an important step in healing yourself, not only to help you understand why you have the needs, but also for increasing self-acceptance and self-love. If meeting your needs involves other people, the balance point of free Will is maintained w hen nothing takes place that is against the free Will of another. For example, you do not need to let othr people tell you how you should be relating to them. Instead, you can let that person express his or her feelings toward you, and let yourself feel whatever yo feel in response to that. This can provide a lot of information about how you have been relating to others. Rather than trying to get the other person to adjust their feelings, work with your own feelings, and see where this takes you. Allowing the movement of expression of your feelings often brings shifts either in the way you relate to that person or the decision to stop trying to relate to that person. Seek the judgments involved and release what you can fo them. If you decide to end a relatiosnship with someone, try to end it without judging yourself or the other person Your emotions are for you to feel and express, not for the purpose of judging, coercing or manipulatng others. |
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![]() The end of our desert path on the eve of Jonathan's birthday: drinking tea and making orange-juice. Watching now the dark bush and Jonathan's shirt , I imagine: |
59 ["Free Will between People"]
of the Will's expression creates violence. Violence is the last resort of repressed Will. Some Spirits have denied their own Wills so extensively that additional denial by other people causes them to erupt in violence. You can protect yourself from this, however, by realizing what is really happening in the relationships you have with other people. You can easily spot serious denial if you have begun to notice denial in yourself. Denial needs acceptance too. Some denial can be approached with Loving acceptance and some cannot. You can find out whether the denial you have encountered is ready for Loving acceptance or not by approaching it with what you have to offer from your own true feelings. If the denial really accepts you, you will know it because you will feel it. If the denial does not accept you, you need to get away from it. I can handle anything I have created, but you are not Me and you cannot handle everything. It is no longer appropriate to continue the misunderstanding on Earth that I have asked Spirits to sacrifice themselves for others. Original Cause in Creation had this misunderstanding as a part of it. If you look at this thorougly and follow it through as many implications as you need to to understand it, you will see that it does not work. This even includes the raising of children. Children need an example of how to relate in a realistic manner with other people and not more examples of how to further deny themselves and others. You cannot deny yourself without denying others. For example , if you deny yourself in order to do something for another person, how is that other person likely to feel if you are doing something for them that you do not want to do. It either does not feel good or denial is taking place. If you do really want to do it, why hand guilt to the other person by claiming you are doing it just for them? Undercurrent here is the judgment that the one denying self in favor of another is in the Spiritually superior position. Attempting to balance this later by allowing others to sacrifice themselves for you is not appropriate either. You need to feel this to know that I am right here. Another example, that I want to point out is the practice of trapping people within society's limits when they have purposely removed themselves in an effort to escape these limits. It is not the practice of Free Will to follow people out into the countryside |
- page 53 ["Free Will between People"]
In seeking balance in the ways being described here, the obstacles can seem formidable. The amount of denial and backed-up emotions can make a direct approach between people attempting to resolve conflicts seem impossible, and sometimes, it is. When backed-up emotions have poured out, labels have been applied by people who lack understanding and by people who are in a heavy state of denial themselves. However, people can recover if they can find ways to express themselves as they need to. Do not make an assumption that violence would necessaritly be involved here. An understanding you need is that repression of the Will's expression can result in violence. Violence is the last resort of repressed Will. Some Spirits have denied their own Wills so extensively that any additional denial by other people can cause them to erupt in violence. You can protect yourself from this by realizing what is happening in your relationships with others. As you notice denial in yourself, you can more easily notice it in others. You cannot deny yourself without denying others. For example, if you deny yourself in order to do something for another, how is that other person likely to feel if you are doing something for them that you do not really want to do? It either does not feel good or there is denial of how it feels. If you really do want to do something for another, do not claim you are doing it just for them. Undercurrent here is the judgment that the one denying self in favor of another is in the spiritually superior postion. Attempting to balance this later by allowing others to sacrifice themselves for you is not appropriate either. Feeling this is what will let you know that my Light is right here. Time is short on Earth for ending denials, but intent can help open space for you to make these shifts. Even though I have already seen who is ready to make the shifts now necessary on Earth, if you have sincere intent to heal, I still want you to make an open declaration of your intent from your Heart to My Loving Light. The fact of the matter is that the coming changes on Earth are not going to be easy for many. Many people are going to be lifted off Earth. Manuy of you need to stay present because you need to experience these changes and learn from them. The recovery of your own true feelings is your survival path. Allow yourself to express any fear, anger and grief you have concerning Me, so these places in you can also know that I am a loving God |
continuation of the chapter "Free Will between people" in both editions - 1984 and 2010 - on the following page
May-June, 2012
November 1, 2011, I felt,
that I should re-read and copy the second and third
RUOW book, as much as linear "TIME" will allow, and juxtapose
them to the first, the BLUE BOOK.
Below I "managed" to insert (max space:
1300 kb!) the last pages,
160-198 of the violet book, 160-181 of the purple book.
In time I'll add links to the content titles.
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything "If there is a God who has any power, then why is it the way that it is on Earth?" The ways in which people have answered this question have consisted mostly of rationalizations designed to help better accept what their feelings do not want to accept. The Unseen Role of Denial is why it's been the way it's been. When we deny parts of ourselves, these parts can become so lost from us that they find other ways to express, even expressing through other people. This book begins the story of our ancient beginnings and the misunderstandings born from lack of experience". |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations When the Will receives judgment instead of love and light, it becomes lost from the light and thus the term, "Lost Will." The definition of love needs to be expanded to include emotions that have been labeled "negative." Much of what we've judged to be negative became lost so long ago no one remembers what happened to it. These lost memories go as far back as our origins. How you really feel is what needs expression and in the most natural way possible. ..., suspend words and emphasize non-verbal sounds. Doing this in private can evolve these emotions. |
CREATION ......1 |
Continuation from Violet and Purple Book, pages 120-159 at the bottom of the page
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.`160 p.161 Rage is the most denied emotion in these orders and it is also the source of their greatest power. These spirits need to give themselves acceptance now and bring their denied essence within the light of God. They have had My love for longer than they know, but they had a rough beginning, because I feared I didn't know how to give them the light they needed. They have struggled to survive on their own for a long time and I want them to receive the help they need now. They have great power to survive, to be physically vital and to express creatively if they have enough self-acceptance to be able to open and receive the light they need. Expressing the feelings they felt then, when they were so judged against, is an important part of their healing so that they can open to the light they need. The other colors argued their points, but did not take as many actions as the more threatened oranges and reds did. No matter how they were judged against by the other colors, each color had reasons to believe within themselves that they were the best and the most important. The indigo spirits had not said much at all during any of this and they felt they were superior because of their composure and inner strength. The blue spirits have always believed they are the greatest expressionists there are. The indigo spirits have always quietly dismissed the self-importance of blue because they believe blue is nothing without them to supply the inner model for their outer performance. The purple spirits have always maintained that they are the best because they receive |
p.160 "In the Godhead They
always act pleasant with One another and spend Their time adoring
His Majesty on the throne" , another proclaimed. p.161 Whatever was said by
the spirits portraying the Godhead would be given an accord of nods
from the others while the audience would look very rough and mean
and stomp and jeer at the Godhead.. Some would yell taunts and insults
while others acted like they were gaggng or throwing up. Some
of the Warriors were rolling around like their laughter was too much.
There was a tremendous amount of hissing going on to express their
displeasure toward Me and I decided I did not want to try
to address them at this time. |
Immanuel and three other El-Al pilots had worked
for months on the logistics of becoming appointed together
for a flight to Los-Angeles and back to Israel, having 4-5 days in between,
so they could drive by car - 8 hours - to "Moab"
in the state of Utah and race on their bicycles through the mountains.
What inspires me to insert some of their
322 photos
on 9 pages with the copied texts of five of the Right Use of Will books,
[see the first
of the pages with these images]
is not only the magnificent landscape, but the wondrous co-adventure of these
four "grownup" people.
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.`162 p.163 At the time of the emergence
of the Rainbow Spirits, I gave them what light I could and they received
what light they could accept. There needs to be acceptance for this
now. Guilt and blame are not necessary, but these must be moved in the
Lost Will before healing balance can be found. Fear and terror lie underneath
guilt and anger and rage lie underneath blame. Getting guilt and blame
to move means accepting the emotions because denial made space for their
presence. Because the Rainbow Spirits
felt so guilty, they were looking for a way to blame others to get out
from under the feeling of guilt. It has not worked because blame and
guilt are not really different from one another. When guilt has gone
as far as it can go in one direction, it begins to shift back in another.
The one receiving this presence perceives it as guilt, and the one pushing
it away perceives its form as blame, but the guilt itself has not changed. |
p.162 The spokesmen for the Father Warriors then told Me they would relay the command and assemble their numbers, but that they also wanted the authority to leave a guard posted to watch the Mother Warriiors and alert Us if any moves of a threatening nature were made on their part. They had already let Me know that they had felt called forth to protect Me and that they had a job to do, no matter what else was going on. As soon as the Mother Warriors saw My attention
on the Father Warriors, they redoubled their hissing, jeering and
shouting until I didn't think I was gong to get to have any communication
with the Father Warriors. The Father Warriors did not like it that
the Mother Warriors felt they had power because they could not be
controlled. They wanted to go after them and do whatever it took to
force them into submission. Through their spokesmen, I told the Father
Warriors that I did not like what was happening either but that a
God could not be loving and also get rid of living things and tha
no matter how they made Us feel, the Mother Warriors were livning
things that had to be given a chance.
p.163 Nonetheless, the Father Warriors
assembled by marching into lines before Me like they had rehearsed
military drills before they ever emerged. The Father Warriors did not say anything to oppose Me and, in fact, made a great display of giving Me their complete attention and allegiance. I soon found in the speeches they later gave in response that they had not really received Me here. The first thing the
Father Warriors did was blame the disorder of emergence on Me. Again,
their spokesmen did the talking while their rank and file sat in obedient
concurrence. The spokesmen said that they had wanted to emerge for
a long time but that I had not provided them with an appropriate place
of emergence.They said that they had not wanted to emerge
in response to orgasm because they did not approve of it. In fact,
they took this opportunity to blame sexual desire and pleasure-seeking
for everything that they viewed as wrong with My Creation. What they
did not directly blame on sex, they blamed on the Mother's insubordination
and My weak leadership, which was still sexual as far as they were
concerned. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.`164 been trying to help
them with problems they were having maintaining their forms. He had
not had any more success than I had had. The Rainbow Spirits, like most
of the other spirits, were going to have to have more experience before
they would be able to see that they had misinterpreted My intent. I
had loving intent, whether I understood everything I was doing at first
or not. The Rainbow Spirits had loving intent and We all had guilt.
At that time, We did not realize that guilt was an unloving thing to
have. We did not know what was going to happen as a result of the presence
of guilt. We had many problems manifesting the Creation and We have
many problems to heal now, but they are healable if there is intent
to heal them. Forgiveness is a very
important part of this healing,
because it is not possible to go back and change
what has already happened except by changing the way we feel about it.
The Will cannot be pressured to forgive before it is really ready because
the forgiveness would not be real, but intent to reach forgiveness
can allow intense old emotions to move without continuing old hostilities.
The Will has to go through all of its pain and then forgive everything.
Judging the Will, no matter how subtly, for how long it takes to do
this, is not giving it the acceptance it needs. Spirit has to respond
to the Will with the feelings it has also. Spirit has responsibility
for causing the Will's response and Spirit has to let the Will know
how it feels about the Will's response to it. You have to understand,
it is not a one way street to balance this. The Spirit cannot just preach
to the Will and the Will cannot just rave on without Spirit helping
Will to understand itself. p.165
I want to give some examples
of how some people have manifested sexual guilt in their lives. The
examples I'm going to use are groups of people that are known in the
United States because they have received media coverage. The media coverage
has made them well known enough to be examples from which many can learn.
Before I discuss them, I would like to list some judgments that need
to be given up now. "I forgive myself for having believed
for so long that ~~~" is the preface for all of these judgments: |
p.164 The Father Warriors then said that they had emerged when they did because the Mother's last transgression had aroused a fury in them that let them know they could not allow this sort of thing to continue any longer. They said that recent events had forced them to emerge whether they were ready or not and that they had emerged in disorder because their emergence had been an emergency response to the Mother Warriors who were pouring forth with intent to try to kill Me. "Nonetheless," they continued, "our emergence proves that sexual pleasure is not necessary for the emergence of spirits. Pleasure-seeking is all the Mother Warriors seem to want and we, " the FatherWarriors said, "want You to know that the Mother Warriors are not a part of us. We have emerged to protect You." The spokesmen then told Me
that the Father Warriors wanted to show Me how they had planned and
intended to emerge since their sudden and unplanned emergence had
prevented them from doing so. "We have an aversion to the use of force, of course, just like everyone else does, but we have no alternative when words are p.165 not enough to stop spirits from transgressing the limitations they have been given. "We have emerged to
protect the Father but this does not mean that He is weak. To the
contrary, We are a display of strength on His part. The time has come
for God to command your respect and your obedience, for only through
respect and obedience can we have the kind of order necessary to live
together in Creation. The Father Warriors then gave a closing ceremony that made the Mother Warriors so mad that they reversed any ground We might have gained in quieting them down by hissing and jeering even louder than they had before. The Father Warriors ' closing ceremony made it clear how they viewed the Mother and all who took after Her or shared Her viewpoint by giving validated pressence only to the Father's side. The Father Warriors all stood and saluted and pledged allegiance only to Me and gave symbolic embellishment to this by using colors and images that had to do only with Me. They brought forward nothing of the Mother. The Father Warriors dealt
with the Mother Warriors' attempt to disrupt this ceremony by appearing
to completely ignore it to such an extent that I felt regret for having
given them this advice. When the ceremonies ended, they filed out
in lines and marched to positions facing the Mother Warriors. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.`166 There are many on Earth who think that guilt is not a problem for them anymore, and it is largely for these people that I am going to give the examples I am now going to give although p.167 |
p.166 When the Mother Warriors saw the Father Warriors'
closing ceremonies, they decided to turn to
the Ronalokas as the only audience they might gain who would have
sympathy for their viewpoint. The Ronalokas did not like the forms
the Mother Warriors had taken on and they did not like their approach
of fighting. The Ronalokas treasured what they considered to be the
entire beauty and majesty of the Will and did not align only with
its rage as Mother Warriors seemed to do. While some Ronalokas could
identify with what the Mother Warriors saw, most of the Ronalokas
were too frightened and guilty to identify with the Mother Warriors
at all. The Ronalokas have since regretted this many times because
of the way they have been treated by the Father Warriors, but at this
time, all of that lay ahead of them and they could not see it because
they were too busy avoiding their fear of it. Guilt in the Ronalokas told them they should try to put forth an image of all that was good about the Mother. This caused many of the Ronalokas to deny even more of their rage and also their fear since these emotions had received so much judgment against them. This denied Will essence went, of course, into the ranks of the Mother Warriors since it had been judged to be like them and felt it had no other place to go. The Ronalokas then felt embarassed that some of the Mother Warriors seemed strongly magnetically attracted to them. They did not know it was their own denied Will essence that was causing this. Many times, Ronalokas have been accused of Black p.167 The Mother Warriors hated
the limitation of having their freedom of movement in creation restricted
by the Father Warriors and they countered this by doing everything
they could to make sure the Father Warriors would feel unwelcome in
the space the Mother Warriors were occupying. The Mother Warriors
felt powerless here and covered their fear with threatening mannerisms
which they hoped would intimidate the Father Warriors enough to keep
them from pushing the Mother Warriors any further out into the darkness
than they already were. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.`168 Light is necessary for life, although Lucifer told many it was not, and that they should not need it. He shamed many spirits into thinking they were like babies who refused to be weaned when they wanted to continue receiving my light instead of making their own. This also has to be forgiven now. Receiving light from Me is not wrong, it is necessary. If I am not fully present when you open in orgasm, you do not take in light, you take in death. If you have some part of yourself that you do not accept, and everyone does, I am not fully present. Does this mean that you have to give up sex until you are fully healed? This would be ideal if you could do it, but as I have said, living is a question of balance. The denial involved in suppressing sexual energy would not promote healing anymore than having sex in the presence of denial would. Because of this, there was a long time during which I felt uncertain about how healing could take place. I finally realized that intent makes the difference. Gaining understanding also helps. As long as most people believed that having sex was taking them to hell, they went ahead and helped themselves along their way. Now if people find out that it is alright to have sex in the presence of love, they will be able to start increasing the light. Getting alignment in the part of you that is still vibrating is a most important first step. Then reaching the layers of denial as they have readiness to unfold themselves to you is the next phase of healing. If you have intent to heal, you need to know that it is not wrong to go at the speed that feels right to you. If you have an urgent driven feeling about the healing that you need to do, you need to go to the fear that lies underneath this. The urgency is not wrong, it is letting you know that you are terribly afraid for your own survival. If you are afraid for your survival, you have good reason to be, but giving the presence of the fear the recognition and aceptance that it needs and allow- p.169 On the other hand, if you are talking healing, but not getting down to business, you have fear also. You have to go to the fear and let it move. Guilt may be another reason; you may have so much guilt telling you your emotions are unacceptable, dangerous, too intense of whatever your judgments are against them, that you may need to start by recognizing judgments and giving release here first. Some call this giving yourself permission. You will have to accompany this approach by feeling your fear of emotional expression.
FRAGMENTATION INCARNATING INTO SUCCESSIVE GENERATIONS Now, to the examples of generations in America: I have chosen these examples because they have received enough public attention that they are known to many, because they had denials that need to be looked at now, and, not surprisingly, because they are incarnations of groups I have already mentioned in this book. These people all had denials that incarnated as children in their families, which is why I want to give these examples now. When sexual relationships take place in the presence of denial, you may not get the spirit you think you are going to get when you have a child. Most of the children born of these relationships are not really spirits; they are fragments of spirits or denied Will of the spirits involved. They have karma with their parents and they have reflections to give. How lovingly or unlovingly the reflections are given is dependent upon the judgments held in the situation and the amount of love present in the judgments. If these families have love among the fragments and just lack understanding on how to keep fragmentation from happening, they feel more complete as a family unit. If there is lack of love and acceptance toward the essence that has fragmented, these families are more comfortable separated from one another than they |
p.168 The Mother Warriors sensed this fear in the Father Warriors but there was so much denial going on that the Mother Warriors felt they could not do anything but use this fear against the Father Warriors in order to keep the Father Warriors from crushing them. The Mother Warriors felt
very pressured by the line of Father Warriors that was preventing
them from coming any further into Creation than they already were.
The Mother Warriors wanted the Father Warriors to move back and give
them more space to move around. Since the Father Warriors were unresponsive
here, the Mother Warriors made an offer to move back themselves as
a gesture of goodwill. They let the Father Warriors know that they
did not need to complain of their space being restricted by the Mother
Warriors because the Father Warriors would be welcomed to step into
the space the Mother warriors were vacating by stepping back. The
way in which the Mother Warriors made this offer implied that the
Father Warriors were afraid to come any farther into the darkness
than they already were and also triggered fear in the Father Warriors
that the Mother Warriors intended to lure them into the darkness and
trap them there. p.169 The Father Warriors had to
think of a way to avoid stepping into the space the Mother Warriors
were opening to them without allowing it to appear that they were
afraid to step into the darkness. The Father Warriors said that the
Mother Warriors were free to move anywhere they wanted to in the darkness
and that Father Warriors would step into their space if they wanted
to, but that the Father Warriors wanted it made clear that Mother
Warriors did not have the power to tell Father Warriors how, when
or where they could move. The Father Warriors went on to say that
so far, they had found it unappealing to enter Mother Warrior space. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.`170 p.171 The parents here had
faced this reflection before in Europe and had no better idea how to
heal it there than they had when they faced it again in their children.
The guilt was not recognized then, nor was it known that underneath
the guilt lay denied emotions that were empowering their fragments.
For example, fear was being held in a state of denial
when these people left Europe. Their fear had been judged as
something that would hold them back. In trying to leave
their fears behind instead of taking them in and healing them, the fears
had received the judgment that they were not to move and show
themselves for what they were because fears were limiting, unacceptable
and a sign of weakness. |
p.170 It appeared to Me that the
Father Warriors had the power to push the Mother Warriors out into
the darkness and be rid of them. I was not sure why the Father Warriors
didn't do this given the hatred and rage they were expressing toward
the Mother Warriors. I hoped they were following My example of not
annihilating living things, but in watching them, I realized that
the Father Warriors did not want to eliminate the Mother Warriors
because the Father Warriors feared that then they would have no more
reason to be. I saw that the Father Warriors were perpetuating
conflicts they claimed they had come forth to solve so that they could
continue to feel they had a reason to be. I could see
that they had more fear of loss of reason to be than they had
actual respect for the Mother Warriors' lives. p.171 The Father Warriors agreed
to keep their skirmishes as small as possible but insisted it was
impossible to accept a ban on fighting because they could not allow
the Mother Warriors a chance to threaten Creation any more than they
already were. The Father Warriors also refused to give Me any agreement
on how they were going to treat other living things. They insisted
that they gave out only what others asked for and that they could
not predict what this was going to be. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.`172 This generation of guilt was holding denied fear and also denied anger. The guilt that was not allowing the emotions to move made it appear as though fear and anger were entities, separate from one another and unable to mingle and balance because of the lack of real movement. [see Green Book p.185] The fear fragments made and
enforced the rules, sometimes with the help of certain kinds of anger
fragments. Most of the denied anger manifested as a parallel batch of
fragments whose lives made it appear as though all the limitations and
rules were necessary. p.173 Although this generation
had many inventors, innovators and creative people that brought America
into what could be termed the "modern world", they still had
denials involved that did not allow them the success they could have
if they attained the balance that healing is needing to bring now. |
p.172 The Will didn't understand
its reflective nature either and when it did not meet acceptance for
what it was reflecting, the Will often felt that it must abandon true
response in favor of something more acceptable to those around it.
The Will was judging against itself for the feelings it had, not realizing
it was only reflecting what it received. p.173 To successfully free themselves of domination by the Warriors, the Ronalokas must come to understand their true nature and come into enough self-acceptance to move out the guilt that holds the Warriors present in their lives. This is not an outer battle that needs to be fought, but an inner surrender to old pain that needs to move. This pain had been held for so long the |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.`174 That begat the Hippies
instead. They were horrified to find that everything they had worked
to give their children was going unappreciated.
Their children were throwing it all away for drugs, sex, and rock and
roll. The parents thought the children had a feeling that nothing was
good enough for them because they didn't appreciate what they had been
given. They didn't want to work; they wanted to loaf instead. They didn't
want to pay taxes; they wanted to take the government for everything
they could. They didn't care about law and order; they demonstrated
and started riots. Instant gratification was all they cared about and
they didn't care how they got it. The rebellion of their children caught
these parents almost totally by surprise. They had thought their children
were going off to war and they burned their draft cards instead. p.175 The kids got mad but they did
not win. They got put down whether they knew it or not. Who were these
kids and where did they come from? The generations on both sides had the guilt that manifested in between and told them that they had to hold themselves back, that it was wrong to expand freely, and that they had to have regulations and limits put on them so that they would go forward in an orderly manner. The guilt fragments reflected judgments held by those they were limiting. There were many judgments here, but the core consisted of the belief that Free Will was immoral and selfish and that doing what they wanted to do was chaotic and impossible in the presence of others. Fear and anger that was not moving held these judgments in place so that guilt could use them to oppose freedom of movement here. |
p.174 The Ronalokas need to move with this now, but they must first understand that they will have different results this time if they move first within themselves instead of in the presence of the guilt they have been facing for so long in the form of the Father Warriors. The Ronalokas held back their emergence for a long time because of their original rejection and I had to admit that I was pressuring the Mother to hold them back. I was having such a hard time with the Mother I did not realize that more help on Her end would have made it easier. I was caught in the image that more spirits like Her would make it harder. When the Ronalokas finally did emerge, they knew this and they tried to abdicate as much of their nature as they could in an effort to please Me. This resulted in large amounts of fragmentation of Will essence that became even more lost and confused than the Ronalokas already were. Because of the magnetic nature of the Ronalokas, these fragments did not move very far away from them and have embarassed the Ronalokas by reflecting just what they were trying to get rid of in themselves. Because of their fragmentation, the Ronalokas have not been able to align very well as a group and this is most of the reason that the Ronalokas have not liked being part of any group picture being made of them. As I went now to look at the Ronalokas, what I saw before Me was a very frightened and fragmented bunch of Will Spirits who had become unable to recognize themselves as the Will Polarity of the Angels. I feel great grief when I look at these pictures now because the Ronalokas looked like unwanted children trying to pretend that they were grown up enough to cope with all the rejection they were receiving and I did not move My own feelings enough to recognize this at the time and reach out to them in any way that could really help them. They felt that I had abandoned them before they emerged and that very soon after emergence, their Mother was no longer there for them either. The Father of Manifestation was all the Ronalokas felt there was for them and He was overwhelmed by the numbers of spirits who needed His help. Not knowing where they fit in or if they even did fit in, the p.175 The Father Warriors, like
the Angels, had also rejected their Wills. It was not possible for
them to see that the Mother Warriors were their own Will Polarity
reflecting the lack of alignment that was felt there. The Ronalokas
gave in to the presence of the Father Warriors more than they actually
accepted them because they felt they had no alternative. Because
of this, the Ronalokas have been saddled with the wrong Spirit Polarity
for all their manifested existence. The Ronalokas had given in
so much to the Father Warriors by the time I came to see them that
I had feelings it was not possible to make them know Me as the God
I felt I was anymore. The Ronalokas' guilt was causing them to believe
that what the Father Warriors told them was true, and the Father Warriors
had many images of Me that I did not embrace. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
Healing needs this fragmentation to end. To end it, sexual relations must become wholly acceptable in the sight of God, no matter what form they take, and self-acceptance must replace denial. To do this, you need to recognize the denials involved which are not recognized, or the outward manifestations of opposition to your purpose could not be happening. It is important to understand that orgasm can manifest fragments, whether you have a child or not. The energy involved can go to another fragment who already has affinity for the denials involved. If you are not fragmenting into your own children, or giving birth to fragments you have already created, you are still losing essence if you have denial involved in orgasm, and everyone does. This essence has to find a home and it will go to the magnetic energy that draws it in. This essence may go to a stranger who has a magnetic draw for what you are denying. Rage has frequently done this,
when it breaks loose, if guilt is not strongly present enough to keep
it from moving.There is a particular kind of self-righteous rage, which
has denied guilt, that often goes out this way to punish the ones it
holds responsible for how it feels. This is a blaming rage that does
not feel guilty at the time it is expressing the rage side of the cycle.
Because this rage is going out in a denied state, it has no acceptance
from the ones denying it. Rage of this sort is accompanied by an entire
set of instructions in the form of judgments, but the one I want to
mention right now is a judgment present in one form or another
that says: "this rage is not really me; I'm somebody else when
I rage like this." Many spiritual leaders have cautioned against
allowing yourself to feel rage, but this gives it an even more serious
denial than if you allow yourself to know you have it. Rage needs to
gain acceptance with the ones who are really feeling it, and be healed
there. p.177 Whether or not Hippies are the biological parents of these children, the offspring of their generation is growing up now as the New Wave, Punkers, and also the right-wing conservatives that have even gone into fundamentalism under the leadership of the guilt generation. The punkers and New wavers have the rage and undercurrent blame of the Hippies that is too guilty to move, but wants to make a statement, nonetheless. While the anger pretends it has no fear or guilt, the right wing has the denied fear which holds the guilt present. The breadth of the split in the manifested forms there reflects the split in the parental part of the spirits involved between their own rage and fear. This gap, or split, is filled in by guilt and blame that attacks both the self and others in recognizable phases. You need to understand that your rage and fear must come together for the place of true power to be found. As long as there is imbalance here, power is imbalanced. The way to bring balance here is to allow yourself to feel fear and terror until the fear and terror breaks into anger and rage of its own accord. Let the grief that needs to suface here surface in an atmospere of acceptance also. It has something to say about your feelings toward power. If you have rage first, allow the same process in reverse. Rage until you feel fear and terror and allow the grief. A word of caution is needed here. I do not regard it as wise to go forth and unleash these emotions on the ones that are triggering you unless you have full understanding of what you are |
p.176 The magnetic nature of the Ronalokas made it nearly impossible to send this Lost Will essence very far away no matter how heavily it was denied or how many times the Ronalokas tried to get rid of it by fragmenting themselves. This Lost Will presence also stayed close to the Ronalokas because guilt told the Ronalokas that they could not escape this reflection because this was what the Will was really like. Intuition told the Ronalokas that denial was wrong. The Ronalokas had not liked receiving denial themselves and this is another reason they allowed Lost Will essence to remain so mixed in with them. The Ronalokas knew what it felt like to be lost and rejected. They did not want to make anyone else feel that way but neither could they really align with the Will essence that was in such a denied and fragmented state. Movement of emotion in the
Ronalokas is going to help put all of this essence in its right place.
The Ronalokas need to move out their old fears of what right place
is for the Will. It is not going to be the Hell they have feared it
was gong to be. The Ronalokas feel caught in a bind in which they are called p.177 Because the Ronalokas have not been able to resolve the question of what they really experienced here, they have felt a split in themselves. One side of the split felt they could not trust their own perceptions and the other side of the split felt they could not know or trust Me. They also experienced a split in their emotions. The crack opened by this split gave the Ronalokas their own gap. The Ronalokas are all gapped
as a result of this experience and a gap is nothing to take lightly.
The Ronalokas who know it is there have tried to cope with it by trying
to keep everything calm and on an even keel. The
healing of this gap needs many understandings which I will give in
the course of these teachings. The starting point is allowing yourself
to recognize its pressence and to begin moving the fear that it cannot
be healed. The Ronalokas had a longing to find the Mother but they did not like the darkness She had gone into. They felt it was impossible to go into the darkness without the presence of some Spirit light to guide them. They hoped it would be My light. They hoped I would gather them up and that We would all go and look for the Mother together. The Ronalokas knew as they saw Me looking at them that this was not going to happen and they feared that I was not going to give them their hearts' desire. The Ronalokas had already feared |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.`178 p.179 |
p.178 I felt I could not continue
trying to approach them because it was having the effect of seeming
to push them away. i remained where I was and asked the Ronalokas
how they felt and what they wanted to do. I felt uplifted by
their song and gave them the input that it felt good to Me. They were
able to receive this light from Me but what was held back felt that
I did not care to notice it and that if I did, it would not feel good. I felt there was more to it than this. I felt that the Ronalokas could not remain present with Me for the same reasons the Mother had been unable to remain present with Me. Although p.179 The Ronalokas could feel
themselves being drawn out into space.They feared this and they felt
powerless to stop it. The Angels had not claimed them as they had
hoped might happen even though they had tried to present the most
positive image they could. All that seemed left for the Ronalokas
was to hope that the Warriors would give them some Spirit presence
so that they did not have to feel so alone in what was happening to
them. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.`180 p.181 pared to reversals in
the past. T his is because it is time to heal now, but you also need
to understand that fatigue has played more of a role here than you realize.
If this period of laying back [sic]
does not bring real resolution, there will be another skirmish between
the spirits and their own denials that will end their existence as spirits. Originally, Lucifer told
the spirits that death was nothing, and he was right; death is nothing.
Lucifer then told the spirits they had nothing to fear. He sneered at
the ones who feared, and many denied their fear in favor of looking
brave in the eys of others. |
p.180 The entire Will-Body
Polarity had emerged in a state of denial and confusion because I
had been pressuring against allowing it to emerge at all. I have guilt
that this had to be the way it was. I did not know that My denied
fear of the Mother was interfering with Her ability to fulfill Her
role and thus making it appear that She fulfilled the judgments I
held against Her. I expected the Mother warriors
to go next and I was very surprised when they allowed the Father Warriors
to cross their lines in spite of their tremendous uproar. The Mother Warriors taunted the Father Warriors and the Ronalokas as they left. They tried to make the Ronalokas feel that they had unburdened the Mother Warriors by taking the Father Warriors along with them and they tried to make the Father Warriors feel that they had lost by making this move because it allowed the Mother Warriors to move inside the Father Warriors' line. Since all the Father Warriors did not go with the Ronalokas, they retorted that they had left plenty of their numbers to keep the Mother Warriors in line. The Mother Warriors insisted that this was wrong and that now they could focus on bringing down the Godhead as they had planned from the beginning, but really, they felt abandoned and as though there was not much left for them to do. p.181 To Me, they looked like a bunch of children trying their hardest to take on all the mannerisms they felt would make them seem to be grown up. There was something rebellious that I felt in their behavior, and yet, underneath they were more afraid than they had let even themselves know. I, Myself had not looked
to Earth for quite some time because I was avoiding making contact
with the Mother. I knew that some healing had taken place on Earth
but I was not sure what the Ronalokas and the Warriors were going
to find there. I watched the Ronalokas and
the Father Warriors until I felt they had reached Earth. As they drifted
away from Me, they looked smaller and smaller until it appeared as
though their light was a tiny ship in a great dark sea, searching
for an unknown land. I had a strange and empty feeling. When I turned
toward home, I asked the Father of Manifestation to do everything
He could to help the spirits who had gone to Earth. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
p.`182 When Lucifer said that death is nothing, he shamed the Will into feeling that it was not right to feel as it did about death. The Spirit is
not magnetic, and so, to it, Lucifer did not seem wrong in what he said
here. The Spirit has been easily able to let go of death and rise above
it. Many Spirits think they have to reincarnate to teach others how
to do this. They have not realized it is their own missing parts they
have to help, nor have they wanted to realize that they cannot tell
these parts to do as they have done. The Will cannot vibrate
in the presence of nothing without feeling a pain so extreme that it
does not want to vibrate anymore. This has caused the Will to stop vibrating
wherever it has touched death, or nothing. Once a part of the Will stops
vibrating, all other essence is affected and must either slow down or
stop vibrating, depending upon how close it is to the problem. Essence
in motion cannot go against essence that is not moving without having
pain that makes it want to stop moving. Holding back does not
allow the vibration necessary for life, and so, once a part of the Will
stops vibrating, it is only a matter of time until the rest of the Will
stops vibrating. Movement, such as emotional expression or orgasm, has
, in the past, intensified the pain of the essence whose vibration is
touching essence that can no longer move to open space to receive it.
p.183 The
Will has a terror of opening, when it does not know what it is going
to receive because of the initial experience of opening to receive
nothing. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
p.`184 Once the Will took in nothing in part of itself, it closed around this nothingness in an effort not to expand into it or feel it anymore. The Will did not know that by doing this, it was going to kill itself little by little, because moving essence could not pound against something that was not moving without feeling a pain that would also make it stop moving. Over time, this nothingness held in the Will has become very deeply buried beneath many layers of Will essence that have stopped vibrating. I have never been able to fill the motionless parts of the Will with light because the Will has not been able to allow Me to touch it here. The pain in the Will has been so great when it has tried to move that it has been unsure whether it was receiving Me or dying all over again. I want to clarify here that the experience of dying is not the same thing as death itself. Spirit did not understand the process the Will needed to clear itself of death, and so, did not accept the Will here. This has meant that the Will's attempts to clear death out were not given Light or love by the Spirit. This has conditioned the Will to feel that it cannot move death out the way it feels it needs to without receiving more denial. Spirit has, for a long time, had guilt that it was a survivor and Will apparently was not. I also thought for a while that the Will was seeking death and avoiding Me because the Will seemed to be so resistant to My efforts to give light. I have now learned how light must be given to this part of the Will to enable it to move death out. It must be done in just the right way or it will not work. When I have tried to
heal the Will of this pain in the past, I have thought it would never
be free of this pain or stop nagging Me about it. I have healed most
of the Will in the past, but I have never gotten the Will to release
the clench of death it has been holding ever since it took in nothingness.
Because of this, the
p.185 will has always gone into a reversal of its healibng. This has both infuriated and frightened Me. My Will has also felt rage at Me for not healing Her and terror that I cannot heal Her. At times, I have abandoned the Will here, because I did not know what else I could do. I needed space from Her to handle My fear that I was inadequate and impotent to handle the problem, and I needed the detachment to lift into the overview to see how I could help Her. The Will has interpreted this detachment as a lack of love for Her, as abandonment and a lack of concern for Her plight. At times, I did have these feelings, but over all, I knew I had love for Her and that I must find some way to rescue Her. The Will has tried to handle Her terror of death by giving in to it as much as She could to see if there was any way that She could accept it. She had guilt telling Her She must make a place for everything or She was not unconditional loving acceptance. The Will has not found any way to lovingly accept death. After a long time of trying to accept death and of hiding Her feelings about this frm Me, She has approached Me and told Me that She cannot bear to hold it anymore. We have finally come together in the understanding that acceptance for death means knowing it for exactly what it is and accepting true feelings here. The Will has fragmented many times, trying to get death out by pushing out the part holding the death. These fragments are overwhlemed by the experiences they have had as a result of this. The Will has been terrified that death was an incurable disease because the more She tried to push it out, the more of it there was. This is because fragmenting to get rid of the part that held the death only created more places that were missing their essence and thus, were nothing. The Will now know that She has to release the death She has been holding for so long and that no Will essence that has desire for life is to go with death when She releases it. Death has to go outside of Me, and Will knows that this must be done by feeling all the essence that has died and bringing it back to life so that only the empty space that belongs outside of Me goes outside of Me. Those who still do not want to understand what life is and what death is will have to go out there also and experience the opposite of Me. It has not been pleasant for the Will to experience nothingness taking over Her when light, life and love is what She seeks. It has been unbearable torture, in fact. To clear this, |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
p.`186 This book has been a
preface of sorts for what I have to say next. The spirits who have to
begin healing first are the ones that emerged first. If they don't start
healing, there is no point in holding out hope for the rest, whose emergence
story I have not yet given. All the rest of the spirits, whose emergence
I have not yet given, are Will polarized spirits. They complement the
Spirit polarized emergences of the Godhead. Having the properties
of the Will, they are responsive and not originating.They have
to get their information later, because they have to know that what
they have to move is going to be accepted by the Spirit polarity. They
have desire to heal and if they receive rejection from the Spirit polarity
now, they are going to have to come into Me. I have room for them, but
this is not their first choice because they have emerged to be what
they are.
p.187 Guilt is not your reason to heal now, however. You have to feel like it is right time for you and that you have a desire to regain what you have lost since you emerged. If you have the feeling that you are a fragment of Lost Will of one of the great spirits that has emerged already and you have fear that you are going to die in the form you are in now and go back into the parental part of the spirit you need to allow yourself to go through whatever feelings you have about this. If you heal as much as you can, you will find out whether you are right about this or not. Understanding is also necesary for the Lost Will that has fear of this. If you left, you will not go back in until you are ready; if you came into existence by being denied without enough essence from another part of your spirit, you do not have the consciousness that would read this and feel you could heal from it. IN other words, the people that are not evolving on Earth are people who are denied fragments that cannot heal in the form they are in, or they are spirits who have no desire to heal at this time anyway. Understanding will allow you to go through the feelings you need to go through and survive them. Many denials have taken place in the past when spirits have feared they could not survive the feelings they were having. If you do have to go back into another part of your spirit, you will have readiness when the time comes. If you are not ready, then it is not the right time because this time, the essence that goes back together needs to have alignments so that this time, it can stay together. I would like to mention also, that even though the Godhead Spirits all emerged in a sexless form that was more masculine than anything else, the presence they have on Earth has polarized into both sexes The delineation is no longer defined the way it was originally. There is Spirit and Will polarized into both sexes. I will be giving more understandings on this as I go along. For now, allow yourself to understand this in the ways that seem most logical to you. I have many people I have not mentioned on Earth. By far and away, the majority of them are fragments that cannot heal in the form they are in now. The generations that I have mentined as My examples all have presence in the orders that have already emerged. The Angels have a relationship with the Rainbow Spirits that has intent to be loving, but has been permeated with guilt so far. This has to change now. The Angels need to understand that I did not parent them more because I favored |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
p.189 you had taken in as much as you could, and you believed you had the understandings you needed and you put the book down now? It would be easy for you to feel that guilt is to blame for everything that has happened in its presence. This is not full understanding, but it is not wrong if you need to go through a phase of feeling this toward guilt. The feeling of needing to look away when you get full is not wrong either. (sic) What is wrong is lack of movement here. There is no way I can give you more understanding than you have readiness to receive, but you must make yourself ready to receive more by having the eperiences you need and moving your Will in response so that there is expansion in which more understanding can be received. If you close around something and hold onto it for long, it loses light. The question of balance demands that I say here that you cannot go through the motions of movement and get the result you are needing unless you understand what movement really is. You are going to learn a lot about this in the next book when you see an entire order of spirits emerge who have confused body frenzy with vibration of essence. If at any time you need to look away and have experiences in order to understand and become ready to receive more, do not forget that understandings have a motion also. They will deepen in time if they get the experiences they need, and this deepening brings them more light. The understanding on guilt is going to be this way, as is everything else if you really understand it. Guilt is not to blame, even if what happened in its presence makes you want to blame something. Blame is alright to have, but it is only another side of the guilt. First it pushes on you and then you push on it. This has been going on forever and needs to end now. There is no way you can have a successful battle with guilt, but you need to go through all the emotions as though you are having a battle with it in order to get through any emotional charge you have around guilt Then you will be able to let it go, which is the only way it can leave. The opposition guilt has presented has not been wrong. As long as there is any room for guilt, opposition is necessary. The reason I say this is because I had gaps between Myself and My Will. As long as these gaps exist, guilt and death are going to fill them. When you have guilt and death present, you cannot move ahead unconditionally because they do not move. If the Will is not there to help the Spirit move, the Spirit does not move, because the Will must open the space for the Spirit to |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
p.`190 When the Will is fully vibrating and the light of the Spirit is filling all the space the Will opens, there is no way for guilt to reverse you or hold you back until death sets in. When this is not the case, being held back or even reversed is the right thing. Spirit expanding without Will to focus it, guide it and let it know what it is doing is a death-creating event. There are plenty of examples of ungrounded expansionism on Earth right now to teach you what I mean here. Will expanding without Spirit to fill it is also death dealing since the Will has the power to manifest and will manifest whatever it receives. You have to understand that the arms race is an issue here that has to be solved through the healing of Lost Will, and yet, the Will is not to blame here. I don't want to comment on this anymore right now, except to say that I have weariness with allowing Myself to be held back and I must get moving now. If you have looked away from Me for so long that you have lost movement in parts of yourself, you need to remember that looking away must be followed by looking back to Me again when you have readiness for more light. In this way, you can get the dosage of Me that you need without Me having to hold Myself back for you. The presence
of guilt caused Me to believe that i must hold Myself back until others
could catch up. in doing this, I found that everything slows down and
nothing catches up. This is a
p.191 The
past is never past as long as you have lost essence trapped there.
If you have not yet experienced the reality of living in several |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
p.193 press myself anymore, I will not be light anymore. If I have to shut down and hold back, I cannot generate enough light to nourish everything. On the other hand, if you have a limited ability to receive light, there are many places you can go to find a comfortable level of light that meets your needs. Right place is the place that feels most comfortable, no matter what you may have to release to find it. Do not think that right place necessarily means thay you are always going to be in the same place. You need to evolve at the speed that feels right for you, but you cannot evolve unless you find self-acceptance first. You are what you are, and pretending to be something else is not going to help you find your right place. Lost Will is holding what you have not wanted to accept about yourself. Does this necessarily make you what Lost Will has been? No, judgment against the Lost Will has made it what it is now. It has to be understood that Lost Will gives the reflection of what it has been judged to be, rather than what it really is. Lost Will has received heavy conditioning that it is what the judgments have told it it is. Deconditioning it now is not going to be easy but it must be done. Guilt is not going to be around much longer to let you oppose Me or the healing of the Lost Will, so you need to get to know yourself, at least enough to allow yourself to clarify your intent. If you have intent to heal, you will not go wrong. If it is not right time for you, be hohest enough to let yourself know it. False healing can be more damaging than just accepting your lack of readiness, because false healing will take you into areas that you are not ready to accept or understand. This has the potential for big reversals. When you heal or how fast you move is not to be made into another status symbol, competition for superiorty or race for position. There are many old misunderstandings that are going to come up around this healing. These misunderstandings were questions originally that became judgments in premature attempts to answer them. Some of the questions are; Is oldest best, most experienced and most wise? Is oldest closest to Me? Is closest to Me favored over farther away? Is more light better or superior to less light/ Is color of light ordered in preference according to speed of vibration? Is guilt necessary for love to have a conscience? Is having a conscience necessary to be loving? |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
p.194 In the next book, you
are going to see some orders of spirits emerge that intend to prove
to Me that the Will is not necessary, and you will find that they are
the Warriors. I have mentioned already. They have a lesson to give that
needs to be understood now. They have intent to kill the Will and get
rid of everything that reminds them of it. They have to go off Earth
because Earth is the Will polarity planet of
My Creation. They need to go before they kill the Earth
or make it so hard for the Earth to heal that the Earth gives up Her
desire to recover.
p.195 Hatred for the Mother is
the most prevalent emotion among the Warriors and they have many murdering
rapists in their ranks, even though they will all venerate an image
of the Mother and say that they worship it. This does not mean that
they are all Catholics, but it does mean that they seek to murder
subtly here, because frozen images are not allowed the vibration necessary
to sustain life. Women who have tried to emulate this imagery are
slowly committing suicide. The feminists are their angry fragments
who know their survival is threatened. What the Will polarity needs now is to be triggered by not |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
p.196 Allowing terror to move
means allowing light in to it and moving out the guilt that says you
are wrong to be so terriified of death.The desire to seek life has to
allow itself to move away from death. Anything literally frozen in terror
cannot save its own life.
p.197 Rage often holds back in the fear that it will play its last card and not succeed. Rage hates the terror for reminding it of this. You are going to have to experience this healing to know that it is not wrong. If you have preference for denying this information, it is not right time for you. If you have intent to seek life, but have a feeling that this could not really be the way, remain open. Right time can come at any moment. There may be many times that you will want Me or someone to tell you what to do next or give you an understanding you're sure you need. Feel your fear and anger, your rage and terror here as much as you can first, because more often than not , feeling it more brings the information you need. Someone else may be able to give you some help at times, but no one else can do this for you. You have to take responsibility that is yours now and allow Me to give you what is My responsibility to give. I am a loving God, but you need to understand that it is not always loving the way you have defined love in the past. I am the highest vibration there is, but speed is not all there is to being the highest. If speed was all that defined Me, Lucifer would be God in My place. I have something to say now to the people that must have something else move first before they can go ahead with their healing: You need to have something else move first and your response will be what heals you. If you have response to anything I have said here, do not allow yourself to move it in any place that does not feel safe to you. If you have no safe place, you need to move the fear that there is no place that has acceptance for you first, before you push past it with other feelings. There is no way that you really have no right place, but you cannot find it if you have no acceptance for yourself. Many Will polarity people, and Body too, have tried to be something else because of the way they have been denied their right place. They may have trouble recognizing themselves at first because of this. The presence of Lost will has also made it hard for the Will polarity to feel good about itself because Lost Will gives the reflection of Will holding judgments, rather than the reflection of the Will itself. Another understanding you need now is that you had consciousness within Me for a long time before you emerged, and you need to work with what is getting triggered around this. If you have rage at the feeling of being held back here, you have the Spirit's rage at feeling held back by the Will. The Will does |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
p.198 I intend to end now by
giving you My blessing and saying unto you that I have love to give
to all who have desire to seek love from Me and that healing intent
is the reason why I am now speaking forth as I am. If you have intent
to heal, you will find the loving presence within which you can heal.
Opening to receive love is the gift that healing the Will brings to
you. Love is the Will's response to receiving love. When
you love all of yourself, the reflection around you will be all loving.
When you accept all of yourself, the reflection will be all accepting.
Rachel: Completion of the graphical edition of both books on July 4, 2012, 8:06, an hour before ....
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything "If there is a God who has any power, then why is it the way that it is on Earth?" The ways in which people have answered this question have consisted mostly of rationalizations designed to help better accept what their feelings do not want to accept. The Unseen Role of Denial is why it's been the way it's been. When we deny parts of ourselves, these parts can become so lost from us that they find other ways to express, even expressing through other people. This book begins the story of our ancient beginnings and the misunderstandings born from lack of experience". |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations When the Will receives judgment instead of love and light, it becomes lost from the light and thus the term, "Lost Will." The definition of love needs to be expanded to include emotions that have been labeled "negative." Much of what we've judged to be negative became lost so long ago no one remembers what happened to it. These lost memories go as far back as our origins. How you really feel is what needs expression and in the most natural way possible. ..., suspend words and emphasize non-verbal sounds. Doing this in private can evolve these emotions. |
Continuation to the green and the yellow book