I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution in
learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!! "I
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
52 days of Moving
and E-volving Emotions Manual - 42nd day, September
want to be ME
crazy and compassionate,
cruel and kind , as great
and grand as I am
and as weak and small as I feel.
Go away, if you can't handle me,
don't be a victim to me,
nor say you don't feel hurt.
I want to be I,
a patch among patches,
orange with silver threads.
Coincidence on Sept. 6, 2013, Rosh Hashanah:
while inserting the new top on all 1400 pages, I reach this one,
just 5 minutes after I had looked with great contentment at Ushu's patchwork
2 days ago I - belatedly - had the idea to use the quilt to cover the ugly double
which my landlord leaned against the wall of "my" veranda, the place
reserved for his car.
I'm sorry I never completed that puzzle-piece of my life, called
Desert-Water Ein-Gedi 1999
and didn't even touch the experience with the "circle", of which Ushu
was a part. Febr.11, 2014 - As usual, I - later - can
see the reason for this incompletion:
I surely am a piece of a patchwork, but the patchwork must stay invisible for
I still must do my work alone, all-one, "behind the scenes" (s. below
on Febr.10).
The FELT days 157, 158, 159, 160 ~ of the
next 15 FELT years
5 y e a r s = 5 4 8 0 days
g e f u e h l t e - g e f u e l l t e Z e i t "inmitten
der Ewigkeit", f e l t - f i l l e d t i m e "amidst
eternity" from the beginning
of my 76th till the completion of my 90th year [unless
I'll die after all] The
feeling chosen from a day
is exhibited in max. 7 lines per daysince
August 28, 2013
On 6 days of the week I learn, but Shabbat is dedicated to my main feeling:
Since feelings must be vibrated~ wombed, each
day closes with a song, fitting the 7 lines
To challenge myself like that -while not knowing what will be "staged"
in my personal and in the world's drama till 2028 , exhilarates me!
5320 days
feel warned twice: 1) by BODY: when hard physical work is demanded,
like moving your folded tent etc. to clean the veranda, ask
for help! 2) Reshit Ariel, a new human, attracted you into her
life: postpone your hope to find a peer for realizing your tent-vision!
Let her take the lead,
as if she where "The Mother"!
I feel as if Bil'am who was sent to curse Israel,
did bless them with the ma tovu ohalaekha!
Ezri, programmed by his very job to realize the Vision of the
Tents, and Immanuel
, "given to me for signs and
for wonders in Israel".
It is happening! And yet, the dictator "I should be doing
something efficient", still lurks around.
I'm looking forward to Tomer with both, fright and joy. As I
see on the
page with the never ending "Kinneret-Regret":
his last visit at Arad must have been in 2012. He still triggers
me with what I feel as disrespect and not caring.
I decide to not even once blame him with "why did you",
or "why didn't you", but empower him.
An extreme SQU-night, but with inspirations! I desire to re-create
the tent's appearance in "my" garden so that my landlords
will tolerate it there, yes help me to demonstrate with it the
Tent-Vision, by accepting my invitation to arrange a children's
celebration of Amit's birthday tomorrow, Amit who was born above
me 2 months after I settled here.
February 10, 2014-OHEL 12
from among its 365 appearances in the Bible[this time not picked blindly, but chosen following
a nightly thought-upheaval]
peaceful habitation,
a tent that shall not be removed,
the stakes whereof shall never be plucked up,
neither shall any of the cords thereof be broken. Isaiah 33:20 [I
couldn't find an exact translation]
Eine sorglose Oase [Buber:
ein Zelt, stets unaufgepackt, [missing]
unausgezogen seine Pfloecke auf Dauer,
unzerrissen all seine Seile Jeshayahu 33:20 [even
Buber's translation is missing]
This is a strange prophecy
about Jerusalem! see my
The paradox between "Not Moving" and the exact details of
a moving tent.
Also the paradox between "sha'anan"
= complacent,
which in Jeremiah 48:11 defines the clinging to security
and "sha'anan" = serene here
woke up in the middle of the night with an understanding,
that was not associated to any experience or thought before:
"The yetedot
in the earth, which hold the meitarim
of a tent, [before modern iglu-tents were invented] are hurting the earth.
That's why the tetrahedral tent has no "hooks" in the earth."
Half asleep I searched obsessively for the English word for "hook",
though - being awake - I realize,
that tents are not held by a hooks, but by stakes, or pegs.
In spring 1986 my house was finally ready for "lekh-lekhâ".
To my regret - then! - but fortunately - in hindsight!
always something went wrong with the many systems,
be it the electricity, the water, the gas, the driving mechanisms,
and the destination of my mobility was mostly determined
by searching for "a man with golden hands".
In time I understood that by coming in contact with my craziness
people came in contact with their own - neglected - dreams.
My years until summer 1988 were almost too hard to bear,
mainly because I could see no justification for my existence.
Three times I worked for several months in Germany.
I was invited as a lecturer and I organized workshops.
If not for those fruitful breaks, who knows....
Also in Israel I succeeded sometimes to do work for money.
I introduced people to tools
for how to cope with feelings...
But teaching was not the goal of my "lekh-lekhâ".
In 1987 my principle was
to never stay
for more than 4 weeks
at one place.
That was the reason for leaving Timrat,
and parking near the sea
at Ha-bonim Beach.
How amazing,
that this was still permitted then!
Day 8- from among 42 days -ROOTS AND SHOOTS
diving deep, rising high
connecting the Heart of YOU
to Earth and Sky.
Enter center, and breathe into the Heart.
Connect with the Dream Seed now growing within,
and see its roots diving into Changing Mother
and its shoots rising toward Father Sky.
By joyful knowing you, too, are growing, expanding,
Merging the darkness of matter and the brilliance of Light,
your Dream Seed is now Unifying Earth and Sky.
"Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;
which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder
that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)."ee cummings
yet another
- non-tent -
in Greece360 B.C Tholos
of the Goddess Athena
near Delphi, "the place of which
- like most of the ancient Greek sanctuaries, -
was chosen excellently." from a book I found - secondhand- on
the streets of Paris in 1987, when I traveled there from Berlin, where
I taught as a guest-lecturer during the winter semester, in order to
participate in a Rebirthing-Workshop. the German translation[1981] of the English [London 1980] Mythology,
an Illustrated Encyclopedia The "Mythology"
was my morning-book.
What I found soon after
in the desert
on my way back from the pool,
was this wreck
of a digital device
Panasonic JVC, Hitachi-Minolta Truely Universal!
to where did this morning's postcard transport me?
Also to a beautiful non-tent building, not as old as the Greek sanctuary,
but about as old as the former non-tent models
[11-12 century]
- the cathedral in Paris and the fortress/palace in Spain. Bebenhausen
near Tuebingen was originally a monastery,
but see how
it was used later; "After the Reformation the abbey buildings
were used at various times as a school, a hunting palace for
the kings of Württemberg and the legislative assembly
of the State of Württemberg-Hohenzollern. What I wrote to my mother
on the back of the card,
in April 1957 - between graduation from school
and studies at Tuebingen University-
shows me - though I've no memory of it -
that I spent some days at Tuebingen,
perhaps sleeping in this building with young pupils,
which obviously include my brother,
and also looked for a student's room to live in,
though it was not yet the time for that.
During the summer semester I studied at Tuebingen
only 2 days a week,
while during 3 days I studied church-music at Esslingen.
This meant, that I slept at my mother's at Boeblingen,
and for 5 days a week, traveled every day by several trains.
Only after I completed my music studies with a low-grade exam,
did I move to a student's room at Tuebingen.
After so much human glorious, complex creation
I yearn for my tent, sophisticated in its simplicity.
Mika in my tent,
re-erected for a month
in 2012,
in a grand space above the Desert
There seem to be four authorities in
Israel, which should join together and make the quantum-leap of
Integration of Adam & Adamah in the Desert
How surprising is the word "Love" on
the English site of the Society for Nature Protection.
My words to the vice-director of this society- in Sept. 1999 in the
Field-School of Eingedi:
"I teach people how to love themselves, for
only if they love themselves will they love Nature",
got the response: "This is not what we believe",
and an ultimatum to leave the place till Oct.30.
I must find a way to heal the cynical feelings, which are still somewhere
in my soul and mind.
I feel cynical also against
this oldest organization of Zionism
[1901] : Though it is
not mentioned in the "History", from which I'm going to
I know, that they believed in "the land shall not be sold forever",
and later [I think since the eighties] betrayed it...
was the moment that Zionism actually set foot in Erez Israel
– not by mere words, declarations, debates, and resolutions,
but by land reclamation via a national fund of and on behalf
of the Jewish People..
At the same time, he hit on another idea,
one that would convey the Fund's symbols and scenes to the entire
Jewish world.
In a local print shop in Vienna, he had KKL-JNF stamps printed.
These would be used on official documents of the Zionist Institutions,
The first stamp, the Zion Stamp, was produced in 30 million
and distributed throughout the Jewish world.
Many people put it on their letters next to the official, national
stamps of their countries.
The sums collected from stamp sales were not large, ...
. But Kremenetzky saw this as an effective means
of bringing KKL-JNF closer to the Jewish People,
who were both the Fund's owner and donor.
In his eyes the stamps ... would refocus Jewish hearts
on the pictured landscapes, drawing them to Zionist symbols.
This is how KKL-JNF's first
Chairman embarked on both fund-raising
and the extensive educational activities that linked the diaspora with the far-away soil of
the land of Israel.
Kremenetzky believed that a small picture or symbol,
traversing continents and reaching across great distances,
would transmit to every corner of the world the fact of the
Fund's existence
and the goal that it strove for:
The land of Israel. Scenes of Erez Israel were always on Kremenetzky's
and, with every educational or organizational step that he
he felt as if he were coming nearer and nearer
to those gray, cold, static pictures and injecting the Zionist
Movement into them.
Kremenetzky inaugurated also another device
to encourage contributions from every Jewish community.
He adopted an idea suggested by Haim Kleinman, a bank clerk
to place, in every Jewish home, a collection box,
similar to the well-known charity box of Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess
Kremenetzky soon had a small box made at a local metal factory
, inscribed with the words "National Fund."
Because of its color, it became known as the Blue Box.
The factory produced hundreds of boxes,
which he distributed to almost all the communities in Europe,
wherever there were Jews.
Again, it was clear to him that donations from the Blue Box
would account for only a small part of the Fund's budget.
But their great importance lay in their contribution
to Zionist education
and to bonding diaspora Jewry with the land of Israel.
When my children were in kindergarden (from 1966-1972),
they always had to bring some coins to the "Keren Kayemet"
on the Eve of Shabbat.
A pity, they could not grasp what and whom this blue box
would serve....
"My door is open for all Your surprises,
I yearn to be part of the sun that rises."
10 pm
there were 2 letters in my mailbox,
after days of no private letters at all.
Ezri's letter was sent at 8:26 pm
Immanuel's was sent at 9:25 pm
Somehow they both talk to me
about my vocation and vision and how what I desire,
and worked for all my life,
and envision for the future,
is happening already!
shall dwell in his tent
that which is none of his;
brimstone shall be scattered upon his habitation. Job 18:15[
Wohnen wirds in seinem Zelt
ohne die Seinen
und ueber seine Trift wird Schwefel gestreut Ijob 18:15
The parallelism of "ohel"
and "navaeh" like in the verse yesterday,
There Buber translated "Heimat", here "Trift", a
pasture for cattle.
But what's important is his interpretation "ohne die Seinen",
the godless person dwells in his tent without the ones he loves.
In June-July 1988 "waters reached
the soul", as we say in in Hebrew with the
Bible. *I still didn't understand
the craziness of the bus.
* I found myself in a sickly partnership
* I underwent a hysterectomy
I wanted to die.
But Angels appeared on the abyss
like always in the 68 (now
75) years of my life!
I parked above the sea - south of the town Herzlia.
Ronnit, my daughter, visited, descended to the beach,
came up and brought with her the director of "Manpower"!
"Perhaps you learn COMPUTER
and work through us?"
I learnt COMPUTER,
I worked as a secretary,
my self-esteem rose slowly,
and with it the rebellion against the whip-of-vocation:
'Vocation, shmockation!
I've enough of searching!
I'll do something which may perhaps serve the world,
even if it's not the most important thing:
the development
of solar energy in Israel.'
Day 9- from among 42 days -INWARD, ONWARD, UPWARD,
Drawing inward, we feel the Great-Full-Ness of Life.
Releasing outward, we flow our unique essence into the world.
Each breath is a prayer of Gratitude, carrying our radiance,
brilliance and intentions upward and outward into the World.
Breath deeply into the Heart, and hold it
for as long as you can.
Pay attention to the intense urges rising,
as the body seeks reconnection with the flow-er of life the Breath.
When the intensity, reaches its peak ... let
go ...
wholly, fully and completely.
Feel the rushing in-flow of the next breath
re-connecting your body-mind-spirit
to the ever present moment of NOW.
In Gratitude, remember we are designed to be
flow-ers of Life,
and our natural impulse to thrive becomes a dance with the Divine
~ an ever unfolding adventure into the
heart of creation.
As our Dreams seeds continue to grow, expand
and unfold
we, too, move ever inward, onward, upward and outward ~
our breath being the center point of this cosmic unfolding.
When feelings of stagnancy, doubt or fear arise
simply take a deep breath .....
[breathing is not
enough, especially not,
if it is not understood at what it is:
vibrating physically what I feel.
Breathing-sounding-moving the feeling with Body,
then "wombing", i.e. accepting it by my Spirit in my Heart,
that is the way to love and to live and to full-fill my dream.]
Today's book was "Yellowstone Park",
the first Nature Reserve in the World.
I explored it already on Dec. 14, 2013 but now I'm no longer content with the
to make "protection and enjoyment compatible".
Be it enacted by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the United States of America
in Congress assembled,
That the tract of land
in the Territories of Montana and Wyoming ...
is hereby reserved and withdrawn
from s e t t l e m e n t , o c c u p
a n c y , or s a l e
under the laws of the United States,
and dedicated and set apart
as a public park or pleasuring ground
for the benefit and enjoyment of the people;
and all persons who shall locate, or settle upon, or occupy
the same or any part thereof,
except as hereinafter provided,
shall be considered trespassers
and removed there from ...
Approved March 1, 1872.
page, p. 48 of the booklet which I guard since my visit in 1995
although most of Yellowstone still looks nearly as it did when
the Park was established in 1872, the other parts again look
as they probably did in the decades following the 1750s when
the last great conflagration is believed to have swept the area.
Changes in the natural world, in human knowledge, and in human
societies are inevitable. But throughout all of the changes
that are to come, Yellowstone National Park will continue to
occupy the sociological niche it has always filled -
that of a wild area that is being protected for the enjoyment
of people.And it is a laboratory in which to
test the policies and develop the techniques by which protection
and enjoyment can be made compatible, so that
Yellowstone - and all the national parks that have come since
- will continue to operate for the benefit of mankind.
"Protection" is an aspect of
defensiveness and "enjoyment" is not enough.
I must say it again and again: Not laws+punishment will protect Nature,
Like a housewife keeps her house clean, because only when it's clean,
she loves to live in it,
so Nature will be kept free and pure , because humans love to find and
love themselves in it.
If the only chance they have is to "enjoy" themselves in Nature,
as in parks and in reserves,
they will not learn how to feel, heal and become who they are, finding
zest and full-fill-ment.
The first stanza of this
song created itself exactly 7 years ago,
on January 31, 2007.
On Febr.8, 3 days ago, that day's blindly
picked ohel-verse,
from among the 365 times "ohel", tent, appears in the Bible
I was inspired by the beautifully poetic line of Job
about being in the intimacy of God above my tent,
to adapt the verse to the tune of that old Job song.
Today the culmination came
when I - on my way through the desert of the Wadi of Grace
searched for the simpliest definition of my Desert -Vision,
which more and more presents itself as the "Vision of the Tents".
And there it came:
7 words,
-of which 3 are rhyming-
in the
rhythm of 7 beats!
I understand more and more,
that I must less stress the aspect of ECONOMY
in the "Mobile Desert Hosting Economy",
and focus on liftng into the light of awareness, that through and in the tetrahedral tents
the quantum-leap of evolution will occur:
People will learn how to feel,vibrate, womb,
and from there - to accept themselves
and from there - to accept each other. "My honor is new with me -
and the bow in my hand you'll exchange": i.e. - I no longer need to fight for my honor!!!!
experiences towards
ECONOMY or The Vision of the Tents
"I did not feel better after my daily vomiting
but I felt it had to be performed. It was a ritual.
It was there, among the trees, that I heard the bells.
A hundred church bells
ringing, ringing, long and loud. -
It is the end of the war, I was told.
Germany has surrendered to the Allies.
It was Shabbat noon. The seventh of May 1945."
I will not come into the tent of my house, nor go up into the
bed that is spread for me;
Until I find out a place for the LORD,
a dwelling-place for the Mighty One of Jacob.' Psalms
"Komme je ich ins Zelt meines Hauses,
besteige je ich das Bett meines Lagers,
bis die Staette ich finde, die SEIN ist,
fuer den Recken Jaakobs die Wohnung~!" Preisungen 132, 3+5
How meaningful this paradoxical
combination of tent and house!
As to "mishkanot" -plural, both translations turn it in a
though if YHWH "needs" a "place" at all, as David
the plural "mishkanot" definitely is more fitting....
Within 3 weeks I absorbed much information,
mainly directly from the experts in the country. I worked out an idea about a village
of scientists.
I traveled to Wardit Bar-Ilan, my friend,
the founder of the first urban settlement - Timrat. [2014: See the coincidences
with Wardit, now Dvorah, on
that same page!
And read my deep communication with Deity there! - on February
16, 2007]
November 1988, rain, daffodils,
a walk in the direction of Nazareth with Asa-el (=God
made), who was born
thanks to my relationship-counseling
work with his parents.
"A village for
scientists?" opposed Wardit,
"We are finished with the policy
of settlements in Israel!
Make something temporary for hikers and tourists:
a pillar of electricity and water for sleeping under the sky."
"See Ahmed! Who guards this herd of cows!
I would like to drink coffee with him!
But since he doesn't take money,
I hesitate to come to him.
"I would like to see
200 Ahmeds in the country,
who would host me for money!"
Day 10- from among 42 days -RADICAL ACTION
In its' expansion and growth, a seed first puts
down roots.
These are called 'radicals'.
These radicals anchor the seed body,
creating channels for water and nutrients
to flow into the body of each Seed.
Nourished and enlivened,
the Seed gives rise to shoots ~~
beginning its journey into the Light.
Before we see its first shoots and leaves,
the roots have been building support to sustain the rise.
Roots are like radical ideas.
First, an idea sparks within us, and it takes root and grows.
We feel ourselves energized, enlivened
and inspired by this possibility.
If it is viable,
the roots of this seed idea will continue to grow,
eventually making its way into the Light,
shooting upward to branch out and diversify.
...find one idea, one thought, one radical
that sparks! inspires! and enlivens you!
Commit to taking action on it TODAY!
In choosing to take action,
we put into motion the cosmic forces of creation
and re-affirm our intent
to add our 'Peace' to the Great Coming Together.
Intent married
with action facilitates growth.
We see, feel, and experience
the beauty of our inner visions coming to Light,
and find our Dreams energized, rooted and filled with Life.
And so we GROW!
"This is how the process should work,
your intuition should guide you into forming a right intention,
you should take note of that intention
and your physical and emotional bodies
should translate that intention into the appropriate action.
The best thing
you can ever do is to trust your intuition,
. If you can do this,
you will not need to spend all your time intending
because you will automatically do what you need to do, ...
It will happen naturally, as the Universecommands,
you will follow the Universe's lead.
When you trust and
follow your intuition,
everything you need to do in life becomes instinctive,
like taking a step, or taking a breath or blinking an eye.
You do not think or mull over it for hours,
you do not pine and whine for it,
you just do it.
Your intentions and actions become one, without any hesitation.
You think as you should and do as you should
and your life flows exactly as it should."
~ Dawn Mellowship
A "radical action" is planned for this day: Tomer,
my grandson, who will visit me today, a day before he'll travel to Ireland,
agrees to help me figure out how to set up the tent and squeeze it into the
back of "my" garden.
Tomer came for 5 1/2 hours, we had time
to talk deeply, partly on some rocks in the desert, about his hope,
"that among people who do not know me, I can change some of my
undesired behavior", about his "insights the last year, why
I am as I am", and about his desire to know "what I'm here
As to the help with the tent -promising
that it would not take more than an hour - he, who had worked as a gardener
for months, complained, that he hadn't taken into account a "project
with dirty stones", that had to be moved to free the earth for
the tent. I told him, that this was difficult for me to hear. Yet we
parted in peace.
door is open for all Your surprises, I yearn to be part of the sun that
rises." "I wish you that you fulfill your dreams"
I said and he:
"and that you fulfill your dreams as well!"
This is what Tomer put on Facebook yesterday, after a long time of non-participation.
It symbolizes what he longs to experience in Ireland, for which he sets
out tomorrow.
I looked into his album, and found, that in 2012 he had inserted Solarise
-for my song!
On Febr.14, when he must have landed, I found the
Good-Bye song on his Facebook!
morning's book : Leonardo da Vinci
by Bruno Santi , Firenze 1975, translated by Christoph Pommer 1976.
opened at a text, stressed by me, a comment to a painting, which appears only some 10 pages later,
"p. 63" as I noted, one of my favorite paintings in all the history of art: Grandmother,
Mother and Child or Saint Anne with Virgin Mary and Infant
Jesus The text stresses "the p
y r a m i d a l f o r m of the structure",
which had great influence on the painters of the early 16th century.
It also stresses the harmony of the composition and its deep meaning.
Most relevant - the painting is seen as the crowning of the painter's
t o e x p r e s s t h e
f e e l i n g s o f h u m a n s
in a way, that the b a l a n c e of
f o r m s ,
which is the basis of every artistic expression,
is not destroyed.
and at the end the author repeats: "this
compact group of the triangular Anna,
where the faces seem to share with each other the feelings that dwell
in the soul."
Das Bild ist von ausserordentlicher Wichtigkeit
wegen seines Einflusses auf die italienische Malerei des fruehen 16.
insbesondere, was den pyramidenfoermigen Aufbau der Figuren betrifft.
Es handelt sich um ein einmaliges Beispiel formaler Schoenheit,
Kompositionsharmonie und tiefer thematischer Bedeutung.
... die logische Kroenung eines umfassenden Strebens,
..., die Gefuehle des Menschen in der Malerei so auszudruecken,
dass das Gleichgewicht der Formen,
das jedem kuenstlerischen Ausdruck zugrund liegen muss,
nicht zerstoert wird....
diese kompakte Gruppe der hl. Anna Selbdritt,
wo die Gesichter einander die Gefuehle, die die Seele beherbergt, mitzuteilen
See the desert-like mountains in the background
of the grandmother's head.
And see her face - deeply compassionate with her daughter's future
And now see the coincidence - St.
Anna and Tomer[like "Nebo" on Febr.
16, but in 2003!]
My morning-card: Esslingen-Stadtkirche,
yet another ancient church as contrasted
schuf C.S. Haußdörfer eine Orgel ... Das Instrument hatte
24 Register. Die Orgel wurde 1904 durch die Orgelbaufirma Walcker erweitert
und modernisiert. Der alte Prospekt blieb erhalten. 1951 wurde das Instrument
mit elektro-pneumatischen Trakturen ausgestattet und umdisponiert. -It
was in this church, on this organ that I made my exam in church-music
in 1957. 1964 erfolgte eine Erweiterung
auf 91 Register [see
the dispostion on that website] . Die Orgel..., besitzt etwa 6550
Pfeifen und ist damit die zweitgrößte Orgel Württembergs;
die größte befindet sich in
Ulm. It's there where I played for my sister's wedding
he said: Blessed be YHWH, God of Shem,
but may Canaan be servant to them!
May God extend/yaft
let him dwell in the tents of Shem,
but may Canaan be servant to them! Genesis
Er sprach: Gesegnet ER, Gott Schem's,
Kanaan aber sei ihm Knecht!
Jaft -
ausdehne Gott es dem Jafet
er wohne in den Zelten Schems,
Kanaan aber sei ihm Knecht! Im Anfang 9, 26-27
This photo was taken in August 1987, at
"Ha-Bonim-Beach" south of Haifa.
I've not a single photo of winter 1988-89,
When I parked above the beach, next to the "Accadia Hotel",
south of Herzlia
I returned
from Wardit, from Timrat,
after the "landing"
of the vision,
to my bus on the beach,
I feverishly searched in "Concordance to
the Bible"
and found the term "Succot", temporary dwellings,
in which
the slaves from Egypt
had lived.in the desert.
The usage becomes clear
in the story of Jona 4:5: "Jonah went out
and sat down at a place
east of the city.
There he made himself
a shelter, a succah,
sat in its shade
and waited to see
what would happen
to the city. "
For some lively glimpses see 7
Succah Diary Fragments
with many flash-backs written in winter 1992-93
during my New Moon Silence Meetings with myself
Day 11- from among 42 days -PHOTOSYNTHESIS
Synthesis is the process
of combining objects or ideas into a complex whole.
Photo Synthesis
leverages the power of Light to make this so.
Spend some time basking the Sun Light.
Lay yourself down on the earth,
and receive, receive, receive the illumination of this heavenly body
into every cell of your being.
Feel it feeding, charging, growing
and enlarging the Dream Seed within.
Illuminated, nourished and enlivened
we grow forward to BE the beauty of our Dreams.
Sunlight bathes our being in a full-spectrum
field of possibilities.
It activates our pineal gland,
enhancing our ability to convert Light into energy
to fulfill our waking Dreams.
Sunlight relieves depression,
improves digestion, increases metabolism
and has the magical power to lift our Spirits
when we find ourselves lacking energy, direction or insight.
Allowing space to bask in the Sun each day,
we leverage the power of Light
to transform our waking Dreams into reality.
12 years ago I used a video of the rotating sun as a soundbutton for
"Aurora" Listen to the "hiss" of the
sun - above puzzle
piece 54
....Hear the sound
of the Sun in your heart.
Now place the blessings of your spirit on the Earth
by bending down and placing your hands flat upon the Earth.
Allow your spirit to enter the Earth
and send your blessings and intentions to walk on earth
in a way that will awaken yourself and others
into rightful living once again.
...It is easy to
maintain your solar connection
by taking a few moments each day
to orient and realign yourself to the sun.
This is a most
auspicious time for humanity.
... Just place your intention on the sun
and absorb its light and information.
We are on the threshold of a major shift for humanity
into becoming cosmic human beings."
from "Homo Luminous - The Neo Cosmic Human" more excerpted
by me, Rachel My reason for walking to the pool back
and forth twice a day,
is also to walk in the sun - in Israel there is almost always sun!-
in the sun through the desert.
On the afternoon walk - during the 3 min. on a "proper"
sidewalk -
I close my eyes looking directly into the sun -
this is not only healthy for my eyes but makes me feel elated.
squirming, squalling, squeezing paused,
when already at 4 AM I grabbed today's book.
My glance fell on the cover and I discerned,
what I had never discerned in all the 35 years,
since it was gifted to me and Rafael by Yanina,
and during which I used it, even dismantled it,
so I could glue the sculptures of the "Prisoners"
underneath the closets above my
during some years of my life in my mobile home.
In the body of
the sculpture of AURORA = DAWN:
not one but two 3-dimensional triangles!
The unwritten old postcard of this morning
contrasts Michelangelo's sad face of 'Aurora''
with sheep, connected to tents and to
18:35 I cannot wait till
tomorrow morning with sculpting my feelings.
I tremble, tremble, tremble.
I skipped the pool both times and only worked on the tent,
and - after some 6 hours - it was, indeed, ready, when Ofir came home.
I had sent him an SMS: "If you don't have time today, please visit me
the birthday of the child who invited me to live with you while still in the
womb of his mother."
After 10 min. he did not park his car on "my" veranda as usual,
but I heard Shalom, the neighbor talk with him on the street.
With a guarded candle in my hand I went out and asked him to sit with me in
the tent.
I began with inviting them to add a celebration for Amit in the tent with
a few friends.
("added" = to the celebrations at school and with their family outside
Arad at night),
"Yes, but what does this here symbolize?" I was so frightened, that I could explain it only reluctantly.
And what I feared, manifested, of course. "If it's for a few days, yes. But I don't agree
to a thing like this here." So I focused only on the celebration tomorrow. To this
he agreed.
Since he is so good in technical things, I asked him - before he left - to
find out,
why I can't get my camping burner goint. I used it with my grandkids in the
He couldn't solve the problem, - so small in proportion to his skills.
I felt, it was because he was disturbed by my quest to have the tent in the
garden. "Of course I can bring a can of tea from the kitchen,
but I think, the children will enjoy it, when it's done in the tent". He understood that, and I hope, he'll be more open tomorrow.
Of course, on a "cosmic level" I'm not afraid , nor am I hurt.
But I still seem to have "a hole
in my wholeness that now wants to heal":
the incredible standing up against people I had needed to do so often in the
when I was dependent on someone to help me or jusst let me go on with my dream.
Tents-Song - Shirat-ha-Ohalim
I want you to enhance and to not distort,
what the Vision of Tents intends to evolve
the earth of the desert will stay free and pure
and host us humans ~~~~~~ to find ourselves.