I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution in
learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!! "I
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
It seemed to me not only inappropriate , but utterly wrong.
But it was not until Klaus Kohl, one of our coordinators,
called me to read a certain document,
that it really hit me:
silence can be monstrous!
This "Walther report", as I am now calling it, is a simple
page, written with a typewriter, [2011_06_30 - the moment I re-read
these lines, Mika stormed into my room with the loudest of her sounds
to frighten me, and she succeeded!]
phrased by an obviously simple-minded, even naive Nazi officer to
his superiors.
It is exhibited quite inconspicuously in the Sinti and Roma Museum
in Auschwitz, to which Klaus had led a few of us.
Klaus explained: "Each nation has its own museum,
and each one is very careful not to hurt any other nation's feelings.
Only the Sinti and Roma (to call them "gypsies" would
be like calling African Americans "Negroes") who do not have a state,
came out with no such considerateness."
Bericht: "Das Ausheben der Gruben nimmt den
groessten Teil der Zeit in Anspruch, waehrend das Erschiessen
selbst sehr schnell geht (100 Mann in 40 Minuten)... Das Erschiessen
der Juden ist einfacher als das der Zigeuner. Man muss zugeben,
dass die Juden sehr gefasst in den Tod gehen, - sie stehen sehr
ruhig waehrend die Zigeuner heulen, schreien und sich dauerned
bewegen, wenn sie schon auf dem Erschiesungsplatz stehen. Einige
sprangen sogar vor der Salve in die Grube und versuchten sich
tot zu stellen.
Anfangs waren meine Soldaten nicht
beeindruckt. Am 2. Tag jedoch machte sich schon bemerkbar, dass
der eine oder andre nicht die Nerven besitzt, auf laengere Zeit
eine Erschiessung durch zu fuehren. Mein persoenlicher Eindruck
ist, dass man waehrend der Erschiessung keine seelischen Hemmungen
bekommt. Diese stellen sich jedoch ein, wenn man nach Tagen
in Ruhe darueber nachdenkt.
First Lieutenant
"The digging-out of the ditches takes most of the time, while
the gunning down happens very fast (100 men in 40 minutes)...Gunning
down the Jews is simpler than that of the gypsies. One has to
admit, that the Jews go into death in a very composed manner,
- they are standing quietly - while the gipsies wail, yell and
moved incessantly, once they stand on the shooting place. Some
of them even jumped into the ditch before the gunfire and tried
to pretend being dead.
In the beginning my soldiers were not impressed. But on the second
day it was already noticible, that one or the other does not possess
the nerves to carry through a fussilation over a period of time.
My personal impression is, that during the gunning down one does
not feel any emotional inhibitions. Those do rise,though, when
one does ponder the matter quietly after some days."
how "composed" this man is:
I am warning everyone who reads this:
I am NOT judging them
for having gone to the slaughter like sheep.
I am NOT advocating resistance or flight!
Any resistance, any flight of one person
meant certain death for many fellow prisoners.
Yanina, my friend, took this photo
of my loneliness
after having wailed - alone - at this "Wailing
Someone covered me with a prayer-shawl
- I learnt that it was Ginni,
and later three different participants thanked me for my wailing,
but then not one among 55 people knelt down to join me.
But yes,
I am screaming,
Throw off your "civilized" , "composed"
or your "spiritual" silent way
of melting pain
through "consciousness"!
When you visit
the execution wall,
do not meditate,
do not keep silent.
whine and whimper,
and waiiiiiiiiiiiiil!
And if you believe,
you don't "need" this,
then think of the murdered
and give them a voice!
When we visited the ghetto and cemetery
in Cracov, our Polish guide pointed to this
mosaic of broken gravestones
and said:
"The Jews say, that this is their local Wailing Wall."
Wailing Wall not Silence Wall!
In the Museum of the Sinti & Roma I found
these two notes
about "the Screaming of the Children":
Adelsberger, a prisoner
who was a medical doctor
and forced to work
in the children's barrack:
"The children
could not rest at night -
because of so much
hunger and thirst
and cold
and pain.
moaning rose
like the wind
in the trees
and resounded
through the whole block"
Barbara Adler:
In den Baracken herrschte
eisige Kaelte.
Wir drueckten uns alle zusammen,
um uns gegenseitig zu waermen.
Der grosse Hunger machte uns
halb wahnsinnig.
Das Schreien der Kinder
schallte durch den Block,
es war die Hoelle auf Erden.
Keiner konnte helfen, keiner griff ein.
"The cold in the block was icy.
We squeezed together
so as to warm each other.
The great hunger made us half insane.
The screaming of the children
rang through the block.
It was hell on earth.
No one could help, no one interfered.
Do, what a baby still knows
how to do:
When it feels pain,
it cries and screams and screeches,
and it moves every muscle and joint of its face, its limb, its whole
voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping: rakhêl
weeping for her children refused to be comforted
for her children,
because they were not." Jeremiah
31,15 -listen to
two tunes
I, Rachel, had delivered my third child - a very painful birth,
I heard the nurses saying: "What a good,
quiet morning we had! Since this woman
kept silent and did not utter a single squeak,
the other women were ashamed to scream."
I took it as a compliment and I was proud.
And this is just an incident of physical pain.
I'm becrying more serious silences in my life.
I was not onlyrakhêl,
the mother of Israel, who lamented
and wept
I was alsorakhêl,
the Hebrew term for "mother
and mentioned in the famous "Song of God's Servant"
which Christians apply to the death of Christ:
was oppressed,
and he was afflicted,
yet he opened not his mouth;
he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a rakhêl
before her shearers is mute,
so he opens not his mouth." (Isaiah
53, 7) - listen to
my tune
Listen to your body, wail and
hummm at least, or buzz your lips,
stop denying your body, whimper and weep,
sound your pain, your fear and your shame, don't silence your feelings,
sound them, breathe them, move them.
For if you don't,
not only will your body get sick and die,
even if you should now survive,
but you will play into the hands of the murderers:
Gunning down the Jews is simple!
they don't scream and fidget like the Gypsies!
they stand quietly, composed and dignified!
For this is what their adopted Western culture had imprinted in them.
and wail and voice and weep? Why did you stand like mute fish in front of
the execution wall
and not fall on your knees together with me
and start a small hummm,
to overcome your shame
- for it is shameful in our society to do what Body needs to do with
pain -
and let the hummm turn into sounding vocals or into an OOOOMMM,
until your sounding will increase in volume and feeling
and finally explode into a shrill lament,
which will pierce the heart of God and Man.
In Cracov we visited
the Ghetto museum,
located in that pharmacy,
which saved the life
of many a Jew.
The finger nails
of the nailed-through hands
of the Crucified
scratch the blue glass
and try to reach Spirit's silent eye.
"From such an accusation
the hair may become white,"
says the text.
You ask yourself over and over again:
"How could humans do this to humans."
And you do not see the answer!
You even repeat, that "the perpetrators are in each of us",
but those are just words with no meaning at all.
Read the Walther report! Learn it by heart!
See how victims cooperated with their victimizers!
For both silenced their feelings.
Have you heard,
that once Himmler came to see such a fusilation
of 100 men in 40 minutes?
He became so nauseated,
that he vomited right there and then!
It is easy to sit in Berlin-Wannsee,
with your boots under the table, Himmler,
and decide upon the "Endloesung",
the "Final Solution".
But to watch one hundred men fall dead into the ditch
they themselves had dug out before ,
this is quiet a different thing!
Unless, of course,
unless you have first killed your feelings.
And so it was decided,
that the death laborers had to be trained,
and they went to the harshest of trainings
- to kill all feelings
and never utter a sound.
Looking at the people around me, I find it surprising,
that this training was even necessary.
There is so little feeling left in most of them.
my sons came home from their first week in the army,
some 20 years ago,
one from the airforce, the other from the navy,
from a week, called "gibbush" in Hebrew, or "melting
they told me,
that to go on feeling as I had taught them to feel,
was out of the question.
No, no! They did not learn how to kill in the "gibbush".
They simply learnt to overcome the hardest of hardships,
---- without a squeak....
years ago,
when the Israeli army still believed
in "water discipline",
a soldier got dehydrated
and with his last gasp he said:
"I apologize for having failed you."
Some weeks ago this happened again:
a soldier died of dehydration.
Maybe he didn't apologize,
but neither did he scream:
"I need water!"
year was the 30th commemoration
of the YomKippur or October War.
One Israeli TV channel aired interviews with the commanders
who were deadly surprised by the Egyptians assault
on their lines at the Suez-Canal.
When those who survived
succeeded in taking a grip on their situation,
they started to squash the Egyptian soldieres with tanks.
"When I heard the sound of the squashing
the first time,
I felt a twist in my stomach,
but when I went on squashing, I did not feel anything anymore."
In the
Auschwitz retreat I begged my group to sound with me.
It was interpreted as domination.
I explained with words, that it is vital not to be silent.
I was told, that "everyone
has different needs".
I pleaded: "If your son would sleep for
18 hours a day or take drugs,
would you also say, everyone has different needs?
Wouldn't you be worried because of his way of escape?
Wouldn't you try to help him to cope
instead of avoiding his pain and hiding in sleep?"
This value of silence is nothing but a monstrous defense-mechanism,
monstrous, because it is surrounded with the halo of spirituality!
And the connection with Auschwitz,
with the victims and the victimizers,
is done away with as absurd and grotesk.
Mark Jacobs,
you encouraged me to keep my promise "to upset the group"!
This was in the candle atmosphere of the children's barrack,
where at least three participants voiced, that they didn't
feel anything.
I did not keep my promise then.
I was too afraid
to be even more of a trouble-maker than I had been already.
I am keeping my promise NOW.
Sounding!!! - not Silent!
Again I warn
of misunderstanding me:
There is a time for silence!
When the alternative would be chatting!!!!
The instruction to be silent at the beginning of a meal
and the starting of a walk from the hostel to Birkenau
was appropriate.
There was no such instruction,
when people walked to the selection place
for the Meditation-ReadingNames-Meditation ritual.
I walked with people only once
and felt very much disturbed by their chatting.
Since I could neither bear their non-silence
in a situation which asked for silence,
nor their silence, when the situation asked for wailing and
I took part only from a distance,
thus living my solidarity and love for all the group members
but not violating my need for either silence or sounding.
The question that I have always been asking, I never heard someone
else ask:
If the Nazis took their "Final Solution" seriously -
why didn't they kill everyone in the gas-chambers right away, once
this method had been developed efficiently?
Continuation: Coping with Evil
The answer, that they needed people to work for them, is stupid, to
say the least.
Like Pater Staniswov in Harmeze said to me: "People, who are needed for work, must
be fed and kept in good shape."
But the purpose was not the need to get slaves.
The purpose was the need to torture.
And why was there the need to torture?
Simply, because this was the only way,
the deadened feelings could get "a kick" for a moment.
Again, this is not so far away
from what people do,
who seek out movies of action and horror.
Their living is lifeless,
for their feelings are dead.
No one taught them, how to vibrate feelings physically,
no one trained them to move emotions,
to breathe and sound and move
pain, shame and fear,
humilation, boredom and powerlessness.
That's why they couldn't bear their feelings,
so they killed their feelings,
so they need their kicks.
the sake of uniting
the Holy-One-Blessed-be-He and his Shekhina
(Divine Presence in female gender) to unite Y-H with W-H in complete/whole unity
in the name of all Israel and let's say: Amen.
These Aramaic
words are said
before blessing over the fulfillment of
certain kinds of commandments.
YHWH is the so-called name of God,
but is actually a verb: he who happens