The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


July 19 / Tammuz 16, SHABBAT, still 27 days - at Arad
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- on July 25

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future

Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire on this Shabbat to follow my desire of whatever I want to create or learn or think of
- free for one day of my compulsion to complete the last 7 pages despite the 5 days ahead, in which little "kisslog" might be possible.
I desire that having been guided to see this hope-raising doc about
"The Roots of Empathy"
may be a sign, that this Shabbat of uninterrupted togetherness of Tomer (13.8) and Mika (2.7)
will bring experiences which will melt or at least - mellow, the fears and the reflection of fears.
I desire that father&son, stepmother&stepson, stepsister&stepbrother will fuse into one family,
and play a drama together in which each one will grow through excitement & challenge & joy.

(5) (6)

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today
8:45 My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks for your deep sleeping and dreaming tonight,
with only one interruption because of cramps in my feet,
and please show me how to heal this longstanding problem of cramps.

I am grate-full for the changes in the world,
exemplified by pioneering endeavors in schools (Europa Schools in Berlin)
and by pioneering programs even in Israel's television
("Good Intentions", "In Treatment", "Supernanny")

From the Roots of Empathy Gallery, Toronto, Canada
Instructor Darlene MacDonald, baby Logan’s father
and the children from Mrs. Daigle’s class watch in rapt attention
as baby Logan’s mother explains his first reaction to new food
Roots of Empathy babies were featured prominently
on Edmonton Journal following the 2008 Edmonton Baby celebration.
From Roots of Empathy Publications
Roots of Empathy is about changing the world
classroom by classroom, child by child

- Mary Gordon, Founder/President, Roots of Empathy
What Students learn: .... Emotional Literacy
In Roots of Empathy, the Instructor guides the children to observe, comment on, and draw conclusions about how the ROE baby is feeling. This gives children a vocabulary for describing and understanding their own feelings and those of others.
As  students  learn  to identify,   label,   and discuss    their    emotions,
student’s    u n d e r s t a n d i n g    of    o n e    a n o t h e r    is    increased.


The Roots of Empathy

What Students Learn
As the children follow the development
of "their"
Roots of Empathy baby,
they develop new awareness and skills to last a lifetime:

The Roots of Empathy Website
"Roots of Empathy is an evidence-based classroom program
that has shown dramatic effect
in reducing levels of aggression
among school children
by raising social/emotional competence
and increasing empathy."
Perspective Taking
Perspective taking is the cognitive aspect of empathy,
crucial to conflict resolution. Through the use of literature and group discussion,
children learn to respect and understand the opinions of others.
In Roots of Empathy students learn
to see through the eyes of the baby and their classmates.

As they come to understand how others feel (empathy),
they are less likely to hurt each other.

In Roots of Empathy, students learn that “Love Grows Brains”.
They are taught and become interested
in the brain development of the Roots of Empathy baby.
They learn it is through experiences,
delivered through senses
that the baby’s brain grows.
If these experiences are delivered through the lens of a loving relationship,
the baby’s brain will grow in a healthy and vigorous manner.

“Love Grows Brains!-Mary Gordon

Prevention of Teen Pregnancy
While older Roots of Empathy students observe the joys of parenthood,
they also gain insights
into the huge demands and the responsibility of caring for a baby.

Students learn about the vulnerability of an infant
and the baby's absolute dependence on its parents.

In the theme on sleeping,
students track their own sleeping patterns for a week
and then compare it to the parent's sleeping pattern.
Students talk about the big differences in sleep patterns
and explore with the parent the coping skills needed
to meet the nightly demands of a baby.

The Roots of Empathy Instructor uses research on temperament
to illustrate the uniqueness of each baby and also the uniqueness of each student.
Students are guided to observe how the baby responds to situations,
and are taught about the different characteristics babies are born with.
If a baby reacts with high intensity,
students learn that this is neither good or bad; it's just the way the baby is.

Children learn through observations
and by asking the parent, how to read the baby's cues.

Students delight in being able to predict
how their baby will respond to new experiences,
based on their understanding of the baby's temperament.
Children gain insights into their own temperament
and tend to be very understanding of their children's difficult temperament traits.
The overall message is one of acceptance and respect for individual differences.

Attachment / Attunement
Over the course of the school year,
students observe the growth of the bond between infant and parent
as well as the attunement of the parent to the baby.
They are witnessing the most influential relationship in a life span.
They learn how the baby relies on the parent
to understand the world,
to feel safe to explore and to learn how to regulate his/her emotions.
The parent-infant relationship is presented
as the template for all future relationships in life.
Children learn the importance of a caring, loving and responsive relationship....

Male Nurturance
In 30 percent of the Roots of Empathy classes, fathers participate
and the impact is palpable.
When fathers participate very clear messages of male nurturance are delivered.
Fathers share their perspective on parenting in different ways than mothers.
Their playful interactions are generally of a different quality
and their modelling of emotional literacy is a goldmine.

In the Roots of Empathy family visit,
fathers discuss their own feelings about being a parent
as well as demonstrate in their interaction with their baby
what it means to be a loving father.
For boys,
who traditionally in our society have less opportunity to talk about feelings,

these discussions can be enlightening.
All the children in the Roots of Empathy program
become more fluent in discussing their feelings
and more respectful of the feelings of others.

Participatory Democracy
The Roots of Empathy classroom is a participatory democracy
where all children are encouraged to contribute and ask questions.
Activities are designed to help children work on consensus building and collaboration.
They gain experience working in small groups
that are not determined by their level of reading or their math skills;
these new groupings allow children to reinvent themselves.
Reticent children who normally don't speak in class become fearless contributors.

There are no wrong answers in a
Roots of Empathy classroom.
Instructors are trained
to thank children for their contributions rather than praising them
This principle of intrinsic motivation
creates a tone that is friendly, participatory and levels of social trust rise.

Children learn appreciation for the uniqueness of individuals,
their opinions, beliefs and contributions;
differences are acknowledged and celebrated.
Through shared feelings and discussion, students discover how they are alike.
As children come to understand the injustice of being left out
they become advocates for the human rights of others,

and learn to replace bullying and other forms of cruelty
with kindness and compassion.

Diversity is celebrated in the Roots of Empathy classroom.
Parents and infants who participate in the program
reflect the many races, cultures, languages and religions of communities
across Canada.
Children who watch the loving parent-infant relationship learn
that love transcends language and cultural barriers.
When children have the opportunity
to welcome a physically challenged baby
into their Roots of Empathy classroom,
they learn to embrace differences
and become advocates for those who might be stigmatized.

Infant Development
Babies at the beginning of the Roots of Empathy program
are between 2 and 4 months
and usually reach their first birthday at the conclusion of the program.
This is a period of incredible growth and development for the baby,
which the children witness with keen observation
All students learn about the individual timetable of growth for their baby.
The children measure, graph and record the baby's size
a minimum of three times throughout the program.
Milestones like learning to roll over
or the arrival of the first tooth are celebrated.
Children learn about how the baby's language skills are built
and the key role that parents play as they coo, talk, sing and read a book to baby.

Infant Safety
In the Roots of Empathy classroom children become aware of the risk factors to babies. They are sensitized to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Shaken Baby Syndrome,
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and the dangers of second hand smoke.
Children learn to think in terms of cause and effect around accidents
in their own lives.

The program has a strong focus on child abuse prevention.
The teaching around the Shaken Baby Syndrome
helps students understand the stresses of parenting
and the potential for child abuse.
Students learn about the importance
of the attachment and attunement of the infant to his/her primary care giver
that forms a template for every subsequent relationship in life.
As students cultivate empathy,
and particularly as boys expand their emotional literacy,
there is every hope that ... violence in their adult lives will be reduced.

Violence Prevention
The steady drum roll of emotional ineptitude plays out every day
on our TV screens, newspapers, neighbourhood streets, homes and schools.
Our language is peppered with new phrases
"drive-by-shooting", "road rage", "schoolyard shootings",
and "terrorist bombings".
Our communities and lives are affected by many different forms of violence:
from domestic violence, to child abuse, from bullying to hate crimes.
Whether we or someone close to us is directly victimized,
or whether we are simply conscious of the violence
that exists in our schools and in our communities,
our lives are affected by its existence in many ways.

"Roots of Empathy is a pedagogy of hope,
because in our children
we have an opportunity to create a new order
where our differences can be acknowledged
but our similarities will be our uniting force."
-Mary Gordon, Founder/President, Roots of Empathy

See the video of Roots of Empathy.
It brought tears into my eyes...

[The timing of the doc in 3SAT had obviously to do with the fact,
that on July 17, "Roots of Empathy
connected with First Nations Chiefs of Canada."
Mary Gordon spoke in Quebec City,
at the 29th Annual General Assembly of First Nations

See also the Wall Street Journal, February 5, 2008, Page 1,
Learn by Cooing: Empathy Lessons
School Programs Hope Babies in Classrooms Will Reduce Bullying

"Emotions are the first language of the child and the universal language."
- Mary Gordon, Founder/President, Roots of Empathy
In 1996 Mary Gordon
Roots of Empathy, and in 2005 she founded the Seeds of Empathy program....
Ms. Gordon speaks and consults to governments, educational organizations, and public institutions. She is the recipient of several prestigious awards recognizing her contribution to innovation in education and international social entrepreneurship and the author of the Canadian bestseller, Roots of Empathy: Changing the World Child by Child, published in 2005. Her book had been acknowledged as one of the top ten peace books in print by Now Magazine and was ranked in the Globe and Mail’s Top 100 books of 2006 under the category "Ideas".

In September of 2006, Ms. Gordon participated in the Vancouver Dialogues with his Holiness the Dalai Lama, and Roots of Empathy will become part of the Dalai Lama’s Peace and Education Centre to be based in Vancouver, Canada. ...The Nelson Mandela Children's Foundation brought her to South Africa to share her parenting expertise. ...In June 2002, Ms. Gordon became the first female Canadian Ashoka Fellow, recognizing her as a member of an international circle of "social entrepreneurs who have the creativity that enables them to envision new and better ways to address persistent social problems and the entrepreneurial skill and determination required to bring their ideas to fruition". She is now a member of the Executive Board of Directors of the Ashoka Foundation.
Mary Gordon introduces us to the wisdom of babies and shows us how they can teach us - and our children - what it is to be human....
- The Honourable Landon Pearson, Advisor on Children's Rights to the Minister of Foreign Affairs

The program reaches elementary schoolchildren from Kindergarten to Grade 8. In Canada, the program is delivered in English and French and reaches rural, urban, and remote communities including Aboriginal communities. Roots of Empathy is also delivered in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.
A trained ROE Instructor coaches students to observe the baby’s development and to label the baby’s feelings. ..the baby is the “Teacher” and a lever, which the instructor uses to help children identify and reflect on their own feelings and the feelings of others.


An e-mail to my children: Roots of Empathy
"Something new under the sun"



Thanks to the "space of time" I allowed myself to day,
to flow with whatever I wanted to do, learn and create,
Ezriel, my equipment angel, got a chance
to come up with a solution for what has bothered me,
ever since Ofir parked his tractoron under the apricot-tree.
Whenever I come in through my door - especially repelling, when I come back after days of absence -
I have to face - through the window across the door -
the ugly grey plastic cover on the ugly tractoron
Now Ezriel said:

"Remember that big green parasol material,
which you once "inherited" from Ofir ?

Again Rilke:
Nothing is too small for me, and I still love it,
and paint it on gold and huge
and lift it high up, and I don't know whom
will it untie and loosen the soul

That's what I now see,
when I enter my castle in the morning!

Below :
The same sight in the evening!

This could be just right for hiding the plastic cover, - right in color, size and material stability!"
"Yes, that's a fantastic idea, but where did I store it?"

I focused, I looked in some relevant places, and soon I hit the right spot,
the green box under the layers of backpacks - that undefinable shelf,
which I once found on the street and which now serves as one stand for the broom-stick for my clothes (the other is the shower-structure)
Underneath some other valuable junk I found the coats of two green parasols.
One of them fitted the visible side of the tractoron exactly.
In time the color will fade and resemble the leaves of the apricot tree,
But what will happen if storms blow it away?
I discerned a heavy metal plate, which Ofir had placed on the windside of the grey cover.
So I sowed two nylon threads to the western part of the green coat and wound them around the metal plate.
Now I'll have to see, if thus the coat can withstand storms.

A branch in the center of the removable roof
2 nylon strings attach the tent to the iron plate,
so the storms won't blow it away

Looking at this sculpture, I find, that it doesn't convey at all, what I see or how I feel, when I see the new creation.
It look's "cute", funny, but not nice, and I feel, I should delete it all.
But then - shall I ever be able to delete a creation by my own hands?
So many of my creations - big ones and small ones - I don't even want to give an example - are gone....

I'm not great enough to destroy one myself...
I'm giving it one more try - using flash - but the perspective distorts the sight and I'm frustrated!

Driving Backwards

Half an hour after I wrote the lines above,
I got the photos from Micha,
which we had scanned
after I had discovered them by chance in an album.

Among them a photo
taken during the 3 weeks around Succot 1997,
when my bus parked next to the Jordanian border,
3 weeks only,
until I was threatened by the ranger,
that if i would not....

I then found an unused area
near the Israel-Jordan transition 10 km north of Eilat.
It's there, where David and I invented
the fourth generation of the Pyramidal tent.
Then again I was evicted,
this time by the people of Kibbutz Eilot,
who claimed that the spot of land was their's,
even though they didn't use it.

This time that ranger felt compassion
and allowed me to park on the so-called "sun-beach", where at that time
many a caravan and tent were still tolerated.

As to the photo:
it is of bad quality concerning little Arnon,
but it reminds me of that green net-shade
which I used
in addition to the usual black and silvery net-shades


From the Red Sea in 1997 to the Arad Pool in 2008.





When I was already swimming,
swinging and singing,
I suddenly heard my name -
despite the noisy crowds all around.

It was Lior!
After a while she came inside
and we had great fun,

When I wanted to leave,
I brought my cell-phone
and asked Ofir,
who had joined us with little Amit.
to take pictures.



Since 4 PM again nausea and even vertigo...
I had fried the same food as 3 days ago,
since there really was no reason to believe it was "poisenous",
- and if this wasn't careless enough,
I then nibbled almost half a package of chocolate,
which Efrat had brought me from Paris.
I had to lie down and felt so bad,
that I fantasized about taking my life....

I still was conscious enough to observe my feelings and sensations,
to focus on them tightly, and to breathe strongly all the time.
After a while I at least could go back to the computer,
and later I worked in the garden , but without joy
(yesterday I saw a short doc about 3 gardeners,
men who are famous in the entertainment area.
One said: "It's more important what the garden does with me
than what I do with the garden."
I can only agree.)

Now - 21:17 - I would like to go to sleep, but it's too early,
and what about the episode of "be-tippul" tonight?
I threw the rest of that food into the compost hole,
which I started to air yesterday with the big fork.
But it still doesn't make sense, that it was the food.
Maybe, the suleimania tea after all? I'll stop drinking it.

Seeing now, that there will be even 2 episodes of be-tippul in a row,
I decided to skip both and go to bed.
Please let me understand, my Body,
what it is I'm doing wrong.
Some good came to me from the outside:
a call from my daughter-in-love,
perhaps following the e-mail I had sent [see above],
though she hadn't read the edited info about Roots of Empathy..
She said some great things:
"The week wasn't as terrible as I feared !"
After I heard details about the interaction
between the four,
I said: "What you said, is a double feat!
First in itself, that "it wasn't as terrible",

second, that you didn't create what you feared."
About Immanuel, my son, she said:
"This man is never complaining!
He does so much, all the technical things

(they'll move to Bet Nehemya on July 31),
and he carries not only Tomer, but me on his shoulders!"
They bought furniture for Tomer's room at Bet Nehemya,
to make him feel at home and welcome. I'm so glad.!
She also wants to join I. and T. when they go to Bnei-Arazim.
"Yes", I said, "from now on you should take part in everything."
And she asked me charmingly, if I could come tomorrow,
even if T. would be accepted at B. "you can listen to I.,
and I don't want too many changes for Mika",

which wasn't a real logical argument, since Mika had expressed:
"I want to be alone with you" (the parents),
"T. should go back to Tel-Aviv".
"But" , said E., "she now has more gotten used to him, I think."
"And when we move house on July 31, I want you to be with us,
though I. returns from flight already one July 29."


I zapped into two short docs, one on the Israeli Channel 2 and one on 3 SAT.
They were both painful, but also encouraging

Her mit dem Land!

Chinesische Bauern kämpfen ums Überleben
Film von Jochen Graebert (Erstsendung 29.11.2007)

Tausende von Bauernrevolten gibt es jedes Jahr in China. Sie werden schnell und oft blutig niedergeschlagen. Fast immer geht es um staatliches Ackerland, das korrupte Dorf-Funktionäre an private Investoren verhökern - auch zu ihrem eigenen Nutzen. Diese sozialen Konflikte drohen, das Wirtschaftswunderland China in ein politisches Pulverfass zu verwandeln.
Drei Jahre lang hat Jochen Graebert in zwei ostchinesischen Dörfern den Kampf der Bauern um ihre Existenz begleitet. Der zum großen Teil heimlich gedrehte Film dokumentiert die brutale Gewalt der lokalen Parteikader und den Mut der verzweifelten Bauern.
Aus deren Kampf um das Land wird zwangsläufig ein Kampf
für mehr Demokratie.

The first talked about peasants in China,
who have to fight for their economic and physical survival.
How they stand up for themselves in self-determination!

The other showed the shaded faces
of children and young people in a psychiatric clinic.
Since Tomer had once been brought to one of them ,
without his father being informed of the decision,
I was alarmed.
Tomer stayed there only for a few days,
but when I met him a few days later,
he said quietly, what he later screamed at parents and teachers,
that he wanted to go back there.
The program showed a fantastic method:
the encounter of the children with a doll -
specific to their predicament,
animated by a belly-speaker


Continuation of my virtual journey to Petra - with the help of Arnon's photos










A small picture , which promises a big one:




song of the day

Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad;

let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof.




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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8