The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



Overview of and Links to the Pages of My Community: Desert Vision - Succah Parting from its realization in the exterior World



D E S E R T    V I S I O N

As far as this document legalized a "company",
which, according to my present understanding,
was and is not at all "in the favor of the public",

I, Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, hereby
abolish, abrogate, annul,
negate, nullify,
rebut, refute, repeal , retract, revoke,
all documents which legalized
the so-called "Company for the Realization of Desert Resources"
supposedly a "Company in favor of the Public",
and the arbitrary, absurd definition of the so-called Company's "captital" as "20000 shares",
and the partnership with Gadi and Efrat, which for them obviously meant to have a claim to 50% of these shares.
I also abolish, abrogate, annul,
negate, nullify,
rebut, refute, repeal , retract, revoke,
my so-called "Testament",
in which "Succah in the Desert" and the so-called "Company in favor of the public"
were jokingly "bequeathed" by me to Gadi and Efrat Lybrook.


2002_08_19 ; last update: 2003_03_02

see also on December 29, 2013


There were innumerable documents describing the Desert Economy Vision, most of them perished in the fire of 1998.
This one - the most official one, since delivered to the authorities, when the company was registered in 1994 -
has been preserved.

I start with the introduction to an English version prepared by me in January 1994,
and link to a reassessment of what seems to be realistic today.

[See the English translation in big letters - re-edited on July 20, 2009 - at the end of "A Succah Glossary"]

midbar= desert.
a 'market demand' of those who need to recover sometimes from the Crowdedness, Polution and Noisiness of the City]

60% of Israel, 82% of the Arab countries and one third of the planet are DESERT.
Following the peace-process in the Middle East [after Oslo, September 1993]
the DESERT will soon become a major issue.
The Succah-Vision is about a socio-economic infra-structure in the DESERT,
based on modern technology (solar energy and gathering rain-water)
and on modern DESERT hospitality (small hosting enterprises).

Succah in the Desert
P.O.B. 272 Mitzpe-Ramon 60600
Israel Tel:07-586280
The Succah logo is based on the two lines
in the relevant story of "The little Prince".
The "h" in "Succah" is enlarged & on top,
which is a shortening of the name of God!

"Succah Vision" or "SPS Desert Economy"

Supplement to the Official Document of "the LTD Company for the Benefit of the Public"
established on 16.2.94 and registered via Lawyer David Sandowski, Jerusalem.


For utilizing the Comparative Advantage of the Desert:

The basic socio-economic infrastructure in the Desert:

"Succayah" a business for family-like hospitality in the desert [succah=booth]
a hamlet that renders services to the succayahs [midbar=desert]
a desert municipality: 12 succayahs and a midbaron

The SUCCAH-VISION , or the economic approach to the SPS of the Desert, uses the Biblical "Succah" as a symbol for the stay of Wo/Man "in unsown land" [Jeremia 2,2]
as well as for the creativity of Wo/Man and her/his creation
[ note1]. The first Model of a "SUCCAYAH", which has been functioning now for 4 years, is composed of 7 succot for 12 to 18 guests and 3 huts for 3 hosts and a hut for an independent artist [note 2]. All dwellings are equipped with solar electricity. The Water (shower/ kitchen) is brought by jeep by the hosts, as long as the Nabatean technology of gathering rain-water has not been re-invented.

A SUCCAYAH is based on two principles
which enable Man to live in the Desert
without imposing himself and destroying what nurtures him:

1) the small number of Succot and guests guarantees balance between
Man and Nature and meaningful communication between guests and hosts.

2) The temporariness of dwellings, service and ownership:

a) of the dwellings (allows the Succayah to be moved elsewhere, in case the site should
be needed for other purposes or civilization should come too close and impinge on SPS)

b) of the service of the hosts (allows them to pause/leave, should they become tired
of daily welcoming people into their hearts)

c) of the ownership of the founders (prevents temptation to expand and impose superfluous civilisation and thus destroy SPS. The entrepreneur's "Investment" is a loan.)

Such a small enterprise "SUCCAYAH" will function as a SELF-SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS provided it is embedded in a comprehensive socio-economic setting,
which will guard the SPS resources of the desert:

In the center of about 12 Succayahs - each one unique according to the talents of those
who erect it, and appropriate to its chosen client-group - will be erected a "Midbaron",
a permanent desert hamlet which will render services to the Succayahs and their people
(including local agriculture and services by teachers and healers in the realms of "Holistic Health of Body-Spirit-Soul" and professionals in "Human Development").

Once a complete model of a Midbaryah (Midbaron + 12 Succayahs) will demonstrate
how Man can harmonize with Nature
(without going back to Robinson Crusoe or other survival adventures!),
hundreds, thousands of Midbaryahs will structure the Desert in a way,
that all other enterprising ideas will be either integrated organically

or rejected - should they be dangerous to the very base of Desert Economy: SPS


from the Official Document, formulated by the lawyer.

(a) for the sake of realizing the comparative advantage of the desert - Space, Purity and Silence (from now on: SPS) - via the erection and operation of desert hosting enterprises which will give integrated services that comprise tourism, recreation, creation, research, learning and healing, and this on the basis of general principles, which guarantee the protection of the desert's resources, i.e. temporariness (structures, service, location and usages of land) and dispersion (limitedness of size).

(b) for the sake of promoting and applying the R&D of technologies in the realms of building and building materials, provision of electricity and water, sewage and heating, transport and communication, which enable the integration of modern Wo/Man in the desert while protecting the ecology and the SPS which are the very basis of the desert economy.

(c) for the sake of creating a permanent colonization, the economy of which will be based on the production of products and rendering of services to the temporary hosting enterprises.

(d) for the sake of the creation of an infrastructure for the socio-economic fabric which integrates temporariness and permanence and which will discourage initiatives which will not be based on the preservation of the Desert's SPS which is the basis of desert civilazation;

(e) for the sake of establishing contracts and franchises for the erection of projects of hosting enterprises for time periods that will be defined, while choosing the enterpreneurs who will erect and operate them, while training and guiding them in the spirit or the SPS Desert Economy, and while mediating between them and the central and local government if needed;

the company was established on 16.2.94 between Rachel Bat-Adam and Gadi& Efrat Lybrook, "Studio Borokhov" (Photography and Gallery).
In the Directory, which has the ultimative authority , officiate:
- Avi Dagan (Company "Eshed_engineers" and "Eshed-Robotek" in Or- Yehuda)
- Prof. Max Herzberg, Biotechnology (company "Organics", in Yavne)
- Sephi Qiryati, architect and owner of companies, lives in Ein Hod
- Shmuel Rifman, Mayor of the Regional Council of Ramat-Negev, lives in Kibbutz Revivim
- Yigal Zakhor, Head of the Ideological-Political Department of the TAQAM,
a syndicat of Kibbutz movements, lives in Kibbutz Revivim
Dov Yannai (Institute "Adam" for analyzing and consulting in human resources, Tel-Aviv)
Michal Dror, artist and organizational soziologist, who was a hostess in the Succayah in 1993.
- Avishai Barel, photographer and marketing manager of Gadi's & Efrat's Studio Borokhov
Rachel too will be represented in the directory, but not officiate as chair-person.

Note 2:

From the present perspective (2002_08_22) I see clearly,
that the number of dwellings in the Succayah was supposed to be twelve, not more and not less.
Without being aware of the symbolism, just following practical needs,
later in 1994, I deviced and Renata built the twelfth dwelling.
It is called "Eliezer", who was Abraham's self-determined slave
[Genesis 24].

Also "Ishma'el", which at that time - winter 1993/94 was "inhabited" by an artist,
who created pottery and invited guests to take part in a creation common to adam and adamah,
soon became crucial for a much larger purpose:

the "Aetgar ba-Midbar" ["challenge in the desert"],
a program which - as I envision - will become the model of a desert hosting-enterprise:
an optimal temporary situation
for learning, healing, interacting and creating
for both guests and hosts.
7-12 people will gather for a week to work on a common goal,
be it personal growth or the enterprise in which they participate at home.
In summer 1994 we made the experiment with three aetgars,
all three with young people aged 14-15 or 16-17.
I'll tell elsewhere about this phantastic experience
and depict the even more phantastic prospect.

Note 3:

"The entrepreneur's "investment" is a loan"
This addition makes only sense
in the context of an already viable comprehensive infra-structure of Midbaryahs.
As to the present one and only Succayah,
which was conceived and is perceived by me, Christa-Rachel-Maryam Bat-Adam,
as a scientific model of how to unfold and preserve the Desert's SPS,
there is no "loan" to be returned,

not when I gave an example of another "lekh-lekha"

[Abraham's leaving security, Genesis 12,1],

and not at present,
when Gadi&Efrat on the one hand and Avi Dror on the other hand
must part as partners,
as Ya'acov and Esau after their reunion - parted as brothers
[Gn 33,12-19].

As I see it today - and this is very relevant now for Gadi&Efrat -
any current investion should be covered by the current income.

If not - the "Omeen"
["foster-parent"] has to get his/her reward
from the satisfaction of "fostering" the Succayah.
This is - I admit - difficult in the present time-period of capitalism.
It is one of several reasons,
why today I would prefer the mobile model of a hosting business, the "Ohalah"
which I developed following my experience in Sinai, and at the Red and Dead Sea [1996-99]

(As to the starting (?) investion for a Succayah,
a great idea evolved out of constant struggling with this problem, in 1995,
but since this is not the time for the erection of any other hosting business,
leave alone the realization of the comprehensive SPS Desert Economy,
it's senseless to even mention it.
As to the first Succayah, the money was invested by me,
and when, after a year, in November 1990, I ran out of the very last penny,
3 women, my sister and 2 friends in Germany gave me a loan,
not expecting, that I would ever return it.





March 15, 2011

Now more of the big show of ice and snow,
in which I see a promo of the fulfillment
of the many prophecies about
Water in the Wilderness

Water in the Wilderness is the strongest symbol
"a New Earth and a New Heaven" in the Bible.
Even if Water is not mentioned,
it's the Wilderness, the Desert, where it will begin.

I therefore allow myself to edit the recently scanned negatives
of Jan. 1990 - Jan.1992
in as big a size as can still be seen on one screen,
and insert these in the empty spaces on 8 pages which have to do with "my Vision about Peace through Desert Hosting Economy."

See an additional sequence of the snow in the Succayah,
with the guest Uri Goldin and my son Micha on his motor-bike.

The image taken on Jan. 1, 1992, from inside the Hagar Cabin, in which I lived then, is inserted in ".integration 2001-2003-My Life's Harvest"

Snow and Ice
in the Desert

in sixth Stage
of Succah
Snow and Ice
in the Desert

in sixth Stage-
Flight to Egypt a
Snow and Ice
in the Desert

in seventh Stage
of Succah
Snow and Ice
in the Desert

in eight Stage
of Succah
Snow and Ice
in the Desert

the Hosts
Snow and Ice
in the Desert

the Spirit-Shit house

Snow and Ice
in the Desert

the 1994 Memorandum:
Succah Vision or
SPS Desert Economy

End of the sequence of "Snow and Ice, Water in the Wilderness"



continuation of the document:
mo'ed ba-midbar~~~~maerkhav-le-yotzrim
[difficult to translate: timing-for-meeting in the desert~~~ space for creators]
[the four photos on this page and on the other page, where I insert the document, were glued to the front and back cover of the document]


The "visionary" in Succah in the Desert 1993

See the kind of diary, written after the completion of this document while still in the house of Orenia & Dov Yanai