The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



re-edited on July 22, 2013

See the overview of "MY BOOK" in the context of "MY LIFE's HARVEST"

"All Israel are Guarantors for Each Other"
Maryam, alias Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, married Rachel Rosenzweig, born Eva-Maria-Christa Guth

Etrog, Myrtle, Date, and Willow
-- these are Israel!
Knowing and doing do exist or do not
-- these are Israel!
They shall make one union - Israel!
They will atone for each other -Israel!
An ancient psalm was given to the nation!
A redeeming psalm also for the World!
Without leaves- there won't be grapes!

The Cross: my old belief in struggling!
The Etrog: my rejoicing in fulfillment!

Click and hear my song created in December 2008,
based on the metaphor of "The Four Species,
connected to the Succot-Festival and the motto of my book:

Each is special, UNIQUE , but none is preferable!
Only by integrating, coalescing into ONE UNION
can we LIVE and LOVE in zest and full-fill-ment

and Links to all chapters

The Entry to the Books

Of the many symbols associated with the festival of Succot the most important is the image of the Four Species.
The fourfold oneness, expressed in this symbol, serves as a parable for the purpose of my book and my life .

Title pages:
The seventy faces
and the parable of the four Succot species
lated to
to the Three
I never knew
The Cover of the Hebrew Book,
the 70 faces

translated Summary

of the chapters,
on 28 web-pages
Notes on the back
of the Title Pages




Translation of the Explanation of the 70 Faces

These are the portraits of seventy Jews!

They are all known to me personally,
and between all of them and me exists some kind of concrete mutual dependency,
in addition to the mutual "guarantorship of our destiny."
For all Israel are guarantors for each other and all Israel are dependent on each other.

These seventy Jews in their composition represent the totality of Israel
in all the differences and splits which are between us
women and men,
children and old people,
handicapped and healthy,
Western Jews and Oriental Jews,
workers and academics,
seculars and religious,
"Doves and Hawks",
people in power and people in spirit,
- according to the parable of the four plants of the festival of Tabernacles, Succot -
those in whom there are "deeds and teaching", or one of them
and those in whom there is neither this nor that:

the fruit of beautiful trees - these are Israel
branches of palms - these are Israel
boughs of thick tree-foliage - these are Israel
willows of the brook - these are Israel
(see p.223)

"Arba'at Ha-minim" - or "the four species" - are part of the festival's ceremony, Bible, Leviticus 23,39.
They are made concrete
as Etrog (a kind of citrus fruit), which can be smelled as well as eaten,
as a palm leaf, - the palm has fruits which can be eaten, but not smelled,
as a myrtle branch - myrtles can be smelled, but not eaten,
and as willow branches, which can neither be smelled nor eaten]

And there is a family in Israel!
This is the family of twins - Keren and Liaat -
which symbolizes the totality of Israel as well.
Weren't the twins created in one womb?
Didn't they start their life in one single cell?
And despite of this one is healthy and one is handicapped:

'my sister... my innocent [tamati]' [Canticum 5,2] , my twin [te'umati]
says the Holy one-Blessed-be-He to his people Israel, so to speak.
Not I am bigger than her nor is she greater than me.
When one of them feels a pain in his head - his companion feels it too,
thus, so to speak, said the Holy One-Blessed-be-he:

'with him I am in distress' (see p 114)

Thanks to all those who agreed to be photographed or to contribute their picture.



the Jewish child,
who in 1943
was murdered in Auschwitz,
at the age of 12.

my father,
who in 1943
fell as a German soldier in Sicily,
at the age of 32.

the German student,
who in 1943
was executed in Munic,
at the age of 22.



"NO, no , my God! We want to live!
you must not dilute our ranks!
For a better morning we strive!
there will be so much work to do."

(Eva Pikova)

[I must have quoted this poem hundreds of times.
It still brought up tears, when I translated it now]


May I have the courage to change,
what can be change;
may I have the strength to surrender
into what cannot be changed;
and may I be wise enough,
to distinguish between both every hour.

There is no photo
of the little poetess
Eva Pikova,
who perished in Auschwitz
Sophie Scholl,
member of "The White Rose",
a few German students
who resisted the Nazis,
beheaded in February 1943



Siegfried Guth was smart enough
to finish his PH.D. in law at the age of 25, but blind to the Nazi regime.
Only when he was commanded to act as "war-judge",
did he refuse, was sent to the front,
and fell in Sicily Aug. 1943
during the Allies' invasion

The Cover of the Hebrew Book ,
translated into English (2002)

Joel & Dita, my stepchildren, and
two of their kids between them.
Behind my friends Yanina, Naftali
Above the twins and below Immanuel,
my firstborn and Shim'on Peres,
who gave me his photo himself.
Ronnit, Micha, I, above them,
then closest to us four:
Rama, Levi, Mona

Rachel Bat-Adam:
"All Israel are guarantors for each other"
Research in ancient Jewish sources
and an autobiographic testimony to the message in it

The mutual dependency between each and everyone is such,
that no man can do something "bad",
without others having to be "guarantors" for him,
i.e. having to suffer for him.
And as each one makes others "guarantors" for himself,
so is each one a guarantor for others.

Does this mean that others determine my destiny
and I am not free to choose?
What then is the intent of that Biblical call to shape my destiny:
'Choose Life!' [Deut. 30]

The law of "guarantorship"
is one of the laws of life which pertain to all human beings.
In Israel
the recognition of this law
caused continuous coping with the fact of the guarantorship,
in reflection as well as in life.
Moreover, the need to cope with this fact
gave birth to the phenomenon of the "emissary of the community",
of the "unique individual" in Israel:
Moses, Jeremiah and "the Lord's Servant",
later Jesus of Nazareth, R. Jochanan ben Zakkai,
R. Yehuda, the father of the Mishna, and R. Yehoshua ben Levi,

to mention just the most outstanding among them.
"Unique individuals" are those who exemplify
how dependency and freedom can be integrated.
They are not only passive "guarantors" for the community and their rulers,
they become active "guarantors".
Which means, they are those
"who carry the burden of the people". [Nu. 11].
They are those who take upon themselves responsibility for their community,
for on their community they are dependent.

Unique individuals only exemplify the power of choice
which is inherent in every single individual.
Every one can realize freedom by taking responsibility.
Therefore, if you want to be really free,
and if your desire is to actually realize "self-determinati
on" (=Zionism!),
then it is not enough to be responsible for yourself, like

"If I'm not for myself, who'll be for for me!"
You have to accept responsibility also for your dependency on others, for
"when I'm just for myself - who am I?"

Israel's holocaust in the past
is the point of departure for my fateful choices:

- the choice to join the Jewish people   and the State of Israel
- the choice to do educational work   with Jews and Arabs in Israel;
- the choice of Israel's tradition   for giving my thinking a direction
  and my research a focus.

The goal of this thinking is to heal gaps and to balance between poles.
May this research result in helping to integrate
- research and life, -
"midrash" and science,
"the religious" and "the secular",
Israel and the Non-Jews,
and mainly
between the message of Tradition
and the necessity of The Present:

Notes on the back of the Title Page of both the German and the Hebrew book



and Links to all chapters