The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"


52 days of Moving and E-volving Emotions Manual - 44th day, September 2002

J OY         AT          SUCCOT
Light and Water      Spirit and Feeling!
See the folks that flock to the festival
and my Efrat orchestrating everything.
Despite 6 hours in busses and trains,
Rotem so much enjoys what I enjoy :
the artists sculpting in Galilee stone,
our Kayak paddling and scating on ice,
guests-of-honor of Efrat and her staff,
but the most  joyful experience of all:
being enchanted with our own sculpting
of male (Rotem) and female (I) surfaces.
A Biblical prophecy about joy & gladness
Isaiah 51,9
Efrat, Rotem with Sarah
who is working on her sculpture,
meant for kids
to climb and sit on
Struck by Rotem's words about Michelangelo,
I dare to try to sculpt myself

- a broken piece of an
"Ittung" building block

Feast of Succot 2002

at Montford Lake
"I, who read my book on Michelangelo 300000 times, should dare to try my hands on sculpting myself?


Light and Water, Spirit and Feeling,
and the folks that flock to the festival
and my Efrat orchestrating everything.
Despite 6 hours


The FELT days 165, 166, 167, 168 ~ of the next 15 FELT years

1 5   y e a r s  = 5 4 8 0   days   of
g e f u e h l t e - g e f u e l l t e   Z e i t   
"inmitten der Ewigkeit",
f e l t - f i l l e d   t i m e  
"amidst eternity"
from the beginning of my 76th till the completion of my 90th year [unless I'll die after all]
The feeling chosen from a day is exhibited in max. 7 lines per day since August 28, 2013

On 6 days of the week I learn, but Shabbat is dedicated to my main feeling: grate-full-ness.

Since feelings must be vibrated~ wombed, each day closes with a song, fitting the 7 lines

To challenge myself like that -while not knowing what will be "staged"
in my personal and in the world's drama till 2028 , exhilarates me!

2014-02-18-Tuesday-still 5312 days

Nightly S~Q~U has not yet healed me from the Babylonian muck in which I let not only myself be stuck, but my son, my daughter-in-love and little Mika. "We came her only for your sake!"
"I know"
, I whine, "and I so much regret not to have spared you all this, but most of all the communication-killing noise & your 700 NIS!"

2012 songs Nr. 17: ani yeda'tikha ba-midbar

2014-02-19-Eberhard's death-still 5311 days

Following yesterday's "PONDERING": A great insight, enwrapped in a still greater, but a bit grieving one: I'm to give less attention to the physical manifestation of the Tent-Vision [grief and shame] and more to how this will evolve humans' coping with their 3 main NEEDs. The third one is - insight! - being held/hugged!

song: ani kmehah elaikh...khabqini
Desire to sculpt this: Premature spring! Loud bird-twitter awakens me. Sequence of thoughts leads to: I'll visit Reshit today! I recall my fall from the steps to her house. This time I asso-ciate: My grandmother fell from the stairs in
her house and died, 6 months after my birth!
>29 years ago my mother died in my arms!

2014-02-20-my mother's death - still 5310

song: al tira, kappayim yissa-unkha

2014-02-21-Friday-still 5309 days

A day of too intense thinking and working on "the third need", and of softly involving Reshit, the artist, by putting my 2 tent-models on her veranda-table in view of the endless range of desert-moun-tains where I envision the Ohalot- caused a night of obsessive rehearsing of how to erect the tent this morning -with my neighbors?

2012songs7: mi yitneni uf...anuakh in your might

in busses and trains,
Rotem so much enjoys what I enjoy,
the artists


February 18, 2014-OHEL 20

On the eighth day
he is to take two lambs, wholly-sound...
The priest making-purification
is to stand the man to-be-purified and them
before the presence of YHWH,
at the entrance to the tent of Appointment
Leviticus 14:10-11

Am achten Tag nehme er zwei heile Schaflaemmer ....
der Priester, der reinigt,
stelle denMann, der sich reinigt, und sie
vor IHN,
an den Einlass des Zelts der Begegnung.
Er Rief 14, 10-11

I feel a bit like a leper, after having been stuck in the muck of that Babylonian Celebration, needing purification
though not by the slaughter of whole-sound lambs, but yes by standing before YOU in the tent of Appointment.
see more below

continuing: (18) "Nebo-Let-Go"-slow and "Nebo-Let-Go" - in one go =2006: a sculpture of 21 years of my exterior creating

One morning I climbed up Hill 884
(the name on the map according to its height above sea-level)
There was mist at the bottom of the hill
as well as in my soul.
Suddenly I remembered a saying:

"Angels fly,
because they take themselves so lightly!"

I felt relief...
I called Hill 884 - "Hill of the Angels' Flight"
and met at the Mitzpe-Ramon Bank - Dani Kish!

"I was told that you sculpt not only in stone!!
Can you imagine a succah in the desert?"

How much did I toil to discover
the model of "a succah"!
I even worked with students in Haifa,
- not one of the 30 models they came up with,
was right!

But when the time is ripe, it happens in an instant.
"A triangle composed of
electricity or telephone poles,
a few boards to combine between them,
a material against rain, wind, cold,
which you have to find yourself,
and above all palm-fronds!"

2014~~~before having copied this here,
- in the pool - I - without any association at all - wanted to sing the song,
which Rafael created, and I put in tune,
when 4 year old Immanuel - March 1967 - asked
for "a song about an electricity pole".
Though we and later I sang it often,
I now had to sing it 5 times,
until I recalled the exact wording of every line, something I never do.
If I can't remember all the lyrics of a song
I let it go and look it up on my website,
record it and then rehearse it.

A sculpture by Succot-builder Dani Kish at the edge of the Ramon-Crater

At this stage of my sculpting [July 2006]
I breathe my frustration:
there is to convey so much information,
and to tell such moving stories,
and to thank to such wonderful helpers.
But who today has the time to read?

We started everything from the beginning,
how to integrate Man, adam, with Earth, adamah?

forms of building, materials for building,
business administration,
routine of hosting and serving meals
I'll record only a few titles of 'books'


What dreams will you bring to fruition this year?


Day 16- from among 42 days -


Every Dream Seed is blessedly designed to birth
infinite combinations in infinite diversities.

Each growing as life-supporting structures,
water bonds to matter
Earth to Light
Body to Love.


In choosing to activate, nurture, tender,
cultivate and harvest our Dream Seeds,
we are offering sustenance for ALL to thrive.


We are Birthing New Reality by simply choosing
to hold a common vision in our Heart.
This gathering of energetic focus and collective intent
acts as a driver
to accelerate and expand our fields of influence.

"Once upon a time,
the tribe of humanity embarked upon a long journey called Separation.
It was not a blunder as some - seeing its ravages upon the plane - might think.
Nor was it a fall,
nor an expression of some innate evil peculiar to the human species.

"It was a journey with a purpose:
to experience the extremes of Separation,
to develop the gifts that come in response to it,
and to integrate all of that in a new age of Reunion.

"But we knew at the outset
that there was danger in this journey:
that we might become lost in Separation and never come back.
We might become so alienated from nature
that we would destroy the very basis of life;
we might become so separated from each other
that our poor egos, left naked and terrified,
would become incapable of rejoining the community of all being.
In other words, we foresaw the crisis we face today.

"That is why, thousands of years ago, we planted three seeds
that would sprout at the time
that our journey of Separation reached its extreme.
Three seeds,
three transmissions from the past to the future,
three ways of preserving and transmitting
the truth of the world, the self, and how to be human.
Imagine you were alive thirty thousand years ago,
and had a vision of all that was to come:
symbolic language, naming and labeling the world;

[go on reading in"The Three Seeds" by Charles Eisenstein]

Mika finally finds things to enjoy herself. As to my hair, s. below.

Next to me are sitting Meital's colleague at work and her husband,
both have been living in Arad since 37 years,
as they told me during the only short interaction that was possible.


I sent her the link to the 2002 top of this page with the link to pp53

[I remember the sad story with Sa'uda, my house-cleaner,
who planned such a celebration
for the youngest of her 10 living children
(6 had died in Libya, before the family came to Israel),
a boy after 4 girls, called Offer.
I pleaded with her to not cast herself into such expenses,
but to no avail.
The celebration in a big hall at Hod-Ha-sharon- in the seventies,
though far from being posh and degenerated like the one in Beersheva,
must have cost her many years of earnings in my house.

[When searching for this story on my website,
I came across another, Levi's' "Babylonian Celebration", in Aug. 2008,
see the "talking" between me and the cosmic self of baby "Maya"!]

But the worst in Sa'uda's case was,
that about two thirds of the invited guests did not appear.
Till now I can see the hidden tears in Sa'uda's sad eyes then.

At least this was different in the Beer-sheva Celebration.
They invited 280 guests,
taking into account that 20% would not arrive.
"But they all arrived and most stayed until past midnight!
That is what happens, when you honor people:
we never refuse an invitation!
Then people also honor you back!

What a pity, that some people understood only later,
that your son, the Masterchef, was among the invited guests!"

honor, honor, honor .....

PONDERING [Febr. 18-20, 2014]

"Stuck in Babylonian muck" versus "what the Vision of Tents intends to evolve"

Documented in "Christa-Rachel's Hologram 1984", 2 volumes of paper compositions:
30 years ago Micha, Mona and I studied the biblical story about Gid'on in the book of Judges 6,
where he is commanded to erect an altar,
"a place of slaughter", as B-R translate correctly.
I showed them the instruction about building altars in the much later book of Deuteronomy 27

"an altar of stones! - thou shalt lift up no iron upon them! - whole stones!"
I pointed out then the connection
between Gid'on's calling his altar
"YHWH is Shalom (= wholeness)"
and the later instruction of exemplifying this wholeness
in how an altar should be built technically, physically.
Mona countered:
"but the very term of altar is still "a place of slaughter",
and when they slaughtered the required animals there, they did use "iron"!

I said: This is the way of f the Bible:
to not bluntly oppose a damaging belief of people,
but to place it within a greater context,
and thus cause a transformation of that belief:
the whole stones as a symbol of wholeness/peace
between Israel and YHWH as well as between Israel and the World.

2014: the greatest example is "The Binding of Isaac/Yitzkhaq".
Interpreted by me extensively on the page of my song: "to redeem from victimhood"
People believed that animals had to be slaughtered,
in order to please "God", or in order to atone for "sins",
The paradigm-shift was prepared by using "whole" stones for the altar,
i.e. by not using "iron", which associates "sword and spear".

this can be implied even in today's "ohel-verse"- to purify a leper by two "whole" lambs.
What is important for evolution, is "wholeness", healed-ness,
the healing of all denial, all gapping between Spirit and Will and Body.

I'll now try to apply this way to dealing with -
the degeneration in "Babylonian" celebrations:

First of all, I'll propose to Efrat (once the Internet will work again),
to see her vocation in her immense talent to produce alternative celebrations,
celebrations where communication is not drowned in the ruckus of "music",
celebrations where the guests can listen to and enjoy a Bat-Mitzva girl,
when she sings or when she reads her sermon,
celebrations where guests can walk around and meet each other,
etc. etc.
Efrat has been so great not only at that Sculpting-Festival of Ma'alot in 2002 ,
but also at my 70th birthday and at Immanuel's 50th birthday
[12 pages!]
And she enjoys producing, unlike me who also produced "alternative" celebrations in the past
but would have preferred to die than doing it.

But that is not yet the solution!
What I see concerning all people's stuck in muck , every muck
is the exemplification of an alternative to people's life-"style" in general,
and this is what the tent-vision shows:
The physical, technical, economic alternative of the Tent-Vision
is not meant to deny, obliterate, condemn how people live on Earth today.
It is meant to make people look up and think for the split of a second:
"Oh, life and living could be very different from what we are used to!"
The physical circumstance - the "tent in the Desert"
proposes - in its "touching-not touching" the Earth<
a space , an atmosphere , an environment,

to "host us humans to find ourselves. "

When watching (I don't even need to explore it, since it's so obvious)
what made these wonderful, but unconscious people ,
under whose roof I've been living for more than 9 years,
throw whatever they earn to make a living,
into the Moloch of such a celebration,
I realize, that it is nothing but their yearning
to fulfill two of the main 3 needs of humans,
needs which they - as long as they don't know HOW to FEEL-
can only dull, dimmer, dampen yet not really fulfil them:

1) the need for "honor",
"to be somebody", to be worthy,
the need of Cain to feel respected, to feel equal,
and the belief, that this must be proven by other people's "honoring" me,
and to make them honor me, I must win them over by a grand spectacle
with as many and as honorable people as possib

2) the need for zest and full-fill-ment
watered down into the need for "entertainment".

If ,at least, the entertainment could have been technically entertaining,
i.e. if everyone could see the kitchy shows and the "exhibiting",
instead of getting lost in crowds and being blinded by 2 huge moving cameras,
and if everyone could hear what was said or sung,
instead of having a D.J. as a dictator
who trampled down everybody with a technically faulty machinery,
not to talk about the volume he and even my landlady, so oversensitive to noise usually, preferred.
I wonder, when he and the workers in the hall will become deaf...

[the third need - sex - central on the Internet - is "taken care of" by Ohad Ezrachi,
so that I can allow myself to not relate to it.
This I wrote on February 18 - but soon I was taught, that - disguised by "sex"
there is a third need, which I indeed have to take care of, s. below "the need to be held/hugged".]

But even a technically perfect entertainment,
and even for an audience which likes kitch, yes perversion

(one example: I once looked at the gigantic screen,
there a living cow played "acrobatics", swirling around in the air
- even now disgust rises in my stomach..)

is Babylonian degeneration,
that puts people's feeling and thinking to sleep,
and when they go home, there is nothing that enriched them.
Then they only can use their familiar devices
to dull, dimmer, dampen their third main need:
sex, mostly without love.

Of course, there was still more to lament about:
the countless dishes of diverse food on the table or brought by someone,

(for me most of it was either not tasty or to hard to chew for my teeth).
No compliment will reach those who cooked,
and most of the food will be thrown away.
About 300 starving children in the world
could have lived for one more week.
And what about the poverty in Israel itself?
And the complaint of people about low salaries,
high costs for food products
and many leaving Israel for better worlds?

Back to the altar of whole stones.
If people can experience - and be it only for a weekend -
the simple beauty of the desert,
and meet some more people, the hosts, the other guests,
who perhaps do not need big shows to feel worthy,
then the Babylonian celebration might be balanced,
and by being balanced, the pattern might loosen up a bit.
And this before any experience of "content" in the tents
content that will enhance the encounter with the desert,
by helping some people "to find themselves".

{perhaps the Internet is gone,
and perhaps nothing seems to happen towards the Vision on the exterior level,
so that I can go much much deeper into the purpose of the Vision?}

{I must explore this insight, that seems to be new to me:
it's not only beliefs that cannot be opposed directly,
it's the pattern of people's dampening, dulling, dimming their needs
which cannot be opposed or judged or ridiculed

Gadi about Simon and Sharon Ma'or, the two fathers of Ya'el Gavish's three children.


February 19, 2014-OHEL 21

continuing: (19) "Nebo-Let-Go"-slow and "Nebo-Let-Go" - in one go =2006: a sculpture of 21 years of my exterior creating

I'll record only a few titles of 'books'

I ordered 33 tons of gravel from the Dimona quarry.
The driver of the semitrailer hit upon a jeep:

"Do you know the place of "Succah in the Desert?"
That's how we were detected by the "Green Patrol"

What terror! I hurried north the 80 km to Beersheva,
to the director of "the Israel Land Administration".



Yet half an hour passed and a great miracle happened
"within one week no succah will be at that place!!!!"
"the Land Administration will grant you a one year contract!"

A rare photo:
I'm working on closing
a still open side
of a succah,
March or April 1990.
Across the wadi:
the Hill of the Angels' Flight

On Pesach arrived - prematurely - six families.
All the succahs were still open on one side.
Cancellation of the second day!
A talk and-:

"We were surprised that each family stayed in a succah,
the name of which was connected to a father or mother in the family!"
Sarah and Rebecca and Isaak and Jacob and Lea and Rachel!


1990: Not only guests came, but visitors, who encouraged me.
The cups seen here, were made, together with all dishes etc., by Debbie, a very open ceramicist from the US.
But since I was about the only one, who ordered her products, she left Mitzpe-Ramon and went back to the US.

In November 1990 I ran out of my money: 30000$.
The request for a loan from two friends
had not yet been responded to,
and in the end I received only a quarter
of what I had calculated.
But guests were coming and the model held on.


In May 1991 the first volunteers appeared.
I called them "Hosts" in a team of equals.
In time we made some laws, also concerning money.
"During the first 2 months pocket money, then 1500 NIS"
I myself lived "from hand to mouth", as we say in Hebrew.


I should have mentioned this miracle:
One day, in November 1900,
I had no more money
to even pay for fuel of the jeep.
I entered the bank, - with what hope? and stood in line
behind the leader of the Black Hebrews,
Aviel ben Israel.
"That's good, Rachel!
When there is nothing any more,
you are free
to receive what comes!

When it was my turn at the counter,
the employee announced:
"Someone sent you 5000 NIS!"
It was my sister Ursel,
who - together with Irene Haan -
pulled me out of my misery.


The problematic reality of "Succah in the Desert"
can be glimpsed in my last 'Succayah document',
sculpted in Hebrew 2 months before my lekh-lekhâ:

How must a desert hosting business function
so that the hosts are able to love their guests?

see the translation of this document , beginning on December 30, 2014

What dreams will you bring to fruition this year?


Day 17- from among 42 days - GO AND GROW

Each new day reveals subtle shifts and changes,
revealing the Beauty of our Dream Seeds
as they Go and Grow in the world.

With Faith Wisdom, we surrender and flow
with the unfolding mystery ~
trusting in Love to guide the Way.

Like the deepening roots of our Dream Seed,
much of our growth and change is veiled
by the layers of time.
Yet, we go and grow each day,
making subtle shifts and vital extensions
that affirm we are ALIVE! Awake! Aware!
Birthing New Reality with every breath.
as Now flows through you with grace and ease,
releasing tension, discord and resistance.

Relax into the spaciousness of letting go.
Flow with the moment, allowing Peace to grow.
With every breath, every choice,
every moment of Silence between each beat of our Heart~
We are at One with All that IS.
Our power is in the present,
and we are the flow-ers of Life,
Dream Seeding and Birthing New reality.

While we may yet see
the Great-Full-Ness of our Dream Seeds
in the outer realms,
we feel them in our Hearts,
see them with our inner visions
and celebrate them with our Soul.

We feel the cosmic impulse of creation
coursing through every fiber of our being,
and with Faith Wisdom flow ever onward...

We follow our bliss and celebrate what IS,
knowing we root, shoot, blossom and fruit
all in Divine timing.

In Gratitude we go ... and Grow.

"I am blossoming in Spirit's time.
Knowing this, I turn to my inner flowering securely.
Within the environment of my own heart,
I enjoy the sunlight of safety,
the warmth
of harmony,
the strength of right companions.

Focused on the reality
that Spirit is my constant companion,
I remember to be comforted
by the continuity of my blessings.
Grounded in the safety of divine presence,
I am able to breathe deeply,
pause in my striving,
and notice the unfolding
of one gift into another.

My life is evolutionary and revolutionary.
My attitude of
openness, expectation, and observation
yields me a sense of abundance."

From Julia Cameron's, Blessings

Today's Morning Book
WATSU, Freeing the body in Water
by Harold Dull. second edition 1997,

into which I wrote after having gone through the experience myself:
"Holding (touch)~~~~ Supporting (being with)~~~ Movement.

I never understood, why I was urged to take up a course in Watsu and at a time, when I had not a penny to spend on more than survival-needs.
The book opened towards the end at "Holdings".
and when associating with it a recent encounter
and a recent reading, I suddenly understood...

[Nowadays there is a website Watsu,
but I didn't find there what this time, in the book, en-lighten-ed me:

p. 136 Holdings:
.... to explore what being held means I first introduced this simple exercise or process in Watsu classes at Harbin in the fall of 1996. It was so powerful and effective that we are making it a regular part of all our trainings.

1. Explain to Watsu students: Watsu is a holding therapy.Being held brings up many different things for people. For many it adds another dimension to being touched. We all have some need to be held, but are not always aware of it and may confuse it with other needs. ... one person (the holder) holds another (the explorer) while a third (the witness) sits nearby to listen to whatever the explorer wishes to say about his immediate experience and/or what it brings up from the past.

2. Ask those students who would like to explore being held to stand up until a third of the group are standing. Ask the explorers to first pick their holders, and then their witnesses. Explain the process. The holder is to find a comfortable position against a wall with cushions etc. The explorer determines how he or she is to be held, whether leaning back against the person or lying in their lap etc. The explorer can change the position and the placement of the holder's arms as often as desired. The witness sits nearby in silence listening to whatever the explorer says. The explorer is not required to say anything, but they are encouraged to take this opportunity to explore as deep as possible what being held means to them. Have the groups of three as spread out around the room as possible.

3. Allow the process to continue at least 15-20 minutes. When it feels near completion, give them 3 minutes to wind up silently before calling them back into a circle.

4. In the circle each Explorer describes their experience and what they discovered in it, followed by those who held and witnessed them sharing their expriences.

...In the first intensive I began with this process, the full range of issues that come up for people in Watsu were brought to the surface.
- Some recalled being held by their mother.
- Some expressed how important it was for them to be held this way without any sexual intention.
- One man realized how important it was to be held by his father and how much he missed him.
- Another shared how he confronted his sexual feelings while holding a woman.
- One woman recalled how on her wedding night after making love her husband turned his back to her to sleep, and how much she just needed to be held.

Sharing these experiences, and sharing how deep each was affected, gave the participants a deeper sense of Watsu 'ethics' than many hours of generalizing and opinion based discussion could. It also created a strong bonding of the group from day one.

A couple months later I tried the same exercise with a group of aquatic exercise instructors from Japan. Children in Japan are held more than in the West but adults rarely embrace or hold others, particularly in public. The first issue that came up for most of them was the difficulty of asking for what they wanted, of expressing how they wanted to be held. Another issue of primary importance was expressing how they felt. They enjoyed the exercise and many eagerly explored the differences between being held from behind, from in front and from each side. They recalled what they felt when their parents and others held them these ways. Some had powerful experiences of energy. Others apologized for not having such powerful experiences. Not as many issues around sexuality came up, possibly because it was an all women group. The exercise added much to bonding, and helped me, even through translatino, get a better sense of each student. I felt it added to the students getting "the spirit of Watsu"....

I cannot remember to have ever been held or hugged or kissed by my poor widowed mother. Even when she suddenly demanded that we kiss her when leaving the house for school (perhaps when I was already 16 or 17), she never kissed us back, and so this kissing was nothing but discomfort.
These coincidences day after day!
I had just copied the "exercise" of Holding, so wonderful even if not in water,
when I found a facebook info in my e-mail-box, from Tova, the wife of my stepson Joel
At the end this man asks to not divorce, but heal your relationship,
and to do so by "holding", by carrying your wife on your hands.
like "the angels" do in one of my favorite psalms
[91:8] and my song.

The ohel-verse today warned of just the same: do not betray your wife,
but the Bible didn't yet know about the need to be physically held and healed.

I envy Hagar Gal,
the daughter of my stepdaughter Dita
for her profession of holding both,
mothers who give birth
and children who are birthed

A post on Facebook by Hagar's mother-in-law
with this picture
as another coincidence today:
PONDERING - CONTINUED from Febr. 19: February 20-21, 2014

In the morning of February 19, 2014,
I was inspired to write more about the deep insights, phrased above in "Felt Days".
Later I wanted to move this excellent passage into a separate frame,
yet when "copying" it, I forgot to "paste" it
and found out about this error only 6 hours later.
The passage couldn't be retrieved and I am grieved.
It probably means,
that I'm still far from truly understanding the "three needs".
The tents in the desert's air, earth and energy will be the physical space
that - as my recent song says -
"will host us humans to find ourselves."
But what does it mean, "to find ourselves"?

I'll a little bit follow my life-path of trying to understand,
"how to save the World":
It's how I phrased "this" at the age of 6
believing then, what the Catholic Church taught
(we were Protestants, but my consciousness awoke during the 2 1/2 years
of having been evacuated to a Catholic village , from 1944-1946)

that only humans who are baptized will be "saved".
I told elsewhere, how terribly frustrated I felt:
"Let's assume I find a way to baptize all humans now on earth,
what about those who are already dead?"

I skip forward to 1967, when I began to work on my Ph.D. thesis:
I had wanted to call it: "The meaning of suffering in Judaism".
Yet the professor whom I called to get info about literature in the Middle Ages,
came down on me like a thunderbolt:
"To look for the meaning of suffering is a Christian idea.
Jews endeavor to    p r e v e n t    suffering".

This is not exact: Jews like Rabbi Aqiba, too, searched for "meaning".
And yet what I learnt from the ancient Jewish thinkers was,
that what happens to us, is not blind Destiny,
It is the consequence of wrong-doing.
Asking "what CAUSED our catastrophes" shows
that they felt responsible for what happened.
Feeling responsible for what happened,
means accepting responsibility also for what WILL happen.
I know, that it's this capability of taking responsibility
which let the Jewish people survive through all destructions and exilations,
unlike other people who "caused" themselves the same experiences,
but did not take responsibility and therefore got lost in their new environments.

This understanding made me take up   a c t i o n >>>Partnership.
But at the same time I also expanded my understanding
about how to deal with suffering.
I'll again skip many years and pin down two main phenomena,
about which I learnt in the Right-Use-of-Will Books and in
I understood that we attract painful "triggers"
so that "holes in our wholeness can heal".
These holes are the consequence of denials.

The other main reason for pain etc. are "judgments/beliefs".
Like the belief (still prevalent!), that some humans have to be sacrificed,
so that the rest can live.

How to heal triggers and how to release judgments,
this has taken up most of my thinking during the last 27 years.

But there is a third main reason for suffering
and therefore ---- for wrong-doing!

I often repeated [e.g. in pp26] that what we deny mainly are

- painful emotions
- needs judged unfulfillable
- "negative" qualities
- feared greatness

but I don't recall if I ever investigated
"needs judged unfulfillable".

Yes, I gave enormous attention to what I saw as the too greatest needs:
The need of "Cain" -
i.e. the need to feel worthy and equal , self-respecting and self-loving
the need for "Zest and Full-fill-ment".

The fulfilment of these two needs has to be found in ourselves.

But there is a third need, which is dependent on others:
the need to be held and hugged, yes physically touched.

I often told that a gruesome experiment in the 19th century :
about orphans, who were fed, clothed etc.
but never given any warmth, never held, hugged, touched.
They all died eventually. .

I haven't made clear, that the three needs ,
- since people do not know how to feel -
are "fulfilled" in a shallow or even dangerous way,
The dampening, dulling, dimming of "Cain's" need
is apparant in the biblical myth itself, in personal & national wars,
and even in "Babylonian Celebrations".
The dampening, dulling, dimming of the need for Zest & Full-fill-ment
is apparent in countless phenomena, like "Babylonian Entertainments",
like addictions of every kind, like youth-delinquency, etc. etc.
The third need - the need for being held, hugged, touched -
- is most of the time mixed up with "sex" and "romantic love"

Now, after 3 days of "pondering", I feel helpless, powerless, how

"I'm to give less attention to the physical manifestation of the Tent-Vision
and more to how this will evolve humans' coping with their 3 main NEEDs."

This morning , still in bed, I wondered,
how I could visualize or depict my expanding into these new insights,
which I phrased on this "Felt Day"::

"A great insight, enwrapped in a still greater, but a bit grieving one:
I'm to give less attention to the physical manifestation of the Tent-Vision

[grief - I yearn for something "tangible"
and shame =" people will not take me seriously"]

and more to how this will evolve humans' coping with their 3 main NEEDs.
The third one is - insight! - being held/hugged!"

I saw the expansion as a spiral, like the one
which I watch every day on my carpet [inherited from Efrat].

And then , 4 hours later, I saw this image attached to the 17th day of
What dreams will you bring to fruition this year?

Next day another spiral: "re-viewing intent with gratitude" (s. below)

Today's postcard: My father from the war in France: "here we were stationed for some hours", 1940

ting in Galiee stoe,
our Kayak paddling, our sliding on ice,
guests-of-honor of Efrat an her staff,
but the greatest experience of all:
our enchantment with our ow sculpting of female (

le (Rote


February 20, 2014-OHEL 22

YHWH spoke to Moshe and to Aharon, saying:
Each -one by its contingent,
under the insignias of their Fathers' House,
shall the Children of Israel encamp,
at-a-distamce. around the tent of Appointment
shall they encamp.

Numeri 2:2

ER redete zu Mosche und zu Aharon, sprechend:
Jedermann neben seiner Fahne,
bei den Abzeichen ihres Vaterhauses,
sollen lagern die Soehne Jisraels,
gegenueber rings dem Zelt der Begegnung
sollen sie lagern.
In dr Wueste 2:2

        "shall they encamp"/"sollen sie lagern" - twice! "encamp"! not "dwell"!

continuing: (20) "Nebo-Let-Go"-slow and "Nebo-Let-Go" - in one go =2006: a sculpture of 21 years of my exterior creating

On January 1, 1992, snow covered the succahs,
which did not melt for 10 days.
The succahs were damaged.

Underneath the palmfronds were 3 layers:

Jute from the inside,
black Polysack shade net from the outside,
and 'bubble nylon', produced at Mitzpe-Ramon, in between.

The nylon disintegrated into dust. The winds penetrated.

It was clear that the "angel on duty" was already on her way.
On January 6, a carpenter from the USA came as a visitor.
She left, but a week later she came again:

"I've decided to help you with repairing the succahs!"


Renata (see about her in Succah diary 3)
stayed for a month and went home,
and again came to us, and thus she "commuted" for two years.
She - for instance - built the cabins for the hosts:

"Hagar" - following the model of "Ketura",
which was the creation of a former "angel on duty", Alan Sabag,
and "Ismael" and "Eliezer" following my own imagination.


i'm skipping more of Renata's own photos, sent to me much later as I requested

to the left: Renata, originally a therapist, then a carpenter, nowadays a ceramicist,
works in "Esau", a cabin with a room for a volunteer and a shed for tools and materials.
built by my son Immanuel in early 1990.
Here she sits on the top of "Hagar" covering it with palm-fronds.
Above - the jeep can be seen - next to the 1000 liter water tank.
I or another host brought water in the jeep's 2 mobile 300 liter tanks.

A few months later Micha stayed in the Succah for a month,
to prepare for some exam, all the while helping me.
Here he works on the Ya'aqov
My two sons, Immanuel and Micha, and my son-in-love Uri,
helped when they could.
[s. pictures]
The three of them built the first shower-structure,
a hexagon, according to my plan, in March 1990
I did not yet have a generator, so they sawed it all by hand.

My intuition told me, that the difference of height
between the little rock above and shower and kitchen
would be enough for letting the water come out of the tap
by gravitation.
A trail was built to that rock by my son Micha
and two boys from Germany
(paid by their mother, Irene Hahn,
who was also the friend who gave me money,
when I asked for a loan in Nov. 1990. She gave it as a gift.)

What dreams will you bring to fruition this year?


Day 18- from among 42 days -

In beginning our Blooming Humans journey,
we set an intention of activating our Dream Seeds.

Some recorded these prayers/intentions in journals and on blogs,
while others in-visioned the intention and are energetically
creating space for these Dream Seeds to go and grow.

Each of us is birthing our Peace of the Great Coming Together
in our own uniquely Universal-Yet-Personal way
AND our daily journey continues to refine and clarify
our chosen roles, visions, intentions and dreams.

Connect with the original intent you set
on beginning the 42 Day Blooming Humans journey.
Take note of how it has grown,
what has changed,
what has dissolved into something new
and what continues to be true for YOU.
[Rachel, this is exactly what I'm doing today,
see "PONDERING"Febr. 18+19]
Consider what re-visions, shifts in language, or refined intent
will truly reflect the Dream Seed as it is NOW.

Record these in whatever way feels resonant and empowering.
It may be in writing, as an art piece, in symbolic form
or even dancing the Dream
so it is felt in every fiber of the being.
You will be inspired to use the perfect outlet and tools for you.


As you do, approach this endeavor from a space of Gratitude.
Re-Craft the intention in present-tense, as if it already is.
See it in full-spectrum manifestation.

Feel the Joy of it being here Now.
Use all your senses to reflect the Beauty of What IS,
knowing your direct attention, Gratitude and focus
are clarifying and energizing the Dream Seed
to grow from inner-vision ~ into our waking reality.

Re-writing, Re-imagining and refining
the language of original intent
assists in releasing attachment to what has been,
and honors and supports the emergence of what IS.

Even the most subtle shift in our feelings,
a simple word change,
or even a change in thinking and perception
has an enormous potential to influence our reality.
By choosing to allow space for these shifts
to be seen, felt, experienced and acknowledged,
we stay centered in the creative flow
and are present to the ever-changing nature of creation.

In recording our current visions, intentions and roles
in Birthing New Reality
-- from a space of Gratitude --
we are centered in the Heart,
and leverage the power of the collective field
to deliver more and more to be grateful for.

Remember --- what we Appreciate APPRECIATES.

In Gratitude we go ... and grow!

"When you project gratitude, regardless of circumstance or condition,
life becomes increasingly supportive.
This feeling of gratitude coupled with the mental concept of appreciation
is expressed like an invisible message in all directions and at all times.

Gratitude is an essential facet of love
that opens you to redefine your purpose
as a supportive extension of the Divine,
rather than the whimsical outreach of fate
or the exacting reaction of a mechanical, detached universe.
Establishing a relationship with the universe
through the outflow of gratitude
also attracts life experience that is deeply transformative -
experience that is richly devoted to uncovering life's deepest meaning
and most formative purpose."

Article, 'Principles of Personal Transformation'


Senegal: he smoothes his mother's curled hair (perhaps 50 years ago)

I didn't think, that my hair
- "beautified" for that "Babylonian Celebration" - had any relevance.
But the fact, that instead of a morning postcard this clip appeared,
let me think:
how is people's, especially women's craziness about their hair
connected to "Cain's" need to feel worthy and be honored?

In any case - the accidental photo of me at that Celebration s. above
reinforces my dislike of long smooth dispersed hair,
even if it's not blonde
(this goes beyond "disliking"-
for "blonde hair and blue eyes" were considered "Aryan" by the Nazis!)

though the neighbors at another table and my children liked ,
what Meital had her hairdresser Miri commanded to do with my hair.

Still some good came out this:
Miri adviced me to daily massage my scalp - finger tips dipped in olive-oil:
"This will bring blood into your scalp:
it won't be over-sensitive as it is now, and less hair will fall out.
Why did Ben-Gurion stand on his head? Because it brought blood to it!"

Finally that line in Ps. 23 makes sense;"Thou hast anointed my head with oil"!


An article about the present situation of the Negev Bedouins
(by David Sandovski, the lawyer who - without money -
helped us set up the Company for Desert Resources in 1994),

with the appendix of a 20 min. video of TV "Mabat Sheni".

[See the 4th line from the bottom: "integrated building of houses and tents!"]
Why rfaces.


February 21, 2014-OHEL 23

and that they should keep
the charge of the Tent of Appointment,
and the charge of the holy place,
and the charge of the sons of Aaron their brethren,
for the service of the house of the LORD.

Chronicles I, 23:32

und hueten sollen sie die Hut des Zelts der Begegnung, die Hut der Heiligung und die Hut der Soehne Aharons, ihrer Brueder, beim Dienst SEINES Hauses.
Begebenheiten der Tage I, 23:32

        I have my difficulty with most parts of the two books called "Chronicles",       
which - out of time and history - desperately tries to "keep" what was gone,
 thus immobilizing what should move - most of all "the Tent of Appointment".

continuing: (21) "Nebo-Let-Go"-slow and "Nebo-Let-Go" - in one go =2006: a sculpture of 21 years of my exterior creating

1992/93 ----With my sowing machine, connected to our generator,
since the solar system would not render the power needed for such jobs,
I am constantly preparing and repairing equipment,
in this case Ram Eisenberg's "Tent of Appointment"
This photo I took - with a digital camera - in July 2006 -
in the Ja'aqov-Succah,
thanks to the permission of Gai,
a guest who who had come for 5 days

Between May and October 1993 there was an excellent team in the Succayah,
as I called the composition of succahs then
(most other people simply call it THE Succah,
not differentiating between the "municipal" structure and a separate Succah,
nor do they differentiate between a "succah" for guests and a "biktah" (cabin) for hosts.)
and I tried "to go out" , to make my "exodus" -
according to the laws of the Succah-Economy.
I also tried to continue with the realization of the whole vision.
There was no end to my initiatives and my efforts,
but none bore any fruits...

I was granted only one more "nakhat" -
(a beautiful Hebrew word, which I now interpret as "feeling of full-fill-ment")
in summer 1994:
"Aetgar ba-Midbar" = "Challenge in the Desert".


What dreams will you bring to fruition this year?


Day 19- from among 42 days -SELF LOVE

Self-Love is the well-spring of Kindness, Compassion,

In nurturing our Dream Seeds,
we are Birthing New Reality,
reconnecting to the Source Code of Love,
and streaming this through our Hearts into the World.

This Love magnetizes to it vibrationally-matched experiences,
drawing to us abundance, creativity, delightful relationships
and fulfillment of our dreams.

It all begins with Self Love.

Be present to opportunities to practice Self-Love.
Speak kindly of yourself and your dreams.
Practice compassion when self-judgment rises.
Identify your Truth and live it.
Celebrate the Beauty of who you really ARE,
and Appreciate all that this day brings.

In recognizing our outer reality
is simply a projection of inner state of being - our vibration -
we are empowered to shift our individual consciousness,
and so we change the world.

Accepting we create our own reality
precipitates responsible co-creation, ...
and attunes our Being-ness to the Superluminal nature of Love.
Self-Love, thus, becomes our First Nature,
and from here we Birth New Reality. .

"Greetings Beloved Ones,

..... We are One,
the more we care for Ourselves and our spirit,
the more others will benefit from our presence.

On this day and nourish
yourself in all that you are, all your bodies wish to align.
Love is the frequency of appreciation.
It is time to appreciate all that exists in you
especially the aspects that bring you pain and discomfort.

... Feelings of guilt, shame, anger, vengeance,
stuckness, fear, hopelessness and despair
are all worthy of Love,
for it is this "withholding of love" for the Self (Singular and Universal)
that creates this suffering.

....Forgive yourself for withholding love from the aspects of yourself
that bring you pain, embarrassment or suffering.
Consciously Love yourself during these times of discomfort
for as you do they will be easier to absorb and eventually dissipate.
~ 'Share the Love' community posting

Rachel: Only if we let Body vibrate - breathe, move and sound - "all those aspects that bring us pain and shame" - can we "womb", i.e. "love" them!


* After the sculpting of this "felt day" and the "ohel-verse", I left early (8:40) for the pool, since Ofir still hadn't moved the car out of "my" veranda (Friday!). Not only would it have been even more difficult to maneuver the outer and the inner tent out to the garden, but I was afraid to confront Ofir with what I was doing, though I told him about my decision to erect the tent every Friday and dismantle it on Sunday. When I came back from the pool, I knew already that I would not have the courage to ask Shalom and Nitza, my neighbors for help. The hardest job, erecting the tent in "my" garden, last week, was done with the help of Tomer, but I still wasn't sure about the best place into which to squeeze the silvery tent above the black tent, so that the angles would be as close as possible to the geometrical measures of the tetraheder.
I just finished cooking my porridge, when the car left and I rightaway headed for my ardous undertaking. When Ofir came back I was just placing the stones on the brims of the tent on the side near the neighbors, i.e. where Ofir could not see me. I don't know, if he discerned the tent - in any case he did not approach me and I continued to complete my work. - Already when dismantling the tents, I decided to use only one mattress and
enwrap it with Ushi's patchwork, sowing it all around the mattress. Luckily the two thinner mattresses fitted exactly under the 2 thick mattresses which make up the sitting-corner on the veranda. One sits a bit lower than before, but that is fine, and the lowness of the mattress in the tent is also fine.

Will someone come? or at least ask about it? That's not my business.
"My door is open for all Your surprises, I yearn to be part of the sun when it rises..."


Move to next page --------2oo2 + 2014


Tents-Song - Shirat-ha-Ohalim
I want you to enhance and to not distort,
what the Vision of Tents intends to evolve
the earth of the desert will stay free and pure
and host us humans ~~~~~ to find ourselves.