The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



re-edited on July 22-23, 2013

See the overview of "MY BOOK" in the context of "MY LIFE's HARVEST"

"All Israel are Guarantors for Each Other"
Maryam, alias Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, married Rachel Rosenzweig, born Eva-Maria-Christa Guth

Etrog, Myrtle, Date, and Willow
-- these are Israel!
Knowing and doing do exist or do not
-- these are Israel!
They shall make one union - Israel!
They will atone for each other -Israel!
An ancient psalm was given to the nation!
A redeeming psalm also for the World!
Without leaves- there won't be grapes!

The Cross: my old belief in struggling!
The Etrog: my rejoicing in fulfillment!

Click and hear my song created in December 2008,
based on the metaphor of "The Four Species,
connected to the Succot-Festival and the motto of my book:

Each is special, UNIQUE , but none is preferable!
Only by integrating, coalescing into ONE UNION
can we LIVE and LOVE in zest and full-fill-ment

and Links to all chapters

Scanned Pages
of the German Book and the Hebrew Book


I marked names and quotations to convey the message:

"Whoever says something in the name of the person who said it,
brings redemption to the world"
[Avot 6,6 & Siddur]
red: Hebrew Bible and New Testament
orange-filled: Qumran, Apocrypha, Talmud&Midrash
green: other names, mainly of modern researchers

On this website each "bundle" [of pages in the paper-books] begins with the overview of all parts of the books.
Titles in blue refer to the content on the page you open.    Titles in grey refer to the rest of the books' titles

Bundle 1 / g10-15 / h28-34
Bundle 2 / g15-19 / h34-38
Bundle 3 / g20-27 / h39-47
Bundle 4
/ g27-30 / h47-49
Bundle 5 / g30-35 / h50-55
Bundle 6 / g35-47 / h55-66
Bundle 7 / g47-53 / h67-72
Bundle  8  / g 53-  56  / h 72- 75
Bundle  9  / g 59 -  65 / h 78- 84
Bundle 10
/ g 65- 68  / h 84- 87
Bundle 11 / g 69- 77  / h 87- 95
Bundle 12
/ g 77- 83 / h 95-101
Bundle 13 / g85- 96 / h105-116
Bundle 14
/g100-110 /h117-127
Bundle15 /g111-120 / h128-138
Bundle 16
/g121-130 / h139-147
Bundle 17/g130-138 / h147-154
Bundle 18/g138-148 / h154-163
Bundle 19
/g148-153 / h163-168
Bundle 20/g155-166 / h171-182
Bundle 21
/g166-176 / h182-191
Bundle 22 /g176-187 / h191-201
Bundle 23 /g189-200 / h203-215
Bundle 24 /g201-210 / h215-225
Bundle 25 /g210-222 / h225-237
Bundle 26 /g226-233 / h240-247
Bundle 27 /g233-245 / h247-259
Bundle 28
/g248-262 / h261-274


1. The Laws of Coping with Suffering
2. The Sources of the Theme
1. The Scope of the Research: How does Israel cope with its Destiny?
2. The Discovery of the Law of Guarantorship
3.The Sources of the Research

The Hebrew Introduction is somewhat different from the introduction to the German book, written 4 years earlier.
I would like someone to translate both into English~~~

Translation of the first passages of the Hebrew Book, which are missing in the German Book.
[p.17 of the Hebrew book]

1. The Problem of the Research: How will Israel cope with its destiny?

"We should not write a book - unless we want
to enhance the light in the darkness of our world."
(Reinhold Schneider)

I went out from Golgatha and I arrived at Moria.
I searched for meaning for the death of the Six Millions,
and found - that I must cope with suffering - and not invent meaning for it.
I found this in the ancient sources of Israel
which for me are sources of living water.
In them is hidden the experience of life and history, of nation and Man.
The Aqedah
[the Binding of Isaac] is the symbol for Israel's faith,
and in it the message, that
Isaac was not sacrificed,
and that the vocation of man is to grow and to live, to procreate and to bring to life.

The inspiration for this introduction , which in its main part was written already in 1971, came to me , when I leafed through the two little books of
Rabbi Ignaz Maybaum , The face of God after Auschwitz, What has to change in religion and culture to save mankind in the nuclear age. London 1965 and Ignaz Maybaum, The Sacrifice of Isaac. A Jewish Commentary. London 1959 - See below my correspondence with Maybaum in 1966-1967, inserted on July 22, 2013

And as the vocation of Man, so is the vocation of the nation:
there is no need for human sacrifice,
no justification for martyrdom.
The goal of life and its meaning fulfill themselves in life itself.
Not in death, nor beyond death.

No need - maybe. But neither is it possible to avoid erring
and walking a "bad" path
which will lead towards sorrow and carry towards death.
"Badness" - ha-ra'ah - has the double meaning
of what is done by man and of what happens to man.

For hundreds of years man studied the laws of nature,
until he transformed from being its slave to being its master.
He is the master of nature, but he isn't the master of himself and of his destiny.
Man, therefore, becomes better and better in mastering killing
and becomes worse and worse in shaping his destiny.

What are the laws of life which I have to know
in order to be able to cope with the twofold badness?
It's worthwhile to listen to the answer from our ancestors,
as it was heard for the first time from the mouth of Moses

[p.18 of the Hebrew book]

and continued to be heard from the yekhidee-segulah (the unique individuals)
up to the last of the Sages in the Land of Israel.
There are three laws which they discovered in life
and on which they based their thinking and their behaving:

First law: the relation between doing and destiny.
Second law: the guarantorship between a man and his fellow
and between the community and the yakhid (individual).
Third law: the yakhid is an emissary for/to the community

These laws are not separate from each other -
all three of them have one focus, which is
that man is responsible for his destiny, i.e. - for his freedom.
If I take into account and apply this threefold Law of Responsibility,
I am a free person!
This is the result which I reached after five years of research
and this is the truth which proved itself in the five years of testing it practically
by coping with one of the problems of the State of Israel (see end of book).

It is true, that when meaningless suffering prevails, in personal and national life,
the attempts to shirk coping multiplied also in Israel -
be it in a passive or be it in a violent way.
The passive people call suffering and death yesurim "chastisements".
These are wrapped in light and happiness and their meaning is good and positive
for those who strive to gain the life of the coming world.
Those sufferers slowly took the meaning out of life on Earth
and transferred it to a world which is only good,
a world, which does not demand coping.
There is no sense in building a world, which allows life for all creatures,
for the goal is beyond history and not under our dominion.
The belief in "the meaning of suffering" replaces the doing for "avoiding suffering".

On the other hand there were many Jews who loathed passiveness
and shook off the "victim behavior".
But those only replaced weakness with weakness:
With violence did they wish to achieve life,
and brought down the catastrophe on themselves and on their generation.
For the violent evade facing up to the "badness" of life no less.
They know the first law, according to which man determines his destiny.
But they ignore the second law, according to which
the deeds of the individual have an impact on the destiny of his fellow
and the foolishness of one individual
has the capacity of dragging the whole community into the abyss.

What then does it mean to cope?
Who is truly a free man,
i.e. responsible for himself, including for his dependency on his community?

This is the third law which says, that
"every single one is obliged to say: For my sake was the world created".
which implies, that the existence of the world depends on me..
According to the second law I am a passive guarantor for what others choose -
my sufferings are the consequence of their deeds, my death of their neglects.
But the choice is in my hands to be an active guarantor,
to be responsible not only for my own actions, for my own neglects,
but also for my dependency on the behavior of my fellow and of my community.
Then I'll no longer be a "guarantor" by force,
but a guarantor from my own will and volition.
Then I shall be truly free - i.e. master of my destiny.
That's the path which walked our prophets and many of our Sages;
they walked it before they instructed in it their generations.

[p.19 of the Hebrew book]

"An active guarantor" can be only someone
who is conscious of his uniqueness on the one hand
and solidary with his community on the other hand
- as opposed to the collectivism of the "herd", be its nature passive or violent.
And as the vocation of the unique individual so is the vocation of the unique nation
A unique person was
Moses who led the herd of his brothers out of the house of slavery. He wanted to educate the herd to become a unique nation,
a people aware of its uniqueness,
in order for them to gain real freedom.
"Who would give that all of HIS people would be prophets" like Moses,
aware of their uniqueness, ready for responsibility.
I asked our ancestors how in their time they coped with the destiny of the people.
I wanted them to contribute to me from their experience and their thinking
concerning the avoidance of annihilation of Man today.
I believe wholy and truly,
that the teaching must come from Zion, with utmost speed in our time,
a teaching which shows the way to coping with life,
this is the Torah, the teaching , which
"Man will do it and live by it".

2. The Discovery of the Law of Guarantorship

To be free, means to accept responsibility for everything that happens to me.
This is the freedom which was meant for the slaves, be it by
Moses or by "God" .
Therefore from the moment in which the Children of Israel went out from slavery
and reached the desert on their way to their land,
they were held responsible for every trouble that befell them
(Loewenstamm ).
To be responsible for what happens to me, means to cope with it.
And to be able to cope with the troubles of life, I must know the laws of life.


In the German book the "Einleitung" = Introduction
is preceded by a "Preface for the German Reader"












July 2013: It must have been a quantum-leap in evolution,
when people understood the double 'ra'ah',
the connection between doing something 'bad' and experiencing something 'bad'.
And not in the way that former cultures understood it:
"We haven't honored the Gods' enough, that's why...."
i.e. the projection of the "Cain"-feeling/judgment -
"I must be honored by others so as to feel worthy, i.e. able to accept, love myself"
on the Gods.
And yet, for the last 3500 years neither Jews, nor Christians, nor Muslims
could understand the real connection between doing and experiencing.
There is no punishing God, there is a law of existence:
What you deny in yourself
- feelings, needs, qualities including greatness-
is reflected to you from the outside -
in your experiences,
and this not only in your personal life,
but in that of
"your children
till the third and fourth generation!"


July 2013- See my direct application of these laws
in "Conditions for turning a damaging dependency
into a positive partnership".

Until I came in contact with "Right Use of Will", since 1987,
I believed, that this threefold law -was the ultimate guideline
for creating peace between nations
and harmony between people.
But, as with any truth,
it's only a certain "resolution" of the picture.
The greater the "resolution",
the clearer it becomes, what makes up the picture.
My persistent frustration was:
"Why do people/nations act against their own self-interest?"

Though this threefold law is totally congruent
with what I learnt from RUOW and Godchannel:
[I'm the perpetrator, I'm the victim,
I'm the one who has to heal the gap between them],
I had to learn, what prevents me from doing what is natural:
to become a pioneer in feeling>vibrating>understanding.
Only then is there a chance,
that people recognize their true self-interest
and strive for reaching it.




The first part of the German introduction is omitted in the Hebrew Book
1. The laws of Coping with Suffering

Suffering and Death are facts which concern each person and each community. No one can afford, to not deal with it. In the early literature of Israel one can differentiate between two different ways of response. ... [to be continued by someone else, I hope]































"Thus the two of them went together"-"Und sie gingen beide mitsammen"

Excerpts from a correspondence with Rabbi Maybaum 1966-67,
b e f o r e   I began my 5 year research.
It already was the period (from 1965-1980),
when I commanded myself to live

"utsi Deus non daretur", "as if God did not exist",
in order to learn total self-dependency.

Rabbi Dr. I. Maybaum,
Minister of Edgware & District Reform Synagogue,
Edgware, Middx., England

Und nun zur "Knecht Gottes" - theology. Hier kann ich kurz sein, denn ich habe nicht den geringsten Zweifel, dass mit dem 'aewaed [Knecht]- das juedische Volk, also jeder Jude gemeint ist. Alle rabbinischen Kommentare sind sich darueber einig und die modernen - siehe Procksch - stimmen zu. In den Texten selbst ist die Lehre vom vicarious suffering ausgesprochen. In der liberalen (verwaesserten) Form haben Geiger und S.R. Hirsch (Missionsidee) daran festgehalten. Dass das "Kreuz" auch die Botschaft vom stellvertretenden Leiden ausspricht, bedeutet fuer mich nur, auch in diesem Falle zu betonen, dass das was das Christentum lehrt, mit wenigen Ausnahmen im Judentum wurzelt. ....Ich habe in meinem Buche gefragt, muss Fortschritt in der Geschichte immer durch Blut und Leid hindurchgehen? Ich sage , nein - Genesis 22 - Isaak,  n i c h t   geopfert, das ist Judentum; Vater und Sohn
. Isaak geopfert, das ist Christentum, Fortschritt durch sacrificial love das ist Christentum. Einer starb, nicht nur einmal sondern immer wieder in der Geschichte, damit die Vielen leben.Das ist Christianisierung des "es ist suess fuer das Vaterland zu sterben." Aber ein Unterschied zwischen dem aewaed adonai als Jude und dem als Christen ist vorhanden. Der fuer die andern stirbt, ist schoepferischer Mensch, der in seinem Opfer sich selbst erfuellt. Der Jude, der in Auschwitz starb, war ganz Geschoepf, wie ein Lamm wurde er geopfert. Als Geschoepf Gottes, als Kreatur representiert er alle Menschen, ....Das Leid des sich selbst aufopfernden schoepferischen Menschen und das Leid als Maryrium der Kreatur. In dieser Welt geschaffen bei Gott als tow meod [sehr gut], muss auch das Leid einen Sinn haben. Nach Auschwitz ist der ganzen Welt bewusst geworden, dass genocide existiert und wieder geschehen kann....

Ja, ich glaube an stellvertretendes Leiden. Jede Mutter, die in Schmerzen ihr Kind gebiert, ist ein glorreiches Beispiel von stellvertretendem Leiden....

Ich bin der Meinung, dass eine theologische Durchleuchtung und eine theologische Darstellung des Judentums fuer uns heute sehr wichtig waere. Heute muessen wir fragen: was ist Judentum? diese radikale Frage muss theologisch beantwortet werden. Hier, liebe Rachel, koennen Sie helfen. Sie haben theologische Schulung. Franz Rosenzweig hat angefangen, die Trinitaetslehre juedisch darzustellen. Diese Methode muss fortgesetzt werden.

Haben Sie gehoert, dass Mrs. Rivka Horwitz, USA, eine Doktorarbeit ueber F.R. geschrieben hat?.... Meiner Meinung zeigt sie den Zusammenhang F.R.'s mit der deutschen Philosophie und zeigt nicht den grossen Juden; F.R. Ich wuensche und hoffe, dass Sie, liebe Frau Rosenzweig das tun werden.

Ignaz Maybaum
Rachel Rosenzweig,
Ramat-Hadar/Hod-Hasharon, Israel

Lieber Herr Dr. Maybaum
....Aber was Sie ueber den Unterschied zwischen Abrahams- und Christusopfer sagen, das ist ausgezeichnet. Das ist wahrhaftig der Unterschied im Glauben, in der Grundlage des Glaubens und des Lebens, oder - unreligioes ausgedrueckt - der Unterschied in der Grundlage des Humanismus. Koennte es jedenfalls sein, wenn nicht nur Theologen die Bibel zur Weisung naehmen. Dennoch - die bisherige Geschichte sieht doch ganz anders aus: die Juden, die fuer ihre Menschwerdung kein Menschenopfer noetig hatten, sind geopfert worden, meist grade durch die, deren Religionsgrundlage das Menschenofer ist. Der Mensch ihres Opfers war nie einer aus ihren Reihen sondern immer ein Jude - zuerst der "Koenig der Juden" (das ist er fuer mich wirklich, naemlich der primus inter pares, der Jude par excellence) und spaeter alle, die sich Juden nannten. Meine Frage ist ja genau wie die Ihre: ist das Menschenopfer, genauer das Judenopfer, noetig fuer den Fortschritt in der Geschichte? Hat das Judenopfer denn einen Fortschritt gebracht? Konnte vielleicht das Judentum mit seinem
"und sie gingen beide mitsammen" nicht die Welt bestimmen, weil die Welt nur fuer das christliche "einer fuer die vielen muss sterben" [New Testament] passt? Soviel ich sehe, haben die juedischen Kommentatoren - von den andern ganz zu schweigen, ja unter dem Aewaed Adonai wohl das Volk Israel, aber als Opfer fuer sich selbst und nicht etwas als Opfer fuer die Suenden der Welt, oder wie Sie so gut in die nichttheologische Terminologie uebersetzen: fuer den Fortschritt in der W e l t - verstanden. Mir aber scheint, dass das Opfer wirklich fuer die Welt war und - dass es nicht umsonst war. Sondern - und damit spreche ich zum ersten Mal den Glauben und die Hoffnung aus, welche beide all meinem brennenden Interesse an dem Thema des vicarious suffering zugrundeliegen, aus - ich glaube, dass eben das letzte, das groesste Menschenopfer das christliche Zeitalter ueberwunden hat und nun das juedische "und sie gingen beide mitsammen" langsam, natuerlich langsam, aber doch stetig sich durchsetzen wird. Wohl steckt "der alte Drache", wie die Christen so treffend sagen, immer wieder, und leider und vor allem grade bei uns in Israel, sein Haupt hervor, aber Zukunft hat er keine mehr.

Sie sagen, dass man die Frage; was ist Judentum - heute radikal theologisch beantworten muss.. Ich dachte auch noch so, als ich noch nicht in Israel lebte. Aber hier sehe ich keinen Sinn und keine Hoffnung in der Beantwortung der Frage vom Theologischen her. Die Frommen wissen sowieso alles besser und die Unfrommen interessieren sich nicht dafuer. Meiner Meinung nach muss das von den Vaetern ueberkommene Bewusstsein "ich bin Jude' wirklich mit einem neuen und leb-festen Inhalt gefuellt wrden, aber nicht grade mit einem theologischen. Wohl mit einem biblischen (gibt es ein aktuelleres Buch
als die Bibel?), und damit zitiere ich zu dritten mal: vielleicht grade mit "und sie gingen beide mitsammen" - aber theologisch muss das nicht sein.

and Links to all chapters