The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


July 25/ Tammuz 22, Friday, still 21 days - at Arad
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- on July 27

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Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire my stomach to heal thoroughly and my body and soul to feel again vigorous and vibrant
I desire to apply the given guidelines for nourishing & nurturing, honoring & loving my Body:
1)) to ask each day to attract only the kind & amount of food, which Body needs to live and love
2) to bless (= express gratitude) before opening my lips & placing (not "stuffing") food on my tongue,
a) an aspect of Nature or a process or a person to which I owe this food and its coming into my hands
b) to a specific organ or function in Body or its capacities to sense, feel, think, - nurtured by this food

10th episode of "Good Intentions", on Wednesdays
The day of peace will come. Clara KHouri & Orna Pitussi
image of the day

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to the progress in stomach's healing.
I also give thanks to that strained muscle on our upper left side
which occurred 2 days ago out of nowhere while lying on my bed
and which recurs in accidental intervals - again: for no reason:
This makes me more aware of your magnificent self-organization

[in 3 SAT "Scobel" I learnt about Complexity, what one book calls: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos ]

I'm grate-full for the excitement of "complexity
-my discovery (before having listened to that program),
how (in my own poor words) existing experiences, thoughts, things
constantly interact, or as was said - talk with each other -
[s. my recent song about those who see 'God': they talk among each other]
and manifest new creations, yes! manifest new creations.
I'm grate-full for the little things I discerned when I sat up in bed:
Uri's untiring fan, - hour after hour, day & night it eases the heat;
opposite the fan - outside the window:
how lush has become the foliage of the apricot tree in this year!
And while savoring it, my eyes are attracted to a sight inside:
a tiny dance of light on Ronnit's drawing, when she was ten!
I tried all kinds of techniques of my camera to catch this dance,
but the result, I finally chose for this day, is only a faint reminder.

Unsculpted drafts
[In order to come to grips with my TOO MUCH,
too much I experience, too much I want to sculp t= re-create on, too much I want to complete on previous pages,
I've decided to take the bull of shame by the horns and insert a frame for "texts in grey" ,
which are utterly raw, even in grammar, the use of words and spelling.
My non-English readers - if there should exist readers at all - may forget, that English is not my mother-tongue ....

About a story from an old tape ("Welt des Klangs", World of Sound):
It rains and after 7 years of meditation the student comes to the master to hear his wisdom about all he has gone through.
The master asks: "where did you put your umbrella, to the left of your shoes or to the right?" The student doesn't remember.
"Then go back and meditate another 7 years!" "Because of such a slight mistake?"Aren't there things more important than an umbrella?
"Not to know, where your put your umbrella, is not a slight mistake!"


About "scobel" - Komplexe Welt - A Complex World,
: I should dedicate the entire day to studying that program and all that can be found about it on the Internet.
I want to link at least to the video

About watching"be-tipul" - an episode with "Talia" and one with the couple-in-separation and their child. - I was again frustrated with the lack of intervention on part of the therapist, but even more with the very conflicts - of course, they reflect what many people live and for them it's probably very good to observe themselves through this program. But for me it's too much "the old world",
crude hatred, crude jealousy, crude "Cain". It doesn't help me in my "fine-tuning".
I'll check the other 3 encounters, and see, if they are more "in tune with what I need for myself".


About my letters to Yael, my granddaughter, to Deqel, her tutor, to Martin, my brother-in-law in Germany, to Lior Oren, my starchild, to Ra'ayah, my daughter-in-love, to Immanuel, my son,

About the program "Konfu" and my harsh judgments


About the program "Polygraph" and Shelley Yate's sentence, quoted on Kisslog July 18::
"Second, do all that you do with the utmost honesty and integrity.
It will facilitate deeper more meaningful relationships
with more open communication."

[This rule is not only banale, it is only partly true:
utmost honesty and integrity are formidable triggers for people
and not at all facilitating more open communication.]

A sentence in the program "Complexity" points out, what "Spirit" calls "Beware of Reversal":
We invented the DDT, believing, that now our seeds would grow undisturbedly,
and had to find out how much we poisoned the world and ourselves.


13:34 Before I run to the noon -pool
At 13:08 I remembered, that I wanted to watch a program about a woman rabbi (13:00-13:35), but the TV opened on Channel 2, the Friday program of Rafiq Halabi about the Israeli Arabs (I should watch this regularly), about a Bedouin family not far from Arad.
I didn't know what was more important, but when I switched to 3 SAT, I was fascinated by those women rabbies... One told - when referring to the burden of responsibility as a rabbi - that she likes the Talmudic pun about what a leader should be:
a "m - l - kh" or a "l - m - kh"? a king or a a clown. When the "m" is the first letter, it points to the 'moakh' - the brain - before the 'lev', the heart, and sometimes this is necessary, but on other occasions the "l" should be the first letter, i.e. the "lev" should guide the brain!
There was also a Bar-Mitzva pupil of a woman rabbi, who, after having read his parashah, gave his drashah, in which he said, that he didn't believe in God because of all the evil things on earth: "even a little task like making peace he can't perform". I loved this boy, and I loved that rabbi who had no problem with such defiance in her synagogue.


I completed the pages July 19, 20, 21 and - almost - 22, so many feelings! So much still missing.

20:00 A fantastic doc about people who make films about nature, for instance butterflies and birds.
It was fantastic not only because of the magnificent images,
but also because of the creators, especially a woman Gisela Sixt and a man Ulrich Lieber,
who were epitomes of people who experience everything that will define people in "heaven-on-earth"
- excitement and full-fill-ment , joy and love and grate-full-ness.
Moreover these people live and work in the area, where I grew up, and speak actually Schwaebisch- the Suebean dialect.
"mei mudder hot gsaid: bish halt a neigierigs ma'le" - my mother said: well. you are a curious little man by nature.

Drei Menschen eint der Blick durch eine Kamera. Und ihre Liebe zur Natur. Der eine ist Profi, die beiden anderen sind Amateure. Sie haben ihren jeweiligen Blick auf die Natur, auf die kleinen Wunder, die aber - wie überall im Land - Teil eines größeren Wandels sind. Professor Ernst Waldemar Bauer ist bekannt als Fernsehmoderator der Reihe "Wunder der Erde". Er sucht die Schätze seiner schwäbischen Heimat, das Gold von der Alb. Ursula Sixt aus Berglen ist die "Mutter der Schmetterlinge": Sie dokumentiert das Wunder der Verwandlung, vom Ei bis zum schillernden Falter in faszinierenden Großaufnahmen. Ulrich Lieber aus Giengen an der Brenz ist der neugierige Entdecker: Von Kindesbeinen an ist er bei Pflanze oder Tier immer wieder fasziniert vom Wunder der Schöpfung. Die drei Filmer erzählen von ihren Erlebnissen und Geschichten.


I keep thinking of those two clips - on two different days - about two Israeli competitors at the Olympic Games in Beijing,
a swimmer (27) and a - now I can't remember the term in any language - a surfboat with a sail on the sea (19). The woman said swimming was the most boring sports and she couldn't wait for the Games to be over and no longer having to be in the pool at 6 in the morning and do what she hates: train! .The boy on the sail-surfboard said the opposite, that he enjoys every day anew. I understand both, since I also tried my hands and feet on a sail-surfboard , when Micha had one 25 years ago in the Tel-Aviv Marina. But as to swimming, I don't compete, I don't even swim in one line, I swing around like a dolphin, and I sing. Twice 25 minutes a day - swimming and singing - and twice walking, climbing to and fro - altogether 40 minutes per day - isn't this wonderful?

The Premiere of "Parsifal" at Bayreuth... and all the feelings and thoughts connected to the original Parzifal...

What a feast: I dared to eat a piece of bread again! Toasted in my little toaster-oven with a piece of yellow cheese, simply gorgeous!
I got many packages , each with one piece of cheese, from my landlords today - they had received it from their friend who works on Massada!

And since then a doc started about the queen of bees, I allowed myself more of the honey, from which I had eaten already in the morning. It's a piece of a honeycomb, which Ra'ayah had given me. I've seen many films about bees in my life, but each adds new info and astonishment. For 1 liter of honey 10 000 000 blossoms have to be touched, 60 hours of flight are necessary. But the power play of the new queens is terrible. And did I ever think of what a bee does or suffers, when it's surprised by rain?






song of the day

A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah.

O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;

my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you,

as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.


Continuation of my virtual journey to Petra - with the help of Arnon's and his friends' photos























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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8