The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"


See below: continuation of my book (1972-1978-1982-2002-2013) , 2nd part: The Teaching of Solidarity


The FELT days 222 ~ of the next 15 FELT years [see linear time-line]

1 5   y e a r s  = 5 4 8 0   days   of
g e f u e h l t e - g e f u e l l t e   Z e i t   
"inmitten der Ewigkeit",
f e l t - f i l l e d   t i m e  
"amidst eternity"
from the beginning of my 76th till the completion of my 90th year [unless I'll die after all]
The feeling chosen from a day is exhibited in max. 7 lines per day since August 28, 2013
Since March 25, 2014, the only documentation of my life is distilled in "Felt Days"!!
My role in the manifestation of the Tent-Vision is implied in the biblical tent quote!

Since April 10, I sculpt "Felt Day" in Hebrew, prepared for and inserted as ".png".
Names in "Felt Days" appear on top in English, so they can be found in "Search"
2014-04-17-Th, Pesach.-still 5257- Son+Daughter-in-Love

song: higgid'a laekhet
song: itfini.. kol simkhati be-aetzem rigshi

April 17, 2014-OHEL 78
from among its 365 appearances in the Bible

For the company of the godless shall be desolate,
and fire shall consume the tents of bribery.
Then Job answered and said:
I have heard many such things;
sorry comforters are ye all
Job 15:34+16:1

Denn die Rotte der Entarteten ist versteint,
Feuer frisst die
ZELTE der Bestechung
Ijob entgegnete, er sprach:
"Dergleichen habe ich viel nun gehoert,
Troester zum Haermen seid ihr alle."
Ijob 15,34+16,1

"Ijob" (4-7th century BCE) as most "righteous" people today did not yet know the source of evil and his own responsibility for it...
Interesting for my study of OHEL is that here I see yet another example of the vastness of the usage of Ohel as a metaphor!
In my eyes this hints at the mystical meaning of the letters of "ohel" and "ohalim":

continuation of coping with "Greatness and its Shadow"

When I listened to my singing of "hatzne'a laekhet im elohaekha",
I realized,
that I - "conveniently" - used to leave out "
im elohaekha".
But if so, the
"hatzne'a laekhet"
"conveniently slides into "DENYING GREATNESS".
It's only in the composition of these four words,
that we can live both:
our greatness ("
your God")
and walking humbly
i.e. in tune with "Right Time".

Therefore - while sitting in the jacuzzi today - a modification occurred,
inspired by this morning's book + postcard,
thus remembering the often quoted proverb,
the beginning of which appears in the card's parody about "the Schwaben"
the Suabians, into whom I was born, because my parents - shortly before my birth -
moved from East-Germany to Stuttgart, the capital of the "Schwaben-Land"

"no net hudla, hot saella Schneck gesaid"-
"just don't hurry -
or no need to hurry - has said that snail"

What I understood now, is this:
There is greatness in each of "God's" rays/waves/colors,
and this greatness has to be lived and not denied.

But if I live it as it is,
as long as denial is rampant among humans,
I'll trigger others' denials of their greatness too much,
and as a result cause a reversal of all I desire for humans.

In order to be constantly in tune with "right timing",
- when to "stand my ground"
and when "to hide my light", -
I have to "walk humbly with my God",
i.e. proceed with the steps of a turtle,
or the creeping of a snail.
Not be-khippazon but ke-khilazon.

I suddenly see turtle carapaces in stones....
"No need to hurry"

"Why do I always need more time than I've planned?
Can we influence
our feeling of time?"

Cover of the book
I read 8 months ago:
Marc Wittmann
Gefuehlte Zeit.

DRIVING BACKWARD to what I learnt already years ago
From Song-Game 2007-05-05 - Better are two than one and the threefold thread...
but if I would find and connect with other such humans,
there would be truly
"good reward for our labour".
So why, for "Heaven's Sake", why can't I find them?

There was an answer inside saying:
"You would, indeed, be very effective with even one peer, leave alone two peers,
yes all those 7000 who were promised to Eliyah and who are promised to you.
But what then?
Would you bring about a glorious new revolution, or even a quantum-leap in evolution,
but all the denials of all the people would later errupt and destroy what you achieved?
At this time each of you must do his/her own healing into wholeness, this is evolution!"

"Trying to do too much too soon
has been the major cause of reversals"
[from Godchannel: Beware of Reversals and the Gap]

I got this, but stayed stubborn:
"But if two or more peers would help each other to heal,
the healing process would be much faster for humankind!"


"Even HEALING TOGETHER would be too fast.
A gap would result between you and 'people',
which even now is so often counterproductive!

"The two turtles above your computer-screen,
the two snails, one: millions of years in stone,
they symbolize the pace of evolution for you!"

I have nothing to say but bow my head
and "walk humbly with my God",
i.e. with God's walking with the World.

"and walking humbly with your God" [ Micah 6:8]
Now there is a tune to this "old" verse.


The same theme appears in SongGame 2007-09-17- ~~~~2009
with a song about the hedgehog and another song about the snail


Who walks slowly

and not in haste [khippazon],
who to every place
carries with itself an armor,
who goes out to search for food
who is this, who is this,
a snail
khil-khil-khilazon la-la-khilazon
who wants to approach it
khil-khil-khilazon la-la-khilazon
come to see it after the rain

This is a photo made by Immanuel in Japan in November 2009

The rhyme between khippazon - haste - and khilazon - snail - has deep meaning for me.
That's why among the symbols on the narrow top of my computer-screen,
underneath an image which symbolizes my Vision-of-Peace-through-Desert-Hosting-Economy,
there are two snails and two turtles..

a turtle of plastic, a fossilized snail, the shell of snail, a turtle made of mud (by Gady )

When we finally stood under the Chuppah, Rafael and I, in March 1964
(finally, for our son was born in January 1963, while Rafael was married),
Rabbi Bloch of the one synagogue in Stuttgart
(where I was born in Aug. 1938)
held a sermon right into our hearts and minds
about "b'-khippazon" and NOT "b'-khippazon":
The first we had done so far, the second we should live from now on!

The bread of the Going-Out from slavery they had to eat "b'-khippazon"
(Exodus 12:11 and Deuteronomy 16:3)
But in the future:
"You will not go-out in haste... for before you is walking YHWH!"
[Isaiah 52:12]

Thou shalt eat no leavened bread with it; seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread therewith, even the bread of affliction; for in haste didst thou come forth out of the land of Egypt; that thou mayest remember the day when thou camest forth out of the land of Egypt all the days of thy life.

And thus shall ye eat it: with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it
in haste--it is the LORD'S passover

For ye shall not go out in haste, neither shall ye go by flight;
for the LORD will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rearward.

From Hologram Rachel 1984 on April 17, 1984

2014-04-17- I must have forgotten this incredible message immediately.
It was only, when I read it in the wording and context of Godchannel,

that I grasped the implications of being my Cosmic Self.
See "You are the Universe" in Interview with the Folks V
And see for instance - in "Biotestimony" 2010 - how I applied this:

In the French description of Chagall's "Moses and the Burning Bush" it is written:
"Moses assumes, takes on the destiny of his persecuted people in his own flesh"

This helps me to emphasize -by contrast- that "The Servant's" task is not to "suffer vicariously",
but to vicariously take on his people's and all peoples' denied feelings of guilt and unworthiness
and thus to "detoxicate" them!

If Moses' greatest yearning was/is: "Who would give that all the Lord's people were prophets!"
he desires, that each one's personal ego identity will be integrated in each one's Cosmic Identity.
From the perspective of my Cosmic or Creator Identity I am both, the perpetrator and the victim,
and I am now meant to be the Healer!


Another passage from Hologram Rachel 1984 , sculpted on this day, exactly 30 years ago :


From my computer archive:
a Communication with Deity on this day, April 14, 2004, ten years ago,
after my solar system and my gas-bottle and stove had been stolen from my cave:


Madre, she sings and I think of you in front of me in this magnificent reflections of the sunset clouds in your sea
Will you please talk to me again after such a long break, in which I had no time to connect to you in writing?
Smiling, You see into what troubles I had to go,
in order to make you   t a k e  the time to enjoy me and then to communicate with me?
You wished this morning that you would enjoy the solitude, the beauty, the carefreeness
Didn't you receive what you wanted?

Yes, Madre, but what now.
Why couldn't I have enjoyed this beauty together with all the good things I had,
light and computer and Internet and a flame to make myself a cup of tea and a soup.
Why did I need this to be taken away from me?

You already know part of the reasons.
It will shake some people up,

It's important that you really take this seriously
"cease to create new manifestations".
You have accomplished the incredible in less than four months.
Now it's up to others to take care, that you get back your gas and electricity,
but this will happen in a way,
that it becomes a lever for lifting big things, people, issues.
Do not focus on your immediate need
and the technical, financial part of it.

You have done this already, do not repeat it.
See, that there is a huge treasure hidden in this recession,
like you see it, as if you were back to the 29th of November.
It is not at all like that.
but it depends on you.
If you want to reach a small goal, you'll have it.
but we wish, that you have a vast perspective
and let go of "solving a problem".
It's about launching a revolution,
not about solving a problem.

And as to your needs, we take care of you, don't worry
And now hurry to be on the road before darkness
and be open to what this evening has in store for you.

Thank you, mother.




I want you to enhance
and to not distort,
what the Vision of Tents
intends to evolve
the earth of the desert
will stay free and pure
and host us humans
to find ourselves.

Video about The Tent-Vision at Mitzpe-Ramon ,
March 25, 2014 in Gadi's Jazz-Club
by Shim'on Bokshtein

Second part


Move to next "Felt Day" in All Israel are Guarantors for Each-Other, bundle 17
April 17, 2014, to Shim'on Bokshtein,
who made the videos on March 25,
without having been asked to do so

See the overview of "MY BOOK" in the context of "MY LIFE's HARVEST"

"All Israel are Guarantors for Each Other"
Maryam, alias Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, married Rachel Rosenzweig, born Eva-Maria-Christa Guth
re-edited on August 6, 2013

Etrog, Myrtle, Date, and Willow
-- these are Israel!
Knowing and doing do exist or do not
-- these are Israel!
They shall make one union - Israel!
They will atone for each other -Israel!
An ancient psalm was given to the nation!
A redeeming psalm also for the World!
Without leaves- there won't be grapes!

The Cross: my old belief in struggling!
The Etrog: my rejoicing in fulfillment!

Click and hear my song created in December 2008,
based on the metaphor of "The Four Species,
connected to the Succot-Festival and the motto of my book:

Each is special, UNIQUE , but none is preferable!
Only by integrating, coalescing into ONE UNION
can we LIVE and LOVE in zest and full-fill-ment!

and Links to all chapters
Entry Pages, include
a Hebrew Summary
translated to English

Scanned Pages
of the German Book and the Hebrew Book


I marked names and quotations to convey the message:

"Whoever says something in the name of the person who said it,
brings redemption to the world"
[Avot 6,6 & Siddur]
red: Hebrew Bible and New Testament
orange-filled: Qumran, Apocrypha, Talmud&Midrash
green: other names, mainly of modern researchers

On this website each "bundle" [of pages in the paper-books] begins with the overview of all parts of the books.
Titles in blue refer to the content on the page you open.    Titles in grey refer to the rest of the books' titles

Bundle 1 / g10-15 / h28-34
Bundle 2 / g15-19 / h34-38
Bundle 3 / g20-27 / h39-47
Bundle 4
/ g27-30 / h47-49
Bundle 5 / g30-35 / h50-55
Bundle 6 / g35-47 / h55-66
Bundle 7 / g47-53 / h67-72
Bundle  8  / g 53-  56  / h 72- 75
Bundle  9  / g 59 -  65 / h 78- 84
Bundle 10
/ g 65- 68  / h 84- 87
Bundle 11 / g 69- 77  / h 87- 95
Bundle 12
/ g 77- 83 / h 95-101
Bundle 13 / g85- 96 / h105-116
Bundle 14
/g100-110 /h117-127
Bundle15 /g111-120 / h128-138
Bundle 16/g121-130 / h139-147

Bundle 17/g130-138 / h147-154
Bundle 18/g138-148 / h154-163
Bundle 19
/g148-153 / h163-168
Bundle 20/g155-166 / h171-182
Bundle 21/g166-176 / h182-191
Bundle 22 /g176-187 / h191-201
Bundle 23 /g189-200 / h203-215
Bundle 24 /g201-210 / h215-225
Bundle 25 /g210-222 / h225-237
Bundle 26 /g226-233 / h240-247
Bundle 27 /g233-245 / h247-259
Bundle 28
/g248-262 / h261-274
bundle 17: German p. 130-138 / Hebrew p. 147-154



SECOND     P A R T :

First Chapter: Divine Solidarity
Second Chapter: Guarantorship-Solidarity-Responsibility
Third Chapter : Two Examples of Solidarity in the Bible

Fourth Chapter: The Sages' Conceptualized Teaching of Solidarity
1. The solidarity of the individual with the community

2. The solidarity of everybody with his fellow
a) The lesson of history
b) G: Identification as motivation in rabbinical ethics
b) H: "A big rule in the Torah" : The Sages' estimate

c) G: The meaning of
"Be-loving to your fellow (as one) like you" (Lv 19,18) / c) H: "your fellow like you", the meaning of the rule

d) G: The application of the "Rule" in the Torah itself

e) G: The application of the "Rule" by Israel's Sages
f) Solidarity in the face of death

3.The solidarity of the community with the individual

THIRD     P A R T :








  Rechnung tragen:
                 Halte lieb deinen Genossen, dir gleich!

This long note covers half of the space on the pages 135-136







July 28, 2013
See, what I - since 1977 - learnt from "Re-evaluation Counseling"
"Internalized Oppression"







Franz Rosenzweig's intense coping with the verse,
- "be loving towards your fellow, (for he is) like you"-
(Leviticus 19,18),
not "love" him,
and not "as yourself",
even the word "fellow"
is a very poor translation for 're'aekha'
- which I tried to translate into German as "your-other"

The verse contains the motivation

for all interhuman behavior:

the motivation of identification.

My teacher, David Flusser, called it
"a matrix and foundatation of the entire law".

August 6, 2013
In the German book [left frame] I quoted ,
what I later - 1972 - when I edited

"Arbeitspapiere zur Verdeutschung der Schrift"
(published only 11 years later, in 1984)
added to the verse Leviticus 19:18 .
I did this in the way in which I arranged all those verses or passages together with Rosenzweig's "verbal" comments
[and with my explanatory notes].
which I found worthwhile to excerpt from the manuscript,
i.e. the "words",
which Edith Rosenzweig retrieved from the movements of his eye-pupils
written down by a secretary.

[the following 3 lines are an erroneous repetition of the 3 lines above.
But perhaps the error is a chance to understand deeper! (Aug.5, 2013)]






Background to
Original Introductions
to the two Books
Intro 2002 and Diary
and Links to all chapters
Entry Pages, include
a Hebrew Summary
translated to English
English Summary
of original thesis
German Summary
of names & issues
of Ancient Sources
Synopsis of History
1570 BC - 525 AD
Digests of G&H Books