Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
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Keep It Simple Sweetheart
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( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
18 / Tammuz 15, Friday, still 28 days - between
Mazkeret Batya and Arad
Parting from my
obsession to complete this page--- on July 25
back to past ~~~~~
forward to future
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you
want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let
happen what may!
8:25 in
the train from Lod to Beersheva, handwritten
I desire that Micha will
- today and always - return healthy from his motorbike
and that his desire for these kicks will transform into
a desire for recognizing and realizing
the greater challenges of his and his family's healing
into wholeness and full-fill-ment.
I desire that the communication with my daughter-in-love
will make her love herself more
and from there cause her
to return to the trust and love for me, which existed
20 years ago.
I desire that Arnon will become aware of his denials and
learn to take responsibility for the shadows of his being
the perfect child.
I desire that all three recognize that and for what purpose
they cast their daughter/sister into the role of an ingenious
of the day
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
My Body, my Partner,
my God
I give thanks to the you for the experience with my still
sick bowels.
It makes me appreciate even more, how they function so well
I'm grate-full for the full realization of
yesterday's intentions
concerning the hours I would spend with my family.
I'm grate-full that after 40 min. of rest and even sleep
I could clarify my intention to myself: I don't want to "make
it easy" by...
but simply bear it, if there should be an embarrassment as
to what to 'do' with me. And indeed, there was a moment, which
could have triggered me,
when R. after a cheerful chat about the meaning of school
for parents in general in contrast to her in particular,
she said to Micha: "You could join
us and entertain your mother."
He said luckily: "on the contrary,
I want her to entertain me,
when I now go to fix my motorbike".
I'm grate-full that the one explosion on R's part could be
melted away so fast,
and that later we could watch part of a Hebrew movie ('sodot')
and enjoy communicating about it.
And I'm grate-full for the great idea of begging R. for that
elegant hand-bag
which I want for my birthday, as I said to E. and I., but
now I want it from her, since she's making such pretty bags
by recycling Supermarket plastic bags.
Since she deeply cares for me and since she loves herself
when she creates,
there was much info to exchange, when she drove me to Lod,
without risking to enter any "personal" subject.
"Sabine's moon is flying like a balloon'" |
"The moon is so beautiful, it should
be framed!" |
Spaceweather today
Once a month on a beach in southern France, photographer Laurent
Laveder meets his girlfriend Sabine, and together they experience
the full Moon. Last night they measured it, framed it and flattened
it with a rolling pin. "And here," says Laveder, "is
Sabine flying it like a balloon." Make that b'lune: Sabine
also told lunar time and tried (but failed) to become an astronaut.
Next time she plans to take her space suit. Laveder took all these
pictures using his Canon 350D, a good camera for a bit of lunacy.
When we all returned from the concert and got out of the car,
I on the right front side and Arnon on the left backside,
I shouted across the car-roof:
"Arnon, one of the things we'll do
this evening is to go out
and see the full moon with Jupiter next to ".
Ra'ayah got slightly triggered:
"No , Arnon is exhausted and has
to go to sleep,
tomorrow starts his summer-camp of the "Working and Learning
And I - falling right into the trap - said cheerfully:
"But I'm staying here for Arnon's
sake, so he should stay awake."
This time Ra'ayah got triggered to the degree of exploding:
"I'm the mother here",
etc, "and you could have said this
in another way."
I immediately started to appease her:
"Of course, I'm terribly sorry, you
are absolutely right,
I should have said it in another way.
But since I had talked about this with Micha before,
and he had said, that Arnon would be glad, if I would stay for
the night
and travel back only the next morning,
I thought it was fixed with you too.
I voiced this plan right now only, because I hoped
that if Ayelet heard about it, she would come with us too!"
(which was exactly the motive for shouting that sentence...)
"Understand, that it would be more
convenient for me to travel today,
and so, when you said: "but Arnon has to go to sleep",
I felt out of place.
And anyway I'm talking about 10 minutes of going out, not more."
She relaxed a bit, and a little later, I came to her again,
saying soothingly:
"Are you alright with me now?"
She didn't answer, but from then on the atmosphere was fine.
During supper, which was pleasant, I heard Ayelet saying:
"Abba will you also come with us
to see the moon and Jupiter?"
Abba knew, that his presence was the condition for Ayelet
to tolerate the "company" of grandma and so he came
and we had an interesting, mutually teaching, harmonious walk
to some place, where all the light contamination was at least
further away from us.
Of course, I didn't tell her, that I also
afraid of staying,
because this might cause them more embarrassment,
if they had the feeling that they needed to entertain me,
though they never even once sit down- neither of them -
to drink a cup of tea with me "just like that".
But, as I reported, it all worked out smoothly.
"A rolling pin to flatten the moon!"
Like in Mika's kids' book: climbing up
to get the moon down! |
"Lunar Time"
"How big is the moon?"
the early morning
I'm granted to see,
how Micha maneuvers his motorbike
out of his shed,
but I'm leaving before him
and therefore can't see him drive off. |
It's 7:50 and I'm leaving
this intense togetherness with my family.
Ra'ayah had suggested to drive me to wherever I wanted to!
(So there is a fruit to the angry intervention of Immanuel and
Efrat in Jan. 2007!
"You're making it so easy for people, even for your family,
to take advantage of you!"
Of course, I felt that I wanted to make it easy again, and pointed
to the junction,
from where in the past I had always taken the only and most
inconvenient bus,
when grandma day still took place, first every week, then every
2 weeks, then (not because of me, God forbid, but because of
my daughter's demand) once in 4 weeks.
Since Ra'ayah showed herself so generous,
and since I'm constantly remembering that 1978 remark of Harvey
Jackins to me:
"You always try to make it easy for people, that's why
they despise you!"
I dared to express my wish, that she bring me to Lod train-station.
Arnon would have to go 5 minutes later to start his camp of
the Noar Oved
and is already dressed in the movement's shirt.
But why is he so sad?
Looking at the photos of yesterday's concert and this one
I feel a strange and strong sting in my intestines,
I feel worried and I have no idea, about what.
Micha, his father, also was about to leave
to join his motorbike Friday morning group.
Ayelet had - instead of following her parents' demand to go
to sleep -
somehow - I wasn't present directly - achieved,
that she could - showered and teeth-brushed - sleep at a friend's,
though sleeping somewhere else is, as we
have experienced so bitterly,
a major endeavor for her.
This week she had for the first time been away over night in
the framework
of her summercamp, which had the focus "hiking and nature"
The heart-balloon, which she received as a recognition from
her parents,
when she came home, was still floating near the ceiling while
I was there.
She had come in, while I was sitting with Arnon on his bed,
and he was still telling me about the many experiences
he had had during that grandchildren's camp at Kibbutz Sa'ad.
"It's great, that you can experience and learn so intensely",
I said to him, when he was finally done.
Ayelet, who obviously was sent to part from me, stood there
explaining where she would sleep, saying "bye" to
me, corrected by Arnon:
"Remember to say 'shalom' to grandma". So she said:
"shalom" obediently.
If I wouldn't know how we each choose the role we want to play,
and how we each choose the actors and cast them in the roles,
which are necessary for our learning,
I would have been more "taken aback" by my granddaughter
this time than before.
But I want to close with one experience she told about her overnight
They went to a cemetery at Ma'ale
Hahamishah or Kiryat
Anavim? near Jerusalem:
siege on Jerusalem
the fallen soldiers could not be buried.
the armistice the families came
and wanted to take their dead sons away.
But then it turned out,
that many of the corpses did not have any family,
since there families were either murdered in the holocaust,
or had not yet succeeded to immigrate to "Palestine".
So it was decided, that nobody would take their loved ones home,
- all the corpses should be buried in the same graveyard.
And - so ended Ayelet's story, which none
of us had ever heard -
when the families come to visit the graves on Remembrance Day
they always bring flowers
to be put also on the graves of those which are not visited." |

Ayelet on Arnon's back ....
Micha showed me his screensaver - this photo, taken at Joel's, Micha's
stepbrother's , 60th birthday by Joel's son Ran, Nov. 2007
Going further back in time - while listening to
"Good Intentions" after midnight,
I used the commercial breaks for leafing through old albums in the

End of 1996, with little Arnon at Sitriya, where the family
lived then
Obviously a few months later, in 1997,
still in Sitriya, Micha places little Arnon on the mountain
motorbike, which he drove in those years.
How strange, that I discovered these photos exactly on this
day, on which I photographed my son with his present bike,
which he acquired only recently, after he had to renounce
this pleasure for several years
The next two pictures were taken in my
on the northern
beach of the Red Sea in Eilat, probably on Succot 1997.
I'm grate-full for these rare images which show much of the
interior of my bus,
even my writing on the framed photo to the left (above the
not visible driving wheel):
"In your hands are my times" (see
my song)"
Little Arnon sits on the desk with its 10 cm deep drawers
underneath, Immanuel's wooden creation above the 900 l fiberglas
my electonic church organ (closed here) and the inbuilt
cupboard for clothes and other things there was the one
mobile piece of furniture: a combined bookcase+shelf,
deviced be mysekf for the computer and printer I had while
still in "Succah
in the Desert", made by a woman carpenter to
whom I said:
"One day I may have to give up this bus, so let me
have this one piece of carpentry, which I can take with
me wherever I go."
And so it happened, that this piece is placed right next
to the computer on which I'm writing this in 2008.
In 1997 I had no computer any longer and the shelf was
used for a radio-tape and the casettes with which Arnon
is playing here.
Outside the window the Red Sea could be seen, if not for
the covers and palm-fronds
above the "veranda". |

Two pregnant women,
Ronnit, my daughter, with the future Itamar (born
Febr. 24, 1998)
and Ra'ayah, my daughter-in-love, with the future
Ayelet (born Aug. 14, 1998)
Both Ra'ayah and I had taken for
that a good friendship would develop between those
which was the reason why Micha and Ra'ayah made the
big mistake
and moved to Sitriya,
where Ronnit and her family began to live, after they
returned from USA in 1996.
My daughter has rejected my daughter-in-love....
Pain, pain, pain....
Back to this present day and my travel to Arad

Since I was a child, I always loved trains and
I even remember an essay we had to write in school about something.
I chose the description of the ambience in a train-station and was
Today I waited at a really nice station, especially since it wasn't
too hot.
A red northbound train to the right just leaves the station,
while I'm waiting for the southbound train.
"Lod" says the sign in 3 languages.
Every Christian knows the town as "Lydda" from the
story about Petrus
- the miracle healing of a paralytic man.
Now only a few Israeli soldiers waited there with me.
When I took a photo of the entire scene, they wanted to pose for more.
"I don't like poses!" I smiled,
and one of them expressed his appreciation!
Since I had little luggage and the weather was reasonable,
and I didn't have my fat book with me - The
Letters to Gritli -
i.e. I didn't have enough material with me to work on,
and since it was Friday, meaning,
that soldiers would come home to Lehavim and fetched by their families,
I decided to get off at Lehavim and hitchhike.
Indeed, I was rightaway picked up by a father who fetched his soldier
and let off as usual at the Commercial Center, from where the road
to Arad can be reached easily.
I felt so serene, that I even took two pretty photos of my beloved
palm-trees ,
here posturing around a sculpture of stone, and casting their intricate
shadows .
The unfamiliar
reddish flowers with their huge fruits
contrasted well with the palm trees behind them.
Nor did I have to wait long for a car.
The driver gave me interesting, even valuable info.
He was from Rahat,
the biggest among the 6 towns,
into which the Government shoved the Bedouin
(In 2004, when I still worked on my desert vision,
and was up to date, I learnt,
that half the population out of 150000 in the Negev,
lived in those "Bedouin Towns".) |
On January
11 , I wrote about the problem, which angered me a lot
"Rahat is a big Bedouin town on the
other side of the road to Beersheva, opposite the much smaller town
of Lehavim.
The municipality of Lehavim so far refused to write the names of both
towns on "their" new station."
My driver now informed me, that the name-issue had been settled,
but that there still was no access-road to the station from the side
of Rahat.
"But this will also be settled in
time, since we - Lehavim and Rahat - are constructing an industrial
area together!"
On January 11 I wrote about this construction, but at that time nothing
was said about Rahat being a partner in it.
I hope, it is true.
Then, when he asked about me and I told, that my 3 children were all
living in the region near the airport,
"at Shoham, at Modi'in, at Mazkeret
he knew them all
(unlike most of the Israeli Jews, who perhaps heard
about Modi'in,
but never about the oldest Zionist settlement Mazkeret Batya,
leave alone about the young town, Shoham, founded more than 100 years
"I've worked at Kibbutz Hulda with
a company for building bridges, I drove laborers there.
But some 5 years ago the company, as so many kibbutz companies went
There comes a director from inside the kibbutz, makes fast money through
leaves the company bankrupt, leaves the kibbutz
and establishes his private company outside. "
These were sad news, I hope they are NOT true.
He himself has a grocery store now at Rahat,
and was on his way to the border-point north of Meitar,
in order to receive Chinese household utensils from a Palestinian
merchant from Hebron.
"But what is the point?"
I asked, "You can get the same Chinese
merchandise in Israel!"
"There are no dealers who distribute such things to small shops
like mine..."
"And how does that merchant in Hebron get hold of the Chinese
plates and cups?"
"Oh there are importers, who have a license to travel through
the border", he said.
I hope, this is true.
But in matters of commerce I'm one of the most ignorant and most naive
persons in this country or anywhere.
Finetuning to my Present
and to the "Lessons from the Light" by Shelley Yates
Remembering last year's intense experience around "Firing
the Grid",
I searched if there was any continuation.
I couldn't find anything but fierce
until I came upon this passage.
It's not clear, if it was written last year or this year,
but it doesn't matter.
For me the integrity of Shelley Yates is without question.
And more important - some of her teachings do resonate in
Despite the term "light",
to which I react with great reservation,
because "Spirit's electric light" without "the
Will's magnetic essence",
is responsible for all predicaments in creation,
the content is "Godchannel"
in a nutshell :
Accept yourself! Be kind to yourself!
"The ultimate gift to the world is
kindness to yourself!"
I was so pleased with one part in
the last "Supernanny" episode
about a family with 3 kids who enact "pogroms" among
each other,
as the mother Keren said.
In addition to what Supernanny analyzed-advised concerning
the kids
(Keren: "physically
they are perfectly cared for, but emotionally we are stuck")
she made Keren return to what she once liked , for instance
The message was made clear ever so often during the short
"Only if you, the mother,
love yourself and do what gives you joy,
can your relationship with your children heal."
Though I've discovered this for
myself a long time ago,
I still am in need of this message: " do what gives you
Looking back at this year since July 17, 2007,
my natural skill, talent, capacity, capability of expressing
has grown enormously.
And I definitely do what gives me joy.
But my awareness isn't as high as I desire.
When I incessantly radiate, that I want people to love themselves,
and that gratitude, excitement and full-fill-ment
are the conditions for self-love
I'm not yet using this simple formula:
"You must do, what
gives you joy".

When I arrived at Arad (train to Lahavim, 3 drivers who picked
me up),
and reached the pool, I discerned this poster on an ad-board
"A call from the
Rabbi of Lubawitch (who died on July 6, 1994....):
"The redemption is in your hands!
Each act of kindness and good deed bring the coming of the
Messiah closer!"
Nourishment from Others
From The Light
by Shelley Yates
In order to manifest the world we so desire
we must first choose to create from a place of love,
not react from a place of fear. ....
So in order to create from a place of love
we must first create that love vibration within ourselves.
It may take many attempts to raise our personal vibratory
fields to one of love,
as we are constantly bombarded with the negative energy of
...keeping us small.
Be patient and kind with yourself as
you practice.
As you begin to lift your field to the heart vibration of
we see and feel the power to create that which we so desire.
I have been guided to share with you several key points
that have facilitated the lifting of my personal energy field.
These practices will enrich your life
and lift you to the highest vibration of love, compassion
and empathy.
These points are simple to follow but take diligence as you
First do random acts of kindness, the very essence of doing
creates our reality.
[This has been the message of Judaism for 2000 years
and I found it printed on that poster about the Messiah coming
I can accept it as a training for other people.
For me it's difficult not to become cynical.
Since my acts of kindness have triggered so many people
and in the closest of them have brought out the worst in them...
Of course I won't prevent myself from "doing acts of
since this is my essence,
but I cannot preach such "simplicity"...]
Secondly find your earthly joy
then experience that joy with child like abandon.
Once you find that joy and live it fully alive
be thankful and full of gratitude
for the wonderful human experience
you have just been blessed to have.
The third simple truth that facilitates lifting the human
vibratory field
is to surround yourself with the tonal vibrations of love.
That is listen to music that resonates at the vibration you
are seeking.
Playing music that has the tonal resonance
of joy
acts to set the bar for where you intend your personal vibrational
field to ascend. Like attracts like and when you play uplifting
it literally calls to your soul to ascend to that level.
Once we attain the level of vibration
that brings us joy
we can maintain that vibration with three rules for living.
The first is to do no harm, firstly to yourself, as you are
a most important person, a piece of Divine Creation, a Creator
within yourself
deserving of great love and earthly pleasure.
[This rule is banale in my eyes!]
Second, do all that you do with the utmost honesty and integrity.
It will facilitate deeper more meaningful relationships
with more open communication.
[This rule is not only banale, it is only partly true:
utmost honesty and integrity are formidable triggers for people
and not at all facilitating more open communication.]
Thirdly find that joy
which you used to create the vibrations of love
and continue to do the things
that bring you personal pleasure.
There are no rules as to what that pleasure should be
as long as it follows the first two ideas.
Then with all you have -
experience the earthly gifts of this plane and enjoy your
greatest pleasure
always remembering to say thank you for the gifts of these
We must be kind to ourselves as we journey
You are creating the person and the world you most desire.
The ultimate gift to the world is kindness
to yourself.
Once you remember who you are, a Divine Being of the Universal
Light of Grace then you can no longer see others the same
for they too are a Divine piece of the same source.
This acknowledgement of your worth
will manifest as love for all others.
This is the starting point to understanding
that as we each take care of the "I am"
we will build the "we can"
that we require to create our new earth
and that is the earth of abundance and plenty for all.

The Reflection
Lost Will has to Give
the third book of
eight book series
of "Right Use of Will",
Anymore lengthy understandings given now will have a tendency
to diminish the impact of the story I have just given and so,
I am not going to say anything yet except that I advise you
to seek the depest levels of understanding in your own way and
through yur own experience.
In time, you will undrstand everything you need to know whether
you have any certainty of this now or not, for I assure you
that healing intent will find the healing it seeks.
I now conclude this segment of the teachings in the way that
lets you know the understandings given here are part of a continuum.
Cuttings, re-studied
today in the train from Lod to Lehavim
The Reflection Lost Will has to Give, p 21-22
....Another clearing you need here is of the
problems you are having in thinking of Me as a sexual God.
The practice of placing sex outside of
is most of the reason Earth is having so many problems and imbalances
and all of these imbalances originated with Me.
I originated everything and I am everything.
You have to understand this as you look around now on Earth.
You have had examples from Me that have been reenacted on Earth
over and over and over. The repetition here is partly My fault
as I did not know how to get the movement
necessary, but you have denials involved also. Now
that I have been able to clear up My denieals, I am able to
help you with yours. All you need is openness to receiving this
If you think that you do not have a problem with God as a sexual
being, see how you feel as the story goes on. See if you don't
want to put limits on how this sexuality is supposed to be expressed.
See if you don't find yourself feeling tht some of this material
could not be right because God could
not have done such a thing, which is a way of saying that God
could not have been present for such actions. Everything that
has been placed outside of God is the biggest part of the problem
you face now on Earth. Everything that has been placed
outside of Me but has willingness to open and receive light
needs to be allowed to do so now.
Fear of their own intensity is most of the red Spirits' Original
Cause. The Red Spirits feared that I liked them the least and
it is because I did not like Myself there.
I have gone back over all of the emergences [[of
different kinds of 'spirit's, i.e. aspects of the One]]
and found that they all happened as they were meant to happen
and as they needed to happen. I have looked at all the plans
Heart [see as background
to all this: puzzle piece 39: Deity and Manifestation] and
I so carefully made and found that We did not stray from them.
The problem was lack of understanding
and lack of acceptance for what happened because We didn't know
how it was going to feel.
Because i was valuing reason over intuition,
I was unable to accept what I couldn't understand. This was
a problem for Me for a long time until I finally realized I
couldn't really understand anything unless I accepted it first.
In Our excuberance over having creative
power, Heart and I did not take into account how it was going
to feel
to experience Creating. We only wanted to look at what
was exhilarating and We did not want to look at the fear that
was mounting in the Will polarity. I
want to apologize now for not having given the feelings equality
with Me. My own lack of self-acceptance was manifesting in My
feeling body and I had preference for blaming my feeling body
for how I felt instead of allowing Myself to realize that the
Will's feelings were a reflection of Myself. |

is too small for me, and I still love it,
and paint it on gold and huge
and lift it high up, and I don't know whom
will it untie and loosen the soul "
quoted as motto of K.i.s.s.-Log)
I'm again proud, that I managed to solve
a technical problem without calling Ofir, my landlord.
I was reminded of the long session with Arnon yesterday,
when he wanted to show me his new "olar" - a complex
system of knives.
I truly enjoyed it,- in fact, I had a simpler version of it
and don't know, to whom I gave it after "Nebo-let-Go".
The problem was with the two drawers which simply wouldn't
fit any longer,
after I had taken the one with the kids' stuff and toys out
for Mika on that Shabbat.
Even the incasement of the two boxes wobbled.
When I began to
settle in this furnished flat,
there was the most ugly furniture I had seen in my life,
my landlord freed me from the horrid bed and left me with
the mattrass,
but these two incasements with two drawers in each of them,
had to find a place.
Since there was more wood than space to store in ,
I squeezed the unwieldy pieces, one above the other, between
toilet and wall next to the door,
in a way, that also a corner for dirty laundry would be created,
and used the 4 drawers as best as I could.
Now I pulled myself together and dismantled everything
and checked and checked and checked,
until I finally discovered a screw which was a little loose.
'It can't be, that these 2 mm are causing all this upheaval."
But I found a philips screwdriver , fixed the screw, and all
was well.
So now I put everything in place, better than before,
enjoyed first the silken shawl with its pretty colors and
which I had taken with me from my sister's closet after her
death in Nov. 2004.
To make the silk hold on to the black wood, I put a towel
On this double 'table-cloth' I placed the model of Noah's
ark, which always causes pain.
Not only that the model stayed a model and was never realized,
but the model itself got very damaged, when a storm blew it
- from its place of honor in front of Noah's
The coat of another model, that of a pyramidal tent, guards
the ark...
In front of it - Arnon's boat which he made while he learnt
It must have been the time, when he was so involved in my
of Noah's
Shore, the peace-healing-project on the peninsula.
Later I used it as a chanuka-candlestick, but didn't burn
the candles to the ground.
I stuck some strange houses of sea-creatures on them, too.
Together with the mobile mirror and the candlestick to the
the composition is rather kitschy,
as is the composition of drie flowers on the water container
of the toilet.
But it's the toilet after all....and the people, who gave
me the flowers, like Hathra, are dear to me
Nourishment from Others
"Kinder sollen in ihrer Muttersprache
unterrichtet werden"
Grundschüler lernen so den Zusammenhang zwischen Lauten
und Buchstaben
This was an extremely relevant 3 SAT program,
see [the
(English) website of the Europa Schools in Berlin)
"Wenn ein Kind in der Familie immer
türkisch in gesprochen hat, dann ist es wichtig, den Prozess
des Schriftspracherwerbs in der türkischen Sprache zu beginnen",
sagt Bildungsforscher Prof. Jörg Ramseger von der Freien
Universität Berlin. "So bekommt
das Kind erst eine Vorstellung davon, was Schrift überhaupt
ist. Hat das Kind das einmal begriffen und kann somit in seiner
Sprache lesen und schreiben, dann kann es auch in jeder anderen
Sprache lesen und schreiben."
Die Schüler der Europaschule Berlin
sehen sich im Unterricht zwei Lehrern mit zwei unterschiedlichen
Sprachen - Deutsch und Türkisch - gegenüber: In den
ersten beiden Jahren unterrichten die Lehrer zunächst in
der Sprache, in der ein Kind stärker ist. Die schwächere
Sprache läuft dabei mit. Ab der dritten Klasse behandeln
die Pädagogen beide Sprachen gleich.
Der parallele Unterricht habe weitere Vorteile, meint Schulleiterin
Christel Mettmann-Kontz: "Beide
Sprachen werden so auch in Beziehung gesetzt, was in der Regelschule
nicht geschieht. Den Kindern wird bewusst, welche Laute es im
Deutschen oder im Türkischen gibt und welche nicht."
Darüber hinaus gebe es kulturelle Probleme, bei denen Lehrer
mit den gleichen Wurzeln besser vermitteln könnten. "Während
des islamischen Fastenmonats Ramadan gibt es Kinder, die nicht
essen und trinken dürfen. Wenn ich als Lehrer mit einem
rein deutschen Hintergrund den Eltern sage, dass das nicht im
Koran steht, komme ich nicht weit. Das bekommt eine ganz andere
Relevanz, wenn jemand mit türkischen Wurzeln und sogar
der selben Religion darauf hinweist."
Schüler lernen mit Babys, ihre Aggressionen
[see tomorrow my study of the
website of Roots of Empathy]
In ganz Kanada haben 150.000 Kinder zwischen
drei und fünfzehn Jahren an einem Präventionsprojekt
teilgenommen, das langfristig Gewaltbereitschaft senken und
pro-soziales Verhalten fördern soll. "Kinder
sollen darüber nachdenken, wie sie miteinander umgehen
und dass es wichtig ist, sich um andere zu kümmern",
sagt Jean McTavish, Trainerin bei "Roots
of Empathy". "So
besucht eine Mutter mit ihrem Baby jeden Monat - ein ganzes
Schuljahr lang - dieselbe Klasse."
Die Schüler sollen aus nächster Nähe erleben
was es heißt sich in einen anderen Menschen einzufühlen
und für ihn zu sorgen."
Die so gesteigerte Fähigkeit, sich in andere Menschen hineinzuversetzen,
soll das Aggressionspotenzial im Alltag verringern. "Vielleicht
ändert sich, wie wir andere Leute behandeln, wenn wir lernen,
dass Babys anders kommunizieren und es unterschiedliche Temperamente
gibt, und wir so, anderen gegenüber respektvoller werden",
meint eine der Schülerinnen.
glaube, dass das zusammen mit dem emotionalen Training und der
Tatsache, dass die Kinder nach dem Kurs ihr Klassenzimmer stärker
als einen Ort der Geborgenheit empfinden, die Veränderungen
bewirken." Erste Versuche
laufen auch in Australien, Neuseeland und den USA
Nourishment from Others
Under the Domin Tree
Etz hadomim tafus, 1994, with
Gila Almagor
Aviya is the only Israeli-born girl among
her schoolmates (the rest are Holocaust survivors from various
European countries) in a boarding school in Israel, circa 1953.
The public debate on the issue of accepting German reparations
for Nazi atrocities awakens the dormant individual memories
of each of the youths, and creates sharp conflicts which influence
their coming-of-age, with its fears, dreams, problems of identity,
and first love. Aviya determined to find the tomb of her father,
who died before she was born, while her mother in the mental
hospital refuses to recall her painful past.
Domim Tree
The sequel to Summer of Aviya, Under the
Domim Tree is based on the autobiographical book by Gila Almagor.
The film is set in the early 50’s and follows a group
of teenage orphans who survived the Nazi concentration camps
and now live on a kibbutz in Israel. As told through the eyes
of Aviya, the only sabra (Israeli-born) among them, the story
unfolds against the backdrop of the public debate on the issue
of accepting German reparations for Nazi atrocities. During
the day the youths seem like average teenagers, but when night
falls, painful memories of the Holocaust overwhelm their imaginations.
When life becomes truly unbearable, the teens find refuge under
the beautiful Domim Tree - the only place that gives them a
trace of inner solace and the hope for a new life.
Cannes, Etz Hadomim tafus
A state-run boarding school in Oudim,
Israel, in the early 50's. Most of the adolescents are orphans
who have survived the Holocaust or simply have no one else to
care for them.
of the day
"Behold, I am making newness,
adjective "new" in feminine form]
now she will grow,
don't you know her?
I will even make a way in the desert,
and rivers in the wilderness.
for I give waters in the desert
and rivers in the wilderness
to let-drink my people, my chosen."
43, 19-20
"For HE created newness on earth
female encircles
"encloses" or "encompasses")
will no longer teach each other
saying: "Know HIM"!
For they shall all know me,
from the smallests of them
until the greatest of them.
And their soul will be like a watered garden."
31, verses 21, 33 [34], 11 [12]
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